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Muitas similaridades existem entre isquemia cerebral e epilepsia a respeito de dano cerebral e mecanismos de autoproteo que so ativados prximos leso. Oxcarbazepina (OXC), droga anticonvulsivante, atua bloqueando os canais de sdio voltagem-dependentes, aumentando a condutncia de potssio e modulando os canais de clcio voltagem-dependentes. Nosso objetivo nesse trabalho foi analisar o perfil de neuroproteo da OXC e investigar o possvel envolvimento da via de sinalizao celular PI3-K (fosfatidil inositol 3-cinase), uma via conhecida por seus efeitos proliferativos e antiapopttico. Para mimetizar uma isquemia, culturas organotpicas de fatias hipocampais de ratos Wistar de 6-8 dias foram expostas privação de oxignio e glicose (POG). A adio da OXC (30M) antes da induo da leso aumentou a sobrevivncia neuronal no hipocampo de culturas organotpicas expostas a POG por 60 minutos, observado pela diminuio da incorporao de IP.Este efeito neuroprotetor foi prevenido por LY294002 (inibidor de PI3-K). Este resultado indica um possvel envolvimento da via Akt na neuroproteo. Para investigar se a protena Akt, uma cinase ativada pela PI3-K, estava envolvida na neuroproteo das clulas as condies de POG, analisamos a fosforilao e o imunocontedo dessa cinase em 1, 6 e 24 horas depois da reperfuso. Nenhuma alterao foi observada nesses parmetros, sugerindo que, nesse caso, a fosforilao da Akt no est envolvida na neuroproteo mediada pela OXC. Da mesma maneira no foi observada alterao em 1, 6 e 24 horas na GSK-3, uma cinase logo abaixo na via Akt, e pr-apopttica, sugerindo que, nesse caso, a fosforilao da GSK-3 no est envolvida na neuroproteo mediada pela OXC. Juntos, os resultados deste trabalho mostram um claro efeito neuroprotetor da OXC contra a leso isqumica, que entretanto, no envolve a via de sinalizao da Akt/GSK-3. Embora a reverso da proteo ao tratamento, com o inibidor da PI3-K, seja um indcio de que uma via possa ser ativada pela PI3-K e estar envolvida na neuroproteo. Os dados suportam a idia que a OXC poderia ser utilizada na profilaxia e/ou tratamento da isquemia cerebral.


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Fatores genticos e ambientais so apontados como fatores causais para explicar as diferenas no desenvolvimento de problemas de sade entre grupos tnicos. O conceito de raa/etnia definido, assim como as indicaes de seu uso. Diabetes melito (DM) como um estado de doena com uma marcada variabilidade tnico-racial utilizado como exemplo de anlise. Atravs de estudo transversal avaliou-se a prevalncia das complicações vasculares em uma amostra de pacientes com DM tipo 2. Um total de 864 pacientes, incluindo 656 brancos, 104 mulatos e 104 pretos, classificados por auto-definio, foram avaliados atravs de protocolo padro para doena arterial coronariana (DAC), doena vascular perifrica (DVP), acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), retinopatia diabtica (RD), nefropatia diabtica (ND) e neuropatia diabtica sensrio-motora distal (NSMD). Pacientes brancos e mulatos eram mais velhos que os pacientes pretos (61,0 9,3 vs. 60,1 10,3 vs. 56,0 10,3 anos; P <0,001), embora o tempo de durao do DM fosse semelhante entre os grupos (14,8 8,2 vs. 14,2 6,7 vs. 13,3 7,0 anos; P = 0,169). Parmetros antropomtricos (ndice de massa corporal e medida da cintura), prevalncia de sndrome metablica, hipertenso arterial sistmica, nveis de hemoglobina glicada, tambm foram similares entre os grupos. Em relao s complicações crnicas do DM, brancos, mulatos e pretos apresentaram-se com uma prevalncia similar de DVP, AVC e NSMD. Mulatos e pretos, quando comparados com brancos, apresentaram uma maior prevalncia de DAC (45,4% vs. 60,4% vs. 39,2% ; P=0,004). As prevalncias de microalbuminria (22,4%, 21,2 e 22,1%; P= 0,906) e macroalbuminuria (16,2%, 19,2% and 13,5%; P= 0,915) foram similares entre os grupos. Doena renal avanada (dilise) (9% vs. 8,7% vs. 18,3%; P=0,012) e RDP (21,5% vs. 15,4% vs. 34,6%; P=0,005) foram mais freqentes em pretos. Estas diferenas se mantiveram aps ajustes para possveis fatores de confuso. Concluindo, em pacientes com DM tipo 2 com o mesmo tipo de assistncia mdica, controle pressrico e metablico, foi observada uma prevalncia maior de DAC, RDP e doena renal avanada em pacientes pretos. Os mecanismos pelos quais estas diferenas ocorrem no so claros e componentes genticos e/ou ambientais devem ser melhor explorados. Entretanto, at que este melhor entendimento seja disponvel, uma abordagem mais agressiva na avaliao e manejo dos fatores de risco para as complicações do DM nos indivduos pretos deve ser pensada.


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Nessa dissertao, so analisados os eventos de letramento que ocorrem na sala da Biblioteca Dona Margarida do Centro de Internao Provisria Carlos Santos CIPCS, da Fundao de Atendimento Scio-Educativo do Rio Grande do Sul - FASE-RS, com adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos, autores de atos infracionais. Observa-se, que a privação de liberdade pode oportunizar ganhos para as prticas de letramento. Utiliza-se a teoria de Erving Goffman sobre Instituio Total e Ajustamentos Secundrios, e as concepes de letramento desenvolvida por diferentes autores contemporneos. Constata-se que o letramento pode ser visto como forma de ajustamento secundrio, em que os adolescentes internos desenvolvem atitudes letradas para sanar o cio, buscar prazer, comunicar-se a realidade externa Instituio e conviver a solidariedade. O objetivo maior desse trabalho tentar inserir um novo debate sobre as ambigidades e possibilidades da internao: em especial, analisar como e de que forma a privação de liberdade, em certos contextos, pode facilitar o letramento. Foi analisado um processo dirio de resignificao da lecto-escrita com grupos heterogneos de adolescentes, que tm algo em comum: o desejo de liberdade numa situao de privação da mesma.


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Ilustrao componente do jogo Escola Mgica (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/escola-magica.html) desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratrio de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de So Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).


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Innumerable studies have focused been reported on the sleep spindles (SS), Sharp Vertex Waves (SVW) and REM, NREM Sleep as indicators interpreting EEG patterns in children. However, Frequency and Amplitud Gradient (FAG) is rarely cited sleep parameter in children,that occurs during NREM Sleep. It was first described by Slater and Torres, in 1979, but has not been routinely evaluated in EEG reports. The aim of this study was to assess the absence of SS, SVW and FAG, as an indication of neurological compromise in children. The sample consisted of 1014 EEGs of children referred to the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory, Hospital Universitrio de Braslia (HUB), from January 1997 to March 2003, with ages ranging from 3 months to 12 years old, obtained in spontaneous sleep or induced by choral hydrate. The study was transversal and analytical, in which, visual analysis of EEG traces was perfumed individually and independently by two electroencephalographers without prior knowledge of the EEG study or neurological findings. After EEG selection, the investigators analyzed the medical reports in order to define and correlate neurological pattern was classified according to the presence or absence of neurological compromise, as Normal Neurological Pattern (NNP), and Altered Neurological Pattern (ANP) respectively. From the visual analysis of the EEG(s), it was possible to characterize 6 parameters: 1- FAG present (64,1%); 2- FAG absent (35,9%); 3 - normal SS (87,9%); 4 - altered SS s (12,1%); 5 - normal SVW s (95,7%); 6 - altered SVW s (4,3%). The prevalence of well-formed FAG is found in the 3 months to 5 years age group in the children with NNF. FAG was totally absent from the age of 10 years. When comparing the three sleep graphielements, it was observed that SVW and SS were predominant in children with NNF. However, FAG absent was more prevalent in the ANF than in altered SS an SVW. The statistical analysis showed that there is a strong association of FAG absent, with isolated alteration, in ANF patients, in that the prevalence ratio was 6,60. The association becomes stronger when FAG absent + altered SS(s) is considered (RP= 6,68). Chi-square test, corrected by Yates technique, showed a highly significant relation for FAG &#961;= 0,00000001, for error X of 5%, or else the 95% confidence interval (&#961;<0,05). Thus, the FAG absent were more expressive in ANF patient than altered SS(s) and SVW(s). The association becomes stronger in order to establish a prognostic relation, when the FAG is combined with the SS. The results os this study allow us to affirm that the FAG, when absent at ages ranging from 3 months to 5 years , is an indication of neurological compromise. FAG is an age-dependent EEG parameter and incorporated systematically, in the interpretation criteria of the EEG of children s sleep, not only in the maturational point of view, but also neurological disturbances with encephalic compromise


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To evaluate sleep disorder complaints in outpatients with depressive disorder from a general hospital. Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study was carried out with a study sample composed of 70 patients (44 women and 26 men) with diagnosis of depressive disorder, according to the DSM-IV criteria. The patients were interviewed and evaluated by the Identification Questionnaire, the Sleep Habits Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results: In this study, 50 (71.3%) patients had recurrence of sleep disorder complaints. Mean BDI score was 35.83+8.85, with significant differences between patients with (38.50+8.70) and without (29.60+7.80) recurrence (p<0.05) and among patients with 1, 2, 3 and >3 episodes (p<0.05). In this study, 49 (70%) patients had insomnia and 21 (30%) had subjective excessive sleepiness. Significant differences were observed between the mean duration in months of the sleep disorders (7.16+2.10) and the depressive disorder (6.12+1.90) (p<0.05). Discussion: In the study sample, recurrence of sleep disorder complaints was high and significantly associated with severe depression. Insomnia was prevalent and the mean duration of sleep disorders was higher in relation to depressive disorder


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Although several studies, have shown differences in cognitive performance between men and women, it not yet known whether these differences occur in tasks involving free association of words (WA). Studies across the sleep-wake cycle (SWC) suggest that rapid eye movement sleep (REM) favors semantic flexibility, in comparison with pre-sleep waking (Pre-WK), slow-wave sleep (SWS) and post-sleep waking (Post-WK). The present work has two aims: (1) to evaluate the semantic distances of word pairs produced by AP, comparing men and women, (2) to evaluate semantic distance in word pairs produced by free association across the SWC in young adults of both sexes. To achieve aim (1), we applied a task of WA in 68 adult volunteers during waking (52 women and 16 men). The WA task consisted of writing the first word that came to mind after viewing another word offered as a stimulus (root Word). To achieve aim (2), we performed polysomnography to identify specific stages of the SWC. The experimental subjects were then awakened (if they were asleep) and were immediately given a WA task. The task was administered to 2 groups of 10 subjects each (G1 and G2). G1 subjects were stimulated with the same set of root words after waking from various states of SWC, while G2 subjects received sets of different root words at each state of the SWC. In the absence of a Portuguese corpus suitable for the measurement of semantic distances, the words collected in our experiments were translated to English, and semantically quantified within a systematic and representative corpus of that language (Wordnet). This procedure removed the polysemies typical of Portuguese, but preserved the semantic macrostructure common to both languages. During waking, we found that semantic distances are significantly lower in WA produced by women, in comparison with the distances observed in men. Through the SWC, there were no statistically significant differences in G1. In G2 women, we detected a significant increase of semantic distances upon being awakened from SWS. In contrast, G2 men showed a significant increase in semantic distances upon being awakened from REM. The results of the first experiment are consistent with the notion that women have a more concrete reasoning than men. The results of the second experiment indicate that men awakened from REM present more flexibility in word association than when being awakened from other states. In contrast, women showed more flexible word association after being awakened from SWS, in compared with other states. The results indicate that the cognitive flexibility attributed to different states of the SWC shows gender dependency


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O estudo tem como objetivo principal comparar o limiar e a tolerncia dor em mulheres com fibromialgia e mulheres sem sintomas de dor, correlacionando com capacidade funcional, qualidade do sono e fora de preenso manual. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de corte transversal realizado na Universidade Potiguar e na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, envolvendo uma equipe multidisciplinar com fisioterapeutas, mdicos e educadores fsicos. Setenta e duas mulheres foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo com fibromialgia (GF, n = 40) e grupo controle (GC, n = 32) sem sintomas de dor, pareadas por idade e ndice de massa corporal. Questionrios foram usados para medir capacidade funcional (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire FIQ) e qualidade do sono (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index - PSQI). Limiar e tolerncia dor foram medidas por um algmetro de presso e para determinar fora foi usado um dinammetro de preenso manual. Na anlise estatstica o teste T de Student foi usado para comparar grupos e o coeficiente de correlao de Spearman foi usado no GF para correlacionar limiar e tolerncia dor com as demais medidas. O GF mostrou piores resultados nas medianas comparado ao GC: limiar de dor 2 kg/cm2 versus 5,5 kg/cm2 (p <0,001), tolerncia dor 2,8 kg/cm2 versus 7,2 kg/cm2 (p <0,001) e fora de preenso manual 14,5 kgf versus 25,2 kgf (p <0,001). Adicionalmente os dois questionrios apresentaram resultados piores tambm no GF em relao ao GC, respectivamente: FIQ 65 versus 14,3 (p <0,001) e PSQI 13 versus 5 (p <0,001). No GF foi observada correlao negativa tanto entre o limiar de dor quanto a tolerncia dor com os escores do FIQ e do PSQI. No GF foram observadas correlaes positivas tanto entre o limiar de dor (p <0,01) quanto a tolerncia dor (p <0,01) com fora de preenso manual. possvel concluir que limiar de dor e tolerncia dor esto correlacionados com capacidade funcional, qualidade do sono e fora de preenso manual em mulheres com fibromialgia


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Several research lines show that sleep favors memory consolidation and learning. It has been proposed that the cognitive role of sleep is derived from a global scaling of synaptic weights, able to homeostatically restore the ability to learn new things, erasing memories overnight. This phenomenon is typical of slow-wave sleep (SWS) and characterized by non-Hebbian mechanisms, i.e., mechanisms independent of synchronous neuronal activity. Another view holds that sleep also triggers the specific enhancement of synaptic connections, carrying out the embossing of certain mnemonic traces within a lattice of synaptic weights rescaled each night. Such an embossing is understood as the combination of Hebbian and non-Hebbian mechanisms, capable of increasing and decreasing respectively the synaptic weights in complementary circuits, leading to selective memory improvement and a restructuring of synaptic configuration (SC) that can be crucial for the generation of new behaviors ( insights ). The empirical findings indicate that initiation of Hebbian plasticity during sleep occurs in the transition of the SWS to the stage of rapid eye movement (REM), possibly due to the significant differences between the firing rates regimes of the stages and the up-regulation of factors involved in longterm synaptic plasticity. In this study the theories of homeostasis and embossing were compared using an artificial neural network (ANN) fed with action potentials recorded in the hippocampus of rats during the sleep-wake cycle. In the simulation in which the ANN did not apply the long-term plasticity mechanisms during sleep (SWS-transition REM), the synaptic weights distribution was re-scaled inexorably, for its mean value proportional to the input firing rate, erasing the synaptic weights pattern that had been established initially. In contrast, when the long-term plasticity is modeled during the transition SWSREM, an increase of synaptic weights were observed in the range of initial/low values, redistributing effectively the weights in a way to reinforce a subset of synapses over time. The results suggest that a positive regulation coming from the long-term plasticity can completely change the role of sleep: its absence leads to forgetting; its presence leads to a positive mnemonic change