807 resultados para Ensino de língua


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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This study aimed to gather information about the social and linguistic reality of students 1. years of elementary school and community that came, in order to identify aspects of their lexical phonological levels, morphological and morphosyntactic and thus identify and describe the alternative variants of non-standard rule. The methodology chosen was that of variational sociolinguistics addressing quantitative and qualitative aspects in the treatment of the data collected through participant observation and audio recordings of speeches of the students. The results indicate that the level of phonological variants are the most frequent in the speech of students. Because the literacy phase, how the student speaks serves you a guide to the act of writing, so it is necessary to work with the students the difference between oral and written form and monitoring of these two modes according to the context of the discourse


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Nowadays the accelerated development arising from globalization and the interrelation of the nations, the great increase in communication between different countries and the necessity for knowledge in different linguistic structures, the interest in learning a foreign language is crescent, and thinking about it, this work has the scope to verify how young and adult learners of a foreign language, in this case English, behave, that is, how best to develop the four language skills of the language: listening, writing, speaking, and reading and how the use of recreational and educational games can help this dichotomy between teaching-learning. The present research, theoretical and analytical basis, aims to make a study on how fun games can influence the teaching and learning of English in an audience of young and adult people and that includes a study of how human history has evolved, more precisely, as history of education was influenced by the playful and how the human mind also becomes over time. Nowadays, the playful is a tool that has been widely used pedagogically in teaching foreign languages and every day opens new manners and ways of teaching languages, always with its array of spaced more possibilities. Under this assumption, the focus of this research is discover how the use of recreational and educational games may influence grammar greater understanding and language development of young and adults students in learning English, and also what better way to introduce these games, that is, a contextualized content being discussed each time during the school way, so that the games may be, of course, used for relaxation of the students, but also (and especially) for their intellectual growth and language development


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By showing the absence of concern from schools in developing with students any kind of orality work, and the major importance they give only to reading and writing, this research shows an investigation on how the oral communication is established as learning content and how such education is conceived in the early years of elementary school, verifying if there is balance between the time devoted to written and spoken language activities, and how the oral language is treated in the classroom, this research also identifies which and how the oral genres are used, moreover, see if the teacher explores the emerging students‘ speech during class. This research was held in a government school in Bauru (SP), using three instruments to collect data: direct observation, videotaping observed classes, and a questionnaire. The observation and filming were done in only one classroom, a 3rd year of elementary school, in Portuguese classes; however, the questionnaire was applied to all school teachers, in order to have wider analytical conditions. The research´s approach is qualitative and ground on the bibliography study and field research. The analysis results indicate that school still emphasizes reading and writing method of teaching and does not work as bibliography authors propose in their researches about the studied topic; the reason is that this content has been applied to the curriculum recently, the teachers lack of clarity in some important concepts about speech and don´t have a bibliography basis


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This study is a reflexive review of theories about the teaching of English to children in Elementary School, a suggestion to teach English through the Fairy Tales and Fables, associated with the study of Transversal Themes suggested by the plot in the selected stories. Based on the Communicative Approach to language were conducted a few classes with students of the 4th year of Elementary School in a private school of Bauru city. A bibliographic study was conducted in Applied Linguistics, Philosophy of Education, Psychoanalysis, Approaches to teaching Foreign Language and Theories related to foreign language acquisition


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Não disponível


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The main objective of this work is to describe conceptions and practices of evaluation observed at a private language school. The theoretical background was gathered from Demo (2002a, 2002b), Luckesi (2001), Romão (2001), Shohamy (2001), Hughes (1994) and Depresbiteris (1989). Regarding the data collected, we made use of questionnaires, interviews, group discussions and diaries. Results show that the topics “fear of test” and “test content” were the most frequent ones. Furthermore, there was a harmonious relationship between teacher and students when tests were applied. We observed a “non-verbal agreement” between them, that is, there was a minimum content to be studied and to be asked on a test. We also noticed that classroom activities had a more complex level than the content actually tested.


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The purpose of this study is to reflect on some formally similar lexical units belonging to different foreign languages that although having had the same origin, their meanings today are considerably different from their original meanings. This complex process is understood, however, when a diachronic path of these lexical units is established in order to find justification or probable occurrences for the causes that triggered the semantic changes observed. These reflections aim to foster discussion about the consequences of such changes in the emergence of the so-called “false cognates”.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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La théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives de A. Culioli ne porte pas en elle une conception prête à l’emploi de l’enseignement des langues. Ce texte se propose de faire le pont entre cette théorie et les questions d’enseignement. Il construit surtout une réflexion sur les concepts d’activité ou de pratique au sein de l’enseignement des langues maternelles en se basant sur l’activité épilinguistique. Nous souhaitons, en outre, mettre en débat la division qui existe dans l’enseignement des langues entre activité physique et activité mentale.


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Ce texte aborde l’importance de la recherche liée à l’activité é pilinguistique, entendue comme l’activité propre du langage dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la langue maternelle. Le concept d’activité épilinguistique adopté ici est celui de la Théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives élaborée parle linguiste français Antoine Culioli. Dans le but de délimiter l’objet de la recherche et de présenter un modèle d’activité applicable en salle de classe, nous avons choisi d’étudier la conjonction de coordination et d’opposition mas (mais, en français), comprise comme un marqueur lexico - grammatical. L’exercice a été proposé à une classe de septième année (la 5 ème du système français) du collège d’État Dr. Joaquim Batista, dans la ville de Jaboticabal, au Brésil. Dans le cadre de ce travail sur l’activité épilingui stique, les apprenants ont eu l’opportunité d’observer les divers contextes d’occurrence de ce marqueur, mais aussi de comprendre que les mots ne sont pas dotés d’une signification statique. En outre, ce travail a permis aux apprenants de construire leur propre connaissance et d’élaborer une grammaire plus opérationnelle et pertinente.


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Teaching foreign languages, especially English, has been highly valued and widespread in Brazil in recent decades; so many schools now offer it from the earliest grades of Elementary school or already in kindergarten. This fact can be observed mainly through the spread of bilingual schools and private ones in which individuals begin language instruction as earlier as possible. In this article we report the experience developed in the project “Oficina de Inglês para crianças”, conducted at a Child Care Unit in São Carlos Federal University (UFSCar), and that had counted with the use of various pedagogical materials with the goal of providing a first contact of children with the English Language through a fun and enjoyable way.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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La popularización de los medios digitales y los recursos de comunicación difunde las narrativas no lineales y agrava la crisis de la enseñanza en el aula, con la expansión de diferentes modelos presenciales virtuales de la educación (PVE). Es evidente la demasificación de los nuevos medios, en un contexto que agudiza la percepción individual y social de los individuos, que son atraídos por el enorme flujo global de mensajes informativos (BRIGGS; BURKE, 2006). La transición de los métodos de enseñanza en el aula para modelar la educación virtual e interactiva ganó un nuevo formato en la educación pública en São Paulo en 2012, con el lanzamiento de cursos electivos de enseñanza de Inglés y Español para estudiantes de la secundaria, con la mediación de el PC y con el contenido producido por la Escuela Virtual de Programas Educativos del Estado de São Paulo - Evesp. Aún continua presencia en los salones de las grandes clases del sistema escolar, la falta de materiales de enseñanza y aprendizaje adecuados en las clases impartidas por los profesores cuyos repertorios están alejados de la vida cotidiana de los estudiantes. En este contexto, se comprueban las actuaciones de aprendizaje cualitativos más bien negativos de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas: escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir (CAMERON, 2001). La investigación que llevamos a cabo es analizar las experiencias de enseñanza de Inglés y Español en la plataforma computarizada Evesp y de la clase de Inglés y Español de los Centros para el Curso de idiomas (CELS), para la escuela secundaria, y el piloto Early Bird, de enseñanza y el aprendizaje de Inglés de la escuela primaria, todos bajo la Junta de Educación de Bauru (SP).