779 resultados para Cromossomos sexuais


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O presente estudo investiga repercussões existentes, para as escolas públicas, entre os conteúdos científicos curriculares ministrados e as orientações doutrinárias de denominações religiosas cristãs. Estes impactos ocorrem principalmente em relação a duas temáticas: 1) direitos sexuais e reprodutivos e questões de gênero; 2) criacionismo versus evolucionismo. A metodologia utilizada consistiu em uma pesquisa qualitativa, documental, composta também pela análise de conteúdo e por uma revisão de literatura. A pesquisa documental foi realizada por meio do site de buscas Google, no período de agosto de 2011 a setembro de 2014. Após o levantamento de inúmeros sites e blogs, foram selecionados 28 textos, publicados em 11 sites e 5 blogs de 9 denominações religiosas cristãs: Assembleia de Deus, Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia, Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Testemunhas de Jeová, Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil (IECLB), Igreja Batista Lagoinha, Igreja Evangélica Cristã, Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil e Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana. O resultado da análise destes textos possibilitou uma visão acerca de pontos de vista e relações doutrinárias em relação às temáticas pesquisadas. As denominações religiosas cristãs que abordaram a temática do Criacionismo e do Evolucionismo apresentaram um posicionamento contrário à Teoria da Evolução de Charles Darwin, pois alegaram que as teorias científicas acerca da origem do mundo e das espécies são conflitantes com o Criacionismo, ou seja, a versão do livro de Gênesis, presente na Bíblia. Em relação aos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos e questões de gêneros, os textos analisados apresentaram, em sua maioria, um posicionamento contrário à homossexualidade, anticoncepção, realização do aborto e de relações sexuais antes do casamento. Concluiu-se que a presença de conteúdos religiosos no currículo e no cotidiano escolar das escolas públicas pode gerar conflitos com os conteúdos científicos propostos pelo Ministério da Educação, comprometendo a qualidade de ensino.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a eficácia adaptativa e situações de crise de indivíduos portadores do vírus HIV do Programa Municipal DST/AIDS de Aparecida SP. O instrumento utilizado foi a Entrevista Clínica Preventiva - EDAO (Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada). Participaram do estudo 5 homens e 5 mulheres que freqüentavam o serviço de saúde. Os resultados do trabalho revelaram que ser portador de uma doença crônica carregada de estigmas como a AIDS é um fator desestruturante para o diagnóstico. Foi percebida na população estudada o comprometimento dos setores afetivo-relacional e produtividade, seguido do sóciocultural. Foram observados alguns aspectos importantes como: a crise do impacto diagnóstico como sendo algo marcante em todos os participantes, bem como o uso de drogas, comportamentos vulneráveis que possivelmente levaram à infecção pelo vírus HIV, dificuldades de resolução de conflitos e nas relações interpessoais, perdas vivenciadas durante toda a vida e também no decorrer da infecção e o fenômeno da feminização do vírus HIV através das mulheres entrevistadas, que foram infectadas por seus parceiros sexuais estáveis. No setor orgânico de funcionamento, a população estudada mostrou adesão ao tratamento A maioria da população estudada foi diagnosticada com adaptação ineficaz severa. Este estudo trouxe questionamentos importantes sobre a maneira com a qual o indivíduo portador do vírus HIV mantém seu equilíbrio psíquico e suas relações com o trabalho que executa, chamando atenção para a necessidade de outros estudos que contemplem diferentes instrumentos para a compreensão do tema.


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A Psicologia da Saúde vem se desdobrando para atender a demanda da saúde pública, principalmente sobre prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde. No que se refere a epidemia da AIDS e outras doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, o adolescente tem sido o público mais vulnerável. A adolescência é considerada uma fase perturbada e perturbadora. Nesse período da vida o adolescente está mais sujeito à contaminação das DST/AIDS em razão da instabilidade emocional e sua postura frente a valores e padrões de conduta. Este estudo tem por objetivo descrever conhecimentos e comportamentos de proteção e risco de práticas sexuais de adolescentes; descrever dados sócio-econômicos e demográficos desses adolescentes, descrever o conhecimento dos adolescentes em relação as DST/AIDS e descrever os comportamentos de proteção e riscos a respeito das DST/AIDS. A população deste estudo foi constituída por 95 adolescentes de ambos os gêneros, com um predomínio do gênero masculino, faixa etária entre 14 e 21 anos e com renda familiar média de 4 (quatro) salários mínimos. Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva, para o qual utilizou-se um questionário de autopreenchimento composto por questões norteadas ao tema. A coleta de dados ocorreu em sala de aula no período noturno, de uma escola estadual do município de Guarulhos. Após o término do preenchimento do questionário, os adolescentes assistiram uma palestra de prevenção e orientação sobre DST/AIDS, onde elucidaram dúvidas. Os resultados demonstram 67,4% dos adolescentes, tanto o gênero feminino quanto o gênero masculino, tem dificuldades de definir o conceito de sexualidade e 84,2% sabem corretamente a definição de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. A maioria dos adolescentes (67,4%) respondeu conhecer algum tipo de doença sexualmente transmissível, destacando-se aqui a AIDS e a gonorréia. O gênero masculino teve início da vida sexual aos 10 anos e o gênero feminino aos 13 anos, representando 53,7% com vida sexual ativa. Neste estudo 58,9% informam saber quais são os comportamentos de proteção, porém entre estes, apenas 55,8% utilizam o preservativo masculino (camisinha). Não há diferenças significativas quanto à modalidade de relacionamento e o uso constante do preservativo masculino. Verificou-se que 63,1% dos adolescentes obtém informações e conhecimentos sobre as DST/AIDS através dos profissionais da educação e da saúde. Portanto, a sala de aula passa a ser um fator de proteção. Esse estudo confirma que parte dos adolescentes tem conhecimento e informações sobre conceitos relativos as DST/AIDS, porém quanto às práticas para um comportamento de proteção frente às mesmas apresentam conhecimentos frágeis, gerando assim comportamentos de risco. Estas situações comprometem a tomada de comportamentos de proteção. Portanto, um programa contínuo da área da saúde e da educação dentro da escola que desenvolva atividades interativas a fim de transformar o comportamento do adolescente sobre informações e conhecimentos em consciência de comportamentos de proteção efetivas poderá melhorar essa relação entre ter o conhecimento e utilizá-lo na prática.(AU)


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In recent decades, the debate surrounding the consequences of the HIV has passed by great changes. Earlier, prevention campaigns focused risk groups then risk behaviors and ultimately vulnerability. Furthermore, over the years, the dimensions of HIV that emerged in the social environment are these: internalization, heterosexualization, impoverishment and feminization. Based on these contexts, the composition of this study comprises two papers: the former has the overall objective to analyze the epidemiology and incidence of HIV in Brazilian regions in the period from 1980 to 2012; the latter, it aims to find out whether there is the relationship among safe practices, knowledge and perception of women residents in Manaus and Boa Vista cities on the infection by HIV. In paper 1, it was used information from the Health Ministry, as a data source. Besides, it was developed an exploratory and spatial analysis of incidence rates and relative proportion of notified cases. In paper 2, was used as a source of data, the research "Evaluating the process of spatial and epidemic diffusion of HIV in the federal units of Brazil-Northern Region" in 2008. Furthermore, Statistical Techniques of Cluster Analysis, Analysis of Variance, Chi-Square and Logistic Regression were applied. In this paper, it was found that, in Brazilian Regions, the prevalence of reported cases occurred among heterosexuals in men 20-40 year age group and residing in metropolitan areas. It was observed a significant spatial correlation of the incidence rate of reported cases of HIV. It was also noted by the results that have good knowledge and awareness about HIV does not imply, essentially, in a safe sexual intercourse. These results have shown the need public policies geared to the guiding of society, based in educational strategies aiming both information about the virus and its prevention, as well as public awareness for safe sex practices or in stable or not intercourses


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Adolescence is seen as a phase of life marked by a series of physical and behavioral changes, which leads to certain risk situations, such as early sexual activity, pregnancy and the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases. Based on this statement, this research aimed generally: meet the sexual and reproductive adolescents of a reference service in Natal profile. Specifically describe the socioeconomic, sexual and reproductive individual and family characteristics of the population in question, but also verify possible association between pregnancy and age of onset of sexual activity with the socioeconomic aspects. The sectional study conducted in the database from the records of 463 adolescents seeking care in a referral center in Sexual and Reproductive Health in the period March 2011 to June 2012. The data collected were subjected to analysis by Excel 2007 and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 17.0. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, with absolute numbers and percentages was used, and its presentation by means of distribution and frequency tables. Results showed that the parents of these adolescents (65.7% - father; 57.8% - mother), had primary education; family income less than two minimum wages (66.2%); any type of chemical dependency in the family (33.5%) and presence of domestic violence (20.6%). A higher probability of pregnancy was verified when the mother had only primary education (26.3%), persons other than the father or mother contributed to family income (33.3%) and (26%) when there was substance abuse in the family early onset of sexual activity was observed when the mother had primary education (57.3%), persons other than the father or mother contributed to family income (63.1%) and the use of drugs / alcohol as a problem family (67.6%). It was concluded that such vulnerabilities appear as a reflection of the low social status of these young people, aggravated by emotional inheritance that is offered to every individual from birth. These findings may perhaps, support public health surveillance policies for adolescents in several areas


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Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) whose classic features (menstrual irregularity of oligo/ amenorrhea type, chronic anovulation, infertility and hyperandrogenism clinical and/ or biochemical), is associated with aspects of metabolic syndrome (MS), as obesity and insulin resistance. The level of obesity determines different levels of inflammation, increasing cytokines participants of metabolic and endocrine functions, beyond modulate the immune response. Metabolic changes, added to the imbalance of sex hormones underlying irregular menstruation observed in (PCOS) can trigger allergic processes and elevation of total and specific IgE antibodies indicate that a sensitization process was started. Objective: To evaluate the influence of PCOS on biochemical parameters and levels of total and specific IgE to aeroallergens in obese women. Methods: After approval by the Committee of Ethics in Research, were recruited 80 volunteers with BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 and age between 18 and 45 years. Among these, 40 with PCOS according to the Rotterdam criteria and 40 women without PCOS (control group). All participants were analysed with regard to anthropometric, clinical, gynecological parameters, interviewed using a questionnaire, and underwent blood sampling for realization of laboratory tests of clinical biochemistry: Total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL- cholesterol, Triglycerides, Fasting glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and immunological: total and specific IgE to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Blomia tropicalis, Dermatophagoides farinae and Dermatophagoides microceras.Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0 software through the chi-square tests, Fisher, Student t test and binary logistic regression, with significance level (p <0.05). Results: It was observed in the group of obese women with PCOS that 29 (72.5%) had menstrual cycle variable and 27 (67.5%) had difficulty getting pregnant. According to waist-hip ratio, higher average was also observed in obese PCOS (0.87). Blood level of HDL (36.9 mg/dL) and ALT (29.3 U/L) were above normal levels in obese women with PCOS, with statistically significant relationship. In the analysis of total and specific IgE to D. pteronyssinus high results were also prevalent in obese PCOS, with blood level (365,22 IU/mL) and (6.83 kU/L), respectively, also statistically significant. Conclusions: Observed predominance of cases with high levels of total IgE in the group of obese women with PCOS, 28 (70%) of the participants, whose mean blood concentration of the group was 365.22 IU/mL. In the analysis of Specific IgE between the groups, the allergen Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus showed greater dispersion and average the results of sensitization in the group of obese PCOS, whose mean blood concentration was 6.83 kU/l. Keywords: Obesity, Allergens and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


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The role of steroids hormones on the behavior of vertebrates have been described as organizational and activational effects. These actions occur in different periods of the ontogenetic development as fetal, early post natal and during puberty (organizational effect) or modifying the expression of behavioral patterns during time life (activational effects). Studies on brain lateralization in hand use in human and non-human primates have shown that sexual hormones seems to participate in the process of handedness strength that begins in the puberal period and is stabilized at the adult age. The aim of this study was to investigate in adult male Callithrix jacchus if the strength of use of the hand in common marmoset adult male is stable (organizational effect) or androgens variations could affect its stability (activational effect). The preferential use of one hand in 14 common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus was studied in two contexts: (1) spontaneous holding food and directing the food to mouth (feeding episodes), and (2) forced reaching food tests where the animal have to reach the food through a hole within a cover plate with a central hole that allow the use of one hand only to reach the food. The records were made during 5 sessions/20 bouts each during baseline totalizing 100 episodes before two treatments. Firstly it was used GnRH antagonist: a single subcutaneous injection of 100µg de Cetrotide – acetate of cetrorrelix (Baxter Oncology GmbH, Germany) (n=10). Secondly, a single GnRH injection of 0.2mg of GnRH (Sigma – Aldrich) (n= 8) was used. After injections 20 successful attempts of hand use episodes was recorded in the 1st , 2 nd, 7th, 15th and 30 th days, totalizing in the whole period 100 episodes for each context, after both treatments. Fecal sampling to measure extracted fecal androgens was performed in all days of data collection across the length of the basal and during the experimental periods. Statistical analysis by mixed model, Tukey test to compare mean values after the two treatments, and Levene test to compare mean variance were used, all for p-value < 0.05. In basal phase 6 animals used preferentially the right hand, 5 the left and 3 were ambidextrous. Mean handedness index in basal phase were different from that after both treatment starting at 7th day. Mean variance of handedness index for spontaneous and forced activities does not differs before and after both treatments but the mean values for GnRH index were higher than that observed for its antagonist. These findings suggested that androgens have an activational effect on handedness in adult male C. jacchus


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Spinal cord injury causes permanent disabling manifestations, affecting the anatomic integrity, bodily changes and functional limitations related to the disability state. It was aimed to analyze the social representation, stress level and experiences of fishermen victims of spinal cord injury caused by diving accident in the Northern beaches of Brazil. It is a descriptive - exploratory study with quantitative, qualitative and representational data developed i n fishermen’s villages in nine beaches of Northern shore/RN, between October 2013 to August 2014, after the approval of the Ethics Committee in Research of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, under the number 431.891/2013, CAAE 20818913.0.0000 .5537. The sample was composed by 44 fishermen with spinal cord injury, defined from inclusion and exclusion criteria of the participants. It was used as instrument to collect the data a semi structured interview. Quantitative data was analyzed by descrip tive statistics, showing the data through table, boxes and graphics by Microsoft Excel. Data from interviews were submitted to the software called Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d’un Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE) using the analysis of the Social R epresentation Theory and Center Core Theory. It is shown the outcomes of the research through four articles, following the normative recommendations of the journals. Participants of the study were all male, age mean 49,6 years, elementary school (68,2%), m arried (77,3%); paraplegia sequel (50,0%). Most of them showed stress (75,0%), almost in the exhaustion stage (33,3%), prevalent insomnia symptoms (95,5%) in the last hours; hypertension (97,7%) in the last week and sexual troubles (95,5%) in the last mont h). Decompressive illness caused spinal cord injury (57,1%), occurred prevalently in low summer (75,0%), northern shore (96,4%), having as main consequences the paresthesia and pain in the upper and lower limbs (67,9%), followed by death (25,0%). Interview analysis under the understanding of Social Representation of spinal cord injury allowed the appearance of seven categories: Treatment: limitation and expectative; Spinal Cord injury: before and after; Retirement: reality yet to come; Disability: dependenc y, incapacity, vulnerability; Overcoming and autonomy; Self feelings: physics losses and new start; Life and labor: impediments, plans and changes. The center core of the representation is found in the first category by the expectative and limitation on th e treatment, meanwhile the outskirt elements are in seventh and third categories. Physics limitation for fishing activities and retirement expectative is the most outstanding of the structure. Social representation concerning spinal cord injury is found in a transaction moment between before and after with the prevented fishing activity, coping of the situation with the potential remaining. The anchoring is established in the desire for changes related to the improvements of life and health conditions exper ienced day by day through faith. This study finishes pointing out the range of the objectives, which topic is relevant for public health of fishermen. It is suggested prevention measures, promotion and health recovery of fishermen, besides safe, healthy an d worthy conditions as a compromise of social and health politics.


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Duas espécies de borboletas miméticas Heliconius erato e Heliconius melpomene apresentam coloração similar. Tal similaridade pode atuar confundindo o reconhecimento de seus co-específicos no momento da escolha de parceiros sexuais. As duas espécies possuem um conjunto de variações sutis na cor de suas asas que são compartilhadas por ambas espécies, como os pontos vermelhos encontrados acima da faixa amarela. Em H. erato variações na cor de suas asas são exclusivas da espécie como os red raylets e pontos amarelos na região distal da asa posterior. Acredita-se que tais variações fenotípicas auxiliem no reconhecimento de seus co-específicos, para tanto, o presente estudo tem por intuito verificar se as duas espécies envolvidas na análise reconhecem seus co-específicos. Experimentos com modelos que contemplaram variações sutis foram montados e apresentados aos machos de H. erato e H. melpomene. Em cada experimento foi verificado a probabilidade relativa de aproximação do macho ao modelo. O teste de likelihood indicou que as diferenças sutis encontradas nos padrões de asas de H. erato e H. melpomene podem atuar como pistas de reconhecimento de indivíduos da mesma espécie. Sendo que a espécie H. erato pode ser considerada um discriminador mais refinado no reconhecimento, e ambas as espécies selecionaram modelos que possuem variações médias, indicando seleção normalizadora para a escolha do padrão de asa. Podemos concluir, que a cor e, principalmente, os padrões sutis na variação da cor são utilizados como um sinal usado por borboletas no reconhecimento de seus co-específicos.


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INTRODUCTION: Human sexuality is recognized as one of the pillars of quality of life. In women, sexual function is influenced throughout life by many factors that can lead to the appearance of changes in the cycle of sexual response, and hence the quality of life (QOL). Pregnancy is a period of change, leaving them physically and mentally vulnerable, which may affect sexual function and quality of life during pregnancy. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between sexual function, presence of depressive symptoms and quality of life in pregnant women. METHODS: The study included 207 pregnant women attending prenatal examination of the Maternity Divine Love, Parnamirim / RN and the participants of the Course for Pregnant Women of the Department of Physical Therapy at UFRN (central campus). Initially it was applied, a questionnaire containing questions about sociodemographic, gynecological and obstetric data, as well as body and sexual self-knowledge. Sexual function was assessed using the Sexual Function Index Female (Female Sexual Function Index - FSFI). To assess the quality of life, we used the Quality Index Ferrans Life & Powers mom. The presence of depressive symptoms was verified by applying the Beck Depression Inventory. The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality was carried variables, Mann-Whitney test for carrying out the comparisons and the Wilcoxon test for comparing the monthly sexual frequency before and during pregnancy. Multiple linear regression was used to verify the relationship between sexual function, depressive symptoms and quality of life. We used the Spearman correlation to check correlation between the variables. Ap value <0.05 was adopted. RESULTS: Sexual function and depressive symptoms were related quality of life (R2 = 0.30, p <0.001). Depression had a moderate negative correlation with quality of life (0.53; p <0.001), whereas sexual function showed a positive correlation with low quality of life (0.22; p = 0.001). The planning of pregnancy, education and income shown to influence depression scores. With respect to sexual function, it was seen that during pregnancy, a reduction in the monthly frequency of sexual partner (Z = -10.56; p <0.001). Among the sexual domain, just the pain, showed a statistically significant difference compared between the second and third quarter (Z = -1.91, p <0.05). The score of the quality of life of women with sexual dysfunction was xvii significantly lower than that pregnant women without dysfunction (Z = -2.87, p = 0.004). Conclusion: Sexual function and the presence of depressive symptoms are related to the quality of life of pregnant women.


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The Acanthuridae family is a representative group from the marine fish that plays a key role in ecological dynamics of coral reefs. Three species are common along coastal reefs of Western Atlantic: Acanthurus coeruleus, Acanthurus bahianus and Acanthurus chirurgus. In the present study, cytogenetic data are presented for these three species Acanthurus based on classical cytogenetic methods and mapping of repetitive sequences such as ribosomal 18S and 5S rDNA and telomeric repeats to improve their karyotype evolutionary analyses. The cytogenetic pattern of these species indicated sequential steps of chromosomal rearrangements dating back 19 to 5 millions of years ago (M.a.) that accounted for their interspecific differences. A. coeruleus (2n=48; 2sm+4st+42a), A. bahianus (2n=36; 12m+2sm+4st+18a) and A. chirurgus (2n=34; 12m+2sm+4st+16a) share an older set of three chromosomal pairs that were originated through pericentric inversions. A set of six large metacentric pairs formed by Robertsonian (Rb) translocations found in A. bahianus and A. chirurgus and a putative in tandem fusion found in A. chirurgus are more recent events. The lack of interstitial telomeric sequences (ITS) in spite of several centric fusions in A. bahianus and A. chirurgus might be related to the long period of time after their occurrence (estimated in 5 M.a.). Furthermore, the homeologies among the chromosome pairs bearing ribosomal genes, in addition to other structural features, highlight large conserved chromosomal regions in the three species. Our findings indicate that macrostructural changes occurred during the cladogenesis of these species were not followed by conspicuous microstructural rearrangements in the karyotypes.


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The Centropomidae family consists of three genera, Centropomus, Lates and Psammoperca. Centropomus is the most diverse group, with six Centropomus species occur in the Western Atlantic Ocean C. poeyi Chávez, 1961, C. parallelus Poey, 1860, C. mexicanus Bocourt, 1868, C. pectinatus Poey, 1860 and C. ensiferus Poey, 1860. Some of these species are considered cryptic, because of its morphological traits showed low resolution for identification purposes. Despite showing great interest as a natural resource and fish culture, aspects of their diversity and karyotypic patterns are poorly understood. In this work morphological identification and comparison of mitochondrial 16S gene sequence were used to identify the species of the genus Centropomus occurring in Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. Two sepecies were identified, C. undecimalis and C. mexicanus, which had the chromosomal aspects analyzed, through Classical cytogenetic method analyzes (conventional staining, C-banding, Ag-NORs), fluorochrome staining AT- and GC-specific, replication bands by incorporating of the base analog 5-Bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (5-BrdU), in situ chromosomal mapping of (TTAGGG)n sequences and in situ chromosome mapping 18S and 5S rRNA genes. Both species show 2n=48 acrocentric chromosomes, with ribosomal sites (Ag-NOR/18S rDNA/ Mitramycin+) in second chromosomal pair, in telomeric position on the long arm in C. mexicanus and interstitial in C. undecimalis. The nuclear organization pair (pair 2) shown a resolutive cytotaxonomic marker for these two species. The generated data reveal a lower species diversity than previously believed, suggesting that greater attention should be paid in taxonomic identification of the species, in view of optimize commercial actions exploitation, biological conservation and cultivation.


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This work aims to understand how the public school system has become a failing institution with regards to sexual and gender diversity. I start from the principle that the school system performs a social sorting operation, leaving out of its halls almost all people who don‘t fit into the established heteronormative social order. First, I explore the experiences of primary school (Educação do Ensino Fundamental) professionals from the public network (Rede Pública Municipal) of the city of Natal-RN. I consider their narratives a result of daily practices which denounce the rules that govern and produce them in a broader context. Then I aim to establish a dialogue with the students who are victims of name-calling, teasing and abuse for not aligning with the ―normal‖ gender standards. At this stage of the research, I conducted fieldwork at the State Secondary School of Rio Grande do Norte (Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio). This investigation is guided by the following questions: What challenges need to be addressed in order to recognize the students who have been excluded from the school environment on account of sexual and/or gender differences; additionally, how can their classroom attendance and positive learning experience be ensured? To what degree is the school community concerned with building education practices which value and acknowledge sexual and gender diversity? The research goals were: to analyze how the school and its professionals deal with sexual and gender diversity, investigating which pedagogical practices silence, freeze and obstruct the diversity of student identities; examine how the school and its subjects work toward building new pathways for learning, for coexistence, and for facing the challenges of ―new‖ social demands such as homoaffection; observe the spaces that are cracked open by the presence and the voices of students who demand recognition of their existence.


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Leishmania infantum is the main etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World. The pattern of distribution of leishmaniasis has changed substantially and has presented an emerging profile within the periphery of the Large Urban Centers. Leishmania infection can compromise skin, mucosa and viscera. Only 10% of the individuals infected develop the disease and 90% of human infection is asymptomatic. The main factors involved in the development of the disease are the host immune response, the vector’s species and the parasite’s genetic content. The sequencing of Leishmania isolated seeks to increase the understanding of the symptoms of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of circulating Leishmania strains among humans, and symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs from endemic areas of Rio Grande do Norte State and analyze sandflies from endemic areas for cutaneous and visceral disease. The genetic variability was evaluated by the use of markers hsp70 , ITS1 and a whole genome sequencing was also carried out. The amplified hsp70 and ITS1 of samples were analyzed and assembled using a Phred / Phrap package. The dendograms were constructed using the same methodology, but adding 500 bootstraps, followed by inferences on the relationships between Leishmania variants. The sequences of the 20 Brazilian isolates were mapped to the reference genome L. infantum JPCM5, using the Bowtie2 program and the identification of 36 contigs. The information of the valid SNPs were used in the PCA. SNPs were visualized by Geneious 7.1 and IGV. The genome annotations were transferred to their respective chromosomes and displayed on Geneious. The matching sequences of all chromosomes were aligned using Mauve. The phylogenetic trees were calculated according to maximum likelihood and JTT models. Sandflies were analyzed by PCR for the identification of Leishmania infection, a blood meal source and GAPDH sand fly. As a result, hsp70 and ITS1 were not capable of identifying genetic variability among human isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs. The complete sequencing of the 20 Brazilian isolates revealed a strong similarity between the circulating Leishmania strains in Rio Grande do Norte. The isolates collected in the city of Natal from humans and canines remained grouped in all analyzes, suggesting that there is genotypic and geographic proximity among the isolates. The isolated samples in the 1990s had a higher genotypic diversity when compared to freshly isolated samples. All isolates presented 36 chromosomes with variable ploidy among them, no correlation was found between the number of amastina genes copies, gp63, A2 and SSG with such clinic forms. In general, we did not find correlation between symptomatic and asymptomatic clinical forms and the gene content of the Brazilian isolates of Leishmania. 34,28% of the sandflies collected in the upper west region were L. longipalpis and the main sources of blood meal were humans, dogs and chickens.


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Leishmania infantum is the main etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World. The pattern of distribution of leishmaniasis has changed substantially and has presented an emerging profile within the periphery of the Large Urban Centers. Leishmania infection can compromise skin, mucosa and viscera. Only 10% of the individuals infected develop the disease and 90% of human infection is asymptomatic. The main factors involved in the development of the disease are the host immune response, the vector’s species and the parasite’s genetic content. The sequencing of Leishmania isolated seeks to increase the understanding of the symptoms of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of circulating Leishmania strains among humans, and symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs from endemic areas of Rio Grande do Norte State and analyze sandflies from endemic areas for cutaneous and visceral disease. The genetic variability was evaluated by the use of markers hsp70 , ITS1 and a whole genome sequencing was also carried out. The amplified hsp70 and ITS1 of samples were analyzed and assembled using a Phred / Phrap package. The dendograms were constructed using the same methodology, but adding 500 bootstraps, followed by inferences on the relationships between Leishmania variants. The sequences of the 20 Brazilian isolates were mapped to the reference genome L. infantum JPCM5, using the Bowtie2 program and the identification of 36 contigs. The information of the valid SNPs were used in the PCA. SNPs were visualized by Geneious 7.1 and IGV. The genome annotations were transferred to their respective chromosomes and displayed on Geneious. The matching sequences of all chromosomes were aligned using Mauve. The phylogenetic trees were calculated according to maximum likelihood and JTT models. Sandflies were analyzed by PCR for the identification of Leishmania infection, a blood meal source and GAPDH sand fly. As a result, hsp70 and ITS1 were not capable of identifying genetic variability among human isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs. The complete sequencing of the 20 Brazilian isolates revealed a strong similarity between the circulating Leishmania strains in Rio Grande do Norte. The isolates collected in the city of Natal from humans and canines remained grouped in all analyzes, suggesting that there is genotypic and geographic proximity among the isolates. The isolated samples in the 1990s had a higher genotypic diversity when compared to freshly isolated samples. All isolates presented 36 chromosomes with variable ploidy among them, no correlation was found between the number of amastina genes copies, gp63, A2 and SSG with such clinic forms. In general, we did not find correlation between symptomatic and asymptomatic clinical forms and the gene content of the Brazilian isolates of Leishmania. 34,28% of the sandflies collected in the upper west region were L. longipalpis and the main sources of blood meal were humans, dogs and chickens.