862 resultados para self-care behaviour


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O objetivo foi implantar a Consulta de Enfermagem para indivíduos hipertensos, utilizando-se a teoria do autocuidado de Orem e sistematizar a assistência de enfermagem. Foram entrevistados 56 pacientes, sendo 58,9% mulheres, 75% na faixa etária de 50 a 80 anos, 76,4% casados, 42,9% donas de casa, 47,2% aposentados e 67,3% com ensino fundamental completo. Utilizou-se instrumento estruturado abordando os requisitos de autocuidado universal, de desenvolvimento e de desvios de saúde. A análise dos dados possibilitou avaliar os requisitos de autocuidado alterados. No planejamento da assistência, as ações de apoio-educação foram prioridades. A teoria do autocuidado possibilitou identificar aspectos importantes para serem trabalhados pelo enfermeiro.


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Em revisão crítica da literatura sobre a educação para o autocuidado e autocontrole no diabetes, procura-se apontar a inadequação das abordagens tradicionais da aderência ao tratamento e da transmissão de informações frente à complexidade do autocuidado em condições de cronicidade. Explora-se a influência das Ciências Sociais sobre o campo de estudo das doenças crônico-degenerativas, em geral, e do diabetes, em particular. Nesta perspectiva, pode-se reconhecer uma incorporação dos campos disciplinares da Antropologia e Sociologia em pesquisas mais orientadas para o indivíduo, em sua condição de portador, e a experiência que desenvolve nesse processo. Há certa inflexão, mais recente, no campo de pesquisas em educação em saúde no diabetes, com a introdução de estratégias que buscam valorizar a experiência e a autonomia dos pacientes como sujeitos de seu cuidado. Neste artigo, discute-se a estratégia do empoderamento na educação para o autocuidado e autocontrole no diabetes, como uma modalidade de prática de natureza mais dialógica e de maior respeito à autonomia moral e cognitiva do portador.


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Aims: To compare the effectiveness of adding cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine, or placebo to patient education and a self-care management program for patients with myofascial pain and specifically presenting with jaw pain upon awakening. Methods: Forty-five patients with a diagnosis of myofascial pain based on the guidelines of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain participated in this 3-week study. The subjects were randomly assigned into one of three groups: placebo group, TZA group (tizanidine 4 mg), or CYC group (cyclobenzaprine 10 mg). Patients were evaluated for changes in pain intensity, frequency, and duration by using the modified Severity Symptoms Index and changes in sleep quality with the use of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and post-hoc or nonparametric statistical tests as appropriate. Results: All three groups had a reduction in pain symptoms and improvement of sleep quality based on a comparison of pretreatment and treatment scores. However, no significant differences among the groups were observed at the posttreatment evaluation. Conclusion: The use of tizanidine or cyclobenzaprine in addition to self-care management and patient education was not more effective than placebo for the management of patients with myofascial jaw pain upon awakening.


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Exploiting the full potential of telemedical systems means using platform based solutions: data are recovered from biomedical sensors, hospital information systems, care-givers, as well as patients themselves, and are processed and redistributed in an either centralized or, more probably, decentralized way. The integration of all these different devices, and interfaces, as well as the automated analysis and representation of all the pieces of information are current key challenges in telemedicine. Mobile phone technology has just begun to offer great opportunities of using this diverse information for guiding, warning, and educating patients, thus increasing their autonomy and adherence to their prescriptions. However, most of these existing mobile solutions are not based on platform systems and therefore represent limited, isolated applications. This article depicts how telemedical systems, based on integrated health data platforms, can maximize prescription adherence in chronic patients through mobile feedback. The application described here has been developed in an EU-funded R&D project called METABO, dedicated to patients with type 1 or type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


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Durante las últimas décadas se ha producido un fenómeno global de envejecimiento en la población. Esta tendencia se puede observar prácticamente en todos los países del mundo y se debe principalmente a los avances en la medicina, y a los descensos en las tasas de fertilidad y mortalidad. El envejecimiento de la población tiene un gran impacto en la salud de los ciudadanos, y a menudo es la causa de aparición de enfermedades crónicas. Este tipo de enfermedades supone una amenaza y una carga importantes para la sociedad, especialmente en aspectos como la mortalidad o los gastos en los sistemas sanitarios. Entre las enfermedades cardiovasculares, la insuficiencia cardíaca es probablemente la condición con mayor prevalencia y afecta a 23-26 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Normalmente, la insuficiencia cardíaca presenta un mal pronóstico y una tasa de supervivencia bajas, en algunos casos peores que algún tipo de cáncer. Además, suele ser la causa de hospitalizaciones frecuentes y es una de las enfermedades más costosas para los sistemas sanitarios. La tendencia al envejecimiento de la población y la creciente incidencia de las enfermedades crónicas están llevando a una situación en la que los sistemas de salud no son capaces de hacer frente a la demanda de la sociedad. Los servicios de salud existentes tendrán que adaptarse para ser efectivos y sostenibles en el futuro. Es necesario identificar nuevos paradigmas de cuidado de pacientes, así como mecanismos para la provisión de servicios que ayuden a transformar estos sistemas sanitarios. En este contexto, esta tesis se plantea la búsqueda de soluciones, basadas en las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), que contribuyan a realizar la transformación en los sistemas sanitarios. En concreto, la tesis se centra en abordar los problemas de una de las enfermedades con mayor impacto en estos sistemas: la insuficiencia cardíaca. Las siguientes hipótesis constituyen la base para la realización de este trabajo de investigación: 1. Es posible definir un modelo basado en el paradigma de lazo cerrado y herramientas TIC que formalice el diseño de mejores servicios para pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca. 2. El modelo de lazo cerrado definido se puede utilizar para definir un servicio real que ayude a gestionar la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica. 3. La introducción, la adopción y el uso de un servicio basado en el modelo definido se traducirá en mejoras en el estado de salud de los pacientes que sufren insuficiencia cardíaca. a. La utilización de un sistema basado en el modelo de lazo cerrado definido mejorará la experiencia del usuario de los pacientes. La definición del modelo planteado se ha basado en el estándar ISO / EN 13940- Sistema de conceptos para dar soporte a la continuidad de la asistencia. Comprende un conjunto de conceptos, procesos, flujos de trabajo, y servicios como componentes principales, y representa una formalización de los servicios para los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca. Para evaluar el modelo definido se ha definido un servicio real basado en el mismo, además de la implementación de un sistema de apoyo a dicho servicio. El diseño e implementación de dicho sistema se realizó siguiendo la metodología de Diseño Orientado a Objetivos. El objetivo de la evaluación consistía en investigar el efecto que tiene un servicio basado en el modelo de lazo cerrado sobre el estado de salud de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca. La evaluación se realizó en el marco de un estudio clínico observacional. El análisis de los resultados ha comprendido métodos de análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos. El análisis cuantitativo se ha centrado en determinar el estado de salud de los pacientes en base a datos objetivos (obtenidos en pruebas de laboratorio o exámenes médicos). Para realizar este análisis se definieron dos índices específicos: el índice de estabilidad y el índice de la evolución del estado de salud. El análisis cualitativo ha evaluado la autopercepción del estado de salud de los pacientes en términos de calidad de vida, auto-cuidado, el conocimiento, la ansiedad y la depresión, así como niveles de conocimiento. Se ha basado en los datos recogidos mediante varios cuestionarios o instrumentos estándar (i.e. EQ-5D, la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión (HADS), el Cuestionario de Cardiomiopatía de Kansas City (KCCQ), la Escala Holandesa de Conocimiento de Insuficiencia Cardíaca (DHFKS), y la Escala Europea de Autocuidado en Insuficiencia Cardíaca (EHFScBS), así como cuestionarios dedicados no estandarizados de experiencia de usuario. Los resultados obtenidos en ambos análisis, cuantitativo y cualitativo, se compararon con el fin de evaluar la correlación entre el estado de salud objetivo y subjetivo de los pacientes. Los resultados de la validación demostraron que el modelo propuesto tiene efectos positivos en el cuidado de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca y contribuye a mejorar su estado de salud. Asimismo, ratificaron al modelo como instrumento válido para la definición de servicios mejorados para la gestión de esta enfermedad. ABSTRACT During the last decades we have witnessed a global aging phenomenon in the population. This can be observed in practically every country in the world, and it is mainly caused by the advances in medicine, and the decrease of mortality and fertility rates. Population aging has an important impact on citizens’ health and it is often the cause for chronic diseases, which constitute global burden and threat to the society in terms of mortality and healthcare expenditure. Among chronic diseases, Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) or Heart Failure (HF) is probably the one with highest prevalence, affecting between 23 and 26 million people worldwide. Heart failure is a chronic, long-term and serious condition with very poor prognosis and worse survival rates than some type of cancers. Additionally, it is often the cause of frequent hospitalizations and one of the most expensive conditions for the healthcare systems. The aging trends in the population and the increasing incidence of chronic diseases are leading to a situation where healthcare systems are not able to cope with the society demand. Current healthcare services will have to be adapted and redefined in order to be effective and sustainable in the future. There is a need to find new paradigms for patients’ care, and to identify new mechanisms for services’ provision that help to transform the healthcare systems. In this context, this thesis aims to explore new solutions, based on ICT, that contribute to achieve the needed transformation within the healthcare systems. In particular, it focuses on addressing the problems of one of the diseases with higher impact within these systems: Heart Failure. The following hypotheses represent the basis to the elaboration of this research: 1. It is possible to define a model based on a closed-loop paradigm and ICT tools that formalises the design of enhanced healthcare services for chronic heart failure patients. 2. The described closed-loop model can be exemplified in a real service that supports the management of chronic heart failure disease. 3. The introduction, adoption and use of a service based on the outlined model will result in improvements in the health status of patients suffering heart failure. 4. The user experience of patients when utilizing a system based on the defined closed-loop model will be enhanced. The definition of the closed-loop model for health care support of heart failure patients have been based on the standard ISO/EN 13940 System of concepts to support continuity of care. It includes a set of concept, processes and workflows, and services as main components, and it represent a formalization of services for heart failure patients. In order to be validated, the proposed closed-loop model has been instantiated into a real service and a supporting IT system. The design and implementation of the system followed the user centred design methodology Goal Oriented Design. The validation, that included an observational clinical study, aimed to investigate the effect that a service based on the closed-loop model had on heart failure patients’ health status. The analysis of results comprised quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. The quantitative analysis was focused on determining the health status of patients based on objective data (obtained in lab tests or physical examinations). Two specific indexes where defined and considered in this analysis: the stability index and the health status evolution index. The qualitative analysis assessed the self-perception of patients’ health status in terms of quality of life, self-care, knowledge, anxiety and depression, as well as knowledge levels. It was based on the data gathered through several standard instruments (i.e. EQ-5D, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, the Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Scale, and the European Heart Failure Self-care Behaviour Scale) as well as dedicated non-standardized user experience questionnaires. The results obtained in both analyses, quantitative and qualitative, were compared in order to assess the correlation between the objective and subjective health status of patients. The results of the validation showed that the proposed model contributed to improve the health status of the patients and had a positive effect on the patients’ care. It also proved that the model is a valid instrument for designing enhanced healthcare services for heart failure patients.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Abstract Various lubricating body fluids at tissue interfaces are composed mainly of combinations of phospholipids and amphipathic apoproteins. The challenge in producing synthetic replacements for them is not replacing the phospholipid, which is readily available in synthetic form, but replacing the apoprotein component, more specifically, its unique biophysical properties rather than its chemistry. The potential of amphiphilic reactive hypercoiling behaviour of poly(styrene-alt-maleic acid) (PSMA) was studied in combination with two diacylphosphatidylcholines (PC) of different chain lengths in aqueous solution. The surface properties of the mixtures were characterized by conventional Langmuir-Wilhelmy balance (surface pressure under compression) and the du Noüy tensiometer (surface tension of the non-compressed mixtures). Surface tension values and 31P NMR demonstrated that self-assembly of polymer-phospholipid mixtures were pH and concentration-dependent. Finally, the particle size and zeta potential measurements of this self-assembly showed that it can form negatively charged nanosized structures that might find use as drug or lipids release systems on interfaces such as the tear film or lung interfacial layers. The structural reorganization was sensitive to the alkyl chain length of the PC.


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This cross-sectional survey-designed study investigated the presence and influence of psychosocial barriers to diabetes self-management practices among Hispanic women with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Women (n = 128) who were diagnosed and being treated for type 2 diabetes were recruited from the Miami-Dade area in South Florida. A Beck Depression Inventory-II, Diabetes Care Profile, Diabetes Knowledge Test, Diabetes Empowerment, Multidimensional Health Locus of Control, and Perceived Stress Scales were administered, along with assessment of diet through a 24-hour recall and anthropometric evaluation by body composition analysis and body mass index computation. ^ Mean (± SD) age for subjects was 50.15 ± 15.93 and age at diagnosis was 42.46 ± 14.69. Mean glycosylated hemoglobin (A 1C) was 8.55 ± 1.39. Diabetes education had not been received by 46.9% of subjects. Psychosocial status had previously been evaluated in only 4 participants. Forty percent of participants were assessed as depressed and 17% moderately to severely so. Depression correlated significantly (p < 0.01) with A1C (r = 0.242), perceived stress (r = 0.566), and self-rated health (r = −0.523). Perceived stress correlated significantly (p < 0.01) with A1C (r = 0.388), understanding of diabetes (r = 0.282), self-rated health (r = −0.372) and diabetes empowerment (r = −0.366). For Cuban women, perceived stress (β = 0.418, p = 0.033) was the only significant predictor of A1C, while among non-Cuban Hispanic women, self-reported health (β = −0.418, p = 0.003) and empowerment (β = 0.432, p = 0.004) were better predictors. The most desirable DM status among the women surveyed (high diet adherence, low exercise barriers, and A1C ≤ 7) was associated with superior self-rated health, more support from family and friends, and greater empowerment. ^ This study revealed the error in considering Hispanics a homogenous entity in treating disease, as their cultural backgrounds and concentration in a community can greatly influence management of a chronic disease like diabetes. The strong correlations found between diabetes-related health indicators and psychosocial factors such as depression and perceived stress suggest that psychosocial assessment of patients must be more strongly advocated in diabetes care. Psychosocial assessment of ethnically diverse diabetic populations is especially vital if greater knowledge is to be gained about their barriers to self-care so that diabetes treatment and thus outcomes are enhanced. ^


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Self-care and health beliefs have been found to be important concepts in the management of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Poor metabolic control has been associated with a higher incidence of complications in diabetic patients. This study sought to explore any relationships among perceptions of self-care behaviors, health beliefs and metabolic control. The sample consisted of 52 outpatients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes from a large teaching medical center. Interviews were done to obtain the patients' perceptions of their self-care behaviors, and their health beliefs concerning diabetes. Results of glycosylated hemoglobin and/or serum glucose levels were obtained from the medical records. Data were analyzed using Cochran-Mantel-Haenzel statistics, and Pearson's r. Results indicated no significant relationships among perceptions of self-care behaviors, health beliefs and metabolic control. Ethnicity, education and gender were found to be significantly associated with self-care behaviors and health beliefs.


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To compare illness and treatment perceptions between Arabic-speaking immigrants and Caucasian English-speaking people with type 2 diabetes, and explore the relationships between these beliefs and adherence to self-care activities.

A cross-sectional study was conducted in healthcare settings with large Arabic populations in metropolitan and rural Victoria, Australia. Adherence to self-care activities, illness and treatment perceptions, and clinical data were recorded. Bivariate associations for continuous normally distributed variables were tested with Pearson's correlation. Non-parametric data were tested using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.

701 participants were recruited; 392 Arabic-speaking participants (ASPs) and 309 English-speaking participants (ESPs). There were significant relationships between participants’ illness and treatment perceptions and adherence to diabetes self-care activities. ASPs’ negative beliefs about diabetes were strongly and significantly correlated with poorer adherence to diet recommendations, exercise, blood glucose testing and foot care. ASPs were significantly less adherent to all aspects of diabetes self-care compared with ESPs: dietary behaviours (P = <0.01; 95% confidence interval (CI) = −1.17, −0.84), exercise and physical activity (P = <0.001, 95% CI −1.14, −0.61), blood glucose testing (P = <0.001) and foot-care (P = <0.001). 52.8% of ASPs were sceptical about prescribed diabetes treatment compared with only 11.2% of the ESPs. 88.3% of ASPs were non-adherent to prescribed medication, compared with 45.1% of ESPs.

Arabic-speaking migrants’ illness and treatment perceptions were significantly different from the English-speaking group. There is a pressing need to develop new innovative interventions that deliver much-needed improvements in adherence to self-care activities and key health outcomes.


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The 12-item Partner in Health (PIH) scale was developed in Australia to measure self-management behaviour and knowledge in patients with chronic diseases. The scale has undergone several changes since first published. Our study aim was to validate the latest PIH in Dutch COPD patients.The 12 items of the PIH are scored on a self-rated 9-point Likert scale (range: 0-8; higher scores indicate better self-management), providing total and subscale scores (knowledge, coping, recognition and management of functions, adherence to treatment).We used forward-backward translation of the latest version of the Australian PIH. Dimensionality and reliability analyses were performed to investigate the psychometric properties, and to determine whether the Dutch PIH replicated the same four subscales of self-management as the original PIH.Reanalysis of the original PIH validation study (186 Australian patients with chronic diseases) showed a single scale. Two scales (1. knowledge and coping; 2. recognition and management of symptoms, adherence to treatment) were found for the Dutch PIH (118 Dutch COPD patients). The correlation between the two Dutch scales was 0.43. The lower-bound of the reliability of the total scale was 0.81 (Australian PIH) and 0.84 (Dutch PIH).Different scale structures were found for the original Australian and the Dutch PIH. Our results did not support the 4-scale structure reported previously. To increase comparability and generalisability of our findings, the scale structure of the revised Australian PIH needs to be investigated further. Meanwhile, we advise using the PIH total score or two subscale scores when assessing COPD patients.


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The 12-item Partner in Health (PIH) scale was developed in Australia to measure self-management behaviour and knowledge in patients with chronic diseases. The scale has undergone several changes since first published. Our study aim was to validate the latest PIH in Dutch COPD patients.The 12 items of the PIH are scored on a self-rated 9-point Likert scale (range: 0-8; higher scores indicate better self-management), providing total and subscale scores (knowledge, coping, recognition and management of functions, adherence to treatment).We used forward-backward translation of the latest version of the Australian PIH. Dimensionality and reliability analyses were performed to investigate the psychometric properties, and to determine whether the Dutch PIH replicated the same four subscales of self-management as the original PIH.Reanalysis of the original PIH validation study (186 Australian patients with chronic diseases) showed a single scale. Two scales (1. knowledge and coping; 2. recognition and management of symptoms, adherence to treatment) were found for the Dutch PIH (118 Dutch COPD patients). The correlation between the two Dutch scales was 0.43. The lower-bound of the reliability of the total scale was 0.81 (Australian PIH) and 0.84 (Dutch PIH).Different scale structures were found for the original Australian and the Dutch PIH. Our results did not support the 4-scale structure reported previously. To increase comparability and generalisability of our findings, the scale structure of the revised Australian PIH needs to be investigated further. Meanwhile, we advise using the PIH total score or two subscale scores when assessing COPD patients.


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We report for the first time the use of Nα-Boc-l-tryptophan for the synthesis of amphiphilic BAB triblock copolymers for potential drug delivery applications. A library of poly(Nα-Boc-l-tryptophan)-block-poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(Nα-Boc-l-tryptophan) (PBoclTrp-b-PEG-b-PBoclTrp) amphiphilic copolymers were synthesized through the ring opening polymerization of Nα-Boc-l-tryptophan Nα-carboxy anhydride as initiated by diamino-terminated PEG of fixed molecular weight (Mn 3350). The influence of the hydrophobic block length over self-assembly was investigated for 4 of the BAB copolymers of molecular weights varying between Mn 5000 and Mn 17000. It was found that an increase in hydrophobic block length led to an increase in hydrodynamic size of aggregates in solution, as well as a decrease in critical micelle concentration. TEM analysis showed the formation of spherical micelles with the largest of the copolymers forming interconnected networks of spherical micelles. The influence of hydrophobic block length over the formation of secondary structure was analyzed using circular dichroism and infrared spectroscopy. Collectively we found that the presence of t-Boc protected l-tryptophan leads to the preferential formation of α-helix secondary structure through hydrogen bonding, which, in a drug delivery vehicle context, could help in controlling drug release. Also, it is believed that the use of novel Nα-Boc-l-tryptophan could improve drug stabilization in the hydrophobic core via π-π interactions between indole rings.


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Objective The 12-item Partners in Health scale (PIH) was developed in Australia to measure self-management behaviour and knowledge in patients with chronic diseases, and has undergone several changes. Our aim was to assess the construct validity and reliability of the latest PIH version in Dutch COPD patients.

Methods The 12 items of the PIH, scored on a self-rated 9-point Likert scale, are used to calculate total and subscale scores (knowledge; coping; recognition and management of symptoms; and adherence to treatment). We used forward-backward translation of the latest version of the Australian PIH to define a Dutch PIH (PIH(Du)). Mokken Scale Analysis and common Factor Analysis were performed on data from a Dutch COPD sample to investigate the psychometric properties of the Dutch PIH; and to determine whether the four-subscale solution previously found for the original Australian PIH could be replicated for the Dutch PIH.

Two subscales were found for the Dutch PIH data (n = 118); 1) knowledge and coping; 2) recognition and management of symptoms, adherence to treatment. The correlation between the two Dutch subscales was 0.43. The lower-bound of the reliability of the total scale equalled 0.84. Factor analysis indicated that the first two factors explained a larger percentage of common variance (39.4% and 19.9%) than could be expected when using random data (17.5% and 15.1%).

We recommend using two PIH subscale scores when assessing self-management in Dutch COPD patients. Our results did not support the four-subscale structure as previously reported for the original Australian PIH.