955 resultados para glucose uptake


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Le diabète de type 2 et l'obésité sont des problèmes de santé majeurs et les peuples autochtones sont particulièrement à risque. Pour remédier à ce problème largement répandu dans les populations autochtones canadiennes pour qui la médication moderne n’est pas culturellement adaptée, notre équipe s’est donné comme objectif d’étudier les activités potentielles antidiabétique et anti-obésité de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James. Le but de cette étude est de tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle certaines plantes médicinales pourraient inhiber l'absorption intestinale du glucose, une activité anti-hyperglycémique qui, par la même occasion, contribuerait à combattre l’obésité. Les extraits éthanoliques de dix-sept plantes médicinales de la forêt boréale ont été testés dans des cellules intestinales Caco-2 et comparés à l’effet d’inhibiteurs compétitifs connus, tels que la phlorizine et la phlorétine. Ces inhibiteurs sont des composés polyphénoliques qui partagent de nombreuses caractéristiques structurelles avec des constituants moléculaires de plusieurs plantes Cri. Les résultats démontrent que treize des dix-sept extraits de plantes ont inhibé de façon significative l'absorption intestinale du 3H-D-glucose. Pour valider ces effets in vivo, quatre extraits ont été administrés à des rats Wistar par gavage intragastrique (250 mg/kg) en même temps qu’un bolus de glucose (3 g/kg). Suite à ce gavage, deux de ces extraits ont restreint l’augmentation de la glycémie d'environ 40% par rapport à un contrôle sans extrait. Ces résultats indiquent qu’une inhibition compétitive de l'absorption intestinale du glucose peut être atteinte par des extraits bruts de plantes médicinales. La prise de ces plantes durant les repas aiderait à un meilleur contrôle post-prandial de la glycémie, particulièrement chez les personnes à risque.


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Introduction: La ménopause est associée à l’insulino-résistance et augmente le risque de diabète de type 2 (DT2) chez les sujets sains. Cependant, peu d’informations existent à savoir comment la ménopause et l’activité physique peuvent influencer l’homéostasie du glucose chez des sujets insulino-résistants. Objectifs: Déterminer 1) l’effet du retrait des œstrogènes ovariens par ovariectomie sur l’homéostasie du glucose des rates ZDF (Zucker Diabetic Fatty; prédisposées au diabète de type 2) et 2) évaluer l’influence de l’activité physique volontaire sur ces réponses. Méthodologie: Vingt-quatre rates furent d’abord nourries et hébergées dans des cages conventionnelles les 28 premiers jours pour ensuite subir une ovariectomie (OVX, n=16) ou une opération simulée (SHAM-Inactive, n=8). Les rates ovariectomisées furent ensuite assignées au groupe entraîné volontairement dans une cage à roue (OVX-Active, n=8) ou demeurèrent sédentaires (OVX-Inactive, n=8) pendant les 44 jours suivants. Résultats: Au jour 56, la glycémie à l’état nourri fut significativement augmentée par l’ovariectomie (p<0,01) et ramenée au niveau initial chez les rates OVX-Active (p<0,01). L’ovariectomie diminua la captation de glucose induite par l’insuline dans le muscle de façon significative (0,63 ± 0,08 vs 1,13 ± 0,27 μmol•g-1•h-1). L’entraînement améliora la tolérance au glucose (p<0,01) ainsi que la prise de glucose induite par l’insuline dans le muscle (p<0,05). Conclusion: Le retrait des estrogènes ovariens par ovariectomie perturbe l’homéostasie du glucose chez les rates ZDF femelles, sans pour autant provoquer le diabète de type 2. L’activité physique a un effet bénéfique sur l’homéostasie du glucose malgré la perte d’estrogènes ovariens.


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Le diabète est reconnu comme un problème majeur de santé publique causant des conséquences humaines et économiques redoutables. La phytothérapie s’offre comme une nouvelle avenue thérapeutique pour le contrôle de la glycémie. Le grenadier, Punica granatum, a servi de remède contre le diabète dans le système Unani de la médecine pratiquée en Inde et au Moyen Orient. Des études ont démontré un effet hypoglycémiant des extraits de grenadier via divers mécanismes notamment par une amélioration de la sensibilité à l’insuline et la régénération des cellules béta-pancréatiques. Cependant, aucune étude n’a démontré à ce jour, l’effet de grenadier sur le transport de glucose dans le muscle, étape cruciale dans la régulation de l’homéostasie glucidique postprandiale. De plus, l’effet de la maturation sur le potentiel antidiabétique du fruit de grenadier n’a pas été étudié. Ainsi, le but de ce projet est d’évaluer l’effet antidiabétique des extraits de grenadier sur le transport de glucose dans les cellules musculaires C2C12 en fonction de la variété et du stade de maturation du fruit et d’élucider les mécanismes d’action. Le choix des variétés du grenadier tunisien (Espagnoule [EP] et Gabsi [GB]) a été orienté pour leur pouvoir antioxydant et leur consommation locale. Deux parties de la plante ont été utilisées, les fleurs et les fruits à 3 stades de maturation soit 2, 4 et 6 mois. Les résultats ont montré que seule la variété du grenadier Gabsi stimule significativement le transport de glucose par rapport au contrôle (DMSO), et ceci sans être toxique. Cet effet est plus prononcé au stade de fruit mûr (à 6 mois) que celui de la fleur. De plus, l’extrait de fleurs stimule la voie insulino-indépendante de l’AMPK et augmente le niveau d’expression des transporteurs spécifiques de glucose (GLUT-4). Par contre, l’extrait de fruits mûrs, en plus de ces deux mécanismes, active fortement aussi la voie insulino-dépendante de l’AKT. En conclusion, cette étude présente un nouveau mécanisme d’action antidiabétique de grenadier (plus particulièrement du fruit mûr) qui est dépendant de la variété.


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Parmi l’ensemble des désordres métaboliques retrouvés en insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC), la résistance à l’insuline demeure l’un des plus importantes à considérer en raison des risques de morbidité et de mortalité qu’elle engendre via les complications cardiovasculaires. Peu d’études ont considéré la modulation de transporteurs de glucose comme mécanisme sous-jacent à l’apparition et à la progression de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. Nous avons exploré cette hypothèse en étudiant l’expression de transporteurs de glucose issus d’organes impliqués dans son homéostasie (muscles, tissus adipeux, foie et reins) via l’utilisation d’un modèle animal d’IRC (néphrectomie 5/6e). La sensibilité à l’insuline a été déterminée par un test de tolérance au glucose (GTT), où les résultats reflètent une intolérance au glucose et une hyperinsulinémie, et par les études de transport au niveau musculaire qui témoignent d’une diminution du métabolisme du glucose en IRC (~31%; p<0,05). La diminution significative du GLUT4 dans les tissus périphériques (~40%; p<0,001) peut être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. De plus, l’augmentation de l’expression protéique de la majorité des transporteurs de glucose (SGLT1, SGLT2, GLUT1; p<0,05) au niveau rénal en IRC engendre une plus grande réabsorption de glucose dont l’hyperglycémie subséquente favorise une diminution du GLUT4 exacerbant ainsi la résistance à l’insuline. L’élévation des niveaux protéiques de GLUT1 et GLUT2 au niveau hépatique témoigne d’un défaut homéostatique du glucose en IRC. Les résultats jusqu’ici démontrent que la modulation de l’expression des transporteurs de glucose peut être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. L’impact de la parathyroïdectomie (PTX) sur l’expression du GLUT4 a été étudié étant donné que la PTX pourrait corriger l’intolérance au glucose en IRC. Nos résultats démontrent une amélioration de l’intolérance au glucose pouvant être attribuable à la moins grande réduction de l’expression protéique du GLUT4 dans les tissus périphériques et ce malgré la présence d’IRC. L’excès de PTH, secondaire à l’hyperparathyroïdie, pourrait alors être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC en affectant l’expression du GLUT4. L’IRC partage de nombreuses similitudes avec le prédiabète quant aux défaillances du métabolisme du glucose tout comme l’hyperinsulinémie et l’intolérance au glucose. Aucune étude n’a tenté d’évaluer si l’IRC pouvait ultimement mener au diabète. Nos résultats ont par ailleurs démontré que l’induction d’une IRC sur un modèle animal prédisposé (rats Zucker) engendrait une accentuation de leur intolérance au glucose tel que constaté par les plus hautes glycémies atteintes lors du GTT. De plus, certains d’entre eux avaient des glycémies à jeun dont les valeurs surpassent les 25 mmol/L. Il est alors possible que l’IRC puisse mener au diabète via l’évolution de la résistance à l’insuline par l’aggravation de l’intolérance au glucose.


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A longitudinal study of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in normal pregnant volunteers demonstrated distinct alterations in maternal fuel utilization as pregnancy progresses. Glucose uptake into maternal adipose tissue and plasma glucose levels were significantly reduced in late pregnancy compared to early pregnancy and post-partum values. Plasma fatty acids, glycerol and ketone levels were elevated in late pregnancy. This confirms the concept of the third trimester as a catabolic phase within the maternal system, and provides support for the view that the insulin resistance of pregnancy may be a compensatory response to overcome the inhibitive effects of metabolites such as fatty acids on peripheral uptake of glucose.


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Several studies have demonstrated that oral glucose tolerance is impaired in the immediate postexercise period. A double-tracer technique was used to examine glucose kinetics during a 2-h oral glucose (75 g) tolerance test (OGTT) 30 min after exercise (Ex, 55 min at 71 ± 2% of peak O2 uptake) and 24 h after exercise (Rest) in endurance-trained men. The area under the plasma glucose curve was 71% greater in Ex than in Rest (P = 0.01). The higher glucose response occurred even though whole body rate of glucose disappearance was 24% higher after exercise (P = 0.04, main effect). Whole body rate of glucose appearance was 25% higher after exercise (P = 0.03, main effect). There were no differences in total (2 h) endogenous glucose appearance (RaE) or the magnitude of suppression of RaE, although RaE was higher from 15 to 30 min during the OGTT in Ex. However, the cumulative appearance of oral glucose was 30% higher in Ex (P = 0.03, main effect). There were no differences in glucose clearance rate or plasma insulin responses between the two conditions. These results suggest that adaptations in splanchnic tissues by prior exercise facilitate greater glucose output from the splanchnic region after glucose ingestion, resulting in a greater glycemic response and, consequently, a greater rate of whole body glucose uptake.


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This study examined the effect of combined α- and β-adrenergic blockade on glucose kinetics during intense exercise. Six endurance-trained men exercised for 20 minutes at approximately 78% of their peak oxygen consumption (VO 2) following ingestion of a placebo (CON) or combined α- (prazosin hydrochloride) and β- (timolol maleate) adrenoceptor antagonists (BLK). Plasma glucose increased during exercise in CON (0 minutes: 5.5 ± 0.1; 20 minutes: 6.5 ± 0.3 mmol · L−1, P < .05). In BLK, the exercise-induced increase in plasma glucose was abolished (0 minutes: 5.7 ± 0.3; 20 minutes: 5.7 ± 0.1 mmol · L−1). Glucose kinetics were measured using a primed, continuous infusion of [6,6-2H] glucose. Glucose production was not different between trials; on average these values were 25.3 ± 3.9 and 30.9 ± 4.4 μmol · kg−1 · min−1 in CON and BLK, respectively. Glucose uptake during exercise was greater (P < .05) in BLK (30.6 ± 4.6 μmol · kg−1 · min−1) compared with CON (18.4 ± 2.5 μmol · kg−1 · min−1). In BLK, plasma insulin and catecholamines were higher (P < .05), while plasma glucagon was unchanged from CON. Free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol were lower (P < .05) in BLK. These findings demonstrate that adrenergic blockade during intense exercise results in a blunted plasma glucose response that is due to enhanced glucose uptake, with no significant change in glucose production.


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Increased hepatic glucose output and decreased glucose utilization are implicated in the development of type 2 diabetes. We previously reported that the expression of a novel gene, Tanis, was upregulated in the liver during fasting in the obese/diabetic animal model Psammomys obesus. Here, we have further studied the protein and its function. Cell fractionation indicated that Tanis was localized in the plasma membrane and microsomes but not in the nucleus, mitochondria, or soluble protein fraction. Consistent with previous gene expression data, hepatic Tanis protein levels increased more significantly in diabetic P. obesus than in nondiabetic controls after fasting. We used a recombinant adenovirus to increase Tanis expression in hepatoma H4IIE cells and investigated its role in metabolism. Tanis overexpression reduced glucose uptake, basal and insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis, and glycogen content and attenuated the suppression of PEPCK gene expression by insulin, but it did not affect insulin-stimulated insulin receptor phosphorylation or triglyceride synthesis. These results suggest that Tanis may be involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism, and increased expression of Tanis could contribute to insulin resistance in the liver.


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Six endurance-trained men [peak oxygen uptake (VO2) = 4.58 ± 0.50 (SE) l/min] completed 60 min of exercise at a workload requiring 68 ± 2% peak VO2 in an environmental chamber maintained at 35°C (<50% relative humidity) on two occasions, separated by at least 1 wk. Subjects ingested either a 6% glucose solution containing 1 µCi [3-3H]glucose/g glucose (CHO trial) or a sweet placebo (Con trial) during the trials. Rates of hepatic glucose production [HGP = glucose rate of appearance (Ra) in Con trial] and glucose disappearance (Rd), were measured using a primed, continuous infusion of [6,6-2H]glucose, corrected for gut-derived glucose (gut Ra) in the CHO trial. No differences in heart rate, VO2, respiratory exchange ratio, or rectal temperature were observed between trials. Plasma glucose concentrations were similar at rest but increased (P < 0.05) to a greater extent in the CHO trial compared with the Con trial. This was due to the absorption of ingested glucose in the CHO trial, because gut Ra after 30 and 50 min (16 ± 5 µmol · kg-1 · min-1) was higher (P < 0.05) compared with rest, whereas HGP during exercise was not different between trials. Glucose Rd was higher (P < 0.05) in the CHO trial after 30 and 50 min (48.0 ± 6.3 vs 34.6 ± 3.8 µmol · kg-1 · min-1, CHO vs. Con, respectively). These results indicate that ingestion of carbohydrate, at a rate of ~1.0 g/min, increases glucose Rd but does not blunt the rise in HGP during exercise in the heat.


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Nine endurance-trained men exercised on a cycle ergometer at ~68% peak O2 uptake to the point of volitional fatigue [232 ± 14 (SE) min] while ingesting an 8% carbohydrate solution to determine how high glucose disposal could increase under physiological conditions. Plasma glucose kinetics were measured using a primed, continuous infusion of [6,6-2H]glucose and the appearance of ingested glucose, assessed from [3-3H]glucose that had been added to the carbohydrate drink. Plasma glucose was increased (P < 0.05) after 30 min of exercise but thereafter remained at the preexercise level. Glucose appearance rate (Ra) increased throughout exercise, reaching its peak value of 118 ± 7 µmol · kg-1 · min-1 at fatigue, whereas gut Ra increased continuously during exercise, peaking at 105 ± 10 µmol · kg-1 · min-1 at the point of fatigue. In contrast, liver glucose output never rose above resting levels at any time during exercise. Glucose disposal (Rd) increased throughout exercise, reaching a peak value of 118 ± 7 µmol · kg-1 · min-1 at fatigue. If we assume 95% oxidation of glucose Rd, estimated exogenous glucose oxidation at fatigue was 1.36 ± 0.08 g/min. The results of this study demonstrate that glucose uptake increases continuously during prolonged, strenuous exercise when carbohydrate is ingested and does not appear to limit exercise performance.


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1. The nucleoside intermediate 5'-aminoimidazole-4-carboxyamide-ribonucleoside (AICAR) activates skeletal muscle AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and increases glucose uptake. The AMPK phosphorylates neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)µ in skeletal muscle fibres. There is evidence that both AMPK and nNOSµ may be involved in the regulation of contraction-stimulated glucose uptake.
2. We examined whether both AICAR- and contraction-stimulated glucose uptake were mediated by NOS in rat skeletal muscle.
3. Rat isolated epitrochlearis muscles were subjected in vitro to electrically stimulated contractions for 10 min and/or incubated in the presence or absence of AICAR (2 mmol/L) or the NOS inhibitor NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (l-NMMA; 100 µmol/L).
4. Muscle contraction significantly (P < 0.05) altered the metabolic profile of the muscle. In contrast, AICAR and l-NMMA had no effect on the metabolic profile of the muscle, except that AICAR increased muscle 5'-aminoimidazole-4-carboxyamide-ribonucleotide (ZMP) and AICAR content. Nitric oxide synthase inhibition caused a small but significant (P < 0.05) reduction in basal 3-O-methylglucose transport, which was observed in all treatments. 5'-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxyamide-ribonucleoside significantly increased (P < 0.05) glucose transport above basal, with NOS inhibition decreasing this slightly (increased by 209% above basal compared with 184% above basal with NOS inhibition). Contraction significantly increased glucose transport above basal, with NOS inhibition substantially reducing this (107% increase vs 31% increase). 5'-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxyamide-ribonucleoside plus contraction in combination were not additive on glucose transport.
5. These results suggest that NO plays a role in basal glucose uptake and may regulate contraction-stimulated glucose uptake. However, NOS/nitric oxide do not appear to be signalling intermediates in AICAR-stimulated skeletal muscle glucose uptake.


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AMPK plays a central role in influencing fuel usage and selection. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of low-dose AMP analog 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-ß-D-ribosyl monophosphate (ZMP) on whole body glucose turnover and skeletal muscle (SkM) glucose metabolism. Dogs were restudied after prior 48-h fatty acid oxidation (FAOX) blockade by methylpalmoxirate (MP; 5 x 12 hourly 10 mg/kg doses). During the basal equilibrium period (0–150 min), fasting dogs (n = 8) were infused with [3-3H]glucose followed by either 2-h saline or AICAR (1.5–2.0 mg·kg–1·min–1) infusions. SkM was biopsied at completion of each study. On a separate day, the same protocol was undertaken after 48-h in vivo FAOX blockade. The AICAR and AICAR + MP studies were repeated in three chronic alloxan-diabetic dogs. AICAR produced a transient fall in plasma glucose and increase in insulin and a small decline in free fatty acid (FFA). Parallel increases in hepatic glucose production (HGP), glucose disappearance (Rd tissue), and glycolytic flux (GF) occurred, whereas metabolic clearance rate of glucose (MCRg) did not change significantly. Intracellular SkM glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, and glycogen were unchanged. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC~pSer221) increased by 50%. In the AICAR + MP studies, the metabolic responses were modified: the glucose was lower over 120 min, only minor changes occurred with insulin and FFA, and HGP and Rd tissue responses were markedly attenuated, but MCRg and GF increased significantly. SkM substrates were unchanged, but ACC~pSer221 rose by 80%. Thus low-dose AICAR leads to increases in HGP and SkM glucose uptake, which are modified by prior FAox blockade.


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We have examined the requirement for Ca2+ in the signaling and trafficking pathways involved in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Chelation of intracellular Ca2+, using 1,2-bis (o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetra (acetoxy- methyl) ester (BAPTA-AM), resulted in >95% inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. The calmodulin antagonist, W13, inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 60%. Both BAPTA-AM and W13 inhibited Akt phosphorylation by 70-75%. However, analysis of insulin-dose response curves indicated that this inhibition was not sufficient to explain the effects of BAPTA-AM and W13 on glucose uptake. BAPTA-AM inhibited insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4 by 50%, as determined by plasma membrane lawn assay and subcellular fractionation. In contrast, the insulin-stimulated appearance of HA-tagged GLUT4 at the cell surface, as measured by surface binding, was blocked by BAPTA-AM. While the ionophores A23187 or ionomycin prevented the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation by BAPTA-AM, they did not overcome the inhibition of glucose transport. Moreover, glucose uptake of cells pretreated with insulin followed by rapid cooling to 4 °C, to promote cell surface expression of GLUT4 and prevent subsequent endocytosis, was inhibited specifically by BAPTA-AM. This indicates that inhibition of glucose uptake by BAPTA-AM is independent of both trafficking and signal transduction. These data indicate that Ca2+ is involved in at least two different steps of the insulin-dependent recruitment of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. One involves the translocation step. The second involves the fusion of GLUT4 vesicles with the plasma membrane. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that Ca2+/calmodulin plays a fundamental role in eukaryotic vesicle docking and fusion. Finally, BAPTA-AM may inhibit the activity of the facilitative transporters by binding directly to the transporter itself.


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Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition has been shown in humans to attenuate exercise-induced increases in muscle glucose uptake. We examined the effect of infusing the NO precursor L-arginine (L-Arg) on glucose kinetics during exercise in humans. Nine endurance-trained males cycled for 120 min at 72 ± 1% VO2 peak followed immediately by a 15-min "all-out" cycling performance bout. A [6,6-2H]glucose tracer was infused throughout exercise, and either saline alone (Control, CON) or saline containing L-Arg HCl (L-Arg, 30 g at 0.5 g/min) was coinfused in a double-blind, randomized order during the last 60 min of exercise. L-Arg augmented the increases in glucose rate of appearance, glucose rate of disappearance, and glucose clearance rate (L-Arg: 16.1 ± 1.8 ml·min–1·kg–1; CON: 11.9 ± 0.7 ml·min–1·kg–1 at 120 min, P < 0.05) during exercise, with a net effect of reducing plasma glucose concentration during exercise. L-Arg infusion had no significant effect on plasma insulin concentration but attenuated the increase in nonesterified fatty acid and glycerol concentrations during exercise. L-Arg infusion had no effect on cycling exercise performance. In conclusion, L-Arg infusion during exercise significantly increases skeletal muscle glucose clearance in humans. Because plasma insulin concentration was unaffected by L-Arg infusion, greater NO production may have been responsible for this effect.


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As the prevalence of diabetes mellitus continues to increase, there is an urgent need to discover new, effective treatment strategies to combat this disorder. In this study, we tested a novel agent, VVP808, which we previously demonstrated has insulin-sensitising properties (as measured by an increase in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes). A dose-ranging study was performed (10-100mg/kg/d) in C57BL/6J mice that had been fed a high-fat diet (45% of energy) for 12 weeks. VVP808 was administered by single daily oral gavage for a period of 16 days. Body weight, food intake and water intake were measured daily, whilst fasting blood glucose and plasma insulin levels were measured at the beginning and end of the study, with an intra-peritoneal glucose tolerance test (ipGTT) performed on day -1 and day 13. Administration of VVP808 to diet-induced obese (DIO) mice caused a strong dose-dependent improvement in glucose tolerance. There was a 34-42% reduction in the blood glucose area under the curve (AUC) at doses of 20mg/kg, 50mg/kg and 100mg/kg VVP808 (p=0.02-0.005). Administration of VVP808 resulted in a small but significant reduction in body weight in the 50mg/kg and 100mg/kg treated animals relative to vehicle (p=0.01 and 0.001 respectively). This decrease in body weight was associated with a reduction in food intake for the 100mg/kg treated animals only. Epididymal fat pad weight was significantly reduced in animals treated with 100mg/kg VVP808 (p=0.01). Furthermore, treatment with VVP808 for 16 days resulted in a highly significant dose-dependent reduction in fasting blood glucose levels relative to vehicle treated animals (p= 0.01-0.001). In conclusion, our data showed that VVP808 acts in a dose-dependent manner to reduce fasting blood glucose levels and improve glucose tolerance. These data suggest that VVP808 is an interesting new agent with potential for development as a novel therapeutic for type 2 diabetes.