986 resultados para Risk allele


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Little is known about the genes and proteins involved in the process of human memory. To identify genetic factors related to human episodic memory performance, we conducted an ultra-high-density genome-wide screen at > 500 000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a sample of normal young adults stratified for performance on an episodic recall memory test. Analysis of this data identified SNPs within the calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1 (CAMTA1) gene that were significantly associated with memory performance. A follow up study, focused on the CAMTA1 locus in an independent cohort consisting of cognitively normal young adults, singled out SNP rs4908449 with a P-value of 0.0002 as the most significant associated SNP in the region. These validated genetic findings were further supported by the identification of CAMTA1 transcript enrichment in memory-related human brain regions and through a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment on individuals matched for memory performance that identified CAMTA1 allele-specific upregulation of medial temporal lobe brain activity in those individuals harboring the 'at-risk' allele for poorer memory performance. The CAMTA1 locus encodes a purported transcription factor that interfaces with the calcium-calmodulin system of the cell to alter gene expression patterns. Our validated genomic and functional biological findings described herein suggest a role for CAMTA1 in human episodic memory.


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BACKGROUND: Variants in the complement cascade genes and the LOC387715/HTRA1, have been widely reported to associate with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of visual impairment in industrialized countries. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the association between the LOC387715 A69S and complement component C3 R102G risk alleles in the Finnish case-control material and found a significant association with both variants (OR 2.98, p = 3.75 x 10(-9); non-AMD controls and OR 2.79, p = 2.78 x 10(-19), blood donor controls and OR 1.83, p = 0.008; non-AMD controls and OR 1.39, p = 0.039; blood donor controls), respectively. Previously, we have shown a strong association between complement factor H (CFH) Y402H and AMD in the Finnish population. A carrier of at least one risk allele in each of the three susceptibility loci (LOC387715, C3, CFH) had an 18-fold risk of AMD when compared to a non-carrier homozygote in all three loci. A tentative gene-gene interaction between the two major AMD-associated loci, LOC387715 and CFH, was found in this study using a multiplicative (logistic regression) model, a synergy index (departure-from-additivity model) and the mutual information method (MI), suggesting that a common causative pathway may exist for these genes. Smoking (ever vs. never) exerted an extra risk for AMD, but somewhat surprisingly, only in connection with other factors such as sex and the C3 genotype. Population attributable risks (PAR) for the CFH, LOC387715 and C3 variants were 58.2%, 51.4% and 5.8%, respectively, the summary PAR for the three variants being 65.4%. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Evidence for gene-gene interaction between two major AMD associated loci CFH and LOC387715 was obtained using three methods, logistic regression, a synergy index and the mutual information (MI) index.


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A obesidade comum é atualmente um dos problemas de saúde pública mais importante no mundo, frequentemente associada a outros distúrbios tais como hipertensão, diabetes, doenças cardiovasculares e câncer. Apesar da alta prevalência de obesidade em diversas populações, muitos dos estudos relacionados aos seus fatores de risco genéticos foram realizados com indivíduos de ascendência europeia ou asiática, mas foram poucos os realizados com populações de origem africana ou nativas americanas. Nosso trabalho tem por objetivo geral investigar potenciais fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso e à obesidade em populações afrodescendentes remanescentes de quilombos do Vale do Ribeira - SP, comunidades rurais semi-isoladas, previamente bem caracterizadas do ponto de vista clínico, genealógico e genético-populacional. Nossa amostra constituiu-se de 759 indivíduos, pertencentes a doze populações de remanescentes de quilombos (Abobral, São Pedro, Galvão, Ivaporunduva, Pedro Cubas, André Lopes, Nhunguara, Sapatu, Pilões, Maria Rosa, Poça e Reginaldo), dos quais foram obtidos amostras de DNA, dados clínicos, informações genealógicas e medidas antropométricas. A investigação dos fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso/obesidade foi realizada por duas abordagens: (1) estudo de associação baseado em famílias (N = 584, 59 famílias) e (2) estudo de associação populacional com indivíduos não aparentados (N=305). Foram selecionados para estudo nove polimorfismos em oito genes candidatos: LEP rs2167270, LEPR rs1137101, ADRB2 rs1042713, PPARG rs1801282, PLIN1 rs2289487, RETN rs1862513, INSIG2 rs7566605, FTO rs1121980 e FTO rs1421085. As análises de associação baseadas em família indicaram que, nessas populações, apenas o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 está associado significativamente com o grupo de risco em relação à razão cintura-quadril (RCQ >=0,85 para mulheres e >=0,90 para homens; P=0,013). Aparentemente não existem trabalhos anteriores que verificaram a associação deste polimorfismo com a obesidade por essa metodologia. As análises do estudo populacional com indivíduos não aparentados mostraram associação significativa entre: (i) o alelo G no polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e a variação do índice de massa corporal (IMC; P=0,027); (ii) o alelo G do polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e o fenótipo de sobrepeso/obesidade (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,027); (iii) o alelo G no polimorfismo ADRB2 rs1042713 e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,029); (iv) o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 (genótipo GG) e os menores valores do IMC (P=0,025); (v) o polimorfismo FTO rs1121980 (alelo G) e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²), assim como a variação do IMC (P=0,037 e P=0,022 respectivamente); e (vi) o alelo A no polimorfismo FTO rs1421085 e maiores valores da circunferência da cintura (Cc; P=0,016) e da razão cintura-quadril (RCQ; P=0,030). Tomados em conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem a participação dos genes LEP, LEPR, ADRB2, PLIN1 e FTO no aumento da predisposição ao sobrepeso e à obesidade nas populações remanescentes de quilombos. Por fim, as elevadas estimativas de herdabilidade dos três fenótipos investigados (IMC=33%, Cc=33% e RCQ=70%) reforçam a relevância do papel dos fatores genéticos no acúmulo de gordura corporal. O trabalho apresentado é resultado de uma investigação cuidadosa sobre os componentes genéticos associados à regulação do peso corporal em uma população brasileira afrodescendente (com características históricas, ambientais e genéticas peculiares), corroborando a hipótese de que a obesidade comum nas populações quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira é condicionada por um mecanismo poligênico modulado por fatores ambientais importantes como o sedentarismo e a transição nutricional


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The goal of this study is to better understand the genetic basis of Reading Disability (RD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by examining molecular G x E interactions with parental education for each disorder. Research indicates that despite sharing genetic risk factors, RD and ADHD are influenced by different types of G x E interactions with parental education - a diathesis stress interaction in the case of ADHD and a bioecological interaction in RD. In order to resolve this apparent paradox, we conducted a preliminary study using behavioral genetic methods to test for G x E interactions in RD and the inattentive subtype of ADHD (ADHD-I) in the same sample of monozygotic and dizygotic Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center same-sex twin pairs (DeFries et al., 1997), and our findings were consistent with the literature. We posited a genetic hypothesis for this opposite pattern of interactions, which suggests that only genes specific to each disorder enter into these opposite interactions, not the shared genes underlying their comorbidity. This study sought to further investigate this paradox using molecular genetics methods. We examined multiple candidate genes identified for RD or related language phenotypes and those identified for ADHD for G x E interactions with parental education. The specific aims of this study were as follows: 1) partition known risk alleles for RD and/or related language phenotypes and ADHD-I into those which are pleiotropic and non-pleiotropic by testing each risk allele for association with both RD and ADHD-I, 2) explore the main effects of parental education on both RD and ADHD-I, 3) address G-E correlations, and 4) conduct exploratory G x E interaction analyses in order to test the genetic hypothesis. Analyses suggested a number of pleiotropic genes that influence both RD and ADHD; however, results did not remain after correcting for multiple comparisons. Although exploratory G x E interaction findings were not significant after multiple comparison correction, results suggested a G x E interaction in the bioecological direction with KIAA0319, parental education, and ADHD-I. Given the limited power in the current study, replication of these findings with larger samples is necessary.


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Dans cette thèse, l’impact du polymorphisme rs3846662 sur l’épissage alternatif de la 3-hydroxy-3-méthylglutaryl coenzyme A réductase (HMGCR) a été investigué in vivo, chez des patients atteints d’hypercholestérolémie familiale (HF) ou de maladie d’Alzheimer (MA). Le premier manuscrit adresse la problématique de la normalisation de la quantification relative des ARNm par PCR quantitative. Les découvertes présentées dans ce manuscrit nous ont permis de déterminer avec un haut niveau de confiance les gènes de référence à utiliser pour la quantification relative des niveaux d’ARNm de l’HMGCR dans des échantillons de sang (troisième manuscrit) et de tissus cérébraux post-mortem (quatrième manuscrit). Dans le deuxième manuscrit, nous démontrons grâce à l’emploi de trois cohortes de patients distinctes, soit la population canadienne française du Québec et les deux populations nord américaines « Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS) » et « Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) », que le génotype AA au locus rs3846662 confère à ces porteurs une protection considérable contre la MA. Les femmes porteuses de ce génotype voient leur risque de MA diminuer de près de 50% et l’âge d’apparition de leurs premiers symptômes retarder de 3.6 ans. Les porteurs de l’allèle à risque APOE4 voient pour leur part leurs niveaux de plaques séniles et dégénérescences neurofibrillaires diminuer significativement en présence du génotype AA. Enfin, les individus atteints de déficit cognitif léger et porteurs à la fois de l’allèle APOE4 et du génotype protecteur AA voient leur risque de convertir vers la MA chuter de 76 à 27%. Dans le troisième manuscrit, nous constatons que les individus atteints d’HF et porteurs du génotype AA ont, contrairement au modèle établi chez les gens normaux, des niveaux plus élevés de cholestérol total et de LDL-C avant traitement comparativement aux porteurs de l’allèle G. Le fait que cette association n’est observée que chez les non porteurs de l’APOE4 et que les femmes porteuses du génotype AA présentent à la fois une augmentation des niveaux d’ARNm totaux et une résistance aux traitements par statines, nous indique que ce génotype influencerait non seulement l’épissage alternatif, mais également la transcription de l’HMGCR. Comme une revue exhaustive de la littérature ne révèle aucune étude abondant dans ce sens, nos résultats suggèrent l’existence de joueurs encore inconnus qui viennent influencer la relation entre le génotype AA, l’épissage alternatif et les niveaux d’ARNm de l’HMGCR. Dans le quatrième manuscrit, l’absence d’associations entre le génotype AA et les niveaux d’ARNm Δ13 ou de protéines HMGCR nous suggère fortement que ce polymorphisme est non fonctionnel dans le SNC affecté par la MA. Une étude approfondie de la littérature nous a permis d’étayer cette hypothèse puisque les niveaux de HNRNPA1, la ribonucléoprotéine influencée par l’allèle au locus rs3846662, sont considérablement réduits dans la MA et le vieillissement. Il est donc proposé que les effets protecteurs contre la MA associés au génotype AA soient le résultat d’une action indirecte sur le processus physiopathologique.


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A disappointing feature of conventional methods for detecting association between DNA variation and a phenotype of interest is that they tell us little about the hidden pattern of linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the functional variant that is actually responsible for the association. This limitation applies to case-control studies and also to the transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT) and other family-based association methods. Here we present a fresh perspective on genetic association based on two novel concepts called 'LD squares' and 'equi-risk alleles'. These describe and characterize the different patterns of gametic LD which underlie genetic association. These concepts lead to a general principle - the Equi-Risk Allele Segregation Principle - which captures the way in which underlying LD patterns affect the transmission patterns of genetic variants associated with a phenotype. This provides a basis for distinguishing the hidden LD patterns and might help to locate the functional variants responsible for the association.


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Genome-wide association studies in bipolar disorder (BD)1 have implicated a single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs1006737, G right arrow A) in the CACNA1C gene, which encodes for the alpha 1c (CAV1.2) subunit of the voltage-gated, L-type calcium channel. Neuroimaging studies of healthy individuals report that this risk allele modulates brain function within limbic (amygdala, anterior cingulate gyrus) and hippocampal regions during tasks of reward processing2, 3 and episodic memory. Moreover, animal studies suggest that the CaV1.2 L-type calcium channels influence emotional behaviour through enhanced neurotransmission via the lateral amygdala pathway. On the basis of this evidence, we tested the hypotheses that the CACNA1C rs1006737 risk allele will modulate neural responses within predefined prefrontal and subcortical regions of interest during emotional face processing and that this effect would be amplified in BD patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine whether the effect of FTO loci on obesity-related traits could be modified by physical activity (PA) levels in European adults. METHODS: Of 1,607 Food4Me participants randomized, 1,280 were genotyped for FTO (rs9939609) and had available PA data. PA was measured objectively using accelerometers (TracmorD, Philips), whereas anthropometric measures [BMI and waist circumference (WC)] were self-reported via the Internet. RESULTS: FTO genotype was associated with a higher body weight [β: 1.09 kg per risk allele, (95% CI: 0.14-2.04), P = 0.024], BMI [β: 0.54 kg m(-2) , (0.23-0.83), P < 0.0001], and WC [β: 1.07 cm, (0.24-1.90), P = 0.011]. Moderate-equivalent PA attenuated the effect of FTO on BMI (P[interaction]  = 0.020). Among inactive individuals, FTO increased BMI by 1.06 kg m(-2) per allele (P = 0.024), whereas the increase in BMI was substantially attenuated among active individuals (0.16 kg m(-2) , P = 0.388). We observed similar effects for WC (P[interaction]  = 0.005): the FTO risk allele increased WC by 2.72 cm per allele among inactive individuals but by only 0.49 cm in active individuals. CONCLUSIONS: PA attenuates the effect of FTO genotype on BMI and WC. This may have important public health implications because genetic susceptibility to obesity in the presence of FTO variants may be reduced by adopting a physically active lifestyle.


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The interplay between the fat mass- and obesity-associated (FTO) gene variants and diet has been implicated in the development of obesity. The aim of the present analysis was to investigate associations between FTO genotype, dietary intakes and anthropometrics among European adults. Participants in the Food4Me randomised controlled trial were genotyped for FTO genotype (rs9939609) and their dietary intakes, and diet quality scores (Healthy Eating Index and PREDIMED-based Mediterranean diet score) were estimated from FFQ. Relationships between FTO genotype, diet and anthropometrics (weight, waist circumference (WC) and BMI) were evaluated at baseline. European adults with the FTO risk genotype had greater WC (AA v. TT: +1·4 cm; P=0·003) and BMI (+0·9 kg/m2; P=0·001) than individuals with no risk alleles. Subjects with the lowest fried food consumption and two copies of the FTO risk variant had on average 1·4 kg/m2 greater BMI (Ptrend=0·028) and 3·1 cm greater WC (Ptrend=0·045) compared with individuals with no copies of the risk allele and with the lowest fried food consumption. However, there was no evidence of interactions between FTO genotype and dietary intakes on BMI and WC, and thus further research is required to confirm or refute these findings.


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Risk variants of fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene have been associated with increased obesity. However, the evidence for associations between FTO genotype and macronutrient intake has not been reviewed systematically. Our aim was to evaluate the potential associations between FTO genotype and intakes of total energy, fat, carbohydrate and protein. We undertook a systematic literature search in OVID MEDLINE, Scopus, EMBASE and Cochrane of associations between macronutrient intake and FTO genotype in adults. Beta coefficients and confidence intervals (CIs) were used for per allele comparisons. Random-effect models assessed the pooled effect sizes. We identified 56 eligible studies reporting on 213,173 adults. For each copy of the FTO risk allele, individuals reported 6.46 kcal day(-1) (95% CI: 10.76, 2.16) lower total energy intake (P = 0.003). Total fat (P = 0.028) and protein (P = 0.006), but not carbohydrate intakes, were higher in those carrying the FTO risk allele. After adjustment for body weight, total energy intakes remained significantly lower in individuals with the FTO risk genotype (P = 0.028). The FTO risk allele is associated with a lower reported total energy intake and with altered patterns of macronutrient intake. Although significant, these differences are small and further research is needed to determine whether the associations are independent of dietary misreporting.


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BACKGROUND: The apolipoprotein E (APOE) risk allele (ɛ4) is associated with higher total cholesterol (TC), amplified response to saturated fatty acid (SFA) reduction, and increased cardiovascular disease. Although knowledge of gene risk may enhance dietary change, it is unclear whether ɛ4 carriers would benefit from gene-based personalized nutrition (PN). OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to 1) investigate interactions between APOE genotype and habitual dietary fat intake and modulations of fat intake on metabolic outcomes; 2) determine whether gene-based PN results in greater dietary change than do standard dietary advice (level 0) and nongene-based PN (levels 1-2); and 3) assess the impact of knowledge of APOE risk (risk: E4+, nonrisk: E4-) on dietary change after gene-based PN (level 3). DESIGN: Individuals (n = 1466) recruited into the Food4Me pan-European PN dietary intervention study were randomly assigned to 4 treatment arms and genotyped for APOE (rs429358 and rs7412). Diet and dried blood spot TC and ω-3 (n-3) index were determined at baseline and after a 6-mo intervention. Data were analyzed with the use of adjusted general linear models. RESULTS: Significantly higher TC concentrations were observed in E4+ participants than in E4- (P < 0.05). Although there were no significant differences in APOE response to gene-based PN (E4+ compared with E4-), both groups had a greater reduction in SFA (percentage of total energy) intake than at level 0 (mean ± SD: E4+, -0.72% ± 0.35% compared with -1.95% ± 0.45%, P = 0.035; E4-, -0.31% ± 0.20% compared with -1.68% ± 0.35%, P = 0.029). Gene-based PN was associated with a smaller reduction in SFA intake than in nongene-based PN (level 2) for E4- participants (-1.68% ± 0.35% compared with -2.56% ± 0.27%, P = 0.025). CONCLUSIONS: The APOE ɛ4 allele was associated with higher TC. Although gene-based PN targeted to APOE was more effective in reducing SFA intake than standard dietary advice, there was no difference between APOE "risk" and "nonrisk" groups. Furthermore, disclosure of APOE nonrisk may have weakened dietary response to PN. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01530139.


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BACKGROUND: IL-18 is a pleiotrophic cytokine involved in both, T-helper type 1 (Th1) and Th2 differentiation. Recently genetic variants in the IL-18 gene have been associated with increased risk of atopy and asthma. OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship of a genetic, haplotype-tagging promotor variant -137G/C in the IL-18 gene with atopic asthma in a large, well-characterized and population-based study of adults. METHODS: Prospective cohort study design was used to collect interview and biological measurement data at two examination time-points 11 years apart. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association of genotype with asthma and atopy. RESULTS: The G-allele of the IL-18 promotor variant (-137G/C) was associated with a markedly increased risk for the prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma with concomitant skin reactivity to common allergens. Stratification of the asthma cases by skin reactivity to common allergens revealed an exclusive association of IL-18 -137 G-allele with an increased prevalence of atopic asthma (adjusted odds ratio (OR): 3.63; 95% confidence interval: (1.64-8.02) for GC or GG carriers vs. CC carriers), and no according association with asthma and concomitant negative skin reactivity (adjusted OR: 1.13; 0.66-1.94). The interaction between IL-18 -137G/C genotype and positive skin prick test was statistically significant (P=0.029). None of 74 incident asthma cases with atopy at baseline exhibited the CC genotype. CONCLUSION: Our results strongly suggest that this variant of the IL-18 gene is an important genetic determinant involved in the development of atopic asthma.


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The role of inflammatory T cells in Crohn's disease suggests that inherited variations in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes may be of pathogenetic importance in inflammatory bowel disease. The absence of consistent and strong associations with MHC class II genes in Caucasian patients with inflammatory bowel disease probably reflects the use of less precise typing approaches and the failure to type certain loci by any means. A PCR-sequence-specific oligonucleotide-based approach was used to type individual alleles of the HLA class II DRB1, DRB3, DRB4, and DRB5 loci in 40 patients with ulcerative colitis, 42 Crohn's disease patients, and 93 ethnically matched healthy controls. Detailed molecular typing of the above alleles has previously not been reported in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. A highly significant positive association with the HLA-DRB3*0301 allele was observed in patients with Crohn's disease (P = 0.0004) but not in patients with ulcerative colitis. The relative risk for this association was 7.04. Other less significant HLA class II associations were also noted in patients with Crohn's disease. One of these associations involved the HLA-DRB1*1302 allele, which is known to be in linkage disequilibrium with HLA-DRB3*0301. These data suggest that a single allele of an infrequently typed HLA class II locus is strongly associated with Crohn's disease and that MHC class II molecules may be important in its pathogenesis.