969 resultados para PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL


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Este trabalho analisa as perspectivas e limites das políticas públicas voltadas à coleta seletiva no que toca as cooperativas de catadores e sua eficácia socioeconômica, apontando oportunidades, dificuldades e possibilidades de mudanças. Analisamos especificamente a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), Lei n. 12.305/2010. Para tal, primeiramente, apresentamos o esquema teórico utilizado para interpretar e discutir as políticas públicas e o policy-making process a partir de trabalhos de autores da área da Ciência Política. Posteriormente procede-se à análise dos contextos social, econômico, político e histórico em que foram criadas as principais políticas públicas ambientais no período 1930-2010, procurando demonstrar a passagem na construção de políticas públicas ambientais, identificando aspectos básicos que evoluíram em cada época pesquisada. Em seguida, realizamos uma análise sobre a PNRS e de políticas de coleta seletiva, particularmente no âmbito do município do Rio de Janeiro, por meio de indicadores estatísticos obtidos junto aos órgãos governamentais e de associações privadas especializadas, além de documentos normativos e programas públicos. Após, realizamos pesquisa de campo junto aos gestores de cooperativas a fim de investigar a percepção dos mesmos sobre as políticas públicas, o cenário, as positividades e negatividades da coleta seletiva, e a interpretamos a partir da Análise do Conteúdo. Enfim, apresentamos uma interpretação, que aponta a PNRS como uma política pública que traz instrumentos que não são percebidos em sua totalidade pelos atores envolvidos, o que implica na sua não pactuação e, por consequência, na não utilização plena das vantagens induzidas pela política. A pesquisa de campo junto aos gestores indica que os mesmos têm pouco conhecimento sobre o conteúdo da PNRS, mas sabem todo o processo técnico da coleta seletiva e da gestão dos resíduos. O cenário envolto às cooperativas compreende aspectos que dificultam o trabalho das cooperativas, a exemplo: o baixo valor de venda dos materiais; a falta de logística adequada; a insuficiência de materiais básicos e infraestrutura à produção; a concorrência com atravessadores; a dificuldade em manter e em aumentar o número de cooperados. Entretanto, há aspectos positivos como: a cultura da partilha e solidariedade; a preocupação com os cooperados; a melhora efetiva da renda; o aumento do volume de materiais para a produção, mas principalmente a visibilidade das cooperativas de catadores no sistema político da gestão pública. O estudo traz sugestões para novas pesquisas, como categorias analíticas novas como processo de pactuação de políticas públicas e desamparo estrutural, assim como indaga os impactos da tecnologia, a burocracia e a participação pública e política das cooperativas no sistema político e no processo decisório. Por fim, situamos que, ainda que saibam a tecnicidade do processo, as cooperativas apresentam conjuntura de desamparo estrutural, que compreende aspectos socioeconômicos e político-institucionais, além de que estão em um ambiente que mais dificulta do que facilita o desenvolvimento de seu trabalho. A PNRS, por efeito, não é pactuada plenamente por todos os atores e, logo, perde a capacidade de inclusão social, por ter o distanciamento entre os gabinetes dos formuladores da política e os galpões da cooperativa.


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Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar os conflitos socioambientais envolvendo os pescadores artesanais na Baía de Ilha Grande e as iniciativas institucionais que buscam dar tratamento a esses conflitos de forma compartilhada. Neste sentido, foram consideradas duas iniciativas institucionais: i) o Projeto Desenvolvimento e Gerenciamento dos Sistemas de Gestão da Pesca e Aquicultura na baía de Ilha Grande GPESCA-BIG; e ii) o Termo de Compromisso entre a Estação Ecológica de Tamoios e as comunidades pesqueiras de Angra dos Reis e Paraty. A metodologia envolveu a observação direta da autora em reuniões de conselhos consultivos e grupos de trabalho em unidades de conservação, em especial, os espaços envolvendo a Estação Ecológica de Tamoios, além de apresentações e audiências públicas sobre a proposta de Acordos de Pesca. Utilizou-se também a observação participante em reuniões e oficinas no âmbito do projeto GPESCA-BIG. De forma complementar, a pesquisa se baseou em entrevistas (formais e informais) e análise de documentos diversos elaborados por entidades representativas dos pescadores e demais atores direta e indiretamente envolvidos no conflito. Foram identificadas três grandes grupos de conflitos relacionados aos pescadores artesanais: (1) sobreposição de territórios de pesca/pesqueiros e as áreas protegidas, principalmente aqueles relacionados à ESEC Tamoios; (2) conflitos associados à pesca industrial, identificados pelos pescadores como barcos de fora, e em menor escala, as embarcações de petróleo/gás e do turismo e; (3) conflitos resultantes da falta de regularização/permissionamento da atividade. Em síntese, estes conflitos envolvem políticas de desenvolvimento e de conservação, que se confrontam com o modo de vida tradicional dos pescadores artesanais e caiçaras. Além dos conflitos oriundos das diferentes formas de apropriação do espaço marinho, estes conflitos também estiveram relacionados ao papel paradoxal do Estado no estabelecimento das regras e normas de ordenamento (incluindo-se a fiscalização/monitoramento ambiental), à burocracia e às diversas instituições existentes para tratar de problemas comuns, tornado confuso o gerenciamento da atividade. No que se refere às iniciativas em análise, os resultados demonstram a existência de instituições relativamente bem constituídas na região, com a atuação de órgãos de gestão pública e ambiental nos mais variados níveis: municipal estadual e federal. Além destes, registra-se também a participação da sociedade civil, em especial, dos pescadores artesanais de Paraty e de suas representações, na busca pelo tratamento dos conflitos nos quais estão inseridos. Por outro lado, evidencia-se a falta de articulação e integração entre as políticas e atores, bem como entre as experiências institucionais em curso. Portanto, um dos maiores desafios existentes na implantação de um modo compartilhado de gestão dos recursos pesqueiros na BIG consiste justamente em superar tais limitações institucionais, de maneira que possam promover ações articuladas visando não apenas a conservação integrada do ecossistema, como também a reprodução das práticas tradicionais de pesca e a sua co-existência com os demais tipos de usos


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O estudo partiu do diálogo entre as políticas públicas de meio ambiente e o referencial teórico crítico da educação e da justiça ambiental. Ancorada na filosofia da práxis, uma categoria central do materialismo-histórico, busca ir além dos aspectos teóricos. A pesquisa tem o objetivo de contribuir para o entendimento e melhoria dos processos complexos e contraditórios de implementação da educação ambiental como condicionante de licença de operação e produção da indústria de petróleo e gás no Brasil. Tais projetos mitigatórios são conduzidos e monitorados pelo órgão ambiental, mas devem ser implementados e executados pelos próprios empreendedores que causam os impactos socioambientais nas localidades. Em contrapartida, projetos de educação ambiental crítica e participativa, desenvolvidos compulsoriamente no licenciamento offshore, estão voltados para os grupos socioambientais impactados. Preconizam o fortalecimento e a integração desses grupos diante do Estado e do próprio empresariado e devem estimular participação em processos decisórios da gestão ambiental local. A tese a ser demonstrada é a de que, neste campo de disputas pelo uso e gestão do território, os PEAs em sua práxis educativa e enquanto política pública no âmbito do licenciamento, constitui-se em um instrumento em potencial na construção de cidadania política. Na busca por investigar a efetividade desses PEAs, implementados na maior bacia petrolífera do país, a bacia de campos, a pesquisa faz primeiramente um estudo documental e posteriormente um estudo empírico com os atores sociais participantes dos projetos. A pesquisa documental revelou que existiam cinco PEAs desenvolvidos entre os anos de 2010 e 2012: o Projeto Pólen e o NEA-BC (Petrobras); o PEA ObservAção (PetroRio, antiga HRT); o PEA FOCO (Statoil) e o QUIPEA (Shell). A pesquisa empírica foi feita nos municípios de São Francisco de Itabapoana, São João da Barra, Armação dos Búzios e Cabo frio, contemplados com 80% dos projetos desenvolvidos na região e percorreu 17 localidades dos municípios e foram realizadas 52 entrevistas. Esta etapa da pesquisa traz as motivações acerca dos projetos, opiniões sobre o processo formativo, as transformações práticas vividas pelos atores a partir das vivências nos projetos e aspectos da participação desses atores sociais dentro e fora dos PEAs. 70% dos entrevistados trazem as crenças nos projetos devido às: propostas, objetivos e metodologias (discussões participativas, encontros de comunidades) e à equipe de executores (com os quais os atores têm uma relação de afeto e admiração); 28% abarcam as descrenças: lentidão e subjetividade dos resultados; o não entendimento acerca da origem dos projetos (mitigatórios, compesatórios, etc); conflito nas relações entre os quilombolas e os empresários; gastos com os projetos e não com a comunidade. Outras categorias surgem: remuneração/contratação; Obtenção de uma sede para o projeto; a excelência no processo formativo (onde alguns métodos devem ser repensados); a interação e a articulação entre os projetos. O estudo também revelou que os participantes passaram a participar de instâncias da gestão pública de seus territórios. As questões são apontadas para que esses projetos possam ser aperfeiçoados, mesmo diante de todas as contradições, tensões e conflitos que isso impõe em uma sociedade desigual, reduzindo a natureza, a mercadoria e a relações precificadas.


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Objective To investigate the hispathological characteristics and antioxidant responses in liver of silver carp after intraperitoneal administration of microcystins (MCs) for further understanding hepatic intoxication and antioxidation mechanism in fish. Methods Phytoplanktivorous silver carp was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with extracted hepatotoxic microcystins (mainly MC-RR and -LR) at a dose of 1000 mu g MC-LReq./kg body weight, and liver histopathological changes and antioxidant responses were studied at 1, 3, 12, 24, and 48 h, respectively, after injection. Results The damage to liver structure and the activities of hepatic antioxidant enzymes including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxide (GPX) were increased in a time-dependent manner. Conclusion In terms of clinical and histological signs of intoxication and LD50 (i.p.) dose of MC-LR, silver carp appears rather resistant to MCs exposure than other fishes. Also, the significantly increased SOD activity in the liver of silver carp suggests a higher degree of response to MCs exposure than CAT and GPX.


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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of chemical nonylphenols (NPs) on the antioxidant system of Microcystis aeruginosa strains. The degradation and sorption of NPs by M. aeruginosa were also evaluated. High concentrations of NPs (1 and 2 mg/l) were found to cause increases in superoxidase dismutase (SOD) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities and in glutathione (GSH) levels. These results suggest that toxic stress manifested by elevated SOD and GST levels and GSH contents may be responsible for the toxicity of NPs to M. aeruginosa and that the algal cells could improve their antioxidant and detoxification ability through the enhancement of enzymatic and nonenzymatic prevention substances. The observed elevations in GSH levels and GST activities were relatively higher than those in SOD activities, indicating that GSH and GST contributed more in eliminating toxic effects than SOD. Low concentrations of NPs (0.05-0.2 mg/l) enhanced cell growth and decreased GST activity in algal cells of M. aeruginosa, suggesting that NPs may have acted as a protecting factor, such as an antioxidant. The larger portion of the NPs (> 60%) disappeared after 12 days of incubation, indicating the strong ability of M. aeruginosa to degrade the moderate persistent NP compounds. The sorption ratio of M. aeruginosa after a 12-day exposure to low nominal concentrations of NPs (0.02-0.5 mg/l) was relatively high (> 30%). The fact that M. aeruginosa effectively resisted the toxic effects of NPs and strongly degraded these pollutants indicate that M. aeruginosa cells have a strong ability to adapt to variations in environmental conditions and that low and moderate concentrations of organic compounds may favor its survival. Further studies are needed to provide detailed information on the fate of persistent organic pollutants and the survival of algae and to determine the possible role of organic pollutants in the occurrence of water blooms in eutrophic lakes.


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Both organic pollution and eutrophication are prominent environmental issues concerning water pollution in the world. It is important to reveal the effects of organic pollutants on algal growth and toxin production for assessing ecological risk of organic pollution. Since nonylphenol (NP) is a kind of persistent organic pollutant with endocrine disruptive effect which exists ubiquitously in environments, NP was selected as test compound in our study to study the relationship between NP stress and Microcystis growth and microcystin production. Our study showed that responses of toxic and nontoxic Microcystis aeruginosa to NP stress were obviously different. The growth inhibition test with NP on M. aeruginosa yielded effect concentrations EbC50 values within this range of 0.67-2.96 mg/L. The nontoxic M. aeruginosa strains were more resistant to NP than toxic strains at concentration above 1 mg/L. Cell growth was enhanced by 0.02-0.2 mg/L NP for both toxic and nontoxic strains, suggesting a hormesis effect of NP on M. aeruginosa. Both toxic and nontoxic strains tended to be smaller with increasing NP. But with the increased duration of the experiment, both the cell size and the growth rate began to resume, suggesting a quick adaptation of M. aeruginosa to adverse stress. NP of 0.05-0.5 mg/L significantly promoted microcystin production of toxic strain PCC7820, suggesting that NP might affect microcystin production of some toxic M. aeruginosa in the field. Our study showed that microcystin excretion was species specific that up to 75% of microcystins in PCC7820 were released into solution, whereas > 99% of microcystins in 562 remained in algal cells after 12 days' incubation. NP also significantly influenced microcystin release into cultural media. The fact that NP enhanced growth and toxin production of M. aeruginosa at low concentrations of 0.02-0.5 mg/L that might be possibly found in natural freshwaters implies that low concentration of NP may favor survival of M. aeruginosa in the field and may play a subtle role in affecting cyanobacterial blooms and microcystin production in natural waters. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Snakehead fish (Ophiocephalus argus cantor), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrtix), crucian carp (Carassius carassius), and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are four common freshwater fish species in China. In this study, the level of methylmercury (MeHg), total mercury (T-Hg), and total selenium (T-Se) in muscle samples of these four fish species from Ya-Er Lake, China, were analyzed using atomic fluorescence spectrometry coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The concentrations of MeHg in all the fish species were significantly correlated with those of T-Hg. Higher T-Hg and MeHg concentrations had accumulated in the snakehead fish, which is a strongly predatory fish, than in the other three species. The concentration ratios of MeHg and T-Hg in the muscles of these four fish species were almost equal. Conversely, there was negative correlation between the concentrations of T-Hg and T-Se, which implies that there is a competition between these two elements with respect to bioaccumulation. It is noteworthy that of all the muscle samples tested, the level of T-Hg exceeded the maximum allowable limit in fish [0.4 mg kg(-1) (w/w) recommended by the World Health Organization] in 38.46% of those of the silver carp, 18.18% of those of the crucian carp, and 100% of those of snakehead fish. These results show that the consumption of contaminated fish is a potential threat to human health and that necessary preventive measures to safeguard public health should be emphasized.


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Samples of groundwater, river water, river sediment, paddy soil, rice seeds, hen eggs, fish, umbilical cord blood, and newborn meconium were collected from October 2002 to October 2003 near a large site in China used for the disassembly of obsolete transformers and other electronic or electrical waste. Six indicator PCB congeners, three non-ortho dioxin-like PCB congeners, and six organochlorine pesticides were determined in the samples by GC with electron capture detector. The results demonstrated that the local environment and edible foods had been seriously polluted by toxic PCBs and organochlorine pesticides. The actual daily intakes (ADIs) of these pollutants were estimated for local residents living in the area. The intake data showed that the contents of PCBs in these local residents were substantial, as the ADI estimates greatly exceed the reference doses set by the World Health Organization and the United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. The presence of the indicator PCB congeners in the cord blood and the meconium samples, as well as significant correlations (r(2) > 0.80, p < 0.05) between these levels, suggests a potential biotransfer of these indicators from mothers to their newborns. This preliminary study showed that obsolete transformers and other electronic or electrical waste can be an important source for the emission of persistent organic pollutants into the local environment, such as through leakage, evaporation, runoff, and leaching. Contamination from this source appears to have reached the level considered to be a serious threat to environmental and human health around the disassembly site.


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The H4IIE rat hepatoma cell line was employed as a cell model to screen 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD)-TCDD equivalents (EROD-TEQ) of human breast milk samples collected from Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China. The screening methods employed a 96-well plate spectrofluorometer-EROD assay. For cell-line validation, our results demonstrated a dose-dependent increase in the Ah receptor-mediated response (i.e., CYP1A1 mRNA and EROD) of the cells upon exposure to a number of known Ah receptor agonists, including 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzothiophene, benzo[a]pyrene, and beta-naphthaflavone. TCDD induced CYP1A1 mRNA and EROD was in a close positive correlation (r = 0.98). For the screening of dioxin-like compounds, breast milk samples collected during lactation weeks 3-5 were used. One hundred (from Hong Kong) and 48 (from Guangzhou) breast milk samples were assayed, of which 65% and 68% of the samples, respectively, showed detectable dioxin-like activities using the H4IIE cell EROD screening method. For sixty-five samples from Hong Kong the mean EROD-TEQ values ranged from 58.1 to 96.5 pg/g of milk fat for those aged 21-36 years while 32 samples from Guangzhou had mean values of 98.8-202.1 pg/g of milk fat. In comparisons of the EROD-TEQ values for different age groups from both cities, there were no significant differences (P < 0.05). However, the mean and median EROD-TEQ values of the Guangzhou population were in general higher than those of the Hong Kong population. The results of the present study indicate that it is feasible to use the H4IIE cell-line as a model for screening dioxin-like compounds in human breast milk. In addition, the method is rapid and cost-effective, particularly for a routine and high-throughput sample screening analysis, compared to the costly and time-intensive chemical analytical techniques. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The distribution and mobility of heavy metals in the paddy soils surrounding a copper smelting plant in south China was investigated. We assessed the degree of metal contamination using an index of geoaccumulation. The metals were divided into two groups: (1) Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd, whose concentrations were heavily affected by anthropogenic inputs, and (2) Ni, Co and Cr, which were mainly of geochemical origin. Concentrations of Cu, Cd, Zn, and Pb in the polluted soils were higher than the Chinese soil quality criteria. The chemical partitioning patterns of Pb, Zn and Cu indicated that Pb was largely associated with the residual and NH2OH HCl extractable fractions. In contrast, Cd was predominantly associated with the MgCl2 extractable fraction. A large proportion of Cu was bound to the acidic H2O2 extractable fractions, while Zn was predominantly found in the residual phase. The fraction of mobile species, which potentially is the most harmful to the environment, was found to be elevated compared to unpolluted soils in which heavy metals are more strongly bound to the matrix. The mobility of the metals was studied by water extraction using a modification of Tessier's procedure, and the order of mobility was Zn > Cd > Cu > Ce > Pb.


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Objective To study the transfer of paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) using four simulated marine food chains: dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense -> Arterriia Artemia salina -> Mysid shrimp Neomysis awatschensis; A. tamarense-N. awatschensis: A. taniarense A. salina -> Perch Lateolabrax japonicus; and A. tamarense -> L. japonicus. Methods The ingestion of A. tamarense, a producer of PST, by L. japonicus, N. awatschensis, and A. salina was first confirmed by microscopic observation of A. tamarense cells in the intestine samples of the three different organisms, and by the analysis of Chl.a levels iii the samples. Toxin accumulation in L. japonicus and N. awatschensis directly from the feeding on A. tamarense or indirectly ibrough the vector of A. salina was then studied. The toxicity of samples was measured using the AOAC mouse bioassay method, and the toxin content and profile of A. tamarense were analyzed by the HPLC method. Results Both A. salina and N. awatschensis could ingest A. tamarense cells. However, the ingestion capability of A. salina exceeded that of N. awatschensis. After the exposure to the culture of A. tamarense (2 000 cells(.)mL(-1)) for 70 minutes, the content of ChLa in A. salina and N. awatschensis reached 0.87 and 0.024 mu g-mg(-1), respectively. Besides, A. tamarense cells existed in the intestines of L. japonicus, N. awatschensis and A. salina by microscopic observation. Therefore, the three organisms could ingest A. tamarense cells directly. A. salina could accumulate high content of PST, and the toxicity of A. salina in samples collected on days 1, 4, and 5 of the experiment was 2.18, 2.6, and 2.1 MU(.)g(-1), respectively. All extracts from the samples could lead to death of tested mice within 7 minutes, and the toxin content in arternia sample collected on the 1st day was estimated to be 1.65x10(-5) pg STX equa Vindividual. Toxin accumulation in L. japonicus and N. awatschensis directly from the feeding on A. tamarense or indirectly froin the vector of A. salina was also studied. The mice injected with extracts from L. japonicus and N. awatschensis samples that accumulated PST either directly or indirectly showed PST intoxication symptoms, indicating that low levels of PST existed in these samples. Conclusion Paralytic shellfish toxins can be transferred to L. japonicus, N. awatschensis, and A. salina from A. taniarense directly or indirectly via the food chains.


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The impact of astaxanthin-enriched algal powder on auxiliary memory improvement was assessed in BALB/c mice pre-supplemented with different dosages of cracked green algal (Haematococcus pluvialis) powder daily for 30 days. The supplemented mice were first tested over 8 days to find a hidden platform by swimming in a Morris water maze. Then, for 5 days, the mice were used to search for a visible platform in a Morris water maze. After that, the mice practised finding a safe place-an insulated platform in a chamber-for 2 days. During these animal experimental periods, similar algal meals containing astaxanthin at 0, 0.26, 1.3 and 6.4 mg/kg body weight were continuously fed to each group of tested mice. Profiles of latency, distance, speed and the direction angle to the platforms as well as the diving frequency in each group were measured and analyzed. The process of mice jumping up onto the insulated platform and diving down to the copper-shuttered bottom with a 36 V electrical charge were also monitored by automatic video recording. The results of the Morris maze experiment showed that middle dosage of H. pluvialis meals (1.3 mg astaxanthin/kg body weight) significantly shortened the latency and distance required for mice to find a hidden platform. However, there was no obvious change in swim velocity in any of the supplemented groups. In contrast, the visible platform test showed a significant increase in latency and swim distance, and a significant decrease in swim speed for all groups of mice orally supplemented with H. pluvialis powder compared to the placebo group (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). Mice supplemented with the algal meal hesitantly turned around the original hidden platform, in contract to mice supplemented with placebo, who easily forgot the original location and accepted the visible platform as a new safe place. These results illustrate that astaxanthin-enriched H. pluvialis powder has the auxiliary property of memory improvement. The results from the platform diving test showed that the low and middle dosage of H. pluvialis powder, rather that the high dosage, increased the latency and reduced the frequency of diving from the safe insulated platform to the electrically stimulated copper shutter, especially in the low treatment group (P < 0.05). These results indicate that H. pluvialis powder is associated with dose-dependent memory improvement and that a low dosage of algal powder (<= middle treatment group) is really good for improving the memory.


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