936 resultados para Occupational risk


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The Brazil is the third largest producer of cashew nuts in the world. Despite the social and economic importance of the cashew nut, its production is still carried out artisanally. One of the main problems encountered in the cashew production chain are the conditions under which the roasting of the nut occurs to obtain the kernel from the shell. In the present study was conducted a biomonitoring of the genotoxic and cytotoxicity effects associated with the elements from the cashew nut roasting in João Câmara - RN, semi-arid region of Brazil. To assess the genotoxic was used the bioassay of micronucleus (MN) in Tradescantia pallida. In addition, it was performed a comparative between the Tradescantia pallida and KU-20 and other biomarkers of DNA damage, such as the nucleoplasmic bridges (NBP) and nuclear fragments (NF) were quantified. The levels of particulate matter (PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10) and black carbon (BC) were also measured and the inorganic chemical composition of the PM2.5 collected was determined using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry analysis and the assessment of the cytotoxicity by MTT assay and exclusion method by trypan blue. . For this purpose, were chosen: the Amarelão community where the roasting occurs and the Santa Luzia farm an area without influence of this process. The mean value of PM2.5 (Jan 2124.2 μg/m3; May 1022.2 μg/m3; Sep 1291.9 μg/m3) and BC (Jan 363.6 μg/m3; May 70.0 μg/m3; Sep 69.4 μg/m3) as well as the concentration of the elements Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Br and Pb obtained at Amarelão was significantly higher than at Santa Luzia farm. The genotoxicity tests with T. pallida indicated a significant increase in the number of MN, NBP and NF and it was found a negative correlation between the frequency of these biomarkers and the rainfall. The concentrations of 200 μg/mL and 400 μg/mL of PM2.5 were cytotoxic to MRC-5 cells. All together, the results indicated genotoxicity and citotoxicity for the community of Amarelão, and the high rates of PM2.5 considered a potential contributor to this effect, mainly by the high presence of transition metals, especially Fe, Ni, Cu, Cr and Zn, these elements have the potential to cause DNA damage. Other nuclear alterations, such as the NPBs and NFs may be used as effective biomarkers of DNA damage in tetrads of Tradescantia pallida. The results of this study enabled the identification of a serious occupational problem. Accordingly, preventative measures and better practices should be adopted to improve both the activity and the quality of life of the population. These measures are of fundamental importance for the sustainable development of this activity.


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In recent years, the biosafety has been made possible a new look which are based the conceptions of health and illness process, as well as human needs. This new vision is focused on health vigilance that is referenced specifically in this study to the worker s health. The health of workers is essential for the prevention and control of epidemics and outbreaks of diseases as well as emerging and reemerging diseases. The present study wants to show the importance of biosafety measures for health workers, showing them through the concepts in their daily work. It is also to direct the use of biosafety measures in the care of oncology and hematology patients care, because of its infection susceptibility. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the conceptions of health workers in the biosafety pratice to the patients in oncological and hematological treatment in an oncological institution in Natal / RN, as well as make a socio-demographic profile of these workers and to know their difficulties to adequate biosafety measures. METODOLOGIA: The research is exploratory descriptive with qualitative approach, using the technique of oral history. The use of this technique is justified for the possibility of analyze the conceptions of health workers in the face of biosafety measures. From the definition of analysis categories that have emerged in the study. The categories were: daily work, education, occupational risk and onco-hematological care. The research population was the health workers who provide care to patients in oncological and hematological treatment. The study was conducted in the League against Cancer, in Natal / RN, specifically in the unit Luiz Antonio Hospital. Data collections were conducted from June to August of 2011 and were interviewed sixteen employees who assist in oncology and hematology. Structured interviews were conducted in three shifts, given the prospects of expanding the possibilities of analysis of the biosafety concepts. After data collection, the interviews were analyzed qualitatively by the technique of oral history. This genre, thematic oral history is a modern resource used for preparation of documents, files and studies concerning the social experience of people and groups with the construction of a script prior to the interview moment (MEIHY, 2002). ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION: It was made a reflection about the concepts and practices of professionals who take care of patients in oncology and hematology as well as its relation to biosafety measures. The speech of employees revealed that the adoption has been very supportive of these standards, although some have been highlighted gaps in the understanding of employees in relation to biosafety and the proposed categories. CONCLUSION: The analysis of information showed that biosafety has been cited by employees as an immeasurable benefit to safety and occupational health. And the strengths marks in their understanding were: the excellence of care and safety in occupational diseases risk reduction and infections resulting from their work activities, despite some difficulties in adopting appropriate biosafety standards


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The use of pesticides is being used intensively with severe consequences for exposed farmers. This study aimed to describe the socioeconomic and health profiles of 60 farmers in the city of Touros / RN through the questionnaire recommended by: (International Commission for Protection against Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens (ICPEMC). The analysis of these data allowed to prove the importance of knowledge about the socioeconomic and health profile of rural farmers as a way to understand the reality of this population, that is vulnerable to exposure due to the lack of knowledge and conditions. Aiming to analyze the frequency of micronucleus (MN) and other nuclear abnormalities in oral mucosa cells of 54 farmers that work in the city of Touros / RN it was applied the micronucleus test (MN) in oral mucosa. Our results showed an increased frequency of MN and other nuclear abnormalities related to the exposure and effects of pesticides on health. Based on the results, it is clear that farmers are using pesticide in the wrong way and compromising their health. A Cordel has been developed as a method to taking the results to the people affected by the pesticides. Therefore this study alerts to the need for profound changes in the social, cultural and health context to reduce health risks for both people and for the environment


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A hepatite viral B constitui um dos mais importantes problemas de saúde pública em todos os continentes. O vírus da hepatite B se transmite por via parenteral e, sobretudo, por via sexual. O objetivo foi avaliar a população ativa dos funcionários de limpeza do hospital da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-UNESP, que receberam esquema completo de vacinação contra a hepatite B, medir os níveis de anticorpo contra o AgHBs (anti-HBs) e avaliar a sua relação com as condições epidemiológicas gerais, de vida pessoal e profissional e de risco de infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar se a exposição ocupacional ao ruído é fator de risco relevante para acidentes do trabalho. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso-controle de base populacional. Os dados foram coletados entre 16/5/2002 e 15/10/2002, na cidade de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Os casos foram definidos como trabalhadores que sofreram acidentes ocupacionais típicos nos últimos 90 dias, identificados por intermédio de amostragem aleatória sistemática de domicílios residenciais. Os controles foram trabalhadores não acidentados, aleatoriamente alocados a partir da mesma população que originou os casos, emparelhados na razão 3:1 segundo sexo, faixa etária e setor censitário de moradia. Ajustou-se um modelo de regressão logística múltipla, tendo como variável independente a exposição ocupacional ao ruído, controlada por covariáveis de interesse. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 94 casos e 282 controles. Ajustando-se um modelo de regressão logística condicional múltipla observou-se que trabalhar sempre e às vezes exposto a ruído intenso associou-se a um risco relativo de acidentar-se de 5,0 (IC 95%: 2,8-8,7; p<0,001) e 3,7 (IC 95%: 1,8-7,4; p=0,0003), respectivamente, tendo como referência trabalhar não exposto a ruído, controlado para diversas covariáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Com base nos resultados encontrados, justifica-se o investimento em programas de conservação auditiva particularmente voltados para o controle da emissão de ruídos na fonte. Essas medidas objetivam não apenas a manutenção da saúde auditiva, mas também a diminuição da acidentabilidade dos trabalhadores.


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As hepatites virais representam um importante problema de saúde pública no Brasil e no mundo. A hepatite B e a hepatite C são as de principal interesse para os profissionais da área de saúde em função do modo de transmissão e da possibilidade de aquisição ocupacional. O presente trabalho teve por principal objetivo verificar a soroprevalência da infecção pelo Vírus da Hepatite B (VHB) e pelo Vírus da Hepatite C (VHC) em cirurgiões-dentistas e relacioná-la com os fatores de risco. Participaram do estudo 97 cirurgiões-dentistas, sendo 39 do gênero masculino e 58 do gênero feminino, no período de junho a dezembro de 2005, que atuam no município de Belém, Pará, Brasil. Os dados epidemiológicos foram obtidos por meio de inquéritos e os sorológicos por um ensaio imunoenzimático para a pesquisa de antígeno e anticorpo tanto para o VHB quanto para o VHC. O teste de Tendência foi utilizado para a análise estatística dos resultados. A prevalência do VHB foi de 6,2%, enquanto do VHC foi de 3,1% entre a população estudada. Das amostras sororreativas para os marcadores da hepatite B, a prevalência foi de 1,03% (1/97) para o anti-HBc total, 5,16% (5/97) para a presença simultânea do anti-HBc total e anti-HBs e 54,61% (53/97) para o anti-HBs. Quando comparado ao encontrado na população de doadores de sangue no Estado do Pará a prevalência do VHC na população estudada foi significativamente maior, enquanto a do VHB foi semelhante. Além disso, 37,7% (36/97) relataram terem tido algum tipo de exposição ocupacional, estando o acidente com objetos pérfuro-cortante como o mais relatado (86,1%). A medida adotada após a exposição foi sempre a lavagem com água e sabão e apenas 2,8% (1/36) dos acidentados relataram à realização de testes sorológicos. O conhecimento das normas de biossegurança e a utilização de pelo menos uma barreira de proteção individual foram relatados por todos, sendo o uso de luvas e máscara a resposta mais mencionada (96,9%). Encontravam-se imunizados contra o VHB por meio de vacina 54,61% (53/97) dos cirurgiões-dentistas, enquanto que imunes por infecção natural 5,16% (5/97). O elevado percentual de ocorrência de acidentes ocupacionais, aliado a baixa soroconversão pós-exposição dentre os cirurgiões-dentistas participantes demonstra a necessidade de se conhecer a prevalência de infecções de risco ocupacional em profissionais da área de saúde para que se adotem medidas de prevenção e controle mais eficazes contra os agentes causadores.


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O mercúrio representa um grande risco ambiental e ocupacional constituindo um problema para a saúde humana na região Amazônica. Muito embora estudos tenham demonstrado que o mercúrio compromete vários tecidos e órgãos, os rins constituem-se órgãos-alvo para a toxicidade do metal. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar os efeitos de uma exposição crônica a baixas doses de metilmercúrio sobre o parênquima renal de macacos Cebusapella, machos, adultos, expostos durante 120 dias consecutivos com doses diárias via oral, de 1,5 μg na dieta. As concentrações de mercúrio total no sangue dos animais foram monitoradas a cada 30 dias usando espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica a vapor frio (Hg 201), comparando ao grupo controle. O método utilizado para análise histopatológica foi a inclusão em parafina com coloração pela Hematoxilina e Eosina, Tricrômico de CAB e PAS. As investigações imuno-histoquímicas compreenderam as reações para a detecção de actina para musculo liso (IA4), actina muscular (HHF35) e pancitoqueratina (AE1 e AE2). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o tratamento com mercúrio causou diferença significativa (P<0,001) entre os grupos exposto e controle. Quanto aos níveis de Hg total, foram observadas alterações histopatológicas com características de hidropsia nos Túbulos Proximais, um achado comum na exposição ao metilmercúrio em outras espécies, sem alterações significativas nas concentrações de creatinina e ureia. O teste de correlação de Person demonstrou uma forte relação negativa entre a concentração de mercúrio e a perda de massa corporal dos animais (P<0,0001). Outro achado importante foi a diminuição do número de células mesangiais, o que sugere que o metilmercúrio executou a sua nefrotoxicidade atingindo não somente o sistema tubular renal, como também as células do mesangio glomerular, fazendo-se necessário um maior aporte de estudos experimentais para esclarecer qual o nível de alerta da concentração de mercúrio é capaz de desencadear mecanismos de agressão e injúria renal em indivíduos expostos ao metilmercúrio.


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Context A definite cause of sarcoidosis has not been identified, however past research suggests that environmental factors may be triggers of the granulomatous response in genetically susceptible individuals. Case Presentation A 22-year-old male non-smoker, presented with progressive exertional dyspnea and cough of 3 months duration. One year before, when he started working in tunnel excavation, he had a normal chest radiograph. Chest imaging revealed bilateral nodules and masses of peribronchovascular distribution plus mediastinal lymphadenomegaly. Histologic lymph node analysis revealed non-caseating confluent granulomas. Sarcoidosis was diagnosed. The patient was treated with corticosteroids and advised to change jobs. Complete remission of the disease was achieved and persisted for at least one year without steroid treatment. Discussion Sarcoidosis is believed to have environmental triggers. The timing of the onset of sarcoidosis in this patient following intensive exposure to tunnel dust suggests an environmental contribution. The recognition that sarcoidosis may have occupational triggers have medical, employment, and legal implications. Am. J. Ind. Med. 55: 390-394, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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There is an urgent need to improve the performance of urine cytology for the diagnosis of bladder cancer. In preliminary studies, telomerase activity evaluated by telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay and chromosomal aneuploidy detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in the diagnosis of bladder cancer have produced important results. Urine cell-free (UCF) DNA has also been proposed as a potential marker for early bladder cancer diagnosis. In the first study the diagnostic performance of TRAP assay and FISH analysis was assessed, while the second study evaluated the potential role of UCF DNA integrity in early bladder cancer diagnosis. In the first cross-sectional study, 289 consecutive patients who presented with urinary symptoms underwent cystoscopy and cytology evaluation. In the second study, UCF DNA was isolated from 51 bladder cancer patients, 46 symptomatic patients, and 32 healthy volunteers. c-Myc, BCAS1 and HER2 gene sequences longer than 250 bp were quantified by real time PCR to verify UCF DNA integrity. In the first study, sensitivity and specificity were 0.39 and 0.83, respectively, for cytology; 0.66 and 0.72 for TRAP; 0.78 and 0.60 for the cytology and TRAP combination; 0.78 and 0.78 for the cytology, TRAP and FISH combination; and 0.65 and 0.93 for the TRAP and FISH combination. In the second study, at the best cutoff of 0.1 ng/µl, UCF DNA integrity analysis showed a sensitivity of 0.73 and a specificity of 0.84 in healthy individuals and 0.83 in symptomatic patients. The preliminary results suggest that these biomarkers could potentially be used for the early diagnosis of bladder cancer, especially in high-risk populations (e.g, symptomatic individuals exposed to occupational risk) who may benefit from the use of noninvasive diagnostic tests in terms of cost-benefit.


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La tesi affronta il concetto di esposizione al rischio occupazionale e il suo scopo è quello di indagare l’ambiente di lavoro e il comportamento dei lavoratori, con l'obiettivo di ridurre il tasso di incidenza degli infortuni sul lavoro ed eseguire la riduzione dei rischi. In primo luogo, è proposta una nuova metodologia denominata MIMOSA (Methodology for the Implementation and Monitoring of Occupational SAfety), che quantifica il livello di "salute e sicurezza" di una qualsiasi impresa. Al fine di raggiungere l’obiettivo si è reso necessario un approccio multidisciplinare in cui concetti d’ingegneria e di psicologia sono stati combinati per sviluppare una metodologia di previsione degli incidenti e di miglioramento della sicurezza sul lavoro. I risultati della sperimentazione di MIMOSA hanno spinto all'uso della Logica Fuzzy nel settore della sicurezza occupazionale per migliorare la metodologia stessa e per superare i problemi riscontrati nell’incertezza della raccolta dei dati. La letteratura mostra che i fattori umani, la percezione del rischio e il comportamento dei lavoratori in relazione al rischio percepito, hanno un ruolo molto importante nella comparsa degli incidenti. Questa considerazione ha portato ad un nuovo approccio e ad una seconda metodologia che consiste nella prevenzione di incidenti, non solo sulla base dell'analisi delle loro dinamiche passate. Infatti la metodologia considera la valutazione di un indice basato sui comportamenti proattivi dei lavoratori e sui danni potenziali degli eventi incidentali evitati. L'innovazione consiste nell'applicazione della Logica Fuzzy per tener conto dell’"indeterminatezza" del comportamento umano e del suo linguaggio naturale. In particolare l’applicazione è incentrata sulla proattività dei lavoratori e si prefigge di impedire l'evento "infortunio", grazie alla generazione di una sorta d’indicatore di anticipo. Questa procedura è stata testata su un’azienda petrolchimica italiana.


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We screened a total of 340 veterinarians (including general practitioners, small animal practitioners, large animal practitioners, veterinarians working in different veterinary services or industry), and 29 veterinary assistants for nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) at the 2012 Swiss veterinary annual meeting. MRSA isolates (n = 14) were detected in 3.8 % (95 % CI 2.1 - 6.3 %) of the participants whereas MRSP was not detected. Large animal practitioners were carriers of livestock-associated MRSA (LA-MRSA) ST398-t011-V (n = 2), ST398-t011-IV (n = 4), and ST398-t034-V (n = 1). On the other hand, participants working with small animals harbored human healthcare-associated MRSA (HCA-MRSA) which belonged to epidemic lineages ST225-t003-II (n = 2), ST225-t014-II (n = 1), ST5-t002-II (n = 2), ST5-t283-IV (n = 1), and ST88-t186-IV (n = 1). HCA-MRSA harbored virulence factors such as enterotoxins, β-hemolysin converting phage and leukocidins. None of the MRSA isolates carried Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). In addition to the methicillin resistance gene mecA, LA-MRSA ST398 isolates generally contained additional antibiotic resistance genes conferring resistance to tetracycline [tet(M) and tet(K)], trimethoprim [dfrK, dfrG], and the aminoglycosides gentamicin and kanamycin [aac(6')-Ie - aph(2')-Ia]. On the other hand, HCA-MRSA ST5 and ST225 mainly contained genes conferring resistance to the macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin B antibiotics [erm(A)], to spectinomycin [ant(9)-Ia], amikacin and tobramycin [ant(4')-Ia], and to fluoroquinolones [amino acid substitutions in GrlA (S84L) and GyrA (S80F and S81P)]. MRSA carriage may represent an occupational risk and veterinarians should be aware of possible MRSA colonization and potential for developing infection or for transmitting these strains. Professional exposure to animals should be reported upon hospitalization and before medical intervention to allow for preventive measures. Infection prevention measures are also indicated in veterinary medicine to avoid MRSA transmission between humans and animals, and to limit the spread of MRSA both in the community, and to animal and human hospitals.


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Health care workers are at risk for percutaneous injuries and infection with blood born pathogens due to needle stick injuries with contaminated needles. The most common pathogens transmitted are hepatitis B, and C and HIV/AIDS. According to the WHO Global Plan of Action (GPA) a large gap exist between and within countries with regards to the health status of workers and their exposure to occupational risk. Less than 15% of the world's work forces have access to occupational health services despite the availability of effective interventions that can prevent occupational hazards, or protect and promote health in the workplace. The 2006 World Health Report declared that there is a global crisis in the health care work force. 1 in 400 of the world's health care workers work in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1 in 3 work in the U.S or Canada. The shortage of health care workers is worst in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. These countries have the highest burden of exposure to contaminated sharps. They rarely, if ever monitor the exposure or health impact of occupational ailments and injuries on workers. Many injuries are unreported. Occupational health services in the developing world are virtually non existent. Many health care workers leave their home countries and go to work in other countries where the working conditions, occupational services included, are better. The inability of countries to provide the necessary numbers of health care workers to provide a high level of health coverage is a threat to national and international public health security. Immunizing health care workers against hepatitis B and providing them PEP, PPE, education and safety training is an essential part of increasing and maintaining the numbers of health care workers in the critical shortage areas. ^


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The art of construction is a risky activity that directly affects the life and physical integrity of persons. Since the approval of Law 31/1995, of November 8, Prevention of Occupational Risks was the first legislation that established the current basis in all sectors and then transposed into Spanish law Directive 92/57/CEE called Royal Decree 1627/1997 of October 24, on minimum safety and health dispositions in construction works, measures have been proposed to develop a mixed body of scientific literature composed of researchers and professionals in the field of occupational safety and health, but even today there is still no clear and firm proposal, showing a lack of awareness in the occupational risk prevention and, therefore, a consolidation of the culture of prevention in society. Therefore, the technicians, who make up the building process, can incur in very high responsibilities, such as: Author of the project, Coordinator of Safety and Health during the preparation of the project and during the execution of works, Site Management: Site Manager. This involves the immediate creation of a general training in prevention for all architects starting when still studying, as well as specific training, appropriate and complementary to all the architects that will be devoted to the specialty of occupational safety and health in construction works. That is, first, we must make the responsible bodies aware of the urgent need to integrate risk prevention in the curricula of architecture and later in the continuing education of the profession. It is necessary that our teaching must conform to the laws on safety and health, due to the fact that the law recognizes our academic degrees and professional qualifications to perform functions in that area