995 resultados para Mass rearing


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A major issue for mass rearing of insects concerns sanitary conditions and disease. Microsporidian infection (Nosema sp.) in laboratory colonies of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), used in producing the parasitoid. Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), is representative of the problems faced by growers and industry. Although C. flavipes has been produced for several years in Brazil for biological control of D. saccharalis, we have only recently observed that the parasitoid becomes infected when developing inside hosts infected with Nosema sp. We assessed the effects of Nosema sp. on C. flavipes, including the ability to locate and select hosts, and evaluated pathogen transmission. Third instar larvae of D. saccharalis were inoculated with Nosema sp. spores at different concentrations and were parasitized when larvae reached fifth instar. Heavily infected D. saccharalis larvae did not support parasitism. Parasitoids that developed in infected D. saccharalis larvae exhibited increased duration of larval and pupal stages, decreased adult longevity and number of offspring, and reduced tibia size compared to parasitoids developing in uninfected D. saccharalis larvae. Infection by Nosema sp. reduced the ability of the C. flavipes parasitoid to distinguish between volatiles released by the sugarcane infested by healthy larvae and pure air. Uninfected parasitoids preferred plants infested with uninfected hosts. But infected C. flavipes did not differentiate between uninfected hosts and those infected with Nosema sp. The pathogen is transmitted from host to parasitoids and parasitoids to hosts. Pathogenic effects of the microsporidium in C. flavipes are sufficiently severe to justify disease management efforts, particularly considering the importance of C. flavipes as a biological control agent in sugarcane. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The biological characteristics of Telenomus remus Nixon, 1937 (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) on eggs of Spodoptera albula (Walker, 1857); S. cosmioides Walker 1858, S. eridania (Cramer, 1782); and S. frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were evaluated under different temperatures (19, 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34 degrees C +/- 1 degrees C). The duration of the T remus egg-to-adult period on eggs of all four Spodoptera species and the longevity of adults of T. remus were both inversely proportional to the increase in temperature. Parasitoid emergence was higher than 80% at temperatures from 19 to 28 degrees C when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of S. eridania and S. frugiperda. Differently, when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of S. albula and S. cosmioides, T. remus emergence at rates of 80% or higher just occurred from 22 to 25 degrees C and at 22 degrees C, respectively. At 34 degrees C, this parameter was lower than 30% for T reams reared in all hosts. The sex ratio was 64-86% females, except for T. remus in S. cosmioides eggs at 34 C, in which temperature it was 39%. The estimated thermal requirements of T. remus, for the thermal constant (K) and the base temperature (T(base)), were: 125.39 DD and 15.139 degrees C; 125.56 DD and 14.912 degrees C; 142.98 DD and 14.197 degrees C; and 149.16 DD and 13.846 degrees C, for S. cosmioides, S. frugiperda, S. albula, and S. eridania, respectively. In general, T. remus showed good parasitism potential on all the hosts, although eggs of S. frugiperda, S. eridania, and S. albula proved to be the most suitable for mass rearing of T reams in the laboratory. Eggs of S. cosmioides are less suitable because of the lower parasitoid emergence observed at most of the temperatures with exception of 22 degrees C.


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Over the last two decades, morbidity and mortality from malaria and dengue fever among other pathogens are an increasing Public Health problem. The increase in the geographic distribution of vectors is accompanied by the emergence of viruses and diseases in new areas. There are insufficient specific therapeutic drugs available and there are no reliable vaccines for malaria or dengue, although some progress has been achieved, there is still a long way between its development and actual field use. Most mosquito control measures have failed to achieve their goals, mostly because of the mosquito's great reproductive capacity and genomic flexibility. Chemical control is increasingly restricted due to potential human toxicity, mortality in no target organisms, insecticide resistance, and other environmental impacts. Other strategies for mosquito control are desperately needed. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is a species-specific and environmentally benign method for insect population suppression, it is based on mass rearing, radiation mediated sterilization, and release of a large number of male insects. Releasing of Insects carrying a dominant lethal gene (RIDL) offers a solution to many of the drawbacks of traditional SIT that have limited its application in mosquitoes while maintaining its environmentally friendly and species-specific utility. The self-limiting nature of sterile mosquitoes tends to make the issues related to field use of these somewhat less challenging than for self-spreading systems characteristic of population replacement strategies. They also are closer to field use, so might be appropriate to consider first. The prospect of genetic control methods against mosquito vectored human diseases is rapidly becoming a reality, many decisions will need to be made on a national, regional and international level regarding the biosafety, social, cultural and ethical aspects of the use and deployment of these vector control methods.


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Aedes albopictus (Skuse), comunemente detta Zanzara Tigre, ha invaso, negli ultimi anni, molti paesi, soprattutto in modo passivo attraverso il commercio di pneumatici usati. Questa specie è particolarmente adatta all'applicazione della tecnica dell'insetto sterile (SIT), basata su allevamento massale, sterilizzazione e rilascio in campo di un gran numero di maschi della specie vettrice. I maschi sterili rilasciati devono essere in grado di volare, di disperdersi sul territorio, di sopravvivere, di essere sessualmente attivi abbastanza a lungo per coprire il tempo tra una fase di rilascio e la successiva, di individuare le femmine vergini selvatiche e competere con successo per l'accoppiamento con i maschi selvatici. La dispersione e la sopravvivenza dei maschi di Ae. albopictus allevati in laboratorio, sono state studiate mediante tecniche di marcatura, rilascio e ricattura. Le catture sono state eseguite da tecnici specializzati, in un raggio di 350 m dal sito di rilascio. Gli esperimenti condotti hanno dimostrato che i maschi sono in grado di disperdersi, dal sito di rilascio, per circa 200 m ma la loro longevità in campo è fortemente dipendente dalle condizioni climatiche. In studi di semi-campo e di campo è stato valutato uno speciale dispositivo progettato per essere incluso nella stazione di rilascio dei maschi in grado di fornire loro fonti energetiche per migliorarne le prestazioni. I risultati ottenuti sono stati positivi. Studi di competitività sono stati condotti in tunnel costruiti in un ambiente naturale al fine di validare un protocollo per studi sulla competitività dei maschi in questo modello sperimentale. Maschi irraggiati mediante l'applicazione di raggi gamma alla dose di 30 Gy sono stati messi in competizione con maschi fertili per l'accoppiamento con femmine vergini con diversi rapporti. I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato le buone prestazioni e l'affidabilità di questo modello sperimentale rimanendo però irrisolto il problema dell’elevata variabilità.


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Nach den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine biologische Bekämpfung von Kleider- und Pelzmotten durch die gezielte Freilassungen von parasitoiden Hymenopteren als deren natürliche Gegenspieler möglich. Es wurden erstmalig ausführliche Versuche zur Parasitierung der Kleider- und Pelzmotte, insbesondere durch Eiaparasitoide der Gattung Trichogramma, durchgeführt. Für die braconide Schlupfwespe Apanteles carpatus wurde eine Zucht- und Freilassungsmethode entwickelt. Sie kann nun als neuer Nützlinge gegen textilschädigende Mottenlarven eingesetzt werden. Eine natürliche Parasitierung textilschädigender Motten durch Eiparasitoide ist bislang nicht nachgewiesen worden. Die Tineiden erwiesen sich im Laborversuch für Trichogramma als gut geeignete Wirte. Hinsichtlich der praktischen Anwendung von Eiparasitoiden der Gattung Trichogramma konnte aus einer Auswahl von 29 Arten und Stämmen aus einer Laborzucht mit T. piceum (Stamm: PIC M 91) eine besonders geeignete Art selektiert werden. Dieser Stamm zeigte die höchste Parasitierungsrate mit über 80 Eiern bei Temperaturen von 20-25°C und einer Lebensdauer von bis zu 17 Tagen. Im Präferenztest wurden sowohl Eier der Kleidermotte als auch der Getreidemotte, dem Massenzuchtwirt, von allen Stämmen mit Abstand am besten parasitiert. Das Geschlechterverhältnis von T. piceum lag bei über 80%. Der untersuchte Stamm von Apanteles carpatus zeigte bei 25°C eine durchschnittliche Nachkommenzahl von 55 pro Weibchen. Die Parasitoide erreichten jedoch nur unter optimalen Bedingungen eine Lebensdauer von bis zu 14 Tagen. In den Käfigversuchen ohne zusätzliche Nahrungsquellen wurden die Tiere nicht älter als 4 Tage. Es war nicht möglich, für A. carpatus Ersatzwirte für eine Massenzucht zu finden, da sie offensichtlich auf Tineiden spezialisiert sind, jedoch konnte ein Zuchtsystem mit Kleidermotten als Zuchtwirte etabliert werden. Die ausgewählten Trichogramma-Arten wurden in Käfigversuchen ausführlich untersucht und im Hinblick auf ihre Suchleistung auf verschiedenen Stoffoberflächen geprüft. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die getesteten Arten sehr unterschiedlich geeignet sind, um Textilien nach Eiern abzusuchen. Die Arten T. evanescens (Stamm: Lager) und T. piceum (PIC M 91) erwiesen sich als in der Suchleistung als am besten geeignet. Im Vergleich dazu zeigte T. cacoeciae (CAC D 90 O) sehr wenig Suchleistugsvermögen auf Textilien. Die geeigneten Arten durchdrangen außer verschiedenen Textilien auch grobe Schafwolle bis zu 0,4 m vom Freilassungsort. Das Ködern von Larvalparasitoiden von tineiden Motten im Freiland erwies sich als nicht erfolgreich. Trotzdem in der Literatur eine Reihe parasitoider Hymenopteren als Gegenspieler von Tineiden beschrieben sind und in Innenräumen beobachtet wurden, war es nicht möglich, weitere freilebende Arten zu ködern. Sowohl für das Ködern im Freiland als auch für die Rückköderung in Lagern wurden Ködermethoden getestet und optimiert. Nebenwirkungstests haben ergeben, dass die Nützlinge ergänzend zum Einsatz von Niem-Präparaten an schlecht zugänglichen Befallsstellen eingesetzt werden können. Ebenso wurde ermittelt, dass eine Kombination des Nützlingseinsatzes mit Repellents möglich ist. Bei zu hoher Konzentration der Wirkstoffe, den reinen Niem-Öl und konzentriertem Lavendel-Öl, in geschlossenen Glaskäfigen, wurden starke Nebenwirkungen auf Trichogramma festgestellt. In größerem Raumvolumen oder geringerer Dosierung der Wirkstoffe parasitierte Trichogramma allerdings auch Ködereier, die sich auf Niem-behandeltem Stoff befanden. Erste Freilassungsversuche in der Praxis ergaben unterschiedliche Erfolge. Nach einer Freilassung von Apanteles carpatus in einem Wohnhaus, das mit Schafwolle gedämmt wurde, reduzierte sich Fang von adulten Motten auf Pheromon-Klebfallen deutlich. In einem Textillager hingegen war es mit einer einmaligen Freilassung jedoch nicht möglich, die Gegenspieler zu etablieren und den Mottenbefall zu kontrollieren. Die mehrwöchige Freilassung von Trichogramma in einem Textillager konnte dazu beitragen, einen Pelzmottenbefall zu reduzieren. Hier zeigten sich Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von parasitoiden Schlupfwespen gegen Textilmotten gleichermaßen.


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Dal 1999 presso il laboratorio del Centro Agricoltura Ambiente “G. Nicoli” a Crevalcore (BO) è in corso una sperimentazione finalizzata a verificare la possibilità di attuare la tecnica del maschio sterile (SIT) in Italia contro Aedes albopictus. Alcuni aspetti per migliorare l’efficienza di questa struttura pilota, oggetto della presente ricerca, sono stati: 1) studio degli effetti di determinati costituenti della dieta larvale a) sullo sviluppo larvale stesso, per individuare intervalli limite di densità larvale e di concentrazione di cibo in cui è possibile lo sviluppo di tale specie, e b) sulla qualità dei maschi adulti ottenuti; 2) la valutazione di attrezzatura per l’allevamento massale e 3) la possibilità di migliorare la dieta larvale mediante integrazione di carboidrati. Dalle prove di valutazione della dieta larvale si è potuto osservare che, per quanto riguarda i parametri larvali, le due diete denominate “IAEA” (1 e 2) sono risultate più efficaci rispetto alla dieta standard “CAA”. Tali diete sono perciò da preferirsi nel loro possibile impiego in biofabbriche per l’allevamento massale. Le prove condotte sugli adulti allevati con le diverse diete hanno suggerito la necessità di valutare una possibile integrazione di componenti per migliorarne la longevità. Risulta altresì opportuno continuare la ricerca per ottimizzare la dieta larvale così da ottenere maschi di elevata qualità. Grazie ai risultati ottenuti dalle prove per valutare l’impiego di attrezzatura massale (vassoi di grandi dimensioni e carrello) si è potuto definire un modello per l’allevamento di Ae. albopictus con parametri standardizzati di densità larvale, dose di dieta, temperatura dell’acqua di allevamento, percentuale di maschi passati al setacciamento e rendimento di allevamento. Prove future saranno necessarie per testare altri componenti della dieta ricchi in carboidrati, quali saccarosio, da aggiungere alla dieta larvale per migliorare le qualità degli adulti ottenuti senza provocare effetti negativi sui parametri dello sviluppo larvale.


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El control biológico aumentativo de Diatrae saccharalis Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) requiere la cría masiva del parasitoide Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Braconidae: Microgastrinae) y por ello, es necesario el desarrollo de dietas artificiales eficientes. El objetivo fue examinar los efectos de distintos tipos de dieta sobre parámetros biológicos de D. saccharalis y su impacto en la producción de cocones de C. flavipes. Se sembraron 46136 huevos de D. saccharalis en once combinaciones de dietas artificiales, con dos tipos de harinas y tres tipos de antibióticos. Los resultados mostraron que la composición de la dieta afectó los parámetros biológicos de ambas especies. La mayor eficiencia en la cría se obtuvo con el empleo de combinaciones de harina de poroto y ampicilina. Sin embargo, si se considera la relación entre costos de producción y parámetros biológicos, la dieta con harina de poroto, oxitetraciclina y estreptomicina resulta más adecuada para la cría masiva.


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Histological investigations of the pathology of Helicoverpa armigera (Hiibner) eggs after attack by the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma australicum (Girault), indicate that the developing embryo is immediately killed by envenomation. Soon afterward the histological staining characteristics of parasitized host embryos change and the embryonic germ band dissociates into a mass of individual rounded cells. Hosts attacked by females sterilized by gamma-irradiation showed the same pathological effects as normally parasitized hosts, indicating that host degeneration is due to female venom rather than factors derived from the parasitoid embryo or larva. Cell death also occurred in older host embryos although tissue breakdown was delayed. These findings have allowed us to determine not just that the host dies but what happens to the cells and tissues, i.e., their physical appearance, the time course of their degeneration, and that the process is retarded in older hosts. These processes can possibly be emulated in artificial diets. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Trichogramma species are mass-produced for biological control using host eggs. Artificial diets have been developed to reduce production costs, however, most include insect haemolymph as a major component, which still results in a significant expense. Medium conditioned with insect cell lines has produced some success as a haemolymph replacement in artificial diets for several parasitoid wasp species. Trichogramma australicum Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was the first species to develop successfully to the adult stage on diets containing concentrated HeliothiS zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) cells. Tricho-gramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was subsequently grown to the adult stage on a similar cell line diet. This success encouraged a systematic investigation into the use of insect cell lines in Trichogramma artificial diets. We compared the effect of diets containing insect cells with diets containing conditioned cell line media. Diets containing insect cells produced significantly more pupae than diets containing conditioned medium and, although not significant, produced a higher number of adults. Second, we compared the effect of diets containing cell lines established from ovary-associated tissue of H. zea and embryo tissue of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) on T pretiosum development. Trichogramma pretiosum development was not significantly different on diets containing cells from the two origins and tissue types. Third, the effect of cell storage on T pretiosum development was observed. HeliothiS zea cells in medium were stored at 4 degrees C and room temperature (22 degrees C for one, two, four and seven days before addition to artificial diets. Cell viability was calculated for these storage treatments. HeliothiS zea cells could be stored at 4 degrees C for up to seven days with no detrimental effect on T pretiosum development. Tricho-gramma pretiosum development did not depend on cell viability. The use of insect cell lines as a haemolymph replacement has the potential to significantly reduce production costs and simplify Trichogramma artificial diets with the eventual aim of replacing host production in mass rearing facilities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In India scientific commercial farming of Macrobrachium is yet to get a start, the major constraint being the lack of seed. Seed collection from the natural sources alone may not be sufficient, and in such cases seed production in hatcheries is inevitable. This necessitates knowledge of the reproductive biology of the species technology development for brood stock and larval rearing, and the optimum conditions required for larval development to undertake large scale seed production.The present study was taken up with the major objectives of developing a proper, simple and feasible technology for the larval rearing of Macrobrachium, with special emphasis on. mass larval rearing suitable for commercial level operations.


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One of the major problems in the mass production of sugpo is how to obtain a constant supply of fry. Since ultimately it is the private sector which should produce the sugpo fry to fill the needs of the industry, the Barangay Hatchery Project under the Prawn Program of the Aquaculture Department of SEAFDEC has scaled down the hatchery technology from large tanks to a level which can be adopted by the private sector, especially in the villages, with a minimum of financial and technical inputs. This guide to small-scale hatchery operations is expected to generate more enthusiasm among fish farmers interested in venturing into sugpo culture.


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The results are presented of attempts to artificially fertilize Mugil cephalus eggs in the Philippines. Embryonic development is outlined and rearing of the larvae described. Mass mortality occurred during week 3 of rearing.


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Different culture techniques were tried for rearing larvae of Penaeus monodon, in order to obtain preliminary data on stocking density, water management, fertilization versus feeding and effect of different types of vertical substrate. The results of the experiments showed that: (1) older fry have greater chances of survival; (2) the traditional nursery pond designs and practices used for milkfish in the Philippines are applicable to prawn only at very low densities and give acceptable high survival rates only when used with the older postlarval stage.