743 resultados para Essências nativas


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No desenvolvimento das condições ótimas para a avaliação da viabilidade, através da determinação de métodos eficientes na condução dos testes de germinação e de tetrazólio, e do vigor, através do estudo das variáveis que influenciam a realização dos testes de condutividade elétrica e de envelhecimento acelerado, foram utilizadas sementes forrageiras nativas das gramíneas Paspalum dilatatum Poir., P. lividum Trin. ex Schltdl., P. nicorae Parodi, P. notatum Flügge, P. pauciciliatum Parodi Herter, P. plicatulum Michx., P. pumilum Ness, P. regnellii Mez, P. urvillei Steud e das leguminosas Desmodium incanum DC., Trifolium riograndense Burkart, Adesmia latifolia (Spreng.) Vogel. e Desmanthus depressus Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Os trabalhos foram desenvolvidos no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes do Departamento de Plantas Forrageiras e Agrometeorologia da Faculdade de Agronomia/Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados em porcentagem de germinação foram transformados em arco-seno√x/100. As médias foram comparadas pelo Teste de Tukey (P<0,05), de Dunnett (P<0,05) e análise de regressão. O delineamento experimental foi o completamente casualizado, com quatro repetições de 25 sementes cada. As condições adequadas de germinação, tipo de substrato, posição e temperatura utilizada, variaram conforme a espécie, mas de um modo geral as sementes de leguminosas mostraram bons resultados sobre substrato papel e em temperaturas alternadas. Nas gramíneas do gênero Paspalum, a condição papel, a posição sobre o substrato e as temperaturas constantes de 20 e 25°C e a alternada de 20-35°C destacaram-se das demais, para a maioria das espécies. A temperatura alta (40°C), o maior período de embebição (24 horas) e a concentração de 0,5%, de uma forma geral, apresentaram-se como as condições mais adequadas para condução do teste de tetrazólio nas espécies trabalhadas. A combinação 24 horas/25°C, para grande parte das leguminosas e gramíneas em questão, levou a uma liberação maior de lixiviados na realização do teste de condutividade elétrica. As condições de temperatura de 45°C e o período de exposição de 96 horas, de modo geral, afetaram de forma mais drástica a porcentagem média de germinação das sementes após o envelhecimento acelerado nas espécies estudadas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Avaliaram-se o crescimento da população, a atividade in vitro da enzima 1,4-b-endoglucanase e a taxa de digestão de celulose em culturas de Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD1 na presença de 50, 100, 200 e 400µg/ml de taninos purificado das leguminosas Mimosa hostilis (Jurema Preta), Mimosa caesalpinifolia (Sabiá) e Bauhinia cheilantha (Mororó). O crescimento bacteriano, a atividade da endoglucanase e a digestão de celulose foram fortemente inibidos pela presença dos taninos condensados purificados das três espécies, entretanto, a intensidade da inibição foi variável em função da espécie da leguminosa e da concentração de tanino.


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The Caatinga biome has a high diversity of potential and their conservation constitutes one of the greatest challenges of Brazilian science. The sustainable management of the Caatinga emerges as an alternative that through the formation of systems agrossilvipastoris, enables the use of forest resources sustainably, ensuring their conservation, regeneration and recovery. In RN this technique has been developed mainly in settlements of Agrarian Reform, such as P. A. Moaci Lucena, and their impacts go beyond the environmental aspect and reverberate socially and economically on the quality of life of family farmers. Despite the efficiency of the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga in the conservation of native species, many forests species of this biome faces serious problems of propagation and for this reason have become vulnerable to extinction, as is the case of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth . Thus , it is evident the need to use sustainable alternatives to overcome the difficulties of propagation of this species and enable their replacement in areas where their existence is threatened. The Plant Biotechnology is considered as a promising alternative in this sense, considering that by micropropagation enables the large-scale production of seedlings with high health genetics status. This work has the following objectives: evaluate the perception of family farmers of P. A. Moaci Lucena in relation to social, environmental and economic impacts of the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga and check the conditions of germination and in vitro propagation of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth that enabling the production of seedlings of this specie on a large scale. To achieve the first objective, semi-structured interviews showed that in the perception of farmers PA Moaci Lucena, the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga was responsible for generating many social, environmental and economic impacts that affected directly in the improvement in the quality of life of the families of the Settlement Project Moaci Lucena. Have to achieve the second objective, were investigated the influence of different substrates and concentrations of growth regulator BAP in the germination and shoot induction in vitro of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth. The vermiculite was presented as the most suitable substrate for germination of this species, because it provided a more rapid germination, higher growth rates and higher dry matter accumulation. Regarding micropropagation, the concentration of 17.76 μmol/L of BAP presented a more responsive in relation to multiplication rate and the number of shoots in M. caesalpiniifolia, thus constituting the most suitable concentration for the in vitro propagation of this specie


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Anthropogenic interferences in natural environments cause the breakage of spatial and competitive barriers, which may infuence the spatial distribution of species. In this study, we describe the spatial distribution of an exotic amphipod, Talitroides topitotum, in two distinct sites, a forest fragment and a plantation of native arboreal species. We analyzed possible variations in this spatial distribution in different periods of the year and verifed whether the vegetation cover and the litter layer depth may explain the distribution pattern of this species. We performed analyses of frequency distribution to determine the pattern of this species spatial distribution, as well as correlation tests to determine the effect of these two variables of habitat structure. The spatial distribution analysis revealed that T. topitotum presents aggregated distribution in both areas, indicating that this species has low environmental demands or that both areas are below a minimum environmental quality threshold. However, even with this similarity, the population in the fragmented site presented a higher index of aggregation when compared with the population of the plantation site. Corroborating previous studies, there was a negative correlation between abundance of T. topitotum and litter layer depth in the plantation site. Studies on invaded habitats can help understand how invasive species occupy new environments and the factors that can infuence their spatial distribution.


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Os deslizamentos são eventos inerentes à dinâmica da Serra do Mar, nos trechos mais declivosos. Contudo, devido a alguns fatores de intervenção, como a poluição atmosférica, ocupação da base dos morros e outros, a incidência desses eventos tem aumentado. Diante disso, este estudo objetivou avaliar a dinâmica de colonização de áreas de encosta degradadas, como forma de subsidiar ações de recuperação. Para tanto, foram adotadas duas áreas experimentais, localizadas em trechos da serra do Mar próximos à Baixada Santista, onde foram lançadas parcelas de 1 m² e obtidos dados fitossociológicos. em seguida, as áreas foram limpas e os mesmos parâmetros da avaliação inicial, registrados, mensalmente, ao longo de um ano. Foram encontradas 20 espécies, pertencentes a 14 famílias botânicas, em sua maioria espécies exóticas ou nativas não regionais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Intercropping of trees and annual crops could be an important alternative for promoting forest restoration in small farms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the intercropping of cassava (Manihot sculenta Crantz) with native trees for restoration of natural forest in riparian areas in the western São Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks with six replications for comparing two restoration systems: pure afforestation and afforestation intercropped with cassava. It was evaluated the variables related to seedling development (height, crown diameter, crown cover, and height/crown diameter ratio), mortality and the economic impact were assessed for using cassava. No differences were found between treatments for any dendrometrical variable and mortality. Economic impact of the intercroppoing treatment was positive because costs for establishment of intercropped system were partially reduced by the income from the cassava crop, which covered 32% of total costs. Cassava income made final costs 19% lesser than restoration in the pure afforestation system.


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The objective if this work was a survey of medicinal plants plus commonly cultivated in quintais in Amazon State, Brazil. The work was carried out in five counties at the Solimões/Amazonas and Negro Rivers, by questionnaires, interviews and collections of botanical materials, using the literature to define the geographic origins. It was showed 105 species of medicinal plants, with average of 13 per house. The Amazonian plants, in general wood plants, meaning 10,9 percent of the total of species that was survey, with predominance of the American continent plants out of Amazonian (38,2 per cent). The major group was herbaceous or shrubs exotic plants, aromatics. In general, the peoples unknown the origin of the species of medicinal plants that use day after day.