976 resultados para Electoral system


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En esta tesis se aborda la historia política correntina del período 1909- 1930, centrándose en la actuación de los partidos políticos, en las elecciones y prácticas políticas y electorales con el objeto de contribuir a la reconstrucción y comprensión de la cultura política provincial y aportar al conocimiento de la historia política argentina de esa etapa. La provincia de Corrientes, constituye un caso peculiar en el contexto nacional, al convertirse en la única que no tuvo un gobierno radical en todo el período posterior a la sanción de la ley electoral de 1912. Lo que aquí se trató de demostrar fue que los mecanismos que permitieron la permanencia de los gobiernos conservadores en esa provincia fueron tanto institucionales como culturales. Entre ellos, se destacan la adecuación al nuevo sistema político por medio de una reforma de la Constitución Provincial que confirmó el sistema de representación proporcional en lugar del sistema de lista incompleta y la reorganización de los partidos conservadores a través de la instauración de la política del acuerdo. Así, la permanencia de éste sector en el gobierno durante todo el período analizado, estuvo más vinculada con la puesta en práctica de estos mecanismos, que con el incremento de la participación del electorado o la influencia de elementos discursivos o ideológicos.


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En este trabajo se reconstruye la trayectoria del régimen fraudulento durante el gobierno de Agustín Justo (1932-1938). Las acciones coercitivas desplegadas por los caudillos durante la jornada electoral fueron su rasgo más evidente, pero la instrumentación del fraude tuvo alcances más profundos. A lo largo de esta experiencia, el ejercicio abierto de la coerción sobre el principal partido opositor y el avasallamiento de los derechos de la ciudadanía fueron acompañados por la reorganización del Estado en un sentido que quebró la relación de equilibrio entre los poderes a través de la subordinación del Poder Judicial y el Legislativo a las directivas del elenco gobernante. En este texto se identifican las prácticas y las decisiones desplegadas por los partidos políticos del campo opositor y del oficialista en relación con este proceso.


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En este trabajo se reconstruye la trayectoria del régimen fraudulento durante el gobierno de Agustín Justo (1932-1938). Las acciones coercitivas desplegadas por los caudillos durante la jornada electoral fueron su rasgo más evidente, pero la instrumentación del fraude tuvo alcances más profundos. A lo largo de esta experiencia, el ejercicio abierto de la coerción sobre el principal partido opositor y el avasallamiento de los derechos de la ciudadanía fueron acompañados por la reorganización del Estado en un sentido que quebró la relación de equilibrio entre los poderes a través de la subordinación del Poder Judicial y el Legislativo a las directivas del elenco gobernante. En este texto se identifican las prácticas y las decisiones desplegadas por los partidos políticos del campo opositor y del oficialista en relación con este proceso.


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En este trabajo se reconstruye la trayectoria del régimen fraudulento durante el gobierno de Agustín Justo (1932-1938). Las acciones coercitivas desplegadas por los caudillos durante la jornada electoral fueron su rasgo más evidente, pero la instrumentación del fraude tuvo alcances más profundos. A lo largo de esta experiencia, el ejercicio abierto de la coerción sobre el principal partido opositor y el avasallamiento de los derechos de la ciudadanía fueron acompañados por la reorganización del Estado en un sentido que quebró la relación de equilibrio entre los poderes a través de la subordinación del Poder Judicial y el Legislativo a las directivas del elenco gobernante. En este texto se identifican las prácticas y las decisiones desplegadas por los partidos políticos del campo opositor y del oficialista en relación con este proceso.


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Switzerland held federal elections on 18 October, with the conservative Swiss People’s Party winning the largest share of the votes. Daniel Bochsler, Marlène Gerber and David Zumbach write that while the increase in vote share for the Swiss People’s Party was relatively limited, the party managed to significantly increase the number of seats it holds in Switzerland’s lower house of parliament, the National Council. Nevertheless, the party is unlikely to make substantial gains in the country’s upper house, the Senate, as it traditionally struggles under the two-round electoral system used in Senate elections.


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Os altos índices de corrupção no Brasil levaram a criação de algumas leis com o intuito de combater este mal que corrói a democracia e que preocupa todos os países democráticos. Este trabalho busca verificar as novas ferramentas jurídicas, bem como a responder a uma questão. Há mais alguma reforma necessária? Alguns estudos apontam influência de aspectos do sistema eleitoral no índice de corrupção. Se há, que reforma nesse sentido o Brasil poderia adotar? Foram utilizados método dialético e método comparativo, para análise de doutrina e legislação estrangeiras, comparando-as com as nacionais, e método indutivo para a análise de dados. Foram feitos grandes avanços legislativos, mas há que discutir o que pode ser aprimorado para criar um ambiente menos fértil à corrupção e tornar mais eficazes os mecanismos de controle dos agentes públicos.


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During the 1860's and 1870's, Spain and Italy experienced a convergence of debates on the significance of political representation in the framework of Liberal State. Spain suffered a political and social crisis, ending with the Revolution of 1868 and the adoption of male universal suffrage in 1878. Its coeval Italy began to build its new Kingdom, anxious about state building, as well as the relevance of electoral processes in the Constitutional scheme. Although members of parliament and essayists of both countries well knew their neighbour's political reality, a dialogue on representation didn't occur. Nonetheless, we believe it is useful to analyse the survey drawn by the Italian publicist in the light of current knowledge of the opinions that prevailed in Spain. What sense did they give to the general election? How did they understand the value of the vote? Who were considered eligible voters? These questions comprise the main subjects of the essay.


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Voters try to avoid wasting their votes even in PR systems. In this paper we make a case that this type of strategic voting can be observed and predicted even in PR systems. Contrary to the literature we do not see weak institutional incentive structures as indicative of a hopeless endeavor for studying strategic voting. The crucial question for strategic voting is how institutional incentives constrain an individual’s decision-making process. Based on expected utility maximization we put forward a micro-logic of an individual’s expectation formation process driven by institutional and dispositional incentives. All well-known institutional incentives to vote strategically that get channelled through the district magnitude are moderated by dispositional factors in order to become relevant for voting decisions. Employing data from Finland – because of its electoral system a particularly hard testing ground - we find considerable evidence for observable implications of our theory.


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The 2015 election to the Swiss Parliament marks a return to an already observed trend that was only interrupted in 2011: a shift to the right and an increase in polarization. The vote share of the nationalist-conservative Swiss People's Party (SVP) has now reached a historical height of 29.4% (+2.8). This note discusses why cantons matter in the Swiss national elections, and to what degree elections have become nationalized. Institutionally, the 26 cantons serve as electoral districts. This leads to a highly disproportional electoral system and has magnified the minor vote shifts to a slightly more pronounced shift in seats, with the right now holding a tiny majority of 101 of 200 seats in the first chamber. The two winners, the SVP and the Liberals, also had most campaign funds at their disposal. They were able to guide an extensive nationwide campaign in which they advocated their core issues instead of candidates. Other parties only advertised at the cantonal level.


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The past two decades have witnessed growing political disaffection and a widening mass/elite disjuncture in France, reflected in opinion polls, rising abstentionism, electoral volatility and fragmentation, with sustained voting against incumbent governments. Though the electoral system has preserved the duopoly of the mainstream coalitions, they have suffered loss of public confidence and swings in electoral support. Stable parliamentary majorities conceal a political landscape of assorted anti-system parties and growing support for far right and far left. The picture is paradoxical: the French express alienation from political parties yet relate positively to their political institutions; they berate national politicians but retain strong bonds with those elected locally; they appear increasingly disengaged from politics yet forms of ‘direct democracy’ are finding new vigour. While the electoral, attitudinal and systemic factors reviewed here may not signal a crisis of democracy, they point to serious problems of political representation in contemporary France.


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In this dissertation, I explore the impact of several public policies on civic participation. Using a unique combination of school administrative and public–use voter files and methods for causal inference, I evaluate the impact of three new, as of yet unexplored, policies: one informational, one institutional, and one skill–based. Chapter 2 examines the causal effect of No Child Left Behind’s performance-based accountability school failure signals on turnout in school board elections and on individuals’ use of exit. I find that failure signals mobilize citizens both at the ballot box and by encouraging them to vote with their feet. However, these increases in voice and exit come primarily from citizens who already active—thus exacerbating inequalities in both forms of participation. Chapter 3 examines the causal effect of preregistration—an electoral reform that allows young citizens to enroll in the electoral system before turning 18, while also providing them with various in-school supports. Using data from the Current Population Survey and Florida Voter Files and multiple methods for causal inference, I (with my coauthor listed below) show that preregistration mobilizes and does so for a diverse set of citizens. Finally, Chapter 4 examines the impact of psychosocial or so called non-cognitive skills on voter turnout. Using information from the Fast Track intervention, I show that early– childhood investments in psychosocial skills have large, long-run spillovers on civic participation. These gains are widely distributed, being especially large for those least likely to participate. These chapters provide clear insights that reach across disciplinary boundaries and speak to current policy debates. In placing specific attention not only on whether these programs mobilize, but also on who they mobilize, I provide scholars and practitioners with new ways of thinking about how to address stubbornly low and unequal rates of citizen engagement.


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The ability for the citizens of a nation to determine their own representation has long been regarded as one of the most critical objectives of any electoral system. Without having the assurance of equality in representation, the fundamental nature and operation of the political system is severely undermined. Given the centuries of institutional reforms and population changes in the American system, Congressional Redistricting stands as an institution whereby this promise of effective representation can either be fulfilled or denied. The broad set of processes that encapsulate Congres- sional Redistricting have been discussed, experimented, and modified to achieve clear objectives and have long been understood to be important. Questions remain about how the dynamics which link all of these processes operate and what impact the real- ities of Congressional Redistricting hold for representation in the American system. This dissertation examines three aspects of how Congressional Redistricting in the Untied States operates in accordance with the principle of “One Person, One Vote.” By utilizing data and data analysis techniques of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), this dissertation seeks to address how Congressional Redistricting impacts the principle of one person, one vote from the standpoint of legislator accountability, redistricting institutions, and the promise of effective minority representation.


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The inclusion of non-ipsative measures of party preference (in essence ratings for each of the parties of a political system) has become established practice in mass surveys conducted for election studies. They exist in different forms, known as thermometer ratings or feeling scores, likes and dislikes scores, or support propensities. Usually only one of these is included in a single survey, which makes it difficult to assess the relative merits of each. The questionnaire of the Irish National Election Study 2002 (INES2002) contained three different batteries of non-ipsative party preferences. This paper investigates some of the properties of these different indicators. We focus in particular on two phenomena. First, the relationship between non-ipsative preferences and the choices actually made on the ballot. In Ireland this relationship is more revealing than in most other countries owing to the electoral system (STV) which allows voters to cast multiple ordered votes for candidates from different parties. Second, we investigate the latent structure of each of the batteries of party preferences and the relationships between them. We conclude that the three instruments are not interchangeable, that they measure different orientations, and that one –the propensity to vote for a party– is by far preferable if the purpose of the study is the explanation of voters’ actual choice behaviour. This finding has important ramifications for the design of election study questionnaires.


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Web 2.0 tools, while mobilising citizens to make informed choices, may also manipulated public opinion. This hypothesis forms the central theme of this research investigation through the historiography lens. Based on concurrent research from decade, the authors take a closer look at citizen-to-citizen engagement, so as to trace the role of web 2.0 tools, in perhaps manipulating public opinion or enabling democratic governance through reversal of some existing defects in the Indian context. Specifically, they raise these questions: Has ICT enabled civic engagement manipulated public opinion in this developing democracy? Has it succeeded in reversing apparent defects in the electoral system, which is regarded pivotal in democracies? Focusing on the elections, the authors present a synopsis of the use of web 2.0 tools which were seemingly efficiently and prolifically used during the elections albeit to reach out to the large population base in this country.


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El propósito del presente estudio de caso es evaluar el alcance de la cuota género con respecto a la participación política femenina, durante las elecciones legislativas de 2014 en Colombia. A partir de entrevistas realizadas a las congresistas y a los miembros de los partidos políticos, del estudio de los perfiles de las mujeres electas y de una serie de elementos teóricos relativos al sistema electoral; se analizan y explican los factores que llevaron a la cuota a tener un efecto limitado con respecto al número de mujeres electas. Posteriormente, siguiendo los planteamientos de Iris Marion Young, se estudia el funcionamiento de la cuota desde un concepto más amplio de acción afirmativa, lo que permite identificar el efecto de la cuota en relación con las barreras culturales que dificultan la participación política femenina.