928 resultados para Diabetes Complications


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A hiperglicemia é a principal característica da diabetes mellitus (DM), uma das causas de morte que mais cresce em Portugal, e cujas complicações a longo prazo são mais debilitantes e mais sobrecarregam os sistemas de saúde. No entanto, os mecanismos subjacentes à resposta fisiológica de alguns tecidos à hiperglicemia não estão completamente esclarecidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar de que forma o tempo de exposição à hiperglicemia afeta dois tecidos epiteliais, o endotélio e as glândulas salivares, que são frequentemente associados a complicações da DM, utilizando um modelo animal. Adicionalmente, procurou-se encontrar novos biomarcadores para avaliar a suscetibilidade a complicações orais em diabéticos, analisando as modificações pós-traducionais (PTMs) da família de proteínas mais representativa na saliva humana: proteínas ricas em prolina (PRPs). A disfunção vascular está na origem de várias complicações da diabetes. Neste sentido, observou-se uma progressiva disfunção endotelial com o aumento do tempo de exposição à hiperglicemia, que resulta do aumento de danos no endotélio e da diminuição da capacidade de mobilização de células progenitoras. Simultaneamente, o aumento observado na atividade da via de ativação do sistema de complemento mediada por lectinas (MBL), sugere um envolvimento do sistema de imunidade inata na patogénese da disfunção vascular. Outra complicação comum da DM é o desenvolvimento de doenças orais, nomeadamente as relacionadas com a redução da secreção salivar. Na análise às glândulas submandibulares, observou-se uma resposta inicial à hiperglicemia com fortes variações na expressão de proteínas, mas a longo prazo, estas variações foram atenuadas, sugerindo um mecanismo de adaptação à hiperglicemia crónica. Adicionalmente, as proteínas relacionadas com a secreção, como as anexinas, apresentaram-se sobre-expressas, enquanto as calicreinas e proteínas metabólicas estavam sub-expressas. Estas variações sugerem que, apesar de uma diminuição da capacidade de regeneração, as células tentam superar a perda de tecido por meio do aumento da secreção, embora sem êxito. O comprometimento funcional das glândulas salivares tem consequências na composição e funções da saliva. Analisando as PTMs das PRPs salivares humanas, observou-se um aumento da frequência de péptidos com ciclização de resíduos N-terminais de glutamina a piroglutamato, o que confere uma resistência à atividade proteolítica que, por sua vez, se encontra aumentada em diabéticos. Assim, a presença de péptidos com N-piroglutamato poderá ser um potencial biomarcador da suscetibilidade a complicações orais em diabéticos.


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La population mondiale est en train de vieillir. Le vieillissement augmente le risque des pertes de la force musculaire (FM), du diabète type II (T2D) et du déclin de la capacité fonctionnelle (CF). Indépendamment de l’âge, les personnes âgées diabétiques ont un risque accru des pertes de la FM et du déclin de la CF comparées aux non-diabétiques. La nutrition est un facteur déterminant d’un vieillissement optimal et joue un rôle primordial dans la prise en charge du diabète, minimise les pertes de FM et peut moduler le déclin de la CF. De plus, l’activité physique (AP) offre des bénéfices semblables à ceux de la nutrition. Ainsi, l’objectif principal de cette thèse est de déterminer le rôle de la qualité alimentaire (QA) dans le maintien de la CF chez les personnes âgées diabétiques vivant dans la communauté, par le biais des analyses secondaires réalisées sur la base de données de la cohorte NuAge. En vue de la réalisation de cet objectif, une caractérisation de plusieurs variables en lien avec la CF était nécessaire. Ainsi, une description globale de l’alimentation des personnes âgées diabétiques fut effectuée. Ensuite, chacun des articles présentés a testé un objectif spécifique chez ces personnes âgées diabétiques, afin de : 1) déterminer si la QA seule, ou combinée à l’AP est associée au maintien des forces musculaires (FM) ; 2) déterminer si la QA seule, ou combinée à l’AP est associée à la prévention du déclin de la CF ; et 3) examiner l’association entre la suffisance en apports énergétique et protéique et le maintien des FM et la CF. De plus, l’association entre la QA, l’AP et la performance physique (PP) a été examinée. Cette thèse de doctorat est la première à examiner le rôle de la QA dans la CF chez la population âgée diabétique. En particulier, les résultats ont montré que la population diabétique de NuAge se caractérise par une bonne alimentation globale et de bonnes habitudes alimentaires, avec des apports en macronutriments conformes aux recommandations nutritionnelles. Néanmoins, ces participants devraient augmenter leurs apports en micronutriments qui étaient inférieurs aux recommandations chez la majorité. En outre, aucune association significative n’a été observée entre la QA seule et le maintien des FM, ni le déclin de la PP et la CF. Cependant, la QA combinée à l’AP a été associée aux FM des membres supérieurs. Spécifiquement, les hommes diabétiques ayant une bonne QA combinée à une stabilité de l’AP pendant les trois ans de suivi ont subi des pertes minimes de la FM comparés aux autres. Toutefois, aucune association n’a été observée pour les FM des membres inférieurs. De plus, la QA combinée à l’AP n’était associée ni à la PP ni à la CF chez ces participants. Finalement, les analyses ont démontré que la suffisance en apports énergétiques et protéiques est associée au maintien de la CF. En effet, un apport en énergie égal ou supérieur à 30 kcal/kg poids corporel a minimisé le déclin de la CF comparativement à un apport inférieur à 30 kcal/kg chez les hommes, alors que les femmes ayant un apport protéique égal ou supérieur à 1g/kg poids corporel ont subi un déclin minime de la CF comparées à celles ayant des apports en protéines inférieurs à 1g/kg. Enfin, il a été démontré qu’un apport suffisant en protéines a minimisé les pertes de FM des membres inférieurs chez les femmes diabétiques de la cohorte NuAge. Collectivement, les résultats de cette thèse fournissent des données probantes indiquant qu’une bonne QA, des apports suffisants en énergie et en protéines et une bonne pratique de l’AP sont nécessaires afin de minimiser les pertes de la FM reliées au vieillissement et accélérées par la présence du diabète et par la suite maintenir la CF des personnes âgées diabétiques. Cependant, d’autres études seront nécessaires pour confirmer ces résultats.


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Introducción La mutación genética Val30Met de la proteína transtiretina (TTR) es causante de la polineuropatía amiloidótica familiar, comprometiendo en fases iniciales las fibras nerviosas pequeñas (mielinizadas Aδ y amielínicas tipo C), involucradas en funciones autonómicas, nocicepción, percepción térmica y sudoración. Los métodos neurofisiológicos convencionales, no logran detectar dichas anormalidades, retardando el inicio de tratamientos específicos para la enfermedad. Metodología El objetivo principal fue evaluar el test de cuantificación sensitiva (QST) como método de detección temprana de anormalidades de fibra pequeña, en individuos Val30Met, seguidos en el Hospital Universitario Santa María, Lisboa. Se clasificaron los pacientes en 3 grupos, según sintomatología y examen neurológico. Se analizaron los umbrales para percepción de frío, dolor con el calor y vibración en los grupos, en correlación con controles sanos. Resultados 18 registros de controles sanos y 33 de individuos con la mutación, divididos en asintomáticos (24,2%), sintomáticos con examen neurológico normal (42,4%) y sintomáticos con examen neurológico anormal (33,3%). No se encontraron diferencias entre los pacientes asintomáticos y los controles. Los umbrales para frío (p=0,042) y en el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5) (p=0,007) se encuentran elevados en individuos Val30Met sintomáticos con examen normal. En los pacientes sintomáticos con alteraciones al examen, también se presentaron alteraciones en el intervalo entre el inicio y el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5-0,5) (p=0,009). Discusión Los umbrales de frío y de percepción de dolor con el calor, permiten detectar anormalidades en personas con la mutación TTR Val30Met, sintomáticos, incluyendo aquellos sin cambios objetivos al examen neurológico.


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The aim of the study was to assess risk factors for vascular dementia (VaD) in elderly psychiatric outpatients without dementia, and to determine to what extent clinical interventions targeted such risk factors. Out of 250 clinical charts, 78 were selected of patients over 60 years old, who showed no signs of dementia. Information was obtained regarding demographics, clinical conditions (diagnosis according to ICD-10), complementary investigation, cognitive functions (via CAMCOG), neuroimaging, and the presence of risk factors for VaD. Depression was the most prevalent psychiatric disorder (74%). A great majority of the patients (86%) had at least one risk factor for VaD. One-third of the sample showed three or more risk factors for VaD. The clinical conditions related to risk factors for VaD were hypertension (48.7%), heart disease (30.8%), hypercholesterolemia (25.6%), diabetes mellitus (23.1%), stroke (12.8%), tryglyceride (12.8%), and obesity (5.1%). In terms of lifestyle, smoking (19.2%), alcohol abuse (16.7%), and sedentarism (14.1%) were other risk factors found. Definite risk factors for VaD were found in 83.3% of the patients. Previous interventions targeting risk factors were found in only 20% of the cases. The high rates of risk factors for VaD identified in this sample suggest that psychiatrists should be more attentive to these factors for the prevention of VaD. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: This study evaluated the effect of aminoguanidine on liver of diabetic rats subject to physical exercises using histological and histochemical techniques.Methods: The rats used in this study were divided into five groups: sedentary control, sedentary diabetic, trained diabetic, sedentary diabetic and treated with aminoguanidine, trained diabetic and treated with aminoguanidine.Results: The results showed no effect of aminoguanidine on the liver tissue, although there was improvement with exercise training showing cytological, morpho-histological and histochemical alterations in liver cells of animals from groups trained diabetic and/or treated diabetic compared to those individuals in the sedentary control and sedentary diabetic. These changes included: hepatocytes hypertrophy, presence and distribution of polysaccharides in the hepatocytes cytoplasm and, especially, congestion of the liver blood vessels.Conclusion: Our results suggest that aminoguanidine is not hepatotoxic, when used at dosage of 1 g/L for the treatment of diabetes complications, and confirmed that the practice of moderate physical exercise assuaged the damage caused by diabetes without the use of insulin. © 2013 e Nico et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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O diabetes Mellitus é uma doença crônica que nos últimos anos tem contribuído para o aumento da mortalidade no mundo. O enfermeiro destaca-se como ator primordial na assistência ao paciente diabético por desempenhar assistência de enfermagem nos diversos níveis de atenção à saúde. O estudo se propôs a descrever a compreensão dos diabéticos sobre as complicações com os pés; identificar as informações transmitidas pelos enfermeiros e analisar fatores que contribuem para a incidência de complicações nos pés que implicam no autocuidado. Pesquisa descritiva de natureza qualitativa, desenvolvida nos meses de maio a julho de 2013, com trinta diabéticos internados em um Hospital Universitário de Belém-Pará. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada e submetidos à análise de conteúdo temática de acordo com o modelo proposto por Bardin. Todos os preceitos legais foram rigorosamente considerados. Participaram do estudo dezessete mulheres e treze homens com média de idade de sessenta anos. A maioria dos informantes apresentava baixo nível de escolaridade, desconhecimento e desinformação sobre o diabetes que implicou na realização do autocuidado. A análise dos dados obtidos permitiu apreender quatro categorias centrais: descoberta e controle do diabetes; complicações do diabetes e o cuidado com os pés; evidências que interferem no autocuidado dos pés; contribuições da equipe de saúde para a prática do autocuidado com os pés. A discussão foi realizada com base no referencial teórico que deu sustentação a pesquisa e relacionados à Teoria do Autocuidado de Orem. Esta pesquisa procurou enfatizar o ambiente hospitalar de internação, por ser um ambiente característico para o atendimento curativo, contudo acreditamos que possa ser também um local propício a ações educativas relacionadas ao autocuidado, e preventivas quanto às complicações com os pés de pacientes diabéticos.


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Background: The prevalence of Diabetes mellitus (DM) is on a rise in sub-Saharan Africa and will more than double by 2025. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for up to 2/3 of all deaths in the diabetic population. Of all the CVD deaths in DM, 3/4 occur in sub Saharan Africa (SSA). Non invasive identification of cardiac abnormalities, such as Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH), diastolic and systolic dysfunction, is not part of diabetes complications surveillance programs in Uganda and there is limited data on this problem. This study sought to determine the prevalence, types and factors associated with echocardiographic abnormalities among newly diagnosed diabetic patients at Mulago National referral hospital in Uganda. Methods: In this cross sectional study conducted between June 2014 and December 2014, we recruited 202 newly diagnosed adult diabetic patients. Information on patients\' socio-demographics, bio-physical profile, biochemical testing and echocardiographic findings was obtained for all the participants using a pre-tested questionnaire. An abnormal echocardiogram in this study was defined as the presence of LVH, diastolic and/or systolic dysfunction and wall motion abnormality. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to investigate the association of several parameters with echocardiographic abnormalities. Results: Of the 202 patients recruited, males were 102(50.5%) and the mean age was 46±15 years. Majority of patients had type 2 DM, 156(77.2%) and type 1 DM, 41(20.3%) with mean HbA1C of 13.9±5.3%. Mean duration of diabetes was 2 months. The prevalence of an abnormal echocardiogram was 67.8 % (95% CI 60%-74%). Diastolic dysfunction, systolic dysfunction, LVH and wall motion abnormalities were present in 55.0%, 21.8%, 19.3% and 4.0% of all the participants respectively. In bivariate logistic regression analysis, the factors associated with an abnormal echocardiogram were age (OR 1.09 [95% CI 1.06–1.12], P <0.0001), type 2 DM (OR 5.8[95% CI 2.77-12.07], P<0.0001), hypertension (OR 2.64[95% CI 1.44-4.85], P=0.002), obesity (OR 3.51[955 CI 1.25-9.84], P=0.017 and increased waist circumference (OR 1.02[95% CI 1.00-1.04], P=0.024. On Multiple logistic regression analysis, age was the only factor associated with an abnormal echocardiogram (OR 1.09[95%CI 1.05-1.15], P<0.0001). Conclusion: Echocardiographic abnormalities were common among newly diagnosed adults with DM. Traditional CVD risk factors were associated with an abnormal echocardiogram in this patient population. Due to a high prevalence of echocardiographic abnormalities among newly diagnosed diabetics, we recommend screening for cardiac disease especially in patients who present with traditional CVD risk factors. This will facilitate early diagnosis, management and hence better patient outcomes.


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Cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) poses an important clinical problem, which often remains undetected due difficulty of conducting the current tests and their lack of sensitivity. CAN has been associated with growth in the risk of unexpected death in cardiac patients with diabetes mellitus. Heart rate variability (HRV) attributes have been actively investigated, since they are important for diagnostics in diabetes, Parkinson's disease, cardiac and renal disease. Due to the adverse effects of CAN it is important to obtain a robust and highly accurate diagnostic tool for identification of early CAN, when treatment has the best outcome. Use of HRV attributes to enhance the effectiveness of diagnosis of CAN progression may provide such a tool. In the present paper we propose a new machine learning algorithm, the Multi-Layer Attribute Selection and Classification (MLASC), for the diagnosis of CAN progression based on HRV attributes. It incorporates our new automated attribute selection procedure, Double Wrapper Subset Evaluator with Particle Swarm Optimization (DWSE-PSO). We present the results of experiments, which compare MLASC with other simpler versions and counterpart methods. The experiments used our large and well-known diabetes complications database. The results of experiments demonstrate that MLASC has significantly outperformed other simpler techniques.


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Introducción: El tiempo promedio del efecto máximo de la insulina regular rápida en la glucemia postprandial ha sido considerado durante años de 120 minutos. En pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus (DM) que usan insulinas análogas este tiempo y los factores asociados no se encuentran reportados para ser aplicados en el automonitoreo. El objetivo de este estudio fue calcular el tiempo y factores relacionados al efecto máximo de la insulina en la glucemia postprandial. Metodología: Se desarrolló un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo a partir de una fuente secundaria donde se realizó un análisis descriptivo y bivariado con las variables demográficas y clínicas presentes en la población. Resultados: El tiempo promedio del pico máximo de insulina en pacientes con DM1 fue de 78.4 (DE± 16.512) y DM2 75.01(DE± 12.02) minutos. El 75% de la población con DM1 y el 54.2% en DM2 era de sexo femenino, la edad promedio en DM1 era 42.38 años y en DM2 68 años, en cuanto a la categorización del IMC el 50% de la población en DM1 y el 37.5% en DM2 estaban dentro del rango de obesidad y se encontró una relación con respecto al tipo de comida “desayuno-cena” vs el tiempo promedio del efecto máximo de la insulina calculado para ambos grupos (p:0.010). Conclusiones: El tiempo promedio del efecto máximo de la insulina calculado fue menor al tiempo reportado en la literatura clínica de 120 minutos. El tipo de comida principal mostró una relación con el tiempo promedio del efecto máximo en ambos grupos.


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Background Skin temperature assessment is a promising modality for early detection of diabetic foot problems, but its diagnostic value has not been studied. Our aims were to investigate the diagnostic value of different cutoff skin temperature values for detecting diabetes-related foot complications such as ulceration, infection, and Charcot foot and to determine urgency of treatment in case of diagnosed infection or a red-hot swollen foot. Materials and Methods The plantar foot surfaces of 54 patients with diabetes visiting the outpatient foot clinic were imaged with an infrared camera. Nine patients had complications requiring immediate treatment, 25 patients had complications requiring non-immediate treatment, and 20 patients had no complications requiring treatment. Average pixel temperature was calculated for six predefined spots and for the whole foot. We calculated the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for different cutoff skin temperature values using clinical assessment as reference and defined the sensitivity and specificity for the most optimal cutoff temperature value. Mean temperature difference between feet was analyzed using the Kruskal–Wallis tests. Results The most optimal cutoff skin temperature value for detection of diabetes-related foot complications was a 2.2°C difference between contralateral spots (sensitivity, 76%; specificity, 40%). The most optimal cutoff skin temperature value for determining urgency of treatment was a 1.35°C difference between the mean temperature of the left and right foot (sensitivity, 89%; specificity, 78%). Conclusions Detection of diabetes-related foot complications based on local skin temperature assessment is hindered by low diagnostic values. Mean temperature difference between two feet may be an adequate marker for determining urgency of treatment.


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Type 1 diabetes is associated with the risk for late diabetic complications which are divided into microvascular (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy) and macrovascular (cardiovascular disease, CVD) diseases. The risk for diabetic complication can be reduced by effective treatment, most importantly the glycaemic control. Glycaemia in type 1 diabetes is influenced by the interplay between insulin injections and lifestyle factors such as physical activity and diet. The effect of physical activity in patients with type 1 diabetes is not well known, however. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the physical activity and the physical fitness of patients with type 1 diabetes with special emphasis on glycaemic control and the diabetic complications. The patients included in the study were all part of the nationwide, multicenter Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy (FinnDiane) Study which aims to characterise genetic, clinical, and environmental factors that predispose to diabetic complications in patients with type 1 diabetes. In addition, subjects from the IDentification of EArly mechanisms in the pathogenesis of diabetic Late complications (IDEAL) Study were studied. Physical activity was assessed in the FinnDiane Study in 1945 patients by a validated questionnaire. Physical fitness was measured in the IDEAL Study by spiroergometry (cycle test with measurement of respiratory gases) in 86 young adults with type 1 diabetes and in 27 healthy controls. All patients underwent thorough clinical characterisation of their diabetic complication status. Four substudies were cross-sectional using baseline data and one study additionally used follow-up data. Physical activity, especially the intensity of activities, was reduced in patients affected by diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, and CVD. Low physical activity was associated with poor glycaemic control, a finding most clear in women and evident also in patients with no signs of diabetic complications. Furthermore, low physical activity was associated with a higher HbA1c variability, which in turn was associated with the progression of renal disease and CVD during follow-up. A higher level of physical activity was also associated with better insulin sensitivity. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in type 1 diabetes was also lower the higher the physical activity. The aerobic physical fitness level of young adults with type 1 diabetes was reduced compared with healthy peers and in men an association between higher fitness level and lower HbA1c was observed. In patients with type 1 diabetes, a higher physical activity was associated with better glycaemic control and may thus be beneficial with respect to the prevention of diabetic complications.


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OBJECTOVE - To examine mortality rates and causes of death among subjects diagnosed with type I diabetes aged


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Despite familial clustering of nephropathy and retinopathy severity in type 1 diabetes, few gene variants have been consistently associated with these outcomes.