564 resultados para ECG


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Introduction: Abdominal pain, in etiology sometimes difficult to be defined, is a frequent complaint in childhood. Abdominal epilepsy is a rare cause of abdominal pain. Objectives: In this article, we report on 5 year old girl patient with abdominal epilepsy. Methods: Some investigations (stool investigation, routine blood tests, ultrasonography (USG), electrocardiogram (ECHO) and electrocardiograpy (ECG), holter for 24hr.) were done to understand the origin of these complaints; but no abnormalities were found. Finally an EEG was done during an episode of abdominal pain and it was shown that there were generalized spikes especially precipitated by hyperventilation. The patient did well on valproic acid therapy and EEG was normal 1 month after beginning of the treatment. Discussion: The cause of chronic recurrent paroxymal abdominal pain is difficult for the clinicians to diagnose in childhood. A lot of disease may lead to paroxysmal gastrointestinal symptoms like familial mediterranean fever and porfiria. Abdominal epilepsy is one of the rare but easily treatable cause of abdominal pain. Conclusion: In conclusion, abdominal epilepsy should be suspected in children with recurrent abdominal pain.


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Problemática em estudo: A frequente ocorrência da ausência de estenose coronária relevante no procedimento de Hemodinâmica/Tomografia Axial Computorizada (TAC) coronária, em pacientes nos quais fora detectada a presença de isquemia na Cintigrafia de Perfusão Miocárdica (CPM). Objectivos: Particularizar o papel das técnicas nucleares convencionais, nomeadamente a Tomografia Computorizada por Emissão de Fotão Único (SPECT), no estudo da viabilidade do tecido miocárdico. Avaliar pacientes nos quais foi identificada a presença de isquemia no exame de SPECT cardíaco mas procedimento de Hemodinâmica/TAC coronária normal ou sem estenose relevante, para pesquisa de possíveis falsos-positivos da CPM. Elaborar um estudo populacional, que permita demonstrar a relação entre a incidência de falsos positivos e factores como o género, a idade, factores de risco (hipertensão arterial, diabetes, hipercolesterolemia e tabagismo) e as alterações mais relevantes nos exames complementares de diagnóstico aos quais foram sujeitos. Definir o prognóstico para estes doentes, comparando-os com pacientes com CPM normal. Metodologia: Contextualização bibliográfica do tema, seguida do levantamento de todas as CPM realizadas no 1º semestre de 2012, em doentes seguidos no Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira (CHCB), e a identificação daquelas com resultados positivos para a presença de isquemia; comparação com os exames de Hemodinâmica e TAC coronária para a pesquisa de falsos-positivos. Recolha de informação relativa à idade, género, factores de risco, eventos cardíacos que tenham tido lugar até um ano após a realização da CPM, e outros exames efectuados por estes pacientes, tais como o Electrocardiograma (ECG) e o Ecocardiograma. Análise estatística descritiva e inferencial dos resultados obtidos de forma a estabelecer/descartar a existência de relações entre as variáveis em estudo. Comparação dos resultados obtidos em relação a um grupo de controlo, integrado por pacientes com CPM normal realizada no mesmo período, com a elaboração de uma proposta de prognóstico para os casos falsos-positivos. Material: A recolha de dados foi baseada na Tabela de Recolha de Dados, enviada em Anexo. Os processos consultados eram processos de natureza electrónica, acessíveis por computador, através do programa Sclínico, no Gabinete de Biblioteca e Documentação do CHCB. A análise estatística dos resultados obtidos foi realizada com recurso ao programa IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Para a caracterização da amostra recorreu-se à estatística descritiva, sendo analisadas as medidas de tendência central e de dispersão (média e desvio padrão), bem como a distribuição de frequências, quer absolutas, quer relativas. Seguiu-se a inferência estatística, com o intuito de verificar possíveis relações existentes entre as variáveis. Para isso foram utilizados testes paramétricos ou não paramétricos, adequados à amostra e hipóteses em estudo, nomeadamente o teste t de Student, com recurso ainda ao teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov com correcção de significância de Lilliefors e do teste de Levene. Foi ainda utilizado o teste Qui-Quadrado e, na ausência dos pressupostos para sua aplicação, recorreu-se ao teste exacto de Fisher. Resultados/Discussão: Foi estudada uma amostra total de 144 casos de pacientes submetidos a CPM. Desta amostra foram particularizados 2 grupos; um grupo de controlo (n=81) e um grupo de falsos positivos (n=13) e analisadas as principais diferenças entre estes 2 grupos, tendo em conta as variáveis anteriormente descritas. As principais diferenças, identificadas do ponto de vista da estatística descritiva, verificaram-se ao nível do tipo de stress (farmacológico; falsos positivos - 63.64%, grupo de controlo – 40.74%), factores de risco (hipercolesterolemia; falsos positivos - 53.85%, grupo de controlo – 29.63%), ECG (fibrose; falsos positivos - 16.67%, grupo de controlo – 0%), Ecocardiograma (alteração da contractilidade segmentar; falsos positivos - 33.33%, grupo de controlo – 14.86%) e em relação aos eventos cardíacos posteriores (falsos positivos - 7.69%; grupo de controlo - 4.94%). A estatística inferencial permitiu apenas estabelecer uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre a existência de fibrose no ECG e a ocorrência de falsos positivos. Conclusão: Este estudo permitiu concluir que, de uma forma puramente descritiva, os casos falsos positivos se verificam mais predominantemente numa faixa etária média de 73.69 anos, no género feminino, com a localização das lesões na CPM a ser mais frequente no apex e mais rara no septo interventricular. O stress descritivamente mais associado a estes casos foi o stress farmacológico, com uma fracção de ejecção igual ou superior a 50%, com dois factores de risco associados, sendo os mais prevalentes a hipertensão arterial (HTA) e a hipercolesterolemia, sendo no entanto, este último, o factor de risco mais diferenciador em relação aos restantes casos. A maioria dos casos, em termos descritivos, não apresenta alterações no ECG, mas a existirem, a que mais se verifica é a fibrose. Relativamente ao ecocardiograma, existe uma maior prevalência de casos nos quais se verificam alterações neste exame complementar de diagnóstico, sendo a hipertrofia das paredes e a alteração da contractilidade segmentar do VE as alterações mais importantes, sendo, no entanto, este último, o factor mais diferenciador/característico. A prevalência descritiva de eventos cardíacos, num período de tempo após um ano da realização da CPM, é reduzida nos casos falsos positivos, mas ainda assim, superior à verificada nos restantes casos, o que em termos comparativos pressupõe uma deterioração em termos de prognóstico para estes pacientes. A análise estatística inferencial dos resultados obtidos permitiu apenas uma correlação entre a existência de fibrose no ECG e a ocorrência de falsos positivos. A análise de uma população geral de maiores dimensões, que permitisse a identificação de um número de falsos positivos igual ou superior a 30, possibilitaria, muito provavelmente, uma maior relação entre as diferentes amostragens e, consequentemente, uma base estatística que permitisse a obtenção de conclusões mais sólidas, estabelecendo/descartando as relações entre as várias variáveis em estudo, sendo esta, uma importante premissa a ter em conta para estudos futuros.


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Purpose: Research suggests that nurses and nursing students lack competence in basic electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation. Self-efficacy is considered to be paramount in the development of one's competence. The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically evaluate a scale to assess self-efficacy of nursing students in basic ECG interpretation. Materials and methods: Observational cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of 293 nursing students. The basic ECG interpretation self-efficacy scale (ECG-SES) was developed and psychometrically tested in terms of reliability (internal consistency and temporal stability) and validity (content, criterion and construct). The ECG-SES’ internal consistency was explored by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α); its temporal stability was investigated by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between the participants’ results on a test–retest separated by a 4-week interval. The content validity index of the items (I-CVI) and the scale (S-CVI) was calculated based on the reviews of a panel of 16 experts. Criterion validity was explored by correlating the participants’ results on the ECG-SES with their results on the New General Self-Efficacy Scale (NGSE). 1 Construct validity was investigated by performing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and known-group analysis. Results: The excellent reliability of the ECG-SES was evidenced by its internal consistency (α = 0.98) and its temporal stability at the 4-week re-test (r = 0.81; p < 0.01). The ECG-SES’ content validity was also excellent (all items’ I-CVI = 0.94–1; S-CVI = 0.99). A strong, significant correlation between the NGSE and the ECG-SES (r = 0.70; p < 0.01) showed its criterion validity. Corroborating the ECG-SES’ construct validity, PCA revealed that all its items loaded on a single factor that explained 74.6% of the total variance found. Furthermore, known-groups analysis showed the ECG-SES’ ability to detect expected differences in self-efficacy between groups with different training experiences (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The ECG-SES showed excellent psychometric properties for measuring the self-efficacy of nursing students in basic ECG interpretation.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, 2016.


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Introdução: A rejeição do transplante cardíaco leva a alterações miocárdicas que originam zonas de condução lenta e fragmentada. O ECG de alta resolução é um possível método de estratificação de risco para o diagnóstico da rejeição. Objetivo: Elaborar um Score de Risco preditor de episódios de rejeição, recorrendo aos dados do ECG alta Resolução. População e Métodos: Estudaram-se 28 pacientes transplantados ao coração. Numa primeira fase, tendo em conta o diagnóstico de Rejeição aguda, dividimos a nossa amostra em dois grupos (5 pacientes com rejeição e 23 pacientes sem rejeição). Foram recolhidos dados relativos a características clínicas, eletrocardiográficas, ecocardiográficas e hemodinâmicas dos pacientes no dia do registo. Obtiveram-se dados relativos às Biópsias anteriores, que numa segunda fase, permitiram dividir a amostra tendo em conta o diagnóstico de rejeição em pelo menos uma Biópsia realizada durante o período de seguimento (18 pacientes com rejeição e 10 sem rejeição). Resultados: Para a Rejeição aguda, (prevalência = 17.9%), verificamos que o único critério a revelar associação foi a fibrose miocárdica, evidenciando um aumento do risco de rejeição aguda 19 vezes maior quando presente no ECG. Esta variável demonstrou uma forte capacidade para discriminar os doentes com e sem rejeição (área sob a curva=0.81; p=0.03). Para a Rejeição pm1, (prevalência=64.2%), um maior número de variáveis demonstrou associação com este quadro. Formulámos um Score, constituído pelas variáveis: fibrose, LAS40 e RMS40, aplicado aos 28 elementos da nossa amostra. A associação de fibrose miocárdica (no ECG), valores crescentes da LAS40 e valores decrescentes da RMS40 (no ECG de alta resolução), tem uma excelente capacidade para distinguir os doentes com e sem rejeição (área sob a curva= 0.82; p <0.01), assumindo um ponto de corte de sensibilidade=83.3% e especificidade=60%. Conclusão: O ECG de alta resolução é uma ferramenta eficaz para distinguir os doentes com e sem rejeição. Apesar da sua utilidade estar camuflada para a Rejeição Aguda, apresenta grande valor na previsão de pelo menos um processo de rejeição tendo em conta um follow-up de 8 anos (Rejeição pm1). Julgamos ser útil a incorporação do nosso Score de Probabilidades, para o estudo dos doentes transplantados ao coração na prática clínica diária.


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Los electrocardiogramas (ECG) registran la actividad eléctrica del corazón a través de doce señales principales denominadas derivaciones. Estas derivaciones son analizadas por expertos médicos observando aquellos segmentos de la señal eléctrica que determinan cada una de las patologías que pueden afectar al corazón. Este hecho en general, es un condicionante muy importante para el diseño de sistemas expertos de diagnóstico médico, ya que es preciso conocer, delimitar y extraer de la señal eléctrica aquellos segmentos que determinan la patología. Dar solución a estos problemas, sería fundamental para facilitar el diseño de sistemas expertos para el diagnóstico de enfermedades cardiacas. El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar que es posible identificar patologías cardiacas analizando la señal completa de las diferentes derivaciones de los ECGs, y determinar puntos concretos que determinan la patología en lugar de segmentos de la señal. Para ello se ha utilizado una BBDD de electrocardiogramas y se ha determinado mediante un algoritmo, los puntos de la señal que determinan la patología. Se ha aplicado a la patología de bloqueos de rama y los puntos obtenidos con el algoritmo se han utilizado para el diseño de un clasificador automático basado en redes neuronales artificiales, obteniendo un coeficiente de sensibilidad del 100% y de especificad del 99.24%, demostrando su validez para el diseño de sistemas expertos de clasificación.


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Mental stress is known to disrupt the execution of motor performance and can lead to decrements in the quality of performance, however, individuals have shown significant differences regarding how fast and well they can perform a skilled task according to how well they can manage stress and emotion. The purpose of this study was to advance our understanding of how the brain modulates emotional reactivity under different motivational states to achieve differential performance in a target shooting task that requires precision visuomotor coordination. In order to study the interactions in emotion regulatory brain areas (i.e. the ventral striatum, amygdala, prefrontal cortex) and the autonomic nervous system, reward and punishment interventions were employed and the resulting behavioral and physiological responses contrasted to observe the changes in shooting performance (i.e. shooting accuracy and stability of aim) and neuro-cognitive processes (i.e. cognitive load and reserve) during the shooting task. Thirty-five participants, aged 18 to 38 years, from the Reserve Officers’ Training Corp (ROTC) at the University of Maryland were recruited to take 30 shots at a bullseye target in three different experimental conditions. In the reward condition, $1 was added to their total balance for every 10-point shot. In the punishment condition, $1 was deducted from their total balance if they did not hit the 10-point area. In the neutral condition, no money was added or deducted from their total balance. When in the reward condition, which was reportedly most enjoyable and least stressful of the conditions, heart rate variability was found to be positively related to shooting scores, inversely related to variability in shooting performance and positively related to alpha power (i.e. less activation) in the left temporal region. In the punishment (and most stressful) condition, an increase in sympathetic response (i.e. increased LF/HF ratio) was positively related to jerking movements as well as variability of placement (on the target) in the shots taken. This, coupled with error monitoring activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, suggests evaluation of self-efficacy might be driving arousal regulation, thus affecting shooting performance. Better performers showed variable, increasing high-alpha power in the temporal region during the aiming period towards taking the shot which could indicate an adaptive strategy of engagement. They also showed lower coherence during hit shots than missed shots which was coupled with reduced jerking movements and better precision and accuracy. Frontal asymmetry measures revealed possible influence of the prefrontal lobe in driving this effect in reward and neutral conditions. The possible interactions, reasons behind these findings and implications are discussed.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Background: Transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects (ASD) has been accepted world-wide as an alternative to surgical closure with excellent results. This interventional, non-surgical technique plays an important role in the treatment of ASD mostly in the developing world where resources are limited. Objectives: To report the outcomes and short term follow-up of transcatheter closure of ASD over a 12-year period at our institution with limited resources. Patients and Methods: This retrospective study included all patients with the diagnosis of secundum ASD and significant shunting (Qp/Qs > 1.5:1) as well as dilated right atrium and right ventricle who had transcatheter closure at Integrated Cardiovascular Center (PJT), Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between October 2002 and October 2014. One hundred fifty-two patients enrolled in this study were candidates for device closure. Right and left heart cardiac catheterization was performed before the procedure. All patients underwent physical examination, ECG, chest X-ray and transthoracal echocardiography (TTE) prior to device implantation. Results: A total of 152 patients with significant ASD underwent device implantation. Subjects’ age ranged from 0.63 to 69.6 years, with median 9.36 years and mean 16.30 years. They consisted of 33 (21.7%) males and 119 (78.3%) females, with mean body weight of 29.9 kg (range 8 to 75; SD 18.2). The device was successfully implanted in 150 patients where the majority of cases received the Amplatzer septal occluder (147/150; 98%) and the others received the Heart Lifetech ASD occluder (3/150, 2%), whereas two other cases were not suitable for device closure and we decided for surgical closure. The mean ASD size was 19.75 (range 14 - 25) mm. During the procedure, 5 (4.9%) patients had bradycardia and 3 (2.9%) patients had supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), all of which resolved. Conclusions: In our center with limited facilities and manpower, transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect was effective and safe as an alternative treatment to surgery. The outcome and short-term follow-up revealed excellent results, but long-term follow-up is needed.


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Ventricular repolarization(VR) characteristics is affected by ageing alongside several other factors like Heart rate(HR),respiration, modulation of autonomic nervous system, different drug effects, genetical factors affecting the cardiac ion channel characteristics, gender etc. Therefore, total VR variability (i.e. QT interval variability in surface ECG) consists of two components: one dependent on HR variability (HRV) and another independent of HRV. Analysis of QT interval variability (QTV) is crucial for both healthy and pathological conditions as increase in VR variability measured by QTV increases cardiac repolarization instability, which might lead to arrhythmogenesis. Analyzing the effect of ageing using a widely used measure of QTV (i.e. QTVI) is reported inconsistently in Healthy subjects whereas the same for Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) subjects is not widely reported. In this study, we propose a novel time domain measure from beat-tobeat QT-RR distribution to analyze how ageing affects VR in both Healthy and a group of genotyped LQTS1 subjects. A total of 139 Healthy subjects and 134 LQTS1 subjects of three different age groups (i.e. Young: age 20-35, Middle-aged: 40-55 and Old: age<;60) were analyzed for this study. The proposed measure is also compared with other existing widely used measures of QTV like SDQT and QTVI in differentiating different age groups. The proposed measure stands out to be more discriminatory than other existing variability measures of QT interval.


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Background: Remote telemonitoring holds great potential to augment management of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and atrial fibrillation (AF) by enabling regular physiological monitoring during physical activity. Remote physiological monitoring may improve home and community exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (exCR) programs and could improve assessment of the impact and management of pharmacological interventions for heart rate control in individuals with AF.

Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the measurement validity and data transmission reliability of a remote telemonitoring system comprising a wireless multi-parameter physiological sensor, custom mobile app, and middleware platform, among individuals in sinus rhythm and AF.

Methods: Participants in sinus rhythm and with AF undertook simulated daily activities, low, moderate, and/or high intensity exercise. Remote monitoring system heart rate and respiratory rate were compared to reference measures (12-lead ECG and indirect calorimeter). Wireless data transmission loss was calculated between the sensor, mobile app, and remote Internet server.

Results: Median heart rate (-0.30 to 1.10 b∙min-1) and respiratory rate (-1.25 to 0.39 br∙min-1) measurement biases were small, yet statistically significant (all P≤.003) due to the large number of observations. Measurement reliability was generally excellent (rho=.87-.97, all P<.001; intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]=.94-.98, all P<.001; coefficient of variation [CV]=2.24-7.94%), although respiratory rate measurement reliability was poor among AF participants (rho=.43, P<.001; ICC=.55, P<.001; CV=16.61%). Data loss was minimal (<5%) when all system components were active; however, instability of the network hosting the remote data capture server resulted in data loss at the remote Internet server during some trials.

Conclusions: System validity was sufficient for remote monitoring of heart and respiratory rates across a range of exercise intensities. Remote exercise monitoring has potential to augment current exCR and heart rate control management approaches by enabling the provision of individually tailored care to individuals outside traditional clinical environments.


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Cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN), one of the major complications in diabetes, if detected at the subclinical stage allows for effective treatment and avoiding further complication including cardiovascular pathology. Surface ECG (Electrocardiogram)-based diagnosis of CAN is useful to overcome the limitation of existing cardiovascular autonomic reflex tests traditionally used for CAN identification in clinical settings. The aim of this paper is to analyze the changes in the mechanical function of the ventricles in terms of systolic-diastolic interval interaction (SDI) from a surface ECG to assess the severity of CAN progression [no CAN, early CAN (ECAN) or subclinical CAN, and definite CAN (DCAN) or clinical CAN]. ECG signals recorded in supine resting condition from 72 diabetic subjects without CAN (CAN-) and 70 diabetic subjects with CAN were analyzed in this paper. The severity of CAN was determined by Ewing's Cardiovascular autonomic reflex tests. Fifty-five subjects of the CAN group had ECAN and 15 subjects had DCAN. In this paper, we propose an improved version of the SDI parameter (i.e., TQ/RR interval ratio) measured from the electrical diastolic interval (i.e., TQ interval) and the heart rate interval (i.e., RR interval). The performance of the proposed SDI measure was compared with the performance of the existing SDI measure (i.e., QT/TQ interval ratio). The proposed SDI parameter showed significant differences among three groups (no CAN, ECAN, and DCAN). In addition, the proposed SDI parameter was found to be more sensitive in detecting CAN progression than other ECG interval-based features traditionally used for CAN diagnosis. The modified SDI parameter might be used as an alternative measure for the Ewing autonomic reflex tests to identify CAN progression for those subjects who are unable to perform the traditional tests. These findings could also complement the echocardiographic findings of the left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by providing additional information about alteration in systolic and diastolic intervals in heart failure.


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Recent advancement in wearable technologies, particularly smart watches embedded with powerful processors, memory subsystems with various built-in sensors such as ac-celerometer, gyroscope and optical sensor in one single package has opened a whole new application space. One of the main applications of interest is the monitoring of movement patterns, heart rate, ECG and PPG particularly for longer duration's in natural environments. In this study, we conducted a performance evaluation on the optical heart rate sensor of the smartwatch with respect to the commonly used ECG and PPG devices. Results have shown that the heart rate acquired from the smartwatch is reasonably accurate with a high degree of correlation. Further, we conducted a preliminary exerise to evaluate sleep quality using the heart rate readings and accelerometer readings captured from the smartwatch and compared with a commercially available and clinically used non-contact sleep sensor, RESMED S+.


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In this study, a linear parametric modeling technique was applied to model ventricular repolarization (VR) dynamics. Three features were selected from the surface ECG recordings to investigate the changes in VR dynamics in healthy and cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) participants with diabetes including heart rate variability (calculated from RR intervals), repolarization variability (calculated from QT intervals), and respiration [calculated by ECG-derived respiration (EDR)]. Surface ECGs were recorded in a supine resting position from 80 age-matched participants (40 with no cardiac autonomic neuropathy (NCAN) and 40 with CAN). In the CAN group, 25 participants had early/subclinical CAN (ECAN) and 15 participants were identified with definite/clinical CAN (DCAN). Detecting subclinical CAN is crucial for designing an effective treatment plan to prevent further cardiovascular complications. For CAN diagnosis, VR dynamics was analyzed using linear parametric autoregressive bivariate (ARXAR) and trivariate (ARXXAR) models, which were estimated using 250 beats of derived QT, RR, and EDR time series extracted from the first 5 min of the recorded ECG signal. Results showed that the EDR-based models gave a significantly higher fitting value (p < 0.0001) than models without EDR, which indicates that QT-RR dynamics is better explained by respiratory-information-based models. Moreover, the QT-RR-EDR model fitting values gradually decreased from the NCAN group to ECAN and DCAN groups, which indicate a decoupling of QT from RR and the respiration signal with the increase in severity of CAN. In this study, only the EDR-based model significantly distinguished ECAN and DCAN groups from the NCAN group (p < 0.05) with large effect sizes (Cohen's d > 0.75) showing the effectiveness of this modeling technique in detecting subclinical CAN. In conclusion, the EDR-based trivariate QT-RR-EDR model was found to be better in detecting the presence and severity of CAN than the bivariate QT-RR model. This finding also establishes the importance of adding respiratory information for analyzing the gradual deterioration of normal VR dynamics in pathological conditions, such as diabetic CAN.


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Ventricular tachycardia (VT) leading to ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the major cause of sudden cardiac death (SCD) with subjects with or without any history of cardiac disease. Prediction of the initiation of ventricular fibrillation is crucial for both successful preventive measure and effective defibrillation therapy. A lot of studies have been done based on electrocardiogram (ECG) waveform analysis for VF detection but this field still needs more perfection. Both HRV and QTV related parameters were reported to be analysed for VT/VF detection and prediction with inconsistent results in different populations. In this study, we propose a novel time domain measurement tool to detect the pattern of dynamical changes of both RR and QT intervals in subjects having sustained VT/VF episodes form VFDB and AHA database (www.physionet.org). We also analyse the same pattern in some healthy subjects from Fantasia database and compare the distribution of patterns between healthy and VT/VF subjects. Our findings showed that the distribution of QT-RR dynamics are statistically significantly different (p<0.05) in healthy subjects from VT/VF in particular before the start of VF episode. Therefore, distribution of change in QT-RR dynamics may provide insight of the underlying instability before VF events and can be used for better prediction of arhythmogenesis.