511 resultados para burnout


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Partnering effectively with families is an important skill for teachers to have to support student achievement, and one that is especially important for early career teachers in order to protect them from burnout and attrition. However, research has demonstrated that teachers do not feel prepared to work with families, and further research is needed to see what difficulties are specific to early career teachers. The following research questions were addressed in the study: 1) What current situation and prior training factors affect early career teachers’ perceptions of efficacy in working with families? 2) Which family-school partnering topics do teachers report the most experience in their prior preparation programs and in their current daily practice? 3) Is there a relationship between number of years reported teaching and overall efficacy scores? 4) What family-school partnering training do early career teachers believe would have been or would be beneficial to receive in their teacher preparation programs versus during their first five years of practice? A survey was created which included a pre-existing self-efficacy scale adapted to reflect family partnering language. This survey was disseminated to 76 first through fifth year Colorado teachers. Results indicate that age of current school placement had a significant effect on overall self-efficacy scale scores, while several other variables had an effect on subscales of the efficacy scale. Recommendations are presented for future research, teacher preparation programs, and school district mentoring.


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El burnout, o estrés laboral asistencial, es un síndrome psicológico caracterizado por agotamiento emocional (CE), despersonalización (DP) e insatisfacción personal con los logros (RP). Se conoce poco acerca de la presencia de este síndrome en muestras representativas de profesores universitarios. Los objetivos del estudio son (a) conocer la prevalencia del burnout en un contexto universitario, (b) examinar la presencia del burnout en relación con la edad, género y categoría académica en un estudio transversal mediante cuestionario anónimo enviado por correo, y (e) explorar la relación entre el burnout y diversas variables de calidad de vida, satisfacción laboral y salud. Respondieron el cuestionario un total de 331 profesores en el contexto de un programa de calidad de vida de la Universidad de Alicante (España), lo que supone una tasa de respuesta del 56,2%. Se remitieron por correo a todos los profesores, seleccionados al azar del conjunto de todos los centros, un ejemplar del cuestionario junto con las instrucciones y sobre de devolución. El estrés laboral asistencial se midió a través del Maslach Burnout lnventory (MBI) estableciéndose una situación definida por altas puntuaciones en CE y DE, y bajas en RP. Este instrumento presenta un total de 22 ítems con siete alternativas de respuesta, desde 0 (nunca experimento este sentimiento) hasta 6 (todos los días experimento este sentimiento). Nuestros resultados muestran que un reducido porcentaje de profesores, el 1,8%, experimentan el síndrome de burnout. Cuando se analizan por separado las tres dimensiones que componen el burnout se observa que un 17,8% de los profesores se siente emocionalmente exhausto en su trabajo (puntuación e» 25), un 4,2% ha desarrollado una actitud negativa hacia los estudiantes puntuación e» 10), y un 42% se siente un escasa autorrealización personal en el trabajo (puntuación d»32). CE presenta unas correlaciones medias moderadas con las variables de salud (r= 0.42) y con calidad de vida (r=0.33). Un patrón relacional menos consistente se da en las restantes dimensiones del burnout. La edad, el género y la categoría académica de los profesores no se relacionan con los niveles de burnout. Se concluye que el burnout es un síndrome poco común en profesores universitarios.


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El trabajo que se presenta está enmarcado en la Red docente Cansancio emocional, autoestima y satisfacción con los estudios de los estudiantes universitarios, en la que participa profesorado de varios departamentos y diferentes universidades (Alicante, Elche, Murcia y Granada/campus Melilla). La competencia emocional que el estudiante tenga durante todo su proceso de aprendizaje puede ser un elemento de freno al estrés académico y a la actitud de estar quemado (burnout), teniendo como consecuencia una actitud positiva o negativa hacia los estudios y tareas que realiza. Este trabajo se plantea como objetivo analizar la relación entre el cansancio emocional, la autoestima y la satisfacción con los estudios del alumnado universitario. Estos aspectos se analizan en una muestra representativa de estudiantes de diferentes titulaciones y universidades. Los resultados nos permiten conocer la relación de variables emocionales con el grado de satisfacción con los estudios, aspectos que repercuten a lo largo de todo el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes.


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Because millions of youth are involved in sport, the sport context is important to consider in advancing the growth experiences of young people (Cˆot´e et al., 2007; Fraser-Thomas et al., 2005). Furthermore, research in developmental psychology has highlighted the value of structured programs, including sport, in helping to promote positive youth development (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006). Youth sport involvement has been linked to high levels of enjoyment (Scanlan et al., 1989), however, negative outcomes, such as burnout, have also been reported (Gould et al., 1996). In the present study, the Developmental Assets Profile (Search Institute, 2004) was used to explore personal (internal assets) and contextual (external assets) outcomes associated with youth sport. Results suggest that three particular assets (positive identity, empowerment, and support) are important to focus on in youth sport programs to decrease burnout symptoms and enhance enjoyment. Path analyses were also conducted to test a proposed model and exploratory results confirmed links of particular assets to sport outcomes. The results are discussed in terms of integration with Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory (1999) and recommendations are suggested for sport programmers to consider to develop these assets within youth sport.


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The purpose of the current study was to examine two different trajectories of sport participation and explore any similarities or differences that may result regarding per­sonal development and sport outcomes. Seventy-four youth athletes (40 “specializ­ers” and 34 “samplers”) were recruited for the current study and four measures were employed to assess sport experiences and outcomes. Discriminant function analyses revealed no differences between groups in asset possession or sources of enjoyment however, differences were reported in sport experiences and burnout. The “samplers” reported more experiences regarding the integration of sport and family as well as linkages to the community. Although the “specializers” reported higher levels of physical/emotional exhaustion than did the “samplers,” they also reported more expe­riences related to diverse peer groups. The differences highlight the importance of examining specific pathways of development in sport to gain a deeper understanding of youths’ experiences in sport.


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Enquadramento: O stress acompanha o indivíduo, tanto no trabalho como na vida social. Desencadeado por diversos fatores, o stress está, também,presente na vida do professor. Objetivos: Identificar os fatores que têm desencadeado situações de stress dos professores no Ensino Fundamental do município de Campo Grande-AL; Determinar os principais stressores no bem-estar e satisfação dos mesmos. Material e métodos: Optou-se pelo tipo de investigação quantitativo e não experimental, com corte transversal, descritivo e correlacional. A recolha de dados foi realizada através de protocolo constituído por questionário de caraterização sócio demográfica e escalas de: Satisfação Geral do Trabalho; Vulnerabilidade ao Stress; Afecto Positivo e Negativo; Apgar Familiar e Inventário de Qualidade de Vida. A amostra é não probabilística por conveniência constituída por 70 (setenta) professores do Ensino Fundamental. Resultados: Constatou-se que 50% dos participantes apresentaram vulnerabilidade ao stress, 28,5% boa relação com pessoas desconhecidas e 55% revelaram ter apoio dos amigos. Não foram identificados problemas familiares e 65% dos inquiridos referiram ter ajuda da família. Na satisfação do trabalho apenas 27% dos professores estão satisfeitos e 30% pensaram abandonar o trabalho. Conclusões:O desgaste em sala de aula envolve situações diárias dos professores, levando à necessidade de alertar os órgãos públicos, a fim de adotarem estratégias para o bem estar e satisfação dos professores, visando o sucesso desejado. Palavras-chave: Vulnerabilidade ao Stress; Professor; Bem-estar; Satisfação Profissional.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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There is a paucity of research that has directly examined the role of the health professional in dealing with a terminally ill patient's wish to hasten death (WTHD) and the implications of this for the support and services needed in the care for a dying patient. Themes to emerge from a qualitative analysis of interviews conducted on doctors (n = 24) involved in the treatment and care of terminally ill patients were (i) the doctors' experiences in caring for their patients (including themes of emotional demands/expectations, the duration of illness, and the availability of palliative care services); (ii) the doctors' perception of the care provided to their respective patients (comprising themes concerning satisfaction with the care for physical symptoms, for emotional symptoms, or overall care); (iii) the doctors' attitudes to euthanasia and (iv) the doctors' perception of their patients' views/beliefs 'regarding euthanasia and hastened death. When responses were categorised according to the patients' level of a WTHD, the theme concerning the prolonged nature of the patients' illnesses was prominent in the doctor group who had patients with the highest WTHD, whereas there was only a minority of responses concerning support from palliative care services and satisfaction with the level of emotional care in this group. This exploratory study presents a set of descriptive findings identifying themes among a small group of doctors who have been involved in the care of terminally ill cancer patients, to investigate factors that may be associated with the WTHD among these patients. The pattern of findings suggest that research investigating the doctor-patient interaction in this setting may add to our understanding of the problems (for patients and their doctors) that underpins the wish to hasten death in the terminally ill. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Os estudos sobre as condições de trabalho de profissionais da educação sempre tiveram como objetivo identificar fatores negativos, como o burnout e o estresse. Porém, é sabido que variáveis relacionadas com as relações interpessoais podem proporcionar melhora no bem-estar no trabalho nestes profissionais. O professor, protagonista do processo ensino-aprendizagem pode apresentar bem-estar no trabalho e desempenhar melhor o seu ofício se tiver percepção de suporte daqueles que compõem sua rede social dentro de sua escola. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as relações entre bem-estar no trabalho e percepção de suporte social no trabalho em professores do ensino fundamental. Participaram do estudo 209 professores, do ensino fundamental da rede pública municipal e estadual de ensino, todos do sexo feminino com idade média de 41,55 anos (DP=8,64) e com o nível de instrução mínimo correspondente ao ensino médio. Esses professores responderam a um questionário auto aplicável contendo quatro medidas: Escala de Envolvimento com o Trabalho, Escala de Satisfação com o Trabalho Escala de Comprometimento Organizacional Afetivo e Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social no Trabalho. Calcularam-se as médias, desvios padrão, correlações e sete modelos de regressão linear stepwise entre as variáveis do estudo. Os resultados apontaram para satisfação com os colegas, com a chefia e com as tarefas, mas pouca satisfação com salários e promoções. Os professores apresentaram comprometimento afetivo com suas escolas e envolvimento com o trabalho que realizam. Foi revelada percepção de suporte social, com uma tendência mais elevada de suporte com as informações recebidas, seguida da percepção de suporte emocional e percepção de suporte instrumental nesta ordem. Foram comprovadas relações positivas e significativas entre as dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho e percepção de suporte social no trabalho. Modelos de regressão revelaram que as três dimensões de suporte social no trabalho impactam positivamente as três dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho, com maior capacidade de explicação entre si. Sugere-se novos estudos envolvendo percepção de suporte social no trabalho e bem-estar no trabalho com outras categorias profissionais para complementar estes ainda pouco estudados conceitos.(AU)


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This study aims to investigate the pyrolysis behaviour of metal-contaminated wood and the combustion properties of char derived from wood pyrolysis. Seven metals (Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Cd, Pb and Fe(III)) were introduced to willow in cation form by ion-exchange and the thermal behaviour of demineralised samples and samples with additional ash were also investigated. The results show that the char yield increased from 21% to 24-28% and levoglucosan yield in vapour phase decreased from 88% to 62-29% after the addition of inorganic compounds, even though the metal binding capacity of wood varied from one metal ion to another. While char yield seems to be effected mainly by the concentration of the metal ions, levoglucosan yield was more dependent on the ionic species especially when sodium ions were present. When combustion experiments were carried out with char made of the metal enriched wood, two consecutive steps were observed, both effected by the presence of inorganic compounds. The first step was identified as the release and combustion of volatiles, while the second peak of the burning profile is the actual combustion of the fixed carbon. The burnout temperatures, estimated ignition indices and the conversion indicate that the type and not the amount of metal ions were the determining factors during the second step of combustion. © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The simultaneous use of willow as a vegetation filter and an energy crop can respond both to the increasing energy demand and to the problem of the soil and water contamination. Its characteristics guarantee that the resources are used economically. As a vegetation filter, willow uptakes organic and inorganic contaminants. As a fast growing energy crop it meets the requirements of rural areas without the exploitation of existing forestry. The aim of the research was to gather knowledge on the thermal behaviour of willow, uptaking contaminants and then used as an energy crop. For this reason pyrolysis experiments were performed in two different scales. In analytical scale metal-contaminated wood was investigated and bench scale pyrolysis experiments were performed with nitrogen-enriched willow, originated from a wastewater treatment plant. Results of the pyrolysis showed that 51-81 % of the wastewater derived nitrogen of willow was captured in the char product. Char had low surface area (1.4 to 5.4 m2/g), low bulk density (0.15–0.18 g/cm3), high pH values (7.8–9.4) and high water-holding capacity (1.8 to 4.3 cm3/g) while the bioavailability of char nutrients was low. Links were also established between the pyrolysis temperature and the product properties for maximising the biochar provided benefits for soil applications. Results also showed that the metal binding capacity of wood varied from one metal ion to another, char yield increased and levoglucosan yield decreased in their presence. While char yield was mainly affected by the concentration of the metal ions, levoglucosan yield was more dependent on the type of the ionic species. Combustion experiments were also carried out with metal-enriched char. The burnout temperatures, estimated ignition indices and the conversion indicate that the metal ions type and not the amount were the determining factors during the combustion. Results presented in the Thesis provide better understanding on the thermal behaviour of nitrogen-enriched and metal contaminated biomass which is crucial to design effective pyrolysis units and combustors. These findings are relevant for pyrolysis experiments, where the goal is to yield char for energetic or soil applications.


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Mentoring is a centuries-old concept. However, in the hospitality industry, with its fast pace and high pressures, mentors can be of benefit in the training of younger managers before burnout The author discusses both the problems and benefits of mentoring, and how the system can work in the industry.