465 resultados para Probiotic


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BACKGROUND: Culture-independent methods based on the 16S ribosomal RNA molecule are nowadays widely used for assessment of the composition of the intestinal microbiota, in relation to host health or probiotic efficacy. Because Bifidobacterium thermophilum was only recently isolated from human faeces until now, no specific real-time PCR (qPCR) assay has been developed for detection of this species as component of the bifidobacterial community of the human intestinal flora. RESULTS: Design of specific primers and probe was achieved based on comparison of 108 published bifidobacterial 16S rDNA sequences with the recently published sequence of the human faecal isolate B. thermophilum RBL67. Specificity of the primer was tested in silico by similarity search against the sequence database and confirmed experimentally by PCR amplification on 17 Bifidobacterium strains, representing 12 different species, and two Lactobacillus strains. The qPCR assay developed was linear for B. thermophilum RBL67 DNA quantities ranging from 0.02 ng/microl to 200 ng/microl and showed a detection limit of 10(5) cells per gram faeces. The application of this new qPCR assay allowed to detect the presence of B. thermophilum in one sample from a 6-month old breast-fed baby among 17 human faecal samples tested. Additionally, the specific qPCR primers in combination with selective plating experiments led to the isolation of F9K9, a faecal isolate from a 4-month old breast-fed baby. The 16S rDNA sequence of this isolate is 99.93% similar to that of B. thermophilum RBL67 and confirmed the applicability of the new qPCR assay in faecal samples. CONCLUSION: A new B. thermophilum-specific qPCR assay was developed based on species-specific target nucleotides in the 16S rDNA. It can be used to further characterize the composition of the bifidobacterial community in the human gastrointestinal tract. Until recently, B. thermophilum was considered as a species of animal origin, but here we confirm with the application of this new PCR assay the presence of B. thermophilum strains in the human gut.


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Necrotizing enterocolitis is a common gastrointestinal disease associated with high mortality and morbidity among preterm infants. This was a systematic literature review that evaluated whether the administration of probiotic supplements is of benefit in the prevention of NEC. The search was narrowed to randomized clinical trials identified through The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, U.S. National Institute of Health clinical trials registry database, Pub Med and OVID MEDLINE databases. Inclusion criteria were: prospective, randomized clinical trials that administered probiotics as a preventive measure against NEC for infants of early gestational age (<35 wks) and/or low birth weight (<1500g), maintained NEC as the primary measured outcome, used Bell’s classification for NEC diagnosis with reports of stage 2 NEC or higher, and began probiotic administration within 10 days of life. Trials were excluded if participant enrollment was fewer than 100 infants, published before the year 2000, or probiotic supplementation was discontinued after less than seven consecutive days. Based on specific study characteristics, each resulting article was then judged by two authors for study quality. The search was further narrowed to studies of either high or moderate quality, which were then summarized in a set of tables based on study characteristics and results. From an initial set of 20 identified studies, five clinical trials met all criteria; each was discussed thoroughly based on trial limitations, strengths and comparisons to other included publications. Based on this review, the weight of evidence appears to support the use of probiotic supplementation in preterm infants as a preventive measure against NEC. Recommendations for future research were also provided.^


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Negli ultimi anni, si sono diffusi nuove strategie per il trattamento delle malattie cardiovascolari, che possano supportare una terapia medica, o in alcuni casi, sostituirla. Infatti, l’abbandono delle terapie è il più importante problema di salute pubblica del mondo occidentale, soprattutto per le malattie croniche. Ciò è dovuto alla complessità delle terapie farmacologiche e ai numerosi e in alcuni casi gravi effetti collaterali dei farmaci somministrati. Di conseguenza, una riduzione di questi effetti migliorerebbe le condizioni di vita del paziente e quindi diminuirebbe il rischio di abbandono della terapia. Per ottenere ciò, è possibile affiancare al trattamento farmacologico una terapia nutraceutica, consistente nella somministrazione di complessi molecolari o microorganismi, provenienti da piante, latte o cibi funzionali. Lo scopo generale di questo studio è indagare le attività ipolipidemizzanti di un composto nutraceutico e di un ceppo batterio specifico nel modello animale che presenta elevati alti livelli plasmatici di colesterolo. Inoltre, sono stati analizzati gli effetti del trattamento nutraceutico sui meccanismi fisiologici che contrastano la creazione della placca aterosclerotica come l’efflusso di colesterolo dalle “foam cells” presenti nell’ateroma, o la riduzione dell’assorbimento intestinale di colesterolo. La presente tesi è divisa in due parti. Nella prima parte, abbiamo analizzato la capacità dei Bifidobacteria di ridurre i livelli di colesterolo nel medium di crescita. Dall’analisi, si è osservato che vari ceppi del genere Bifidobacteria presentano un’ampia capacità di assimilazione del colesterolo all’interno della cellula batterica, in particolare il Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010. Le analisi di trascrittomica del Bb PRL2010 incubato in presenza di colesterolo, hanno rivelato un significativo aumento dei livelli di trascrizione di geni codificanti trasportatori e riduttasi, responsabili del meccanismo di accumulo all’interno della cellula batterica e della conversione del colesterolo in coprostanolo. L’attività ipolipidemizzante del Bb PRL2010 è stata poi valutata nel modello murino, mostrando la modificazione del microbiota dei topi trattati dopo somministrazione del batterio in questione. Nella seconda parte del progetto di ricerca, abbiamo indagato sugli effetti di un composto coperto da brevetto, chiamato “Ola”, sull’efflusso di colesterolo di criceti trattati con questo composto nutraceutico. L’efflusso di colesterolo è il primo step del meccanismo fisiologico noto come Trasporto Inverso del Colesterolo, che consente l’eliminazione del colesterolo dalle placche aterosclerotiche, attraverso l’interazione fra le HDL, presenti nella circolazione sanguigna, e specifici trasportatori delle foam cells, come ABCA1/G1 e SR-BI. In seguito, le lipoproteine rilasciano il colesterolo alle cellule epatiche, dove è metabolizzato ed escreto attraverso le feci. Per valutare l’effetto dell’Ola sul profilo lipidico dei criceti, sono state condotte analisi in vitro. I risultati mostrano un aumento dell’efflusso di colesterolo in cellule che esprimono il trasportatore ABCA1, comparato con il gruppo controllo. Questi due studi mostrano come l’approccio nutraceutico può essere un importante modo per contrastare l’aterosclerosi. Come mostrato in letteratura, gli effetti dei composti nutraceutici sull’aterosclerosi e su altre malattie croniche, hanno portato a un ampio uso come supporto alle terapie farmacologiche, ed in alcuni casi hanno rimpiazzato la terapia farmacologica stessa.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar diferentes formulações de sorbets probióticos e simbióticos a base de polpa de juçara (Euterpe edulis), de modo a combinar os efeitos benéficos à saúde dos compostos fenólicos deste fruto com os benefícios dos probióticos e prebióticos. Para isso, foram utilizados os microrganismos L. acidophilus e L. paracasei e a fibra polidextrose, além da elaboração de uma amostra controle sem tais elementos para efeito de comparação. Primeiramente, a polpa de juçara pasteurizada utilizada na produção dos sorbets foi avaliada de acordo com suas características físico-químicas e seus compostos bioativos, tendo apresentado resultados adequados para o emprego na matriz alimentícia em questão. Em seguida, os sorbets foram caracterizados através de diversos parâmetros. Assim, a análise centesimal mostrou sorbets com alto índice de carboidratos e baixo valor calórico, enquanto os teores de sólidos solúveis apresentaram-se coerentes em todas as formulações analisadas. Os valores de overrun e densidade aparente relevaram que a incorporação de ar dos sorbets não foi tão elevada quanto de um sorvete lácteo, embora as amostras adicionadas de polidextrose - capaz de mimetizar as propriedades de corpo e espessamento da gordura - tenham obtido resultados mais próximos aos gelados tradicionais. Foram ainda mensurados os efeitos do armazenamento dos produtos a -18 °C durante 120 dias, através de avaliações de pH, coloração instrumental, estabilidade dos compostos fenólicos e antocianinas e viabilidade dos probióticos. O pH das amostras manteve-se constante durante todo o experimento, com valores entre 4,4 e 4,8, enquanto os parâmetros de coloração caracterizaram as amostras como vermelhas e apontaram tendência à perda de luminosidade. Já os polifenóis e antocianinas apresentaram teores elevados, decorrentes da adição da polpa de juçara, sem a ocorrência de degradação destes compostos ao longo da estocagem das amostras sob congelamento. As populações de ambos os microrganismos adicionados apresentaram-se estáveis em cerca de 8 log UFC/ g durante todo o período de armazenamento, o que corresponde a um resultado bastante satisfatório e superior ao recomendado pela legislação brasileira. Por outro lado, a sobrevivência in vitro de tais probióticos quando submetidos aos fluidos gastrointestinais não apresentou resultados adequados para a garantia da funcionalidade destes produtos, com queda de viabilidade superior a 4 ciclos logarítmicos. A aceitabilidade sensorial e intenção de compra apresentaram resultados positivos para todas as formulações, com maior aceitação das amostras probióticas em relação ao controle e menor interesse pelas amostras com adição de prebiótico. Tal resultado demonstra que a incorporação destas bactérias em sorbets de juçara é capaz de melhorar a qualidade do produto, enquanto a adição de polidextrose pode diminuir sua aceitabilidade nas condições empregadas. Em síntese, os sorbets elaborados apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, demonstrando a viabilidade na produção deste tipo de alimento funcional adicionado de probióticos, prebiótico e rico em polifenóis, sendo a combinação de tais elementos capaz de potencializar os efeitos benéficos destes compostos e trazer vantagens fundamentais à microbiota intestinal e à saúde de quem os consome.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a suplementação de um probiótico composto por cepas de Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis, fornecidos via sucedâneo lácteo, no que se refere ao escore e pH fecal, contagem de microrganismos intestinais, parâmetros sanguíneos e desempenho geral dos animais. Foram utilizados 24 animais da raça Holandês que receberam 4L/dia de sucedâneo comercial (15PB:15EE), além de livre acesso a água e concentrado inicial. O desaleitamento ocorreu na 8ª semana de vida. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos casualizados, em dois tratamentos: 1) Controle - sem a suplementação de probiótico; 2) Suplementação de 2g/d (1,6 x 109 UFC) de Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis via sucedâneo lácteo. Semanalmente foram realizadas pesagens e aferições de medidas corporais (altura de cernelha, perímetro torácico e largura de garupa); e colheitas de sangue para determinação de glicose, proteína total, ureia e albumina, além de determinação de hematócrito. Foram colhidas amostras semanalmente para contagem de bactérias ácido láticas e enterobactérias e determinação de pH fecal. O monitoramento do consumo de concentrado e do escore fecal foi realizado diariamente. O peso corporal, o ganho de peso médio diário e as medidas corporais não foram alteradas (P>0,05) pela suplementação do probiótico contendo Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis; muito embora tenham apresentado efeito significativo de idade dos animais (P<0,001). O escore fecal, pH fecal e consumo de concentrado diário também não foram afetados pela suplementação com probiótico. No entanto, o consumo de concentrado e o pH fecal sofreram influência da idade em resposta ao crescimento natural dos bezerros. A contagem de bactérias ácido láticas foi maior que número de enterobactérias durante todo o período (P<0,05). Apenas as enterobactérias sofreram efeito da idade (P<0,05), enquanto as bactérias ácido láticas permaneceram variando, porém dentro de um padrão constante. Os parâmetros sanguíneos também não foram afetados pela suplementação com probiótico (P>0,05) mas todos, com a exceção da albumina, tiveram influência da idade (P<0,001). A suplementação com o probiótico contendo Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis via sucedâneo não apresentou benefícios no desempenho ou no metabolismo de bezerros leiteiros, bem como não reduziu a ocorrência de casos de diarreia.


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Orally administered live Lactobacillus acidophilus was assessed for its capacity to enhance clearance from the oral cavity of DBA/2 mice shown previously to be 'infection prone'. L. acidophilus fed to DBA/2 mice significantly shortened the duration of colonization of the oral cavity compared to controls. Enhanced clearance of Candida albicans correlated with both early mRNA gene expression for interleukin (IL)-4 and interferon (IFN)-gamma and expression of their secreted products in cultures of cervical lymph nodes stimulated with Candida antigen. In addition rapid clearance correlated with higher levels of IFN-gamma and nitric oxide in saliva. Delayed clearance, less pronounced levels of the cytokine response, saliva IFN-gamma and nitric oxide, and later mRNA expression for IL-4 and IFN-gamma relative to feeding with the L. acidophilus isolate were noted in mice fed a different Lactobacillus isolate (L. fermentum). These observations indicate significant variations in individual isolates to activate the common mucosal system.


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Background & Aims: We have developed a therapeutic strategy for gastrointestinal infections that is based on molecular mimicry of host receptors for bacterial toxins on the surface of harmless gut bacteria. The aim of this study was to apply this to the development of a recombinant probiotic for treatment and prevention of diarrheal disease caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains that produce heat-labile enterotoxin. Methods: This was achieved by expressing glycosyltransferase genes from Neisseria meningitidis or Campylobacter jejuni in a harmless Escherichia coli strain (CWG:308), resulting in the production of a chimeric lipopolysaccharide capable of binding heat-labile enterotoxin with high avidity. Results: The strongest heat-labile enterotoxin binding was achieved with a construct (CWG308:pLNT) that expresses a mimic of lacto-N-neotetraose, which neutralized &GE; 93.8% of the heat-labile enterotoxin activity in culture lysates of diverse enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains of both human and porcine origin. When tested with purified heat-labile enterotoxin, it was capable of adsorbing approximately 5% of its own weight of toxin. Weaker toxin neutralization was achieved with a construct that mimicked the ganglioside GM2. Preabsorption with, or coadministration of, CWG308:pLNT also resulted in significant in vivo protection from heat-labile enterotoxin-induced fluid secretion in rabbit ligated ileal loops. Conclusions: Toxin-binding probiotics such as those described here have considerable potential for prophylaxis and treatment of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-induced travelers' diarrhea.


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Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Data Sources: A computer-based search of MED-LINE, CINAHL, AMED, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was conducted. A hand-search of the bibliographies of relevant papers and previous meta-analyses was undertaken. Review Methods: Trials were included in the review if they compared the effects of L. rhamnosus GG and placebo and listed diarrhoea as a primary end-point. Studies were excluded if they were not placebo-controlled or utilised other probiotic strains. Results:Six trials were found that met all eligibility requirements. Significant statistical heterogeneity of the trials precluded meta-analysis. Four of the six trials found a significant reduction in the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea with co-administration of Lactobacillus GG. One of the trials found a reduced number of days with antibiotic-induced diarrhoea with Lactobacillus GG administration, whilst the final trial found no benefit of Lactobacillus GG supplementation. Conclusion: Additional research is needed to further clarify the effectiveness of Lactobacillus GG in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Copyright (c) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Survival of the microencapsulated probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus 547, Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 1994, and Lactobacillus casei 01, in stirred yoghurt from UHT- and conventionally treated milk during low temperature storage was investigated. The probiotic cells both as free cells and microencapsulated cells (in alginate beads coated with chitosan) were added into 20 g/100 g total solids stirred yoghurt from UHT-treated milk and 16 g/100 g total solids yoghurt from conventionally treated milk after 3.5 h of fermentation. The products were kept at 4 degrees C for 4 weeks. The survival of encapsulated probiotic bacteria was higher than free cells by approximately 1 log cycle. The number of probiotic bacteria was maintained above the recommended therapeutic minimum (10(7) cfu g(-1)) throughout the storage except for R bifidum. The viabilities of probiotic bacteria in yoghurts from both UHT- and conventionally treated milks were not significantly (P > 0.05) different. (c) 2004 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work evaluated the fresh, spray dried (with 10 % of Arabic Gum) and freeze dried jambolan pulp (Eugenia jambolana Lam.) in regard to physicochemical (pH, moisture, water activity, average particle diameter, solubility and color), bioactive [total phenolic content (TPC), monomeric anthocyanin, pronathocyanidin (PA), total elagic acid (TEA), myricetin and cyanidin] and in vitro functionality (antioxidant, antienzymatic and antimicrobial activities]. In addition, the in vivo functionality of jambolan pulp was investigated using the Caenorhabditis elegans model for insulin signaling, longevity and induced neurodegeneration (Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease related symptoms). The dried jambolan pulp presented TPC retention (50% to 75%), PA (90% to 98%), TEA (31% to 83%), myricetin (40% to 84%), cyanidin (72% to 84%) and antioxidant activity (15%). The fresh jambolan pulp, the freeze dried pulp and the spray dried jambolan pulp presented high enzymatic inhibitory activity against pancreatic lipase (4,4 to 5,8 mg/mL), alpha-glycosidase (10,3 to 13,8 mg/mL) and alpha-amylase (8,9 to 11,2 mg/mL). They also were active inhibitors against the pathogen S. aureus. The dried jambolan experimental samples were able to increase the expression of several genes linked to the insulin signaling pathways (SIR-2.1, PPTR-1, DAF-16, SOD-3, e CTL) and increased the lifespan in C. elegans (18,07 % - 24,34 %), besides decreasing the amyloid AB1-42 aggregation induced paralysis and MPP+ (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium) induced neurodegeneration. Based on that, the jambolan pulp and the spray dried jambolan pulp were further selected for the production of caprine frozen yogurt with the addition of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BI-07. The final product were evaluated in regard to their physicochemical (pH, acidity, total solids, protein, total reducing sugars, fat, ashes, overrun, melting test), bioactive (TPC and monomeric anthocyanin, antioxidant activity, probiotic viability and sensory analysis (sensory acceptance). The results showed that samples with probiotic had lowest pH and higher acidity, TPC, anthocyanin and antioxidant activity. It was also observed low overrun (14.2% to 22.6%). vi Samples with probiotic had lower flavor scores. Overall, this research presents the jambolan as a highly functional bioactive-rich fruit with the potential to modulate important biological pathways, extend lifespan and retard the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Jambolan is an underexploited exotic fruit with a high colorant potential and this thesis shows for the first time in the literature important technological, biological and scientific data about this fruit that could be used towards the development of health-oriented food products.


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Bifidobacteria are claimed to contribute positively to human health through a range of beneficial or probiotic activities, including amelioration of gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders, and therefore this particular group of gastrointestinal commensals has enjoyed increasing industrial and scientific attention in recent years. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these probiotic mechanisms are still largely unknown, mainly due to the fact that molecular tools for bifidobacteria are rather poorly developed, with many strains lacking genetic accessibility. In this work, we describe the generation of transposon insertion mutants in two bifidobacterial strains, B. breve UCC2003 and B. breve NCFB2258. We also report the creation of the first transposon mutant library in a bifidobacterial strain, employing B. breve UCC2003 and a Tn5-based transposome strategy. The library was found to be composed of clones containing single transposon insertions which appear to be randomly distributed along the genome. The usefulness of the library to perform phenotypic screenings was confirmed through identification and analysis of mutants defective in D-galactose, D-lactose or pullulan utilization abilities.


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Lactobacillus salivarius is unusual among the lactobacilli due to its multireplicon genome architecture. The circular megaplasmids harboured by L. salivarius strains encode strain-specific traits for intestinal survival and probiotic activity. L. salivarius strains are increasingly being exploited for their probiotic properties in humans and animals. In terms of probiotic strain selection, it is important to have an understanding of the level of genomic diversity present in this species. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) were employed to assess the level of genomic diversity in L. salivarius. The wellcharacterised probiotic strains L. salivarius UCC118 was employed as a genetic reference strain. The group of test strains were chosen to reflect the range of habitats from which L. salivarius strains are frequently recovered, including human, animal, and environmental sources. Strains of L. salivarius were found to be genetically diverse when compared to the UCC118 genome. The most conserved strains were human GIT isolates, while the greatest level of divergence were identified in animal associated isolates. MLST produced a better separation of the test strains according to their isolation origins, than that produced by CGHbased strain clustering. The exopolysaccharide (EPS) associated genes of L. salivarius strains were found to be highly divergent. The EPS-producing phenotype was found to be carbonsource dependent and inversely related to a strain's ability to produce a biofilm. The genome of the porcine isolate L. salivarius JCM1046 was shown by sequencing to harbour four extrachromosomal replicons, a circular megaplasmid (pMP1046A), a putative chromid (pMP1046B), a linear megaplasmid (pLMP1046) and a smaller circular plasmid (pCTN1046) which contains an integrated Tn916-like element (Tn6224), which carries the tetracycline resistance gene tetM. pLMP1046 represents the first sequence of a linear plasmid in a Lactobacillus species. Dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes among species with food or probiotic-association is undesirable, and the identification of Tn6224-like elements in this species has implications for strain selection for probiotic applications. In summary, this thesis used a comparative genomics approach to examine the level of genotypic diversity in L. salivarius, a species which contains probiotic strains. The genome sequence of strain JCM1046 provides additional insight into the spectrum of extrachromosomal replicons present in this species.


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Establishment of the intestinal microbiota commences at birth and this colonisation is influenced by a number of factors including mode of delivery, gestational age, mode of feeding, environmental factors and host genetics. As this initial establishment may well influence the health of an individual later in life, it is imperative to understand this process. Therefore, this thesis set out to investigate how early infant nutrition influences the development of a healthy gut microbiota. As part of the INFANTMET project, the intestinal microbiota of 199 breastfed infants was investigated using both culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches. This study revealed that delivery mode and gestational age had a significant impact on early microbial communities. In order to understand host genotype-microbiota interactions, the gut microbiota composition of dichorionic triplets was also investigated. The results suggested that initially host genetics play a significant role in the composition of an individual’s gut microbiota, but by month 12 environmental factors are the major determinant. To investigate the origin of hydrogen sulphide in a case of nondrug- induced sulfhemoglobinemia in a preterm infant, the gut microbiota composition was determined. This analysis revealed the presence of Morganella morganii, a producer of hydrogen sulphide and hemolysins, at a relative abundance 38%, which was not detected in control infants. Following on from this, the negative and short term consequences of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis exposure on the early infant intestinal microbiota composition were demonstrated, particularly in breast-fed infants, which are recovered by day 30. Finally, the composition of the breast milk microbiota over the first three months of life was characterised. A core of 12 genera were identified amongst women and the remainder comprised some 195 genera which were individual specific and subject to variations over time. The results presented in this thesis have demonstrated that the development of the infant gut microbiota is complex and highly individual. Clear alterations in the intestinal microbiota establishment process in C-section delivered, preterm and antibiotic exposed infants were shown. Taken together, long-term health benefits for infants, particularly those vulnerable groups, may be conferred through the design of probiotic and prebiotic food ingredients and supplements.


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The Bifibobacterium longum subsp. longum 35624™ strain (formerly named Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis) is a well described probiotic with clinical efficacy in Irritable Bowel Syndrome clinical trials and induces immunoregulatory effects in mice and in humans. This paper presents (a) the genome sequence of the organism allowing the assignment to its correct subspeciation longum; (b) a comparative genome assessment with other B. longum strains and (c) the molecular structure of the 35624 exopolysaccharide (EPS624). Comparative genome analysis of the 35624 strain with other B. longum strains determined that the sub-speciation of the strain is longum and revealed the presence of a 35624-specific gene cluster, predicted to encode the biosynthetic machinery for EPS624. Following isolation and acid treatment of the EPS, its chemical structure was determined using gas and liquid chromatography for sugar constituent and linkage analysis, electrospray and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry for sequencing and NMR. The EPS consists of a branched hexasaccharide repeating unit containing two galactose and two glucose moieties, galacturonic acid and the unusual sugar 6-deoxy-L-talose. These data demonstrate that the B. longum 35624 strain has specific genetic features, one of which leads to the generation of a characteristic exopolysaccharide.