235 resultados para ubiquitination


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Protein ubiquitination and the subsequent degradation are important means by which aberrant proteins are removed from cells, a key requirement for long-term survival. In this study, we found that the overall level of ubiquitinated proteins dramatically decreased as yeast cell grew from log to stationary phase. Deletion of SCH9, a gene encoding a key protein kinase for longevity control, decreased the level of ubiquitinated proteins in log phase and this effect could be reversed by restoring Sch9 function. We demonstrate here that the decrease of ubiquitinated proteins in sch9Δ cells in log phase is not caused by changes in ubiquitin expression, proteasome activity, or autophagy, but by enhanced expression of stress response factors and a decreased level of oxidative stress. Our results revealed for the first time how Sch9 regulates the level of ubiquitinated proteins and provides new insight into how Sch9 controls longevity.


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Ubiquitination involves the attachment of ubiquitin (Ub) to lysine residues on substrate proteins or itself, which can result in protein monoubiquitination or polyubiquitination. Polyubiquitination through different lysines (seven) or the N-terminus of Ub can generate different protein-Ub structures. These include monoubiquitinated proteins, polyubiqutinated proteins with homotypic chains through a particular lysine on Ub or mixed polyubiquitin chains generated by polymerization through different Ub lysines. The ability of the ubiquitination pathway to generate different protein-Ub structures provides versatility of this pathway to target proteins to different fates. Protein ubiquitination is catalyzed by Ub-conjugating and Ub-ligase enzymes, with different combinations of these enzymes specifying the type of Ub modification on protein substrates. How Ub-conjugating and Ub-ligase enzymes generate this structural diversity is not clearly understood. In the current review, we discuss mechanisms utilized by the Ub-conjugating and Ub-ligase enzymes to generate structural diversity during protein ubiquitination, with a focus on recent mechanistic insights into protein monoubiquitination and polyubiquitination.


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Constitutive albumin uptake by the proximal tubule is achieved by a receptor-mediated process in which the Cl– channel, ClC-5, plays an obligate role. Here we investigated the functional interaction between ClC-5 and ubiquitin ligases Nedd4 and Nedd4-2 and their role in albumin uptake in opossum kidney proximal tubule (OK) cells. In vivo immunoprecipitation using an anti-HECT antibody demonstrated that ClC-5 bound to ubiquitin ligases, whereas glutathione S-transferase pull-downs confirmed that the C terminus of ClC-5 bound both Nedd4 and Nedd4-2. Nedd4-2 alone was able to alter ClC-5 currents in Xenopus oocytes by decreasing cell surface expression of ClC-5. In OK cells, a physiological concentration of albumin (10 μg/ml) rapidly increased cell surface expression of ClC-5, which was also accompanied by the ubiquitination of ClC-5. Albumin uptake was reduced by inhibiting either the lysosome or proteasome. Total levels of Nedd4-2 and proteasome activity also increased rapidly in response to albumin. Overexpression of ligase defective Nedd4-2 or knockdown of endogenous Nedd4-2 with small interfering RNA resulted in significant decreases in albumin uptake. In contrast, pathophysiological concentrations of albumin (100 and 1000 μg/ml) reduced the levels of ClC-5 and Nedd4-2 and the activity of the proteasome to the levels seen in the absence of albumin. These data demonstrate that normal constitutive uptake of albumin by the proximal tubule requires Nedd4-2, which may act via ubiquitination to shunt ClC-5 into the endocytic pathway.


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Ubiquitin (Ub)-conjugating enzymes (E2s) and ubiquitin ligases (E3s) catalyze the attachment of Ub to lysine residues in substrates and Ub during monoubiquitination and polyubiquitination. Lysine selection is important for the generation of diverse substrate-Ub structures, which provides versatility to this pathway in the targeting of proteins to different fates. The mechanisms of lysine selection remain poorly understood, with previous studies suggesting that the ubiquitination site(s) is selected by the E2/E3-mediated positioning of a lysine(s) toward the E2/E3 active site. By studying the polyubiquitination of Sic1 by the E2 protein Cdc34 and the RING E3 Skp1/Cul1/F-box (SCF) protein, we now demonstrate that in addition to E2/E3-mediated positioning, proximal amino acids surrounding the lysine residues in Sic1 and Ub are critical for ubiquitination. This mechanism is linked to key residues composing the catalytic core of Cdc34 and independent of SCF. Changes to these core residues altered the lysine preference of Cdc34 and specified whether this enzyme monoubiquitinated or polyubiquitinated Sic1. These new findings indicate that compatibility between amino acids surrounding acceptor lysine residues and key amino acids in the catalytic core of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes is an important mechanism for lysine selection during ubiquitination.


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory arthritis that affects the spine and sacroiliac joints. It causes significant disability and is associated with a number of other features including peripheral arthritis, anterior uveitis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Significant progress has been made in the genetics of AS have in the last five years, leading to new treatments in trial, and major leaps in understanding of the aetiopathogenesis of the disease.


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Aging is associated with reductions in hippocampal volume that are accelerated by Alzheimer's disease and vascular risk factors. Our genome-wide association study (GWAS) of dementia-free persons (n = 9,232) identified 46 SNPs at four loci with P values of <4.0 × 10 -7. In two additional samples (n = 2,318), associations were replicated at 12q14 within MSRB3-WIF1 (discovery and replication; rs17178006; P = 5.3 × 10 -11) and at 12q24 near HRK-FBXW8 (rs7294919; P = 2.9 × 10 -11). Remaining associations included one SNP at 2q24 within DPP4 (rs6741949; P = 2.9 × 10 -7) and nine SNPs at 9p33 within ASTN2 (rs7852872; P = 1.0 × 10 -7); along with the chromosome 12 associations, these loci were also associated with hippocampal volume (P < 0.05) in a third younger, more heterogeneous sample (n = 7,794). The SNP in ASTN2 also showed suggestive association with decline in cognition in a largely independent sample (n = 1,563). These associations implicate genes related to apoptosis (HRK), development (WIF1), oxidative stress (MSR3B), ubiquitination (FBXW8) and neuronal migration (ASTN2), as well as enzymes targeted by new diabetes medications (DPP4), indicating new genetic influences on hippocampal size and possibly the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.


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Keuhkosyöpä on yleisimpiä syöpätauteja. Se jaetaan kahteen päätyyppiin: pienisoluiseen ja ei-pienisoluiseen keuhkosyöpään. Ei-pienisoluinen keuhkosyöpä jaetaan lisäksi alatyyppeihin, joista suurimmat ovat levyepiteeli-, adeno- ja suurisoluinen karsinooma. Keuhkosyövän tärkein riskitekijä on tupakointi, mutta muutkin työ- ja elinympäristön altisteet, kuten asbesti, voivat johtaa syöpään. Väitöstyössä tutkittiin kahdenlaisten keuhkosyöpäryhmien erityispiirteitä. Työssä kartoitettiin, onko löydettävissä muutoksia, jotka erottavat asbestikeuhkosyövät muista syövistä sekä luuytimeen varhaisessa vaiheessa leviävät keuhkosyövät leviämättömistä syövistä. Tutkimusten ensimmäisessä vaiheessa käytettiin mikrosirupohjaisia menetelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat jopa kaikkien geenien tarkastelun yhden kokeen avulla. Vertailevien mikrosirututkimusten avulla on mahdollista paikantaa geenejä tai kromosomialueita, joiden muutokset erottelevat ryhmät toisistaan. Asbestiin liittyvissä tutkimuksissa paikannettiin kuusi kromosomialuetta, joissa geenien kopiolukumäärän sekä ilmenemistason muutokset erottelivat potilaat altistushistorian mukaan. Riippumattomilla laboratoriomenetelmillä tehtyjen jatkoanalyysien avulla pystyttiin varmistamaan, että 19p-alueen häviämä oli yhteydessä asbestialtistukseen. Työssä osoitettiin myös, että 19p-alueen muutoksia voidaan indusoida altistamalla soluja asbestille in vitro. Tutkimuksessa saatiin lisäksi viitteitä asbestispesifisistä muutoksista signaalinvälitysreiteissä, sillä yhdessä toimivien geenien ilmentymisessä havaittiin eroja asbestille altistuneiden ja altistumattomien välillä. Vertailemalla luuytimeen syövän aikaisessa vaiheessa levinneiden ja leviämättömien keuhkoadenokarsinoomien muutosprofiileita toisiinsa, paikannettiin viisi aluetta, joilla geenien kopiolukumäärä- sekä ilmenemistason muutokset erottelivat ryhmät toisistaan. Jatkoanalyyseissä havaittiin, että 4q-alueen häviämää esiintyi adenokarsinoomien lisäksi levyepiteelikarsinoomiin, jotka olivat levinneet luuytimeen. Myös keuhkosyöpien aivometastaaseissa alue oli toistuvasti hävinnyt. Väitöstyön tutkimukset osoittavat, että vertailevien mikrosiruanalyysien avulla saadaan tietoa syöpäryhmien erityispiirteistä. Työssä saadut tulokset osoittavat, että 19p-alueen muutokset ovat tyypillisiä asbestikeuhkosyöville ja 4q-alueen muutokset luuytimeen aikaisessa vaiheessa leviäville keuhkosyöville.


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Background: Asbestos is a well known cancer-causing mineral fibre, which has a synergistic effect on lung cancer risk in combination with tobacco smoking. Several in vitro and in vivo experiments have demonstrated that asbestos can evoke chromosomal damage and cause alterations as well as gene expression changes. Lung tumours, in general, have very complex karyotypes with several recurrently gained and lost chromosomal regions and this has made it difficult to identify specific molecular changes related primarily to asbestos exposure. The main aim of these studies has been to characterize asbestos-related lung cancer at a molecular level. Methods: Samples from asbestos-exposed and non-exposed lung cancer patients were studied using array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to detect copy number alterations (CNA) as well as microsatellite analysis to detect allelic imbalance (AI). In addition, asbestos-exposed cell lines were studied using gene expression microarrays. Results: Eighteen chromosomal regions showing differential copy number in the lung tumours of asbestos-exposed patients compared to those of non-exposed patients were identified. The most significant differences were detected at 2p21-p16.3, 5q35.3, 9q33.3-q34.11, 9q34.13-q34.3, 11p15.5, 14q11.2 and 19p13.1-p13.3 (p<0.005). The alterations at 2p and 9q were validated and characterized in detail using AI and FISH analysis in a larger study population. Furthermore, in vitro studies were performed to examine the early gene expression changes induced by asbestos in three different lung cell lines. The results revealed specific asbestos-associated gene expression profiles and biological processes as well as chromosomal regions enriched with genes believed to contribute to the common asbestos-related responses in the cell lines. Interestingly, the most significant region enriched with asbestos-response genes was identified at 2p22, close to the previously identified region showing asbestos-related CNA in lung tumours. Additionally, in this thesis, the dysregulated biological processes (Gene Ontology terms) detected in the cell line experiment were compared to dysregulated processes identified in patient samples in a later study (Ruosaari et al., 2008a). Commonly affected processes such as those related to protein ubiquitination, ion transport and surprisingly sensory perception of smell were identified. Conclusions: The identification of specific CNA and dysregulated biological processes shed some light on the underlying genes acting as mediators in asbestos-related lung carcinogenesis. It is postulated that the combination of several asbestos-specific molecular alterations could be used to develop a diagnostic method for the identification of asbestos-related lung cancer.


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Background: Phosphorylation by protein kinases is central to cellular signal transduction. Abnormal functioning of kinases has been implicated in developmental disorders and malignancies. Their activity is regulated by second messengers and by the binding of associated domains, which are also influential in translocating the catalytic component to their substrate sites, in mediating interaction with other proteins and carrying out their biological roles. Results: Using sensitive profile-search methods and manual analysis, the human genome has been surveyed for protein kinases. A set of 448 sequences, which show significant similarity to protein kinases and contain the critical residues essential for kinase function, have been selected for an analysis of domain combinations after classifying the kinase domains into subfamilies. The unusual domain combinations in particular kinases suggest their involvement in ubiquitination pathways and alternative modes of regulation for mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MAPKKs) and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-like kinases. Previously unexplored kinases have been implicated in osteoblast differentiation and embryonic development on the basis of homology with kinases of known functions from other organisms. Kinases potentially unique to vertebrates are involved in highly evolved processes such as apoptosis, protein translation and tyrosine kinase signaling. In addition to coevolution with the kinase domain, duplication and recruitment of non-catalytic domains is apparent in signaling domains such as the PH, DAG-PE, SH2 and SH3 domains. Conclusions: Expansion of the functional repertoire and possible existence of alternative modes of regulation of certain kinases is suggested by their uncommon domain combinations. Experimental verification of the predicted implications of these kinases could enhance our understanding of their biological roles.


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The success of AAV2 mediated hepatic gene transfer in human trials for diseases such as hemophilia has been hampered by a combination of low transduction efficiency and a robust immune response directed against these vectors. We have previously shown that AAV2 is targeted for destruction in the cytoplasm by the host-cellular kinase/ubiquitination/proteasomal degradation machinery and modification of the serine(S)/threonine(T) kinase and lysine(K) targets on AAV capsid is beneficial. Thus targeted single mutations of S/T>A(S489A, S498A, T251A) and K>R (K532R) improved the efficiency of gene transfer in vivo as compared to wild type (WT)-AAV2 vectors (∼6-14 fold). In the present study, we evaluated if combined alteration of the phosphodegrons (PD), which are the phosphorylation sites recognized as degradation signals by ubiquitin ligases, improves further the gene transfer efficiency. Thus, we generated four multiple mutant vectors (PD: 1+3, S489A+K532R, PD: 1+3, S489A+K532R together with T251 residue which did not lie in any of the phosphodegrons but had shown increased transduction efficiency compared to the WT-AAV2 vector (∼6 fold) and was also conserved in 9 out of 10 AAV serotypes (AAV 1 to 10), PD: 1+3, S489A+K532R+S498A and a fourth combination of PD: 3, K532R+T251. We then evaluated them in vitro and in vivo and compared their gene transfer efficiency with either the WT-AAV2 or the best single mutant S489A-AAV2 vector. The novel multiple mutations on the AAV2 capsid did not affect the overall vector packaging efficiency. All the multiple AAV2 mutants showed superior transduction efficiency in HeLa cells in vitro when compared to either the WT (62-72% Vs 21%) or the single mutant S489A (62-72% Vs 50%) AAV2 vectors as demonstrated by FACS analysis (Fig. 1A). On hepatic gene transfer with 5x10^10 vgs per animal in C57BL/6 mice, all the multiple mutants showed increased transgene expression compared to either the WT-AAV2 (∼15-23 fold) or the S489A single mutant vector (∼2-3 fold) (Fig.1B and C). These novel multiple mutant AAV2 vectors also showed higher vector copy number in murine hepatocytes 4 weeks post transduction, as compared to the WT-AAV2 (∼5-6 Vs 1.4 vector copies/diploid genome) and further higher when compared to the single mutant S489A(∼5-6 fold Vs 3.8 fold) (Fig.1D). Further ongoing studies will demonstrate the therapeutic benefit of one or more of the multiple mutants vectors in preclinical models of hemophilia.


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Recombinant AAV-8 vectors have shown significant promise for hepatic gene therapy of hemophilia B. However, the theme of AAV vector dose dependent immunotoxicity seen with AAV2 vectors earlier seem to re-emerge with AAV8 vectors as well. It is therefore important to develop novel AAV8 vectors that provide enhanced gene expression at significantly less vector doses. We hypothesized that AAV8 during its intracellular trafficking, are targeted for destruction in the cytoplasm by the host-cellular kinase/ubiquitination/proteasomal degradation machinery and modification of specific serine/threonine kinase or ubiquitination targets on AAV8 capsid (Fig.1A) may improve its transduction efficiency. To test this, point mutations at specific serine (S)/threonine (T) > alanine (A) or lysine (K)>arginine (R) residues were generated on AAV8 capsid. scAAV8-EGFP vectors containing the wild-type (WT) and each one of the 5 S/T/K-mutant(S276A, S501A, S671A, T251A and K137R) capsids were evaluated for their liver transduction efficiency at a dose of 5 X 1010 vgs/ animal in C57BL/6 mice in vivo. The best performing mutant was found to be the K137R vector in terms of either the gene expression (46-fold) or the vector copy numbers in the hepatocytes (22-fold) compared to WT-AAV8 (Fig.1B). The K137R-AAV8 vector that showed significantly decreased ubiquitination of the viral capsid had reduced activation of markers of innate immune response [IL-6, IL-12, tumor necrosis factor α, Kupffer cells and TLR-9]. In addition, animals injected with the K137R mutant also demonstrated decreased (2-fold) levels of cross-neutralizing antibodies when compared to animals that received the WT-AAV8 vector. To study further the utility of the novel AAV8-K137R mutant in a therapeutic setting, we delivered human coagulation factor IX (h.FIX) under the control of liver specific promoters (LP1 or hAAT) at two different doses (2.5x10^10 and 1x10^11 vgs per mouse) in 8-12 weeks old male C57BL/6 mice. As can be seen in Fig.1C/D, the circulating levels of h.FIX were higher in all the K137R-AAV8 treated groups as compared to the WT-AAV8 treated groups either at 2 weeks (62% vs 37% for hAAT constructs and 47% vs 21% for LP1 constructs) or 4 weeks (78% vs 56% for hAAT constructs and 64% vs 30% for LP1 constructs) post hepatic gene transfer. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of the use of this novel vector for potential gene therapy of hemophilia B.


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We hypothesized that the AAV2 vector is targeted for destruction in the cytoplasm by the host cellular kinase/ubiquitination/proteasomal machinery and that modification of their targets on AAV2 capsid may improve its transduction efficiency. In vitro analysis with pharmacological inhibitors of cellular serine/threonine kinases (protein kinase A, protein kinase C, casein kinase II) showed an increase (20-90%) on AAV2-mediated gene expression. The three-dimensional structure of AAV2 capsid was then analyzed to predict the sites of ubiquitination and phosphorylation. Three phosphodegrons, which are the phosphorylation sites recognized as degradation signals by ubiquitin ligases, were identified. Mutation targets comprising eight serine (S) or seven threonine (T) or nine lysine (K) residues were selected in and around phosphodegrons on the basis of their solvent accessibility, overlap with the receptor binding regions, overlap with interaction interfaces of capsid proteins, and their evolutionary conservation across AAV serotypes. AAV2-EGFP vectors with the wild-type (WT) capsid or mutant capsids (15 S/T -> alanine A] or 9 K -> arginine R] single mutant or 2 double K -> R mutants) were then evaluated in vitro. The transduction efficiencies of 11 S/T -> A and 7 K -> R vectors were significantly higher (similar to 63-90%) than the AAV2-WT vectors (similar to 30-40%). Further, hepatic gene transfer of these mutant vectors in vivo resulted in higher vector copy numbers (up to 4.9-fold) and transgene expression (up to 14-fold) than observed from the AAV2-WT vector. One of the mutant vectors, S489A, generated similar to 8-fold fewer antibodies that could be cross-neutralized by AAV2-WT. This study thus demonstrates the feasibility of the use of these novel AAV2 capsid mutant vectors in hepatic gene therapy.


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Recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors based on serotype 8 (AAV8) have shown significant promise for liver-directed gene therapy. However, to overcome the vector dose dependent immunotoxicity seen with AAV8 vectors, it is important to develop better AAV8 vectors that provide enhanced gene expression at significantly low vector doses. Since it is known that AAV vectors during intracellular trafficking are targeted for destruction in the cytoplasm by the host-cellular kinase/ubiquitination/proteasomal machinery, we modified specific serine/threonine kinase or ubiquitination targets on the AAV8 capsid to augment its transduction efficiency. Point mutations at specific serine (S)/threonine (T)/lysine (K) residues were introduced in the AAV8 capsid at the positions equivalent to that of the effective AAV2 mutants, generated successfully earlier. Extensive structure analysis was carried out subsequently to evaluate the structural equivalence between the two serotypes. scAAV8 vectors with the wild-type (WT) and each one of the S/T -> Alanine (A) or K-Arginine (R) mutant capsids were evaluated for their liver transduction efficiency in C57BL/6 mice in vivo. Two of the AAV8-S -> A mutants (S279A and S671A), and a K137R mutant vector, demonstrated significantly higher enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transcript levels (similar to 9- to 46-fold) in the liver compared to animals that received WT-AAV8 vectors alone. The best performing AAV8 mutant (K137R) vector also had significantly reduced ubiquitination of the viral capsid, reduced activation of markers of innate immune response, and a concomitant two-fold reduction in the levels of neutralizing antibody formation in comparison to WT-AAV8 vectors. Vector bio-distribution studies revealed that the K137R mutant had a significantly higher and preferential transduction of the liver (106 vs. 7.7 vector copies/mouse diploid genome) when compared to WT-AAV8 vectors. To further study the utility of the K137R-AAV8 mutant in therapeutic gene transfer, we delivered human coagulation factor IX (h. FIX) under the control of liver-specific promoters (LP1 or hAAT) into C57BL/6 mice. The circulating levels of h. FIX: Ag were higher in all the K137R-AAV8 treated groups up to 8 weeks post-hepatic gene transfer. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of the use of this novel AAV8 vectors for potential gene therapy of hemophilia B.