983 resultados para social constructivism


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O processo ensino-aprendizagem das ciências naturais é desafiado para se adaptar às necessidades e estilo de vida atual dos alunos. Este desafio, para os docentes, é a inovação das estratégias pedagógicas orientadas para a mudança conceptual. As escolas podem estar equipadas com vários recursos tecnológicos, mas a sua integração no processo ensino-aprendizagem, como práticas inovadoras e promotoras de uma utilização efetiva por parte dos discentes, é ainda limitada. Cabe ao professor do século XXI incrementar a utilização das Tecnologias de Inovação e Comunicação nas suas práticas letivas permitindo aos alunos, que temos na sala de aula, e que nasceram na era digital, uma maior motivação e potenciação das suas aprendizagens. O conteúdo “O Sistema Nervoso”, só abordado no 9º ano de escolaridade, temática incluída no tema organizador “Viver Melhor na Terra”, envolve termos científicos complexos, sendo sempre um grande desafio para os docentes a sua abordagem em contexto educativo. Neste contexto enunciou-se o seguinte problema de estudo: o podcast aplicado como auxiliar de aprendizagem do segmento de conteúdo “O Sistema Nervoso”, levará a uma melhoria dos resultados escolares dos alunos do 9º ano? Para este estudo utilizou-se uma metodologia mista, envolvendo 19 alunos, permitindo a utilização de vários métodos e diferentes formas de obter dados e os analisar. É um estudo de caso e os resultados mostram o impacto da utilização de um podcast educacional como auxiliar de aprendizagem de um conteúdo, “O Sistema Nervoso”. O ensino-aprendizagem deixou de estar confinado à sala de aula, podendo ocorrer em qualquer lugar e a todo o momento, de acordo com a escolha dos alunos e respeitando o ritmo de aprendizagem de cada um. A audição do podcast revelou-se um instrumento facilitador do trabalho autónomo, já que é um reforço pedagógico e/ou estratégia de ensino diferenciado, funcionando como um auxiliar esclarecedor, através do qual os alunos clarificam as suas dúvidas, o que não conseguiriam fazer sozinhos. Permite, ainda, recriar o ambiente de sala de aula na explicação dos conteúdos.


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Ce travail présente une étude de cas post-catastrophe à San Cristobal, Guatemala, où un important glissement de terrain du nom «Los Chorros» (8-10 millions de m3 de roche) affecte depuis 2009 diverses communautés et une des routes principales du pays. Les gestionnaires des risques, sur la base de leur propre évaluation, ont décidé de répondre d'une manière qui ne correspond pas aux intérêts de la population affectée. Les communautés locales ont évalué le risque de catastrophe et ont établi une autre solution suivant une conception du risque différente. Les conflits sociaux et la concurrence entre les différents acteurs du territoire, pour la définition des priorités et des solutions, révèlent les aspects sous-jacents de la société, utiles pour identifier et comprendre ce qui constitue le risque de catastrophe dans un contexte donné. Ce conflit montre que le risque de catastrophe n'est pas univoque mais un concept complexe, constitué par un grand nombre de composants. En termes de gouvernance, il met également en évidence la confrontation des savoirs et la tension qui peut exister entre les différentes approches du risque. Depuis une approche où le risque de catastrophe est considéré comme une construction sociale (les vulnérabilités étant historiquement générées par des processus sociaux, politiques, économiques et culturels), ce travail évalue d'autres modes d'interprétation, de traitement et d'intervention qui peuvent aider à améliorer les méthodes d'évaluation et de gestion des risques. Enfin, la proposition de gestion qui découle de l'exemple guatémaltèque invite à une autre manière de concevoir la gestion des risques en intégrant les différentes conceptions du risque et en visant une coordination stratégique entre les acteurs des politiques publiques, les échelles d'intervention, les experts en charge des différents aléas et la société civile, afin d'obtenir une solution acceptable pour tous les acteurs impliqués dans un territoire. -- This work analyses a post-disaster case study from San Cristobal, Guatemala where a large landslide named "Los Chorros (8 millions cubic meters of rock) affects several communities and one of the country's main west-east access highways. Risk managers, starting from their own assessment, decided to respond in a way that does not correspond to the interests of the afected population. Local communities assessed the risk disaster situation and establised another solution from a different conception of risk. These social conflict and competition for priorities and solutions for risk management reveal that disaster risk is not unequivocal but a complex and holistic concept, constituted by a large set of components. From a social constructivism approach, where disaster risk is considered as the results of social, political, economic and historic process, this thesis evaluates other modes of interpreting, shaping and managing risk that can help improve methods of risk assessment and management. Studying the logic of action of actors, who mobilize to establish a solution, enables to identify as to what constitutes a disaster. For this reason, the study focus, in particular, on the analysis of practices (practical science) implemented by all actors in San Cristobal Altaverapaz. Finally, it puts into perspective the risk management in terms of an integrative approach for policy experts that find compromise between different conceptions of risk in order to obtain a solution acceptable to all those involved.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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La presente disertación tiene el objetivo de analizar por qué el conflicto entre India y Pakistán por Cachemira no ha sido solucionado a la luz del debate entre el realismo ofensivo y el constructivismo social surgido en 1994. La hipótesis de trabajo establece que la estructura anárquica, sumada a las capacidades ofensivas, la desconfianza mutua, la racionalidad, y el deseo de supervivencia entre los Estados, ha propiciado la configuración de un dilema de seguridad que es alimentado por la disparidad de intereses e identidades en contienda. El alcance del objetivo es de carácter analítico y el enfoque primario está basado en la teoría del realismo ofensivo de John Mearsheimer y el constructivismo social de Alexander Wendt.


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Although the role of the academic head of department (HoD) has always been important to university management and performance, an increasing significance given to bureaucracy, academic performance and productivity, and government accountability has greatly elevated the importance of this position. Previous research and anecdotal evidence suggests that as academics move into HoD roles, usually with little or no training, they experience a problem of struggling to adequately manage key aspects of their role. It is this problem – and its manifestations – that forms the research focus of this study. Based on the research question, “What are the career trajectories of academics who become HoDs in a selected post-1992 university?” the study aimed to achieve greater understanding of why academics become HoDs, what it is like being a HoD, and how the experience influences their future career plans. The study adopts an interpretive approach, in line with social constructivism. Edited topical life history interviews were undertaken with 17 male and female HoDs, from a range of disciplines, in a post-1992 UK university. These data were analysed using coding, categorisation and theme formation techniques and developing profiles of each of the respondents. The findings from this study suggest that academics who become HoDs not only need the capacity to assume a range of personal and professional identities, but need to regularly adopt and switch between them. Whether individuals can successfully balance and manage these multiple identities, or whether they experience major conflicts and difficulties within or between them, greatly affects their experiences of being a HoD and may influence their subsequent career decisions. It is claimed that the focus, approach and analytical framework - based on the interrelationships between the concepts of socialisation, identity and career trajectory - provide a distinct and original contribution to knowledge in this area. Although the results of this study cannot be generalised, the findings may help other individuals and institutions move towards a firmer understanding of the academic who becomes HoD - in relation to theory, practice and future research.


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Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur äldreomsorgen skildras i media och hur denna framställning görs. För att besvara syftet gjordes en innehållsanalys med kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. För att analysera och förstå resultatet användes tre teoretiska perspektiv: medielogik, dagordningsteorin och socialkonstruktivism. Uppsatsens material inhämtades från två dagstidningar varav den ena utges lokalt och den andra på riksnivå för att ge en bredare uppfattning om medias framställning av äldreomsorgen samt att se om någon skillnad sågs i de olika tidningarna. Urvalet av artiklarna publicerades under två separata månader 2015. Uppsatsens resultat visar tre framstående teman inom äldreomsorgen som ofta förekom i medias framställning och dessa var i huvudsak negativa med fokus på brister. I de två tidningarna var likheterna mellan framställningen mer framträdande än skillnaderna.


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The purpose of this chapter is to review and discuss theoretical perspectives that help to frame collaborative learning online. The chapter investigates literature about the type of learning and behavior that are anticipated and researched among participants learning collaboratively and discusses how these attributes explain computer-supported collaborative learning. The literature about learning is influenced by perspectives from a number of fields, particularly philosophy, psychology, and sociology. This chapter describes some of these perspectives from the fields of cognitive psychology, adult learning, and collaborative group learning. Recent research into computer-supported collaborative learning that applies these theories will also be discussed.


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Online learning environments (OLEs) are now critical to teaching and learning across Australian higher education. Their influence impacts on the availability of content, the design of courses and, perhaps most pedagogically significantly, the nature of communication. The discussion board is the ubiquitous communication tool within these OLEs and hence significantly shapes the kind of communication that takes place. In light of this, the degree to which a successful community of inquiry can be facilitated through the use of discussion boards is examined and compared to the possibilities afforded by weblogs in the same role. Weblogs, it is argued, offer new opportunities in the development of social, cognitive and teacher presence online and should be considered in the development of or alongside established OLEs.


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I start this paper with a question that is also a provocation: how sustainable is a cultural studies that does not take account of nature? What I propose is that before we speculate on how this field can engage with the  environmental concerns that face us this question must first be asked. For what cultural studies can offer in the face of ecological stress, I will argue, is circumscribed by its own traditions. If the logics or conceptual parameters of the discipline resist an accommodation of the conditions of sustainability then we have little to offer. Yet if this is the case, what is the future of cultural studies given not only the current import of environmental issues but also the challenge that these material circumstances raise to our dominant traditions of research? Through a discussion of the limits of social constructivism and the prevalence of deconstructive critique in cultural studies, this paper thinks through what an alternative practice might be. It looks to the theoretical and practical application of assemblage, or gathering, as a generative tool for cultural research, and speculates that what we need at this time is a double agenda: to make our own discipline sustainable as we mobilize the  particular capacities, methods and knowledges of cultural research in  response to ecological distress.


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Students look forward to summer because usually it means a break from formal and non-formal education. Formal education refers to education in formal educational institutions, such as pre-schools, primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions and other registered training organisations. Non-formal education refers to organised educational activity outside the established formal system, that is intended to deliver a defined set of learning objectives to an identifiable group of learners (Chemistry in Australia, October 2014, page 33). Informal education refers to all learning outside the formal non-formal educational system; informal education is often associated with life-long learning as it can include reading non-fiction books and scholarly articles, viewing documentaries and other informal professional development. Informal education can also include travel to other countries and climates. Social constructivist theory maintains that learning occurs in social settings; conversely, most learners are limited by their cultural experiences. For example, Australian students have little first-hand experience of sublimation, but this is commonly observed in very cold climates when frost, ice or snow apparently “disappears” as it sublimes to water vapour, without passing through the liquid state. A favourite summertime activity is to go to the movies, especially in air-conditioned cinemas on a hot day or night. Watching movies are a form of virtual travel, and many educators make use of movies to illustrate chemistry concepts. Some movie producers want a sense of authenticity and work hard to get the details right, even though those details might be incidental to the main plot. For example, in Centurion, Roman soldiers fail in their rescue attempt, and are taunted by the Picts for stupidity -- they would have succeeded if they had only realised that metal become brittle in the cold. Another favourite example comes from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, when Bilbo, Samwise and Gollum are crossing the Dead Marshes and see lights that appear to float over the Marshes. These wills-o-the-wisp have been known for centuries, and was the subject of a debate between George Washington and his officers. Washington and Thomas Paine, “the Father of the American Revolution”, believed that the lights were due to a flammable gas released from the marsh, while Washington’s officers believed that the lights were due to a flammable liquid on the surface of the marsh. On Guy Fawkes Night, 5 November, 1783, the Washington-Paine experiment showed that when mud at the bottom of a river was disturbed, bubbles of flammable gas rose to the surface of the water. (Unknown to Washington and Paine, Alessandro Volta had performed a similar experiment in 1776.) A problem with informal education is that it is often unguided. Students may find it difficult to discern the difference between scientific reality and an artistic distortion of reality in novels and movies. Educators have an important role here. If we only teach facts and concepts, learners will be dependent on a teacher. If however, we foster students’ curiosity and ability to exercise judgement, they will be able to learn for themselves, not just during the summer, but also in every season of every year.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC