966 resultados para Theoretical modeling


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We report high harmonic generation from a 248.6-nm KrF laser giving harmonic orders up to the 37th (67 Angstrom) in a helium gas jet and the 35th (71 Angstrom) in neon, for laser intensities up to 4 x 10(17) W/cm(2) in 380-fs pulses. These observations are interpreted using theoretical modeling that identifies the ion species He+, Ne+, and Ne2+ as the sources of the highest harmonics.


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O presente trabalho tem por objectivo o estudo de novos dispositivos fotónicos aplicados a sistemas de comunicações por fibra óptica e a sistemas de processamento de sinais RF. Os dispositivos apresentados baseiam-se em processamento de sinal linear e não linear. Dispositivos lineares ópticos tais como o interferómetro de Mach-Zehnder permitem adicionar sinais ópticos com pesos fixos ou sintonizáveis. Desta forma, este dispositivo pode ser usado respectivamente como um filtro óptico em amplitude com duas saídas complementares, ou, como um filtro óptico de resposta de fase sintonizável. O primeiro princípio de operação serve como base para um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. O segundo princípio de operação é explorado num novo sistema fotónico de direccionamento do campo eléctrico radiado por um agregado de antenas, e também num novo compensador sintonizável de dispersão cromática. O processamento de sinal é não linear quando sinais ópticos são atrasados e posteriormente misturados entre si, em vez de serem linearmente adicionados. Este princípio de operação está por detrás da mistura de um sinal eléctrico com um sinal óptico, que por sua vez é a base de um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. A mistura de sinais ópticos em meios não lineares permite uma operação eficiente numa grande largura espectral. Tal operação é usada para realizar conversão de comprimento de onda sintonizável. Um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal de elevada largura de banda é misturado com duas bombas ópticas não moduladas com base em processos não lineares paramétricos num guia de ondas de niobato de lítio com inversão periódica da polarização dos domínios ferroeléctricos. Noutro trabalho, uma bomba pulsada em que cada pulso tem um comprimento de onda sintonizável serve como base a um novo conversor de sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal para um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no comprimento de onda. A bomba é misturada com o sinal óptico de entrada através de um processo não linear paramétrico numa fibra óptica com parâmetro não linear elevado. Todos os dispositivos fotónicos de processamento de sinal linear ou não linear propostos são experimentalmente validados. São também modelados teoricamente ou através de simulação, com a excepção dos que envolvem mistura de sinais ópticos. Uma análise qualitativa é suficiente nestes últimos dispositivos.


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Dans certaines circonstances, des actions de groupes sont plus performantes que des actions individuelles. Dans ces situations, il est préférable de former des coalitions. Ces coalitions peuvent être disjointes ou imbriquées. La littérature économique met un fort accent sur la modélisation des accords où les coalitions d’agents économiques sont des ensembles disjoints. Cependant on observe dans la vie de tous les jours que les coalitions politiques, environnementales, de libre-échange et d’assurance informelles sont la plupart du temps imbriquées. Aussi, devient-il impératif de comprendre le fonctionnement économique des coalitions imbriquées. Ma thèse développe un cadre d’analyse qui permet de comprendre la formation et la performance des coalitions même si elles sont imbriquées. Dans le premier chapitre je développe un jeu de négociation qui permet la formation de coalitions imbriquées. Je montre que ce jeu admet un équilibre et je développe un algorithme pour calculer les allocations d’équilibre pour les jeux symétriques. Je montre que toute structure de réseau peut se décomposer de manière unique en une structure de coalitions imbriquées. Sous certaines conditions, je montre que cette structure correspond à une structure d’équilibre d’un jeu sous-jacent. Dans le deuxième chapitre j’introduis une nouvelle notion de noyau dans le cas où les coalitions imbriquées sont permises. Je montre que cette notion de noyau est une généralisation naturelle de la notion de noyau de structure de coalitions. Je vais plus loin en introduisant des agents plus raffinés. J’obtiens alors le noyau de structure de coalitions imbriquées que je montre être un affinement de la première notion. Dans la suite de la thèse, j’applique les théories développées dans les deux premiers chapitres à des cas concrets. Le troisième chapitre est une application de la relation biunivoque établie dans le premier chapitre entre la formation des coalitions et la formation de réseaux. Je propose une modélisation réaliste et effective des assurances informelles. J’introduis ainsi dans la littérature économique sur les assurances informelles, quatre innovations majeures : une fusion entre l’approche par les groupes et l’approche par les réseaux sociaux, la possibilité d’avoir des organisations imbriquées d’assurance informelle, un schéma de punition endogène et enfin les externalités. Je caractérise les accords d’assurances informelles stables et j’isole les conditions qui poussent les agents à dévier. Il est admis dans la littérature que seuls les individus ayant un revenu élevé peuvent se permettre de violer les accords d’assurances informelles. Je donne ici les conditions dans lesquelles cette hypothèse tient. Cependant, je montre aussi qu’il est possible de violer cette hypothèse sous d’autres conditions réalistes. Finalement je dérive des résultats de statiques comparées sous deux normes de partage différents. Dans le quatrième et dernier chapitre, je propose un modèle d’assurance informelle où les groupes homogènes sont construits sur la base de relations de confiance préexistantes. Ces groupes sont imbriqués et représentent des ensembles de partage de risque. Cette approche est plus générale que les approches traditionnelles de groupe ou de réseau. Je caractérise les accords stables sans faire d’hypothèses sur le taux d’escompte. J’identifie les caractéristiques des réseaux stables qui correspondent aux taux d’escomptes les plus faibles. Bien que l’objectif des assurances informelles soit de lisser la consommation, je montre que des effets externes liés notamment à la valorisation des liens interpersonnels renforcent la stabilité. Je développe un algorithme à pas finis qui égalise la consommation pour tous les individus liés. Le fait que le nombre de pas soit fini (contrairement aux algorithmes à pas infinis existants) fait que mon algorithme peut inspirer de manière réaliste des politiques économiques. Enfin, je donne des résultats de statique comparée pour certaines valeurs exogènes du modèle.


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Les polymères semi-conducteurs semicristallins sont utilisés au sein de diodes électroluminescentes, transistors ou dispositifs photovoltaïques organiques. Ces matériaux peuvent être traités à partir de solutions ou directement à partir de leur état solide et forment des agrégats moléculaires dont la morphologie dicte en grande partie leurs propriétés optoélectroniques. Le poly(3-hexylthiophène) est un des polymères semi-conducteurs les plus étudiés. Lorsque le poids moléculaire (Mw) des chaînes est inférieur à 50 kg/mol, la microstructure est polycristalline et composée de chaînes formant des empilements-π. Lorsque Mw>50 kg/mol, la morphologie est semicristalline et composée de domaines cristallins imbriquées dans une matrice de chaînes amorphes. À partir de techniques de spectroscopie en continu et ultrarapide et appuyé de modèles théoriques, nous démontrons que la cohérence spatiale des excitons dans ce matériau est légèrement anisotrope et dépend de Mw. Ceci nous permet d’approfondir la compréhension de la relation intime entre le couplage inter et intramoléculaire sur la forme spectrale en absorption et photoluminescence. De plus, nous démontrons que les excitations photogénérées directement aux interfaces entre les domaines cristallins et les régions amorphes génèrent des paires de polarons liés qui se recombinent par effet tunnel sur des échelles de temps supérieures à 10ns. Le taux de photoluminescence à long temps de vie provenant de ces paires de charges dépend aussi de Mw et varie entre ∼10% et ∼40% pour les faibles et hauts poids moléculaires respectivement. Nous fournissons un modèle permettant d’expliquer le processus de photogénération des paires de polarons et nous élucidons le rôle de la microstructure sur la dynamique de séparation et recombinaison de ces espèces.


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The issue of imperfect information plays a much more important role in financing “informationally opaque” small businesses than in financing large companies.1 This chapter examines the asymmetric information issue in entrepreneurial finance from two perspectives: the effects of relationship lending and the impacts of credit market concentration on entrepreneurial financial behavior. These two perspectives are strongly linked to each other via the asymmetric information issue in entrepreneurial finance. Existing literature has recognized the important role played by relationship lending in alleviating the problem of asymmetric information. However, mixed empirical results have been reported. For example, it has been found that the development of relationship lending can improve the availability of finance for small businesses borrowers (Petersen and Rajan, 1994) and reduce the costs of finance (Berger and Udell, 1995). Meanwhile, with monopoly power, banks may extract rents, in terms of charging higher-than-market interest rates, from small businesscustomers who have very concentrated banking relationships (Ongena and Smith, 2001). In addition, both favorable and unfavorable effects of credit market concentration on financing small businesses have been acknowledged. Small business borrowers may have to pay a higher-than-market price on loans (Degryse and Ongena, 2005) and are more likely to be financially constrained (Cetorelli, 2004) than in competitive markets. On the other hand, empirical studies have shown that market concentration create a strong motive for lenders to invest in private information from small business customers, and therefore a concentrated market is more efficient in terms of private information acquisition (Han et al., 2009b). The objective of this chapter is to investigate, by reviewing existing literature, the role played by relationship lending and the effects of market concentration on financing entrepreneurial businesses that are supposed to be informationally opaque. In the first section we review literature on the important role played by asymmetric information in entrepreneurial finance from two perspectives: asymmetric information and relationship lending, and the theoretical modeling of asymmetric information. Then we examine the relationship between capital market conditions and entrepreneurial finance and attempt to answer two questions: Why is the capital market condition important for entrepreneurial finance? and What are the effects of capital market conditions on entrepreneurial financial behavior in terms of discouraged borrowers, cash holding, and the availability and costs of finance?


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This article reports the nonisothermal crystallization behavior of MXD6 and its clay nanocomposite system (MXD6/MMT) using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC experimental data were analyzed by theoretical modeling of the crystallization kinetics using the Avrami, Ozawa, Jeziorny, and the combined Avrami―Ozawa semiempirical models. It has been determined that these models adequately described the crystallization behavior of the MXD6 nanocomposite at cooling rates below 20 °C/min, but there was a deviation from linear dependence at higher cooling rates. This was attributed to changes of both the free energy and the cooling crystallization function K(T) over the entire crystallization process, as well as possible relaxation effects leading to structural rearrangements. In addition, the activation energy determined using the differential isoconversional method of Friedman was also found to vary, indicating changes in both the free energy and crystallization mechanism. Despite the lack of a reliable theoretical model, the heterogeneous nucleating activity of the MMT nanoparticles was demonstrated and quantified using Dobreva's method (Φ = 0.71), and the crystallization rate for the nanocomposite system was found to be greater than pure MXD6 by up to 79% at 40 °C/min.


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There is presently a worldwide interest in artificial magnetic systems which guide research activities in universities and companies. Thin films and multilayers have a central role, revealing new magnetic phases which often lead to breakthroughs and new technology standards, never thought otherwise. Surface and confinement effects cause large impact in the magnetic phases of magnetic materials with bulk spatially periodic patterns. New magnetic phases are expected to form in thin film thicknesses comparable to the length of the intrinsic bulk magnetic unit cell. Helimagnetic materials are prototypes in this respect, since the bulk magnetic phases consist in periodic patterns with the length of the helical pitch. In this thesis we study the magnetic phases of thin rare-earth films, with surfaces oriented along the (002) direction. The thesis includes the investigation of the magnetic phases of thin Dy and Ho films, as well as the thermal hysteresis cycles of Dy thin films. The investigation of the thermal hysteresis cycles of thin Dy films has been done in collaboration with the Laboratory of Magnetic Materials of the University of Texas, at Arlington. The theoretical modeling is based on a self-consistent theory developed by the Group of Magnetism of UFRN. Contributions from the first and second neighbors exchange energy, from the anisotropy energy and the Zeeman energy are calculated in a set of nonequivalent magnetic ions, and the equilibrium magnetic phases, from the Curie temperature up to the Nèel temperature, are determined in a self-consistent manner, resulting in a vanishing torque in the magnetic ions at all planes across the thin film. Our results reproduce the known isothermal and iso-field curves of bulk Dy and Ho, and the known spin-slip phases of Ho, and indicate that: (i) the confinement in thin films leads to a new magnetic phase, with alternate helicity, which leads to the measured thermal hysteresis of Dy ultrathin films, with thicknesses ranging from 4 nm to 16 nm; (ii) thin Dy films have anisotropy dominated surface lock-in phases, with alignment of surface spins along the anisotropy easy axis directions, similar to the known spin-slip phases of Ho ( which form in the bulk and are commensurate to the crystal lattice); and (iii) the confinement in thin films change considerably the spin-slip patterns of Ho.


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Today, one of the topics that attracts interest of the scientific community is the understanding of magnetic properties of magnetic systems with reduced dimensions, in particular, ferromagnetic thin films. In this case, the comprehension and control of these properties, as well as the development of routes to obtain them, are crucial issues in many aspects of current and future technologies for storage and transmission of information in the electro-electronic industry. There are several materials that exhibit soft magnetic properties, and we highlight the amorphous alloys and that ones obtained by partial crystallization, so-called nanocrystalline materials. The production of these alloys as magnetic ribbons is very common in scientific and technological area, but there are just a few works related to the production of these alloys as thin films. In this work, we studied the quasi-static magnetic properties of ferromagnetic thin films based on FeCuNbSiB in a wide range of thicknesses, from 20 to 500 nm, produced by sputtering. In particular, after the structural characterization performed via X-ray diffraction, the magnetic properties of the sets of samples were investigated using experimental magnetization curve, obtained using a vibrating sample magnetometer, as well as through theoretical curves obtained by theoretical modeling and numerical computation. The modeling process is based on the Stoner Wohlfarth model applied to three dimensions, and adds some energy terms, using as reference experimental results of magnetization. In this case, from the comparison between theoretical and experimental results and the analysis of the constant anisotropy behavior as a function of film thickness, we aim to obtain further information on the magnetization process of the samples, to identify routes for the production of thin films and develop a theoretical to films to use it, in the future, in the obtainment of the theoretical curves of some magnetic measurements, such as magnetoimpedance and magnetoresistance


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Groundwater and sandstone samples were analyzed for radon in Guarany aquifer, Parana sedimentary basin, South America. The dissolved radon ranged between 3 and 3303 pCi/l, being lognormally distributed, with a modal value of 1315 pCi/l, and a median value of 330 pCi/l. Rn-222 leakage experiments for sandstones yielded a theoretical value of 1390 pCi/l for Rn-222 in water, showing that theoretical modeling can reliably be used to interpret laboratory and field data. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The acid catalyzed and ultrasound stimulated hydrolysis of solventless tetraethoxysilane-water mixtures was studied at 39°C as a function of HCl added to the mixtures (log[HCl]-1 ranged from 0.8 to 2.0), The reaction was carried out in a specially designed device, in which a steady state heat flow is maintained, while sonication is taking place, if no reaction is expected to occur. The exothermal hydrolysis reaction causes an increasing temperature (ΔTt) as a function of the reaction time, t. The isothermal hydrolysis rate constant, k, has been evaluated from the experimental ΔTt versus t data, after corrections for the increasing temperature effects, by using a method resulting from our theoretical modeling based on a dissolution and reaction mechanism. The hydrolysis rate constant fits closely a k α [H+] law as expected for this kind of hydrogen-ion catalyzed reaction.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Na maioria dos métodos de exploração geofísica, a interpretação é feita assumindo-se um modelo da Terra uniformemente estratificado. Todos os métodos de inversão, inclusive o de dados eletromagnéticos, exigem técnica de modelamento teórico de modo a auxiliar a interpretação. Na literatura os dados são geralmente interpretados em termos de uma estrutura condutiva unidimensional; comumente a Terra é assumida ser horizontalmente uniforme de modo que a condutividade é função somente da profundidade. Neste trabalho uma técnica semi-analítica de modelagem desenvolvida por Hughes (1973) foi usada para modelar a resposta magnética de duas camadas na qual a interface separando as camadas pode ser representada por uma expansão em série de Fourier. A técnica envolve um método de perturbação para encontrar o efeito de um contorno senoidal com pequenas ondulações. Como a perturbação é de primeira ordem a solução obtida é linear, podemos então usar o princípio da superposição e combinar soluções para várias senoides de forma a obter a solução para qualquer dupla camada expandida em série de Fourier. Da comparação com a técnica de elementos finitos, as seguintes conclusões podem ser tiradas: • Para um modelo de dupla camada da Terra, as camadas separadas por uma interface cuja profundidade varia senoidalmente em uma direção, as respostas eletromagnética são muito mais fortes quando a espessura da primeira camada é da ordem do skin depth da onda eletromagnética no meio, e será tanto maior quanto maior for o contraste de condutividade entre as camadas; • Por outro lado, a resistividade aparente para este modelo não é afetada pela mudança na frequência espacial (v) do contorno; • Em caso do uso da solução geral para qualquer dupla camada na Terra cuja interface possa ser desenvolvida em série de Fourier, esta técnica produziu bons resultados quando comparado com a técnica de elementos finitos. A linerização restringe a aplicação da técnica para pequenas estruturas, apesar disso, uma grande quantidade de estruturas pode ser modelada de modo simples e com tempo computacional bastante rápido; • Quando a dimensão da primeira camada possui a mesma ordem de grandeza da estrutura, esta técnica não é recomendada, porque para algumas posições de sondagem, as curvas de resistividade aparente obtidas mostram um pequeno deslocamento quando comparadas com as curvas obtidas por elementos finitos.