990 resultados para Nutrition knowledge


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Objective To examine whether psychosocial factors mediate (explain) the association between socioeconomic position and takeaway food consumption. Design A cross-sectional postal survey conducted in 2009. Setting Participants reported their usual consumption of 22 takeaway food items, and these were grouped into a “healthy” and “less healthy” index based on each items' nutritional properties. Principal Components Analysis was used to derive three psychosocial scales that measured beliefs about the relationship between diet and health (α = 0.73), and perceptions about the value (α = 0.79) and pleasure (α = 0.61) of takeaway food. A nutrition knowledge index was also used. Socioeconomic position was measured by highest attained education level. Subjects Randomly selected adults (n = 1,500) aged between 25–64 years in Brisbane, Australia (response rate  =  63.7%, N = 903). Results Compared with those with a bachelor degree or higher, participants with a diploma level of education were more likely to consume “healthy” takeaway food (p = 0.023) whereas the least educated (high school only) were more likely to consume “less healthy” choices (p = 0.002). The least educated were less likely to believe in a relationship between diet and health (p<0.001), and more likely to have lower nutritional knowledge compared with their highly educated counterparts (p<0.001). Education differences in beliefs about the relationship between diet and health partly and significantly mediated the association between education and “healthy” takeaway food consumption. Diet- and health-related beliefs and nutritional knowledge partly and significantly mediated the education differences in “less healthy” takeaway food consumption. Conclusions Interventions that target beliefs about the relationship between diet and health, and nutritional knowledge may reduce socioeconomic differences in takeaway food consumption, particularly for “less healthy” options.


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Cyperus iria is a weed of rice with widespread occurrence throughout the world. Because of concerns about excessive and injudicious use of herbicides, cultural weed management approaches that are safe and economical are needed. Developing such approaches will require a better understanding of weed biology and ecology, as well as of weed response to increases in crop density and nutrition. Knowledge of the effects of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on crop-weed competitive interactions could also help in the development of integrated weed management strategies. The present study was conducted in a screenhouse to determine the effects of rice planting density (0, 5, 10, and 20 plants pot−1) and N rate (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha−1) on the growth of C. iria. Tiller number per plant decreased by 73–88%, leaf number by 85–94%, leaf area by 85–98%, leaf biomass by 92–99%, and inflorescence biomass by 96–99% when weed plants were grown at 20 rice plants pot−1 (i.e., 400 plants m−2) compared with weed plants grown alone. All of these parameters increased when N rates were increased. On average, weed biomass increased by 118–389% and rice biomass by 121–275% with application of 50–150 kg N ha−1, compared to control. Addition of N favored weed biomass production relative to rice biomass. Increased N rates reduced the root-to-shoot weight ratio of C. iria. Rice interference reduced weed growth and biomass and completely suppressed C. iria when no N was applied at high planting densities (i.e., 20 plants pot−1). The weed showed phenotypic plasticity in response to N application, and the addition of N increased the competitive ability of the weed over rice at densities of 5 and 10 rice plants pot−1 compared with 20 plants pot−1. The results of the present study suggest that high rice density (i.e., 400 plants m−2) can help suppress C. iria growth even at high N rates (150 kg ha−1).


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Throughout the Asia-Pacific region capture fisheries and certain less intensive forms of aquaculture can and do play a vital role in livelihoods management, food security, and health and nutrition. Knowledge and experience exist that could be more effectively used in policy for poverty alleviation. (PDF contains 89 pages)


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Este trabajo tiene como propósito esencial, realizar un acercamiento para detectar e identificar las necesidades de información y el comportamiento informativo de entrenadores en deportes de combate. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario a instructores de aikido, boxeo, esgrima, judo, karate, kendo, lima lama, lucha y taekwondo seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por causalidad. En general encontramos que los principales temas de interés entre los instructores son: los programas de entrenamiento, nutrición y dietas de entrenamiento. Por otra parte, los entrenadores son más propensos a utilizar su experiencia, internet y cursos para obtener información. En contraste se nota que la biblioteca y los libros son poco usados.


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Introduction: Poor nutritional status among older people is well documented with 40% of older people reported as malnourished on hospital admission. Poor nutrition contributes to increased infection, poorer patient outcomes and death and longer hospital stays. In this study, we assessed the ‘nutrition narrative’ from older hospital patients together with nutrition knowledge among nursing and medical staff and students.
Methods: The study used a convenience sample of older people (30, mean age 82 years) in two large geographically separate city hospitals. Patients mentally alert and consenting, gave a recorded ‘nutrition narrative’ to get a sense of how they felt their nutritional needs were being met in hospital. Main themes were identified by grounded analysis framework. Focus groups were recruited from medical/nursing teachers and students to assess their working knowledge of nutrition and the nutritional needs of the older patient group.
Results: Analysis of the ‘nutrition narrative’ suggested several themes (i) staff should listen to patients' needs/wishes in discussion with themselves and family members (ii) staff should continue to encourage and progress a positive eating experience (iii) staff should monitor food eaten/or not eaten and increase regular monitoring of weight. The focus groups with medical and nursing students suggested a limited knowledge about nutritional care of older people and little understanding about roles or cross-talk about nutrition across the multidisciplinary groups.
Conclusions: The ‘nutrition narrative’ themes suggested that the nutritional experience of older people in hospital can and must be improved. Nursing and medical staff providing medical and nursing care need better basic knowledge of nutrition and nutritional assessment, an improved understanding of the roles of the various multidisciplinary staff and of hospital catering pathways. Care professionals need to prioritise patient nutrition much more highly and recognise nutritional care as integral to patient healing and recovery


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Resumo - As doenças crónicas não transmissíveis são uma ameaça crescente à Saúde Pública em Portugal. As principais causas de mortalidade e morbilidade são doenças relacionadas com os estilos de vida, hábitos alimentares e de actividade física. Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários estão na linha da frente para dar resposta a estas patologias. Os profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente médicos e enfermeiros, sentem dificuldades para as tratar, como a falta de tempo, de conhecimentos e de confiança para o fazer, bem como uma descrença na efectividade das suas intervenções no âmbito da mudança comportamental destes pacientes. A dificuldade em referenciar estes pacientes a outros profissionais, especializados, como os nutricionistas e os fisiologistas do exercício, implica dotar médicos e enfermeiros com as competências básicas de aconselhamento alimentar e de actividade física, bem como serem capazes de assumirem uma atitude centrada no paciente e motivadora da mudança comportamental. O objectivo deste estudo é avaliar os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas no tratamento da obesidade e sua associação com o nível de actividade física reportado por médicos e enfermeiros. Este é um estudo observacional, transversal, que recorre à aplicação de um questionário de resposta directa. --------Abstract - Non communicable chronic diseases are increasingly relevant public health threats. The main causes of mortality and morbidity in Portugal are lifestyle, food and exercise habits, related diseases. Primary health care services are in the front line to adress this pathologies. Health care professionals, namely physicians and nurses, face numerous barriers like reduced consultation time, knowledge and confidence to deal with this problems, as well as a disbelief in the efectiviness of their intervention in patients health behaviour change. The inhability to reference this patients to nutrition and exercise specialists, increases the need to give physicians and nurses the adequate nutrition and exercise basic counselling skills, as well as promoting a patient centred attitude that enables them to increase patients motivation to health behaviour change. The study sought to assess the nutrition knowledge, atittudes and practice and its associations with self - reported personal physical activity habits of primary health care professionals. This is a descriptive, cross- sectional stu


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Contexte : Un accès adéquat aux aliments sains dans les environnements résidentiels peut contribuer aux saines habitudes alimentaires. Un tel accès est d’autant plus important pour les personnes âgées, où les changements associés au vieillissement peuvent accentuer leur dépendance aux ressources disponibles dans le voisinage. Cependant, cette relation n’a pas encore été établie chez les aînés. Objectifs : La présente thèse vise à quantifier les associations entre l’environnement alimentaire local et les habitudes alimentaires de personnes âgées vivant à domicile en milieu urbain. La thèse s’est insérée dans un projet plus large qui a apparié les données provenant d’une cohorte d’aînés québécois vivant dans la région métropolitaine montréalaise avec des données provenant d’un système d’information géographique. Trois études répondent aux objectifs spécifiques suivants : (1) développer des indices relatifs de mixité alimentaire pour qualifier l’offre d’aliments sains dans les magasins d’alimentation et l’offre de restaurants situés dans les quartiers faisant partie du territoire à l’étude et en examiner la validité; (2) quantifier les associations entre la disponibilité relative de magasins d’alimentation et de restaurants près du domicile et les habitudes alimentaires des aînés; (3) examiner l’influence des connaissances subjectives en nutrition dans la relation entre l’environnement alimentaire près du domicile et les habitudes alimentaires chez les hommes et les femmes âgés. Méthodes : Le devis consiste en une analyse secondaire de données transversales provenant de trois sources : les données du cycle 1 pour 848 participants de l’Étude longitudinale québécoise « La nutrition comme déterminant d’un vieillissement réussi » (2003-2008), le Recensement de 2001 de Statistique Canada et un registre privé de commerces et services (2005), ces derniers regroupés dans un système d’information géographique nommé Mégaphone. Des analyses bivariées non paramétriques ont été appliquées pour répondre à l’objectif 1. Les associations entre l’exposition aux commerces alimentaires dans le voisinage et les habitudes alimentaires (objectif 2), ainsi que l’influence des connaissances subjectives en nutrition dans cette relation (objectif 3), ont été vérifiées au moyen d’analyses de régression linéaires. Résultats : Les analyses ont révélé trois résultats importants. Premièrement, l’utilisation d’indices relatifs pour caractériser l’offre alimentaire s’avère pertinente pour l’étude des habitudes alimentaires, plus particulièrement pour l’offre de restaurants-minute. Deuxièmement, l’omniprésence d’aspects défavorables dans l’environnement, caractérisé par une offre relativement plus élevée de restaurants-minute, semble nuire davantage aux saines habitudes alimentaires que la présence d’opportunités d’achats d’aliments sains dans les magasins d’alimentation. Troisièmement, un environnement alimentaire plus favorable aux saines habitudes pourrait réduire les écarts quant à la qualité de l’alimentation chez les femmes ayant de plus faibles connaissances subjectives en nutrition par rapport aux femmes mieux informées. Conclusion : Ces résultats mettent en relief la complexité des liens entre l’environnement local et l’alimentation. Dans l’éventualité où ces résultats seraient reproduits dans des recherches futures, des stratégies populationnelles visant à résoudre un déséquilibre entre l’accès aux sources d’aliments sains par rapport aux aliments peu nutritifs semblent prometteuses.


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Objective: This study employed a multilevel design to test the contribution of individual, social and environmental factors to mediating socio-economic status (SES) inequalities in fruit and vegetable consumption among women. Design: A cross-sectional survey was linked with objective environmental data. Setting: A community sample involving 45 neighbourhoods. Subjects: In total, 1347 women from 45 neighbourhoods provided survey data on their SES (highest education level), nutrition knowledge, health considerations related to food purchasing, and social support for healthy eating. These data were linked with objective environmental data on the density of supermarkets and fruit and vegetable outlets in local neighbourhoods. Results: Multilevel modelling showed that individual and social factors partly mediated, but did not completely explain, SES variations in fruit and vegetable consumption. Store density did not mediate the relationship of SES with fruit or vegetable consumption. Conclusions: Nutrition promotion interventions should focus on enhancing nutrition knowledge and health considerations underlying food purchasing in order to promote healthy eating, particularly among those who are socio-economically disadvantaged. Further investigation is required to identify additional potential mediators of SES–diet relationships, particularly at the environmental level.


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Aims. To evaluate the effectiveness of a health promotion
programme targeting dietary behaviours and physical
activity among male hourly-paid workers and to explore
demographic and attitudinal influences on dietary patterns
at baseline.
Methods. A controlled field trial compared workers at one
intervention and one control worksite. The intervention
comprised nutrition displays in the cafeteria and monthly
30-minute workshops for six months. Key outcome
measures at six and twelve-months were self-reported
dietary and lifestyle behaviours, nutrition knowledge, body
mass index (BMI), waist circumference and blood pressure.
Results. 132 men at the intervention site and 121 men at the
control site participated in the study and a high retention rate
(94% at 6-months and 89% at 12-months) was achieved. At
baseline, 40% of the total sample (253) were obese, 30% had
elevated blood pressure, 59% indicated an excessive fat intake
and 92% did not meet the recommended vegetable and fruit
intake. The intervention reduced fat intake, increased
vegetable intake and physical activity, improved nutrition
knowledge and reduced systolic blood pressure when
compared to the control site. There was no difference in
change in mean BMI or waist circumference. Reduction in
BMI was associated with reduction in fat intake.
Discussion. Low intensity workplace intervention can
significantly improve reported health behaviours and
nutrition knowledge although the impact on more
objective measures of risk was variable. A longer duration
or more intensive intervention may be required to achieve
further reduction in risk factors.


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Aim:  To investigate the use of behavioural change techniques by cardiologists, general practitioners and dietitians in adult cardiac patients within 12 months of their cardiac event.
Method:  Quantitative cross-sectional surveys. Frequency analyses were conducted on the respondents' answers to questionnaire items. Chi-squared test of independence compared responses of the three professional groups on the questionnaire items. Analyses of variance were conducted to explore the impact of the independent variables: age, sex and time worked on the behavioural change techniques used by the respondents.
Results:  The respondents included 248 general practitioners (30% response), 189 cardiologists (47% response) and 180 dietitians (60% response). General practitioners and cardiologists acted mainly as advocates for dietary change in the dietary management process. Dietitians provided nutrition knowledge and a range of techniques to assist dietary behavioural change. Cardiologists and dietitians shared little nutrition information with general practitioners (cardiologists with general practitioners = 8%, dietitians with general practitioners = 49%).
Conclusion:  The present study shows that cardiac patients may have insufficient access to knowledge of nutrition and techniques to assist them with dietary behavioural change.


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Evidence suggests that parental modeling, use of feeding strategies, nutrition knowledge, self-efficacy for providing healthy foods and food availability are all likely to be important correlates in determining the dietary habits of young children. This paper reviews the literature regarding parental correlates of the dietary intakes of young children and provides insights regarding areas which may be important in early life but have as yet not been well researched.


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During the early years, parents have a major influence on their children's diets, food choices and development of eating habits. However, research concerning the influence of parental feeding practices on young children's diets is limited. This paper presents a systematic review of intervention studies with parents of preschool children. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of interventions that target parent nutrition knowledge and/or parenting practices with parents of young children aged two to five years in the development of healthy dietary habits. Seventeen studies were identified. Findings highlight the limited number of good quality studies in this age group. Limitations include design inconsistency and a lack of longitudinal data to evaluate sustainability. Research on parental understanding of healthy diets and specific parenting styles and feeding practices is lacking. Further insights into how parents can positively influence children's diets will come from quality longitudinal research examining both parent feeding practices and nutrition knowledge in this age group.


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During the early years, parents have a major influence on their children’s diets, food choices and development of eating habits. However, research concerning the influence of parental feeding practices on young children’s diets is limited. This paper presents a systematic review of intervention studies with parents of preschool children. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of interventions that target parent nutrition knowledge and/or parenting practices with parents of young children aged two to five years in the development of healthy dietary habits. Seventeen studies were identified. Findings highlight the limited number of good quality studies in this age group. Limitations include design inconsistency and a lack of longitudinal data to evaluate sustainability. Research on parental understanding of healthy diets and specific parenting styles and feeding practices is lacking. Further insights into how parents can positively influence children’s diets will come from quality longitudinal research examining both parent feeding practices and nutrition knowledge in this age group.


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Breakfast skipping is a potentially modifiable behavior that has negative effects on health and is socioeconomically patterned. This study aimed to examine the intrapersonal (health, behavioral, and cognitive) and social factors associated with breakfast skipping. Nonpregnant women (n = 4123) aged 18-45 y from socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods throughout Victoria, Australia, completed a postal questionnaire. Sociodemographic characteristics, diet, physical activity, sedentary behaviors, and cognitive and social factors were assessed by self-report. Breakfast skipping was defined in 2 ways: 1) "rarely/never" eating breakfast (n = 498) and 2) eating breakfast ≤2 d/wk (includes those who rarely/never ate breakfast; n = 865). Poisson regression was used to calculate prevalence ratios and linear trends, adjusting for covariates. The P values for linear trends are reported below. Compared with breakfast consumers, women who reported rarely/never eating breakfast tended to have poorer self-rated health (P-trend &lt; 0.001), be current smokers (P-trend &lt; 0.001), pay less attention to health (P-trend &lt; 0.001), not prioritize their own healthy eating when busy looking after their family (P-trend &lt; 0.001), have less nutrition knowledge (P-trend &lt; 0.001), and a lower proportion were trying to control their weight (P-trend &lt; 0.020). When breakfast skipping was defined as eating breakfast ≤2 d/wk, additional associations were found for having lower leisure-time physical activity (P-trend = 0.012) and less self-efficacy for eating a healthy diet (P-trend &lt; 0.043). In conclusion, a range of intrapersonal and social factors were significantly associated with breakfast skipping among women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas. Acknowledging the cross-sectional design and need for causal confirmation, programs that aim to promote breakfast consumption in this population group should consider targeting family-related barriers to healthy eating and nutrition knowledge.


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Parents have a major influence on young children's diets, food choices and habit formation. However, research concerning parental influence on children's diets is limited. Qualitative research informs quantitative research with a narrative of 'what works' and is a valuable tool to inform intervention design and practice. This article presents a systematic review of qualitative research with parents of preschool children and their influence on their child's diet. Nine studies were identified. Findings highlight the need to promote culturally tailored programmes to combat specific cultural differences such as attitudes; perceptions and concerns; address common barriers to providing healthy foods and challenges faced by lower income families; the use of food to shape a child's behaviour; that children will grow out of excess weight; common misconceptions such as a heavier child is healthier and depriving a child's food request could result in starvation. Research on parental understanding of healthy diets and feeding practices is lacking. Further insights into how to positively influence children's diets will come from research examining parent feeding practices and nutrition knowledge. © The Author(s) 2013.