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Objectives: Wegener s granulomatosis (WG) is a vasculitis with a predilection for the airways and kidneys. An increasing incidence and improved prognosis of WG has been shown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence, clinical presentation, diagnostic delay, risk of dialysis-dependent renal insufficiency and mortality of WG in 1981-2000. Patients and methods: Data was retrieved from the Finnish hospital discharge register and hospital case reports. Patients diagnosed with WG in 1981-2000 were included, and their demographic and clinical data recorded. The patients were crossed with the national kidney dialysis register and the national mortality statistics. Results: A total of 492 patients (243 ♂ , 249 ♀) were diagnosed at a mean age of 54 years (SD 18). The incidence increased from 1.9 to 9.3/ million/ year. The median diagnostic delay decreased from 17 to 4 months. Patients presented most often with symptoms of the ear, nose and throat (ENT) (45%), lung (36%), musculoskeletal system (22%) and kidney (11%). Initial lung involvement, constitutional symptoms, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and high ELK scores [(number of simultaneously involved organ groups (ENT, Lung, Kidney)] were associated with a shorter diagnostic delay. Medical treatment of WG patients remained similar in the 1980s and 1990s. Almost 90% of patients received cyclophosphamide (CYC) and more than 90% glucocorticoid medication at some point during the course of the disease. Eighty-four patients (17%) needed dialysis. Initial renal involvement and elevated serum creatinine values were related to an increased risk of dialysis-dependent kidney disease. In two-thirds of the patients, renal impairment was reversible. Dialysis became chronic (>3 months) in 32 patients (6.5%). Nineteen patients (3.9%) received a kidney transplant. Altogether 203 patients (99 men, 104 women) died before 30 June 2005. WG was the underlying cause of death in 37%. The crude one-year and five-year survival rates were 83.3% and 74.2%, respectively. The standardized mortality ratio was 3.43 (95% CI = 2.98 to 3.94). Older age and elevated creatinine level at diagnosis predicted shorter survival. ENT symptoms at presentation and treatment with CYC were associated with better outcome. There was no additional risk associated with male gender or with either of the decades (1981-1990 and 1991-2000) Conclusions: In 1981-2000, the incidence of WG increased ca. 4.5-fold and diagnostic delay decreased to ca. one-fourth, reflecting increased recognition of the disease and improved diagnostic means. WG patients are at great risk of developing dialysis-dependent renal insufficiency and an increased risk of dying. During the study period the treatment of WG did not change markedly, nor did the prognosis improve.


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Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are diagnostic markers for systemic vasculitis. They are classically I detected by an indirect immunofluorescence test using normal donor neutrophils as substrate. This assay lacks antigenic specificity and is not quantitative. The 'EC/BCR Project for ANCA Assay Standardization' is an international collaboration study with the aim to develop and standardize solid phase assays for ANCA detection. In this part of the study the isolation and characterization of proteinase-3 and myeloperoxidase, the two main target molecules for ANCA, and the development and standardization of ELISAs with these antigens are described. Six laboratories successfully isolated purified proteinase-3 preparations that could be used. Three of these preparations, together with one myeloperoxidase preparation, were subsequently used for ANCA testing by ELISA. The ELISA technique was standardized in two rounds of testing in the 14 participating laboratories. The coefficient of variation of these new assays decreased from values of approx. 50% in the first round to approx. 20% in the second round. We conclude that purified proteinase-3 and myeloperoxidase can be used in standardized ELISAs for ANCA detection. Whether such procedures offer advantages over the IIF test will be determined in a prospective clinical study.


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Few patients with Behçet's syndrome have gastrointestinal ulceration. Such patients are difficult to treat and have a higher mortality. Faced with refractory symptoms in two patients with intestinal Behçet's, we used the tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) monoclonal antibody infliximab to induce remission. Both women (one aged 27 years, the other 30 years) presented with orogenital ulceration, pustular rash, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea due to colonic ulceration, weight loss, and synovitis. One had thrombophlebitis, digital vasculitis, perianal fistula, and paracolic abscess; the other had conjunctivitis and an ulcer in the natal cleft. Treatment with prednisolone, methyl prednisolone, and thalidomide in one and prednisolone, colchicine, and cyclosporin in the other was ineffective. After full discussion, infliximab (3 mg/kg, dose reduced because of recent sepsis in one, and 5 mg/kg in the other) was administered. Within 10 days the ulcers healed, with resolution of bloody diarrhoea and all extraintestinal manifestations. A second infusion of infliximab was necessary eight weeks later in one case, followed by sustained (>15 months) remission on low dose thalidomide. Remission was initially sustained for 12 months in the other but thalidomide had to be stopped due to intolerance, and a good response to retreatment lasted only 12 weeks without immunosuppression, before a third infusion. The cause of Behçet's syndrome is unknown but peripheral blood CD45 gammadelta T cells in Behçet's produce >50-fold more TNF-alpha than controls when stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate and anti-CD3. Infliximab could have a role for inducing remission in Behçet's syndrome.


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Antibodies to neutrophil cytoplasmic antigens (ANCA) are good serological markers for patients with mainly vasculitic conditions. Two main types of ANCAs have been detected, the first termed cytoplasmic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (cANCA) are mainly associated with patients with Wegener's granulomatosis, the other termed perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (pANCA) are mainly associated with patients with renal vasculitis, rheumatic and collagen disorders. These antibodies are against various constituents of neutrophil granules. In patients with myelodysplasia, defects in normal granulocyte development are seen. We report a series of twelve patients with myelodysplasia of whom at least four showed a low titre and one a high titre of pANCA. Two of these patients also had demonstrable activity against myeloperoxidase (MPO). None of these patients had any evidence of systemic or cutaneous vasculitis or of any autoimmune disorder. There was no pANCA positivity in an age matched control group.


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Propylthiouracil (PTU) is known to induce antineutrophil cytoplasmatic antibody (ANCA) seropositivity; however, small vessel vasculitis (SVV) with pulmonary and renal involvement is rare. We present the case of an 81-year-old woman on PTU treatment due to toxic nodular goitre who developed alveolar hemorrhage and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. The authors highlight the importance of early recognising drug-induced pulmonary-renal syndrome (PRS) in order to avoid unnecessary tests, a delay in the diagnosis and evolution to end-stage kidney disease or life-threatening conditions.


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Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a systemic large vessel vasculitis, with extracranial arterial involvement described in 10-15% of cases, usually affecting the aorta and its branches. Patients with GCA are more likely to develop aortic aneurysms, but these are rarely present at the time of the diagnosis. We report the case of an 80-year-old Caucasian woman, who reported proximal muscle pain in the arms with morning stiffness of the shoulders for eight months. In the previous two months, she had developed worsening bilateral arm claudication, severe pain, cold extremities and digital necrosis. She had no palpable radial pulses and no measurable blood pressure. The patient had normochromic anemia, erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 120 mm/h, and a negative infectious and autoimmune workup. Computed tomography angiography revealed concentric wall thickening of the aorta extending to the aortic arch branches, particularly the subclavian and axillary arteries, which were severely stenotic, with areas of bilateral occlusion and an aneurysm of the ascending aorta (47 mm). Despite corticosteroid therapy there was progression to acute critical ischemia. She accordingly underwent surgical revascularization using a bilateral carotid-humeral bypass. After surgery, corticosteroid therapy was maintained and at six-month follow-up she was clinically stable with reduced inflammatory markers. GCA, usually a chronic benign vasculitis, presented exceptionally in this case as acute critical upper limb ischemia, resulting from a massive inflammatory process of the subclavian and axillary arteries, treated with salvage surgical revascularization.


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The most frequent clinical manifestation of borreliosis in Switzerland is erythema migrans, with about 2500 patients each year. Neurological manifestations are rare, mostly hyperalgesic radiculitis (Bannwarth syndrome), aseptic meningitis or cranial nerve involvement. We report the first Swiss patient with meningovasculitis due to neuroborreliosis, with recurrent multiple ischemic strokes in multiple vascular territories. The treatment with ceftriaxone stopped the progression, but the patient is still suffering from severe invalidating cognitive disorders. We also comment on the pathophysiology and review the literature of other clinical cases.


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Introducción: A través de los años se ha reconocido como la principal causa de enfermedades complejas, como lo son las enfermedades autoinmunes (EAI), la interacción entre los factores genéticos, los epigenéticos y el ambiente. Dentro de los factores ambientales están los solventes orgánicos (SO), compuestos químicos ampliamente utilizados en lavanderías (ej. tetracloroetileno, percloroetileno), pinturas (ej. tolueno y turpentina), removedores de esmalte para uñas, pegamentos (ej. acetona, metil acetato, etil acetato), removedores de manchas (ej. hexano, petróleo, eter), detergentes (ej. citrus terpeno), perfumes (etanol), y en la síntesis de esmaltes, entre otros. Teniendo en cuenta la controversia que existe aún sobre la asociación entre los SO y las EAI, evaluamos la evidencia a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura y un meta-análisis. Métodos y resultados: La búsqueda sistemática se hizo en el PubMed, SCOPUS , SciELO y LILACS con artículos publicados hasta febrero de 2012. Se incluyó cualquier tipo de estudio que utilizara criterios aceptados para la definición de EAI y que tuvieran información sobre la exposición SO. De un total de 103 artículos, 33 fueron finalmente incluidos en el meta -análisis. Los OR e intervalos de confianza del 95 % (IC) se obtuvieron mediante el modelo de efectos aleatorios. Un análisis de sensibilidad confirmó que los resultados no son susceptibles a la limitación de los datos incluidos. El sesgo de publicación fue trivial. La exposición a SO se asoció a esclerosis sistémica, vasculitis primaria y esclerosis múltiple de forma individual y también para todas las EAI consideradas como un rasgo común (OR: 1.54 , IC 95 % : 1,25 a 1,92 ; valor de p 0.001). Conclusión: La exposición a SO es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de EAI. Como corolario, los individuos con factores de riesgo no modificables (es decir, autoinmunidad familiar o con factores genéticos identificados) deben evitar toda exposición a SO con el fin de evitar que aumente su riesgo de desarrollar una EAI.


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Background: Genetic and epigenetic factors interacting with the environment over time are the main causes of complex diseases such as autoimmune diseases (ADs). Among the environmental factors are organic solvents (OSs), which are chemical compounds used routinely in commercial industries. Since controversy exists over whether ADs are caused by OSs, a systematic review and meta-analysis were performed to assess the association between OSs and ADs. Methods and Findings: The systematic search was done in the PubMed, SCOPUS, SciELO and LILACS databases up to February 2012. Any type of study that used accepted classification criteria for ADs and had information about exposure to OSs was selected. Out of a total of 103 articles retrieved, 33 were finally included in the meta-analysis. The final odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained by the random effect model. A sensitivity analysis confirmed results were not sensitive to restrictions on the data included. Publication bias was trivial. Exposure to OSs was associated to systemic sclerosis, primary systemic vasculitis and multiple sclerosis individually and also to all the ADs evaluated and taken together as a single trait (OR: 1.54; 95% CI: 1.25-1.92; p-value, 0.001). Conclusion: Exposure to OSs is a risk factor for developing ADs. As a corollary, individuals with non-modifiable risk factors (i.e., familial autoimmunity or carrying genetic factors) should avoid any exposure to OSs in order to avoid increasing their risk of ADs.


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Antecedentes: El interés en las enfermedades autoinmunes (EA) y su desenlace en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI) han incrementado debido al reto clínico que suponen para el diagnóstico y manejo, debido a que la mortalidad en UCI fluctúa entre el 17 – 55 %. El siguiente trabajo representa la experiencia de un año de nuestro grupo en un hospital de tercer nivel. Objetivo: Identificar factores asociados a mortalidad particulares de los pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes que ingresan a una UCI, de un hospital de tercer nivel en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: El uso de análisis de componentes principales basado en el método descriptivo multivariado y análisis de múltiple correspondencia fue realizado para agrupar varias variables relacionadas con asociación significativa y contexto clínico común. Resultados: Cincuenta pacientes adultos con EA con una edad promedio de 46,7 ± 17,55 años fueron evaluados. Los dos diagnósticos más comunes fueron lupus eritematoso sistémico y esclerosis sistémica, con una frecuencia de 45% y 20% de los pacientes respectivamente. La principal causa de admisión en la UCI fue la infección seguido de actividad aguda de la EA, 36% y 24% respectivamente. La mortalidad durante la estancia en UCI fue del 24%. El tiempo de hospitalización antes de la admisión a la UCI, el choque, soporte vasopresor, ventilación mecánica, sepsis abdominal, Glasgow bajo y plasmaféresis fueron factores asociados con mortalidad. Dos fenotipos de variables fueron definidos relacionadas con tiempo en la UCI y medidas de soporte en UCI, las cuales fueron asociadas supervivencia y mortalidad. Conclusiones: La identificación de factores individuales y grupos de factores por medio del análisis de componentes principales permitirá la implementación de medidas terapéutica de manera temprana y agresiva en pacientes con EA en la UCI para evitar desenlaces fatales.


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Os autores relatam dois casos de glomerulonefrite difusa aguda pós-infecciosa com evolução clinicomorfológica incomum. As biópsias renais mostraram alterações características de glomerulonefrite difusa aguda associada à extensa necrose fibrinóide e infiltrado inflamatório leucocitário na parede de arteríolas e artérias interlobulares. Foram também observadas crescentes. Ambos os pacientes cursaram com insuficiência renal aguda severa, sendo que um dos pacientes recuperou a função renal e outro evoluiu para insuficiência renal crônica e óbito.


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As vasculites cutâneas podem representar grande desafio clínico, mesmo após exame dermatológico cuidadoso e realização de exames complementares. Os autores apresentam caso de vasculite crioglobulinêmica cutânea associada à infecção crônica pelo vírus da hepatite C, salientando a importância do exame dermatológico na investigação diagnóstica. Discutem ainda a importância da busca da etiologia e da correta classificação no prognóstico e terapêutica das vasculites cutâneas.


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São descritos a epidemiologia, os sinais clínicos, os achados de necropsia e a histopatologia de seis casos de febre catarral maligna (FCM) em bovinos de 5 fazendas localizadas nos estados de Mato Grosso do Sul e São Paulo. A doença ocorreu em bovinos de ambos os sexos e com idades variando de 4 meses a 11 anos. Os índices de morbidade variaram de 0,25% a 6.6% e a letalidade foi de 100%. A evolução clínica foi aguda (2-3 dias) em seis casos e crônica em um (3 meses). O diagnóstico presuntivo de FCM nos casos descritos neste relato foi baseado nos sinais clínicos, achados de necropsia e confirmados pela histopatologia. Os principais sinais clínicos nos casos agudos foram febre, corrimento mucopurulento pelas fossas nasais, opacidade da córnea, sialorréia, úlceras em várias superfícies mucosas e distúrbios nervosos. O bovino do caso crônico mostrou opacidade da córnea e distúrbios neurológicos. Os principais achados de necropsia incluíam hiperemia e lesões diftéricas em várias superfícies epiteliais e a histopatologia consistiu de vasculite, focos de infiltrado mononuclear multifocal em vários órgãos e necrose de superfícies epiteliais.


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Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are autoantibodies against enzymes present in primary granules of neutrophils and lysosomes of monocytes detected in systemic vasculitis and in other diseases, including infections, ANCA are markers of active Wegener granulomatosis, which presents some anatomo-pathologic and immune response features similar to those of leprosy. Thus, we raised the hypothesis that ANCA may be present in leprosy as markers specifically linked to the presence of vasculitis. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of ANCA in leprosy and its correlation with the clinical forms of the disease. Sera from 60 normal individuals and from 59 patients with different clinical forms of leprosy were studied. The patients were also allocated into reactional and nonreactional groups. By indirect immunofluorescence, ANCA were positive, an atypical pattern A-ANCA, in 28.8% of the patient sera. A-ANCA predominated, although not significantly (p >0,05), in the reactional groups (37.9% vs 20.0%), and in those at the lepromatous pole (41.6% vs 20.0%). There was no correlation between ANCA positivity and either disease duration, disease activity, or therapeutic regimen (p >0.05), An interesting finding was the correlation between ANCA and gender: 94.1% of ANCA-positive patients were males (p <0.01), a feature that so far has not been reported in ANCA-related diseases and for which there is no explanation at the moment. By ELISA, the sera of the lepromatous leprosy patients did not show activity against either PR3, MPO, HLE, the most common ANCA antigens. Because A-ANCA are nonspecific, this finding requires further investigation for the determination of the responsible antigen(s), in conclusion, A-ANCA are present in 28.8% of leprosy patients but are not related to vasculitis in the erythema nodosum leprosum reaction and are not a marker of a specific clinical form.


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In the present work, 199 patients with leprosy who underwent autopsy between 1970 and 1986 were retrospectively studied to determine the prevalence, types, clinical characteristics, and etiologic factors of renal lesions (RLs) in leprosy. Patients were divided into two groups: 144 patients with RLs (RL+) and 55 patients without RLs (RL-), RLs observed in 72% of the autopsied patients were amyloidosis (AMY) in 61 patients (31%), glomerulonephritis (GN) in 29 patients (14%), nephrosclerosis (NPS) in 22 patients (11%), tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) in 18 patients (9%), granuloma in 2 patients (1%), and other lesions in 12 patients (6%), AMY occurred most frequently in patients with lepromatous leprosy (36%; nonlepromatous leprosy, 5%; P < 0.01), recurrent erythema nodosum leprosum (33%; P < 0.02), and trophic ulcers (27%; 0.05 < P < 0.10), Ninety-seven percent of AMY was found in patients with lepromatous leprosy, 88% showed recurrent trophic ulcers, and 76% presented with erythema nodosum leprosum, NPS was found in older patients with arterial hypertension, neoplastic diseases, infectious diseases, and vasculitis associated with GN, Most patients with AMY presented with proteinuria (95%) and renal failure (88%), the most frequent causes of death were renal failure in patients with AMY (57%), infectious diseases in patients with GN (41%) and TIN (45%), and cardiovascular diseases in patients with NPS (41%), No difference in survival rates was observed among RL- patients and those with AMY, GN, NPS, or TIN. (C) 2001 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.