115 resultados para Hydrocortisone


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Cushing's syndrome (CS) is a disorder associated with significant morbidity and mortality due to prolonged exposure to high cortisol concentrations.


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A comparative study of different polymeric formats for the targeting of corticosteroids, focusing on the use of bulk monolith and precipitation polymerisation strategies, was performed and the effect on recognition behaviour was studied. Hydrocortisone-17-butyrate was selected as the template and methacrylic acid as the functional monomer, following 1H NMR investigation of the pre-polymerisation mixture. Three different cross-linkers were tested, ranging from moderate to highly hydrophobic. The synthesised bulk and precipitated imprinted polymers were physically characterised by nitrogen sorption and evaluated by means of HPLC and frontal chromatography against a range of template analogues. While some degree of selectivity for the template was achieved for all tested polymers, the ones based on the tri-functional cross-linking monomer TRIM exhibited the longest retention for all corticosteroids, especially in the precipitated format, which suggested 31 broader group selectivity.


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BACKGROUND: Heparin therapy may be effective in steroid resistant inflammatory bowel disease.

AIM: A randomized pilot study, to compare unfractionated heparin as a first-line therapy with corticosteroids in colonic inflammatory bowel disease.

METHODS: Twenty patients with severe inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, n=17; Crohn's colitis, n=3) were randomized to either intravenous heparin for 5 days, followed by subcutaneous heparin for 5 weeks (n=8), or high-dose intravenous hydrocortisone for 5 days followed by oral prednisolone 40 mg daily, reducing by 5 mg per day each week (n=12). After 5 days, non-responders in each treatment group were commenced on combination therapy. Response to therapy was monitored by: clinical disease activity (ulcerative colitis: Truelove and Witt Index; Crohn's colitis: Harvey and Bradshaw Index), stool frequency, serum C-reactive protein and alpha1 acid glycoprotein, endoscopic and histopathological grading.

RESULTS: The response rates were similar in both treatment groups: clinical activity index (heparin vs. steroid; 75% vs. 67%; P=0.23), stool frequency (75% vs. 67%; P=0.61), endoscopic (75% vs. 67%; P=0.4) and histopathological grading (63% vs. 50%; P=0.67). Both treatments were well-tolerated with no serious adverse events.

CONCLUSION: Heparin as a first line therapy is as effective as corticosteroids in the treatment of colonic inflammatory bowel disease. Large multicentre randomized comparative studies are required to determine the role of heparin in the management of inflammatory bowel disease.


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RATIONALE: A dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a well-documented neurobiological finding in major depression. Moreover, clinically effective therapy with antidepressant drugs may normalize the HPA axis activity. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to test whether citalopram (R/S-CIT) affects the function of the HPA axis in patients with major depression (DSM IV). METHODS: Twenty depressed patients (11 women and 9 men) were challenged with a combined dexamethasone (DEX) suppression and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation test (DEX/CRH test) following a placebo week and after 2, 4, and 16 weeks of 40 mg/day R/S-CIT treatment. RESULTS: The results show a time-dependent reduction of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol response during the DEX/CRH test both in treatment responders and nonresponders within 16 weeks. There was a significant relationship between post-DEX baseline cortisol levels (measured before administration of CRH) and severity of depression at pretreatment baseline. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to identify the impact of psychopathology and hormonal stress responsiveness and R/S-CIT concentrations in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The magnitude of decrease in cortisol responsivity from pretreatment baseline to week 4 on drug [delta-area under the curve (AUC) cortisol] was a significant predictor (p<0.0001) of the degree of symptom improvement following 16 weeks on drug (i.e., decrease in HAM-D21 total score). The model demonstrated that the interaction of CSF S-CIT concentrations and clinical improvement was the most powerful predictor of AUC cortisol responsiveness. CONCLUSION: The present study shows that decreased AUC cortisol was highly associated with S-CIT concentrations in plasma and CSF. Therefore, our data suggest that the CSF or plasma S-CIT concentrations rather than the R/S-CIT dose should be considered as an indicator of the selective serotonergic reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) effect on HPA axis responsiveness as measured by AUC cortisol response.


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Les neutrophiles sont généralement considérés résistants aux glucocorticoïdes. Cependant, peu d’études comparant l’effet de ces drogues sur les neutrophiles et les autres leucocytes sanguins (monocytes, lymphocytes et éosinophiles) ont été rapportées. Dans notre étude, nous avons évalué la réponse aux glucocorticoïdes de ces deux populations cellulaires chez le cheval et l’homme. Les cellules, préalablement isolées du sang de 6 chevaux et 4 sujets humains sains, ont été incubées pendant 5 h en présence de lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 100 ng/mL) seul ou combiné avec de l’hydrocortisone, de la prednisolone ou de la dexaméthasone (10-8M et 10-6M). L’expression d’ARNm pour l’IL-1β, le TNF-α, l’IL-8, la glutamine synthétase et le récepteur α des glucocorticoïdes (GR-α) a été quantifiée par qPCR. Les neutrophiles équins ont également été incubés pendant 20 h en présence de ces 3 glucocorticoïdes et la survie cellulaire a été évaluée par cytométrie de flux et microscopie optique. Nous avons démontré que les glucocorticoïdes inhibaient l’expression des gènes pro-inflammatoires induite par le LPS pour les deux populations cellulaires chez les deux espèces étudiées. L’expression de la glutamine synthétase était également significativement augmentée par les glucocorticoïdes chez les neutrophiles et les autres leucocytes sanguins équins. De manière générale, l’intensité de la réponse aux glucocorticoïdes s’est avérée similaire dans les 2 populations leucocytaires et chez les deux espèces. Les glucocorticoïdes augmentaient également la survie des neutrophiles équins, phénomène également rapporté dans d’autres espèces. Ainsi, les glucococorticoïdes exercent des effets d’intensité comparable sur les neutrophiles et les autres leucocytes sanguins. Nous spéculons que la faible réponse à la corticothérapie observée lors de maladies inflammatoires chroniques neutrophiliques comme l’asthme sévère ou la Maladie Pulmonaire Obstructive Chronique (MPOC) ne s’explique pas par une corticorésistance intrinsèque des neutrophiles.


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Antecedentes: El tratamiento de los espasmos infantiles generalmente se realiza con ACTH a pesar de perfil de efectos secundarios y el alto costo financiero. Se ha propuesto el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento para la enfermedad, no obstante no existe certeza sobre la eficacia de este esquema. Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia del uso de los corticoides comparados con la ACTH como primera línea de tratamiento en el manejo de pacientes con espasmos infantiles. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se efectuó en las bases de datos Pubmed, Embase, Ovid, LiLaCs y en el registro de ensayos clínicos de Estados Unidos. Se incluyeron estudios en portugués, ingles y español, no se fijo límite de tiempo para la publicación. Se realizó un análisis de riesgo de sesgo y de calidad de la evidencia utilizando el programa GRADEPRO. Se estimaron OR y sus respectivos intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados: Se incluyeron 4 estudios, un ensayo clínico y tres estudios de cohorte retrospectiva. Dos estudios aportaron evidencia de calidad moderada y alta. No se encontraron diferencias en la eficacia a corto plazo entre el uso de los corticoides y la ACTH sobre desenlaces clínicos o electroencefalográficos. No se encontraron estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La seguridad a corto plazo no mostró diferencias. Conclusiones: Es muy probable que el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento puedan reemplazar el uso de la ACTH, se requiere estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La decisión de su uso rutinario debería estar basada en un análisis de costo efectividad y bajo la mirada del balance riesgo/beneficio.


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Introducción: El vitíligo es una enfermedad prevalente en nuestro medio con una prevalencia del 2% de la población mundial. Los síntomas de esta enfermedad son principalmente estéticos al manifestarse como máculas acrómicas, simétricas en las extremidades y en rostro donde genera la mayor estigmatización de los pacientes. Actualmente ningún tratamiento provee mejoría pronta y permanente de los síntomas. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad del Láser Excimer 308 nm en el tratamiento del vitíligo por medio de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Métodos: Búsqueda sistemática de ensayos clínicos y estudios cuasiexperimentales en las bases de datos más importantes acerca de la efectividad del Láser Excimer 308 nm en la repigmentación de los pacientes adultos con vitíligo. Se evaluó su calidad metodológica. Resultados: De 862 artículos encontrados se escogieron 40 artículos potenciales de los cuales dos fueron incluidos en esta revisión. El láser Excimer 308 nm como monoterapia presenta una pigmentación efectiva (≥50%) en 28.03% de las áreas tratadas, de los cuales 72.9% se localizaron en áreas sensibles a radiación ultravioleta y 27.02% en zonas no sensibles. Inicio de pigmentación a la sesión número 13 (un mes post inicio del tratamiento). El láser fue seguro y bien tolerado. Conclusión: La evidencia sugiere que el tratamiento con Láser Excimer 308 nm, como monoterapia, es una alternativa terapéutica para lograr repigmentación pronta de las máculas acrómicas del vitíligo en áreas sensibles a radiación ultravioleta. Deben considerarse estudios que evalúen combinaciones de fármacos y Láser en el tratamiento de vitíligo.


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Introducción Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura y metaanálisis para determinar la utilidad, en términos de reducción de la intensidad y la prevención de la cefalea post-punción dural, de los corticoides endovenosos. Materiales y métodos Revisión sistemática y metaanálisis, dos revisores seleccionaron y analizaron los artículos definidos en los términos de entrada, extrajeron características generales de los estudios incluidos, describieron los principales hallazgos y resumieron sus resultados. Se analizó la heterogeneidad por el coeficiente de I2 y Tau2 , la magnitud del efecto se analizó en el coeficiente Z, todos los estadísticos asumieron un nivel de significancia del 95%, en cuadros y figuras (de control de sesgos y Forres Plot) Resultados 75 Referencias fueron seleccionadas, 33 identificadas en la búsqueda y 48 por método de Snowball; Seis concordaron con los criterios de elegibilidad; 69 fueron excluidas por no cumplir con los criterios de inclusión; el enmascaramiento aspecto de mayor riesgo de sesgo (intermedio); en conjunto hubo buen control del riesgo de sesgo entre los estudios incluidos. Los resultados muestran baja heterogeneidad a favor de la intervención con corticoides en el tratamiento de la cefalea post-dural; amplia heterogeneidad y sin efecto para la prevención de la cefalea post-dural. Conclusiones Se recomienda el uso de hidrocortisona o metilprednisolona en la reducción de la intensidad de la cefalea post-dural. No se cuenta con evidencia de dexametasona en la prevención de cefalea postdural. Se requiere de estudios adicionales, con otras intervenciones farmacológicas que sobre la plausibilidad de la condición (cefalea post-dural) pudieran prevenir o disminuir su ocurrencia


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A dermatite atópica é uma patologia cutânea crónica que requer cuidados intensivos da pele e tratamento farmacológico; contudo, os tratamentos disponíveis necessitam urgentemente de ser melhorados, especialmente quando utilizados por períodos longos ou em grupos específicos (ex: crianças). A nanotecnologia tem contribuído com sistemas de veiculação inovadores e pode oferecer terapias efectivas e direcionadas. Os objectivos deste estudo centraram-se na preparação caracterização das nanopartículas de policaprolactona carregadas com acetato de hidrocortisona em termos das propriedades físico-químicas, eficiência de encapsulação, ensaios de libertação in vitro e ensaios de segurança dos excipientes utilizados em voluntários humanos. As nanopartículas produzidas apresentaram um tamanho médio de 258,4 24,5 nm e um índice de polidispersão de 0,084. O potencial zeta foi -4,39 0,62 mV e a eficiência de encapsulação foi 36,32 0,03 %. A libertação in vitro do fármaco foi controlada ao longo do tempo. Além disso, os testes de segurança indicaram que os excipientes foram bem tolerados. Este estudo demonstra que as nanopartículas de policaprolactona são sistemas estáveis para veiculação de acetato de hidrocortisona que poderão conduzir a uma libertação prolongada do fármaco, com resultados promissores ao nível da sua segurança quando aplicados na pele humana.


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Microencapsulation of drugs into preformed polymers is commonly achieved through solvent evaporation techniques or spray drying. We compared these encapsulation methods in terms of controlled drug release properties of the prepared microparticles and investigated the underlying mechanisms responsible for the “burst release” effect. Using two different pH-responsive polymers with a dissolution threshold of pH 6 (Eudragit L100 and AQOAT AS-MG), hydrocortisone, a model hydrophobic drug, was incorporated into microparticles below and above its solubility within the polymer matrix. Although, spray drying is an attractive approach due to rapid particle production and relatively low solvent waste, the oil-in-oil microencapsulation method is superior in terms of controlled drug release properties from the microparticles. Slow solvent evaporation during the oil-in-oil emulsification process allows adequate time for drug and polymer redistribution in the microparticles and reduces uncontrolled drug burst release. Electron microscopy showed that this slower manufacturing procedure generated non-porous particles whereas thermal analysis and X-ray diffractometry showed that drug loading above the solubility limit of the drug in the polymer generated excess crystalline drug on the surface of the particles. Raman spectral mapping illustrated that drug was homogeneously distributed as a solid solution in the particles when loaded below saturation in the polymer with consequently minimal burst release.


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During spray drying, emphasis is placed on process optimisation to generate favourable particle morphological and flow properties. The effect of the initial feed solution composition on the drug release from the prepared microparticles is rarely considered. We investigated the effects of solvent composition, feed solution concentration and drug-loading on sodium salicylate, hydrocortisone and triamcinolone release from spray dried Eudragit L100 microparticles. Eudragit L100 is a pH-responsive polymer whose dissolution threshold is pH 6 so dissolution testing of the prepared microparticles at pH 5 and 1.2 illustrated non-polymer controlled burst release. Increasing the water content of the initial ethanolic feed solution significantly reduced hydrocortisone burst release at pH 5, as did reducing the feed solution concentration. These findings caution that changes in feed solution concentration or solvent composition not only affect particles’ morphological characteristics but can also negatively alter their drug release properties. This work also illustrate that drug-free microparticles can have different morphological properties to drug-loaded microparticles. Therefore, process optimisation needs to be carried out using drug-loaded systems. Depending on the physicochemical properties of the encapsulated API, drug-loading can affect the polymer solubility in the initial feed solution with consequent impact on microparticles morphological and release properties.


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Abstract Purpose: The pH discrepancy between healthy and atopic dermatitis skin was identified as a site specific trigger for delivering hydrocortisone from microcapsules. Methods: Using Eudragit L100, a pH-responsive polymer which dissolves at pH 6, hydrocortisone-loaded microparticles were produced by oil-in-oil microencapsulation or spray drying. Release and permeation of hydrocortisone from microparticles alone or in gels was assessed and preliminary stability data was determined. Results: Drug release from microparticles was pH-dependent though the particles produced by spray drying also gave significant non-pH dependent burst release, resulting from their porous nature or from drug enrichment on the surface of these particles. This pH-responsive release was maintained upon incorporation of the oil-in-oil microparticles into Carbopol- and HPMC-based gel formulations. In-vitro studies showed 4 to 5-fold higher drug permeation through porcine skin from the gels at pH 7 compared to pH 5. Conclusions: Permeation studies showed that the oil-in-oil generated particles deliver essentially no drug at normal (intact) skin pH (5.0 – 5.5) but that delivery can be triggered and targeted to atopic dermatitis skin where the pH is elevated. The incorporation of these microparticles into Carbopol- and HPMC-based aqueous gel formulations demonstrated good stability and pH-responsive permeation into porcine skin.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the regulation of SIRP alpha, an inhibitory phagocyte receptor, and the phosphatase SHP-1 in monocytes of patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and the role of dexamethasone on SIRP alpha and SHP-1 gene expression and erythrophagocytosis in vitro. SIRP alpha and SHP-1 expression was higher in monocytes from AIHA patients compared with normal, returning to normal after glucocorticoid therapy. SIRP alpha and SHP-1 mRNA expression was upregulated in healthy monocytes treated with dexamethasone compared with basal; however, the erythrophagocytic ability was not altered. Our results point to a minor role of SIRP alpha and SHP-1 in determining AIHA.


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Murine milk protein gene expression requires insulin, hydrocortisone, and prolactin; however, the role of insulin is not well understood. This study, therefore, examined the requirement of insulin for milk protein synthesis. Mammary explants were cultured in various combinations of the lactogenic hormones and global changes in gene expression analysed using Affymetrix microarray. The expression of 164 genes was responsive to insulin, and 18 were involved in protein synthesis at the level of transcription and posttranscription, as well as amino acid uptake and metabolism. The folate receptor gene was increased by fivefold, highlighting a potentially important role for the hormone in folate metabolism, a process that is emerging to be central for protein synthesis. Interestingly, gene expression of two milk protein transcription factors, Stat5a and Elf5, previously identified as key components of prolactin signalling, both showed an essential requirement for insulin. Subsequent experiments in HCll cells confirmed that Stat5a and Elf5 gene expression could be induced in the absence of prolactin but in the presence of insulin. Whereas prolactin plays an essential role in phosphorylating and activating Stat5a, gene expression is only induced when insulin is present. This indicates insulin plays a crucial role in the transcription of the milk protein genes.