994 resultados para Genetica de populaçoes


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La tesi individua un metodo matematico per inferire alcuni eventi demografici relativi a popolazioni umane, attraverso l’analisi di dati, reali e simulati, e con strumenti di statistica e analisi numerica (Cluster Analysis, Analisi Discriminate, Analisi della varianza, Interpolazione).


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Analisi quantitativo/qualitativa al fine di creare un sistema di supporto al designer in campo automotive.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Hrsg. von Professor Dr. E. Baur."


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The genus Corymbia is closely related to the genus Eucalyptus, and like Eucalyptus contains tree species that are important for sub-tropical forestry. Corymbia's close relationship with Eucalyptus suggests genetic studies in Corymbia should benefit from transfer of genetic information from its more intensively studied relatives. Here we report a genetic map for Corymbia spp. based on microsatellite markers identified de novo in Corymbia sp or transferred from Eucalyptus. A framework consensus map was generated from an outbred F 2 population (n = 90) created by crossing two unrelated Corymbia torelliana x C. citriodora subsp. variegata F1 trees. The map had a total length of 367 cM (Kosambi) and was composed of 46 microsatellite markers distributed across 13 linkage groups (LOD 3). A high proportion of Eucalyptus microsatellites (90%) transferred to Corymbia. Comparative analysis between the Corymbia map and a published Eucalyptus map identified eight homeologous linkage groups in Corymbia with 13 markers mapping on one or both maps. Further comparative analysis was limited by low power to detect linkage due to low genome coverage in Corymbia, however, there was no convincing evidence for chromosomal structural differences because instances of non-synteny were associated with large distances on the Eucalyptus map. Segregation distortion was primarily restricted to a single linkage group and due to a deficit of hybrid genotypes, suggesting that hybrid inviability was one factor shaping the genetic composition of the F2 population in this inter-subgeneric hybrid. The conservation of microsatellite loci and synteny between Corymbia and Eucalyptus suggests there will be substantial value in exchanging information between the two groups.


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Population substructure and hybridization, among other factors, have the potential to cause erroneous associations in linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping. Two closely related spotted gum eucalypts, Corymbia variegata and C. henryi (Myrtaceae) occur in sympatry in the east coast of Australia and potentially interbreed. They are morphologically similar but are distinguished as separate species based on capsule and foliage size. To determine whether they hybridize in nature and its implications for LD mapping, we investigated the level of molecular divergence between the two species at two sympatric locations separated by 300 kilometres. Very few individuals of intermediate morphology were identified, despite the two species occurring only metres apart. Analysis of genetic structure using 12 microsatellite loci showed that genetic differentiation between populations of the same species at different locations (FST = 0.07 for both species; p = 0.0001) was significantly higher than that observed between species at each location (mean FST = 0.02 and 0.04 for Cherry tree and Bunyaville respectively; p = 0.0001; all Mann-Whitney U-test p ≤ 0.01). No species-specific alleles or significant allele frequency differences were detected within a site, suggesting recurrent local gene flow between the two species. The lack of significant allele frequency differences implies no population stratification along taxonomic lines. This suggested that there is little concern for cryptic hybridization when sampling from sites of sympatry for LD mapping.


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Eighty six full-sib Corymbia F1 hybrid families (crosses between C. torelliana and four spotted gum taxa: C. citriodora subsp. variegata, C. citriodora subsp. citriodora, C. henryi and C. maculata), were planted in six trials across six disparate sites in south-eastern Queensland to evaluate their productivity and determine their potential utility for plantation forestry. In each trial, the best-growing 20% of hybrid families grew significantly faster (P=0.05) than open-pollinated seedlots of the parent species Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata, ranging from 107% to 181% and 127% to 287% of the height and diameter respectively. Relative performance of hybrid families growing on more than one site displayed consistency in ranking for growth across sites and analysis showed low genotype-by-environment interaction. Heritability estimates based on female and male parents across two sites at age six years for height and diameter at breast height, were high (0.62±0.28 to 0.64±0.35 and 0.31±0.21 to 0.69±0.37 respectively), and low to moderate (0.03±0.04 to 0.33±0.22) for stem straightness, branch size, incidence of ramicorns, and frost and disease resistance traits at ages one to three years. The proportion of dominance variance for height and diameter had reduced to zero by age six years. Based on these promising results, further breeding and pilot-scale family forestry and clonal forestry deployment is being undertaken. These results have also provided insights regarding the choice of a future hybrid breeding strategy.


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Inter-specific Corymbia hybrids are of increasing interest to plantation forestry, yet there is little knowledge of the most suitable controlled pollination methods for this genus. Inter-specific crosses were made between C. torelliana [CT(maternal parent)] and C. citriodora subsp. variegata (CCV), C. henryi (CH) and C. citriodora subsp. citriodora (CCC) using conventional pollination, one-stop pollination (OSP) and artificially-induced protogyny on yellow buds (AIP Y) pollination methods. Additional treatments included AIP on green buds (AIP G) and the use of exclusion bags for the OSP and AIP methods. Inter-specific hybrids (CT x CCV, CT x CH and CT x CCC) were successfully created using all three pollination methods. The AIP Y treatment provided the highest seed yields and achieved time savings of >41% over the conventional and OSP methods, resulting in up to five-fold increases in operator productivity. However, the AIP Y treatment also had the highest C. torelliana contamination levels (9.3–13.2%). The use of exclusion bags with the AIP method had minimal effect on contamination rates, indicating a high proportion of selfpollen contamination. Contamination rates varied between maternal parents, suggesting variation in selfcompatibility for C. torelliana individuals. AIP using semi-ripe green buds was not effective at reducing selfing and had low operator productivity. The AIP method is suitable for use in a large-scale hybrid breeding program for C. torelliana. When self-pollination effects are managed, it could greatly reduce the costs associated with the production of seed of elite family crosses for commercial forestry deployment.


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Eucalyptus argophloia Blakely (Western white gum) has shown potential as a commercial forestry timber species in marginal environments of north-eastern Australia. We measured early pollination success in Eucalyptus argophloia to compare pollination methods, determine the timing of stigma receptivity and compare fresh and stored pollen. Early pollination success was measured by counting pollen tubes in the style of E. argophloia 12 days after pollination. We compared the early pollination success of 1) Artificially Induced Protogyny (AIP), one-stop and three-stop methods of pollination; 2) flowers pollinated at 2 day intervals between 2 days before and 6 days after anthesis and 3) fresh pollen and pollen that had been stored for 9 months. Our results show significantly more pollen tubes from unpollinated AIP and AIP treatments than either the one-stop pollination or three-stop pollination treatments. This indicates that self-pollination occurs in the unpollinated AIP treatment. There was very little pollen tube growth in the one-stop method indicating that the three-stop method is the most suitable for this species. Stigma receptivity in E. argophloia commenced six days after anthesis and no pollen tube growth was observed prior to this. Fresh pollen resulted in pollen tube growth in the style whereas the stored pollen resulted in a total absence of pollen tube growth. We recommend that breeding programs incorporating E. argophloia as a female parent use the three-stop pollination method, and controlled pollination be carried out at least six days after anthesis using fresh pollen.


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Resumen: El género Lotus comprende alrededor de 100 especies anuales y perennes distribuidas en todo el mundo. Algunas de las especies de Lotus muestran un gran potencial para la adaptación a estreses abióticos. Entre estas especies se encuentra Lotus tenuis, especie herbácea, que se encuentra naturalizada en los bajos salinos alcalinos de la Pampa Deprimida hace más de 50 años y es muy valorada como forrajera en los sistemas ganaderos. Como características principales se encuentra la variabilidad genética de sus poblaciones, la plasticidad genotípica de las plantas, su tolerancia al anegamiento y a la salinidad. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de los daños causados por el estrés en las plantas, sería de gran utilidad comprender cuales son los mecanismos moleculares a través de los cuales las plantas detectan el estrés y transducen la señal dentro de las células para generar respuestas adaptativas y de esta manera poder diseñar estrategias que permitan mejorar la tolerancia al estrés de los cultivos. Uno de los mecanismos de la regulación de la expresión génica es a través de los factores de transcripción (FT). Estos, entre otras funciones, regulan las respuestas adaptativas, por eso sería importante conocer cuáles son los genes involucrados en estas respuestas. Varias familias de FT se encuentran involucradas en la respuesta al estrés abiótico en plantas, una de ellas es la familia de proteínas MYB, siendo esta una de las más numerosas en las plantas. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar FT tipo MYB en L. tenuis y evaluar su relación con la respuesta adaptativa al estrés salino. Para este experimento se extrajo ADN de hojas de plantas que crecieron en condiciones normales y ARN de raíces de plántulas que permanecieron bajo condiciones de salinidad por 8 y 24 horas, de dos familias de medio hermano (FMH) de L. tenuis, una susceptible y otra tolerante a la salinidad. Se realizaron varias reacciones de PCR y RT-PCR, que arrojaron como resultado amplificación del fragmento genómico y del transcrito con el tamaño esperado. Una vez secuenciados estos fragmentos se determinó la presencia de FT tipo MYB en L. tenuis. Analizando los resultados preliminares de la expresión relativa de los genes MYB estudiados bajo condiciones de estrés salino, se observó expresión bajo condiciones de salinidad como en condiciones normales de crecimiento, lo que sugiere que estos genes no solo responden al estrés salino sino también a otros estreses o factores. Para el gen MYB 102_1420 se observó mayor expresión del tratamiento con solución salina a las 24 horas que a las 8 horas. Al comparar ambas FMH vemos que el comportamiento es similar. Para el gen MYB 102_950 se observó que la FMH susceptible bajo condiciones de salinidad a las 8 horas presenta mayor expresión que a las 24 horas, con la FMH tolerante sucede todo lo contrario. El estudio de la capacidad de adaptación y tolerancia a los distintos estreses y el control de las respuestas adaptativas por medio de los FT en L. tenuis permitirá contribuir a mejorar su adaptación en la Pampa Deprimida, y de esta manera poder identificar poblaciones aptas para ser cultivadas en suelos salinos.


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Resumen: Lotus tenuis Waldst et Kit (ex Lotus glaber Mill) (2n=2x=12), es una leguminosa perenne, utilizada como forrajera, que se introdujo en suelos salinoalcalinos de la Pampa Deprimida de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. L. tenuis presenta variabilidad genética para caracteres asociados a la tolerancia a salinidad que esta siendo explorada y explotada en programas de mejoramiento. El estudio de la variabilidad molecular en esta especie permitirá ayudar a los programas de mejoramiento a incrementar la adaptación de la especie en la Pampa Deprimida, permitiendo identificar poblaciones aptas para lograr alta productividad en los suelos salinos de la región. Mediante este trabajo se buscó cuantificar la variabilidad molecular de una población de L. tenuis tolerante a alta salinidad, para lo cual se extrajo ADN de 23 plantas y se utilizaron 8 marcadores ISSRs (Inter Secuencias Simples Repetidas) con la técnica de PCR (Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa). Con el uso de los programas de análisis molecular Structure (Pritchard et al., 2000), PowerMarker (Liu et al., 2005) y Arlequín (Excoffier et al., 2010), se estimó la estructura genética, varianza, medidas de diversidad y de distancia genética. A su vez se realizó a modo de complemento una comparación entre la población tolerante y otra población de L. tenuis susceptible a salinidad, para estimar la variabilidad genética entre poblaciones e identificar bandas especificas asociadas a la tolerancia a salinidad. El número obtenido de bandas presentes en la población tolerante fue de 73, que permitió realizar un estudio de la variabilidad molecular. La estructura genética representada por Structurama y Structure arrojó un K=1, observándose a las 23 plantas tolerantes agrupadas en una misma población. El uso de los 8 marcadores seleccionados permitieron estudiar la variabilidad molecular y la estructura genética de las poblaciones de L. tenuis, identificándose un total de 117 bandas totales. El análisis de la estructura poblacional reveló la existencia de una mayor homogeneidad en los individuos de la población tolerante que en la población susceptible. Los marcadores ISSRs desarrollados en este trabajo podrán ser utilizados en otros programas de mejoramiento genético de L. tenuis, para evaluar la variabilidad molecular presente en otras poblaciones de la especie