982 resultados para Female genital mutilation


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Our purpose in this research was to uncover first-person descriptions of the birth experiences of African refugee women in Brisbane, Australia, and to explore the common themes that emerged from their experiences. We conducted semistructured interviews with 10 African refugees who had given birth in Brisbane. Essences universal to childbirth such as pain, control, and experiences of caregivers featured prominently in participants’ descriptions of their experiences. Their experiences, however, were further overshadowed by issues such as language barriers, the refugee experience, female genital mutilation (FGM), and encounters with health services with limited cultural competence.


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This book attempts to persuade a new generation of scholars, criminologists, activists, and policy makers sympathetic to the quest for global justice to open the envelope, to step out of their comfort zones and typical frames of analysis to gaze at a world full of injustice against the female sex, much of it systemic, linked to culture, custom and religion. In some instances the sources of these injustices intersect with those that produce global inequality, imperialism and racism. This book also investigates circumstances where the globalising forces cultivate male on male violence in the anomic spaces of supercapitalism – the border zones of Mexico and the United States, and the frontier mining communities in the Australian desert. However systemic gendered injustices, such as forced marriage of child female brides, sati the cremation of widows, genital cutting, honour crimes, rape and domestic violence against women, are forms of violence only experienced by the female sex. The book does not shirk away from female violence either. Carrington argues that if feminism wants to have a voice in the public, cultural, political and criminological debates about heightened, albeit often exaggerated, social concerns about growing female violence and engagement in terrorism, then new directions in theorising female violence are required. Feminist silences about the violent crimes, atrocities and acts of terrorism committed by the female sex leave anti-feminist explanations uncontested. This allows a discursive space for feminist backlash ideologues to flourish. This book contests those ideologies to offer counter explanations for the rise in female violence and female terrorism, in a global context where systemic gendered violence against women is alarming and entrenched. The world needs feminism to take hold across the globe, now more than ever.


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Section des étudiants / Student's section


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El interés de este Estudio de Caso es investigar la manera en que la Misión de Paz de la ONU en Sierra Leona (UNAMSIL) redireccionó el programa Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR) hacia los niños soldados durante el post-conflicto en el país. Se analiza cómo a través de la coordinación de diferentes Agencias y Organizaciones Internacionales con UNAMSIL, el Gobierno y la Sociedad Civil hace posible que se refuerce el rol de los Interim Care Centers (ICCs) en donde se enfrentaron las necesidades esenciales de los menores excombatientes para lograr un mejor proceso de su desmovilización y reintegración. Se explica de igual forma, las diferentes herramientas que sirven para llevar a cabo la resolución del conflicto y la reconstrucción de la paz, enfocándose en el peacekeeping, peacemaking y peacebuilding, como mecanismos que ayudaron a crear un espacio seguro para los niños exsoldados. Por último, se exponen los alcances y límites de los ICCs con respecto a la reintegración de los menores excombatientes


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This study considers the factors that influence women’s work behavior in Kenya. In particular, it examines whether gender attitudes and certain types of social institutions influence the probability of employment or type of employment for women. Using data from the Demographic and Health Survey of 2008–9, we find that religion and ethnicity are significant determinants of women’s employment in Kenya. While personal experience of female genital mutilation is insignificant, spousal age and education differences, as well as marital status (which reflect attitudes both in women’s natal and marital families), are significant determinants of women’s employment choices.


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Today around 28 000 women originally from countries where FGM is practised, are living in Sweden. Many of them are at childbearing age which means that knowledge about FGM and its consequences is of outmost importance during delivery. The aim of this study is to describe current research on how to manage the delivery, regarding deinfibulation and the following stitching as well as the risk of complications when the labouring woman is mutilated. This review of literature is based on 12 scientific articles published between years 1989 – 2005. Five different databases have been searched with use of a large number of keywords.The review found that no scientific research has been carried out that describes how deinfibulation and following stitching should be managed when the woman is mutilated. All available articles within this area are referring to best practice only. The review also found that the conclusions of the studies are contradictory. The majority, however, show an increased frequency for prolonged labour that could be related to FGM. The three largest studies also show an increased rate of caesarean section among mutilated women. In the few studies that examine haemorrhage, the majorities show an increased tendency to bleed, that could be related to FGM. Several articles emphasize the importance of good routines for deinfibulation to reduce the risk for complications.In summary it can be established that due to methodological problems in many studies, no reliable conclusion can be made that the researched complications exists to a greater extent when the woman is mutilated


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This paper assesses the impact of the Adjibar Safe Motherhood Project and derives lessons of value to future interventions. Amongst the participatory qualitative methods used were 15 group discussions, eight semi-structured interviews, a number of opportunistic informal discussions and observation. The information gathering was complemented by a detailed review of project documents. Field visits for data collection took place over a six day period in March 2005. The project was effective in raising awareness about maternal health, and the social, economic and health consequences of various harmful traditional practices (HTPs). It has also mobilised the community to monitor and report HTPs and has strengthened referral systems for counselling, support and treatment. A number of effective strategies were identified as having contributed to project success. These are presented using the framework offered by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion which presents five areas of public health action: developing personal skills; strengthening community action; building healthy public policy; re-orienting health services; and, creating supportive environments. This evaluation contributes to and strengthens the expanding body of literature about effective development practices to reduce HTPs. It demonstrates that addressing HTPs takes time and long term investment; both are necessary to enable better understanding of the social and cultural reasons for HTPs before attempting to address them, and to build the community trust necessary to overcome the natural resistance to challenging such deeply entrenched practices. The project also highlighted the importance of developing a multi pronged strategy based on engagement with a broad range of stakeholders and supportive legislation.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Une des questions les plus débattues dans le domaine de l’éthique en ce XXIème siècle entre l’Afrique et le monde occidental concerne le respect de l’intégrité physique des femmes. Parmi les actions humaines qui touchent le plus l’intégrité corporelle, les excisions et les infibulations sont les plus dénoncées en Afrique. Longtemps considérées comme des rites d’initiation pubertaire des filles, ces pratiques sont maintenant considérées comme néfastes à la santé, et communément désignées par la communauté internationale de « mutilations sexuelles féminines ». Au cours des dernières décennies, ces pratiques ont été progressivement interdites légalement tant dans la plupart des pays d’Afrique que dans les pays occidentaux. Le Comité Inter-Africain (CIAF) contre les mutilations sexuelles demande la « tolérance zéro » par rapport à ces pratiques. La communauté internationale les combat avec des armes juridiques, en se référant aux conséquences médicales et aux droits de l’homme. Notre thèse est née d’une interrogation sur les raisons pour lesquelles ces rites se poursuivent encore en Afrique et plus spécialement au Mali, alors que dans les pays occidentaux, on élève fortement la voix pour les dénoncer comme sévices infligés aux femmes. Sur le plan international, on hésite à imposer des valeurs universelles à un phénomène perçu dans une large mesure comme une tradition conforme aux normes sociales des communautés qui les maintiennent. Afin de mieux cerner le sujet, notre questionnement a été le suivant : « Comment les pratiques culturelles des excisions et des infibulations, dans la ville de Bamako au Mali, interpellent-elles l’éthique : en quoi l’analyse de ces rites constitue-t-elle un domaine légitime d’application des principes de la bioéthique ? » Notre réflexion part du postulat que la dignité humaine est une norme à l’aune de laquelle se mesurent les défis éthiques liés à ces rites. Un proverbe Bambara dit ceci : « Une seule main ne lave pas proprement un éléphant ». La logique de cette sagesse met en évidence qu’une seule approche disciplinaire ne saurait faire ressortir les enjeux éthiques de ces pratiques. Notre analyse bioéthique se veut une démarche interdisciplinaire, qui permet d’articuler les approches philosophiques, anthropologiques, sociologiques et biomédicales de ces pratiques. Le premier chapitre, à travers la revue des écrits, présente la problématique de ces rites. Le deuxième chapitre présente le cadre théorique basé sur la notion de dignité humaine et délimite « ses contours, ses sources, ses formes et ses conséquences » afin de la rendre plus efficace et opérationnelle comme moyen de protection de l’être humain. Le troisième chapitre présente la méthodologie de la recherche basée sur la méthode qualitative et l’induction analytique et décrit le contexte de l’étude. Le quatrième chapitre présente les résultats de la recherche qui font ressortir que ces pratiques se résument essentiellement au contrôle du désir sexuel féminin. Ces pratiques sont par ailleurs déritualisées, touchent de plus en plus des enfants, comportent des risques et des conséquences sur la santé avec des coûts humains et financiers pour la société. Le cinquième chapitre analyse ces pratiques avec les principes éthiques qui démontrent qu’elles constituent un problème de santé publique malgré leur caractère culturel. Enfin, le sixième chapitre présente la portée et la limite de la thèse. Celle-ci montre qu’il est possible de mener un débat sur les excisions et les infibulations à travers une éthique de discussion. Elle offre un moyen pour y parvenir avec une vision de la notion de dignité humaine comme une « valeur éthique universelle » susceptible d’être utilisée dans toutes les actions impliquant l’être humain et dans tous les contextes socio-culturels. Notre démarche élargit ainsi le champ d’application des principes bioéthiques à des pratiques non-médicales. Par cette thèse, nous souhaitons contribuer à enrichir la réflexion éthique sur les excisions et les infibulations et inspirer les politiques de santé publique dans le respect des diversités culturelles. Nous espérons pouvoir inspirer aussi d’autres recherches en vue de rapprocher la bioéthique des pratiques culturelles traditionnelles afin de trouver des compromis raisonnables qui pourraient renforcer le rôle de protection de la dignité humaine.


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Une des questions les plus débattues dans le domaine de l’éthique en ce XXIème siècle entre l’Afrique et le monde occidental concerne le respect de l’intégrité physique des femmes. Parmi les actions humaines qui touchent le plus l’intégrité corporelle, les excisions et les infibulations sont les plus dénoncées en Afrique. Longtemps considérées comme des rites d’initiation pubertaire des filles, ces pratiques sont maintenant considérées comme néfastes à la santé, et communément désignées par la communauté internationale de « mutilations sexuelles féminines ». Au cours des dernières décennies, ces pratiques ont été progressivement interdites légalement tant dans la plupart des pays d’Afrique que dans les pays occidentaux. Le Comité Inter-Africain (CIAF) contre les mutilations sexuelles demande la « tolérance zéro » par rapport à ces pratiques. La communauté internationale les combat avec des armes juridiques, en se référant aux conséquences médicales et aux droits de l’homme. Notre thèse est née d’une interrogation sur les raisons pour lesquelles ces rites se poursuivent encore en Afrique et plus spécialement au Mali, alors que dans les pays occidentaux, on élève fortement la voix pour les dénoncer comme sévices infligés aux femmes. Sur le plan international, on hésite à imposer des valeurs universelles à un phénomène perçu dans une large mesure comme une tradition conforme aux normes sociales des communautés qui les maintiennent. Afin de mieux cerner le sujet, notre questionnement a été le suivant : « Comment les pratiques culturelles des excisions et des infibulations, dans la ville de Bamako au Mali, interpellent-elles l’éthique : en quoi l’analyse de ces rites constitue-t-elle un domaine légitime d’application des principes de la bioéthique ? » Notre réflexion part du postulat que la dignité humaine est une norme à l’aune de laquelle se mesurent les défis éthiques liés à ces rites. Un proverbe Bambara dit ceci : « Une seule main ne lave pas proprement un éléphant ». La logique de cette sagesse met en évidence qu’une seule approche disciplinaire ne saurait faire ressortir les enjeux éthiques de ces pratiques. Notre analyse bioéthique se veut une démarche interdisciplinaire, qui permet d’articuler les approches philosophiques, anthropologiques, sociologiques et biomédicales de ces pratiques. Le premier chapitre, à travers la revue des écrits, présente la problématique de ces rites. Le deuxième chapitre présente le cadre théorique basé sur la notion de dignité humaine et délimite « ses contours, ses sources, ses formes et ses conséquences » afin de la rendre plus efficace et opérationnelle comme moyen de protection de l’être humain. Le troisième chapitre présente la méthodologie de la recherche basée sur la méthode qualitative et l’induction analytique et décrit le contexte de l’étude. Le quatrième chapitre présente les résultats de la recherche qui font ressortir que ces pratiques se résument essentiellement au contrôle du désir sexuel féminin. Ces pratiques sont par ailleurs déritualisées, touchent de plus en plus des enfants, comportent des risques et des conséquences sur la santé avec des coûts humains et financiers pour la société. Le cinquième chapitre analyse ces pratiques avec les principes éthiques qui démontrent qu’elles constituent un problème de santé publique malgré leur caractère culturel. Enfin, le sixième chapitre présente la portée et la limite de la thèse. Celle-ci montre qu’il est possible de mener un débat sur les excisions et les infibulations à travers une éthique de discussion. Elle offre un moyen pour y parvenir avec une vision de la notion de dignité humaine comme une « valeur éthique universelle » susceptible d’être utilisée dans toutes les actions impliquant l’être humain et dans tous les contextes socio-culturels. Notre démarche élargit ainsi le champ d’application des principes bioéthiques à des pratiques non-médicales. Par cette thèse, nous souhaitons contribuer à enrichir la réflexion éthique sur les excisions et les infibulations et inspirer les politiques de santé publique dans le respect des diversités culturelles. Nous espérons pouvoir inspirer aussi d’autres recherches en vue de rapprocher la bioéthique des pratiques culturelles traditionnelles afin de trouver des compromis raisonnables qui pourraient renforcer le rôle de protection de la dignité humaine.


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Chlamydia trachomatis infections have been implicated in problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in females. Although there are some studies examining the kinetics of ascending infection, there is limited information on the kinetics of pathology development and cellular infiltrate into the reproductive tissues in relation to the effects of inoculating dose, and a better understanding of these is needed. The murine model of female genital tract Chlamydia muridarum infection is frequently used as a model of human C. trachomatis reproductive tract infection. To investigate the kinetics of ascending genital infection and associated pathology development, female BALB/c mice were intravaginally infected with C. muridarum at doses ranging from 5102 to 2.6106 inclusion forming units. We found that the inoculating dose affects the course of infection and the ascension of bacteria, with the highest dose ascending rapidly to the oviducts. By comparison, the lowest dose resulted in the greatest bacterial load in the lower reproductive tract. Interestingly, we found that the dose did not significantly affect inflammatory cell infiltrate in the various regions. Overall, this data show the effects of infectious dose on the kinetics of ascending chlamydial infection and associated inflammatory infiltration in BALB/c mice.


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The female genital organs of the tetrablemmid Indicoblemma lannaianum are astonishingly complex. The copulatory orifice lies anterior to the opening of the uterus externus and leads into a narrow insertion duct that ends in a genital cavity. The genital cavity continues laterally in paired tube-like copulatory ducts, which lead into paired, large, sac-like receptacula. Each receptaculum has a sclerotized pore plate with associated gland cells. Paired small fertilization ducts originate in the receptacula and take their curved course inside the copulatory ducts. The fertilization ducts end in slit-like openings in the sclerotized posterior walls of the copulatory ducts. Huge masses of secretions forming large balls are detectable in the female receptacula. An important function of these secretory balls seems to be the encapsulation of spermatozoa in discrete packages in order to avoid the mixing of sperm from different males. In this way, sperm competition may be completely prevented or at least severely limited. Females seem to have full control over transferred sperm and be able to express preference for spermatozoa of certain males. The lumen of the sperm containing secretory balls is connected with the fertilization duct. Activated spermatozoa are only found in the uterus internus of females, which is an indication of internal fertilization. The sperm cells in the uterus internus are characterized by an extensive cytoplasm and an elongated, cone-shaped nucleus. The male genital system of I. lannaianum consists of thick testes and thin convoluted vasa deferentia that open into the wide ductus ejaculatorius. The voluminous globular palpal bulb is filled with seminal fluid consisting of a globular secretion in which only a few spermatozoa are embedded. The spermatozoa are encapsulated by a sheath produced in the genital system. The secretions in females may at least partly consist of male secretions that could be involved in the building of the secretory balls or play a role in sperm activation. The male secretions could also afford nutriments to the spermatozoa.


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Chlamydia trachomatis is the most prevalent bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the developed world and the leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide. As reported by the World Health Organization in 2001, there are approximately 92 million new infections detected annually, costing health systems billions of dollars to treat not only the acute infection, but also to treat infection-associated sequelae. The majority of genital infections are asymptomatic, with 50-70% going undetected. Genital tract infections can be easily treated with antibiotics when detected. Lack of treatment can lead to the development of pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancies and tubal factor infertility in women and epididymitis and prostatitis in men. With infection rates on the continual rise and the large number of infections going undetected, there is a need to develop an efficacious vaccine which prevents not only infection, but also the development of infection-associated pathology. Before a vaccine can be developed and administered, the pathogenesis of chlamydial infections needs to be fully understood. This includes the kinetics of ascending infection and the effects of inoculating dose on ascension and development of pathology. The first aim in this study was to examine these factors in a murine model. Female BALB/c mice were infected intravaginally with varying doses of C. muridarum, the mouse variant of human C. trachomatis, and the ascension of infection along the reproductive tract and the time-course of infection-associated pathology development, including inflammatory cell infiltration, pyosalpinx and hydrosalpinx, were determined. It was found that while the inoculating dose did affect the rate and degree of infection, it did not affect any of the pathological parameters examined. This highlighted that the sexual transmission dose may have minimal effect on the development of reproductive sequelae. The results of the first section enabled further studies presented here to use an optimal inoculating dose that would ascend the reproductive tract and cause pathology development, so that vaccine efficacy could be determined. There has been a large amount of research into the development of an efficacious vaccine against genital tract chlamydial infections, with little success. However, there have been no studies examining the effects of the timing of vaccination, including the effects of vaccination during an active genital infection, or after clearance of a previous infection. These are important factors that need to be examined, as it is not yet known whether immunization will enhance not only the individual's immune response, but also pathology development. It is also unknown whether any enhancement of the immune responses will cause the Chlamydia to enter a dormant, persistent state, and possibly further enhance any pathology development. The second section of this study aimed to determine if vaccination during an active genital tract infection, or after clearance of a primary infection, enhanced the murine immune responses and whether any enhanced or reduced pathology occurred. Naïve, actively infected, or previously infected animals were immunized intranasally or transcutaneously with the adjuvants cholera toxin and CpG-ODN in combination with either the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of C. muridarum, or MOMP and ribonucleotide reductase small chain protein (NrdB) of C. muridarum. It was found that the systemic immune responses in actively or previously infected mice were altered in comparison to animals immunized naïve with the same combinations, however mucosal antibodies were not enhanced. It was also found that there was no difference in pathology development between any of the groups. This suggests that immunization of individuals who may have an asymptomatic infection, or may have been previously exposed to a genital infection, may not benefit from vaccination in terms of enhanced immune responses against re-exposure. The final section of this study aimed to determine if the vaccination regimes mentioned above caused in vivo persistence of C. muridarum in the upper reproductive tracts of mice. As there has been no characterization of C. muridarum persistence in vitro, either ultrastructurally or via transcriptome analysis, this was the first aim of this section. Once it had been shown that C. muridarum could be induced into a persistent state, the gene transcriptional profiles of the selected persistent marker genes were used to determine if persistent infections were indeed present in the upper reproductive tracts of the mice. We found that intranasal immunization during an active infection induced persistent infections in the oviducts, but not the uterine horns, and that intranasal immunization after clearance of infection, caused persistent infections in both the uterine horns and the oviducts of the mice. This is a significant finding, not only because it is the first time that C. muridarum persistence has been characterized in vitro, but also due to the fact that there is minimal characterization of in vivo persistence of any chlamydial species. It is possible that the induction of persistent infections in the reproductive tract might enhance the development of pathology and thereby enhance the risk of infertility, factors that need to be prevented by vaccination, not enhanced. Overall, this study has shown that the inoculating dose does not affect pathology development in the female reproductive tract of infected mice, but does alter the degree and rate of ascending infection. It has also been shown that intranasal immunization during an active genital infection, or after clearance of one, induces persistent infections in the uterine horns and oviducts of mice. This suggests that potential vaccine candidates will need to have these factors closely examined before progressing to clinical trials. This is significant, because if the same situation occurs in humans, a vaccine administered to an asymptomatic, or previously exposed individual may not afford any extra protection and may in fact enhance the risk of development of infection-associated sequelae. This suggests that a vaccine may serve the community better if administered before the commencement of sexual activity.


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Infection of the female genital tract can result in serious morbidities and mortalities from reproductive disability, pelvic inflammatory disease and cancer, to impacts on the fetus, such as infant blindness. While therapeutic agents are available, frequent testing and treatment is required to prevent the occurrence of the severe disease sequelae. Hence, sexually transmitted infections remain a major public health burden with ongoing social and economic barriers to prevention and treatment. Unfortunately, while there are two success stories in the development of vaccines to protect against HPV infection of the female reproductive tract, many serious infectious agents impacting on the female reproductive tract still have no vaccines available. Vaccination to prevent infection of the female reproductive tract is an inherently difficult target, with many impacting factors, such as appropriate vaccination strategies/mechanisms to induce a suitable protective response locally in the genital tract, variation in the local immune responses due to the hormonal cycle, selection of vaccine antigen(s) that confers effective protection against multiple variants of a single pathogen (e.g., the different serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis) and timing of the vaccine administration prior to infection exposure. Despite these difficulties, there are numerous ongoing efforts to develop effective vaccines against these infectious agents and it is likely that this important human health field will see further major developments in the next 5 years.