55 resultados para Enalapril


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Le présent projet vise à documenter la nécessité d’augmenter notre connaissance de la présence des contaminants organiques tels que les médicaments dans l’environnement et d’évaluer leur devenir environnemental. On a étudié la présence de composés pharmaceutiques dans différents échantillons d'eau. On a focalisé nos efforts spécialement sur les échantillons d'eau de l'usine d'épuration de la Ville de Montréal et ses effluents, les eaux de surface avoisinantes et l’eau du robinet dans la région de Montréal. Pour ce faire, on a tout d’abord développé deux méthodes analytiques automatisées basées sur la chromatographie liquide avec extraction en phase solide (SPE) couplée à la chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS/MS). On a également étudié les performances des trois techniques d'ionisation à pression atmosphérique (API), pour ensuite les utiliser dans la méthode analytique développée. On a démontré que l'ionisation par électronébulisation (ESI) est une méthode d'ionisation plus efficace pour l'analyse des contaminants pharmaceutiques dans des échantillons de matrices très complexes comme les eaux usées. Une première méthode analytique SPE couplée à la LC-MS/MS a été développée et validée pour l'étude des échantillons complexes provenant de l'usine d'épuration de la Ville de Montréal et des eaux de surface près de l'usine. Cinq médicaments de prescription ont été étudiés: le bézafibrate (un régulateur de lipides), le cyclophosphamide et le méthotrexate (deux agents anticancéreux), l'orlistat (un agent anti-obésité) et l’énalapril (utilisé dans le traitement de l'hypertension). La plupart de ces drogues sont excrétées par le corps humain et rejetées dans les eaux usées domestiques en faisant par la suite leur chemin vers les usines municipales de traitement des eaux usées. On a pu démontrer qu'il y a un faible taux d’élimination à l'usine d'épuration pour le bézafibrate et l'énalapril. Ces deux composés ont aussi été détectés dans les eaux de surface sur un site à proximité immédiate de la décharge de l’effluent de la station d'épuration. i En observant la nécessité de l'amélioration des limites de détection de la première méthode analytique, une deuxième méthode a été développée. Pour la deuxième méthode, un total de 14 contaminants organiques, incluant trois agents anti-infectieux (clarithromycin, sulfaméthoxazole et triméthoprime), un anticonvulsant (carbamazépine) et son produit de dégradation (10,11-dihydrocarbamazépine), l'agent antihypertensif (enalapril), deux antinéoplastiques utilisés en chimiothérapie (cyclophosphamide et méthotrexate), des herbicides (atrazine, cyanazine, et simazine) et deux produits de transformation de l’atrazine (deséthylatrazine et déisopropylatrazine) ainsi qu’un agent antiseptique (triclocarban). Ces produits ont été quantifiés dans les eaux de surface ainsi que dans l’eau du robinet. L'amélioration des limites de détection pour cette méthode a été possible grâce à la charge d'un volume d'échantillon supérieur à celui utilisé dans la première méthode (10 mL vs 1 mL). D'autres techniques de confirmation, telles que les spectres des ions produits utilisant une pente d’énergie de collision inverse dans un spectromètre de masse à triple quadripôle et la mesure des masses exactes par spectrométrie de masse à temps d’envol, ont été explorées. L'utilisation d'un analyseur de masse à temps d’envol a permis la confirmation de 6 des 14 analytes. Finalement, étant donné leur haute toxicité et pour évaluer leur persistance et leur transformation au niveau du traitement des eaux potables, la cinétique d'oxydation du cyclophosphamide et de méthotrexate avec l'ozone moléculaire et des radicaux OH a été étudiée. Les constantes de dégradation avec l'ozone moléculaire ont été calculées et la qualité de l'eau après traitement a pu être évaluée. Le rendement du processus d'ozonation a été amélioré pour la cyclophosphamide dans les eaux naturelles, en raison de la combinaison de réactions directes et indirectes. Cette étude a montré que l'ozone est très efficace pour oxyder le méthotrexate mais que le cyclophosphamide serait trop lent à s’oxyder pour un traitement efficace aux conditions usuelles de traitement de l’eau potable.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Introducción: El Aislamiento de Venas Pulmonares (AVP) es un procedimiento de alto costo al cual son sometidos pacientes con riesgo cardiovascular elevado. Requiere un alto grado de especialización en el personal médico y paramédico que lo ejecuta, con curvas de aprendizaje que sobrepasan los dos años de formación académica y entrenamiento específico. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, donde se incluyeron 88 sujetos sometidos al procedimiento en el lapso comprendido entre el 1º de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2013, con el objetivo de evaluar su proceso de atención en el Centro Internacional de Arritmias ‘Andrea Natale’ de la FCI – Instituto de Cardiología. Se realizó análisis de regresión lineal y logística múltiple. Resultados: Se encontró que en el 97,73%% de los pacientes el diagnóstico principal era algún tipo de Fibrilación Auricular (FA); a su vez, la comorbilidad más frecuente fue HTA en el 30,68% y ningún paciente presentaba enfermedad coronaria, no hubo diferencias significativas por sexo. La complicación peri operatoria tuvo una incidencia del 3,41%, el 22,73% requirió ingreso a UCI con un promedio de días estancia 0,25+0,51. El 98,86% de la población estudiada recibió educación pos procedimiento acerca de sus cuidados y signos de alarma. Los factores encontrados en el estudio que afectan la duración del procedimiento y la estancia hospitalaria son las interconsultas pre procedimiento, el manejo médico de la cardiomiopatía de base y el uso de anti agregantes plaquetarios pre procedimiento; los cuales, son puntos por mejorar previo al ingreso o programación del paciente para ser llevado a AVP. Discusión: Como recomendaciones específicas se destacan: La necesidad de incluir en el protocolo de preparación para ablación de venas pulmonares la realización de interconsultas a las especialidades requeridas, antes de su ingreso para la realización del procedimiento. Es importante que el paciente que lo amerite haga parte de un programa de falla cardiaca previamente al procedimiento


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O ducto arterioso persistente (PDA) continua a ser uma das doença congénita cardíaca mais frequente nos cães. Uma cadela com um ano de idade, de raça pequena, não castrada, apresentou-se com história de vómito há três dias. A auscultação torácica revelou um forte murmúrio sistólico. Foi confirmada a presença de um PDA da esquerda para a direita por ecocardiografia transtoracica assim como a presença de regurgitação através da válvula mitral. Após o controlo do sintomas, o encerramento do PDA foi alcançado por toracotomia no quarto espaço intercostal e duplamente ligado com sutura de polipropileno. Após o encerramento, o murmúrio clínico desapareceu, mas um mês depois da cirurgia continuava com regurgitação mitral. O tratamento cirúrgico do PDA demonstrou ser curativo neste caso clínico. No entanto, mantém-se a necessidade da terapia médica adicional devido á insuficiência cardíaca esquerda com Pimobendan e Enalapril.


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The study examined the implication of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in regulation of splanchnic blood flow and glucose production in exercising humans. Subjects cycled for 40 min at 50% maximal O2 consumption (VO2 max) followed by 30 min at 70% VO2 max either with [angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) blockade] or without (control) administration of the ACE inhibitor enalapril (10 mg iv). Splanchnic blood flow was estimated by indocyanine green, and splanchnic substrate exchange was determined by the arteriohepatic venous difference. Exercise led to an ~20-fold increase (P < 0.001) in ANG II levels in the control group (5.4 ± 1.0 to 102.0 ± 25.1 pg/ml), whereas this response was blunted during ACE blockade (8.1 ± 1.2 to 13.2 ± 2.4 pg/ml) and in response to an orthostatic challenge performed postexercise. Apart from lactate and cortisol, which were higher in the ACE-blockade group vs. the control group, hormones, metabolites, VO2, and RER followed the same pattern of changes in ACE-blockade and control groups during exercise. Splanchnic blood flow (at rest: 1.67 ± 0.12, ACE blockade; 1.59 ± 0.18 l/min, control) decreased during moderate exercise (0.78 ± 0.07, ACE blockade; 0.74 ± 0.14 l/min, control), whereas splanchnic glucose production (at rest: 0.50 ± 0.06, ACE blockade; 0.68 ± 0.10 mmol/min, control) increased during moderate exercise (1.97 ± 0.29, ACE blockade; 1.91 ± 0.41 mmol/min, control). Refuting a major role of the RAS for these responses, no differences in the pattern of change of splanchnic blood flow and splanchnic glucose production were observed during ACE blockade compared with controls. This study demonstrates that the normal increase in ANG II levels observed during prolonged exercise in humans does not play a major role in the regulation of splanchnic blood flow and glucose production.


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Identical degrees of renal artery stenosis were induced in 5 dogs on two separate occasions; once during continuous inhibition of angiotensin I converting enzyme with enalapril, and once with the dogs untreated. Arterial pressure rose about 25 mm Hg during 3 days of stenosis in untreated dogs, due to increased total peripheral resistance. When the dogs were treated with enalapril, blood pressure had risen 14.5 ± 3.4 mm Hg 24 hours after stenosis due to a 35% increase in cardiac output while total peripheral resistance fell by 16%. By the third day, blood pressure had returned to pre-stenosis levels, cardiac output was close to normal and total peripheral resistance had increased. The stenosis on the renal artery increased the resistance to blood flow of the kidneys in both untreated and enalapril treated dogs. This increase in kidney resistance in the untreated dogs accounted for about 30% of the change in total peripheral resistance. In the enalapril treated dogs, the increased kidney resistance helped offset the vasodilatation in the rest of the vasculature. These results suggest that angiotensin II mediated vasoconstriction of nonrenal vascular beds was responsible for about ⅔ of the hypertension following renal artery stenosis, and the resistance of the stenosis responsible for about ⅓.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Adriamycin, a commonly used antineoplastic antibiotic, induces glomerular lesions in rats, resulting in persistent proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis. We studied the effects of dietary protein and of an angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor on the progression of this nephropathy and the evolution of the histological lesions, as well as mesangial macromolecule flow. Adriamycin nephropathy was induced by injecting a single iv dose of adriamycin (3 mg/kg body weight) into the tail vein of male Wistar rats (weight, 180-200 g). In Experiment I animals with adriamycin-induced nephropathy were fed diets containing 6% (Low-Protein Diet Group = LPDG), 20% (Normal-Protein Diet Group = NPDG) and 40% (High-protein Diet Group = HPDG) protein and were observed for 30 weeks. In Experiment II the rats with adriamycin nephropathy were divided into 2 groups: ADR, that received adriamycin alone, and ADR-ENA, that received adriamycin plus enalapril, an angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor. The animals were sacrificed after a 24-week observation period. Six hours before sacrifice the animals were injected with I-131-ferritin and the amount of I-131-ferritin in the glomeruli was measured. In Experiment III, renal histology was performed 4, 8 and 16 weeks after adriamycin injection. At the end of Experiment I the tubulointerstitial lesion index was 2 for LPDG, 8 for NPDG, and 7.5 for HPDG (P<0.05); the frequency of glomerulosclerosis was 19 +/- 6.1% in LPDG, 42.6 +/- 6% in NPDG, and 54 +/- 9% in HPDG (P<0.05); and proteinuria was 61.1 +/- 25 mg/24 h in LPDG, 218.7 +/- 27.5 mg/24 h in NPDG, and 324.5 +/- 64.8 mg/24 h in HPDG (P<0.05). In Experiment II, at sacrifice, 24-h proteinuria was 189 +/- 16.1 mg in ADR, and 216 +/- 26.1 mg in ADR-ENA (P>0.05); the tubulointerstitial lesion index was 5 for ADR, and 5 for ADR-ENA (P>0.05); the frequency of glomerulosclerosis was 40 +/- 5.2% in ADR and 44 +/- 6% in ADR-ENA (P>0.05); the amount of I-131-ferritin in the mesangium was 214.26 +/- 22.71 cpm/mg protein in ADR and 253.77 +/- 69.72 cpm/mg protein in ADR-ENA (P>0.05). In Experiment III, sequential histological analysis revealed an acute tubulointerstitial cellular infiltrate at week 4, which was decreased at week 8. Tubular casts and dilatation were first seen at week 8 and increased at week 16 when few glomerular lesions were found. The results suggest that the tubulointerstitial lesions may play a role in the development of glomerulosclerosis in adriamycin-induced nephropathy.


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The objective of this report was to summarily review the concept and the prevalence of arterial hypertension in children, its peculiarities and the difficulties in measuring of blood pressure at this age. Considerations of clinical picture, diagnosis, laboratory and drug-induced test (Captopril) were discussed. The authors presented various therapies utilized in hypertension and hypertensive crisis.


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The juxtaglomerular cell tumor is a cause of secondary hypertension in adults. A 35-year-old female patient suffering from hypertension and low serum potassium had a 3 × 3 cm solid mass at the lower pole of left kidney diagnosed by abdominal sonography. Partial nephrectomy was performed and the postoperatory was uneventful. Normalization of blood pressure was observed within the first month.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the drugs most often prescribed for hypertension at the Municipal Health Care Center of the town of Rincäo, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and the principal interactions arising from their association with other drugs, both anti-hypertensives and those in other classes. The study included 725 hypertensive patients registered at this health care center who were regularly seen by a physician every three months. Data were collected on age, sex, occurrence of diabetes, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and overweight, to obtain a profile of the hypertensive population of the area. Control records of all patients were available at the pharmacy in the health care center, where patients obtained their drugs once a month. Of the 725 patients, 38% were male and 62% female. Most (57%) were between 50 and 70 years of age, 21% used tobacco and 43% led a sedentary lifestyle. Single-drug therapy accounted for 33% of the prescriptions, multidrug therapy for 66%. In addition to anti-hypertensives, 50% of the patients took drugs of other therapeutic classes. Of those receiving multidrug therapy, 34% used three or more anti-hypertensives and 66% used only two of these drugs. Drug interactions were detected in as many as 47% of the prescriptions. Captopril was the drug that showed most interactions with others (54%), followed by hydrochlorothiazide (27%), furosemide (14%), propanolol (4%), and nifedipine (1%). The analysis revealed that drug consumption by the patients investigated is high, with a concomitantly high number of episodes of drug interaction.


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According to the Word Health Organization, adverse drug reactions (ADR) are any harmful and non intentional answer which occurred in doses normally used in human beings. The ADR can be responsible for 2.4% to 11.5% of hospital admissions. Therefore, this study aimed at knowing the admitted patient's demographic profile due to possible ADR, identifying the most frequent drugs and complaints, and evaluating the incidence of hospital admission related to drug use. Patients who were 18 years old or more and were admitted during a period of one month to a medical clinical of a general hospital were interviewed for one month about drug use before being admitted, as well as regarding to the complaint which led them to hospital. These information were analyzed according to official data, like MICROMEDEX® and WHO criteria as well. It was observed that the admission due to drug use occurred in most part of the cases in elderly [47.5% (66/139)] and women [62% (87/139)]. The most frequent drugs used were: omeprazole (16), analgesics (31), antihypertensive (31), simvastatin (7) and formoterol fumarate (6), and the symptoms were normally associated to the digestive (20.5%), circulatory (20.2%), respiratory (18.2%) and central nervous systems (13.9%). It was estimated that 15.5% (139/897) of the hospital admission occurred possibly due to the drug use. The data found by present study suggests some strategies in order to prevent ADR in the context of primary health care services, such as monitoring drug therapy, manly for patients with chronic diseases, elderly and polimedicated people; and pharmaceutical care including dispensation and purchasing of the drugs, a lot of them dispensed over the counter (OTC).


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The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of adverse drug reactions (ADR) related to hospital admission of elderly people, identifying the use of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM), the ADR and the risk factors associated with the hospitalization. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a private hospital of São Paulo State, Brazil. All patients aged ≥ 60 years, admitted in the general practice ward in May 2006 were interviewed about the drugs used and the symptoms/complaints that resulted in hospitalization. More than a half (54.5 %) of elderly hospitalizations were related with ADR. The therapeutic classes involved with ADR were: cardiovascular (37.7 %), central nervous (34.6 %) and respiratory (5.7 %). The ADR observed were disorders in circulatory (28.4 %), digestive (20.0 %) and respiratory (18.9 %) tracts. 27 elderly had made PIM and in 20 of them this was the cause of hospitalization. Polypharmacy was an ADR risk factor (p = 0.021).These data allows the healthcare professionals upgrade, qualifying them in pharmcovigilance.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)