900 resultados para Concepções alternativas. Conteúdos de genética. Célula e cromossomo. Ensino fundamental. Unidade de Ensino Potencialmente Significativa (UEPS)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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This paper presents some outcomes of a broader research on Astronomy Education in primary school teacher's education. From the analysis of the main astronomy subjects thought nationwide and the research outcomes, we identified a set of astronomy contents considered fundamental to the teachers practice. Through a research carried out among a sample of primary school teachers, however, we show that, even in these essential contents, persists alternative conceptions among those teachers. Data collected pointed out, thus, to the necessity of improving teacher's education in this area, taking into consideration astronomy edu cation research outcomes, in favor of a teaching which contemplates, at least, the fundamental contents on this subject.


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Biological rhythms are part of the life from the simplest to the most complex living beings. In humans, one of the most important biological rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle (SWC), which represents an indispensable behavior for health, since sleep deprivation can lead to deficits in attention and memory, mood and daytime sleepiness which may affect school performance. Nevertheless, the SWC is a content rarely discussed in schools. Thus, the aim of this research was to address contents of the sleep-wake cycle, related to the content of Health to encourage healthy sleep habits. This study was conducted in a public school with 33 students of the 3rd year of high school and is divided into four stages: 1st) Study and analysis of the content of the textbook adopted by the school to subsidize the activities covered in the teaching unit (TU) and approximation with the biology teacher from the class to evaluated the feasibility of schedules for the development of TU; 2nd) Survey of students' prior knowledge, through a questionnaire, to guide the development of the TU; 3rd) Development and implementation of a TU based on meaningful learning and characterization of the students sleep habits, 4th) Evaluation of the TU as a viable proposal to teach biological rhythms concepts. Previous knowledge of students about the SWC are scarce and this content is not covered in the books adopted by the school. Alternative conceptions were observed, particularly with regard to individual differences in sleep, which may contribute to the occurrence of inadequate sleep habits, as reported by the adolescents in this study. The activities developed during UD were well received by the students who showed participative, motivated and evaluated positively the procedures used by the researcher. After the TU, students' knowledge about the concept of biological rhythms has been increased and they started to identify that the SWC changes throughout life and occur due biological and socio-cultural factors. Thus, the UD elaborated in this study represents a viable proposal to teach the concepts of biological rhythms contextualized to the content of Health, in high school


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The Interdisciplinary practice opens in the context of Basic Education guiding new looks in the production of knowledge. It is necessary to reflect the interdisciplinarity as scientific and epistemological stance and its conditions of possibility of expanding the horizon before the theoretical and methodological challenges posed by modernity. Thus, this work aimed to analyze interdisciplinary concepts present in the proposal of the High School Program Innovator. Therefore, the theoretical route initially had the search for understanding of high school in Brazil, interdisciplinarity as the possibility of tensioning the production of scientific knowledge, mainly anchored in the studies of Acácia Kuenzer, Dermeval Saviani, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Claude Raynaut, Henrique Leff and Edgar Morin. The study was methodological subsidy document research and principles of content analysis. The analysis took place from the seven documents that make up the construction path of High School Program Innovator and a semi-structured interview. So, we sought to understand the concepts of the documents establishing analytical categories from more evoked content. In this process identified three categories with regard to the construction of the Program proposal: pedagogical innovations, curriculum organization and teaching quality and three categories with regard to interdisciplinary concepts present in the program: dialogue between curriculum components, joint knowledge and role of high school students. From the studies it was observed that the program came up with the prospect of directing a new identity for the final stage of basic education, listing Documents Guiding Plans and actions for a new curricular organization of secondary education. It was noted that the Program, though explicit in its guiding documents of the interdisciplinary perspective, in no time he calls himself as interdisciplinary. Interdisciplinary actions should run or from school understanding, as well as the preparation of the Redesign Project Curriculum encompassing dialogue between disciplines. Realized by the analysis of the guiding documents is a back program even for a technical rationality practiced by the particular understanding of the school and the practice being expressed from the same concepts that high school is developed, with each teacher teaching the contents of their disciplines and performing cross designs. Break the existing paradigm is still one of the challenges to the teaching-learning process. Break the existing paradigm is still one of the challenges to the teaching-learning process.


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O trabalho tem por objetivo contribuir para as discussões e reflexões sobre metodologias sociais que realizam experimentações no campo da educação, a partir de concepções alternativas em cultura, visando proporcionar novas práticas de cidadania. Analisam-se as práticas e estratégias pedagógicas da Associação Grãos de Luz e Griô localizada na cidade de Lençóis, região da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, e a elaboração de um projeto nacional em parceria com o Ministério da Cultura, no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Arte, Educação, Cidadania e Economia Solidária – Cultura Viva, nomeado de Ação Griô, inspirado em sua experiência e metodologia. A proposta investigada busca integrar os saberes ditos comunitários de tradição oral em práticas educativas formais e não-formais com crianças e jovens tendo como referência a “Pedagogia Griô”.


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Neste trabalho utilizamos inicialmente as descrições dos possíveis modelos mentais construídos por estudantes de Física Geral na área de Mecânica Clássica, segundo a perspectiva teórica de Philip N. Johnson-Laird (1983), pesquisadas por Lagreca (1997 e 1999). A partir destas descrições, estendemos seus resultados de acordo com uma revisão da literatura, procurando a formação de possíveis modelos simuláveis computacionalmente. O Qsim (Kuipers, 1994) foi o algoritmo de simulação escolhido para o nosso trabalho, devido à semelhança com pesquisas analíticas encontradas sobre o pensamento dos estudantes. Para a simulação, implementamos dois modelos. O modelo newtoniano utiliza noções semelhantes às idéias de Newton, pelo menos com as forças de contato e o atrito com dependência direta com a velocidade. O modelo do impetus possui a concepção de força proporcional à velocidade com o atrito constante. Neste último caso não foi possível a construção de simulações a partir de um atrito dependente da velocidade, devido ao reconhecimento do programa de apenas uma única função crescente. Além disso, simulamos três modelos provenientes do modelo do impetus quando a situação envolve queda na presença da força gravitacional Para a simulação dos modelos, selecionamos alguns problemas para estudo. Iniciamos com o estudo do movimento horizontal e, em seguida, os problemas do páraquedista, do penhasco e do movimento balístico. Comparamos os resultados com algumas concepções dos estudantes encontradas em pesquisas analítico-qualitativas, mostrando que muitas concepções surgiam naturalmente da manipulação dos modelos nos problemas. Isto sugere que a abordagem dos modelos mentais seja mais ampla que a das concepções alternativas e que muitas dessas concepções possam ser reflexos da manipulação dos modelos em algumas situações.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o chamado problema. do menor no Brasil, considerando-o em relação a concepções alternativas sobre o desenvolvimento social brasileiro e teorias correntes de marginalidade social.


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Neste trabalho foi proposta e avaliada uma concepção alternativa de ensino de Física para o ensino médio, onde recursos de informática, como: animações, applets, páginas e softwares educacionais, foram incorporados ao contexto de aulas teóricas e de laboratório, no ensino de Cinemática, Dinâmica e Energia. Parte dos recursos de informática foi desenvolvida para este projeto, e parte foi selecionada dentre o material de livre acesso disponível na internet. O objetivo deste trabalho foi proporcionar aos alunos um ensino de Física mais dinâmico, com aplicação do que é estudado em sala de aula, relacionando conceitos com os fenômenos estudados, a partir de análises gráficas, exercícios, experiências virtuais e demais recursos da informática. O referencial teórico para o desenvolvimento do projeto foi o da aprendizagem sob um enfoque cognitivista (Piaget), através de um desenvolvimento progressivo, com a aquisição e análise do conhecimento pelo aluno durante todo processo educacional. O material educacional produzido foi aplicado no Colégio Salesiano Dom Bosco (Escola Particular), em duas etapas: em 2003 de maneira experimental, com duas turmas de primeiro ano do Ensino Médio (101 e 102), a fim de verificar qual metodologia seria a mais adequada, quais as estratégias a serem desenvolvidas e quais as eventuais dificuldades encontradas. Na segunda etapa, em 2004, foi aplicado o material otimizado na turma 103. A avaliação do material foi realizada a partir de um teste aplicado no início e no final do período letivo. O teste teve por objetivo verificar as concepções sobre conceitos de Física trazidos das séries anteriores. Observou-se um aumento significativo no número de acertos no final do ano letivo, o que sugere uma evolução no entendimento dos conceitos estudados em sala de aula. A eficiência do material pôde ser melhor avaliada ao comparar os resultados do teste obtidos para alunos de duas turmas, a que participou do projeto, e outra, da mesma série e Escola, que não participou do projeto. Para esta outra turma, o índice de acertos praticamente não se alterou em comparação com o teste realizado no início do ano, indicando que o método tradicional foi pouco eficiente em provocar mudanças nas concepções alternativas dos estudantes. Para a turma que participou do projeto, houve mudanças significativas. O produto educacional produzido inclui um CD, contendo o hipertexto desenvolvido sobre: Cinemática, Dinâmica e Energia, com textos, ambiente educacional, vídeos, exercícios e artigos.


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This work is an exploratory study based on the principles of qualitative research aiming at the conception of landscape by Geography teachers in the city of Parnamirim (RN), as well as the pedagogical implications originated from such conceptions on the formation of students. In order to start our investigative process, we used, as theoretical and methodological reference, some principles of historical and dialectical materialism by Triviños (2007) and historical cultural approach of education by Freire (1987; 1996) e Vygotsky (1993; 2001; 2007), as well as the meaning of conception by Morin (1996) and Ferreira (2007) and the critical approach of geography by Moraes (2005), Santos (1988; 2004; 2006) and Silva (1989; 2010). Also, we used oral history as a research technique such as Moraes (2004), Bertaux (2010), Ferraroti (2010) and Nóvoa (2010) and semi-structured interviews as data collection tools. Our empirical reference is made of four teachers working in four different public schools in the city mentioned above, providing the needed data to start our research. The objective of such interviews is not the verification of the teachers‟ practice in class or outside them, but it highlights the transitoriness of the evidences mentioned in the research. Thus, we conclude that the conception of landscape mostly accepted by the teachers, once it is a process built along their lives and surrounded by their pedagogical practice, prioritizes the visual and morphological aspects and the sentimental livings related to the conception which is situated in a descriptive level of conception. Effectively, the pedagogical implications of these conceptions at school point to a materialization of geography teaching centered on the non-critical reproduction of school subjects which very little instigate the learners to process, via dialogicity, the re-significations of their essential and multiple attributes despite the several attempts and possibilities of some theoretical and methodological renovations on the application of geographical knowledge about landscape, expressed on the report of the interviewees


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This piece of work has investigated the alternative conceptions shown by students of secondary school, concerned to the concepts of warmth and temperature, aiming the elaboration and application of a learning strategy as of the diagnose risen from the conceptions present in students. The learning strategy was built up by a sequence of activities that involve History of Science and experiments, put in a course that had as a base the proposal of the Group of Redevelopment of Physics Teaching (GREF). We have used as the conductor wire of our research the development of thermo dynamics since the development of the first thermo machines, passing by the Industrial Revolution and the evolution of concepts of warmth and temperature. The learning strategy was applied to a group of second grade of secondary school in a public school in Mossoró (RN). By doing these activities we tried to become the concepts, which are part of thermo dynamics, more meaningful to the students. We have estimated that the application of the strategy has represented some profits to the students of the group, concerning to learning of laws and concepts of thermo dynamics (specifically the concepts of warmth and temperature), as well as what it is referred to the overcoming of its initial conceptions


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La dificultad que los alumnos encuentran en el aprendizaje de matemática viene siendo objeto de investigación por estudiosos en educación matemática, tanto en Brasil como en el exterior. El objetivo de este estudio consiste em investigar las dificuldades en el aprendizado sobre funciones matemáticas y la influencia de las concepciones alternativas a partir de los errores que los candidatos acerca de las cuestiones sobre funciones en la prueba objetiva de matemática del acceso a la universidad de los años de 2001 a 2008. Teniendo como cuestiones de estudio para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto: identificar la relevancia del tema funciones que son contemplados en las pruebas de acceso a la Universidad; asi como cuáles han sido los tipos de funciones más privilegiados y menos privilegiados; analizar si la contextualización de la pregunta y la presencia de elementos no textuales han influenciado en el aumento de tal dificultad; analizar si la representación semiótica agrega mayor exigencia a la pregunta; analizar respecto a la exigencia matemática de la pregunta; analizar lo que se refiere al desempeño de los candidatos para verificar cuál pregunta tuvo mejor desempeño y cuál el peor e identificar los errores más frecuentemente cometidos por los candidatos en esas pruebas. Las reflexiones de los estudiosos como: Radatz (1980), Cury (1994), Socas (1997), Borasi (1997), Franchi e Rincón (2004), Pochulu (2004) presentan las dificultades en el aprendizaje matemático, que aparecen a partir de los errores cometidos por los alumnos, quando estos errores reciben la influencia de las concepciones alternativas. El estudio que se presenta en esta disertación configura un análisis de los errores que los candidatos han cometido en las preguntas objetivas sobre el tema funciones de las pruebas de acceso a la Universidad de los años de 2001 a 2008, a partir de los relatorios de la Comissão Permanente do Vestibular COMPERVE/UFRN. Con la intención de alcanzar los objetivos propuestos para este estudio, fueran sido construidas categorías de análisis. Los resultados encontrados han sido: El tema funciones es el más frecuente entre los demás con (28,1%); el tipo de función priorizada durante esos años ha sido la función logarítmica con (24%); la contextualización de las preguntas exige una mayor comprensión por parte del candidato de lo que las situaciones directas; la caracterización semiótica posee elementos que estructuran esas preguntas que el educando debe saber asociar al texto; la exigencia matemática posibilitó analizar que el procedimiento medio ha sido el más requisitado; el desempeño de los candidatos ha sido en la mayoría bajo (50%); y los principales errores que ellos han cometido han sido de realizar traducciones incorrectas de las expresiones que aparecen en las situaciones-problema; utilizar todos los datos que aparezcan en el problema sin tomar en cuenta si el cálculo realizado responde a la pregunta solicitada; no interpretar coherentemente las informaciones del gráfico; decodificar incorrectamente los valores representados por literales en una recta numérica. Los resultados señalizan la necesidad de una revisión didáctico-metodológicas de la enseñanza de funciones a raíz de las cuales las dificultades en el aprendizaje se han presentado


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Placed in the field of Didactic of Science, this paper proposes an approach to the introduction of the History of Science in science education, at high school level. It was designed and implemented a series of activities regarding the history of the Principle of Inertia. The aim of this approach was to give more meaning to scientific education, while opening new avenues for a better understanding of the processes of construction of scientific knowledge. The preparation of the activities involved a study of the historical development of the concept of motion, from the Aristotelian physics through physical movement concepts at medieval period, from Galileo, Gassendi, Descartes, until the first law of Newton. The strategy of teaching was applied to three classes of high school (night period) of a state public school at the city of Natal (RN). The results indicated the difficulty of overcoming alternative conceptions about movement by students. Nevertheless, we consider that the implementation of this strategy of teaching both represented gains for the learning of students, and contributed to the resizing of pedagogical practices of the teacher-researcher


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Researches in the field of Science Teaching have shown, in recent decades, that students from high school level have difficulties in understanding basic concepts of science, in general, and physics, in particular. The specific literature indicates, as a priority for a scientific education of better quality, a more structured understanding about science. This work proposes the introduction of elements of History and Philosophy of Science in high school as an aid to learning the concepts of optics, in general, and of aspects concerning the nature of science, specifically. Making use of historical episodes regarding the controversy on the nature of light, especially during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as clippings of the history of optics in relation to the development of models that explain the process of vision, we formulated a teaching unit and implemented it on two night high school classes of a public school in the city of Parnamirim (RN). The unit involved, primarily, the reading of three historical texts containing written questions followed by a collective debate ("moot"). The results indicated some difficulties in overcoming the misconceptions related to the process of vision and the nature of light. Nevertheless, we believe that the teaching unit has succeeded in relation to the learning of most students, both in relation to a better understanding of science as well as concepts of optics