333 resultados para Argumentação


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The education research guidelines have shown the important contribution of the investigations that focus on analysis of the discursive dimension of teaching and learning of Science in actual classroom. An interesting proposal to analyze the effectiveness of an educational activity is to assess the potential of investigative activities in the development of argumentation in science classes. Several studies have taken into account the use of argument in the classroom as a way to provide students with new ways to know the science. Argument refers to the process of associating components that play a central role in the construction of explanations, models and theories. In order to investigate the potential of these activities took place the application of investigative activities with third-year high school students, recorded in audio and video, focusing on the development of the argument. The search, conducted ranks as a qualitative research with characteristics of a case study. The arguments collected during the activities contained the students' conceptions about the concepts discussed and all were recorded in audio and video. With the encouragement of the argument by the investigative activity we evaluate the learning experienced by the speech of students. It may be noted that students have appropriated the concept of oxidation involving electron transfer, thus the activity reached the goal, so that was planned, making it effective for the introduction of electrochemical concepts


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Inclui notas explicativas, bibliográficas e bibliografia


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This is a qualitative and reflexive research with focus on digital literacy. Among the digital media that could support the teaching of argumentation in the Science & Technology and Information Technology undergraduate courses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, we chose a serious game as object of research. Given the object of study in the discipline of reading and writing II – argumentation and genre from the order of argumentative writing -, common to the undergraduate courses mentioned, we invest on the development of a serious game, named ArgumentACTION, because we believe that it may, in fact, become a promising didactic instrument. Therefore we intend to understand whether and how this game can help students develop their reading and writing skills more independently, specifically towards an argumentative order genre: the opinion piece. With this research, we intend to contribute to the teaching of the Portuguese language on three bases: extending theoretical scope, in order to generate greater intelligibility on the teaching-learning process of argumenting; proposing a new methodological possibility, with the incorporation of a serious games to teaching; perfecting the game with which we are working, in order to build – and make available – a more refined digital tool to subsidize the teaching and learning of reading and writing of opinion pieces. To do so, we use the following as theoretical-methodological: Studies of Literacy (KLEIMAN, 2012b; TINOCO, 2008; OLIVEIRA, 2010; GEE, 2009; 2010; ROJO, 2012), The Applied Linguistics (KLEIMAN, 1998; BUSH-LEE, 2009), The Philosophy of Language (BAKHTIN, VOLOSHINOV, 2012) and Critical Pedagogy (DEWEY, 2010). A group of students from the upper mentioned undergraduate courses collaborated with this research by playing and analyzing the game. They were also interviewed about their experience in this matter. From the data generated, we established the categories of analysis: decollection, interest, multimodality/multisemiosis and interactivity, agent of literacy, learning principles. The conclusions we obtained show that the investment in applications, especially games, can bring real benefits to the teaching/learning of the Portuguese language; moreover they reveal that the work on argumenting has much to gain with the incorporation of serious games; however the possible advantages depend on a focused teaching practice and constant improvements and updates of this type of interactive tool, as well as the pedagogical practice from those who use and develop the games.


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Nowadays ENEM is the main large-scale evaluation instrument of Brazilian education. Universities also often use it in order to select their candidates. Reading exam seeks to evaluate student’s capacity of producing argumentative and dissertation prose writing about a social, scientific, cultural or political theme. This paper is located in this context: we want to discuss the evaluation of ENEM’s Writing Exam argumentation. Our startpoint is presuppose that the capacity to develop a well-argued text evaluation goes through several specific skills, which cover different aspects of what is understood about argumentation process. Therefore, considering argumentation as an object of different theoretical approaches and covers different concepts, we intend to verify not only the approaches, but also subjacent concepts and how they were converted into skills and competences established on the ENEM Writing Exam’s matrix of correction. With regard to the nature, it is a theoretical paper, in other words, we intend to offer only a discussion about the theme, not necessarily offering a practical application. Concerning to the goals, it has an exploratory character as we intend to offer a problem treatment, in order to make it more explicit and them construct some hypotheses. In these terms, we surveyed some theoretical approaches about argumentation and presented three conceptions: rhetorical argumentation, textual argumentation and linguistics argumentation. At next, we analyzed the participant’s guide (ENEM’s 2013 Writing Exam ) and how each one of these conceptions are mobilized in the writing evaluation, beginning from how they are considered on the description of competences and skills up to used on correction. This analysis shows that is not assumed a very well established theoretical base, which can contribute to a certain fragility on the Writing Exam evaluation process.


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We studied in this dissertation the argumentation in the court judgment, which goal was to identify, describe and explain the running of argumentative operators in the argumentative orientation of text and discourse built through the text of the judgment. We support our research in the constructs adopted for the ATD – (Textual Analysis of the Discourses) - Adam (2011), in the studies about the Aristotle’s Rhetoric (1959) and Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996) and other works such as of the Alves (2005), Capez (2008), Charaudeau (2012), Keller and Bastos (2015), Koch (2009; 2011), Rodrigues, Silva Neto and Passeggi (2010), Trubilhano and Henriques (2013). In a methodological way, we made use of deductive-inductive method, because we analyzed the argumentation in an "unknown" text - particular case - based on a theory already known (about language, text and argumentation). About the nature and objectives, our search was characterized as qualitatively and as an explanatory and descriptive investigation, with technical procedures of documental collection of Bibliographic Search. As corpus, we use a court judgment of character condemnatory, issued on September 10, 2014 and taken from the online site of the Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte (JFRN). The results revealed that the argumentative operators exercised decisive roles in the organization of argumentative strategies of the text and the speech , guiding the announcer to the Desired conclusion by the enunciator. It was also possible to conclude that the use of argumentative operators allowed syllogistic constructions in the form of presentation of the arguments and in the construction of argumentation. In addition, operators like "but", "until", "already", "although" etc. helped to identify in the data's analysis the point of view (PoV) of the enunciator, the expectation break about the previous enunciate and / or the value scale given to the argument. Finally, with the use of argumentative operators the enunciator introduced arguments able to demonstrate/justify a thesis and refute an opposing thesis towards a conclusion sought by the own enunciator.


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We studied in this dissertation the argumentation in the court judgment, which goal was to identify, describe and explain the running of argumentative operators in the argumentative orientation of text and discourse built through the text of the judgment. We support our research in the constructs adopted for the ATD – (Textual Analysis of the Discourses) - Adam (2011), in the studies about the Aristotle’s Rhetoric (1959) and Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996) and other works such as of the Alves (2005), Capez (2008), Charaudeau (2012), Keller and Bastos (2015), Koch (2009; 2011), Rodrigues, Silva Neto and Passeggi (2010), Trubilhano and Henriques (2013). In a methodological way, we made use of deductive-inductive method, because we analyzed the argumentation in an "unknown" text - particular case - based on a theory already known (about language, text and argumentation). About the nature and objectives, our search was characterized as qualitatively and as an explanatory and descriptive investigation, with technical procedures of documental collection of Bibliographic Search. As corpus, we use a court judgment of character condemnatory, issued on September 10, 2014 and taken from the online site of the Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte (JFRN). The results revealed that the argumentative operators exercised decisive roles in the organization of argumentative strategies of the text and the speech , guiding the announcer to the Desired conclusion by the enunciator. It was also possible to conclude that the use of argumentative operators allowed syllogistic constructions in the form of presentation of the arguments and in the construction of argumentation. In addition, operators like "but", "until", "already", "although" etc. helped to identify in the data's analysis the point of view (PoV) of the enunciator, the expectation break about the previous enunciate and / or the value scale given to the argument. Finally, with the use of argumentative operators the enunciator introduced arguments able to demonstrate/justify a thesis and refute an opposing thesis towards a conclusion sought by the own enunciator.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília,Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2015.


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Analisa a evolução da estrutura de delegação legislativa no Brasil republicano,identificando a centralidade do Executivo no processo decisório no pós-30 e evidenciando, ao mesmo tempo, o aumento da capacidade de controle da delegação por parte do Poder Legislativo a partir de 1988. A análise orienta-se pela argumentação de Shugart e Carey sobre os fundamentos da delegação legislativa.


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O século XVII foi, para Portugal, um tempo de lutas. Tanto na Europa como no Brasil e na África. Foi, ainda, um período de reorganização jurídica e econômica da sociedade. Para Portugal, o principal acontecimento do século foi a restauração da sua monarquia por Dom João IV, através de uma guerra com a Espanha, em 1640. A guerra com a Espanha foi objeto de relações e notícias, que são as primeiras manifestações do jornalismo em língua portuguesa. O primeiro documento oficial da Restauração foi o “Manifesto do Reyno de Portugal”, que apresenta a argumentação jurídica em favor do que foi , na realidade, um golpe de estado contra a coroa espanhola.


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Joaquim Nabuco não teve êxito na defesa dos limites do Brasil com a a Guiana Inglesa, no juízo arbitral presidido pelo Rei da Itália. No entanto, o atlas com o qual ilustrou a sua argumentação é um importante trabalho da cartografia histórica, hoje muito raro.


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Os diários de escrita íntima constituem tipo de texto do domínio confessional. Apresentam narrativas pessoais com características específicas ao gênero, como datação, marcas de subjetividade, escrita informal e coloquialidade. Durante muitos anos, eram escritos em cadernos e guardados a sete chaves por seus autores para que não fossem lidos por outras pessoas. Por volta dos anos 80, surgiram as agendas de adolescentes. Aproveitando o modelo pré-definido industrialmente, as agendas eram preenchidas dia a dia, como um diário, mas com a novidade do acréscimo de elementos semióticos, como fotos, papéis de bala, recortes de revistas, entre outros. Além disso, traziam como diferencial a presença de um leitor participativo: os textos eram compartilhados com amigos, e bilhetes e comentários eram escritos nas páginas das agendas. Com o advento da Internet, o diário e a agenda se fundem no blog que aproveita os recursos do suporte virtual para tornar o gênero interativo, hipertextual e multimídia, acentuando o processo de leitura e de escrita nos jovens produtores de blogs. Paralelamente, a escrita se torna grande ferramenta de comunicação no ambiente virtual, adquirindo características peculiares em função da rapidez na comunicação e da economia de digitação. A partir da teoria de Bakthin sobre gêneros do discurso e do conceito de gêneros digitais de Marcuschi, a pesquisa apresenta como objeto perceber e elencar categorias pertinentes aos gêneros diário e blog para analisá-las e compará-las, na intenção de mapear um possível percurso dos diários aos blogs de adolescentes, discutindo o contraste público-privado na escrita íntima, bem como suas principais marcas linguísticas, percebendo vantagens e desvantagens de sua utilização como ferramenta auxiliar no processo de aprendizagem da escrita e da leitura de Língua Portuguesa. A pesquisa foi motivada pela discussão de que a escrita digital pode prejudicar o desenvolvimento da produção textual de jovens em formação, o que não se confirmou, visto que a estrutura sintática da língua se mantém, e que a variação acontece apenas no nível vocabular, não interferindo na comunicação. Os resultados apontam para a utilização de blogs na educação como complementação do material pedagógico e como incentivo à leitura, à escrita, à construção da argumentação e do posicionamento crítico, aproximando a escola da vida cotidiana dos estudantes


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A presente tese pretende estudar dois modelos de função judicial o perfeccionismo (perfectionism) e o minimalismo (minimalism) judicial delineados por Cass Sunstein, destacando os seus fundamentos filosóficos, suas principais teses hermenêuticas, suas limitações decisórias e suas contribuições para o desenho institucional das relações entre os Poderes de Estado. O presente trabalho desenvolverá, neste sentido, duas perspectivas fundamentais, que são complementares, para o estudo das relações entre o constitucionalismo e a democracia nos sistemas político-jurídicos contemporâneos: em primeiro lugar, uma perspectiva hermenêutica, cuja preocupação reside, sobretudo, na sistematização das principais teses de cada um dos dois modelos no tocante à interpretação do texto constitucional. Em segundo lugar, será realizada uma abordagem institucionalista sobre as possíveis alternativas ao protagonismo do Supremo Tribunal Federal em termos de sua atuação como última instância na definição do significado dos dispositivos constitucionais. Para tanto, serão analisados, com apoio em um estudo comparativo, propostas de diálogo institucional que podem ser fomentadas a partir de uma visão minimalista de moderação judicial que contrasta, por sua vez, com a defesa hegemônica de uma atuação institucional ativista das cortes constitucionais na atualidade. Por último, com apoio nos modelos de função judicial delineados, será elaborada uma análise crítica da atividade jurisdicional dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal com fundamento no exame da argumentação empreendida em seus votos em casos constitucionais difíceis de grande repercussão política, moral e social.