376 resultados para Cuttings


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Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia Vegetal), 25 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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In Australia, macadamia trees are commonly propagated by germinating rootstock seed and grafting when seedlings reach a suitable size. The production of grafted trees is a protracted and complex process, however, propagation of macadamia via cuttings represents a simpler and faster method of multiplication. Macadamias have traditionally proven difficult to propagate from cuttings, and while recent developments in the process have improved success rates, substantial variation in rooting ability between cultivars and species has been reported. The cultivar 'Beaumont' (Macadamia integrifolia × M. tetraphylla) is commonly propagated by cutting for use as a rootstock, and is relatively easy to strike while other cultivars are more difficult. There is speculation that Hawaiian cultivars are more difficult to strike from cuttings than Australian cultivars due to species and genetic composition. In this experiment, cuttings of 32 genotypes were evaluated for rooting ability. Each genotype's species profile was estimated using historical data, and used to determine species effects on survival (percentage) and rooting ability (rating 0-2). M. jansenii (100%), M. tetraphylla (84%) and M. integrifolia/tetraphylla hybrids (79%) had the highest success rates while M. integrifolia (54%) and M. ternifolia (43%) had the lowest survival. Rooting ability of M. jansenii (1.75) was significantly higher than M. ternifolia (0.49) but not significantly higher than M. tetraphylla × M. integrifolia with (1.09), M. tetraphylla (1.03) or M. integrifolia (0.88).


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Rootstock has profound effects on traits such as yield and tree size in various horticultural industries, however relatively little is known about rootstock effects for macadamia. In this study, 12 cultivars were propagated as open-pollinated seedling and clonal rootstocks, and own-rooted cuttings. The same cultivars were also used as scions, and grafted to a subset of rootstocks, then planted at four trial locations. In this preliminary analysis, rootstock accounted for 19% of the variance in yield compared with 72% for scion, and 23% in height compared with 72% for scion. There was no interaction between rootstock and scion for yield, and only a small effect for height. The interaction between rootstock and propagation method (seedling, clonal, own roots) was not significant for height. A small effect was observed for yield, with the own roots treatment producing significantly lower yield than grafted trees for all rootstock cultivars except 'HAES 849'. 'H2' seedling rootstock produced a cumulative yield to age 10 years of 11.1 kg tree -1 compared to the highest yield of 13.6 kg tree -1 for 'Beaumont' clonal rootstocks. 'H2' seedling rootstock produced 4.8 m trees at age 11 years, compared to the smallest grafted tree which was 'HAES 849' seedling at 4.7 m.


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Olive (Olea europaea L.), one of the main crops in the Mediterranean basin, is mainly propagated by cuttings, a classical propagation method that relies on the ability of the cuttings to form adventitious roots. While some cultivars are easily propagated by this technique, some of the most interesting olive cultivars are considered difficult-to-root which poses a challenge for their preservation and commercialization. Therefore, increasing the current knowledge on adventitious root formation is extremely important for species like olive. This research focuses on evaluating the role of free auxins and oxidative enzymes on adventitious root formation of two olive cultivars with different rooting ability - ‘Galega vulgar’ (difficult-to-root) and ‘Cobrançosa’ (easy-to-root). In this context, free auxin levels and enzyme activities were determined in in vitro-cultured ‘Galega vulgar’ microshoots and in semi-hardwood cuttings of cvs. ‘Galega vulgar’ and ‘Cobrançosa’. To attain this goal, an analytical method for the quantification of free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was developed, which is based on dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by microwave derivatization (DLLME-MAD) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. The developed method was validated in terms of linearity, recovery, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) and proved to be useful in the analysis of two very different types of plant tissues. The results from auxin quantification in olive samples point at a relationship between free auxin levels and rooting ability of both microshoots and semihardwood cuttings. A defective IBA-IAA conversion, resulting in a peak of free IAA during initiation phase, seems to be associated with low rooting ability. Likewise, differences in the activity of oxidative enzymes also appear to be related with rooting ability. Higher polyphenol oxidases (PPO) activity is likely related with an easyto- root behavior, while the opposite is true for peroxidases (POX) (including IAA oxidase (IAAox)) activity. A possible hypothesis for adventitious root formation in olive microcuttings is presented herein for the first time. Free auxins, oxidative enzymes, alternative oxidase (AOX) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are some of the factors that may be involved in this highly complex physiological process. Interestingly, while temporal changes in auxin levels were similar between microshoots and semihardwood cuttings, the conclusions obtained from enzyme activity results in microshoots didn’t translate to semi-hardwood tissues, showing the emerging need for adaptation of classical agronomical research studies to modern techniques; Resumo: Procurando compreender o papel das auxinas e enzimas oxidativas na formação de raízes adventícias em cultivares de oliveira (Olea europaea L.) A oliveira (Olea europaea L.) é uma das principais culturas da bacia Mediterrânica e é propagada maioritariamente por estacaria, um processo altamente dependente da capacidade das estacas para formar raízes adventícias. Enquanto algumas cultivares são fáceis de propagar desta forma, algumas das cultivares de oliveira mais interessantes são consideradas difíceis de enraizar, o que dificulta a sua preservação e comercialização e torna extremamente importante aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o enraizamento adventício desta espécie. Este trabalho foca-se na avaliação do papel das auxinas livres e das enzimas oxidativas na formação de raízes adventícias em duas cultivares de oliveira com diferente capacidade de enraizamento - ‘Galega vulgar’ (difícil de enraizar) e ‘Cobrançosa’ (fácil de enraizar). Neste contexto, determinaram-se os níveis de auxinas livres e as actividades de enzimas oxidativas em microestacas de ‘Galega vulgar’ cultivadas in vitro bem como em estacas semi-lenhosas das cvs. ‘Galega vulgar’ e ‘Cobrançosa’. Para tal foi necessário desenvolver uma metodologia analítica para a quantificação de ácido indol-3-acético (IAA) e ácido indol-3-butírico (IBA), baseada em microextracção dispersiva líquido-líquido (DLLME) seguida de derivatização em microondas (MAD) e análise por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa (GC/MS). O método desenvolvido foi validado em termos de linearidade, recuperação, limite de detecção (LOD) e limite de quantificação (LOQ), e mostrou-se eficaz na análise de dois tipos de tecidos vegetais bastante diferentes. Os resultados da análise de auxinas em amostras de oliveira apontam para uma possível relação entre os níveis de auxinas livres e a capacidade de enraizamento, tanto em microestacas como em estacas semi-lenhosas. Uma conversão IBA-IAA deficiente, que resulta num pico de IAA durante a fase de iniciação, parece estar associada à baixa capacidade de enraizamento. Por outro lado, a capacidade de enraizamento também parece estar relacionada com diferenças na actividade de enzimas oxidativas. Comportamentos fáceis de enraizar estão associados a actividade mais elevada das polifenoloxidases (PPO), enquanto o oposto é verdade para a actividade das peroxidases (POX) (incluindo a IAA oxidase (IAAox)). Neste trabalho propõe-se pela primeira vez uma possível explicação para o enraizamento adventício em microestacas de oliveira. Auxinas livres, enzimas oxidativas, oxidase alternativa (AOX) e espécies reactivas de oxigénio (ROS) são alguns dos factores envolvidos neste processo fisiológico altamente complexo. Curiosamente, enquanto as alterações temporais nos níveis de auxinas foram semelhantes entre microestacas e estacas semi-lenhosas, o mesmo não se observou relativamente à actividade enzimática, o que mostra a necessidade de adaptação dos estudos agronómicos tradicionais às técnicas correntes.


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Vegetative propagation of superior conifer trees can be achieved e.g. through rooted cuttings or rooted microshoots, the latter predominantly through in vitro tissue culture. Both techniques are used to achieve rapid multiplication of trees with favorable genetic combinations and to capture a large proportion of the genetic diversity in a single generation cycle. However, adventitious rooting of shoots (cuttings) is often not efficient due to various problems such as scarcity of roots and cessation of their growth, both of which limit the application of vegetative propagation in some conifer species. Many factors are involved in the adventitious rooting of shoots including physical and chemical ones such as plant growth regulators, carbohydrates, light quality, temperature and rooting substrates or media (reviewed by Ragonezi et al. 2010). The focus of this review is on biological factors, such as inoculations with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, plant- growth-promoting rhizobacteria and other endophytes, and mycorrhizal fungi, which were found to stimulate adventitious rooting. These microorganisms could contribute not only to adventitious root development but also help in protecting conifer plants against pathogenic microorganisms, facilitate acclimation and transplanting, and contribute to more sustainable, chemical-free forests.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tipo de miniestacas e a necessidade de aplicação de ácido indolbutírico sobre o enraizamento e qualidade das mudas formadas de Handroanthus heptaphyllus . As miniestacas apicais e intermediárias foram obtidas em minijardim multiclonal formado a partir de sementes. As miniestacas foram preparadas com 5 cm de comprimento, um par de folhas reduzidas a 50% da área foliar e estaqueadas sem e com AIB na concentração de 8000 mg L-1. As avaliações foram realizadas aos 30 dias, na expedição do setor de enraizamento e aos 120 dias, quando a muda se encontrava formada. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 x 2 (três épocas de coleta, duas concentrações de AIB e duas posições do propágulo), com quatro repetições, sendo 12 miniestacas por repetição. De acordo com os resultados, o AIB não foi necessário para o enraizamento das miniestacas, entretanto, sua utilização promove incremento do número e comprimento de raízes. As miniestacas intermediárias proporcionaram maior massa seca de raízes aos 30 dias após o estaqueamento, e aos 120 dias, maior número de folhas e de raízes. A época de coleta influenciou a qualidade final das mudas. Aquelas produzidas na última coleta (oitavo) apresentaram valores médios inferiores nas características biométricas, exceto para o comprimento e número de raízes de primeira ordem.


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Tem sido relatado que as estacas de Camellia sinensis possuem baixa capacidade de emitir raízes, motivando assim a realização de estudos básicos para otimização do processo de propagação por estacas. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho objetivou quantificar o potencial rizogênico de diferentes genótipos e o efeito da posição da estaca no ramo e incisão na base, do substrato, tamanho do recipiente e ácido indolbutírico no enraizamento de estacas semi-lenhosas dessa espécie. Para tal, foram coletados ramos dos genótipos IAC 259, F15 e Comum, em Pariquera-Açu-SP, no inverno de 2010. em seguida, preparadas as estacas, contendo uma gema e uma folha, foram mantidas em viveiro com 70% de sombreamento. Estacas da posição basal e mediana dos ramos são as mais adequadas para estaquia devido a menor mortalidade e maior enraizamento. A injúria na base da estaca não afeta a mortalidade e o enraizamento das estacas, porém induz à formação de calo. Também não houve diferenças na mortalidade e no enraizamento das estacas quando as mesmas foram mantidas em recipiente de 50, 90 e 120 cm³. Comparado com vermiculita, areia e casca de arroz carbonizada, o solo foi o melhor substrato para estaquia, que na presença do ferimento, juntamente com o tratamento das estacas com 10 g L-1 de AIB promoveu a maior porcentagem de enraizamento. Todavia, ainda nessa condição a mortalidade média das estacas foi de 42%. O potencial de enraizamento do genótipo Comum foi superior ao do IAC 259 e F15.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da época de coleta de ramos, genótipo e concentração de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) no enraizamento de estacas de Camellia sinensis L. Para tal, foram coletados ramos dos genótipos IAC 259, F 15 e Comum, em Pariquera-Açu, SP, Brasil, no inverno, primavera, verão e outono. em seguida, foram preparadas estacas que foram tratadas com AIB (0, 2.000, 4.000, 6.000 e 8.000 e 10.000mg L-1), plantadas em vermiculita e mantidas em viveiro sob 70% de sombreamento e irrigação periódica. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4x3x6 (quatro épocas, três genótipos e seis concentrações de AIB), com quatro repetições de oito estacas. A época ideal para se coletar os ramos foi o inverno. Estacas coletadas no inverno apresentaram mortalidade média de 41%, enquanto nas estacas vivas o enraizamento médio foi de 66%, influenciado apenas pelo genótipo, todas apresentaram brotações e apenas 32% apresentaram calos. O AIB influenciou o número e o comprimento das raízes formadas em estacas no inverno. Na primavera, apesar da menor mortalidade (31%), apenas 0,34% das estacas vivas apresentaram raiz e 49% brotação, enquanto 97% das estacas apresentaram calo. No verão e outono a mortalidade das estacas foi extremamente alta, respectivamente, 93 e 81% das estacas.


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The present work is to study the characteristics and technological properties of soil-cement bricks made from binary and ternary mixtures of Portland cement, sand, water, with or without addition of gravel from the drilling of oil wells, which could be used by industry, aiming to improve its performance and reduce cost by using the residue and, consequently, increasing its useful life. The soil-cement bricks are one of the alternatives to masonry construction. These elements, after a short curing period, provide compressive strength similar to that of solid bricks and ceramic blocks, and the higher the resistance the higher the amount of cement used. We used the soil from the city of São José do Mipibu / RN, the banks of the River Baldun, cement CPIIZ-32 and residue of drill cuttings from oil wells drilling onshore wells in the town of Mossley, RN, provided Petrobras. To determine the optimum mix, we studied the inclusion of different residues (100%, 80%, 70%, 60% and 50%) where 15 bodies were made of the test piece. The assessment was made of bricks made from simple compression tests, mass loss by immersion and water absorption. The experimental results proved the efficiency and high utilization of the waste from the drilling of oil wells, making the brick-cement-soil residue with a higher strength and lower water absorption. The best result in terms of mechanical strength and water absorption for the ternary mixture was 10% soil, 14% cement and 80% residue. In terms of binary mixtures, we obtained the best result for the mix-cement residue, which was 14% cement incorporated in the residue


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Among the industries, those that produce ceramic porcelain for use in construction industry and oil, during the exploration and production period, play an important role in the production of waste. Much research has been carried out both by academia and the productive sector, sometimes reintroducing them in the same production line that generated them, sometimes in areas unrelated to their generation, as in the production of concrete and mortar for the construction, for example, but each one in an isolated way. In this research, the aim is to study the combined incorporation of the waste drill cuttings of oil well and the residue of the polishing of porcelain, generated in the final stage of finishing of this product in a clay matrix, for the production of red pottery, specifically bricks, ceramic blocks and tiles. The clay comes from the municipality of São Gonçalo, RN, the drilling waste is from the Natal basin, in Rio Grande do Norte, and the residue of the polishing proceeds from a ceramic porcelain of the State of Paraíba. For this purpose, we used a mixture of a plastic clay with a non-plastic, in a ratio of 50% each, settling formulations with the addition of these two residues in this clay matrix. In the formulations, both residues were incorporated with a minimum percentage of 2.5% and maximum of 12.5%, varying from 2.5% each, in each formulation, which the sum of the waste be no more than 15%. It should be noted that the residue of the polishing of ceramic porcelain is a IIa class (not inert). The materials were characterized by XRF, XRD, TG, DTA, laser granulometry and the plasticity index. The technological properties of water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage of burning, flexural tensile strength and bulk density were evaluated after the sintering of the pieces to 850 °C, 950 °C and 1050 °C, with a burning time of 3 hr, 3 hr and 30 minutes, and 3 hr and 50 minutes, respectively, with a heating rate of 10 °C/minute, for all formulations and landing of 30 minutes. To better understand the influence of each residue and temperature on the evaluated properties, we used the factorial planning and its surfaces of response for the interpretation of the results. It was found that the temperature has no statistical significance at a 95% of reliability level in flexural tensile strength and that it decreases the water absorption and the porosity, but increases the shrinkage and the bulk density. The results showed the feasibility of the desired incorporation, but adjusting the temperature to each product and formulation, and that the temperatures of 850 °C and 950 °C were the one that responded to the largest number of formulations


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The new oil reservoirs discoveries in onshore and ultra deep water offshore fields and complex trajectories require the optimization of procedures to reduce the stops operation during the well drilling, especially because the platforms and equipment high cost, and risks which are inherent to the operation. Among the most important aspects stands out the drilling fluids project and their behavior against different situations that may occur during the process. By means of sedimentation experiments, a correlation has been validated to determe the sedimentation particles velocity in variable viscosity fluids over time, applying the correction due to effective viscosity that is a shear rate and time function. The viscosity evolution over time was obtained by carrying out rheologic tests using a fixed shear rate, small enough to not interfere in the fluid gelling process. With the sedimentation particles velocity and the fluid viscosity over time equations an iterative procedure was proposed to determine the particles displacement over time. These equations were implemented in a case study to simulate the cuttings sedimentation generated in the oil well drilling during stops operation, especially in the connections and tripping, allowing the drilling fluid project in order to maintain the cuttings in suspension, avoiding risks, such as stuck pipe and in more drastic conditions, the loss of the well


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2016.


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This paper will re-examine the long established position of Evans as the quintessential detached documentary style photographer. I propose that is only part of the story. Evans was the inventor of the clinically detached and knowing ‘documentary style’. However, we will see that his magazine portfolios and his portfolios in book form; function quite differently. I will argue they employ a surprisingly engaged pictorial narrative form that echoes his personal scrapbook arrangements of magazine cuttings, and international magazine tropes of the time. Evans arranges his otherwise detached documents in satirical juxtapositions and telling sequences. I will argue that the Vitruvius of the vernacular is after all, also an engaged and engaging storyteller.


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The activity of oxidative enzymes and the levels of free auxins were determined during adventitious root formation in olive explants. Rooting trials were performed both with in vitro-cultured micro shoots of the cultivar ‘Galega Vulgar’, treated with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and with salicylhydroxamic acid(SHAM) + IBA, as well as with semi-hardwood cuttings of the cultivars ‘Galega Vulgar’ (difficult-to-root)and ‘Cobrançosa’ (easy-to-root), treated with IBA. The auxin (IBA) was used in all experiments as a rooting promoter, while SHAM was used in micropropagation trials as rooting inhibitor, providing a negative control. Free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and IBA concentrations were determined in microshoots, as well as in semi-hardwood cuttings, throughout the rooting period at pre-established time-points. At the sametime-points, the enzymatic activity of polyphenol oxidases (PPO), peroxidases (POX), and IAA oxidase(IAAox) was evaluated in the microshoots. Microshoots treated with SHAM + IBA revealed higher POX and IAAox activity, as well as lower PPO activity, than those treated only with IBA. IAA levels were higher in IBA-treated microshoots during induction phase, but lower during early initiation phase. Incontrast, free IBA levels were higher in microshoots treated with SHAM + IBA during induction, but lower during initiation. A similar pattern of free auxin levels was observed in semi-hardwood cuttings of the two contrasting cultivars under evaluation. The similarities found on the auxin patterns of microshoots treated with SHAM and those of semi-hardwood cuttings of the difficult-to-root olive cultivar allow considering SHAM a reliable control for when simulation of a difficult-to-root behavior is necessary. The inhibitory effect of SHAM in root formation could be related with 1) the inhibition of alternative oxidase(AOX), leading to a down regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathways, which would decrease the concentration of phenolic substrates for PPO; 2) an increase in IAAox activity resulting in lower free IAA levels or; 3) a defective conversion of IBA into IAA.


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A oliveira tem sido multiplicada ao longo dos tempos por métodos convencionais de propagação vegetativa como a enxertia e a estacaria lenhosa e semilenhosa. No entanto, estes métodos revelam-se lentos ou ineficientes para determinadas cultivares. No caso da cv. ‘Galega Vulgar’, ainda com grande expressão no olival português, e de difícil enraizamento por estacaria semilenhosa, tem sido usada a micropropagação de modo a contornar essas limitações e assim obter um elevado número de plantas em curto período de tempo. O custo final de produção por este processo ainda é elevado, podendo comprometer a sua aplicação a nível comercial. Grande parte dos custos estão relacionados com a fase de enraizamento in vitro que carece de ambiente estéril e condições de assépsia para a sua execução. Com vista a uma redução de custos associados a esta fase de produção, pretendeu-se com este trabalho testar a viabilidade do enraizamento ex vitro, na ausência de condições de assépsia. Este método poderá permitir uma significativa redução da mão-de-obra, ao mesmo tempo que facilitará a aclimatização das plantas e a obtenção de um sistema radicular de melhor qualidade. Compararam-se as taxas de enraizamento in vitro (controlo), com as obtidas ex vitro. Foram utilizados explantes provenientes de dois clones da cv. ‘Galega Vulgar’, (cl. 1441 e cl. 2022) cultivados e mantidos in vitro há vários anos no Laboratório de Melhoramento e Biotecnologia da Universidade de Évora. Para além do clone foi avaliada a influência do tipo de estaca (basal e apical), da hormona de enraizamento (AIB e ANA), da sua concentração (540 e 3000 ppm) e ainda de dois substratos, Preformas Jiffy® e pastilhas de fibra coco. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com o clone 1441 em pastilhas de fibra de coco prensada, com o uso de estacas basais. Quanto à auxina, não se observaram diferenças significativas entre a utilização de ANA na concentração de 540 ppm e AIB na concentração de 3000 ppm. A aclimatização das plantas foi conseguida com taxas elevadas de sucesso, independentemente do tratamento utilizado. Conclui-se que a aplicação do método de enraizamento ex vitro simplifica procedimentos e mantém taxas de enraizamento elevadas, conduzindo assim a uma efetiva redução de tempo e custos associados; Simplifying procedures for in vitro propagation of olive “Olea europaea L.” Abstract: The olive tree has been multiplied throughout the ages by conventional methods of vegetative propagation such as grafting and wood or softwood cuttings. These propagation methods are somehow inefficient for certain cultivars. For the CV. ‘Galega Vulgar‘, still with great expression in Portuguese olive orchards, propagation has been attempted by in vitro culture in order to circumvent these limitations and so obtain a large number of plants in short time period. The final production fees associated to this process are still high which may compromise its application to a commercial level. Most of this process fees are related to the in vitro rooting phase which lacks sterile and aseptic conditions for its implementation. Aiming to reduce the costs associated with this production phase, this work tested the feasibility of the ex vitro rooting in the absence of aseptic conditions, which can allow a significant reduction of the manpower involved and an easier plant acclimatization due to its transplant with a balled-root system. In vitro rooting rates (control) were compared with those obtained with the ex vitro experiments. Explants from two clones of the cv. ‘Galega Vulgar‘ (cl. 1441 and cl. 2022), grown and maintained in vitro for several years in the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Breeding of the University of Évora, were used in the trials. In addition to the clone, the effect of the cutting type (basal and apical), the rooting hormone (AIB and ANA), their concentration (540 and 3000 ppm) and two substrates, Preformas Jiffy ® and pressed coco fiber pellets, were also evaluated. The best results were obtained with the clone 1441, when rooted in pressed coco fiber pellets, using basal cuttings. Under this conditions no significant differences were observed between the use of ANA at 540 ppm or AIB in the 3000 ppm. Acclimatization of plants was achieved with high rates of success, regardless of the treatment used. It can be concluded that the application of the ex vitro rooting method allows to maintain high rooting rates, contributing for an effective reduction of time and fees of the rooting process.