396 resultados para CHLC OFT


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Research indicates that people engaged in legal decision-making use a host of biases and preconceptions to guide their decisions about whether the evidence presented to them is reasonable. However, few theories address how such expectations affect legal decision-makers. The present study attempted to determine if social judgment theory (SJT) can explain how and when legal decision-makers rely on expectations for the complainant's psychological injury in a hostile environment sexual harassment case. Two experiments provided undergraduate participants with a written summary of a hostile work environment allegation that first manipulated participants' expectations about reasonable psychological injuries (mild v. severe), and then presented them with actual severity levels of psychological injury (ranging from minimal to extreme). Experiment 1 (N = 295) hypothesized and found that participants who expected severe injuries perceived a greater range of psychological injuries to be reasonable than participants expecting mild injury. Experiment 2 ( N = 202) used similar methodology and investigated whether perceived reasonableness for the injury allegations affected legal decisions. Experiment 2 hypothesized that participants expecting severe psychological injury should render more pro-complainant decisions than participants expecting mild psychological injury. This result should be most pronounced when participants receive a moderate injury allegation, since this allegation was perceived as reasonable by participants expecting severe injury, but unreasonable by participants expecting mild injury. Consistent with SJT, participants who received a moderate injury but expected a severe injury found more liability than participants who received a moderate injury but expected a mild injury. Inconsistent with SJT, participants' expectations did not affect their compensatory damage decisions. In fact, more severe injury allegations increased damage awards regardless of participants' expectations. Although the results provide mixed support for applying SJT to legal decisions in sexual harassment cases, they emphasize the continuing role of oft-unstudied extra-legal factors (juror's expectations and psychological injury severity) on legal decisions.


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Neural crest cells originate from the dorsal most region of the embryonic neural tube. These cells migrate into several embryonic locations and differentiate into a variety of cell types. Cardiac neural crest (CNC) cells are a set of neural crest progenitors that aid in the proper formation of the cardiac septum, which separates the pulmonary from the systemic circulation. We have used Splotch mice to investigate whether the murine CNC cells play a role during the development oft he myocardium and the conduction system. Splotch mice carry a mutation in the P AX3 transcription factor, and display a problem in CNC cell migration. A scanning-electron-microscopy analysis of Splotch mutant-embryonic-hearts reveals abnormalities in the interventricular septum. In addition, the right and left ventricular cavities appear dilated relative to a wild type heart. Hoechst nuclei staining of Splotch heart cryosections demonstrates a decreased number of cardiomyocytes and a corresponding thinner ventricular wall. The absence of Connexin 40 in the ventricles of Splotch mutants, suggests conduction system defects. These results support the evidence that CNC cell signaling plays a role in modulating the growth and development of murine cardiomyocytes and their differentiation into conductile cells.


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This thesis explores the history of juvenile delinquency in England during the decades bracketing the nineteenth century’s turn and how modern historians have analyzed this period. The purported birth of juvenile delinquency during this tumultuous period is widely attributed by both historians and Victorians to the explosive growth in England’s urban population. Contemporary statistics of criminal prosecutions confirmed emergent literary tropes that viewed childhoods spent on city streets as inevitably corrupting. Public policy and private charity for more than a century thereafter would recommend removal from the city’s corrupting cultural influences to a highly romanticized vision of rural space as healing innocence. This thesis challenges the juxtaposition of country and city on which such explanations of juvenile delinquency rest. Utilizing the neglected testimony of magistrates, constables, rural residents, and juvenile criminals themselves, it will demonstrate that rural England also suffered from increasing juvenile crime in this period. It will illuminate the complex social, economic, and political dynamics responsible for the oft-cited statistical gap between rural and urban arrest rates, showing that the latter were in neither case transparent measures of criminal activity. Crime was on the rise in English rural counties as transformed by industrial capitalism as were England’s booming cities, suggesting that historians who continue to emphasize the dichotomy between the city and the country have not only recycled a Victorian narrative but also limited their own understandings of the time.


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This dissertation examines the social and financial activities of Buddhist nuns to demonstrate how and why they deployed Buddhist doctrines, rituals, legends, and material culture to interact with society outside the convent. By examining the activities of the nuns of the Daihongan convent (one of the two administrative heads of the popular pilgrimage temple, Zenkōji) in Japan’s early modern period (roughly 1550 to 1868) as documented in the convent’s rich archival sources, I shed further light on the oft-overlooked political and financial activities of nuns, illustrate how Buddhist institutions interacted with the laity, provide further nuance to the discussion of how Buddhist women navigated patriarchal sectarian and secular hierarchies, and, within the field of Japanese history, give voice to women who were active outside of the household unit around which early modern Japanese society was organized.

Zenkōji temple, surrounded by the mountains of Nagano, has been one of Japan’s most popular pilgrimage sites since the medieval period. The abbesses of Daihongan, one Zenkōji’s main sub-temples, traveled widely to maintain connections with elite and common laypeople, participated in frequent country-wide displays of Zenkōji’s icon, and oversaw the creation of branch temples in Edo (now Tokyo), Osaka, Echigo (now Niigata), and Shinano (now Nagano). The abbesses of Daihongan were one of only a few women to hold the imperially sanctioned title of eminent person (shōnin 上人) and to wear purple robes. While this means that this Pure Land convent was in some ways not representative of all convents in early modern Japan, Daihongan’s position is particularly instructive because the existence of nuns and monks in a single temple complex allows us to see in detail how monastics of both genders interacted in close quarters.

This work draws heavily from the convent’s archival materials, which I used as a guide in framing my dissertation chapters. In the Introduction I discuss previous works on women in Buddhism. In Chapter 1, I briefly discuss the convent’s history and its place within the Zenkōji temple complex. In Chapter 2, I examine the convent’s regular economic bases and its expenditures. In Chapter 3, I highlight Daihongan’s branch temples and discuss the ways that they acted as nodes in a network connecting people in various areas to Daihongan and Zenkōji, thus demonstrating how a rural religious center extended its sphere of influence in urban settings. In Chapter 4, I discuss the nuns’ travels throughout the country to generate new and maintain old connections with the imperial court in Kyoto, confraternities in Osaka, influential women in the shogun’s castle, and commoners in Edo. In Chapter 5, I examine the convent’s reliance upon irregular means of income such as patronage, temple lotteries, loans, and displays of treasures, and how these were needed to balance irregular expenditures such as travel and the maintenance or reconstruction of temple buildings. Throughout the dissertation I describe Daihongan’s inner social structure comprised of abbesses, nuns, and administrators, and its local emplacement within Zenkōji and Zenkōji’s temple lands.

Exploring these themes sheds light on the lives of Japanese Buddhist nuns in this period. While the tensions between freedom and agency on the one hand and obligations to patrons, subordination to monks, or gender- and status-based restrictions on the other are important, and I discuss them in my work, my primary focus is on the nuns’ activities and lives. Doing so demonstrates that nuns were central figures in ever-changing economic and social networks as they made and maintained connections with the outside world through Buddhist practices and through precedents set centuries before. This research contributes to our understanding of nuns in Japan’s early modern period and will participate in and shape debates on the roles of women in patriarchal religious hierarchies.


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Nie zuvor war die Mobilität einzelner Personen höher als heute. Menschen arbeiten und leben nicht nur an verschiedenen Orten, sondern auch oft in verschiedenen Ländern. Binationaler Urbanismus untersucht die städtische Lebensweise von Menschen, die in einer zweiten Stadt eines zweiten Staates zu leben beginnen, ohne sich von der ersten Stadt zu verabschieden. Sie leben im ständigen Transit zwischen zwei Heimaten und zwei Ländern. Binationale Urbanisten kommen aus allen Schichten der Gesellschaft: von den gut ausgebildeten kosmopolitischen und kreativen Klassen bis hin zur Arbeiterklasse. Dabei scheinen sich die binationalen Urbanisten durch den kontinuierlichen Ortswechsel in einem Zustand zu befinden, der durch eine ständige Sehnsucht, bzw. einem ständigen Heimweh, nach der anderen Stadt geprägt ist. Der Autor interviewte in Deutschland lebende türkischstämmige Menschen, die regelmäßig zwischen Städten in Deutschland und der Türkei pendeln. Diese Menschen leben, sei es absichtlich und bewusst gewählt oder nicht, eine innovative städtische Lebensweise. Sie sind keine verwurzelten Bewohner ihres Gastlandes Deutschland, sondern tatsächlich extrem mobil und nutzen das Beste aus beiden Kulturen. Binationaler Urbanismus hat das Potenzial, eine der interessantesten Lebensformen des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts zu werden. Demzufolge entwickelt dieses Buch eine Theorie eines Binationalen Urbanismus aus den geführten Interviews.


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In dieser Bachekorarbeit wird ein Schulungszentrum für Ernhährung und Gesundheit geplant, desssen Hauptbestandteil eine altersunabhängig gestaltete Lehrküche bilden soll. Desweiteren finden Bereiche zur Schulung Berücksichtigung, um Seminare, Informationsveranstaltungen, persönliche Beratung, etc. zu ermöglichen. Die Hektik unseres heutigen Arbeits- und Schulungsalltages beeinflusst durch Stress nicht nur unsere Ernährung sondern auch andere Aspekte der Gesundheit. Da viele Menschen heutzutage einen Großteil ihrer Zeit vor Bildschirmen, wie dem Fernseher oder Computer, verbringen und oft Bewegung und Auslastung zu kurz kommt, wird gleichzeitig ein Therapie- und Ruheraum geplant, um Stresspräventions-, Entspannungs- und Bewegungstherapienanbieten zu können. Die Verbindung zu Kochkursen kann in diesem Zusammenhang eine wertvolle Ergänzung sein. Das Schulungszentrum wird in Hamburg geplant, da in einem städtischen Umfeld wie diesem diverse Alters- und Interessengruppen aufeinander treffen, trotz vielfältiger Erhährungstrends gleichzeitig aber auch eine verstärkte Entfremdung gegenüber dieser Thematik stattfindet. Der Begriff Schule ist hier nicht mit dem Auswendiglernen von Inhalten gleichzusetzen, sondern vielmehr als eine geschulte Ausrichtung oder Wahrnehmung der Sinne des Körpers zu verstehen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird daher bei der Bachelorarbeit auf die genaue Planung und Gestaltung der Küche gelegt, damit sich alle Menschen darin wohlfühlen können und zum Lernen angeregt werden.


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L’obésité est un facteur de risque lié à des problèmes physiques, émotionnels et comportementaux. Aujourd’hui, l’alimentation est composée d’un régime typiquement occidental «Western diet» qui est riche en acides gras saturés (AGS) et pauvre en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) tel que les oméga-3 (N-3) et occasionnant un déséquilibre du ratio alimentaire N-6/N-3. Ce déséquilibre est une des causes de la prévalence des maladies mentales y compris celles des troubles de l'humeur et de l’anxiété. L’acide docosahexaénoïque (ADH, 22: 6 n-3) est l’acide gras (AG) le plus abondant dans le cerveau et son accumulation est particulièrement élevée pendant la période périnatale. Il joue un rôle important dans le développement neuronal et d'autres fonctions du cerveau tel l'apprentissage et la mémoire. Des perturbations de l’environnement périnatal peuvent influencer à très long terme l’avenir de la descendance en la rendant plus susceptible de développer des problèmes d’obésité dans un contexte nutritionnel riche. On ignore cependant si le déficit alimentaire chez la mère et particulièrement en ADH aura un impact sur la motivation alimentaire de la progéniture. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’étudier le rôle potentiel des N-3 sur la balance énergétique, la motivation alimentaire, la dépression et le niveau d’anxiété des descendants de souris mâles adultes assujetties à une alimentation riche en gras. Nos données ont démontré qu‘un régime maternel déficitaire en ADH durant la période périnatale incitait la descendance à fournir plus d’effort afin d’obtenir un aliment palatable. Ceci entraînerait un dérèglement de l’homéostasie énergétique en augmentant le gain de poids et en diminuant l’activité locomotrice tout en exacerbant le comportement de type anxieux dès que les souris sont exposées à un milieu obésogène. Les acides gras libres (AGL) sont des nutriments essentiels fonctionnant comme des molécules de signalisation dans le cerveau en ayant des récepteurs qui jouent un rôle important dans le contrôle du métabolisme énergétique. Parmi eux, on distingue un récepteur couplé à la protéine G (GPCR), le GPR120. Ce récepteur activé par les AGPI ω-3 intervient dans les mécanismes anti-inflammatoires et insulino-résistants via les N-3. Une mutation dans le gène GPR120 occasionnée par une réduction de l’activité de signalisation du gène est liée à l’obésité humaine. L'objectif premier de cette deuxième étude était d’évaluer l'impact de la stimulation pharmacologique de GPR120 dans le système nerveux central (SNC) sur l'alimentation, les dépenses d'énergie, le comportement de type anxieux et la récompense alimentaire. Nos résultats démontrent qu’une injection centrale aiguë d'agoniste GPR120 III réduit la prise alimentaire ad libitum et la motivation alimentaire pour un aliment riche en gras et en sucre; ainsi que les comportements de type anxieux. L’injection centrale chronique (21 jours) de ce même agoniste GPR120 III transmis par une pompe osmotique a démontré que les souris placées sous diète hypercalorique (HFD n’ont présenté aucune modification lors de la prise alimentaire ni de gain de poids mais qu’il y avait comparativement au groupe de véhicule, une réduction du comportement de type anxieux, que ce soit dans le labyrinthe en croix surélevé (LCS) ou dans le test à champ ouvert (OFT). L’ADH est reconnu pour ses propriétés anorexigènes au niveau central. De plus, la stimulation des récepteurs de GPR120 au niveau du cerveau avec un agoniste synthétique peut produire un effet intense intervenir sur le comportement lié à l'alimentation des rongeurs. Trouver une approche visant à contrôler à la fois la neuroinflammation, la récompense alimentaire et les troubles émotionnels aiderait assurément au traitement de l'obésité et du diabète de type 2.


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A case of sellar spine, associated with neuro-ophthalmological and endocrine abnormalities, is reported. The case described is a rare malformation, of which the authors found only six cases in the literature.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: The efficacy and tolerability of faldaprevir, a potent hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3/4A protease inhibitor, plus peginterferon (PegIFN) and ribavirin (RBV) was assessed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 study of treatment-naïve patients with HCV genotype-1 infection. METHODS: Patients were randomly assigned (1:2:2) to PegIFN/RBV plus: placebo (arm 1, n = 132) for 24 weeks; faldaprevir (120 mg, once daily) for 12 or 24 weeks (arm 2, n = 259); or faldaprevir (240 mg, once daily) for 12 weeks (arm 3, n = 261). In arms 2 and 3, patients with early treatment success (HCV-RNA <25 IU/ml at week 4 and undetectable at week 8) stopped all treatment at week 24. Other patients received PegIFN/RBV until week 48 unless they met futility criteria. The primary endpoint was sustained virologic response 12 weeks post-treatment (SVR12). RESULTS: SVR12 was achieved by 52%, 79%, and 80% of patients in arms 1, 2, and 3, respectively (estimated difference for arms 2 and 3 vs. arm 1: 27%, 95% confidence interval 17%-36%; and 29%, 95% confidence interval, 19%-38%, respectively; p < 0.0001 for both). Early treatment success was achieved by 87% (arm 2) and 89% (arm 3) of patients, of whom 86% and 89% achieved SVR12. Adverse event rates were similar among groups; few adverse events led to discontinuation of all regimen components. CONCLUSIONS: Faldaprevir plus PegIFN/RBV significantly increased SVR12, compared with PegIFN/RBV, in treatment-naïve patients with HCV genotype-1 infection. No differences were seen in responses of patients given faldaprevir once daily at 120 or 240 mg.


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