993 resultados para cigarette-generated particles


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In der marinen Grenzschicht beeinflussen reaktive Iodspezies wie z.B. I2 sowie aliphatische Amine eine Vielzahl atmosphärischer Prozesse, vor allem bei der Partikelneubildung spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle. Allerdings stellt die Quantifizierung dieser Verbindungen im Spurenbereich immer noch eine große analytische Herausforderung dar. rnAus diesem Grund wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit das GTRAP-AMS (Gaseous compound trapping in artificially generated particles – aerosol mass spectrometry) entwickelt, um gasförmiges I2 und aliphatische Amine zu bestimmen. Hierbei wird ein Flugzeit-Aerosolmassenspektrometer (ToF-AMS), das ursprünglich für die on-line Charakterisierung von Aerosolen entwickelt wurde, mit einer GTRAP-Einheit gekoppelt. Im Fall von I2 werden mit Hilfe eines pneumatischen Zerstäubers a-Cyclodextrin/NH4Br-Partikel erzeugt, die mit dem gasförmigen I2 innerhalb der GTRAP-Einheit eine Einschlussverbindung bilden und dieses dadurch selektiv in die Partikelphase aufnehmen. Für die on-line Bestimmung gasförmiger aliphatischer Amine dagegen wurde Phosphorsäure als partikulärer Reaktionspartner eingesetzt. Nach Optimierung des GTRAP-AMS Systems wurde sowohl für I2 als auch für die aliphatischen Amine eine Nachweisgrenze im sub-ppb-Bereich für eine Zeitauflösung zwischen 1 und 30 min erhalten. Als erstes wurde das GTRAP-AMS System zur Charakterisierung von Permanentdenudern eingesetzt, um deren I2-Aufnahmefähigkeit und Wiederverwendbarkeit im Vergleich zu den herkömmlichen einmal verwendbaren a-Cyclodextrin Denudern zu testen.rnIm Anschluss daran wurde das GTRAP-AMS für die Bestimmung zeitlich aufgelöster I2- Emissionsraten ausgewählter Makroalgen unter dem Einfluss von Ozon eingesetzt. Die Kenntnis der Emissionsraten iodhaltiger Verbindungen der wichtigsten weltweit vorkommenden Makroalgen ist für die Modellierung der Iodchemie in der marinen Grenzschicht von besonderer Bedeutung. Die Resultate zeigen, dass verschiedene Makroalgen sowohl unterschiedliche zeitlich aufgelöste I2-Emissionsprofile als auch Gesamtemissionsraten liefern. Im Vergleich zu den iodorganischen Verbindungen ist die Gesamtemissionsrate an I2 allerdings eine bis zwei Größenordnungen größer. Dies und die deutlich kürzere atmosphärische Lebensdauer von I2 im Vergleich zu den iodorganischen Verbindungen führen dazu, dass I2 die dominierende iodhaltige Verbindung für die Bildung reaktiver Iodatome in der marinen Grenzschicht ist. rnDa über dem tropischen Atlantischen Ozean bislang jedoch nur ein geringer Anteil der IO-Konzentration durch die Oxidation von iodorganischen Verbindungen erklärt werden kann, wurden weitere Quellen für I2 erforscht. Deshalb wurden Kammerexperimente mit Mikrolagen durchgeführt, um deren Einfluss auf die I2-Freisetzung in die Atmosphäre zu untersuchen. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Anwesenheit von Mikroalgen (z.B. Coscinodiscus Wailesii) im Meerwasser zu einer erhöhten Freisetzung von I2 aus dem Meerwasser in die Atmosphäre führen kann. rnDes Weiteren wurden auch Versuche zu abiotischen Bildungswegen von I2 durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Atmosphärensimulationsexperimente haben gezeigt, dass partikuläre Iodoxide durch organische Verbindungen zu I2 reduziert werden können, welches im Anschluss von der Partikelphase in die Gasphase übergehen kann und dort wieder für Gasphasenprozesse zur Verfügung steht.rn


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Die Suppression von autoreaktiven T-Zellen ist eine Funktion von CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs). CD4+CD25+ Tregs unterdrücken autoaggressive Immunantworten. Galectin-10 und Foxp3 sind wichtige Proteine, die an dem supprimierenden Mechanismus der Tregs beteiligt sind. Galectin-10 ist eines der ältesten bekannten humanen Proteine, die nicht in anderen Spezies gefunden worden sind. Foxp3 ist ein Transkriptionsfaktor, der in menschlichen CD4+CD25+ Tregs und in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen nach Aktivierung exprimiert wird. Ein siRNA-vermittelter Knockdown dieses intrazellulären löslichen Proteins hebt die supprimierende Funktion der humanen CD4+CD25+ Tregs auf.rnDiese Arbeit beinhaltet in vitro durchgeführte Untersuchungen zur Ermöglichung eines Knockdown von Galectin-10 und/oder Foxp3 in humanisierten Mäusen. Es war möglich, ein Verfahren für die Produktion von lentiviralen Partikeln zu etablierten, die sich als effizientes Vehikel für den Gentransfer in humane Stammzellen und verschiedene Tumor- und Immunzellen erwiesen. Nach der Transduktion von AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen mit GFP-codierenden lentiviralen Partikeln konnte eine langfristige Expression von GFP erreicht werden. Außerdem war es möglich lentivirale Partikel zu erzeugen, die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codiert waren. Die erzeugten Partikel erwiesen sich als funktionell, indem sie eine deutliche Herunterregulation von Galectin-10 in konstitutiv Galectin-10 exprimierenden AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen bewirkten. Unsere Studie präsentierte außerdem eine erstmalige Untersuchung zum Nachweis von Galectin-10-Protein in Eosinophilen aus humanen CD34+ hämatopoetischen Stammzellen (HSC). Diese stabile in vitro Galectin-10-Expression bietet ein alternatives Untersuchungsmodell zu CD4+CD25+ Tregs, die nicht aus CD34+ HSC differenziert werden können. Der zusätzliche Einbau des GFP-Gens in die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codierende lentivirale Partikel war ein wichtiger Schritt zur Markierung von Zellen, die einen Galectin-10-Knockdown aufwiesen. Die neuen bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikel erwiesen sich sowohl in aus CD34+ HSC differenzierten Eosinophilen als auch in AML14.3D10 Zellen, die einen eosinophilen Phänotyp aufweisen, als funktionell. Schließlich konnte mit den bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikeln, die mit GFP und shRNA gegen Foxp3 codiert waren, eine Herunterregulation von Foxp3 in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen erreicht werden, was erneut die erfolgreiche Herstellung von funktionellen lentiviralen Partikeln bewies.rn


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Atmosphärische Aerosole haben einen starken Einfluss auf das Klima, der bisher nur grundlegend verstanden ist und weiterer Forschung bedarf. Das atmosphärische Verhalten der Aerosolpartikel hängt maßgeblich von ihrer Größe und chemischen Zusammensetzung ab. Durch Reflexion, Absorption und Streuung des Sonnenlichtes verändern sie den Strahlungshaushalt der Erde direkt und durch ihre Einflussnahme auf die Wolkenbildung indirekt. Besonders gealterte, stark oxidierte organische Aerosole mit großem Sauerstoff-zu-Kohlenstoff-Verhältnis wirken als effektive Wolkenkondensationskeime. Neben primären Aerosolpartikeln, die direkt partikelförmig in die Atmosphäre gelangen, spielen sekundäre Aerosolpartikel eine große Rolle, die aus Vorläufergasen in der Atmosphäre entstehen. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse legen nahe, dass kurzkettige aliphatische Amine bei Nukleationsprozessen beteiligt sind und somit die Partikelneubildung vielerorts mitsteuern. Um die Rolle von Aminen in der Atmosphäre besser erforschen und industrielle Emissionen kontrollieren zu können, bedarf es einer zuverlässigen Methode zur Echtzeitquantifizierung gasförmiger Amine mit hoher Zeitauflösung und niedriger Nachweisgrenze.rnDas hochauflösende Flugzeit-Aerosolmassenspektrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) bietet die Möglichkeit, atmosphärische Partikel in Echtzeit zu analysieren. Dabei werden Größe, Menge und grundlegende chemische Zusammensetzung erfasst. Anorganische Aerosolbestandteile können eindeutig zugeordnet werden. Es ist jedoch kaum möglich, einzelne organische Verbindungen in den komplizierten Massenspektren atmosphärischer Aerosole zu identifizieren und quantifizieren.rnIn dieser Arbeit wird atmosphärisches Aerosol untersucht, das im Westen Zyperns während der CYPHEX-Kampagne mit einem HR-ToF-AMS gemessen wurde. An diesem Standort ist vor allem stark gealtertes Aerosol vorzufinden, das aus Zentral- und Westeuropa stammt. Lokale Einflüsse spielen fast keine Rolle. Es wurde eine durchschnittliche Massenkonzentration von 10,98 μg/m3 gefunden, zusammengesetzt aus 57 % Sulfat, 30 % organischen Bestandteilen, 12 % Ammonium, < 1 % Nitrat und < 1 % Chlorid, bezogen auf das Gewicht. Der Median des vakuum-aerodynamischen Durchmessers betrug 446,25 nm. Es wurde sehr acides Aerosol gefunden, dessen anorganische Bestandteile weitgehend der Zusammensetzung von Ammoniumhydrogensulfat entsprachen. Tag-Nacht-Schwankungen in der Zusammensetzung wurden beobachtet. Die Sulfatkonzentration und die Acidität zeigten tagsüber Maxima und nachts Minima. Konzentrationsschwankungen an Nitrat und Chlorid zeigten einen weniger ausgeprägten Rhythmus, Maxima fallen aber immer mit Minima der Sulfatkonzentration, Aerosolacidität und Umgebungstemperatur zusammen. Organische Aerosolbestandteile entsprachen stark gealtertem, schwerflüchtigem oxidiertem organischem Aerosol. Es wurde eine interne Mischung der Partikel beobachtet, die ebenfalls meist bei alten Aerosolen auftritt.rnUm mit dem HR-ToF-AMS auch einzelne organische Verbindungen identifizieren und quantifizieren zu können, wurde eine Methode entwickelt, mit der man Amine der Gasphase selektiv in künstlich erzeugte Phosphorsäurepartikel aufnimmt und so für die HR-ToF-AMS-Messung zugänglich macht. Dadurch kombiniert man die Vorteile der Online-Messung des HR-ToF-AMS mit den Vorteilen klassischer Offline-Probenahmen. So können in Echtzeit sehr einfache Massenspektren gemessen werden, in denen störende Komponenten abgetrennt sind, während die Analyten eindeutig identifiziert werden können. Systeme dieser Art wurden GTRAP-AMS (Gaseous compound TRapping in Artificially-generated Particles – Aerosol Mass Spectrometry) genannt. Kalibrierungen für (Mono)Methylamin, Dimethylamin, Trimethylamin, Diethylamin und Triethylamin ergaben Nachweisgrenzen im ppt-Bereich bei einer Zeitauflösung von 3 min. Kammerexperimente zur Aminemission von Pflanzen zeigten eine gute Übereinstimmung des neu entwickelten Systems mit einer Gasdiffusionsabscheider-Offline-Probenahme und anschließender ionenchromatographischer Analyse. Beide Methoden zeigten Reaktionen der Pflanzen auf eine Veränderung der Lichtverhältnisse, während erhöhte Ozonkonzentrationen die Aminemission nicht veränderten. Die GTRAP-AMS-Methode eignet sich bereits für die Messung von Umgebungsluftkonzentrationen an einigen Orten, für die meisten Orte reicht die Nachweisgrenze allerdings noch nicht aus. Die Technik könnte bereits zur Echtzeitkontrolle industrieller Abgasemissionen eingesetzt werden.


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O câncer é uma das maiores causas de mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo, com potencial de crescimento nas próximas décadas. Um tipo de tratamento promissor é a hipertermia magnética, procedimento no qual as células tumorais morrem pelo efeito do calor gerado por partículas magnéticas após a aplicação de campo magnético alternado em frequências adequadas. Tais partículas também são capazes de atuar como agentes de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética, um poderoso método de diagnóstico para identificação de células neoplásicas, formando a combinação conhecida como theranostics (terapia e diagnóstico). Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas nanopartículas de óxido de ferro por método de coprecipitação com posterior encapsulação por técnica de nano spray drying, visando sua aplicação no tratamento de câncer por hipertermia e como agente de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética. Para a encapsulação foram utilizadas matrizes poliméricas de Maltodextrina com Polissorbato 80, Pluronic F68, Eudragit® S100 e PCL com Pluronic F68, escolhidos com o intuito de formar partículas que dispersem bem em meio aquoso e que consigam atingir alvo tumoral após administração no corpo do paciente. Parâmetros de secagem pelo equipamento Nano Spray Dryer, como temperatura, solvente e concentração de reagentes, foram avaliados. As partículas formadas foram caracterizadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, Difração de Raios-X, Análise Termogravimétrica, Espalhamento de Luz Dinâmico, Espectroscopia de Infravermelho, magnetismo quanto a magnetização de saturação e temperatura, citotoxicidade e potencial de aquecimento. Tais procedimentos indicaram que o método de coprecipitação produziu nanopartículas de magnetita de tamanho em torno 20 nm, superparamagnéticas a temperatura ambiente, sem potencial citotóxico. A técnica de nano spray drying foi eficiente para a formação de partículas com tamanho em torno de 1 μm, também superparamagnéticas, biocompatíveis e com propriedades magnéticas adequadas e para aplicações pretendidas. Destaca-se a amostra com Pluronic, OF-10/15-1P, que apresentou magnetização de saturação de 68,7 emu/g e interação específica com células tumorais.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and related free radicals are considered to be key factors underpinning the various adverse health effects associated with exposure to ambient particulate matter. Therefore, measurement of ROS is a crucial factor for assessing the potential toxicity of particles. In this work, a novel profluorescent nitroxide, BPEAnit, was investigated as a probe for detecting particle-derived ROS. BPEAnit has a very low fluorescence emission due to inherent quenching by the nitroxide group, but upon radical trapping or redox activity, a strong fluorescence is observed. BPEAnit was tested for detection of ROS present in mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke. In the case of mainstream cigarette smoke, there was a linear increase in fluorescence intensity with an increasing number of cigarette puffs, equivalent to an average of 101 nmol ROS per cigarette based on the number of moles of the probe reacted. Sidestream cigarette smoke sampled from an environmental chamber exposed BPEAnit to much lower concentrations of particles, but still resulted in a clearly detectible increase in fluorescence intensity with sampling time. It was calculated that the amount of ROS was equivalent to 50 ± 2 nmol per mg of particulate matter; however, this value decreased with ageing of the particles in the chamber. Overall, BPEAnit was shown to provide a sensitive response related to the oxidative capacity of the particulate matter. These findings present a good basis for employing the new BPEAnit probe for the investigation of particle-related ROS generated from cigarette smoke as well as from other combustion sources.


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During their entire lives, people are exposed to the pollutants present in indoor air. Recently, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, mainly known as electronic cigarettes, have been widely commercialized: they deliver particles into the lungs of the users but a “second-hand smoke” has yet to be associated to this indoor source. On the other hand, the naturally-occurring radioactive gas, i.e. radon, represents a significant risk for lung cancer, and the cumulative action of these two agents could be worse than the agents separately would. In order to deepen the interaction between radon progeny and second-hand aerosol from different types of cigarettes, a designed experimental study was carried out by generating aerosol from e-cigarette vaping as well as from second-hand traditional smoke inside a walk-in radon chamber at the National Institute of Ionizing Radiation Metrology (INMRI) of Italy. In this chamber, the radon present in air comes naturally from the floor and ambient conditions are controlled. To characterize the sidestream smoke emitted by cigarettes, condensation particle counters and scanning mobility particle sizer were used. Radon concentration in the air was measured through an Alphaguard ionization chamber, whereas the measurement of radon decay product in the air was performed with the Tracelab BWLM Plus-2S Radon daughter Monitor. It was found an increase of the Potential Alpha-Energy Concentration (PAEC) due to the radon decay products attached to aerosol for higher particle number concentrations. This varied from 7.47 ± 0.34 MeV L−1 to 12.6 ± 0.26 MeV L−1 (69%) for the e-cigarette. In the case of traditional cigarette and at the same radon concentration, the increase was from 14.1 ± 0.43 MeV L−1 to 18.6 ± 0.19 MeV L−1 (31%). The equilibrium factor increases, varying from 23.4% ± 1.11% to 29.5% ± 0.26% and from 30.9% ± 1.0% to 38.1 ± 0.88 for the e-cigarette and traditional cigarette, respectively. These growths still continue for long time after the combustion, by increasing the exposure risk.


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Particulate pollution has been widely recognised as an important risk factor to human health. In addition to increases in respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity associated with exposure to particulate matter (PM), WHO estimates that urban PM causes 0.8 million premature deaths globally and that 1.5 million people die prematurely from exposure to indoor smoke generated from the combustion of solid fuels. Despite the availability of a huge body of research, the underlying toxicological mechanisms by which particles induce adverse health effects are not yet entirely understood. Oxidative stress caused by generation of free radicals and related reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the sites of deposition has been proposed as a mechanism for many of the adverse health outcomes associated with exposure to PM. In addition to particle-induced generation of ROS in lung tissue cells, several recent studies have shown that particles may also contain ROS. As such, they present a direct cause of oxidative stress and related adverse health effects. Cellular responses to oxidative stress have been widely investigated using various cell exposure assays. However, for a rapid screening of the oxidative potential of PM, less time-consuming and less expensive, cell-free assays are needed. The main aim of this research project was to investigate the application of a novel profluorescent nitroxide probe, synthesised at QUT, as a rapid screening assay in assessing the oxidative potential of PM. Considering that this was the first time that a profluorescent nitroxide probe was applied in investigating the oxidative stress potential of PM, the proof of concept regarding the detection of PM–derived ROS by using such probes needed to be demonstrated and a sampling methodology needed to be developed. Sampling through an impinger containing profluorescent nitroxide solution was chosen as a means of particle collection as it allowed particles to react with the profluorescent nitroxide probe during sampling, avoiding in that way any possible chemical changes resulting from delays between the sampling and the analysis of the PM. Among several profluorescent nitroxide probes available at QUT, bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene-nitroxide (BPEAnit) was found to be the most suitable probe, mainly due to relatively long excitation and emission wavelengths (λex= 430 nm; λem= 485 and 513 nm). These wavelengths are long enough to avoid overlap with the background fluorescence coming from light absorbing compounds which may be present in PM (e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives). Given that combustion, in general, is one of the major sources of ambient PM, this project aimed at getting an insight into the oxidative stress potential of combustion-generated PM, namely cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke PM. During the course of this research project, it was demonstrated that the BPEAnit probe based assay is sufficiently sensitive and robust enough to be applied as a rapid screening test for PM-derived ROS detection. Considering that for all three aerosol sources (i.e. cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke) the same assay was applied, the results presented in this thesis allow direct comparison of the oxidative potential measured for all three sources of PM. In summary, it was found that there was a substantial difference between the amounts of ROS per unit of PM mass (ROS concentration) for particles emitted by different combustion sources. For example, particles from cigarette smoke were found to have up to 80 times less ROS per unit of mass than particles produced during logwood combustion. For both diesel and wood combustion it has been demonstrated that the type of fuel significantly affects the oxidative potential of the particles emitted. Similarly, the operating conditions of the combustion source were also found to affect the oxidative potential of particulate emissions. Moreover, this project has demonstrated a strong link between semivolatile (i.e. organic) species and ROS and therefore, clearly highlights the importance of semivolatile species in particle-induced toxicity.


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Recent research has described the restructuring of particles upon exposure to organic vapours; however, as yet hypotheses able to explain this phenomenon are limited. In this study, a range of experiments were performed to explore different hypotheses related to carbonaceous particle restructuring upon exposure to organic and water vapours, such as: the effect of surface tension, the role of organics in flocculating primary particles, as well as the ability of vapours to “wet” the particle surface. The change in mobility diameter (dm) was investigated for a range carbonaceous particle types (diesel exhaust, petrol exhaust, cigarette smoke, candle smoke, particles generated in a heptane/toluene flame, and wood smoke particles) exposed to different organic (heptane, ethanol, and dimethyl sulfoxide/water (1:1 vol%) mixture) and water vapours. Particles were first size-selected and then bubbled through an impinger (bubbler) containing either an organic solvent or water, where particles trapped inside rising bubbles were exposed to saturated vapours of the solvent in the impinger. The size distribution of particles was simultaneously measured upstream and downstream from the impinger. A size-dependent reduction in dm was observed when bubbling diesel exhaust, particles generated in a heptane/toluene flame, and candle smoke particles through heptane, ethanol and a dimethyl sulfoxide/water (1:1 vol %) mixture. In addition, the size distributions of particles bubbled through an impinger were broader. Moreover, an increase of the geometric standard deviation (σ) of the size distributions of particles bubbled through an impinger was also found to be size-dependent. Size-dependent reduction in dm and an increase of σ indicate that particles undergo restructuring to a more compact form, which was confirmed by TEM analysis. However, bubbling of these particles through water did not result in a size-dependent reduction in dm, nor in an increase of σ. Cigarette smoke, petrol exhaust, and wood smoke particles did not result in any substantial change in dm, or σ, when bubbled through organic solvents or water. Therefore, size-dependent reduction in the dm upon bubbling through organic solvents was observed only for particles that had a fractal-like structure, whilst particles that were liquid or were assumed to be spherical did not exhibit any reduction in dm. Compaction of fractal-like particles was attributed to the ability of condensing vapours to efficiently wet the particles. Our results also show that the presence of an organic layer on the surface of fractal-like particles, or the surface tension of the condensed liquid do not influence the extent of compaction.


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Ethylene gas is burnt and the soot generated is sampled thermophoretically at different heights along the flame axis starting from a region close to the root of the flame. The morphology and crystallinity of the particle are recorded using high resolution transmission electron microscopes. The hardness of a single particle is measured using a nanoindenter. The frictional resistance and material removal of a particle are measured using an atomic force microscope. The particles present in the mid-flame region are found to have a crystalline shell. The ones at the flame root are found to be highly disordered and the ones at the flame tip and above have randomly distributed pockets of short range order. The physical state of a particle is found to relate, but not very strongly, with the mechanical and tribological properties of the particles.


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The dynamic interaction between laser-generated tandem bubble and individual polystyrene particles of 2 and 10 μm in diameter is studied in a microfluidic channel (25 μm height) by high-speed imaging and particle image velocimetry. The asymmetric collapse of the tandem bubble produces a pair of microjets and associated long-lasting vortices that can propel a single particle to a maximum velocity of 1.4 m∕s in 30 μs after the bubble collapse with a resultant directional displacement up to 60 μm in 150 μs. This method may be useful for high-throughput cell sorting in microfluidic devices.


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Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most common bacterial pathogen in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Current infection control guidelines aim to prevent transmission via contact and respiratory droplet routes and do not consider the possibility of airborne transmission. We hypothesized that with coughing, CF subjects produce viable, respirable bacterial aerosols. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 15 children and 13 adults with CF, 26 chronically infected with P. aeruginosa. A cough aerosol sampling system enabled fractioning of respiratory particles of different size, and culture of viable Gram negative non-fermentative bacteria. We collected cough aerosols during 5 minutes voluntary coughing and during a sputum induction procedure when tolerated. Standardized quantitative culture and genotyping techniques were used. Results: P. aeruginosa was isolated in cough aerosols of 25 (89%) subjects of whom 22 produced sputum samples. P. aeruginosa from sputum and paired cough aerosols were indistinguishable by molecular typing. In 4 cases the same genotype was isolated from ambient room air. Approximately 70% of viable aerosols collected during voluntary coughing were of particles ≤ 3.3 microns aerodynamic diameter. P. aeruginosa, Burkholderia cenocepacia Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Achromobacter xylosoxidans were cultivated from respiratory particles in this size range. Positive room air samples were associated with high total counts in cough aerosols (P=0.003). The magnitude of cough aerosols were associated with higher FEV1 (r=0.45, P=0.02) and higher quantitative sputum culture results (r=0.58, P=0.008). Conclusion: During coughing, CF patients produce viable aerosols of P. aeruginosa and other Gram negative bacteria of respirable size range, suggesting the potential for airborne transmission.


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Recent studies have detected a dominant accumulation mode (~100 nm) in the Sea Spray Aerosol (SSA) number distribution. There is evidence to suggest that particles in this mode are composed primarily of organics. To investigate this hypothesis we conducted experiments on NaCl, artificial SSA and natural SSA particles with a Volatility-Hygroscopicity-Tandem-Differential-Mobility-Analyser (VH-TDMA). NaCl particles were atomiser generated and a bubble generator was constructed to produce artificial and natural SSA particles. Natural seawater samples for use in the bubble generator were collected from biologically active, terrestrially-affected coastal water in Moreton Bay, Australia. Differences in the VH-TDMA-measured volatility curves of artificial and natural SSA particles were used to investigate and quantify the organic fraction of natural SSA particles. Hygroscopic Growth Factor (HGF) data, also obtained by the VH-TDMA, were used to confirm the conclusions drawn from the volatility data. Both datasets indicated that the organic fraction of our natural SSA particles evaporated in the VH-TDMA over the temperature range 170–200°C. The organic volume fraction for 71–77 nm natural SSA particles was 8±6%. Organic volume fraction did not vary significantly with varying water residence time (40 secs to 24 hrs) in the bubble generator or SSA particle diameter in the range 38–173 nm. At room temperature we measured shape- and Kelvin-corrected HGF at 90% RH of 2.46±0.02 for NaCl, 2.35±0.02 for artifical SSA and 2.26±0.02 for natural SSA particles. Overall, these results suggest that the natural accumulation mode SSA particles produced in these experiments contained only a minor organic fraction, which had little effect on hygroscopic growth. Our measurement of 8±6% is an order of magnitude below two previous measurements of the organic fraction in SSA particles of comparable sizes. We stress that our results were obtained using coastal seawater and they can’t necessarily be applied on a regional or global ocean scale. Nevertheless, considering the order of magnitude discrepancy between this and previous studies, further research with independent measurement techniques and a variety of different seawaters is required to better quantify how much organic material is present in accumulation mode SSA.


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Rapid urbanisation and resulting continuous increase in traffic has been recognised as key factors in the contribution of increased pollutant loads to urban stormwater and in turn to receiving waters. Urbanisation primarily increases anthropogenic activities and the percentage of impervious surfaces in urban areas. These processes are collectively responsible for urban stormwater pollution. In this regard, urban traffic and land use related activities have been recognised as the primary pollutant sources. This is primarily due to the generation of a range of key pollutants such as solids, heavy metals and PAHs. Appropriate treatment system design is the most viable approach to mitigate stormwater pollution. However, limited understanding of the pollutant process and transport pathways constrains effective treatment design. This highlights necessity for the detailed understanding of traffic and other land use related pollutants processes and pathways in relation to urban stormwater pollution. This study has created new knowledge in relation to pollutant processes and transport pathways encompassing atmospheric pollutants, atmospheric deposition and build-up on ground surfaces of traffic generated key pollutants. The research study was primarily based on in-depth experimental investigations. This thesis describes the extensive knowledge created relating to the processes of atmospheric pollutant build-up, atmospheric deposition and road surface build-up and establishing their relationships as a chain of processes. The analysis of atmospheric deposition revealed that both traffic and land use related sources contribute total suspended particulate matter (TSP) to the atmosphere. Traffic sources become dominant during weekdays whereas land use related sources become dominant during weekends due to the reduction in traffic sources. The analysis further concluded that atmospheric TSP, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals (HMs) concentrations are highly influenced by total average daily heavy duty traffic, traffic congestion and the fraction of commercial and industrial land uses. A set of mathematical equation were developed to predict TSP, PAHs and HMs concentrations in the atmosphere based on the influential traffic and land use related parameters. Dry deposition samples were collected for different antecedent dry days and wet deposition samples were collected immediately after rainfall events. The dry deposition was found to increase with the antecedent dry days and consisted of relatively coarser particles (greater than 1.4 ìm) when compared to wet deposition. The wet deposition showed a strong affinity to rainfall depth, but was not related to the antecedent dry period. It was also found that smaller size particles (less than 1.4 ìm) travel much longer distances from the source and deposit mainly with the wet deposition. Pollutants in wet deposition are less sensitive to the source characteristics compared to dry deposition. Atmospheric deposition of HMs is not directly influenced by land use but rather by proximity to high emission sources such as highways. Therefore, it is important to consider atmospheric deposition as a key pollutant source to urban stormwater in the vicinity of these types of sources. Build-up was analysed for five different particle size fractions, namely, <1 ìm, 1-75 ìm, 75-150 ìm, 150-300 ìm and >300 ìm for solids, PAHs and HMs. The outcomes of the study indicated that PAHs and HMs in the <75 ìm size fraction are generated mainly by traffic related activities whereas the > 150 ìm size fraction is generated by both traffic and land use related sources. Atmospheric deposition is an important source for HMs build-up on roads, whereas the contribution of PAHs from atmospheric sources is limited. A comprehensive approach was developed to predict traffic and other land use related pollutants in urban stormwater based on traffic and other land use characteristics. This approach primarily included the development of a set of mathematical equations to predict traffic generated pollutants by linking traffic and land use characteristics to stormwater quality through mathematical modelling. The outcomes of this research will contribute to the design of appropriate treatment systems to safeguard urban receiving water quality for future traffic growth scenarios. The „real world. application of knowledge generated was demonstrated through mathematical modelling of solids in urban stormwater, accounting for the variability in traffic and land use characteristics.