952 resultados para Semi-quantitative Scores


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The use of quantitative methods has become increasingly important in the study of neuropathology and especially in neurodegenerative disease. Disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and the frontotemporal dementias (FTD) are characterized by the formation of discrete, microscopic, pathological lesions which play an important role in pathological diagnosis. This chapter reviews the advantages and limitations of the different methods of quantifying pathological lesions in histological sections including estimates of density, frequency, coverage, and the use of semi-quantitative scores. The sampling strategies by which these quantitative measures can be obtained from histological sections, including plot or quadrat sampling, transect sampling, and point-quarter sampling, are described. In addition, data analysis methods commonly used to analysis quantitative data in neuropathology, including analysis of variance (ANOVA), polynomial curve fitting, multiple regression, classification trees, and principal components analysis (PCA), are discussed. These methods are illustrated with reference to quantitative studies of a variety of neurodegenerative disorders.


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On the mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain of the United States, Paleocene sands and silts are replaced during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) by the kaolinite-rich Marlboro Clay. The clay preserves abundant magnetite produced by magnetotactic bacteria and novel, presumptively eukaryotic, iron-biomineralizing microorganisms. Using ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy and electron microscopy, we map the magnetofossil distribution in the context of stratigraphy and carbon isotope data and identify three magnetic facies in the clay: one characterized by a mix of detrital particles and magnetofossils, a second with a higher magnetofossil-to-detrital ratio, and a third with only transient magnetofossils. The distribution of these facies suggests that suboxic conditions promoting magnetofossil production and preservation occurred throughout inner middle neritic sediments of the Salisbury Embayment but extended only transiently to outer neritic sediments and the flanks of the embayment. Such a distribution is consistent with the development of a system resembling a modern tropical river-dominated shelf.


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As hepatites crônicas por vírus são as mais frequentes, destacando-se os vírus das hepatites B (VHB) e C (VHC). O estudo anatomopatológico da biópsia hepática é considerado o padrão ouro para avaliar com precisão a distorção arquitetural e o grau de fibrose do parênquima do fígado, importantes fatores prognósticos para os pacientes portadores de hepatites crônicas virais. Na avaliação histopatológica atual, em adição aos relatos subjetivos das alterações histológicas, escores semiquantitativos que correlacionam achados morfológicos com graus numéricos são usados, tais como os reconhecidos escores de Ishak e METAVIR. Entretanto, em todos estes sistemas há a desvantagem da subjetividade do examinador e da incorporação de alterações categóricas, sem referências às mudanças quantitativas do colágeno hepático. Técnicas de análise de imagens digitais (AID) que fornecem quantificação objetiva dos graus de fibrose em amostras histológicas têm sido desenvolvidas. Todavia, o alto custo e dificuldade ao acesso das tecnologias descritas restringem seu uso a poucos centros especializados. Este estudo visa o desenvolvimento de uma técnica de custo acessível para a análise de imagens digitais da fibrose hepática em hepatites crônicas virais. Foram estudadas 304 biópsias de pacientes com hepatite crônica por vírus B e C, obtidas através de agulhas Menghini. Todas as amostras tinham pelo menos 15 mm de comprimento ou cinco espaços-porta completos e foram coradas pelo método Tricrômico de Masson. O estadiamento foi feito por um único hepatopatologista experiente, sem o conhecimento dos dados clínicos dos pacientes. Os escores de Ishak e METAVIR foram aplicados. As imagens microscópicas foram digitalizadas. Os índices de fibrose foram determinados de forma automatizada, em técnica desenvolvida no programa Adobe Photoshop. Para o escore de Ishak, observamos os seguintes índices de Fibrose (IF) médios: 0,8% 0,0 (estágio 0), 2.4% 0,6 (estágio 1), 4,7% 1,6 (estágio 2), 7,4% 1,4 (estágio 3), 14,9% 3,7 (estágio 4), 23,4% 2,9 (estágio 5) e 34,5% 1,5 (estágio 6). Para a classificação METAVIR: 0,8% 0,1 (estágio F0), 3,8% 1,8 (estágio F1), 7,4% 1,4 (estágio F2), 20,4% 5,2 (estágio F3) e 34,5% 1,5 (estágio F4). Observamos uma excelente correlação entre os índices de fibrose da AID e os escores de Ishak (r=0,94; p<0,001) e METAVIR (r=0,92; p<0,001). Em relação à indicação de tratamento antiviral, foi observado IF médio de 16,4%. Em relação ao diagnóstico de cirrose, foi observado IF médio de 26,9%, para o escore de Ishak, e 34,5% para a classificação METAVIR. A reprodutibilidade intra-observador foi excelente. Este novo método de análise de imagens digitais para a quantificação de fibrose hepática tem custo acessível e foi desenvolvido com tecnologia que está disponível em todo o mundo, permitindo identificar com precisão todos os estágios de fibrose, com excelente reprodutibilidade intra-observador.


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High-resolution quantitative computed tomography (HRQCT)-based analysis of spinal bone density and microstructure, finite element analysis (FEA), and DXA were used to investigate the vertebral bone status of men with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO). DXA of L1–L3 and total hip, QCT of L1–L3, and HRQCT of T12 were available for 73 men (54.6±14.0years) with GIO. Prevalent vertebral fracture status was evaluated on radiographs using a semi-quantitative (SQ) score (normal=0 to severe fracture=3), and the spinal deformity index (SDI) score (sum of SQ scores of T4 to L4 vertebrae). Thirty-one (42.4%) subjects had prevalent vertebral fractures. Cortical BMD (Ct.BMD) and thickness (Ct.Th), trabecular BMD (Tb.BMD), apparent trabecular bone volume fraction (app.BV/TV), and apparent trabecular separation (app.Tb.Sp) were analyzed by HRQCT. Stiffness and strength of T12 were computed by HRQCT-based nonlinear FEA for axial compression, anterior bending and axial torsion. In logistic regressions adjusted for age, glucocorticoid dose and osteoporosis treatment, Tb.BMD was most closely associated with vertebral fracture status (standardized odds ratio [sOR]: Tb.BMD T12: 4.05 [95% CI: 1.8–9.0], Tb.BMD L1–L3: 3.95 [1.8–8.9]). Strength divided by cross-sectional area for axial compression showed the most significant association with spine fracture status among FEA variables (2.56 [1.29–5.07]). SDI was best predicted by a microstructural model using Ct.Th and app.Tb.Sp (r2=0.57, p<0.001). Spinal or hip DXA measurements did not show significant associations with fracture status or severity. In this cross-sectional study of males with GIO, QCT, HRQCT-based measurements and FEA variables were superior to DXA in discriminating between patients of differing prevalent vertebral fracture status. A microstructural model combining aspects of cortical and trabecular bone reflected fracture severity most accurately.


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Background and aim: Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and diet have been involved as significant factors towards the prevention of cardio-metabolic diseases. This study aimed to assess the impact of the combined associations of CRF and adherence to the Southern European Atlantic Diet (SEADiet) on the clustering of metabolic risk factors in adolescents. Methods and Results: A cross-sectional school-based study was conducted on 468 adolescents aged 15-18, from the Azorean Islands, Portugal. We measured fasting glucose, insulin, total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, waits circumference and height. HOMA, TC/HDL-C ratio and waist-to-height ratio were calculated. For each of these variables, a Z-score was computed by age and sex. A metabolic risk score (MRS) was constructed by summing the Z scores of all individual risk factors. High risk was considered when the individual had 1SD of this score. CRF was measured with the 20 m-Shuttle-Run- Test. Adherence to SEADiet was assessed with a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Logistic regression showed that, after adjusting for potential confounders, unfit adolescents with low adherence to SEADiet had the highest odds of having MRS (OR Z 9.4; 95%CI:2.6e33.3) followed by the unfit ones with high adherence to the SEADiet (OR Z 6.6; 95% CI: 1.9e22.5) when compared to those who were fit and had higher adherence to SEADiet.


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Plusieurs conditions allergiques, dont certains phénotypes d’asthme et le souffle équin, sont caractérisées par une infiltration neutrophilique. L’interleukine-4 (IL-4), une cytokine clé de la réponse allergique, pourrait contribuer au recrutement de ces cellules inflammatoires lors de ces pathologies. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer si l’administration sous-cutanée d’IL-4 chez des chevaux sains favorise une réponse neutrophilique locale. Trois études ont été réalisées pour 1) évaluer l’effet de concentrations cytokiniques différentes (10 ng, 250 ng et 500 ng) et 2) évaluer l’effet de la durée d'incubation (3 h, 6 h, 12 h, 48 h et 7 jours) sur le recrutement des neutrophiles chez 18 chevaux sains. Le matrigel, une matrice protéique solubilisée, a servi de véhicule pour l’administration des cytokines. Un grade histologique semi-quantitatif a été élaboré pour évaluer la neutrophilie tissulaire pour toutes les études, mais nous avons, en outre, ajouté une analyse par cytométrie de flux dans la troisième étude pour valider les grades histologiques. Nos résultats démontrent que 1) l'IL-4 ne parvient pas à induire une migration neutrophilique significative dans les tissus sous-cutanés de chevaux sains ; 2) la cytométrie de flux s’est révélée être une méthode plus fiable pour estimer la migration des neutrophiles en comparaison avec l'analyse moins sensible des scores histologiques. Nous avons de plus observé que 3) le matrigel entraîne une réaction inflammatoire potentiellement de nature immunogène chez les chevaux. Cette étude est la première incorporant le matrigel et IL-4 dans un protocole in vivo impliquant des chevaux. Ces données suggèrent que l’IL-4 seule ne permet pas le recrutement sous-cutané de neutrophiles chez des chevaux sains.


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Children of low socioeconomic position (SEP) generally have poorer diets than children of high SEP. However there is no consensus on which SEP variable is most indicative of SEP differences in children’s diets. This study investigated associations between diet and various SEP indicators among children aged 9–13 years.

Families (n = 625) were recruited from 27 Adelaide primary schools in 2010. Children completed semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires providing intake scores for fruit, vegetables, non-core foods, sweetened drinks, and healthy and unhealthy eating behaviours. Parents reported demographic information by telephone interview. Differences in dietary intake scores were compared across parental education, income, occupation, employment status and home postcode.

Across most SEP indicators, lower SEP was associated with poorer dietary outcomes, including higher intake of non-core foods and sweetened drinks, and more unhealthy behaviours; and lower intake of fruit and vegetables, and fewer healthy behaviours. The number and type of significant SEP-diet associations differed across SEP indicators and dietary outcomes. Mother’s education appeared most frequently as a predictor of children’s dietary intake, and postcode was the least frequent predictor of children’s dietary intake.

Socioeconomic gradients in children’s dietary intake varied according to the SEP indicator used, suggesting indicator-specific pathways of influence on children’s dietary intake. Researchers should consider multiple indicators when defining SEP in relation to children’s eating.


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Objective: To assess the behavior of the immunoexpression of protein p53 in Reinke's edema and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Study design: retrospective. Methods: we recovered the histological paraffin blocks of patients who were subjected to Reinke's edema and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma surgery in 2000-2011. The paraffin blocks were cut into 3-μm sections; the specimens were prepared in silanized slides (one slide for each paraffin block) and subjected to immunohistochemical reaction according to the Avidin Biotin Peroxidase method. Monoclonal primary anti-p53 antibodies were used at 1:50 dilution. Slides were examined under a light microscope at different magnitudes and results were interpreted based on the degree of brown staining in the nuclei of epithelial cells and in the extent of the fragment by using a semi-quantitative score from 0 to 3. Results: 67 slides of Reinke's edema and 60 slides of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma were included. Scores 2 and 3 for staining of the nuclei of epithelial cells were recorded for 46 slides of Reinke's edema (68.65%) and for 57 slides of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (95%). As to the extent of the fragment, scores 2 and 3 were recorded for 74% slides of Reinke's edema and for 95% slides of carcinomas. Conclusion: the positive immunoexpression for protein p53, positive in 95% carcinomas and 74% Reinke's edemas, makes us aware of the possible preneoplastic condition of the latter lesion. Further studies are needed to identify and reveal the genetic changes that lead to these results. © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)