946 resultados para Quality of Care


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The purpose of this study was to collect information on the practice of end-of-life (EOL) care in long-term care (LTC) facilities in the Province of Ontario, Canada. A cross-sectional survey of directors of care in all licensed LTC facilities in the province was conducted between September 2003 and April 2004. Directors of care from 426 (76% response rate) facilities completed the postal survey questionnaire. The survey results identified communication problems between service providers and families, inadequate staffing levels to provide quality care to dying residents, and the need for training to improve staff skills in providing EOL care. Directors of care endorsed the use of a number of strategies that would improve the care of dying residents. Logistic regression analysis identified the eight most important items predictive of facility staff having the ability to provide quality EOL care. The findings contribute to the current discussion on policies for meeting the care needs of residents in LTC facilities until life's end. © 2006 Centre for Bioethics, IRCM.


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Quality of care is an important aspect of healthcare monitoring, which is used to ensure that the healthcare system is delivering care of the highest standard. With populations growing older there is an increased urgency in making sure that the healthcare delivered is of the highest standard. Healthcare providers are under increased pressure to ensure that this is the case with public and government demand expecting a healthcare system of the highest quality. Modelling quality of care is difficult to measure due to the many ways of defining it. This paper introduces a potential model which could be used to take quality of care into account when modelling length of stay. The Coxian phase-type distribution is used to model length of stay and the associated quality of care incorporated into the Coxian using a Hidden Markov model. Covariates are also introduced to determine their impact on the hidden level to find out what potentially can affect quality of care. This model is applied to geriatic patient data from the Lombardy region of Italy. The results obtained highlighted that bed numbers and the type of hospital (public or private) can have an effect on the quality of care delivered.


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This research evaluates the effect of combined care nursing on three outcomes: i) patient satisfaction; ii) staff satisfaction; and iii) quality of care. Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital was in the early planning stages of changing to combined care nursing from the traditional method of providing separate postpartum and nursery care to mothers and babies. The opportunity existed to evaluate formally the change to combined care. There were three hypotheses to be investigated. Data were collected from four sources: patient surveys, staff surveys, informal interviews, and internal hospital documents. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed. The surveys were administered on three different occasions to patients and staff. Other sources of data included informal interviews with patients and staff who responded to the surveys, and chart audits.The study findings revealed that the majority of respondents had increased levels of satisfaction and perceptions of increased quality of care following implementation of combined care. These findings, related to combined care and the role of change in its implementation and evaluation, indicate that there are no right or easy answers about how to make new ideas become reality in a smooth, pleasant way.


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Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons les résultats d’un projet de recherche visant à mesurer et évaluer la qualité des soins obstétricaux des hôpitaux de référence au Mali et au Sénégal. Dans ces pays, la mortalité maternelle hospitalière est élevée et est liée en partie à la pratique médicale inadéquate. Cette recherche a été réalisée dans le cadre de l’étude QUARITE, un essai randomisé en grappe évaluant l’efficacité du programme GESTA International visant à réduire la mortalité maternelle hospitalière. GESTA a été mis en œuvre entre 2008 et 2010 et consistait en la formation des professionnels de santé et en la revue des cas de décès maternels. En parallèle de QUARITE, les programmes de prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant (PTME) ont été mis à l’échelle à travers les pays. Ces derniers ayant également la capacité d’augmenter la qualité des soins obstétricaux, nous avons donc évalué les effets des deux programmes (GESTA et PTME) sur la qualité des soins. Dans un premier temps, à l’aide d’une recension des écrits nous avons évalué la capacité d’un audit clinique basé sur des critères à mesurer la qualité des soins obstétricaux. Cet audit vérifiait si l’offre des soins avait respecté les critères cliniques définissant la meilleure prise en charge selon l’évidence scientifique et l’avis des experts. Nous avons démontré que cet outil est largement utilisé dans les pays à faibles et moyens revenus, malgré le peu d’évidence sur sa validité (article 1). Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons développé un audit clinique basé sur des critères qui s’applique au contexte ouest-africain et qui a été approuvé par des experts-obstétriciens nationaux et internationaux. À partir des dossiers obstétricaux, les actes médicaux posés pendant le travail et l’accouchement ont été évalués à l‘aide de cet instrument. La qualité des soins a été estimée sous forme de pourcentage de critères atteints. Appliqué dans différents contextes et par différents auditeurs, nous avons démontré que notre instrument est fiable et valide (article 3). Néanmoins, l’expérience de l’audit nous a amenés à nous questionner sur le mauvais remplissage des dossiers médicaux et ses conséquences sur la qualité des soins (article 2). Dans un troisième temps, l’outil a été appliqué à large échelle pour évaluer les effets de l’intervention GESTA (article 4). Nous avons mené une révision de plus de 800 dossiers obstétricaux dans 32 hôpitaux de référence (16 bénéficiaires de l’intervention et 16 non-bénéficiaires). Grâce à cet audit clinique, nous avons démontré que le programme GESTA contribue à l’amélioration de la qualité des soins, spécifiquement l’examen clinique lors de l’admission et le suivi après l’accouchement. Dernièrement, nous avons utilisé cet instrument afin d’évaluer les effets des programmes de PTME sur la qualité des soins obstétricaux (article 5). Notre travail a documenté que seulement certaines composantes du programme de PTME améliorent la qualité des soins telles que la formation des professionnels et les services complémentaires en nutrition. En conclusion, cette recherche a identifié plusieurs pistes d’intervention pour améliorer la qualité des soins obstétricaux en Afrique de l’Ouest.


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Dans les services de première ligne, la majorité des personnes atteintes de dépression souffrent également d’autres maladies chroniques comorbides. Offrir des soins de haute qualité à ces patients représente un défi important pour les intervenants en première ligne ainsi que pour le système de santé. Il y a des raisons de croire que les contextes organisationnels dans lesquels les intervenants pratiquent ont une influence importante sur les soins. Cependant, peu d’études ont examiné directement la façon dont les caractéristiques des cliniques facilitent ou entravent les soins offerts aux patients atteints de dépression et de différents types de maladies chroniques comorbides. L’objectif général de ce projet de recherche était donc de mieux comprendre comment différentes caractéristiques des cliniques de première ligne influencent la qualité des soins pour la dépression chez des patients ayant différents profils de comorbidité. La thèse comporte deux études. Tout d'abord, nous avons effectué une revue systématique examinant les relations entre la comorbidité physique chronique et la qualité des soins pour la dépression dans les services de première ligne afin de clarifier la nature de ces relations et d’identifier les facteurs qui pourraient influer sur ces relations. Ensuite, nous avons effectué une étude aux méthodes mixtes ayant deux volets : (a) un volet quantitatif examinant les relations entre la qualité des soins pour la dépression, les profils de comorbidité des patients, et les caractéristiques des cliniques de première ligne par le biais d’analyses de régression multiniveaux de données issues de deux enquêtes, et (b) un volet qualitatif basé sur une étude de cas explorant les perceptions des professionnels des services de première ligne sur les facteurs organisationnels pouvant influencer la qualité des soins offerts aux patients souffrant de dépression et d’autres maladies chroniques comorbides. Les résultats de ces études ont montré que, bien que la qualité des soins de la dépression en soins primaires soit sous-optimale, certains sous-groupes de patients dépressifs sont plus à risque que d’autres de recevoir des soins pour la dépression inadéquats, notamment des patients ayant uniquement des comorbidités chroniques physiques. Cependant, plusieurs caractéristiques des cliniques de première ligne semblent faciliter l’offre de soins de qualité aux patients atteints de dépression et de maladies chroniques comorbides : les normes et les valeurs liées au travail d'équipe et le soutien mutuel, l'accès au soutien des professionnels ayant une expertise en santé mentale, l’utilisation des algorithmes de traitement et d’autres outils d’aide à la décision pour la dépression, et l’absence d’obstacles liés aux modèles de rémunération inadéquats. Une des façons dont ces caractéristiques favorisent la qualité est en facilitant la circulation des connaissances dans les cliniques de première ligne. Nos résultats suggèrent que des interventions organisationnelles ciblées sont nécessaires pour améliorer la qualité des soins pour la dépression que reçoivent les patients ayant des maladies chroniques comorbides. Ces interventions peuvent viser différents domaines organisationnels (ex : caractéristiques structurelles/stratégiques, sociales, technologies et épistémiques) mais doivent aussi prendre en compte comment les éléments de chaque domaine interagissent et comment ils pourraient influencer les soins pour des patients ayant des profils de comorbidité différents.


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Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to gain a deeper understanding of older people's view of health and care while dependent on community care. Furthermore to describe and compare formal caregivers' perceptions of quality of care, working conditions, competence, general health, and factors associated with quality of care from the caregivers' perspective. Method: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 19 older people in community care who were asked to describe what health and ill health((I), good and bad care meant for them (II). Data were analyzed using content analysis (I) and a phenomenological analysis (II). The formal caregivers; 70 nursing assistants (NAs) 163 enrolled nurses (ENs) and 198 registered nurses (RNs), answered a questionnaire consisting of five instruments: quality of care from the patient's perspective modified to formal caregivers, creative climate questionnaire, stress of conscience, health index, sense of coherence and items on education and competence (III). Statistical analyses were performed containing descriptive statistics, and comparisons between the occupational groups were made using Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U-test and Pearson's Chi-square test (III). Pearson's  product moment correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed studying the associations between organizational climate, stress of conscience, competence, general health and sense of coherence with quality of care (IV). Results: The older people's health and well-being were related to their own ability to adapt to and compensate for their disabilities and was described as negative and positive poles of autonomy vs. dependence, togetherness vs. being an onlooker, security vs. insecurity and tranquility vs. disturbance (I).  The meaning of good care (II) was that the formal caregivers respected the older people as unique individuals, having the opportunity to live their lives as usual and receiving a safe and secure care. Good care could be experienced when the formal caregivers had adequate knowledge and competence in caring for older people, adequate time and continuity in the care organization (II). Formal caregivers reported higher perceived quality of care in the dimensions medical-technical competence and physical-technical conditions than in identity-oriented approach and socio-cultural atmosphere (III). In the organizational climate three of the dimensions were close to the value of a creative climate and in seven near a stagnant climate. The formal caregivers reported low rate of stress of conscience. The RNs reported to a higher degree than the NAs/ENs a need to gain more knowledge, but the NAs and the ENs more often received training during working hours. The RNs reported lower emotional well-being than the NAs/ENs (III). The formal caregivers' occupation, organizational climate and stress of conscience were associated with perceived quality of care (IV). Implications: The formal caregivers should have an awareness of the importance of kindness and respect, supporting the older people to retain control over their lives. The nursing managers should employ highly competent and adequate numbers of skilled formal caregivers, organize formal caregivers having round the clock continuity. Improvements of organizational climate and stress of conscience are of importance for good quality of care.


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Little is known about relationships between quality of care (QoC) and use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among patients with lung cancer (LC). Purpose: This study examines CAM-use among patients with LC in Sweden, associations between QoC and CAM-use among these patients, and reported aspects of LC-care perceived as particularly positive and negative by patients, as well as suggestions for improving QoC. Methods: Survey data from 94 patient members of the Swedish LC patient organization about CAM-use and QoC as measured by the instrument “Quality from the patient’s perspective” were analyzed. Results: Fifty (53%) LC-patients used CAM, with 40 of the CAM-users reporting that CAM helped them. The most common CAMs used were dietary supplements and natural remedies, followed by prayer. Significantly more patients reported using prayer and meditation for cure than was the case for other types of CAM used. Less than half the CAM-users reported having spoken with staff from the biomedical health care system about their CAM-use. Patients provided numerous suggestions for improving LC-care in a variety of areas, aiming at a more effective and cohesive care trajectory. No differences in QoC were found between CAM-users and non-CAM-users, but differences in CAM-use i.e. type of CAM, reasons for using CAM, and CAM-provider consulted could be associated with different experiences of care. Conclusions: It is important to recognize that CAM-users are not a homogeneous group but might seek different types of CAMs and CAM-providers in different situations depending on experiences of care.


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Background: Despite the growing number of studies concerning quality of care for older people, there is a lack of studies depicting factors associated with good quality of care from the formal caregivers' perspective. The aim was to describe formal caregivers' perceptions of quality of care for older people in the community and explore factors associated with these perceptions. In total, 70 nursing assistants, 163 enrolled nurses and 198 registered nurses from 14 communities in central Sweden participated in the study. They filled out the following questionnaires: a modified version of Quality from the Patient's Perspective, Creative Climate Questionnaire, Stress of Conscience Questionnaire, items regarding education and competence, Health Index and Sense of coherence questionnaire. The overall response rate was 57 % (n = 431). Results: In the perceived reality of quality of care respondents assessed the highest mean value in the dimension medical-technical competence and physical technical conditions and lower values in the dimensions; identity-oriented approach, socio-cultural atmosphere and in the context specific dimension. The caregivers estimated their competence and health rather high, had lower average values in sense of coherence and organizational climate and low values in stress of conscience. Conculsions: The PR of quality of care were estimated higher among NA/ENs compared to RNs. Occupation, organizational climate and stress of conscience were factors associated with quality of care that explained 42 % of the variance. Competence, general health and sense of coherence were not significantly associated to quality of care. The mentioned factors explaining quality of care might be intertwined and showed that formal caregivers' working conditions are of great importance for quality of care.


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BACKGROUND: With a pending need to identify potential means to improved quality of care, national quality registries (NQRs) are identified as a promising route. Yet, there is limited evidence with regards to what hinders and facilitates the NQR innovation, what signifies the contexts in which NQRs are applied and drive quality improvement. Supposedly, barriers and facilitators to NQR-driven quality improvement may be found in the healthcare context, in the politico-administrative context, as well as with an NQR itself. In this study, we investigated the potential variation with regards to if and how an NQR was applied by decision-makers and users in regions and clinical settings. The aim was to depict the interplay between the clinical and the politico-administrative tiers in the use of NQRs to develop quality of care, examining an established registry on stroke care as a case study. METHODS: We interviewed 44 individuals representing the clinical and the politico-administrative settings of 4 out of 21 regions strategically chosen for including stroke units representing a variety of outcomes in the NQR on stroke (Riksstroke) and a variety of settings. The transcribed interviews were analysed by applying The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). RESULTS: In two regions, decision-makers and/or administrators had initiated healthcare process projects for stroke, engaging the health professionals in the local stroke units who contributed with, for example, local data from Riksstroke. The Riksstroke data was used for identifying improvement issues, for setting goals, and asserting that the stroke units achieved an equivalent standard of care and a certain level of quality of stroke care. Meanwhile, one region had more recently initiated such a project and the fourth region had no similar collaboration across tiers. Apart from these projects, there was limited joint communication across tiers and none that included all individuals and functions engaged in quality improvement with regards to stroke care. CONCLUSIONS: If NQRs are to provide for quality improvement and learning opportunities, advances must be made in the links between the structures and processes across all organisational tiers, including decision-makers, administrators and health professionals engaged in a particular healthcare process.


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The aim of the study was to investigate the management of women with benign breast problems. A consecutive sample of women (n = 194) was assessed who presented to public or private sector providers. The main reasons for referral were breast lumps (62%); 56% of women who attended the public sector did not receive any recommendation compared to 40% who attended the private sector and clinical/general practitioner reviews were recommended to more women in the private sector (54%). Reasons for the discrepancy between public and private patients require further investigation. (Intern Med J 2005; 35: 357–358)


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While the demand for continuing care services in Canada grows, the quality of such services has come under increasing scrutiny. Consideration has been given to the use of public reporting of quality data as a mechanism to stimulate quality improvement and promote public accountability for and transparency in service quality. The recent adoption of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) throughout a number of Canadian jurisdictions means that standardized quality data are available for comparisons among facilities across regions, provinces and nationally. In this paper, we explore current knowledge on public reporting in nursing homes in the United States to identify what lessons may inform policy discussion regarding potential use of public reporting in Canada. Based on these findings, we make recommendations regarding how public reporting should be progressed and managed if Canadian jurisdictions were to implement this strategy.


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Australian Health Ministers have endorsed the hospital standardised mortality ratio (HSMR) as a key indicator of quality and safety, and efforts are currently underway towards its national implementation. In the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands and the United States, the HSMR has been used for several years within organisations to monitor performance and response to various quality and safety programs. In the UK and Canada, the HSMR is also publicly reported and used to compare performance between hospitals. The validity and reliability of the HSMR as a screening tool for distinguishing low-quality from high-quality hospitals remain in doubt, and it has not yet been proven that HSMR reporting necessarily leads to worthwhile improvement in quality of care and patient outcomes.