988 resultados para Hiperglicemia diária


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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La matemática bien planteada ha de ser un buen instrumento 'unas gafas invisibles y multiuso' para interpretar y gozar de varios aspectos de la realidad. Se han de ir construyendo con cuidado y constancia. El artículo comenta y ejemplifica éste punto de vista para que el desarrollo del currículum de matemáticas sea considerado desde esta nueva perspectiva.


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Crédito para educación secundaria obligatoria 12-16 años para el área de ciencias experimentales en el que se pretende que el alumno se familiarice con los principios básicos de la física y los relacione con los fenómenos cotidianos. Se usa una metodología activa-experimental y se desarrollan los siguientes temas: Transferencia de energía y cambios. Energía y máquinas. Energía y calor. y Energía y ondas. Se sugieren 28 actividades de aprendizaje y 6 actividades de evaluación. Se ofrecen orientaciones didácticas para el profesor.


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Aquest treball és fruit d'un acostament continu a la realitat concreta del treball a l'aula, col·locant-nos en el punt de vista de l'alumne. La pregunta: com podem facilitar que aprenguin els alumnes? ens va portar al model d'aprenentatge que es propugna a la nostra legislació educativa: construir i compartir els coneixements, aprendre significativament, contextualitzar l'aprenentatge, aprendre a aprendre, ensenyar a pensar... Aquestes són idees sobre el significat de les quals hem reflexionat al llarg de les nostres experiències amb els alumnes. Aquest procés de reflexió-acció ens ha permès sintetitzar en aquest escrit com fem servir la tècnica de l'aprenentatge cooperatiu per organitzar l'aula i els mapes conceptuals com a tècnica cognitiva per aprendre.


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Os aminoglicosídeos permanecem sendo um dos principais antibióticos no tratamento de infecções causadas por bactérias gram-negativas, apesar do surgimento de novos antibióticos. Na Unidade de Endoscopia Digestiva do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre os aminoglicosídeos, combinados com antibióticos ß-lactâmicos, têm sido utilizados no tratamento de infecções das vias biliares e como antibiótico profilático em procedimento como a colangiopancreatografia endoscópica retrógrada. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a eficácia terapêutica da dose única total diária com dose fracionada diária de gentamicina no tratamento da infecção das vias biliares, baseando-se na concentração biliar de gentamicina obtida nesses dois regimes terapêuticos e sua relação com a concentração inibitória mínima das principais bactérias isoladas na bile de pacientes com infecção do trato biliar. Os pacientes selecionados foram randomizados para tratamento com gentamicina na dose de 4mg/kg de peso por meio intravenoso sendo divididos em 2 grupos: grupo 1 recebeu dose única diária dividida em 3 horários (8 / 8 horas) e o grupo 2 recebeu o fármaco como dose única total diária. Os resultados do estudo evidenciaram que os níveis biliares de gentamicina nos pacientes tratados com dose única diária de gentamicina (grupo 2) ultrapassaram de 3 a 6 vezes as concentrações inibitórias mínimas das bactérias gram-negativas isoladas, enquanto que os níveis de gentamicina à nível biliar nos pacientes tratados com dose fracionada de gentamicina (grupo 1) conseguiram igualar ou ultrapassar no máximo e 3 vezes, dependendo da bactéria gram-negativa testada, as concentrações inibitórias. Além disto, os níveis biliares de gentamicina dos pacientes tratados com dose única diária permaneceram por intervalo superior a 14 horas acima das concentrações inibitórias mínimas destas bactérias, reforçando ainda mais o efeito pós-antibiótico obtido no intervalo de tempo onde não são detectados mais níveis de gentamicina na bile. Baseado nos efeitos bactericida dependente da concentração e efeito pós-antibiótico dos aminoglicosídeos,os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a dosagem única diária de gentamicina apresenta maior eficácia terapêutica que a dosagem fracionada diária no tratamento da infecção das vias biliares.


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O agronegócio da soja, caracterizado como investimento em atividade produtiva, envolve problemas de incertezas com o comprometimento definitivo de recursos, com a impossibilidade de reverter decisões tomadas e, também, com o esforço de prever a renda a ser obtida com a colheita. A questão relevante para o sojicultor é como avaliar o rendimento esperado de grãos em um contexto de incertezas, base para o cômputo da taxa de retorno do investimento na produção de soja. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer uma metodologia que associa um modelo estocástico de precipitação a um modelo de predição do rendimento da cultura de grãos de modo a permitir a atribuição de probabilidades aos rendimentos esperados de soja. Foram utilizados dados meteorológicos diários referentes à precipitação pluvial, temperatura máxima, mínima e média do ar, umidade relativa do ar, radiação solar global e velocidade do vento a 2 metros, bem como o rendimento de soja de Cruz Alta(RS) do período 1/1/1975-31/12/1997 A precipitação pluvial diária foi ajustada à cadeia de Markov de primeira ordem e dois estados e na função gama com variação sazonal para os meses de outubro a abril. Os resultados indicaram que a metodologia associando a geração de séries de precipitação pluvial, evapotranspiração da soja e evapotranspiração real, aplicadas como variáveis de entrada no modelo de predição do rendimento de grãos, possibilitou a definição da densidade de probabilidade do rendimento esperado de soja e, por conseguinte, a quantificação do risco na forma da distribuição de probabilidade acumulada do rendimento. O risco de ocorrência de um valor de rendimento de soja, menor que um valor mínimo de aceitação, quantiifcado pela sua distribuição de probabilidade acumulada, fundamentada em um fenômeno da natureza - a precipitação pluvial - que não depende da vontade humana. A obtenção do rendimento desejado envolve um processo que depende de organização, isto é, depende de fatores subjetivos, de decisões e escolhas. Enfim, um processo que comporta alternativas e depende de iniciativas humanas.


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Trata do problema da imprecisão nas definições de diária hospitalar e de taxa de sala cirúrgica praticadas pelos hospitais no Brasil. Aponta a necessidade de se definir, uniforme e interinstitucionalmente, tais termos, em razão de aspectos administrativos, econômicos e jurídicos. Infere a possibilidade de melhoria da competitividade e da eficiência no setor saúde


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Since 2006, the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) calculates a daily version of the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA), the official inflation index, calculated under the responsibility of the IBGE, the federal statistics agency in Brazil. Ardeo et. al. (2013) showed the importance of this indicator and how this daily information can be useful to a country that had high level of inflation. Despite the fact that this measure is a fair antecedent variable for inflation, due to some peculiarities concerning the collection period, the initial daily rating may not anticipate some effects, such as seasonal factors and the increase in prices controlled by the Brazilian Government. Hence, by taking into account the Monitor´s daily time series, this paper intends to forecast the IPCA for the first six days of data collection. The results showed up that the proposal technic improved the IPCA forecast in the beginning of data collection.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objectives: To study the relationship between the level of physical activity in daily life and disease severity assessed by the BODE index in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: Sixty-seven patients with COPD (36 men) with forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV(1)) of 39 (27-47)% predicted and age of 66 (61-72) years old were evaluated by spirometry, dyspnea levels (measured by the Medical Research Council scale, MRC) and by the 6-minute walking test (6MWT). The BODE index was calculated based on the body mass index (weight/height(2)), FEV(1), MRC and 6MWT, and then the patients were divided in four quartiles according to their scores (Quartile I: 0 to 2 points, n=15; Quartile II: 3 to 4 points, n=20; Quartile III: 5 to 6 points, n=23; Quartile IV: 7 to 10 points, n=9). Two activity monitors (DynaPort (R) and SenseWear (R)) were used to evaluate the level of physical activity in daily life. The Kruskal-Wallis test (Dunns's post-hoc test), the Mann-Whitney test and the Spearman Correlation Coefficient were used for statistical analysis. Results: There were modest correlation between the BODE index and the time spent walking per day, the total daily energy expenditure and the time spent in moderate and vigorous activities per day (-0.32 <= r <=- 0.47; p <= 0.01 for all variables). When comparing the pooled quartiles I+II with III+IV, there were significant difference between the time spent walking per day, the total daily energy expenditure and the time spent in moderate activities per day (p <= 0.05). Conclusion: The level of physical activity in daily life has a modest correlation with the classification of COPD severity assessed by the BODE index, reflecting only differences between patients with classified as mild-moderate and severe-very severe COPD.


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The knowledge of Anastrepha zenildae behavioral aspects combined with the biology of Tephritidae may contribute to monitoring and control programs of this fruit fly that is considered as economically important to the Rio Grande do Norte state. In order to characterize the daily activity profile of this species, we studied the behaviors of resting, locomotion, feeding, cleaning, courtship, copulation and oviposition of animals submitted to an artificial 12:12h light-dark cycle (750:1lux) with controlled temperature (26±2 °C). The observations were made with groups of 16 males and 16 females during 3 consecutive days each generation from parental to F5. Resting, locomotion, feeding and cleaning data were recorded as frequency and time of occurrence by scanning technique in 15 minutes windows per hour, with a record each minute. Courtship, copulation and oviposition were recorded as frequency, time of occurrence and duration by al occurrences technique. Resting was the most frequent behavior with males resting more than females. Locomotion was more evident in the first half of the ligh phase with higher values in females. Cleaning and feeding behaviors were more frequent in the second half of the light phase for both sexes with females eating more frequently than males. During the courtship, males were grouped in lek formations showing wings vibration and pheromone liberation. Courtship occurred more frequently 4 to 7 h after lights on (81,9%) with copulations being more frequent 6 h after lights on with a mean duration of 58,1±40,4 min. Copulation attempts were observed in males inside and outside the lek with aggressive behavior being observed only between males in the lek. Oviposition behavior was similar to that described for other species of the genus with a peak of this activity 2-3 h after the lights on, mean duration of 43, 7±34, 8 sec and 2 to 5 eggs by event. According to the results, sexual behavior of A. zenildae is temporally different of other sympatric species of the genus, being favorable to the reproductive isolation as well as the use of resources as oviposition substrate.


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The temporal allocation of the active phase in relation to light and dark cycle (LD) changes during puberty in humans, degus, rats and rhesus. In marmosets, the animal model used in several biomedical researches, there is evidence of a delay at the beginning of the active phase and an increase in total daily activity after onset of puberty. However, as this aspect was evaluated in animals maintained in natural environmental conditions, it was not possible to distinguish between the effects of puberty and of seasonality. Furthermore, as motor activity is the result of different behaviors in this species, it is also important to characterize the diurnal distribution of other behaviors in juvenile stage. With the aim of characterizing the circadian rhythm of motor activity and the diurnal profile of affiliative behavior in marmosets, the motor activity of 5 dyads juveniles between 4 and 12 months of age and their parents was recorded continuously for actímetro. The families were maintained under artificial LD 12:12 h, constant temperature and humidity. The duration of grooming behavior, proximity and social play among juveniles was recorded 2 times a week in sessions of 15 minutes each hour of the active phase. Afetr onset of puberty in juvenile, it was observed that there was no change in the parameters of circadian motor activity rhythm which were common to most animals. Despite the absence of pubertal modulation, it was observed that the circadian activity profiles have stronger synchrony between individuals of the same family than that of different families, which may indicate that the circadian activity rhythm was modulated by the dynamics of social interactions. In relation to age, the total daily activity and the ratio between evening and morning activity (EA/MA) were higher in juveniles than in adults, which may be associated with differences in the circadian timing system between age groups. Furthermore, the onset of the 10 consecutive hours of higher activity (M10) occurred earlier in adult males than in other members of the group, probably as a way to avoid competition for resources in one of the first activities of the day that is foraging. During the juvenile stage, there was an increase in total daily activity that may be associated with increased motor ability of juveniles. In addition to the circadian activity rhythm, the daytime profile of proximity and social play behaviors was similar between the 5th and 12th month of life of juveniles, in which the interval between 7- 10 h in the morning showed the highest values of proximity and lower values of play social. Moreover, the duration of the grooming showed a similar distribution to adults from the 8th month, wherein the higher values occurring at the interval between 11 14 h of day. Considering the results, the parameters of the circadian activity rhythm had a greater influence of social factors than puberty. In relation to age, there were no changes related to the allocation of the active phase in relation to the LD cycle, but total daily activity, the ratio AV/AM and the start of the M10 is possible to observe differences between juveniles and adults