87 resultados para Devastation


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Esta pesquisa faz uma reflexão sobre a incidência do feminino e o gozo que lhe é próprio, na clínica psicanalítica e no social. A hipótese que sustenta o trabalho é a de que, na estrutura neurótica, quando o sujeito ocupa a posição feminina e experimenta o gozo Outro, pode vivenciar uma espécie de loucura, de sem-razão, que se expressa através de fenômenos aparentemente semelhantes aos de uma psicose. Freud deixou em aberto a questão do Dark Continent que habita as mulheres. Lacan partindo das elaborações freudianas pode avançar na questão ao separar feminino e mulher, utilizando-se das fórmulas da sexuação. O uso dessas fórmulas permitiu a Lacan conceituar o feminino como o que está fora da norma fálica e pode ser experimentado por qualquer um que se situe na posição do não-todo fálico. Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo do gozo através da obra de Freud e Lacan para distinguir o gozo do Outro barrado, do gozo do Outro não barrado. Os casos clínicos aqui apresentados exemplificam alguns efeitos da experiência da alteridade: o gozo místico, a relação de devastação entre mãe e filha, e a experiência do gozo feminino no encontro com o Outro sexo.


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A presente pesquisa sobre o gozo na clínica com mulheres devastadas teve como foco o lugar ocupado pelo gozo em seu aspecto mortífero, de excesso e falta de medida, que se manifesta no âmbito das parcerias amorosas. Partindo das experiências relatadas por algumas analisandas, que as descrevem como "sair do corpo", "ficar louca", "descontrolada" ou "fora de si", e das formulações psicanalíticas a respeito do gozo feminino, buscou-se discutir a questão a partir dos referenciais propostos por Freud e Lacan no que diz respeito à constituição da feminilidade e do feminino, tais como a catástrofe e a devastação na ligação com a mãe e com o parceiro, a forma erotomaníaca de amar, além das duas formas de gozo nas mulheres. Entre os temas abordados nesta dissertação destacam-se as operações da castração e do Complexo de Édipo, juntamente com o seu elemento central, o falo, que permitem trazer à discussão algumas consequências para as mulheres, sobretudo as posições implicadas, a saber: o falo e a mascarada. O conceito de gozo é examinado através de três ser mascarada articulações principais. Primeiramente, a tentativa de Freud, que parece a mais antiga na psicanálise, de circunscrever um gozo propriamente feminino, ligado à satisfação da pulsão pela via da zona vaginal; em segundo lugar, o pensamento de Lacan em Diretrizes para um congresso sobre a sexualidade feminina (1958), em que ele recupera a questão freudiana do congresso sobre a sexualidade feminina gozo feminino, e posteriormente no Seminário 7:a ética da psicanálise (1959-1960), desenvolvido durante o período de preparação para o referido congresso, no qual Lacan eleva o gozo ao estatuto de conceito. Como desdobramento, encontram-se algumas articulações clínicas acerca do gozo devastador nos relacionamentos amorosos, tomando como referência a personagem da Erwartung, op. 17 , de Arnold Schoenberg e as mulheres que encontramos no dia a dia da clínica.


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A partir da constatação do aumento do uso de crack por gestantes no âmbito da assistência materno-infantil, esta dissertação propõe problematizar a decisão de separar mãe usuária de droga e seu filho, efetuada no campo jurídico. Apresentamos dois fragmentos de histórias colhidas no dispositivo de conversação no laboratório do CIEN. O estudo foi iniciado pelo exame das posições de filiação reservadas à criança, no discurso analítico, reconhecidas como objeto fálico e como objeto condensador de gozo. A pesquisa interroga ainda se a solução freudiana pela via da maternidade, como uma saída fálica, responde à questão do desejo na mulher. Ao percorrer a elaboração de Lacan sobre o gozo feminino e as fórmulas da sexuação, verificamos aquilo que vigora para as mães-no-crack, localizado mais além do Édipo, na vertente da devastação. Ao examinar o que está implicado no uso de drogas pelos sujeitos, verifica-se que o recurso ao crack denuncia a degradação do Nome-do-pai e apresenta um modo de gozo autoerótico que exclui a dimensão do Outro, do inconsciente e do desejo; configurando-se como um modo de resposta fora do sintoma, que se aproxima da noção devastação. O lugar que a criança pode encontrar junto à mãe usuária de drogas necessita ser respondida no caso a caso, respeitando o mandamento ético caro ao saber da psicanálise


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Lar lake, with the international UTM specification of 39S 579680 3976567 & 39S 589930 3976184 is Situated in Lar national Park with an aerial distance of 55 Km of Tehran along Haraz road. The present research is carried out as part of a comprehensives Plan for assessment of bioresearches of Lar lake & the rivers flowing into it. This research includes examination of there benthic Samplings performed in Lar lake and each of the related rivers including Delichaee, Ab-e-sefid , Alarm & Lar (Kamardasht).Tubifex and Chironomus genus were found to have the highest frequencies of occurrence in the lake with %77.117 & %21.823 respectively followed by Chironomidae and Simulidae from the Diptera order which accounted for %72.328 and %13.812 occurrences in four rivers examined in the Study. The benthic biomass at various examined Sites and the average wet weight of the benthic biomass in station No one in the lake Was 17.397g and the figure for the examined site in Alarm was 20.242 g which were the highest level among Other examination stations the index for the abundance of species in Alarm river was greater than the rest of the examined rivers with 12.57. A sum of 354 Pieces of brown trouts was caught in the course of sampling which were closely investigated in terms of their digestive tract Content. It was identified that Daphniidae and Chironomus constituted the bulk of eaten items from the lake with %17.985 and %63.973 respectively. Meanwhile, Chironomidae and Simuladae were the most frequently eanten benthos by the fish with %81.47 and %7.93 respectively.The index for the relative length of gut was recorded at 0.49± 0.08 which is well indicative of the carnivorous diet of the fish.The index for the feeding intensity amounted to 138  83 showing that the one year old fish were of more feeding intensity.The coefficient of condition (K) was estimated at 1.02  0.142 for all the caught fish. The average wet weight of the benthos was 10.348 g per square meter which if extended to 700ha surface area of the lake, the total macrobenthic production in the lake would amount to 72730Kg of wet weight or 6510 Kg of dry weight. Since the Secondary Production of macrobenthos have always been double that of their biomass, it is reasonable to assume that the Secondary Production of macrobenthos amount to 145640 Kg by their wet weight and Since the energy transfer in the food chain of the lake from benthos to fish is 10 percent, the fish production Capacity Coming from benthic resources of the lake (Lar) would be 14.5 MT, half of which (7000-8000MT) could annually be harvested. Further more, the actual fish Production Capacity might exceed the projected level Since Daphnia, Rotifers and Ostracoda which belong to Zooplanktons, play a part in the natural diet of trout. Meanwhile, rivers Play a major role in fish nutrition and the annual fish production in Delichaee river is about 4481.8Kg while the figures for Ab-e-sefid, Alerm and Lar rivers are 2370.7 4848.7 and 2586.2 Kg respectively, that further increase fish Production in the area and every year half of these resources can be exploitable from the river & the lake.Nevertheless, due to ecological & biological importance of rivers and the probability of environmental Pollution, devastation of natural fish habitats & their nursery grounds, Sport fishing is not recommended at all.


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Africa faces problems of ecological devastation caused by economic exploitation, rapid population growth, and poverty. Capitalism, residual colonialism, and corruption undermine Africa's efforts to forge a better future. The dissertation describes how in Africa the mounting ecological crisis has religious, political, and economic roots that enable and promote social and environmental harm. It presents the thesis that religious traditions, including their ethical expressions, can effectively address the crisis, ameliorate its impacts, and advocate for social and environmental betterment, now and in the future. First, it examines African traditional religion and Christian teaching, which together provide the foundation for African Christianity. Critical examination of both religious worldviews uncovers their complementary emphases on human responsibility toward planet Earth and future generations. Second, an analysis of the Gwembe Tonga of Chief Simamba explores the interconnectedness of all elements of the universe in African cosmologies. In Africa, an interdependent, participatory relationship exists between the world of animals, the world of humans, and the Creator. In discussing the annual lwiindi (rain calling) ceremony of Simamba, the study explores ecological overtones of African religions. Such rituals illustrate the involvement of ancestors and high gods in maintaining ecological integrity. Third, the foundation of the African morality of abundant life is explored. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, ancestors' teachings are the foundation of morality; ancestors are guardians of the land. A complementary teaching that Christ is the ecological ancestor of all life can direct ethical responses to the ecological crisis. Fourth, the eco-social implications of ubuntu (what it means to be fully human) are examined. Some aspects of ubuntu are criticized in light of economic inequalities and corruption in Africa. However, ubuntu can be transformed to advocate for eco-social liberation. Fifth, the study recognizes that in some cases conflicts exist between ecological values and religious teachings. This conflict is examined in terms of the contrast between awareness of socioeconomic problems caused by population growth, on the one hand, and advocacy of a traditional African morality of abundant children, on the other hand. A change in the latter religious view is needed since overpopulation threatens sustainable living and the future of Earth. The dissertation concludes that the identification of Jesus with African ancestors and theological recognition of Jesus as the ecological ancestor, woven together with ubuntu, an ethic of interconnectedness, should characterize African consciousness and promote resolution of the socio-ecological crisis.


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Q-methodology permitted 41 people to communicate their perspective of grief. In an attempt to clarify the research to date and to allow those who have experienced this human journey to direct the scientists, 80 statements were chosen to present to the participants based on the research from academic and counselling sources. Five different perspectives emerged from the Q-sorts and factor analysis. Each perspective was valuable for the understanding of different groups of mourners. They were interpreted using questionnaire data and interview information. They are as follows: Factor 1- Growth Optimism; Factor 2 - Schema Destruction and Negative Affect; Factor 3- Identification with the Deceased Person; Factor 4- Intact World view with High Clarity and High Social Support; Factor 5- Schema Destruction with High Preoccupation and Attention to Emotion. Some people grow in the face of grief, others hold on to essentially the same schemas and others are devastated by their loss. The different perspectives reported herein supply clues to the sources of these differing outcomes. From examination of Factor 1, it appears that a healthy living relationship helps substantially in the event of loss. An orientation toward emotions that encourages clarity, exemplified by Factor 4, without hyper-vigilance to emotion may be helpful as well. Strategies for maintaining schematic representations of the world with little alteration include: identification with the values of the deceased person, as in Factor 3 and reliance on social support and/or God as demonstrated by Factor 4. When the relationship had painful periods, social support may be accessed to benefit some mourners. When the person's frame of reference or higher order schemas are assaulted by the events of loss, the people most at risk for traumatic grief seem to be those with difficult relationships as indicated by Factor 5 individuals. When low social support, high attention to emotion with low clarity and little belief that feelings can be altered for the better are also attributes of the mourner devastating grief can result. In the end, there are groups of people who are forced to endure the entire process of schema destruction and devastation. Some appear to recover in part and others appear to stay in a form of purgatory for many years. The results of this study suggest that, those who experience devastating grief may be in the minority. In the future interventions could be more specifically addressed if these perspectives are replicated in a larger, more detailed study.


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Metal Music as Critical Dystopia: Humans, Technology and the Future in 1990s Science Fiction Metal seeks to demonstrate that the dystopian elements in metal music are not merely or necessarily a sonic celebration of disaster. Rather, metal music's fascination with dystopian imagery is often critical in intent, borrowing themes and imagery from other literary and cinematic traditions in an effort to express a form of social commentary. The artists and musical works examined in this thesis maintain strong ties with the science fiction genre, in particular, and tum to science fiction conventions in order to examine the long-term implications of humanity's complex relationship with advanced technology. Situating metal's engagements with science fiction in relation to a broader practice of blending science fiction and popular music and to the technophobic tradition in writing and film, this thesis analyzes the works of two science fiction metal bands, VOlvod and Fear Factory, and provides close readings of four futuristic albums from the mid to late 1990s that address humanity's relationship with advanced technology in musical and visual imagery as well as lyrics. These recorded texts, described here as cyber metal for their preoccupation with technology in subject matter and in sound, represent prime examples of the critical dystopia in metal music. While these albums identify contemporary problems as the root bf devastation yet to come, their musical narratives leave room for the possibility of hope , allowing for the chance that dystopia is not our inevitable future.


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Ce mémoire a pour objet le socioréalisme victorien, un moment de l’art anglais pendant lequel s’est développée une déclinaison originale de la tendance réaliste qui a laissé sa marque un peu partout en Europe dans le courant du 19e siècle. À une époque où l’Angleterre s’affirme comme le haut lieu de la modernité industrielle, les dures conditions de vie imposées par les transformations socio-économiques en train de s’accomplir trouvent peu à peu à s’exprimer dans les arts, où leur représentation met à mal les canons esthétiques établis et l’idéologie qui les sous-tend. Alors qu’en France la figure du paysan est le plus souvent associée à la vision et au programme des réalistes, c’est vers le prolétaire urbain que vont se tourner des artistes anglais interpellés, à l’instar de certains écrivains, intellectuels, législateurs et spécialistes divers, par les ravages humains que cause la course aveugle vers le progrès et vers le profit. Si le roman « industriel » à la Dickens donne le ton en nous offrant quelques victimes types des bas-fonds de Londres, des illustrateurs emboîtent le pas, notamment grâce à la presse illustrée. Une iconographie du pauvre, où l’enfant et la femme occupent l’avant-scène, se met en place et se diffuse largement grâce à la capacité d’invention que permettent les nouveaux médiums de reproduction mécanique. Le journal The Graphic retient notre attention parce que certains de ses imagiers –Francis Montague Holl (1845-1888), Samuel Luke Fildes (1843-1927) et Hubert von Herkomer (1849-1914) - ont aussi pratiqué la peinture et transposé, dans des tableaux aux dimensions imposantes, des sujets qu’ils avaient déjà exploités dans la gravure. Prenant pour corpus une production visuelle qui semble avoir pour projet de rendre le réel en direct, dans toute sa dureté, notre mémoire explore cependant les aspects fictionnels et les manipulations rhétoriques auxquelles les imagiers doivent se prêter pour faire passer leur message. Certaines de ces manipulations sont imposées de l’extérieur, par la nécessité de ne pas confronter les bien nantis à une situation de révolte potentielle, mais de les inciter à la charité en les apitoyant sur le sort des plus démunis. D’autres dérivent des médiums eux-mêmes, le passage de la gravure à la peinture et du petit au grand format, de la consommation privée à l’exposition publique, imposant des stratégies compositionnelles et des factures différentes.


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This overall focus of the thesis involves the systematics and biology of fishes of the family hemiramphidae of cochin coast.India is one of the leading fish producing nations in the world with an average annual production of 6.1 million tonnes of fish and shell fish from capture and culture fisheries in 2001 (Ayyappan and Biradar, 2002).Fisheries play a very significant role in the Indian economy by providing employment to nearly 7 million people directly or indirectly, supplying rich protein food and earning valued foreign exchange.Fishes of the family Hemiramphidae are commonly called ‘half beaks‘.In India, studies on hemiramphids commenced with the work of Day (1878,1889) who recorded thirteen species of hemiramphids from the Indian waters.The study area, which is part of Cochin coast is located between Lat.9°28’ and 10° N and Long.76° 13’ and 76° 31 E. Lying parallel to it is an estuary which is commonly called the Cochin backwaters which has a total area of about 200 sq.miles.The study area is subjected to wide variations in salinity from place to place, season and surface to bottom.The Cochin coast and the adjacent back water system of Kerala has a rich and diversified fish fauna. The hemiramphid fishes constitute a minor fishery of this area.The study on the distribution and availability of hemiramphid fishes present in the Cochin coast shows that they evince different patterns of distribution.In the present study it is noticed that fecundity has high correlation with weight than length of the fish.Histological studies revealed that the spermatogenesis in both H. (H) limbatus and H.(H) xanthopterus, consists of spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes secondary, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa whereas in the oogenesis of both the species.biological study will be useful in implementation of proper measures of conservation and management so that further devastation of the hemiramphids of Cochin Coast can be controlled.


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This thesis entitled Fish habitats and species assemblage in the selected rivers of kerala and investigation on life history traits of puntius carnaticus (JERDON,1849). Ecology is a new and exceedingly complex field of study, even though its concept was recognized by the Apostles in their use of the phrase ‘all flesh is grass.central role to play both in order to understand better the biodiversity phenomenon and to be able to draw up clear guidelines for careful resource management. In a review by WWF, IUCN and UNEP on the ways of conserving genetic diversity of freshwater fish it was recommended that the best way to conserve species diversity is to conserve habitat.The habitat studies in freshwater ecosystems are very essential for the proper understanding and management of human impact on fish diversity, to study the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure, quantification of ecosystem degradation, habitat quality and biotic integrity of the ecosystems, development of habitat suitability index (I-ISI) models and classification of river reaches based on their physico-chemical properties. Therefore in the present study an attempt was made to assess the biodiversity potential and the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure in six major river systems of Kerala which would be very useful in impressing upon the seriousness of habitat degradIn the present study, in Kabbini river system 15 locations encompassing between 721 946m above MSL were surveyed.ation and biotic devastation undergone in the major river systems of Kerala.During the present study the Habitat Quality Score (HQ) developed by the Ohio EPA was applied for the first time in India.The result of the present study revealed that, among various variables analysed, altitude has a very significant influence in deciding the fish diversity in six major river systems of Kerala. The fish diversity studied on the basis of Shanon-Weiner and Simpson diversity indices revealed that even though some minor variations occur with the suitability and complexity of habitats, the altitude showed inverse relationship with fish diversity.The present study revealed that the National Policy on the interlinking of rivers would permanently alter the HSI indices of the above mentioned fish species, which are now solely protected by the individuality of the rivers where their limited occurrence was notice.


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Mechanized fishing started in Indian waters in mid —fifties and large-scale operation of trawl fishing began in the mid sixties by the surfeit of individual entrepreneurs. The southwest coast of India especially the coastal waters of Kerala are the most productive area in the subcontinent and the state has been in the forefront in marine fish production (Kurup, 2001a). Though the coastline of Kerala is one tenth of the coastline of India, the state occupies the foremost position in the marine fish production of the country, accounting for more than 30% of the marine fish landings (Thomas, 2000). The coastal waters of Kerala have rich and diversified fishery resources, which are prone to heavy exploitation by a unprecedently high number of fishing gears, among them, mechanized bottom trawlers with a numerical strength of 4550 (Kurup, 2001a) against the permissible number of 1145 (Kalawar, et al., 1985) are the most destructive. Trawling operations during monsoon periods in Kerala has been a subject of controversy between traditional fishermen and trawl fishers on a subject that trawl fishing destroys large amount of juveniles and young ones of fishes since this period is the major breeding season of most of the fish and prawns (John, 1996). Therefore Government of Kerala imposed a ban on bottom trawling activities from 1988 onwards for a period varying from 21-70 days, which usually commences from June 15th. Though many studies revealed that large amount of non-target groups were destroyed in the commercial trawl fishing in the Indian waters, no concerted study has been conducted so far to evaluate the real impact of bottom trawling on the sea bottom and its living communities. The present study was conducted to assess the impact of excessive bottom trawling exerted on the sea bottom habitat and its living communities, which would be useful in impressing up on the seriousness of habitat degradation and biotic devastation, enabling the concerned to adopt relevant conservation and management steps to conserve the resources for sustainable exploitation


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The immense social and economic impact of bacterial pathogens, from drug-resistant infections in hospitals to the devastation of agricultural resources, has resulted in major investment to understand the causes and conse- quences of pathogen evolution. Recent genome se- quencing projects have provided insight into the evolution of bacterial genome structures; revealing the impact of mobile DNA on genome restructuring and pathogenicity. Sequencing of multiple genomes of relat- ed strains has enabled the delineation of pathogen evo- lution and facilitated the tracking of bacterial pathogens globally. Other recent theoretical and empirical studies have shown that pathogen evolution is significantly influenced by ecological factors, such as the distribution of hosts within the environment and the effects of co- infection. We suggest that the time is ripe for experi- mentalists to use genomics in conjunction with evolu- tionary ecology experiments to further understanding of how bacterial pathogens evolve.


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Under Prime Minister John Howard, Australia today appears to have turned away from Asia, returning to a Western oriantation. Has racial invasion fear, once expressed in the 'White Australia' policy, been the determinant of relations with Asia? I argue, in contrast, first, that invasion fear preceded race fear and, second, that Australia was unlucky, in coming to nationhood during the eras of Social Darwinism and New Imperialism, scaling ideas of race citizenship into its national formation. It was unlucky to associate national 'manhood' with Gallipoli and war, making the national tradition expeditionary nationalism, or ANZAC. War is central in national memory and public patriotism, primarily because war has been carried out overseas rather than through fighting on Australian soil, and the devastation of Australian cities. Even after the retreat of Western empires in Asia, and of racial ideology, why has this romantic and foolish view of war as an expression of the nation persisted? Paradoxically, Australians romanticise war even though, after 1788, there has been no other invasion of a continent which is harder to invade than it is to defend.


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This article discusses the way the past is being reexamined in modern-day Vietnam, particularly through the medium of heritage. Hue, the old royal capital of Vietnam, provides the case study, as this city reflects the great themes and events of Vietnamese history over the last two hundred years, from the establishment of a unified nation under the Nguyen, through the imposition of colonial control, the devastation of war, reunification, and the establishment of communism, to the consolidation of an independent postcolonial nation. The importance of Hue's heritage is recognized in its status as a “world heritage” site. The author argues that Hue's heritage is, nevertheless, problematic for Vietnam's ruling communists, because to them it largely represents a regime—the Nguyen Dynasty—that was “reactionary” and that had sold out the country to the French. The apparent contradiction between the standard communist view of the Nguyen past and the value accorded to Nguyen heritage in Hue is resolved, the author contends, by recourse to the depoliticized practices of heritage preservation and tourist promotion.


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Victoria is facing its driest summer for nearly one hundred years, with conditions worse than in 1983 when the state was swept by the devastating Ash Wednesday bushfires. The fires were particularly fierce in Mount Macedon in central Victoria, and the Woodend Fire Brigade is in the front line of the struggle to avoid a repeat of Ash Wednesday. Trial by Fire follows this brigade as they do all that they can to keep their community safe from the devastation of the fires.