990 resultados para Acute diarrhea


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Introduction. Traveler's Diarrhea is an important public health program in travelers from industrialized nations to the developing world with a prevalence rate of between 13 and 60%. Although studies are found on the etiology of traveler's diarrhea, these studies have not described the etiology over different regions of the world. The objective of this study was to identify the frequency of specific etiology of traveler's diarrhea by geographic area of the world. In addition to this, it was also examined whether there are any regional differences in the isolation rate of ETEC and conventional pathogens and variation, if any, in frequency of these pathogens in different regions over time.^ Material and methods. This is a systematic review of the studies on the etiology of traveler's diarrhea by geographic regions. The search databases used were Medline Pubmed and Medline Ovid and key words used for the search were Etiology of traveler's diarrhea, travelers' diarrhea and acute diarrhea of travelers. The articles were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and relevant data was extracted which was statistically analyzed.^ Results. Out of 110 studies from 1970 to 2004, 52 studies were included and 58 were excluded from the review. All the 52 studies were grouped according to the geographic regions of interest. Latin America (25 studies), Asia (7 studies), Africa (9 studies), and others/Mixed (11 studies), were the 4 major groups of regions studied. The overall most common pathogen was ETEC (29.10%) in this study and other common pathogens were EAEC (14.42%), norovirus (10.95%), EPEC (6%) and rotavirus (5.23%). ETEC and Shigella show a decreasing trend in Latin America & Caribbean but increasing trend in Asia.^ Conclusion. ETEC is the single most common cause of travelers' diarrhea in the world. Potent vaccines against ETEC are required to prevent travelers' diarrhea and thus reduce the attack rate. Also, PCR based studies are required to identify the causes of pathogen negative diarrhea. ^


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Background: Family members of Enterobacteriaceae are found in small numbers associated with acute diarrhea. These species are sometimes mistaken for ETEC. ^ Methods: Forty-four non-E. coli species from travelers' diarrhea are compared to 30 strains of Escherichia coli (ETEC) and 30 strains of normal flora E. coli. Tissue culture supernatants were assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for amounts of IL-8, IL-1, and IL-1ra. Amounts of heat-stable (ST) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxins were assayed from cell culture supernatants by enzyme-linked immunoassay. PCR was use to determine which species was positive colonization factor antigens, CFA/I, CS3, and CS6. ^ Results: Normal flora E. coli significantly induced the production of more IL-8 than non- E. coli and ETEC. Normal E. coli also induced the production of more IL-1and IL-1ra than ETEC. Non-E. coli produced more ST than ETEC. A small percentage of enterotoxigenic non- E. coli gram negatives and ETEC were positive for CFA/I and CS6. None of the strains were positive for CS3. ^ Conclusions: Non-E. coli enterotoxigenic gram negatives were similar to ETEC in their virulence factors. Identification and further study of these non-E.coli strains is important for understanding their pathogenic role in acute diarrhea.^


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Etiological diagnosis of diarrheal diseases may be complicated by their multi-factorial nature. In addition, Escherichia coli strains present in the gut can occasionally harbor VGs without causing disease, which complicates the assessment of their clinical significance in particular. The aim of this study was to detect and quantify nine VGs (stx1, stx2, eae, aggR, ehxA, invA, est and elt) typically present in five E. coli enteric pathotypes (EHEC, ETEC, EPEC, EAEC and EIEC) in fecal samples collected from 49 patients with acute diarrhea and 32 healthy controls from Madrid, Spain. In addition, the presence of four serotype-related genes (wzxO104 and fliCH4, rbfO157 and fliCH7) was also determined. Presence of target genes was assessed using a quantitative real-time PCR assay previously developed, and the association of presence and burden of VGs with clinical disease and/or other risk factors was explored. Prevalence of ehxA (typically associated with STEC and EPEC), invA (EIEC) and the rbfO157+fliCH7 (STEC and/or STEC/EAEC) combination were significantly (p<0.02) higher in the diarrheic group, while the wzxO104+fliCH4 combination was significantly (p=0.014) more prevalent in the control group. On the other hand, eae was detected in more than 90% of the individuals in both patient and control populations, and it was not associated with bfpA, suggesting the absence of typical EPEC. No significant differences in the quantitative values were detected for any VG among study groups, but the difference in the load of aggR (EAEC) and invA in the patients with respect to the controls was close to the significance, suggesting a potential role of these VGs in the clinical signs observed when they are present at high levels.


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Measurements were made of the intake of a WHO/UNICEF glucose-based and a rice cereal-based oral rehydration solution (ORS) by children with diarrhoea. Twenty children who presented to the Children's Outpatient Department at Port Moresby General Hospital with acute diarrhoea and mild dehydration were randomly assigned to an ORS and measurements were taken over the following 3 hours. For data analysis, the patients were paired by weight. Testing the means of the paired samples by t test showed that there was no significant difference between the amount of rice ORS and the amount of glucose ORS taken over 3 hours. The discovery of oral rehydration solution (ORS) for the treatment of diarrheal disease has been heralded as the most important medical discovery of the century. Cereal-based ORS is able to decrease stool output and the duration of diarrheal illness more than the standard glucose-based ORS, through the increased absorption provided by oligosaccharides without the imposition of a greater osmotic penalty. Moreover, the peptides in cereals enhance amino acid and water absorption, while providing nutritional benefits. UNICEF's glucose-based ORS is becoming more widely used in Papua New Guinea (PNG). 20 children aged 6-37 months (mean age, 15 months) who presented to the Children's Outpatient Department at Port Moresby General Hospital during September-October 1993 with acute diarrhea and mild dehydration were randomly assigned to receive either a rice-based ORS or standard glucose ORS, and measurements were taken over the following 3 hours. The patients were paired by weight for analysis. No statistically significant difference was found between the amount of rice ORS and the amount of glucose ORS taken over 3 hours.


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An open-label inpatient study is in progress to compare the efficacy and safety of two oral rehydration solutions in children and infants with acute diarrhea and mild to moderate dehydration. One solution (ORS-60) contains 60 mmol/L of sodium and 1.8% glucose, with a total osmolatity of 240 mosm/kg; the other (ORS-26) contains 26 mmol/L of sodium, 2.7% glucose, and 3.6% sucrose, with a total osmolality of 340 mosm/kg. An outcome analysis of 28 children with gastroenteritis indicated that ORS-60 (n = 13) reduced stool volume during the first eight hours after admission to a significantly greater (P < 0.05) extent than did ORS-26 (n = 15). Diarrhea had ceased by 24 hours in 64% of ORS-60 patients but in only 31% of ORS-26 patients, and the patients' clinical conidition was improved at eight hours in 84% of ORS-60 patients versus 60% of ORS-26 patients. Differences between treatments in degree of dehydration at each follow-up point, total duration of diarrhea, and duration of hospital stay were not detected. No adverse drug reactions occurred. Four patients received intravenous rehydration therapy, but none was considered a treatment failure. We conclude that the lower osmolar solution, ORS-60, conferred earlier recovey and reduced continuing fluid losses in the management of gastroenteritis.


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A Escherichia coli enteroagregativa (EAEC) é um patotipo emergente e heterogêneo que causa a diarréia aguda ou persistente em indivíduos de diferentes faixas etárias e em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Além disso, EAEC é um dos principais agentes etiológicos da diarréia dos viajantes. O padrão de aderência agregativa de EAEC está associado ao plasmídeo de aderência agregativa (pAA). Genes presentes no plasmídeo e no cromossomo codificam proteínas envolvidas na secreção extracelular de fatores de virulência na superfície ou diretamente na célula hospedeira. A capacidade de produção de muco e biofilme, elaboração de toxinas, aderência e indução de inflamação intensa na mucosa intestinal são importantes características da patogenicidade de EAEC. Nesse estudo, determinamos o perfil genotípico de genes do sistema de secreção Tipo V (SST5) e sistema de secreção Tipo VI (SST6) em cepas de EAEC. Os genes do SST5 ocorreram com mais frequência que os genes do SST6. A presença de pelo menos um gene do SST5 foi detectada em 79% das cepas, enquanto que os genes relacionados ao SST6 foram detectados em apenas 42% das cepas analisadas. A produção de biofilme foi observada em teste quantitativo e verificamos que 67% das cepas produziram biofilme. No teste qualitativo, o tipo de biofilme que predomina é o biofilme moderado (11 cepas), seguido do biofilme forte (9 cepas) e do biofilme discreto (4 cepas). A presença ou ausência de genes do SST5 e SST6 não parece interferir com a capacidade de produção de biofilme, nem com o tipo de biofilme formado. Em ensaios de citotoxicidade, apenas 25% das cepas EAEC (sobrenadante) causaram redução significativa na viabilidade de células T84 avaliada pelo teste de redução com MTT. Nossos resultados mostram que as cepas EAEC isoladas de crianças com diarréia aguda ou de grupo controle são invasoras para células T84. Ao compararmos a capacidade invasora das cepas clinicas e controle, observamos que a média do índice de internalização obtido nas 15 cepas do grupo clinico foi de 5,7% 1,7 e para as 9 cepas do grupo controle foi de 2.4 % 0,7; entretanto essa diferença observada não foi estatisticamente significativa. Não foi possível correlacionar o perfil genotípico dos genes do SST5 e SST6 com o perfil fenotípico analisado (formação de biofilme, citotoxicidade e invasão).O que pode ser atribuído a heterogeneidade genotípica e fenotípica, uma característica relevante de cepas EAEC.


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Introducción: La enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA) es la segunda causa de muerte a nivel mundial en menores de cinco años. El rotavirus es el principal entero-patógeno asociado a EDA severa por lo cual se ha iniciado la vacunación contra este virus en Colombia. Este trabajo evaluó la efectividad de la vacunación contra la hospitalización por diarrea en niños menores de dos años en cinco ciudades de Colombia. Metodología: Análisis de sobrevida para estimar la efectividad de la vacuna contra el rotavirus en la prevención de hospitalización por EDA, basado en los datos de una encuesta poblacional realizada en niños menores de dos años de Bogotá, Barranquilla, Cali, Cartagena y Riohacha, en la que se recolectó información socio-demográfica, de vacunación, factores de riesgo para EDA y antecedentes de EDA. Resultados: Incidencia acumulada de hospitalización por diarrea de 5,3%. Cobertura de vacunación fue de 88,5% y 78% para primera y segunda dosis respectivamente. La vacunación con dos dosis presentó una efectividad de 52,4% IC 95% (13,2% a 73,9%) en la prevención de hospitalizaciones por EDA y la vacunación adecuada una efectividad de 59,5% IC 95% (23,9% a78,4%). El sexo masculino y la ciudad de residencia (Riohacha) se asociaron al riesgo de hospitalización. Conclusiones: La vacunación contra rotavirus mostro ser efectiva en la prevención de la hospitalización por EDA. Las coberturas de vacunación y la adherencia al esquema presentan deficiencias que requieren medidas para asegurar la vacunación de todos los niños antes de los seis meses..


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Antecedentes: Cada año hay 2,5 billones de casos de diarrea en menores de 5 años y 1,3 millones de estos niños mueren; lo que constituye a la EDA como segunda causa de muerte en este grupo de edad Metodología: Análisis transversal transnacional multinivel de la Encuesta DHS y el Banco Mundial en 348.706 niños de 40 países Resultados: Prevalencia de EDA 14%. Inequidad (OR=1.335; IC 95% 1.117-1.663) y bajos ingresos en las naciones (OR=1.488; IC 95% 1.024-2.163) presentaron asociación con EDA. Vivir en un país pobre aumenta la asociación entre el índice de riqueza del hogar y EDA (OR=1.0961; IC 95% 1.003-1.207) y la asociación entre no educación de la madre y EDA (OR=1.310; IC 95% 1.035-1.601). Otros factores asociados con EDA fueron sexo femenino, (OR=0.922; IC 95% 1.900-0.944), edad de niño (OR=0.978; IC 95% 0.978-0.979), vacunación (OR=0.821; IC 95% 0.799-0.843), peso normal al nacer (OR=0.879; IC 95% 0.834-0.926), edad de la madre (OR=0.987; IC 95% 0.985-0.989), no educación de la madre (OR=1.416; IC 95% 1.283-1.564), madre trabajadora (OR=1.136; IC 95% 1.106-1.167), embarazo deseado (OR=0.774; IC 95% 0.753-0.795), familia nuclear (OR=0.949; IC 95% 0.923-0.975) e índice de riqueza del hogar (OR=0.948; IC 95% 0.921-0.977) Conclusiones: La desigualdad y los bajos ingresos de los países desarrollados se asocian con EDA, independientemente de las características del niño, la mamá o el hogar. El gasto en salud no presenta asociaciones con EDA. Esto se debe considerar en las campañas de salud pública orientadas al manejo de la EDA.


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Purpose Combination of COL-3, a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, and doxorubicin (DOX) might be a promising anticancer regimen. The present study was to examine the potential pharmacokinetic interactions and toxicity profile following their coadministration in rats.
Methods Normal rats were treated with single agent or different combinations with oral or intravenous COL-3 and DOX, and the bile-duct cannulated (BDC) rats received oral COL-3 plus DOX. In a separate disposition study, the effects of DOX on the biliary, urinary, and fecal excretion of COL-3 were examined. In addition, the effects of DOX on in vitro protein binding, metabolism, and transport of COL-3 across Caco-2 monolayers were investigated.
Results COL-3 did not affect the pharmacokinetics of DOX in rats. However, treatment with DOX significantly decreased the oral absorption, and prolonged the elimination, of COL-3 in the normal rats, but not in the BDC rats. DOX did not alter the biliary and urinary excretion of COL-3, but significantly decreased the fecal excretion of COL-3. DOX significantly enhanced the basolateral to apical flux of COL-3 across Caco-2 monolayers, but had no apparent effects on the protein binding and metabolism of COL-3. The combination of DOX with oral COL-3 did not significantly (p > 0.05) increase the acute diarrhea score and intestinal damage compared to rats receiving DOX alone.
Conclusions These results indicated that DOX altered the oral absorption and elimination of COL-3, largely resulting from gastrointestinal toxicity caused by biliary excretion of DOX. Further studies are required to explore the efficacy and optimized dosage regimen of this promising combination.


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Este artigo pretende associar o desempenho dos índices de saúde com saneamento básico nos estados brasileiros e se a filiação partidária afeta ou não esses indicadores. Para elaboração deste trabalho foi montado um banco de dados utilizando a estrutura em dados em painel, referente ao período de 2000 a 2010, com os dados extraídos do SINIS, DataSUS, IBGE e TSE. Foi estimado por modelo de efeitos fixos, corrigindo o poblema de heterocedasticidade da amostra com o Teste de White. Os resultados mostram que não podemos descartar a importância do saneamento. Encontramos evidências do impacto das variáveis de esgotamento sanitário sobre a queda da mortalidade por diarréia aguda (crianças menores de 5 anos).


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There was a significant decline in hospitalizations for acute diarrhea in children younger than 1 year of age in Brazil between 1992 to 2001. The less economically developed state of Rio Grande do Norte is a case example of the national trend. In this work, we show a significant association between improvements in socioeconomic variables as well as increased access to sanitation and the decreased rate of hospitalization. Additionally, we observed a positive, seasonal correlation between rainfall and hospitalizations. Most notably, however, we show that improvements in income and inflation were positively correlated with a decline in hospitalizations. Improvements in public health infrastructure, socioeconomic variables like education and literacy, and increased investment in health services were important in reducing severe early childhood diarrheas. However, the data suggests that increased buying power and reductions in poverty played an equally crucial role in reducing hospitalizations for acute diarrhea in infants in Brazil. The work includes elements of the demography of the period for the age groups involved, children under one year, women in fertile age and fertility rate


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This study aimed to verify the relationship between acute diarrhea provoked by rotavirus and different indicators of craniofacial malformations. In the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, 8,724 children with cleft lip and cleft palate were divided into the following groups: acute diarrhea and infection due to rotavirus (C1, n = 62), acute diarrhea (C2, n = 153) and without acute diarrhea (C3, n = 8,509). In C1, 29.03% of the cases consisted of hospital infections associated with the hospitalization period while 38.71% of the patients were aged less than six months. The percentage of children not having breastfed was significantly higher in acute diarrhea groups. Additionally, there was a seasonal prevalence of rotavirus infection between May and October. Finally, the present findings indicate that rotavirus is a predominant etiological agent for gastroenteritis in children with craniofacial malformations. Moreover, among infants younger than six months of age, type of craniofacial malformation, breastfeeding difficulty, socioeconomic level and longer hospitalization period appear to contribute to higher infection morbidity.


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A estratégia de Atenção Integrada às doenças Prevalentes na Infância (AIDPI) consiste em reduzir a mortalidade e morbidade infantil mediante a adaptação de um enfoque que inclui, melhorar os sistemas de saúde, a capacidade dos trabalhadores de saúde, e as práticas familiares e comunitárias, por meio de educação dos pais ou responsáveis sobre o conhecimento dos sinais de alarme na doença diarréica. Com o objetivo de avaliar o conhecimento das mães ou responsáveis sobre os sinais de alarme na diarréia aguda, foram coletadas informações de 174 mães ou responsáveis por crianças menores de cinco anos com diarréia aguda no Hospital Infantil Cosme e Damião de Porto Velho - Rondônia, no período de março a maio de 2001, utilizando-se o formulário padrão do AIDPI. Os resultados mostraram que 64,36% das mães desconhecem os sinais de alarme na diarréia aguda, 59,20% das mães fornecem pouco alimento durante um processo diarréico, 92% das mães conhecem que se deve administrar maior quantidade de líquidos na diarréia aguda. Considerando os achados do presente trabalho consideramos válida a aplicação da estratégia do AIDPI no Hospital Infantil Cosme e Damião de Porto Velho.


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Os rotavírus (RVs) são a principal causa de diarréia aguda em crianças de baixa idade, como também em animais jovens de várias espécies. São excretados nas fezes e transmitidos pela via fecal-oral. Estudos demonstram que é de suma importância para investigações epidemiológicas a caracterização das amostras de RVs isoladas a partir de animais. As enteroparasitoses também constituem um grave problema de saúde pública, sendo um dos principais fatores de morbimortalidade na população infantil e de desnutrição protéico-energética advinda dos quadros de diarréia crônica. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar RVs e endoparasitos que circulam em caninos, felinos e galináceos da Comunidade Quilombola do Abacatal, Ananindeua, Pará. Nos anos de 2008 e 2009 foram colhidos 202 espécimes fecais, provenientes de caninos (96/2002, 47,5%), felinos (8/2002, 4%) e galináceos (98/2002, 48,5%). Todas as amostras foram submetidas à imunocromatografia e eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida para a identificação de RVs, porém em ambas obteve-se 100% de negatividade. Para a identificação de endoparasitos as amostras foram submetidas à técnica de centrífugo-flutuação com solução de sacarose, os parasitos mais freqüentemente encontrados em caninos foram o Ancylostoma sp, Spirocerca sp, Toxocara sp/ Toxascaris sp, Trichuris sp e Coccídio, e em felinos foram Ancylostoma sp (5/8, 62,5%), Toxocara sp/ Toxascaris sp (2/8, 25%) e Trichuris sp (1/8, 12,5%). Em galináceos foram Ascaridia sp/ Heterakis sp (33/62, 53,23%), Capillaria sp (39/62, 62,9%), Cocídio (6/62, 9,68%), Dispharynx sp (15/62, 24,19%) e Trichostrongyloidea sp (11/62, 17,74%). Pelos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que o local oferece risco para infestação parasitária humana, havendo a possibilidade de contaminação do solo por meio das fezes e o desenvolvimento de zoonoses.