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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Il contributo di ricerca di questo lavoro è consistito nel rivalutare da un punto di vista diagnostico, classificativo e statistico, una casistica di neoplasie del gatto archiviate in 23 anni (1984-2006). Nei primi 20 anni sono state diagnosticate 1696 neoplasie su un totale di 3682 campioni prevenuti nello stesso periodo, con una prevalenza delle patologie di tipo neoplastico del 46,06%. Nei tre anni successivi sono state individuate 382 neoplasie su un totale di 601 campioni archiviati, con una prevalenza del 61,02%. Le neoplasie avevano per l'81,8% un comportamento maligno, e questo dato risulta coerente con il dato più recente sulla malignità (85,6%) e con quello fornito da altri autori. L'età dei soggetti affetti era simile nei due studi, compresa fra pochi mesi e 22 anni, con il maggior numero di casi fra 9 e 13 anni. Le due casistiche presentano inoltre dati simili riguardo gli organi coinvolti anche se i tumori della mammella sono notevolmente diminuiti negli ultimi anni, con un aumento corrispondente di neoplasie cutanee. I fibrosarcomi, che hanno subito un drastico aumento tra il 1993 e il 1994 si sono mantenuti costanti in tutti gli anni successivi, dato ancora oggi quasi certamente correlabile alle pratiche vaccinali. I linfomi sono risultati piuttosto infrequenti in entrambe le casistiche, comparate con i dati della letteratura in cui vengono riportate percentuali nettamente maggiori. I tumori del cavo orale e dell'intestino hanno mantenuto circa le stesse percentuali di insorgenza nel corso degli anni. Tra i tumori presenti in questo studio, sono stati approfonditi i tumori a carico delle sierose (mesoteliomi) e del polmone attraverso metodiche immunoistochimiche e ultrastrutturali. Nei 23 anni sono stati diagnosticati 10 casi di mesotelioma, di cui 8 coinvolgenti la pleura e due il peritoneo. Su questi casi è stata applicata una metodica immunoistochimica con un pannello anticorpale utilizzato di routine in patologia umana per la diagnosi di mesotelioma e per la diagnosi differenziale con i carcinomi polmonari. Tutti i casi presentavano una doppia positività per vimentina e citocheratine ad ampio spettro; anticorpi specifici come CK5/6 e HBME-1 hanno presentato una buona specificità. Anche la microscopia elettronica si è rivelata di ausilio, mettendo in evidenza la presenza di tonofilamenti citoplasmatici e di microvilli, tipici delle cellule mesoteliali. Le neoplasie polmonari, analogamente a quelle umane hanno, sono notevolmente aumentate negli ultimi anni. Dei 24 casi raccolti tra il materiale di archivio, 14 sono stati diagnosticati negli ultimi 5 anni. Si è rilevata una significativa predisposizione nei gatti di razza Persiana, e le metastasi più frequenti sono state a carico dei linfonodi, del miocardio e dei cuscinetti plantari, analogamente a quanto segnalato in letteratura. L’istotipo più rappresentato è stato il carcinoma squamoso, seguito da adenocarcinomi papillari e bronchioloalveolari. Il pannello immunoistochimico applicato, finalizzato a individuare l’origine broncogena o ghiandolare della neoplasia, è risultato utile per la diagnosi delle forme squamose poco differenziate (CK 5/6 e CK 14). Infine è stato testato l’anticorpo di elezione nella diagnosi differenziale fra le neoplasie primitive e secondarie del polmone, il TTF-1, che però non ha cross-reagito con tessuti di gatto; la diagnosi di neoplasia primitiva polmonare si è dunque basata sull’assenza, anche nei dati anamnestici, di masse in altri distretti corporei.


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Sebbene il sistema nervoso enterico (“enteric nervous system”, ENS) svolga un ruolo cruciale nella patogenesi della Scrapie ovina, non esistono tuttavia in letteratura dati sulle popolazioni cellulari progressivamente coinvolte nel corso dell’infezione, né sugli eventuali danni morfo-funzionali da esse subiti. Il presente studio è stato condotto sui plessi mienterici e sottomucosi dell’ileo di 46 pecore di razza Sarda, recanti diversi polimorfismi del gene Prnp (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/AHQ, ARQ/ARR, ARR/ARR). I suddetti animali, infettati per os all’età di 8 mesi con un ceppo di Scrapie precedentemente caratterizzato nel topo, sono stati sacrificati mediante eutanasia a determinati intervalli di tempo post-infezione (p.i.). E’ stata quindi valutata, tramite immunoistochimica ed immunofluorescenza indiretta su sezioni tissutali e su preparati “wholemount”, l’immunoreattività (IR) nei confronti della PrPSc, del “marker” panneuronale Hu C/D, dell’ossido-nitrico sintetasi (nNOS), della calbindina (CALB) e della proteina fibrillare acida gliale (GFAP). In 8 pecore con genotipo ARQ/ARQ, clinicamente sane e sacrificate a 12-24 mesi p.i., nonché in 5 ovini clinicamente affetti (2 con genotipo ARQ/ARQ, 3 con genotipo ARQ/AHQ), questi ultimi sacrificati rispettivamente a 24, 36 e 40 mesi p.i., le indagini immunoistochimiche hanno consentito di dimostrare la presenza di PrPSc a livello sia dell’encefalo (obex), sia dell’ENS, in particolar modo nei plessi mienterici. In tali distretti il deposito della PrPSc risultava pienamente compatibile con un interessamento delle cellule enterogliali (“enteroglial cells”, EGCs), mentre occasionalmente si notava un contestuale coinvolgimento della componente neuronale ivi residente. In conclusione, i dati della presente indagine consentono di ipotizzare un verosimile coinvolgimento delle EGCs e dei neuroni residenti a livello dei plessi dell’ENS nella patogenesi della Scrapie sperimentale realizzata per os in ovini di razza Sarda.


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Fifty-two cases of monomorphic post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (M-PTLD), developed in patients undergone solid organ or bone marrow transplantation, were studied by the application of the tissue micro-array (TMA) technology. They included 50 cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) and 2 Burkitt lymphomas (BL). In order to evaluate the immune-profile a large panel of antibodies was applied including several new markers (Cyclin D2, Cyclin D3, p27, PKC-β, FOXP-1 and Survivin) identified as negative prognostic factors in DLBCL of the immunocompetent patient. Out of 50 DLBCL, 23 cases (46%) had an Activated B Cell (ABC) phenotype, 8 (16%) a Germinal Centre B-cell (GCB) phenotype, and 11 (22%) an Unclassified (UC) phenotype. In 8 cases (16%) the subtype was not demonstrable due to sub-optimal preservation or loss of the tissue core. FISH analysis detected BCL2 gene amplification and MYC rearrangement. EBV was identified in 32 cases (64%) performing immunohistochemistry (LMP-1) and in situ hybridization (EBER). Clinical data and follow-up were available in all cases of malignant lymphomas but one. Thirty-two patients died for progression of disease or complications related to transplant (bleeding, bacterial infections, and multi-organ failure); 17 patients are actually alive and disease-free. M-PTLD are aggressive lymphomas characterized by very poor outcome. The neoplastic process is stimulated by a prolonged immunosuppressive status which is capable to induce alterations of the immune system and allow EBV reactivation in previously infected patients. Indeed EBV infection seems to be the most significant risk factor to predict the development of a PTLD while age, sex, site of involvement and type of transplant do not have significant correlation. Furthermore DLBCL arisen in a setting of immunodeficiency share phenotypic and molecular features with DLBCL of the immunocompetent patient. In particular, the former shows a high incidence of BCL2 gene amplification and this aberration typically correlates with “non-GCB” phenotype. Also M-PTLD do express prognostic markers (PKC-β, cyclin D2, FOXP-1, and Survivin): notably, in our study, PKC-β and FOXP-1 were frequently expressed and they were predictive of a shorter overall survival even in lymphomas recognized to have a good prognosis (GCB-type). Given the fact that such molecules are detectable at the time of the diagnosis, we postulate whether a “tailored” or more specific therapy might be applied in the management of the immune-compromised patient.


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Background. A new classification system of human breast tumours based on the immunohistochemical characterization has been applied to mammary tumours of the female dog with the aim to verify its association with invasion and grade, and prognostic aid in veterinary medicine. Methods. Forty-five canine mammary carcinomas with a two-year post-mastectomy follow-up were selected from our database, and the following antibodies were applied: anti-cytokeratines 14, 5/6, oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and ERB-B2. . The tumours were grouped for phenotype as: luminal-like (ER+ and/or PR+, CK14-, CK5/6-) type A (ERB-B2-), and B (ERB-B2+); basal-like (ER-, PR-, CK14+ and/or CK5/6+, ERB-B2-); ERB-B2 (ER-, PR-, CK14-, CK5/6-, ERB-B2+). Association with invasion, grade and histotypes were evaluated and Kaplan-Meier survival curves estimated, then compared by survival analysis. Results. Thirty-five cases with luminal pattern (ER+ and PR+) were subgrouped into 13 A type and 22 B type, if ERB-B2 positive or negative . Most luminal-like A and basal-like cases were grade 1 carcinomas, while the percentage of luminal B cases was higher in grade 2 and 3 (Pearson Chi-square P=0.009). No difference in the percentage of molecular subtypes was evidenced between simple and complex/mixed carcinomas (Pearson Chi-square P=0.47). No significant results were obtained by survival analysis, even if basal-like had a more favourable prognosis than luminal-like. Conclusion. The panel of antibodies identified only 3 groups (luminal-like A and B, and basal-like) in the dog. Even though canine mammary tumours may be a model of human breast cancer, the existence of the same types of carcinoma as in the woman need to be confirmed. Canine mammary carcinomas show high molecular heterogeneity, which would benefit from a classification based on molecular differences. However, by multivariate analysis, the molecular classification appears a variable with a dependent value if compared to invasion and grade that are independent, suggesting that, at present, caution should be used in the application of such a classification to the dog, in which invasion and grade supply the most important prognostic information.


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Molecular profiling of Peripheral T-cell lymphomas not otherwise specified Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are a heterogeneous group of tumors that the WHO classification basically subdivides into specified and not otherwise specified (NOS). In Western countries, they represent around 12% of all non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. In particular, PTCL/NOS is the commonest subtype, corresponding to about 60-70% of all T-cell lymphomas. However, it remains a complex entity showing great variety regarding either morphology, immunophenotype or clinical behavior. Specially, the molecular pathology of these tumors is still poorly known. In fact, many alteration were found, but no single genes were demonstrated to have a pathogenetic role. Recently, gene expression profiling (GEP) allowed the identification of PTCL/NOS-associated molecular signatures, leading to better understanding of their histogenesis, pathogenesis and prognostication. Interestingly, proliferation pathways are commonly altered in PTCLs, being highly proliferative cases characterized by poorer prognosis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the possible role in PTCL/NOS pathogenesis of selected molecules, known to be relevant for proliferation control. In particular, we analyzed the cell cycle regulators PTEN and CDKN1B/p27, the NF-kB pathway, and the tyrosin kinase PDGFR. First, we found that PTEN and p27 seem to be regulated in PTCL/NOS as in normal T-lymphocytes, as to what expression and cellular localization are concerned, and do not present structural abnormalities in the vast majority of PTCL/NOS. Secondly, NF-kB pathway appeared to be variably activated in PTCL/NOS. In particular, according to NF-kB gene expression levels, the tumors could be divided into two clusters (C1 and C2). Specially, C1 corresponded to cases presenting with a global down-regulation of the entire pathway, while C2 showed over-expression of genes involved in TNF signaling. Notably, by immunohistochemistry, we showed that either the canonical or the alternative NK-kB pathway were activated in around 40% of cases. Finally, we found PGDFRA to be consistently over-expressed (at mRNA and protein level) and activated in almost all PTCLs/NOS. Noteworthy, when investigating possible causes for PDGFRA deregulation, we had evidences that PDGFR over-expression is due to the absence of miR-152, which appeared to be responsible for PDGFRA silencing in normal T-cells. Furthermore, we could demonstrate that its aberrant activation is sustained by an autocrine loop. Importantly, this is the first case, to the best of our knowledge, of hematological tumor in which tyrosin kinase aberrant activity is determined by deregulated miRNA expression and autocrine loop activation. Taken together, our results provide novel insight in PTCL/NOS pathogenesis by opening new intriguing scenarios for innovative therapeutic interventions.


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The project was developed into three parts: the analysis of p63 isoform in breast tumours; the study of intra-tumour eterogeneicity in metaplastic breast carcinoma; the analysis of oncocytic breast carcinoma. p63 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding factor, homologue of the tumour suppressor and transcription factor p53. The human p63 gene is composed of 15 exons and transcription can occur from two distinct promoters: the transactivating isoforms (TAp63) are generated by a promoter upstream of exon 1, while the alternative promoter located in intron 3 leads to the expression of N-terminal truncated isoforms (ΔNp63). It has been demonstrated that anti-p63 antibodies decorate the majority of squamous cell carcinomas of different organs; moreover tumours with myoepithelial differentiation of the breast show nuclear p63 expression. Two new isoforms have been described with the same sequence as TAp63 and ΔNp63 but lacking exon 4: d4TAp63 and ΔNp73L, respectively. Purpose of the study was to investigate the molecular expression of N-terminal p63 isoforms in benign and malignant breast tissues. In the present study 40 specimens from normal breast, benign lesions, DIN/DCIS, and invasive carcinomas were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase-PCR) in order to disclose the patterns of p63 expression. We have observed that the full-length isoforms can be detected in non neoplastic and neoplastic lesions, while the short isoforms are only present in the neoplastic cells of invasive carcinomas. Metaplastic carcinomas of the breast are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms which exhibit varied patterns of metaplasia and differentiation. The existence of such non-modal populations harbouring distinct genetic aberrations may explain the phenotypic diversity observed within a given tumour. Intra-tumour morphological heterogeneity is not uncommon in breast cancer and it can often be appreciated in metaplastic breast carcinomas. Aim of this study was to determine the existence of intra-tumour genetic heterogeneity in metaplastic breast cancers and whether areas with distinct morphological features in a given tumour might be underpinned by distinct patterns of genetic aberrations. 47 cases of metaplastic breast carcinomas were retrieved. Out of the 47 cases, 9 had areas that were of sufficient dimensions to be independently microdissected. Our results indicate that at least some breast cancers are composed of multiple non-modal populations of clonally related cells and provide direct evidence that at least some types of metaplastic breast cancers are composed of multiple non-modal clones harbouring distinct genetic aberrations. Oncocytic tumours represent a distinctive set of lesions with typical granular cytoplasmatic eosinophilia of the neoplastic cells. Only rare example of breast oncocytic carcinomas have been reported in literature and the incidence is probably underestimated. In this study we have analysed 33 cases of oncocytic invasive breast carcinoma of the breast, selected according to morphological and immunohistochemical criteria. These tumours were morphologically classified and studied by immunohistochemistry and aCGH. We have concluded that oncocytic breast carcinoma is a morphologic entity with distinctive ultrastructural and histological features; immunohistochemically is characterized by a luminal profile, it has a frequency of 19.8%, has not distinctive clinical features and, at molecular level, shows a specific constellation of genetic aberration.


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Recent reports showed that early-interim PET-scan is the only tool predicting treatment outcome in advanced-stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma (asCHL). We evaluated the prognostic impact of a series of immunohistochemical markers, mentioned in literature as prognostic factors, on tissue microarrays assembled from biopsies of 220 patients: STAT1, SAP, TOP2A, PCNA and CD20, both in neoplastic (HRSC) and microenvironment cells (MC); RRM2, MAD2, CDC2, BCL2, P53, BCL11A and EBER in HRSC; ALDH1A1, TIA-1, granzyme B, perforin, FOXP3, and PD-1 in MC. All patients had been treated with standard ABVD ± Rx therapy. Interim-PET after 2 ABVD courses was evaluated according to the criteria indicated by Gallamini in his study (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007). The survival analysis has been performed in a subset of 138 patients whose complete clinical information were available: the mean age was 33.3 years (14-79), the stage III-IVB in 98 and IIB in 40, and the mean follow-up 38.1 months (7.6-71.9). Histopathology review showed: NS-I 75, NS-II 22, MC 20, DL 3, and CHL/nos 18 cases. Interim-PET was positive in 30 patients, while treatment failure was recorded in 32. In univariate analysis the factors related to treatment outcome were BCL2 on HRSC (cut-off value 50%), STAT1/SAP on MC, and PET (Log-rank 6.9, 7.9 and 93.9 respectively). The combined expression of STAT1 and SAP was scored in three levels depending on the architectural pattern: score 0 for expression of both with a diffuse/rosetting pattern; score 1 for discordant combination of diffuse/rosetting and scattered patterns; score 2 for both markers with a scattered pattern; the 3y-PFS were 87.4%, 69.9% and 61.9% respectively. In multivariate analysis PET, BCL2 and STAT1/SAP remained significant (HR: 24.8, 4.6, 7.5 and 5.6, respectively; p<.01). The proposed model is able to predict treatment response in AsCHL, even if with a lower efficacy than PET. However, unlike PET, it can be applied upfront therapy.


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Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumours. Despite advances in surgical techniques, postoperative supportive care, radiation and adjuvant systemic therapy, the life expectancy of patients with high grade glioma has remained essentially poor. Furthermore differential diagnosis among astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas is very challenging and subject to inter-observer variability. The purpose of the research was: 1) to investigate a series of high grade and low grade gliomas at gene and protein (immunohistochemistry) levels to disclose possible genetic portraits of malignancy; 2) to verify the utility of Nogo-A, Olig-2 and synaptophysin in providing a correct histological diagnosis of oligodendroglioma and to investigate a possible complementary role in selecting the best areas suitable for detecting 1p/19q codeletion using FISH analysis; 3) to study the role of microRNA in high grade gliomas. In order to obtain these goals large series of brain tumors were studied with DNA microarrays, immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR The results demonstrated that: - Overexpression of IGFBP-2 and CDC20 is highly related to glioblastomas and their immunopositivity can be useful for the identification of glioblastoma in small biopsies. - Nogo-A is the most useful and specific marker in differentiating oigodendrogliomas from other gliomas. Furthermore, using a Nogo-A driven FISH analysis, it is possible to identify a larger number of 1p19q codeletions in gliomas. - microRNAs can be studied in paraffin embedded tissues better than in fresh tissues. A series of six microRNA, significatively deregulated in glioblastomas, may represent a genetic signature with prognostic and predictive value and could constitute candidates for novel anti-cancer therapeutics.