243 resultados para butadiene diepoxide


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El objeto de la tesis doctoral se centra en la obtención de una banda transportadora de minería exenta de halógenos o al menos con el menor contenido posible, es por ello que se ha realizado un estudio de diferentes matrices poliméricas sin halógenos y se han evaluado diferentes sistemas ignifugantes. Se ha partido de mezclas con base polimérica de caucho natural y de estireno butadieno ya que son cauchos sin halógenos y con los que se pueden obtener mezclas de buenas propiedades mecánicas. Los resultados obtenidos durante el desarrollo de la tesis han sido muy satisfactorios, ya que se fabricaron bandas a gran escala para poder realizar los ensayos descritos en la normativa UNE EN 14973. La clasificación adquirida, categoría B1, alcanza dos de los objetivos marcados al inicio de los trabajos de investigación, y por tanto puede dar lugar a: - La fabricación a nivel industrial - La comercialización de una banda retardante de llama para minería y obra subterránea, formulada con un nuevo aditivo que reduce notablemente el contenido en cloro. - Disminución de la contaminación derivada de los humos tóxicos producidos cuando una banda transportadora arde accidentalmente. Los aditivos retardantes de llama sin halógenos, son muy efectivos en dosis elevadas, para la obtención de mezclas con propiedades ignífugas, pero las propiedades mecánicas de las mezclas se debilitan. Se ha buscado un compromiso entre las propiedades ignífugas y mecánicas, por lo que resulta adecuado obtener aditivos que posean un tamaño de partícula tal que actúen como cargas semi-reforzantes para poder utilizarlos en mayor proporción y así poder conseguir las propiedades ignífugas deseadas sin alterar de forma significativa las demás propiedades de la mezcla. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to obtain a mining conveyor belt with minimal halogen content, with the final objective of being halogen-free. Several polymer matrices without halogen and as well as fireproof systems have been analyzed to achieve this goal. The polymer mixtures studied are based on natural rubber and styrene butadiene, due to the fact that are rubbers without halogens and which their mixtures have good mechanical properties. The outcome of the thesis research is satisfactory, since the results are manufactured conveyor belts that comply with the tests described in the UNE EN 14973. The obtained B1 classification achieves two objectives set at the beginning of the research, and therefore can lead to: - Manufacturing at industrial level - Marketing of a flame retardant conveyor belt for mining and underground works formulated with a new additive that significantly reduces the chlorine content - Reduce pollution produced of the toxic fumes generated when a conveyor accidentally burns Additive flame retardant halogen-free are very effective in high doses to obtain blends with flame retardant properties, but the mechanical properties of the blends are below standards. A compromise between the fire retardant and mechanical properties has been successfully obtained, making possible to obtain additives that show a particle size that act as semi-reinforcing load in order to use a greater extent and thus be able to achieve the pursued fire retardant properties without altering significant other properties of mixture.


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El propósito del presente proyecto fue seleccionar la configuración de fabricación de probetas obtenidas mediante el proceso de Modelado por Deposición Fundida (FDM) con el termoplástico acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (ABS), que optimice las propiedades mecánicas de las probetas y el ahorro de material de apoyo. Se aplicaron técnicas de caracterización física y mecánica y de microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM). Los resultados indicaron que las probetas verticales presentaron aproximadamente el 6 % de pérdida de material frente cerca de un 40% de las probetas horizontales. La rotura de los cordones se produjo longitudinalmente en el borde de las probetas horizontales mientras que en el borde de las probetas verticales fueron por despegue de los cordones de ABS. La rotura de los cordones en el interior de ambas probetas fue en la dirección de los cordones. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project was to select the manufacture design in test specimens obtained using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), thus optimizing the mechanical properties of the test specimens and saving the support material. The study was carried out by mean of mechanical and physical characterization techniques as well as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that the horizontal test specimen showed approximately 40% of material loss compared to the vertical test specimen showed a loss 8%. The ABS filament breakage occurred longitudinally on the edge of the horizontal test specimen while the ABS filament breakage was transversely by the separation of the ABS filament on the edge of the vertical tests. The breakage of the filament inside both test specimens was in the direction of the filaments.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como principal objetivo el obtener una cadena de tratamientos seguros de aguas seriados que nos permita asegurar la calidad de las aguas para consumo humano en caso de emergencias, de tal forma que se minimicen los efectos de acciones hostiles, como sabotajes o actos terroristas, desastres naturales, etc y buscar soluciones adecuadas para garantizar en este caso la salud. Las plantas de tratamientos de aguas existentes comercialmente no aseguran dicha calidad y la documentación sobre el tema presenta vacíos de conocimiento, contradicciones entre resultados de investigaciones o insostenibilidad de conclusiones de las mismas. Estas carencias nos permiten determinar los aspectos a tratar durante la investigación. Por ello, este objetivo se concretó en tres acciones: Investigar sobre rendimientos de plantas convencionales en eliminación de microorganismos y productos tóxicos y peligrosos. Introducir mejoras que garanticen el rendimiento de las plantas convencionales. Investigar sobre la conveniencia de complementar las instalaciones existentes buscando seguridad y garantía sanitaria. Y se desarrollaron tres líneas de investigación: LI 1 “Inorgánicos”: Investigación sobre la eliminación de los metales boro, cobre y molibdeno mediante procesos de intercambio iónico y de coagulaciónfloculación- decantación. LI 2 “Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles”: Investigación sobre la eliminación de los compuestos orgánicos 1,1 dicloroetano, 1,2 dicloroetano, clorobenceno, 1,3 dicloropropeno y hexacloro 1,3 butadieno mediante procesos de carbón activo granular y de oxidación avanzada. LI 3 “Plantas portátiles”: Investigación sobre plantas existentes portátiles para verificar su rendimiento teórico y proponer mejoras. Estas líneas de investigación se desarrollaron tanto en el nivel teórico como en el empírico, bien sea en laboratorio como en campo. A lo largo del documento se demuestra que las principales fuentes de contaminación, salvo la degradación de yacimientos naturales, proceden de la actividad humana (efluentes industriales y agrícolas, aguas residuales y actividades beligerantes) que provocan un amplio espectro de enfermedades por lo que dificultan tanto la definición de la fuente como la anticipada detección de la enfermedad. Las principales conclusiones que se obtuvieron están relacionadas con el rendimiento de eliminación de los parámetros tras la aplicación de los procesos y plantas de tratamiento de aguas anteriormente reseñadas. Sin embargo, el verdadero elemento designador de originalidad de esta Tesis Doctoral, tal como se ha reseñado arriba, radica en la definición de un sistema seriado de procesos de tratamiento de aguas que asegura la calidad en caso de emergencia. Éste se define en el siguiente orden: pretratamiento, oxidación, coagulación-floculación-decantación, filtración por arena, intercambio iónico, carbón activo granular, microfiltración, radiación UV, ósmosis inversa, radiación UV y cloración final. The main objective of this Thesis is to obtain a chain of stepwise safe water treatments that allow us to ensure the quality of water for human consumption in case of emergencies, so that the effects of hostile actions, such as sabotage or terrorism, natural disasters, etc. and seek appropriate solutions in this case to ensure health. The existing commercial water treatment plants do not ensure quality, and the documentation on the subject presents knowledge gaps or contradictions. These gaps allow us to determine the issues to be discussed during the investigation. Therefore, this objective was manifested in three actions: Researching yields in commercial plants and microorganisms, or toxic and dangerous products removal. Improvements to ensure the performance of conventional plants. Inquire about the advisability of implementing existing facilities for safety and health guarantee. And three lines of research are developed: LI 1 “Inorganic elements”: Research removing metals iron, copper and molybdenum by ion exchange processes and coagulation-flocculation-decantation. LI 2 “Volatile Organic Compounds”: Research removing organic compounds 1,1 dichloroethane, 1,2 dichloroethane, chlorobenzene, 1,3-dichloropropene and 1,3-butadiene hexachloro through processes of granular activated carbon and advanced oxidation. LI 3 “Compact Water Treatment Plants”: Research on existing packaged plants to verify theoretical performance and suggest improvements. These lines of research are developed both theoretically and empirically, both in the laboratory and in the field. Throughout the document, it is evident that the main sources of pollution, other than the degradation of natural deposits, come from human activity (industrial and agricultural effluents, sewage and belligerent activities) which cause a broad spectrum of diseases which hamper both the definition of the source and the early detection of the disease. The main conclusions drawn are related to both the removal efficiency parameters after application of processes and treatment plants outlined above water. However, the real designator of originality of this thesis, such as outlined above, lies in the definition of a serial system water treatment processes assuring quality in case of emergency. This is defined in the following order: pretreatment, oxidation, coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation, sand filtration, ion exchange, granular activated carbon, microfiltration, UV radiation, reverse osmosis, UV radiation and final chlorination.


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Isoprene synthase is the enzyme responsible for the foliar emission of the hydrocarbon isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) from many C3 plants. Previously, thylakoid-bound and soluble forms of isoprene synthase had been isolated separately, each from different plant species using different procedures. Here we describe the isolation of thylakoid-bound and soluble isoprene synthases from a single willow (Salix discolor L.) leaf-fractionation protocol. Willow leaf isoprene synthase appears to be plastidic, with whole-leaf and intact chloroplast fractionations yielding approximately equal soluble (i.e. stromal) and thylakoid-bound isoprene synthase activities. Although thylakoid-bound isoprene synthase is tightly bound to the thylakoid membrane (M.C. Wildermuth, R. Fall [1996] Plant Physiol 112: 171–182), it can be solubilized by pH 10.0 treatment. The solubilized thylakoid-bound and stromal isoprene synthases exhibit similar catalytic properties, and contain essential cysteine, histidine, and arginine residues, as do other isoprenoid synthases. In addition, two regulators of foliar isoprene emission, leaf age and light, do not alter the percentage of isoprene synthase activity in the bound or soluble form. The relationship between the isoprene synthase isoforms and the implications for function and regulation of isoprene production are discussed.


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Riassunto I biomarcatori o “marcatori biologici” svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nel monitoraggio biologico. In questo lavoro ci siamo soffermati sullo studio di biomarcatori di effetto e di esposizione a xenobiotici ambientali. Nel primo caso abbiamo valutato i micro RNA (miRNA) da utilizzare per la diagnosi precoce del tumore al polmone in matrici di facile accesso, quale il CAE e il plasma, utilizzando il miRNA-21, oncogeno, e il miRNA-486, oncosoppressore. I risultati evidenziano una loro capacità di distinguere correttamente i soggetti con tumore polmonare dai soggetti sani, ipotizzando un loro utilizzo a scopo diagnostico. Nella seconda parte del lavoro di tesi sono stati studiati i biomarcatori di esposizione a benzene per valutare gli effetti dell’esposizione a concentrazioni ambientali su bambini residenti in città e a diverso livello di urbanizzazione. Lo studio ha evidenziato una correlazione dose-effetto fra le concentrazioni di benzene e dei suoi metaboliti urinari e un danno ossidativo a livello degli acidi nucleici. Tuttavia, le concentrazioni di benzene urinario non sono influenzate dal grado di industrializzazione, a differenza dell’S-PMA e degli indicatori di stress ossidativo (8-oxodGuo e 8-oxoGuo) che sembrano risentire sia della residenza che del momento del campionamento. Infine abbiamo ricercato possibili biomarcatori di esposizione a vinilcicloesene (VCH), sottoprodotto industriale nella polimerizzazione del 1,3-butadiene, poiché non sono ancora stati proposti BEI di riferimento nonostante i bassi valori di TLV-TWA (0.1 ppm) proposti dall’ACGIH. Nella prima fase del lavoro abbiamo studiato i meccanismi di tossicità del VCH tramite modelli in vitro, testando varie linee cellulari. I risultati evidenziano come la dose reale di VCH sia di molto inferiore a quella nominale per effetto dell’evaporazione. Inoltre, nelle linee cellulari più sensibili si sono evidenziati effetti citostatici, con alterazioni del ciclo cellulare, a differenza dell’esposizione agli epossidi del VCH, il VCD e l’1,2-VCHME, che determinano lisi cellulare con IC50 di 3 ordini di grandezza inferiori a quelli del VCH. La quantificazione dei metaboliti di I fase e di II fase del VCH nelle linee cellulari epatiche ha evidenziato concentrazioni di circa 1000 volte inferiori a quelle del VCH confermando come la sua tossicità sia principalmente dovuta alla produzione degli intermedi epossidici. La trasformazione nei metaboliti di II fase conferma inoltre l’effetto detossificante del metabolismo. La trasferibilità dei risultati ottenuti in vitro su sistemi in vivo fornirà le basi per poter identificare possibili metaboliti da proporre per il monitoraggio biologico di lavoratori esposti a VCH. PAROLE CHIAVE: biomarcatori di effetto e di esposizione, tumore al polmone, miRNA, benzene, vinilcicloesene.


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O propósito deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um procedimento simulador de processo reproduzindo a etapa de destilação extrativa de uma unidade de extração de butadieno a partir de uma corrente de hidrocarbonetos na faixa de quatro átomos de carbono, através da adição do solvente n-metil-2- pirrolidona (NMP). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados e validados com dados de processo obtidos por uma unidade industrial de extração de butadieno. O aprofundamento nos conceitos do processo de separação através de uma ferramenta em simulador de processo capaz de predizer condições de operação permitiu avaliações de aumento de capacidade. A capacidade dos elementos internos dos equipamentos envolvidos na separação pode ser avaliada e a identificação do ponto inicial de engargalamento da unidade foi possível. O procedimento proposto também permite reduzir incertezas para identificação de novos pontos de engargalamento a partir de uma nova configuração dos elementos internos identificados como ineficientes com a elevação de carga processada.


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El objetivo principal de la presente investigación ha sido desarrollar una nueva clase de materiales nanocompuestos orgánicos-inorgánicos basados en la capacidad de los copolímeros de bloque de auto-organizarse promoviendo la dispersión de nanopartículas, así como relacionar las diferentes morfologías obtenidas con las propiedades finales de los nanocompuestos. Para generar la nanoestructuración de estos nanocompuestos basados en copolímeros de bloque, como el poli(estireno-b-isopreno-b-estireno) (SIS) y el poli(estireno-b-butadieno-b-estireno) (SBS) en nanopartículas de plata, se han utilizado los conceptos de compatibilización y confinamiento. Es decir, las nanopartículas inorgánicas se confinaron en una sola fase del copolímero de bloque mediante tratamientos superficiales y su funcionalización física. En particular, se utilizaron surfactantes (el cloruro de tetrametilamonio, TMAC, y el dodecanotiol, DT) para favorecer la interacción entre las nanopartículas inorgánicas y la matriz polimérica. Teniendo en cuenta los cálculos teóricos de los parámetros de solubilidad obtenidos mediante la teoría de Hoftizer-Van Krevelen, y la electronegatividad propia de los diferentes elementos, los dos surfactantes elegidos tienen una muy buena compatibilidad con el bloque de estireno favoreciendo la localización de las nanopartículas de plata en este bloque.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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v.1. Selected plastics.--v.2. Petroleum refining.--v.3. Cement.--v.4. Copper.--v.5. Aluminum.--v.6. Steel.--v.7. Glass.--v.8. Selected paper products.--v.9.Styrene butadiene rubber.


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The aim of this project was to investigate the enzyme catalysed modification of synthetic polymers. It was found that an immobilised lipase from Candida antartica (Novozyme 435) catalysed the selective epoxidation of poly(butadiene) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and catalytic quantities of acetic acid. The cis and trans double bonds of the backbone were epoxidised in yields of up to 60 % whilst the pendent vinyl groups were untouched. The effect of varying a number of reaction parameters was investigated. These studies suggested that higher yields of epoxide could not be obtained because of the conformational properties of the partially epoxidised polymer. Application of this process to the Baeyer-Villiger reaction of poly(vinyl phenyl ketone) and poly(vinyl methyl ketone) were unsuccessful. The lack of reactivity was found to be a property of the polymer rather than the enzymatic system employed. Attempts to modify hydroxyl containing polymers and polymers bearing active esters close to the polymer backbone were unsuccessful. Steric factors appear to be the most important influence on the outcome of the reactions.


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This thesis is primarily concerned with the synthesis and polymerization of 5-methyl-1;3, 2-dioxathiolan-4-one-2-oxide (lactic acid anhydrosulphite (LAAS)) using anionic initiators under various conditions. Poly(lactic acid) is a biodegradable polymer which finds many uses in biomedical applications such as drug-delivery and wound-support systems. For such applications it is desirable to produce polymers having predictable molecular weight distributions and crystallinity, The use of anionic initiators offers a potential route to the creation of living polymers. The synthesis of LAAS was achieved by means of an established route though the procedure was modified to some extent and a new method of purification of the monomer using copper oxides was introduced, Chromatographic purification methods were also examined but found to be ineffective. An unusual impurity was discovered in some syntheses and this was identified by means of 1H and 13C NMR, elemental analysis and GC-MS. Since poly-α-esters having hydroxyl-bearing substituents might be expected to have high equilibrium water contents and hence low surface tension characteristics which might aid bio-compatibility, synthesis of gluconic acid anhydrosulphite was also attempted and the product characterised by 1H and 13C NMR. The kinetics of the decomposition of lactic acid anhydrosulphite by lithium tert-butoxide in nitrobenzene has been examined by means of gas evolution measurements. The kinetics of the reaction with potassium tert-butoxide (and also sec-butyl lithium) in tetrahydrofuran has been studied using calorimetric techniques. LAAS was block co-polymerized with styrene and also with 1,3-butadiene in tetrahydrofuran (in the latter case a statistical co-polymer was also produced).


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The cationic polymerisation of various monomers, including cyclic ethers bearing energetic nitrate ester (-ON02) groups, substituted styrenes and isobutylene has been investigated. The main reaction studied has been the ring-opening polymerisation of 3- (nitratomethyl)-3-methyl oxetane (NIMMO) using the alcohol/BF3.0Et2 binary initiator system. A series of di-, tri- and tetrafunctional telechelic polymers has been synthesised. In order to optimise the system, achieve controlled molecular weight polymers and understand the mechanism of polymerisation the effects of certain parameters on the molecular weight distribution, as determined by Size Exclusion Chromatography, have been examined. This shows the molecular weight achieved depends on a combination of factors including -OH concentration, addition rate of monomer and, most importantly, temperature. A lower temperature and OH concentration tends to produce higher molecular weight, whereas, slower addition rates of monomer, either have no significant effect or produce a lower molecular weight polymer. These factors were used to increase the formation of a cyclic oligomer, by a side reaction, and suggest, that the polymerisation of NIMMO is complicated with endbiting and back biting reactions, along with other transfer/termination processes. These observations appear to fit the model of an active-chain end mechanism. Another cyclic monomer, glycidyl nitrate (GLYN), has been polymerised by the activated monomer mechanism. Various other monomers have been used to end-cap the polymer chains to produce hydroxy ends which are expected to form more stable urethane links, than the glycidyl nitrate ends, when cured with isocyanates. A novel monomer, butadiene oxide dinitrate (BODN), has been prepared and its homopolymerisation and copolymerisation with GL YN studied. In concurrent work the carbocationic polymerisations of isobutylene or substituted styrenes have been studied. Materials with narrow molecular weight distributions have been prepared using the diphenyl phosphate/BCl3 initiator. These systems and monomers are expected to be used in the synthesis of thermoplastic elastomers.


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In this work the oxidative degradation of pure polystyrene, polybutadiene and butadiene-modified polystyrene (normally called high impact polystyrene or HIPS) have been studied using a variety of physical and chemical techniques. The changes in dynamic-mechanical properties occurring during the ultra-violet light accelerated weathering of these polymers were followed by a visco-elastometric technique (Rheovibron) in the solid phase over a wide temperature range. Selective cross-linking of the polybutadiene in high-impact polystyrene caused the depression of the low temperature damping peak (tan d) with a corresponding sharp peak in tan d at ambient temperature accompanied by an integral rise in complex modulus. During the same period of photoxidation, the hydroperoxide concentration and gel content increased rapidly, reaching a maximum before decomposing photolytically with the destruction of unsaturation and with the formation of stable oxidation products. Infra-red spectroscopy showed the formation of carbonyl and hydroxyl groups. a,ß-unsaturated carbonyl was also identified and was formed by decomposition of both allylic hydroperoxide and initial peroxidic gel by ß-scission of the graft between polybutadiene and polystyrene. With further photoxidation a more stable ether gel was formed involving the destruction of the conjugating double bond of a,ß-unsaturated carbonyl. Addition of saturated and unsaturated ketones which are potential sensitisers of photoxidation to high-impact polystyrene and polybutadiene failed to photo-initiate the oxygen absorption of the polymers. A prior thermal oxidative treatment on the other hand eliminated the auto- accelerating stage leading to linear kinetics as the concentration of thermally-produced hydroperoxide approached a maximum. Antioxidants which act by destroying hydroperoxide lengthened the induction period to rapid oxygen absorption, whilst a phenolic antioxidant behaved as a weak photo-activator initially and a retarder later. Prior photolysis of high-impact polystyrene photo-activated the unsaturated component and caused similar changes in dynamic-mechanical properties to those found during photoxidation although at a much lower rate. Polybutadiene behaves as a photo-pro-oxidant for the destruction of polystyrene in high-impact polystyrene.


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Investigations concentrated on the styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) latex and formulations included standard carboxylated and special carboxylated latexes. The aqueous component, containing the stabilisers and antifoaming agent but not the polymer solids, was also used. For comparison, limited investigations were carried out using other polymer types e.g. acrylic, ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), and redispersible powders rather than emulsions. The major findings were: 1) All latex systems investigated acted as retarders for cement hydration. The extent of retardation depends on the type of polymer. The mechanism for cement hydration may be changed, and excessive retardation influences properties. 2) Polymer modified cements exhibited either similar or coarser pore structures compared with unmodified cements. Results suggest that polymer mainly exists in a mixture of cement hydrates and polymer phase. Very little evidence was found for the formation of a distinct polymer film phase. 3) During the first few days of curing the polymer solids are removed from the pore solution and concentrations of OH-, Na+ and K+ are reduced. These observations are probably a result of polymer-cement surface interactions since there was no evidence of any chemical reactions or degradation of the polymer. 4) Improved diffusional resistance of modified cements depends on the ability to achieve adequate workability at low w/c ratio, rather than modification of matrix structure.


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Polymer modified cements and mortars have become popular for use as patch repair materials. General evidence suggests that these materials offer considerable improvements compared to traditional mortars although the mechanisms for this are not fully understood. This work elucidates the factors which govern some properties and performance of different polymer systems. In view of the wide range of commercial systems available, investigations concentrated on the use of three of the most commonly available groups of polymers. These were: (1) Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR), (2) Acrylics and, (3) Ethylene Vinyl Acetates (EVA). The later two were in the form of both emulsions and redispersible powders. Experiments concentrated on: (1) Rheological behaviour of polymer modified cement pastes; (2) Workability of polymer modified mortars; (3) Influence of curing conditions on the pore size distribution and diffusion of chloride ions; (4) Bond strength of polymer modified cement and mortar patches; and (5) Microscopic examination and semi-quantitative analyses of the bulk and interfacial microstructures. The following main conclusions were reached: (1) The addition of polymer emulsions have a considerable influence on the workability of fresh cement pastes, the extent of this depending on the type of system used. (2) The rheological parameters of fresh polymer modified mortars can be established using a two-point workability test which may be used when comparing the properties of different systems at constant workability. (3) Curing conditions affect the properties of polymer modified systems and a wet/dry curing regime was essential for good adhesion of these materials to mortar substrates. (4) In contrast, the wet/dry curing regime resulted in a curing affected zone at the surface of patch materials. This can result in a much coarser pore structure and enhanced diffusion of e.g. chloride ions. (5) The microstructure of polymer modified systems was very different compared with the unmodified cement/mortar and varied depending on curing conditions.