249 resultados para Arachis hypogaea


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O experimento foi conduzido no município de Cachoeira do Sul de out/2001 a out/2002, objetivando avaliar a dinâmica vegetacional e o desempenho animal (31/05/02 a 16/09/02), em uma pastagem nativa submetida a diferentes métodos de controle de plantas indesejáveis. O local corresponde à região fisiográfica denominada Serra do Sudeste, com predominância das espécies Paspalum notatum (grama forquilha), Andropogon lateralis (capim caninha), além de Arachis burkartii e Desmodium incanum. Como plantas classificadas como indesejáveis encontram-se Baccharis trimera (carqueja), Vernonia nudiflora (alecrim) e Psidium luridum (araçá do campo). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi um fatorial em blocos (4 x 2), com duas repetições de campo. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: testemunha (T); roçada de primavera (P); roçada de primavera + outono (O) e roçada de primavera + controle químico (Q), todos em duas ofertas de forragem, média (8%) e alta (14%). Os animais testes foram três novilhas por repetição, mantidas em pastejo contínuo com lotação variável. A massa de forragem foi obtida através de avaliações visuais usando padrões de referência, o acúmulo de forragem através do uso de gaiolas de exclusão e a composição botânica pelo método do ponto. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros de desempenho individual, carga animal, ganho de peso vivo por área e a dinâmica vegetacional. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância através do pacote estatístico SAS. O nível alto de oferta permitiu uma menor perda de peso vivo por área. Os tratamentos P e Q proporcionaram um melhor desempenho individual e menor perda de peso vivo por área, quando comparados a T. Os tratamentos P, O e Q foram eficientes no controle de Baccharis trimera. A. burkartii e Eriyngium horridum foram incrementados pela média intensidade de pastejo. Aristida laevis teve sua participação aumentada pela interação tratamento Q e baixa intensidade de pastejo.


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This work aimed to study the intercropping of corn with Arachis pintoi cv. MG-100 and Calopogonium muconoides, regarding to vegetative growth and corn yield, capacity of production of forage dry matter, infestation of weeds and the effect of this system of production in the soybean crop in rotation. This research was carried out under field conditions form December 2008 to April 2010 in the UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block in split-plot design with four replications. Two forages species (A. pintoi and C. muconoides), four amounts of seeds (400, 800, 1200 e 1600 points of cultural value ha(-1)) and one treatment additional with single corn were studied. The intercropping did not affect the vegetative growth and corn yield when compared to the single corn. The C. muconoides had greater density and dry matter of plants than A. pintoi. The number of plants and dry matter of C. muconoides increased with increasing the amount of seeds sowed in the area. These variables were not affected by the sowing density of A. pintoi. The straw production by the forage species before of the soybean crop in rotation was inexpressive (less than 1100 kg ha(-1)). The intercropping did not affect the weed occurrence and the development of the soybean crop in rotation.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a possibilidade de se obter indicações sobre a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de amendoim através do teste de lixiviação de potássio, cuja eficiência foi avaliada comparativamente às informações fornecidas por outros testes de vigor e à emergência de plântulas em campo. Para tanto, utilizou-se dois lotes de sementes de amendoim da cultivar Tatu (peneira 20/64) que foram submetidos aos testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, condutividade elétrica (3 e 24 horas), emergência de plântulas em campo, índice de velocidade de emergência de plântulas, peso de matéria seca de plântulas e determinação do grau de umidade. Além destes, foram conduzidos estudos de lixiviação de potássio, cálcio e magnésio utilizando-se amostras de sementes fisicamente puras. A quantificação de potássio foi conduzida em fotômetro de chama e as de cálcio e magnésio em espectrofotometro de absorção atômica após 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 e 30 horas de embebição a 20ºC. As avaliações da lixiviação de potássio mostraram-se promissoras para a identificação de lotes com diferentes níveis de qualidade.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the amount of spray deposition on peanut plants (Aracahis hypogaea) and on the weed Brachiaria plantaginea, in the rows and inter rows of the culture, as well as the amount of deposition on the soil. The study was conducted in the field using the peanut cultivar IAC Tatu-ST and the treatment applications were performed at the vegetative (V1) and reproductive (R2) stages. Brilliant Blue (FD&C-1) was used as tracer in water solution, at 500 ppm. The treatments were constituted of seven spray nozzles: XR 110015 VS (150 L ha(-1)), XR 11002 VS (200 L ha(-1)), TX-VK 6 (150 L ha(-1)), TX-VK 8 (200 L ha(-1)), AI 110015 VS (150 L ha(-1)), AI11002 VS (200 L ha(-1)) and TJ60 11002 VS (150 and 200 L ha(-1)). A randomized block design was used, with four replications. The results showed that the application of a larger spray volume increased the amount of depositions on the plants IAC Tatu ST at both stages of crop development, with the exception of spray nozzles XR 110015 VS and AI11002 VS, at the vegetative (V1) and reproductive (R2) stages of the culture, respectively; the greatest loss of drops in applications on the soil at the vegetative stage (V1) was provided by the spray nozzles AI 110015 VS and AI 11002 VS; however, at the reproductive stage (R2), the spray nozzle XR 11002 VS caused the greatest loss; The spray nozzles XR 11002 VS, AI 110015 VS, and TJ60 11002 VS (150 L ha(-1)) provided higher depositions on the leaves of B. plantaginea planted in the row than between the rows in the applications at the vegetative stage (V1), while at the reproductive stage (R2), the spray nozzles showed similar results for the deposition of droplets on the weed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Calcium plays a fundamental role in cell division and growth, and is an important constituent of the cell wall. An increase in Ca concentration in the tegument of peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) seeds in response to lime application can affect its structure. The tegument structure can also be affected by the drying method of the seeds. The effects of lime application and drying methods as affecting the peanut seed tegument structure were studied in seeds from a field experiment conducted in Sao Manuel, São Paulo, Brazil. Peanut (cv. Botutatu, Valencia Type) was grown in presence or absence of 2.1 Mg ha(-1) of lime and dried in an oven, in shade and in the field. The tegument anatomical features were described and its structure was analysed. Pectic substances, lipidic reserves and starch accumulation were studied. The peanut tegument exhibited well differentiated exotesta, mesotesta and endotesta rich in pectates and covered by a cuticle. Tannin was not observed but there was lipid accumulation in mature teguments. Lignin was observed in the vascular bundles. Lime increased the tegument thickness and decreased the central cavity mainly in the exotesta cells when the period of seed drying was shortened. The effect of drying method upon the tegument was more noticeable in seeds grown without lime. It can be inferred that liming increased the resistance of the tegument.


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An experiment was conducted to study the effects of liming and drying method on Ca nutrition, fungus infection and aflatoxin production potential on peanut (Arachis hypogea) grains. Peanut cv. Botutatu was grown in the absence or presence of liming to raise the base saturation of the soil from 20 to 56%. Calcium contents of the soil were increased from 5.5 to 14.6 mmol((c))kg-1 and pH from 4.2 to 4.9. After harvest, plants and pods were dried in (1) shade, (2) field down to 100 g water kg-1 (3) field down to 250 g water kg-1 and transferred to a forced-air oven at 30°C, (4) field down to 360 g water kg-1 and transferred to a forced-air oven at 30°C. Calcium contents were analyzed in the grains, pericarps and seed coats. The incidence of Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Rhizopus spp. and potential aflatoxin production in vitro were evaluated, as well as the seed coat thickness. The seed coat was thicker when peanut was grown in the presence of lime, leading to a decrease in seed infection by Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. When plants were dried in shade, the growth of aflatoxinogenic fungi was independent of liming. However, in plants dried in the field or field + oven, the development of these fungi was decreased and even suppressed when the Ca content of the seed coat was increased from 2.2 to 5.5 g kg-1.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Foi realizado um estudo no município de Igarapé-açú com o objetivo de avaliar a massa de forragem e a composição botânica da dieta de bovinos em pastagens de capim braquiarão e quicuio consorciadas com as leguminosas Arachis pintoi, Cratylia argentea e Leucaena leucocephala, submetidas a dois métodos de preparo de área: com mulch e com queima da vegetação secundária.A área foi dividida em parcelas, com três repetições. Foram realizados dois experimentos um com queima e outro onde a vegetação foi triturada - mulch. Foram testados três pastagens para cada experimento: 1. QB - B. humidicola + B. brizantha cv. Marandu. 2. QBAL - B. humidicola + B. brizantha consorciada com A. pintoi cv. Amarilo + L. leucocephala cv. Cunninghan . 3. QBAC - B. humidicola + B. brizantha consorciada com A. pintoi cv. Amarilo + C. argentea. A composição da dieta consumida pelos animais foi estimada através da análise microhistológica das fezes. As avaliações foram feitas no período experimental de 15/04/02 a 18/03/03. Para a determinação da composição botânica foi utilizada a técnica da análise microhistologica de fezes As coletas de fezes e de forragem foram realizadas a cada dezoito dias. As amostragens de forragem foram feitas ao acaso, nas parcelas somente com gramíneas foram amostrados seis locais, enquanto que nas parcelas consorciadas foram amostrados doze locais.Os dados da massa de forragem e composição botânica da dieta foram analisados estatisticamente pelo software SAS versão 8.2. Apresentaram diferenças entre épocas a massa total, a massa de folha de braquiarão, de araquis, de espécies da capoeira, e de material morto. Quanto ao método de preparo de área todas as variáveis de resposta apresentaram diferenças. As massas total, de folha e de colmo de braquiarão e de material morto foram superiores na pastagem composta por gramíneas (QB). A massa de folha e colmo de quicuio e de araquis foram superiores na pastagem QBAL e a massa de espécies da capoeira foi maior na pastagem QBAC. Todas as variáveis apresentaram diferenças significativas entre ciclo, sendo que, as massas totais mais elevadas foram alcançadas nos ciclos 3 e 4. O consumo de quicuio e de espécies da capoeira foram superiores na época seca, enquanto, a percentagem de braquiarão foi superior na época chuvosa. As percentagens de quicuio foram superiores no método com queima, enquanto as de braquiarão foram superiores no método mulch. Não houve diferenças significativas entre as pastagens para as percentagens de capim quicuio e de espécies da capoeira. As percentagens de braquiarão foram superiores nas pastagens de QB e QBAL e as de leguminosas foram superiores nas pastagens consorciadas com leguminosas QBAC e QBAL.Foram encontradas 14 famílias e 23 espécies. O método de preparo de área influenciou na massa de forragem e na composição botânica da dieta.A composição botânica da dieta foi influenciada pela massa de forragem. As espécies da capoeira tiveram pequena participação na composição botânica da dieta dos animais, devido a suficiente oferta de forragem na maior parte do ano.


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The purpose of this study was to determine a shape factor to estimate area of leaflets of two peanut cultivars (IAC TATU ST, IAC RUNNER 886). Correlation studies were conducted involving real leaf area (Sf) and leaf length (C), maximum leaf width (L) and the product between C and L. For each cultivar was determined a form factor (f) by means of regression analysis between the product of the length by the width and the actual area of leaves and the correlation between leaf area estimated by the correction factor and direct measurement. All evaluated models (linear, exponential or geometric) provided good estimates of leaf area (above 87%). Linear models had the best fit, passing or not through the origin. From a practical viewpoint, it is suggested to use the linear model involving the C and L product, using a linear coefficient equal to zero, with values of factor f equal to 0.7111 and 0.7266 for IAC RUNNER 886 and IAC TATU ST, respectively. The method of dimensions is feasible for the estimation of leaf area for both peanut cultivars, for showing good r(2) values (0.97), with errors below 3%, even when used with independent data.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The rheological, physicochemical properties, emulsification and stability of exopolysaccharides (EPSs) from four rhizobia isolates (LBMP-C01, LBMP-C02, LBMP-C03 and LBMP-C04) were studied. The EPS yields of isolates under these experimental conditions were in the range of 1.5-6.63gL(-1). The LBMP-C04 isolate, which presented the highest EPS production (6.63gL(-1)), was isolated from Arachis pintoi and was identified as a Rhizobium sp. strain that could be explored as a possible potential source for the production of extracellular heteropolysaccharides. All polymers showed a pseudoplastic non-Newtonian fluid behavior or shear thinning property in aqueous solutions. Among the four EPS tested against hydrocarbons, EPS LBMP-C01 was found to be more effective against hexane, olive and soybean oils (89.94%, 82.75% and 81.15%, respectively). Importantly, we found that changes in pH (2-11) and salinity (0-30%) influenced the emulsification of diesel oil by the EPSs. EPSLBMP-C04 presented optimal emulsification capacity at pH 10 (E24=53%) and 30% salinity (E24=27%). These findings contribute to the understanding of the influence of the chemical composition, physical properties and biotechnology applications of rhizobial EPS solutions their bioemulsifying properties.