194 resultados para Habitation


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Top-predators around the world are becoming increasingly intertwined with humans, sometimes causing conflict and increasing safety risks in urban areas. In Australia, dingoes and dingo � domestic dog hybrids are common in many urban areas, and pose a variety of human health and safety risks. However, data on urban dingo ecology is scant. We GPS-collared 37 dingoes in north-eastern Australia and continuously monitored them each 30 min for 11–394 days. Most dingoes were nocturnal, with an overall mean home range size of 17.47 km2. Overall mean daily distance travelled was 6.86 km/day. At all times dingoes were within 1000 m of houses and buildings. Home ranges appeared to be constrained to patches of suitable vegetation fragments within and around human habitation. These data can be used to reallocate dingo management effort towards mitigating actual conflicts between humans and dingoes in urban areas.


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People go through their life making all kinds of decisions, and some of these decisions affect their demand for transportation, for example, their choices of where to live and where to work, how and when to travel and which route to take. Transport related choices are typically time dependent and characterized by large number of alternatives that can be spatially correlated. This thesis deals with models that can be used to analyze and predict discrete choices in large-scale networks. The proposed models and methods are highly relevant for, but not limited to, transport applications. We model decisions as sequences of choices within the dynamic discrete choice framework, also known as parametric Markov decision processes. Such models are known to be difficult to estimate and to apply to make predictions because dynamic programming problems need to be solved in order to compute choice probabilities. In this thesis we show that it is possible to explore the network structure and the flexibility of dynamic programming so that the dynamic discrete choice modeling approach is not only useful to model time dependent choices, but also makes it easier to model large-scale static choices. The thesis consists of seven articles containing a number of models and methods for estimating, applying and testing large-scale discrete choice models. In the following we group the contributions under three themes: route choice modeling, large-scale multivariate extreme value (MEV) model estimation and nonlinear optimization algorithms. Five articles are related to route choice modeling. We propose different dynamic discrete choice models that allow paths to be correlated based on the MEV and mixed logit models. The resulting route choice models become expensive to estimate and we deal with this challenge by proposing innovative methods that allow to reduce the estimation cost. For example, we propose a decomposition method that not only opens up for possibility of mixing, but also speeds up the estimation for simple logit models, which has implications also for traffic simulation. Moreover, we compare the utility maximization and regret minimization decision rules, and we propose a misspecification test for logit-based route choice models. The second theme is related to the estimation of static discrete choice models with large choice sets. We establish that a class of MEV models can be reformulated as dynamic discrete choice models on the networks of correlation structures. These dynamic models can then be estimated quickly using dynamic programming techniques and an efficient nonlinear optimization algorithm. Finally, the third theme focuses on structured quasi-Newton techniques for estimating discrete choice models by maximum likelihood. We examine and adapt switching methods that can be easily integrated into usual optimization algorithms (line search and trust region) to accelerate the estimation process. The proposed dynamic discrete choice models and estimation methods can be used in various discrete choice applications. In the area of big data analytics, models that can deal with large choice sets and sequential choices are important. Our research can therefore be of interest in various demand analysis applications (predictive analytics) or can be integrated with optimization models (prescriptive analytics). Furthermore, our studies indicate the potential of dynamic programming techniques in this context, even for static models, which opens up a variety of future research directions.


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En 2003, le gouvernement brésilien (gestion Lula) a initié une nouvelle phase dans son histoire de l habitation, en intensifiant les constructions de logements sociaux au Brésil. Un tel accroissement a eut des répercussions tant en ville comme à la campagne, et fût marqué dans le Rio Grande do Norte, par la production a grande échelle d ensembles d habitations, dans les programmes de Gouvernement. Afin de viabiliser ces transformations, des instruments politiques, financiers et de gestion ont étés articulés conjointement, utilisant la répétition d une typologie d édification, comme modèle, accompagnée de la reproduction d une morphologie dans les constructions de logements sociaux. Afin de comprendre ce processus nous introduisons une recherche urbanistique et socio-économique du problème du logement social au Brésil, en cherchant à mettre en relation les aspects techniques avec les questions historique, professionnelles et culturelles, éléments complémentaires. Notre analyse cherche a identifier comment les politiques de gestion et financement officielles (administrées dans sa grande majorité par la Caisse Économique Fédérale -CEF-), influencent le processus de conception de projets, en provoquant les répétitions de type/morphologiques, déjà citées. Basée sur l observation directe au cour de deux expériences différenciées pour du logement social en milieu rural, au Rio Grande do Norte, nous montrerons aussi certaines limitations et possibilités des acteurs sociaux, face aux agents et politiques officielles pour le logement social au Brésil, proposant des solutions alternatives standardisées qui caractérisent le résultat des projets financées et gérés par la CEF. Nos principales références théoriques et méthodologiques sont Nabil Bonduki (1998), David Harvey (2009,1982), Henry Lefèbvre (1970), Ermínia Maricato (2010, 2009, 2000, 1987) et Raquel Rolnik (2010, 2009, 2008, 1997)


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This thesis describes the theoretical, methodological and programmatic proposal for a multifamily residential building located in the urban expansion area of Parnamirim/RN, inserted in the program Minha Casa Minha Vida and level of energy efficiency "A", as the RegulamentoTécnico de Qualidade (RTQ-R/INMETRO) for residential buildings. The development project initially consists of procedures as the study of theoretical, architectural programming and cases studies. With the delimitation of a field solution, situated between the reference and the context, proposals are studied to determine the solution and architectural detailing of the proposal. The architectural program was built based on the method of Problem Seeking (Peña and Parshall, 2001) and research has highlighted aspects of reducing the environmental impact and of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida , among others. The design process was characterized by the incorporation of aspects reviewed and programmed, seeking them compatible and have an economically viable building, socio-spatial quality and energy efficient. The results show that it is possible to obtain a building that meets the constraints of the program that provides housing and energy efficiency level A - and many other environmental qualities and constructive, particularly through architectural design


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para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Em lutas entre peixes residentes e intrusos, residentes geralmente vencem, provavelmente porque valorizam o território mais do que os intrusos. Nós aventamos a hipótese de que ambientes enriquecidos aumentam o valor da área em disputa, levando os residentes a defenderem mais violentamente ambientes enriquecidos de recursos do que ambientes empobrecidos, pois possuiriam mais motivação para mantê-lo. No entanto, no presente estudo, ao testarmos as interações entre intrusos e residentes em acarás, Geophagus brasiliensis, observamos que o enriquecimento ambiental reduz a agressividade e pode levar a cohabitação entre os peixes, sem luta. Adicionalmente, em nossos experimentos, o efeito da residência prévia ocorreu independente da condição de enriquecimento. A diminuição das interações entre os peixes e, consequentemente, a diminuição do nível de agressividade é aqui atribuída aos efeitos da diminuição da visibilidade entre os peixes devido ao aumento de complexidade do ambiente.


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This research deals with the evaluation of the Programa do Governo Federal para Urbanização de Favelas Habitar Brasil(1993) carried out in the Africa slum - Redinha neighbourhood in Natal-Rn. This study carried out in period from 2005 to 2006 searches to identify the effects of the actions proposed by Program in 1993-1994 about the current urbanistic configuration of the Africa community. It analyzes the effectiveness in the process of achievement of the considered objectives to habitation, communitity equipments, infrastructure and agrarian regularization. On the evaluation process, it has been as reference the works developed by Adauto Cardoso (2004), Blaine Worthen (2004), Ronaldo Garcia (2001) and Rosângela Paz (2006). About the Habitational Policy with approach to the Urbanistic Right and the right to the housing, the reflections by Raquel Rolnik, Nabil Bonduki, Ermínia Maricato, Saule Júnior, Betânia de Moraes Alfonsin and Edésio Fernandes are main references. To gauge the execution of the objectives proposed by Habitar Brasil in 1993, it has searched in the documentary data of the time and in information gotten in interviews with technicians that had participated of the program, consistent references on what was considered, what was executed and the process of the intervention of Habitar Brasil in the Africa community. The area analysis in 2005-2006 has developed on the base of the urbanistic survey of the current situation from the four performance lines of the Program: habitation, infrastructure, community equipments and agrarian regularization, with a current urbanistic evaluation of Africa considering the intervention carried out in 1993 and 1994. The study points out the context of Brazilian Habitational Policy where the Programa Habitar Brasil was launched, explaining the main principles of the Program. In terms of local, it empahsizes the administrative-political factors that had contributed so that Natal-Rn city has been pioneering in the resources captation of Habitar Brazil (1993). Considering Habitar Brazil in Africa, the work argues and presents the intervention diagnosis and the proposal, developed by Program in 1993 evidencing the local problem of the time. After that, it makes a current reading of the area, identifying in 2006 representative elements of Habitar Brasil (1993-1994) for the Africa community. It identifies significant advances in the constitution of the institucional apparatus of the plaining system of Habitation of Social Interest for the city of Natal and points the fragilities in the implementation of the urban infrastructure actions and above all in the achievement of the objectives of the agrarian regularization


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This work analyzes the reutilization of real estate of patrimonial interest, come back toward habitation. One understands as real estate of patrimonial interest the old ones that present relevant architectural typologies that must be preserved; some buildings that represent characteristic architectural styles of a determined period; some valued real estates for the history of the city (historical, memory and image signification that has of certain places) and buildings with exceptional artistic elements. In short, real estate of patrimonial interest. The place or site to be studied will be the neighborhood of the Ribeira, because is an area that protects a bigger interest for the historic patrimony of the city. The habitation use was thought as a booster element of revitalization processes of degradable historic site, contributing to the preservation of artistic, architectural and historic patrimony, and thus to stimulate the accomplishment of the re-qualification of the neighborhood of the Ribeira. It is intended with the present study to examine alternatives to make possible habitation re (uses) in the historical quarter of the Ribeira in old constructions of patrimonial value


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The present research if inserts in the subject of the habitation of social interest and its relation with the sanitation infra-structure questions (sewer, water, draining and garbage). Having as study universe the narrow river of the Forty , situated one in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazon, approaches questions that if present between the necessities of housing and the especificidades of the natural environment, whose characteristics evidence limits for the implantation of adequate habitations. The objective is to analyze the possibilities and the limits of the urbanística regularization in the palafitas of the narrow rivers of Manaus, in view of the factors of habitability and ambient protection, expresses for the sanitation system - sanitary exhaustion, water supply, urban draining and garbage collection. The work approaches initially relative the conceptual aspects to the subject of social habitation in the country and its relation with the habitability factors, also focusing the question of the housing and the processes of urban informality in the city of Manaus. It deals with the process of constitution of the palafitas in the space of the city and its relation with the habitacionais politics, presenting the analysis of the implantation of the palafitas in relation to the sanitation infra-structure conditions (sewer, water, draining and garbage). As conclusion, it identifies to the possibilities and limits of urbanística regularization of the palafitas implanted to the long one of the narrow river of the Forty , taking in consideration the systems of the sanitation infrastructure


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The central question of the research if inserts in thematic current and of relevance for the studies in Preservation and a Conservation of Historical Centers. It analyzes the relations between habitacional use, satisfaction of the inhabitants and preservation of the patrimony constructed in the Historical Center of São Luis-MA It considers that the use is factor that makes possible the transformation of spaces in places , prioritizing the point of view of the user as essential element to the analysis of the reality and that enriches the evaluation technique of the functional and formal aspects of the constructed environment. It is looked to understand the relation man-environment, and mainly, to verify as it happens throughout the process of the occupation and of appropriation of historical buildings destined to habitacional reuse, and still if this appropriation favors the preservation of the Historical Center of São Luís


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 Little ravens were major predators of ground-nesting red-capped Plover and burrow-nesting Little penguin eggs. Ravens also congregated at the breeding sites of these two species to exploit eggs. As raven numbers increase with human habitation of land, their impact on other bird species needs to be monitored and managed.


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L’objectif de l’essai est d’identifier la stratégie optimale de cotation énergétique des habitations au Québec. À partir des expériences internationales, l’essai évalue, à l’aide d’une analyse multicritère, s’il est plus optimal pour le Québec (scénario A) de continuer à coter la performance énergétique des habitations existantes dans le programme Rénoclimat actuellement en vigueur (hors transactions immobilières) ou (scénario B) d’implanter un système de cotation énergétique pour les habitations lors des transactions immobilières en mode volontaire ou (scénario C) de l’implanter en mode réglementaire. Pour réduire la consommation énergétique et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des bâtiments, de plus en plus de pays adoptent des législations en matière de cotation énergétique lors des transactions immobilières. Or, au Québec, il existe seulement des programmes de cotation énergétique des habitations existantes hors transactions immobilières dont la participation se fait sur une base volontaire. De plus, des exigences minimales de performance énergétique réglementaires pour les habitations neuves sont en vigueur depuis 2012, mais peu de mécanismes de renforcement sont utilisés pour en assurer le respect. Globalement, selon l’analyse multicritère, dans le cas où un soutien politique est offert et où les ressources financières, techniques, humaines, informatiques et législatives sont disponibles, et ce, tout au long du développement du projet, mais aussi lors de la phase d’opération, le scénario C permet de rencontrer un maximum de bénéfices. Sinon, pour éviter d’investir des ressources humaines et financières supplémentaires, de modifier la législation et de gérer une mise en œuvre complexe, il est possible de continuer à opérer le scénario A. Par contre, ce scénario ne permet pas de développer le plein potentiel de la cotation énergétique. Pour optimiser ce scénario, il est suggéré de renforcir certains éléments du programme. Enfin, il est déconseillé d’implanter le scénario B, à moins qu’il soit temporaire et accompagné d’une annonce dès le début de l’arrivée du système de cotation énergétique en mode réglementaire. En effet, l’analyse multicritère a permis de faire ressortir que les très rares et faibles impacts positifs du scénario B ne font pas le poids face aux ressources requises pour le mettre en œuvre. Dans le cas où l’implantation du scénario C est envisagée, il importe de rappeler que pour profiter des bénéfices estimés, des ressources importantes doivent être investies afin de respecter les nombreux facteurs clés de réussite. Le potentiel du scénario C peut être déployé seulement si ces conditions sont réunies pour s’assurer de la fiabilité du système et, par conséquent, pour assurer l’acceptabilité du public.


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A cidade resulta de fatores sociais, das políticas urbanas, das dinâmicas económicas e dos valores ambientais, no espaço e no tempo. Compreender a complexidade do seu funcionamento permite ao arquiteto paisagista interagir com ela. O projeto de Clichy-Batignolles, objeto do presente estudo, surge como resposta às problemáticas da cidade, enquanto metrópole de dimensão mundial, de políticas urbanas associadas à competitividade e à atratividade de pessoas e atividades económicas. O projeto integra o parque Martin Luther King senda a referência de desenvolvimento urbano sustentável e ecológico de Paris. A visão metabólica, que o projeto integra, concilia habitação, mobilidade, ecologia, sustentabilidade e experiência de Natureza, que a extensão da aglomeração urbana transformou em necessidade básica. A cidade ecológica impõe-se às politicas urbanas. É neste contexto de crise ambiental, económica e social que a arquitetura paisagista se posiciona no centro dos grandes desafios contemporâneos da evolução das cidades; Abstract: Landscape Architecture Project: Clichy-Batignolles Paris, the answer to policies ambitions and urban new challenges The city is a result social factors, urban policies, economical dynamics and environmental values, in space and time. Understanding the complexity of its mechanism allows the landscape architect to interact with it. The Clichy-Batignolles urban project, the subject of the present study, is a response to the problematic issues of the metropolitan worldwide city, in which competitiveness and attractiveness urban policies are created to attract people and economical activities. The project incorporates the Martin Luther King park and is the reference of ecological and sustainable development in Paris. The metabolic vision of the project conciliates habitation, mobility, ecology, sustainability and Nature experience, which the urban concentration length as transformed in basic living needs. The ecological city is imposed to the megacities urban policies. In this environmental, economic and social crisis context, landscape architecture occupies a center position in the contemporary challenges of cities evolution.


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O conforto acústico na habitação é essencial para permitir um repouso tranquilo e regenerativo. Este conforto é obtido principalmente pela redução do ruído e aumento do isolamento sonoro dos elementos de compartimentação. Para a qualificação deste conforto é necessário efetuar uma análise global do edifício, onde são considerados os fatores internos e externos à habitação, ou seja, considerando a acústica da envolvente (Vizinhança), do edifício (Edifício) e da fração (Habitação). Para este efeito foi produzido o “Método LNEC para avaliação e classificação da qualidade acústica de edifícios habitacionais”, o qual permite fazer uma avaliação global do conforto acústico na habitação. Este método inovador em Portugal origina uma Classe Acústica LNEC que permite representar com razoável fiabilidade o conforto acústico realmente sentido e a qualidade acústica da habitação. Este método pode ser aplicado a edifícios novos e a edifícios a reabilitar. De modo a permitir uma estimação dos custos médios necessários para transitar entre determinadas classes (e alcançar respetivo conforto acústico) é necessário possuir uma ferramenta de cálculo apropriada. Deste modo apresenta-se nesta comunicação uma ferramenta para estimar os custos de transição entre classes acústicas. Esta metodologia permite fazer escolhas mais fundamentadas nos processos de obtenção de determinado conforto acústico. Abstract The acoustic comfort in dwellings is essential to a peaceful and regenerative sleep. The achievement of this comfort is primarily obtained by reducing noise and increasing sound insulation of separating elements. To classify this comfort is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the habitation. This global analysis assesses the internal and external factors of the habitation, evaluating the acoustics of the environment (Vicinity), of the building (Building) and of the dwelling place (Lodging). Recently in Portugal was developed the “LNEC method for evaluation and acoustic quality classification of residential buildings” that allows an overall evaluation of the acoustic comfort in dwellings, resulting also in a “LNEC Acoustic Class” that portrays the real acoustic comfort sensed. Since this method can be applied to evaluate the acoustic comfort of new and of restored buildings, it is necessary a tool that gives an estimation of the needed investment to upgrade to a specific “LNEC Acoustic Class” (and achieve the respective acoustic comfort). In this communication is presented a tool that allows the estimation of that upgrade costs.