421 resultados para detoxification


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Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se determinar e compreender melhor quais os alvos do Alumínio (Al) nas plantas, e contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos de tolerância presentes em genótipos com elevado grau de tolerância ao Al. O Al é um dos maiores constituintes do solo e torna-se biodisponível em solos com baixo pH. Nesses casos, a exposição ao Al afecta negativamente o crescimento das plantas conduzindo a uma diminuição da produção. Estes factos são especialmente visíveis nos cereais, sendo a exposição ao Al uma das principais causas das quebras de produção nestas espécies. O Capítulo I consiste numa revisão geral sobre a toxicidade do Al nas plantas, apontando os seus principais alvos. Apresenta também os mecanismos de resistência, que inclui Al-destoxificação externa e interna, em diferentes espécies. O Capítulo II aborda os estudos sobre a exposição de curto prazo ao Al em duas espécies de cereais: Triticum aestivum L. e Secale cereale L., tendo-se sempre utilizado um genótipo Al-tolerante e um Al-sensível para cada espécie. Este capítulo está dividido em três estudos: no Capítulo II.1 realça-se o efeito da exposição a 185 μM de Al no equilíbrio nutricional em trigo. Verificou-se que em ambos os genótipos (sensível e tolerante) o perfil de macro e micro nutrientes se alterou, tendo uma interferência negativa, sobretudo no nível de P, Mg e K. Além disso, registaram-se diferenças na diferenciação da endoderme consoante o grau de tolerância/sensibilidade do genótipo. No Capítulo II.2 apresenta-se uma visão mais abrangente dos efeitos da exposição a 185 μM de Al em trigo, incluindo parâmetros fisiológicos, estruturais, citológicos e genotóxicos. Demonstra-se, pela primeira vez, que a progressão do ciclo celular é diferentemente regulada, dependendo da tolerância/sensibilidade do genótipo e que, mesmo em zonas já diferenciadas da raiz a exposição ao Al leva à deposição de calose. O Capítulo II.3 aborda os efeitos da exposição de 1.1 mM de Al em centeio, numa perspectiva bastante alargada. Apresenta-se o desequilíbrio nutricional, sobretudo no genótipo sensível, assim como a translocação de Al para a parte aérea nesse mesmo genótipo. Analisa-se também o comportamento de ambos os genótipos no que se refere ao ciclo celular, diferenciação da endoderme, crescimento radicular, reservas de hidratos de carbono, entre outros. Os resultados apontam para estratégias bem definidas adoptadas pelo genótipo tolerante de forma a minimizar a acção do Al no sistema radicular. O Capítulo III compreende a exposição longa ao Al. Dois genótipos de centeio com diferentes graus de tolerância ao Al foram expostos a 1.11 mM e 1.85 mM de Al durante 21 dias, tendo sido usados dois pontos de amostragem (15 e 21 dias). Este capítulo está dividido em dois estudos: No Capítulo III. 1 analisamse os mecanismos antioxidantes (folhas e raízes) como resposta à exposição ao Al, dando-se especial atenção ao ciclo do ascorbato-glutationas. A exposição ao Al levou a stress oxidativo e a alterações na actividade de enzimas antioxidantes e no conteúdo de antioxidantes não-enzimáticos. Demonstra-se que os dois órgãos apresentam respostas diferentes à exposição ao Al e que a capacidade de sobreviver em ambientes ricos em Al depende da eficácia da resposta antioxidante. Para além disso, a resposta do ciclo ascorbato-glutationas parece estar dependente do tipo de órgão, grau de tolerância e do tempo de exposição ao Al. No Capítulo III. 2 analisam-se os efeitos da exposição ao Al na fotossíntese. Verificou-se que o Al afecta negativamente a taxa fotossintética em ambos os genótipos, embora as alterações que o Al provoca nas trocas gasosas e no Ciclo de Calvin sejam dependentes do genótipo. Verificou-se também que os danos no genótipo sensível surgem mais cedo do que no genótipo tolerante, mas que ambos apresentam susceptibilidade ao Al após exposição de longo termo. Por fim, no Capítulo IV são apresentadas as conclusões da Tese de Doutoramento.


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A vida da sociedade atual é dependente dos recursos fósseis, tanto a nível de energia como de materiais. No entanto, tem-se verificado uma redução das reservas destes recursos, ao mesmo tempo que as necessidades da sociedade continuam a aumentar, tornando cada vez mais necessárias, a produção de biocombustíveis e produtos químicos. Atualmente o etanol é produzido industrialmente a partir da cana-de-açúcar e milho, matérias-primas usadas na alimentação humana e animal. Este fato desencadeou o aumento de preços dos alimentos em todo o mundo e, como consequência, provocou uma série de distúrbios sociais. Os subprodutos industriais, recursos independentes das cadeias alimentares, têm-se posicionado como fonte de matérias-primas potenciais para bioprocessamento. Neste sentido, surgem os subprodutos gerados em grande quantidade pela indústria papeleira. Os licores de cozimento da madeira ao sulfito ácido (SSLs) são uma matériaprima promissora, uma vez que durante este processo os polissacarídeos da madeira são hidrolisados originando açúcares fermentáveis. A composição dos SSLs varia consoante o tipo de madeira usada no processo de cozimento (de árvores resinosas, folhosas ou a mistura de ambas). O bioprocessamento do SSL proveniente de folhosas (HSSL) é uma metodologia ainda pouco explorada. O HSSL contém elevadas concentrações de açúcares (35-45 g.L-1), na sua maioria pentoses. A fermentação destes açúcares a bioetanol é ainda um desafio, uma vez que nem todos os microrganismos são capazes de fermentar as pentoses a etanol. De entre as leveduras capazes de fermentar naturalmente as pentoses, destaca-se a Scheffersomyces stipitis, que apresenta uma elevada eficiência de fermentação. No entanto, o HSSL contém também compostos conhecidos por inibirem o crescimento de microrganismos, dificultando assim o seu bioprocessamento. Neste sentido, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a produção de bioetanol pela levedura S. stipitis a partir de HSSL, resultante do cozimento ao sulfito ácido da madeira de Eucalyptus globulus. Para alcançar este objetivo, estudaram-se duas estratégias de operação diferentes. Em primeiro lugar estudou-se a bio-desintoxicação do HSSL com o fungo filamentoso Paecilomyces variotii, conhecido por crescer em resíduos industriais. Estudaram-se duas tecnologias fermentativas diferentes para a biodesintoxicação do HSSL: um reator descontínuo e um reator descontínuo sequencial (SBR). A remoção biológica de inibidores do HSSL foi mais eficaz quando se usou o SBR. P. variotii assimilou alguns inibidores microbianos como o ácido acético, o ácido gálico e o pirogalol, entre outros. Após esta desintoxicação, o HSSL foi submetido à fermentação com S. stipitis, na qual foi atingida a concentração máxima de etanol de 2.36 g.L-1 com um rendimento de 0.17 g.g-1. P. variotti, além de desintoxicar o HSSL, também é útil na produção de proteína microbiana (SCP) para a alimentação animal pois, a sua biomassa é rica em proteína. O estudo da produção de SCP por P. variotii foi efetuado num SBR com HSSL sem suplementos e suplementado com sais. A melhor produção de biomassa foi obtida no HSSL sem adição de sais, tendo-se obtido um teor de proteína elevado (82,8%), com uma baixa concentração de DNA (1,1%). A proteína continha 6 aminoácidos essenciais, mostrando potencial para o uso desta SCP na alimentação animal e, eventualmente, em nutrição humana. Assim, a indústria papeleira poderá integrar a produção de bioetanol após a produção SCP e melhorar a sustentabilidade da indústria de pastas. A segunda estratégia consistiu em adaptar a levedura S. stipitis ao HSSL de modo a que esta levedura conseguisse crescer e fermentar o HSSL sem remoção de inibidores. Operou-se um reator contínuo (CSTR) com concentrações crescentes de HSSL, entre 20 % e 60 % (v/v) durante 382 gerações em HSSL, com uma taxa de diluição de 0.20 h-1. A população adaptada, recolhida no final do CSTR (POP), apresentou uma melhoria na fermentação do HSSL (60 %), quando comparada com a estirpe original (PAR). Após esta adaptação, a concentração máxima de etanol obtida foi de 6.93 g.L-1, com um rendimento de 0.26 g.g-1. POP possuía também a capacidade de metabolizar, possivelmente por ativação de vias oxidativas, compostos derivados da lenhina e taninos dissolvidos no HSSL, conhecidos inibidores microbianos. Por fim, verificou-se também que a pré-cultura da levedura em 60 % de HSSL fez com que a estirpe PAR melhorasse o processo fermentativo em HSSL, em comparação com o ensaio sem pré-cultura em HSSL. No entanto, no caso da estirpe POP, o seu metabolismo foi redirecionado para a metabolização dos inibidores sendo que a produção de etanol decresceu.


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The ability of microorganisms to use oil hydrocarbons as a source of carbon and energy is crucial for environmental oil detoxification. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on fundamental aspects of this process on specific habitats and under different climate scenarios. In the first phase of this work, the culturable fraction of the oil hydrocarbon (OH) degrading bacteria from the sea surface microlayer (SML) of the estuarine system Ria de Aveiro was characterized. In the second phase, the impact of oil contamination on the active bacterial community was studied under climate change scenarios. Pseudomonas emerged as the prevailing genera among OH degrading bacteria in the SML. Moreover, culture-independent methods revealed that the relative abundance and diversity of Gammaproteobacteria, in which Pseudomonas is included, varies along an estuarine gradient of contamination. In order to access the impact of oil contamination on microbial communities under climate change scenarios, an experimental life support system for microcosm experiments (ELLS) was developed and validated for simulation of climate change effects on microbial communities. With the ELSS it is possible to simulate, in controlled conditions, fundamental parameters of the dynamics of coastal and estuarine systems while maintaining community structure in terms of the abundance of the most relevant members of the indigenous bacterial community. A microcosm experiment in which the independent and combined impact of ultraviolet radiation, ocean acidification and oil contamination on microbial communities was conducted. The impact on bacterial communities was accessed with a 16S RNA (cDNA) based barcode pyrosequencing approach. There was a drastic decrease of Desulfobacterales relative abundance after oil contamination under the reduced pH value estimated for 2100, when compared to present values. Since members of this order are known OH degraders, such a significant decrease may have consequences on OH detoxification of contaminated environments under the pH levels of the ocean expected for the future. Metagenome predictions based on the 16S RNA database indicated that several degradation pathways of OH could be affected under oil contamination and reduced water pH. Taken together, the results from this work bring new information on the dynamics of OH degrading bacteria in coastal and estuarine environments under present and future climate scenarios.


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The global aim of this thesis was to evaluate and assess the effects of a pesticide (dimethoate) and a metal (nickel), as model chemicals, within different organization levels, starting at the detoxification pathways (enzymatic biomarkers) and energy costs associated (energy content quantification, energy consumption and CEA) along with the physiological alterations at the individual and population level (mortality), leading to a metabolomic analysis (using liquid 1H-NMR) and finally a gene expression analysis (transcriptome and RT-qPCR analysis). To better understand potential variations in response to stressors, abiotic factors were also assessed in terrestrial isopods such as temperature, soil moisture and UV radiation. The evaluation performed using biochemical biomarkers and energy related parameters showed that increases in temperature might negatively affect the organisms by generating oxidative stress. It also showed that this species is acclimated to environments with low soil moisture, and that in high moisture scenarios there was a short gap between the optimal and adverse conditions that led to increased mortality. As for UV-R, doses nowadays present have shown to induce significant negative impact on these organisms. The long-term exposure to dimethoate showed that besides the neurotoxicity resulting from acetylcholinesterase inhibition, this stressor also caused oxidative stress. This effect was observed for both concentrations used (recommended field dose application and a below EC50 value) and that its combination with different temperatures (20ºC and 25ºC) showed different response patterns. It was also observed that dimethoate’s degradation rate in soils was higher in the presence of isopods. In a similar study performed with nickel, oxidative stress was also observed. But, in the case of this stressor exposure, organisms showed a strategy where the energetic costs necessary for detoxification (biomarkers) seemed to be compensated by positive alterations in the energy related parameters. In this work we presented for the first time a metabolomic profile of terrestrial isopods exposed to stressors (dimethoate and niquel), since until the moment only a previous study was performed on a metabolomic evaluation in nonexposed isopods. In the first part of the study we identify 24 new metabolites that had not been described previously. On the second part of the study a metabolomic profile variation of abstract non-exposed organism throughout the exposure was presented and finally the metabolomic profile of organisms exposed to dimethoate and nickel. The exposure to nickel suggested alteration in growth, moult, haemocyanin and glutathione synthesis, energy pathways and in osmoregulation. As for the exposure to dimethoate alterations in osmoregulation, energy pathways, moult and neurotransmission were also suggested. In this work it was also presented the first full body transcriptome of a terrestrial isopod from the species Porcellionides pruinosus, which will complement the scarce information available for this group of organisms. This transcriptome also served as base for a RNA-Seq and a RT-qPCR analysis. The results of the RNA-Seq analysis performed in organisms exposed to nickel showed that this stressor negatively impacted at the genetic and epigenetic levels, in the trafficking, storage and elimination of metals, generates oxidative stress, inducing neurotoxicity and also affecting reproduction. These results were confirmed through RT-qPCR. As for the impact of dimethoate on these organisms it was only accessed through RT-qPCR and showed oxidative stress, an impact in neurotransmission, in epigenetic markers, DNA repair and cell cycle impairment. This study allowed the design of an Adverse Outcome Pathway draft that can be used further on for legislative purposes.


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Salt marshes are highly productive intertidal habitats that serve as nursery grounds for many commercially and economically important species. Because of their location and physical and biological characteristics, salt marshes are considered to be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic inputs of oil hydrocarbons. Sediment contamination with oil is especially dangerous for salt marsh vegetation, since low molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons can affect plants at all stages of development. However, the use of vegetation for bioremediation (phytoremediation), by removal or sequestration of contaminants, has been intensively studied. Phytoremediation is an efficient, inexpensive and environmental friendly approach for the removal of aromatic hydrocarbons, through direct incorporation by the plant and by the intervention of degrading microbial populations in the rhizosphere (microbe-assisted phytoremediation). Rhizosphere microbial communities are enriched in important catabolic genotypes for degradation of oil hydrocarbons (OH) which may have a potential for detoxification of the sediment surrounding the roots. In addition, since rhizosphere bacterial populations may also internalize into plant tissues (endophytes), rhizocompetent AH degrading populations may be important for in planta AH degradation and detoxification. The present study involved field work and microcosms experiments aiming the characterization of relevant plant-microbe interactions in oilimpacted salt marshes and the understanding of the effect of rhizosphere and endosphere bacteria in the role of salt marsh plants as potential phytoremediation agents. In the field approach, molecular tools were used to assess how plant species- and OH pollution affect sediment bacterial composition [bulk sediment and sediment surrounding the roots (rhizosphere) of Halimione portulacoides and Sarcocornia perennis subsp. perennis] in a temperate estuary (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) chronically exposed to OH pollution. In addition, the 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieved in this study were used to generate in silico metagenomes and to evaluate the distribution of potential bacterial traits in different microhabitats. Moreover, a combination of culture-dependent and -independent approaches was used to investigate the effect of oil hydrocarbons contamination on the structure and function of endophytic bacterial communities of salt marsh plants.Root systems of H. portulacoides and S. perennis subsp. perennis appear to be able to exert a strong influence on bacterial composition and in silico metagenome analysis showed enrichment of genes involved in the process of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) degradation in the rhizosphere of halophyte plants. The culturable fraction of endophytic degraders was essentially closely related to known OH-degrading Pseudomonas species and endophytic communities revealed sitespecific effects related to the level of OH contamination in the sediment. In order to determine the effects of oil contamination on plant condition and on the responses in terms of structure and function of the bacterial community associated with plant roots (rhizosphere, endosphere), a microcosms approach was set up. The salt marsh plant Halimione portulacoides was inoculated with a previous isolated Pseudomonas sp. endophytic degrader and the 2-methylnaphthalene was used as model PAH contaminant. The results showed that H. portulacoides health and growth were not affected by the contamination with the tested concentration. Moreover, the decrease of 2-methylnaphthalene at the end of experiment, can suggest that H. portulacoides can be considered as a potential plant for future uses in phytoremedition approaches of contaminated salt marsh. The acceleration of hydrocarbon degradation by inoculation of the plants with the hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas sp. could not, however, be demonstrated, although the effects of inoculation on the structure of the endophytic community observed at the end of the experiment indicate that the strain may be an efficient colonizer of H. portulacoides roots. The results obtained in this work suggest that H. portulacoides tolerates moderate concentrations of 2-methylnaphthalene and can be regarded as a promising agent for phytoremedition approaches in salt marshes contaminated with oil hydrocarbons. Plant/microbe interactions may have an important role in the degradation process, as plants support a diverse endophytic bacterial community, enriched in genetic factors (genes and plasmids) for hydrocarbon degradation.


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Background In recent years, an abstinence-focused, ‘recovery’ agenda has emerged in UK drug policy, largely in response to the perception that many opioid users had been ‘parked indefinitely’ on Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST). The introduction of ten pilot ‘Drug Recovery Wings’ (DRWs) in 2011 represents the application of this recovery agenda to prisons. This paper describes the DRWs’ operational models, the place of opiate dependent prisoners within them, and the challenges of delivering ‘recovery’ in prison. Methods In 2013, the implementation and operational models of all ten pilot DRWs were rapidly assessed. Up to three days were spent in each DRW, undertaking semi-structured interviews with a sample of 94 DRW staff and 102 DRW residents. Interviews were fully transcribed, and coded using grounded theory. Findings from the nine adult prisons are presented here. Results Four types of DRW were identified, distinguished by their size and selection criteria. Strikingly, no mid- or large-sized units regularly supported OST recipients through detoxification. Type A were large units whose residents were mostly on OST with long criminal records and few social or personal resources. Detoxification was rare, and medication reduction slow. Type B's mid-sized DRW was developed as a psychosocial support service for OST clients seeking detoxification. However, staff struggled to find such prisoners, and detoxification again proved rare. Type C DRWs focused on abstinence from all drugs, including OST. Though OST clients were not intentionally excluded, very few applied to these wings. Only Type D DRWs, offering intensive treatment on very small wings, regularly recruited OST recipients into abstinence-focused interventions. Conclusion Prison units wishing to support OST recipients in making greater progress towards abstinence may need to be small, intensive and take a stepped approach based on preparatory motivational work and extensive preparation for release. However, concerns about post-release deaths will remain.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Toxicologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016


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Cellular polarity concerns the spatial asymmetric organization of cellular components and structures. Such organization is important not only for biological behavior at the individual cell level, but also for the 3D organization of tissues and organs in living organisms. Processes like cell migration and motility, asymmetric inheritance, and spatial organization of daughter cells in tissues are all dependent of cell polarity. Many of these processes are compromised during aging and cellular senescence. For example, permeability epithelium barriers are leakier during aging; elderly people have impaired vascular function and increased frequency of cancer, and asymmetrical inheritance is compromised in senescent cells, including stem cells. Here, we review the cellular regulation of polarity, as well as the signaling mechanisms and respective redox regulation of the pathways involved in defining cellular polarity. Emphasis will be put on the role of cytoskeleton and the AMP-activated protein kinase pathway. We also discuss how nutrients can affect polarity-dependent processes, both by direct exposure of the gastrointestinal epithelium to nutrients and by indirect effects elicited by the metabolism of nutrients, such as activation of antioxidant response and phase-II detoxification enzymes through the transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2). In summary, cellular polarity emerges as a key process whose redox deregulation is hypothesized to have a central role in aging and cellular senescence.


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Among organic pollutants existing in coastal areas, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of great concern due to their ubiquity and carcinogenic potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seasonal patterns of PAHs in the digestive gland and arm of the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) from the Northwest Atlantic Portuguese coast. In the different seasons, 18 PAHs were determined and the detoxification capacity of the species was evaluated. Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase (ECOD) activities were measured to assess phase I biotransformation capacity. Individual PAH ratios were used for major source (pyrolytic/petrogenic) analysis. Risks for human consumption were determined by the total toxicity equivalence approach. Generally, low levels of PAHs were detected in the digestive gland and in the arm of octopus, with a predominance of low molecular over high molecular weight compounds. PAHs exhibited seasonality in the concentrations detected and in their main emission sources. In the digestive gland, the highest total PAH levels were observed in autumn possibly related to fat availability in the ecosystem and food intake. The lack of PAH elimination observed in the digestive gland after captivity could be possibly associated to a low biotransformation capacity, consistent with the negligible/undetected levels of EROD and ECOD activity in the different seasons. The emission sources of PAHs found in the digestive gland varied from a petrogenic profile observed in winter to a pyrolytic pattern in spring. In the arm, the highest PAH contents were observed in June; nevertheless, levels were always below the regulatory limits established for food consumption. The carcinogenic potential calculated for all the sampling periods in the arm were markedly lower than the ones found in various aquatic species from different marine environments. The results presented in this study give relevant baseline data for environmental monitoring of organic pollution in coastal areas.


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O chumbo é um importante poluente ambiental. A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae constitui um modelo útil para o estudo dos efeitos tóxicos do chumbo. O conhecimento dos mecanismos de defesa e resistência à presença de metais pesados poderá ser útil em tecnologias de proteção ambiental, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento de novas metodologias para a biorremediação de metais pesados. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto do Pb na capacidade proliferativa, na integridade membranar e na produção intracelular de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), na estirpe laboratorial da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 (estirpe selvagem, WT). Foi também estudado o papel das mitocôndrias, como fonte de ROS induzida por Pb, e o envolvimento da H+-ATPase vacuolar (V-ATPase) e de transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC (de ATP-binding cassette) na defesa contra a toxicidade do Pb. O estudo cinético do impacto de duas concentrações de Pb na viabilidade das leveduras (avaliado através de um ensaio clonogénico), na integridade da membrana celular (determinada com iodeto de propídio) e na produção intracelular de ROS (o anião superóxido foi detetado com dihidroetídio e o peróxido de hidrogénio com 2’,7’- diclorodihidrofluoresceína), revelou uma perda progressiva da capacidade proliferativa (53 e 17% de células viáveis, após a exposição durante 3h a 250 ou 1000 µmol/l de chumbo, respetivamente), coincidente com a acumulação intracelular de anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio, na ausência de perda da integridade membranar. A importância das mitocôndrias na produção de ROS, induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo usando um mutante deficiente respiratório desprovido de ADN mitocondrial (ƿ0). Quando comparado com a respetiva estirpe parental, o mutante ƿ0 apresentou uma maior resistência ao Pb e uma menor produção de ROS induzida por Pb. A exposição das células da estirpe BY4741 a 250 e 1000 µmol/l de chumbo originou a formação de 49 e 58% de células deficientes respiratórias, respetivamente. A função da V-ATPase, na desintoxicação de chumbo, foi avaliada utilizando mutantes com uma estrutura vacuolar normal mas defetivos em subunidades da VATPase (vma1Δ, vma2Δ, vma3Δ e vph1Δ). Comparativamente às células da estirpe WT, todos os mutantes testados, sem V-ATPase funcional, apresentaram uma maior suscetibilidade ao Pb. O papel dos transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC, na defesa contra a toxicidade induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo utilizando mutantes sem os transportadores Ycf1p ou Vmr1p. Os resultados preliminares mostraram que quando comparadas com as células da estirpe WT, as células das estirpes ycf1Δ ou vmr1Δ não apresentavam uma maior perda da viabilidade. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar, em células expostas a chumbo, foi visualizada utilizando a estirpe Vma2p-GFP. O tratamento das células com Pb originou a fusão dos vacúolos de tamanho médio num único vacúolo de grande dimensão. Em conclusão, os estudos desenvolvidos no presente trabalho, utilizando a estirpe laboratorial BY4741, mostraram que a perda da capacidade proliferativa das leveduras, induzida pelo chumbo, pode ser atribuída à acumulação intracelular do anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio. As mitocôndrias parecem ser uma das principais fontes de ROS induzido por Pb e, simultaneamente, um dos principais alvos da sua toxicidade. Em S. cerevisiae, o vacúolo desempenha um papel importante na desintoxicação do Pb. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar após exposição ao chumbo poderá ser a consequência da acumulação de Pb no vacúolo. Enquanto os transportadores da superfamília ABC parecem não estar envolvidos na sequestração vacuolar de Pb, é necessária a presença, num estado funcional, da V-ATPase para que ocorra a compartimentação do Pb. Muito provavelmente, a compartimentação do Pb no vacúolo previne a sua acumulação no citosol e o desencadear dos respetivos efeitos tóxicos.


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Nicotine cessation programmes in Switzerland, which are commonly based on the stage of change model of Prochaska and DiClemente (1983), are rarely offered to patients with illicit drug dependence. This stands in contrast to the high smoking rates and the heavy burden of tobacco-related problems in these patients. The stage of change was therefore assessed by self-administered questionnaire in 100 inpatients attending an illegal drug withdrawal programme. Only 15% of the patients were in the contemplation or decision stage. 93% considered smoking cessation to be difficult or very difficult. These data show a discrepancy between the motivation to change illegal drug consumption habits and the motivation for smoking cessation. The high proportion of patients remaining in the precontemplation stage for smoking cessation, in spite of their motivation for illicit drug detoxification, may be due to the perception that cessation of smoking is more difficult than illicit drug abuse cessation.


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This work contains the results of a series of reduction studies on polyhalogenated aromatic compounds and related ethers using alkali metals in liquid ammonia. In general, polychlorobenzenes were reduced to t he parent aromatic hydrocarbon or to 1 ,4-cyc1ohexadiene, and dipheny1ethers were cleaved to the aroma tic hydrocarbon and a phenol. Chlorinated dipheny1ethers were r eductive1y dechlorinated in the process. For example, 4-chlorodipheny1- ether gave benzene and phenol. Pentach1orobenzene and certain tetrachlorobenzenes disproportionated to a fair degree during the reduction process if no added proton source was present. The disproportionation was attributed to a build-up of amide ion. Addition of ethanol completely suppressed the formation of any disproportionation products. In the reductions of certain dipheny1ethers , the reduction of one or both of the dipheny1ether rings occurred, along with the normal cleavage. This was more prevalent when lithium was the metal used . As a Sidelight, certain chloropheno1s were readily dechlorinated. In light of these results, the reductive detoxification of the chlorinated dibenzo-1,4-dioxins seems possible with alkali metals in l iquid ammonia.


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La préparation de formulations à libération contrôlée est le domaine des sciences pharmaceutiques qui vise à modifier l’environnement immédiat des principes actifs pour en améliorer l’efficacité et l’innocuité. Cet objectif peut être atteint en modifiant la cinétique de circulation dans le sang ou la distribution dans l’organisme. Le but de ce projet de recherche était d’étudier le profil pharmacocinétique (PK) de différentes formulations liposomales. L’analyse PK, généralement employée pour représenter et prédire les concentrations plasmatiques des médicaments et de leurs métabolites, a été utilisée ici pour caractériser in vivo des formulations sensibles au pH servant à modifier la distribution intracellulaire de principes actifs ainsi que des liposomes destinés au traitement des intoxications médicamenteuses. Dans un premier temps, la PK d’un copolymère sensible au pH, à base de N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) et d’acide méthacrylique (MAA) a été étudiée. Ce dernier, le p(NIPAM-co-MAA) est utilisé dans notre laboratoire pour la fabrication de liposomes sensibles au pH. L’étude de PK conduite sur les profils de concentrations sanguines de différents polymères a défini les caractéristiques influençant la circulation des macromolécules dans l’organisme. La taille des molécules, leur point de trouble ainsi que la présence d’un segment hydrophobe à l’extrémité des chaînes se sont avérés déterminants. Le seuil de filtration glomérulaire du polymère a été évalué à 32 000 g/mol. Finalement, l’analyse PK a permis de s’assurer que les complexes formés par la fixation du polymère à la surface des liposomes restaient stables dans le sang, après injection par voie intraveineuse. Ces données ont établi qu’il était possible de synthétiser un polymère pouvant être adéquatement éliminé par filtration rénale et que les liposomes sensibles au pH préparés avec celui-ci demeuraient intacts dans l’organisme. En second lieu, l’analyse PK a été utilisée dans le développement de liposomes possédant un gradient de pH transmembranaire pour le traitement des intoxications médicamenteuses. Une formulation a été développée et optimisée in vitro pour capturer un médicament modèle, le diltiazem (DTZ). La formulation liposomale s’est avérée 40 fois plus performante que les émulsions lipidiques utilisées en clinique. L’analyse PK des liposomes a permis de confirmer la stabilité de la formulation in vivo et d’analyser l’influence des liposomes sur la circulation plasmatique du DTZ et de son principal métabolite, le desacétyldiltiazem (DAD). Il a été démontré que les liposomes étaient capables de capturer et de séquestrer le principe actif dans la circulation sanguine lorsque celui-ci était administré, par la voie intraveineuse. L’injection des liposomes 2 minutes avant l’administration du DTZ augmentait significativement l’aire sous la courbe du DTZ et du DAD tout en diminuant leur clairance plasmatique et leur volume de distribution. L’effet de ces modifications PK sur l’activité pharmacologique du médicament a ensuite été évalué. Les liposomes ont diminué l’effet hypotenseur du principe actif administré en bolus ou en perfusion sur une période d’une heure. Au cours de ces travaux, l’analyse PK a servi à établir la preuve de concept que des liposomes possédant un gradient de pH transmembranaire pouvaient modifier la PK d’un médicament cardiovasculaire et en diminuer l’activité pharmacologique. Ces résultats serviront de base pour le développement de la formulation destinée au traitement des intoxications médicamenteuses. Ce travail souligne la pertinence d’utiliser l’analyse PK dans la mise au point de vecteurs pharmaceutiques destinés à des applications variées. À ce stade de développement, l’aspect prédictif de l’analyse n’a pas été exploité, mais le côté descriptif a permis de comparer adéquatement diverses formulations et de tirer des conclusions pertinentes quant à leur devenir dans l’organisme.


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Le benzo-a-pyrène (BaP) est un cancérogène reconnu pour l'homme, contaminant présent dans notre environnement. Il cause des dommages à l'ADN que nous avons mesurés dans les lymphocytes exposés à de faibles concentrations de BaP, provenant de 20 jeunes volontaires non fumeurs et en santé. Suite à l’exposition, la fréquence des micronoyaux (MN) augmente significativement et décrit une courbe dose-réponse non linéaire, suggérant le déclenchement du processus de détoxification et la réparation de l’ADN. Des différences entre les individus et entre les sexes sont présentes dans la réponse génotoxique produite par le BaP. Le test des aberrations chromosomiques montre que le pourcentage de chromosomes cassés augmente significativement dans les cellules exposées au BaP. Combinés avec l'augmentation de la fréquence des MN, nos résultats confirment l'effet clastogène du BaP déjà rapporté dans la littérature. L’hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH) des MN avec une sonde pancentromérique est aussi utilisée pour établir leur mécanisme de formation. La FISH révèle que la majorité des MN formés après une exposition au BaP contient un centromère et plus, ce qui est significativement différent de la condition non exposée. Plus précisément, dans nos conditions expérimentales, les MN induits par le BaP contiennent surtout trois centromères et plus, indiquant également la présence d'un effet aneugène. L'effet clastogène du BaP est relié à son rôle d'initiateur dans la cancérogenèse, alors que l'effet aneugène le relierait à l'étape de progression. Ces résultats sont importants puisque l'exposition aux composés de la classe du BaP est de longue durée (cigarette, air pollué).


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Contexte Les troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances psychoactives (TUS) sont associés à une variété de troubles psychiatriques entre autre une instabilité comportementale et affective. Plusieurs études suggèrent que les antipsychotiques atypiques peuvent être utiles dans le traitement de la toxicomanie. L’objectif principal de la présente étude à devis ouvert est d’évaluer l’efficacité de la quétiapine sur les variables reliés à la toxicomanie chez des poly-toxicomanes sans psychose comorbide entrant en désintoxication. Méthodes Dans le cadre d’une étude pharmacologique à devis ouvert d’une durée de 12 semaines, trente-trois polytoxicomanes entrant en désintoxication et répondant à un ou plusieurs critères d’abus/dépendance à une substance du DSM-IV ont été recrutés. Les patients présentant un autre trouble comorbide à l’Axe I ont été exclus. Les envies de consommer, les quantités consommées, les jours de consommation ainsi que la sévérité de la toxicomanie ont été évalués au point de départ (semaine 0) et à la fin de l’étude (semaine 12). Les symptômes psychiatriques et dépressifs furent aussi évalués. Résultats 26 des 33 patients complétèrent plus de 9 semaines de traitement. Les résultats relatifs à la dernière observation reportée (LOCF) ont montré une amélioration significative des envies de consommer, des quantités consommées, des jours de consommation, de la sévérité de la toxicomanie et des symptômes psychiatriques et dépressifs. Conclusions Nos résultats ne peuvent être attribués en soi aux effets pharmacologiques de la quétiapine, et ce compte tenu d’abord du type d’étude à devis ouvert à laquelle nous avons procédée, ainsi que le petit nombre de sujets impliqués et enfin le fait que les participants étaient impliqués dans une thérapie intensive. Ceci dit, nos résultats suggèrent quand même que la quétiapine peut être bénéfique dans le traitement des toxicomanes entrant en désintoxication. Des études randomisées sont de mises pour déterminer la pertinence de ces résultats.