20 resultados para ubiquitination


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Breast cancer is the second most common farm of cancers and the second leading cause of cancer death for American women. Clinical studies indicate inflammation is a risk factor for breast cancer development. Among the cytokines and chemokines secreted by the infiltrating inflammatory cells, tumor necrosis factor a (TNFα) is considered one of the most important inflammatory factors involved in inflammation-mediated tumorigenesis. ^ Here we found that TNFα/IKKβ signaling pathway is able to increase tumor angiogenesis through activation of mTOR pathway. While investigating which molecule in the mTOR pathway involved in TNFα/IKKβ-mediated mTOR activation, our results showed that IKKβ physically interacts with and phosphorylates TSC1 at Ser487 and Ser511 in vitro and in vivo. Phosphorylation of TSC1 by IKKβ inhibits its association with TSC2, alters TSC2 membrane localization, and thereby activates mTOR. In vitro angiogenesis assays and orthotopic breast cancer model reveals that phosphorylation of TSC1 by IKKβ enhances VEGF expression, angiogenesis and culminates in tumorigenesis. Furthermore, expression of activated IKKβ is associated with TSC1 Ser511 phosphorylation and VEGF production in multiple tumor types and correlates with poor clinical outcome of breast cancer patients. ^ Furthermore, dysregulation of tumor suppressor FOXO3a contributes to the development of breast cancer. We found that overexpression of IKKβ led to inhibition of FOXO3a-mediated transactivation activity. While investigating the underlying mechanisms of IKKβ-mediated dysregulation of FOXO3a, our results showed that IKKβ physically associated with FOXO3a and phosphorylated FOXO3a at Ser644 in vitro and in vivo. The phosphorylation of FOXO3a by IKKβ altered its subcellular localization from nucleus to cytoplasm and promoted its degradation through ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Mutation of FOXO3a at Ser644 prevented IKKβ-induced ubiquitination and degradation. In vitro cell proliferation assay and orthotopic breast cancer model revealed that phosphorylation of FOXO3a by IKKβ overrode FOXO3a-mediated repression of tumor progression. ^ In conclusion, our findings identify IKKβ-mediated suppressions of both TSC1 and FOXO3a are critical for inflammation-mediated breast cancer development through increasing tumor angiogenesis and evading apoptosis, respectively. Understanding the role of IKKβ in both FOXO3a and TSC/mTOR signaling pathways provides a critical insight of inflammation-mediated diseases and may provide a target for clinical intervention in human breast cancer. ^


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The central dogma of molecular biology dictates that DNA is transcribed into RNA, which is later translated into protein. One of the early activators in this process is the transcription factor NF-κB. We have determined that an NF-κB inducer, CARMA3, is required for proper neural tube closure, similar to other NF-κB inducers. Using a genetic knockout of CARMA3, we demonstrated that it is required for Gαq-coupled GPCR-induced NF-κB activation. This is facilitated through a MAPK and IKK phosphorylation-independent mechanism, most likely by controlling NEMO-associated ubiquitination. We have also shown that CARMA3 is required for EGF and HRG-induced NF-κB activation. This activation requires the activity of both EGFR and HER2, as well as PKC. Again, we observed no defect in IKK phosphorylation, although we determined a clear defect in IKK activation. Finally, we have begun to determine the role of CARMA3 to both EGFR and HER2-induced tumorigenicity. By overexpressing a constitutive active mutant of HER2 in our CARMA3 WT and KO MEF cells, we have shown CARMA3 is important for HER2-driven soft agar colony growth. We have also shown that knockdown of endogenous CARMA3 in the EGFR-overexpressing A431 cell line abolishes EGF-induced NF-κB activation. These same cells have a dramatically reduced capacity to form colonies in soft agar as well. Using both mouse xenografts and a transgenic model of HER2-induced breast cancer, we have initiated studies which will help to determine the role of CARMA3 to in vivo tumorigenesis. Collectively, this work reveals novel roles for the CARMA3 protein in development, GPCR and EGFR/HER2 signaling. It also suggests that CARMA3 is involved in EGFR/HER2 mediated tumorigenesis, possibly indicating a novel therapeutic target for use in treatment of cancer. ^


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Ubiquitination is an essential process involved in basic biological processes such as the cell cycle and cell death. Ubiquitination is initiated by ubiquitin-activating enzymes (E1), which activate and transfer ubiquitin to ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2). Subsequently, ubiquitin is transferred to target proteins via ubiquitin ligases (E3). Defects in ubiquitin conjugation have been implicated in several forms of malignancy, the pathogenesis of several genetic diseases, immune surveillance/viral pathogenesis, and the pathology of muscle wasting. However, the consequences of partial or complete loss of ubiquitin conjugation in multi-cellular organisms are not well understood. Here, we report the characterization of nba1, the sole E1 in Drosophila. We have determined that weak and strong nba1 alleluias behave genetically different and sometimes in opposing phenotypes. For example, weak uba1 alleluias protect cells from cell death whereas cells containing strong loss-of-function alleluias are highly apoptotic. These opposing phenotypes are due to differing sensitivities of cell death pathway components to ubiquitination level alterations. In addition, strong uba1 alleluias induce cell cycle arrest due to defects in the protein degradation of Cyclins. Surprisingly, clones of strong uba1 mutant alleluias stimulate neighboring wild-type tissue to undergo cell division in a non-autonomous manner resulting in severe overgrowth phenotypes in the mosaic fly. I have determined that the observed overgrowth phenotypes were due to a failure to downregulate the Notch signaling pathway in nba1 mutant cells. Aberrant Notch signaling results in the secretion of a local cytokine and activation of JAK/STAT pathway in neighboring cells. In addition, we elucidated a model describing the regulation of the caspase Dronc in surviving cells. Binding of Dronc by its inhibitor Diap1 is necessary but not sufficient to inhibit Dronc function. Ubiquitin conjugation and Uba1 function is necessary for the negative regulation of Dronc. ^


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ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling has been shown to be critical for transcription and DNA repair. However, the involvement of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling in DNA replication remains poorly defined. Interestingly, we found that the INO80 chromatin-remodeling complex is directly involved in the DNA damage tolerance pathways activated during DNA replication. DNA damage tolerance is important for genomic stability and is controlled by formation of either mono-ubiquitinated or multi-ubiquitinated PCNA, which respectively induce error prone or error-free replication bypass of the lesions. In addition, homologous recombination (HR) mediated by the Rad51 pathway is also involved in the DNA damage tolerance pathways. ^ We found that INO80 is specifically recruited to replication origins during S phase in a genome-wide fashion. In addition, DNA combing analysis shows INO80 is required for the resumption of replication at stalled forks induced by methyl methane-sulfonate (MMS). Mechanistically, we find that INO80 is required for PCNA ubiquitination as well as for Rad51 mediated processing of replication forks after MMS treatment. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation at specific ARSs indicates INO80 is necessary for Rad18 and Rad51 recruitment to replication forks after MMS treatment. Moreover, 2D gel analysis shows INO80 is necessary to process Rad51 mediated intermediates at impeded replication forks. ^ In conclusion, our findings establish a novel role of a chromatin-remodeling complex in DNA damage tolerance pathways and suggest that chromatin remodeling is fundamentally important to ensure faithful replication of DNA and genome stability in eukaryotes. ^


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Metabolic reprogramming has been shown to be a major cancer hallmark providing tumor cells with significant advantages for survival, proliferation, growth, metastasis and resistance against anti-cancer therapies. Glycolysis, glutaminolysis and mitochondrial biogenesis are among the most essential cancer metabolic alterations because these pathways provide cancer cells with not only energy but also crucial metabolites to support large-scale biosynthesis, rapid proliferation and tumorigenesis. In this study, we find that 14-3-3σ suppresses all these three metabolic processes by promoting the degradation of their main driver, c-Myc. In fact, 14-3-3s significantly enhances c-Myc poly-ubiquitination and subsequent degradation, reduces c-Myc transcriptional activity, and down-regulates c-Myc-induced metabolic target genes expression. Therefore, 14-3-3σ remarkably blocks glycolysis, decreases glutaminolysis and diminishes mitochondrial mass of cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo, thereby severely suppressing cancer bioenergetics and metabolism. As a result, a high level of 14-3-3σ in tumors is strongly associated with increased breast cancer patients’ overall and metastasis-free survival as well as better clinical outcomes. Thus, this study reveals a new role for 14-3-3s as a significant regulator of cancer bioenergetics and a promising target for the development of anti-cancer metabolism therapies.