6 resultados para immune function

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Matrix metalloproteinases are the components of the tumour microenvironment which play a crucial role in tumour progression. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) is expressed in a variety of tumours and the expression is associated with an aggressive malignant phenotype and poor prognosis. A role for MMP-7 in the immune escape of tumours has been postulated, but the mechanisms are not clearly understood. The present study was focused on identifying physiological inactivators of MMP-7 and also to unravel the mechanisms involved in MMP-7 mediated immune escape. This study shows that human leukocyte elastase (HLE), secreted by polymorphonuclear leukocytes cleaves MMP-7 in the catalytic domain as revealed by N-terminal sequencing. Further analysis demonstrates that the activity of MMP-7 was drastically decreased after HLE treatment in a time and dose dependent manner. MMP-7 induces apoptosis resistance in tumour cells by cleaving CD95 and CD95L. The effect of HLE on MMP-7 mediated apoptosis resistance was analysed. In vitro stimulation of apoptosis by anti-Apo-1 (anti-CD95 antibody) and the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin is reduced by MMP-7. Also tumour specific cytotoxic T cells do not effectively kill tumour cells in the presence of MMP-7. This study revealed that HLE abrogates the negative effect of MMP-7 on apoptosis induced by CD95 stimulation, doxorubicin or cytotoxic T cells and restores apoptosis sensitivity of tumour cells. To gain insight into the possible immune modulatory functions of MMP-7, experiments were performed to identify new immune relevant substrates. The human T cell line, Jurkat, was selected for these studies. Hsc70 which is involved in uncoating of clathrin vesicles was found in the supernatants of the MMP-7 treated cells indicating a modulatory role of MMP-7 on endocytosis. Further studies demonstrated that MMP-7 leads to decreased clathrin staining in HEK293, HepG2, Jurkat, CD4+ T cells and dendritic cells. Results also show MMP-7 treatment increased surface expression of cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated protein-4 (CTLA-4) which accumulated due to inhibition of the clathrin mediated internalization in CD4+CD25+ cells.


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This thesis focuses on different aspects of immune regulation, both at the cellular and molecular levels. More specifically, this work concentrates on the importance of Interleukin-10, B and T Lymphocyte Attenuator (BTLA), and dendritic cells in respect to immune regulation, with special emphasis on autoimmunity. In this thesis, we show that the cellular source of IL10 production can dramatically influence the outcome of an autoimmune response. We show that T cell-derived IL10 plays an important role in controlling the viability of recently activated T cells, allowing them to become fully functional T effector cells. T cell-specific IL10-deficient mice failed to induce EAE when immunized with MOG peptide. Furthermore, when re-challenged with MOG or other stimuli, these T cells exhibited increased apoptosis rates. Here we report for the first time the generation of a novel mouse model that allows the conditional over-expression of BTLA. We show that BTLA can negatively regulate CD4+ T cells responses, when expressed by the T cells themselves. BTLA over-expression by CD8+ T cells or dendritic cells, however, resulted in enhanced viral clearance. In this study, we show that depletion of DCs, either early on from birth or later in adulthood, does not prevent EAE induction, but instead leads to a lower state of tolerance and stronger immune response. We also show that DCs are responsible for the upregulation of PD-1 on antigen-specific T cells and subsequently induce the formation of Tregs during immune responses.


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Survivin, a unique member of the family of inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) proteins, orchestrates intracellular pathways during cell division and apoptosis. Its central regulatory function in vertebrate molecular pathways as mitotic regulator and inhibitor of apoptotic cell death has major implications for tumor cell proliferation and viability, and has inspired several approaches that target survivin for cancer therapy. Analyses in early-branching Metazoa so far propose an exclusive role of survivin as a chromosomal passenger protein, whereas only later during evolution the second, complementary antiapoptotic function might have arisen, concurrent with increased organismal complexity. To lift the veil on the ancestral function(s) of this key regulatory molecule, a survivin homologue of the phylogenetically oldest extant metazoan taxon (phylum Porifera) was identified and functionally characterized. SURVL of the demosponge Suberites domuncula shares significant similarities with its metazoan homologues, ranging from conserved exon/intron structures to the presence of localization signal and protein-interaction domains, characteristic of IAP proteins. Whereas sponge tissue displayed a very low steady-state level, SURVL expression was significantly up-regulated in rapidly proliferating primmorph cells. In addition, challenge of sponge tissue and primmorphs with cadmium and the lipopeptide Pam3Cys-Ser-(Lys)4 stimulated SURVL expression, concurrent with the expression of newly discovered poriferan caspases (CASL and CASL2). Complementary functional analyses in transfected HEK-293 revealed that heterologous expression of poriferan survivin in human cells not only promotes cell proliferation but also augments resistance to cadmium-induced cell death. Taken together, these results demonstrate both a deep evolutionary conserved and fundamental dual role of survivin, and an equally conserved central position of this key regulatory molecule in interconnected pathways of cell cycle and apoptosis. Additionally, SDCASL, SDCASL2, and SDTILRc (TIR-LRR containing protein) may represent new components of the innate defense sentinel in sponges. SDCASL and SDCASL2 are two new caspase-homolog proteins with a singular structure. In addition to their CASc domains, SDCASL and SDCASL2 feature a small prodomain NH2-terminal (effector caspases) and a remarkably long COOH-terminal domain containing one or several functional double stranded RNA binding domains (dsrm). This new caspase prototype can characterize a caspase specialization coupling pathogen sensing and apoptosis, and could represent a very efficient defense mechanism. SDTILRc encompasses also a unique combination of domains: several leucine rich repeats (LRR) and a Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain. This unusual domain association may correspond to a new family of intracellular sensing protein, forming a subclass of pattern recognition receptors (PRR).


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Immune modulation by herpesviruses, such as cytomegalovirus, is critical for the establishment of acute and persistent infection confronting a vigorous antiviral immune response of the host. Therefore, the action of immune-modulatory proteins has long been the subject of research, with the final goal to identify new strategies for antiviral therapy.rnIn the case of murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV), the viral m152 protein has been identified to play a major role in targeting components of both the innate and the adaptive immune system in terms of infected host-cell recognition in the effector phase of the antiviral immune response. On the one hand, it inhibits cell surface expression of RAE-1 and thereby prevents ligation of the activating natural killer (NK)-cell receptor NKG2D. On the other hand, it decreases cell surface expression of peptide-loaded MHC class I molecules thereby preventing antigen presentation to CD8 T cells. Ultimately, the outcome of CMV infection is determined by the interplay between viral and cellular factors.rnIn this context, the work presented here has revealed a novel and intriguing connection between viral m152 and cellular interferon (IFN), a key cytokine of the immune system: rnthe m152 promoter region contains an interferon regulatory factor element (IRFE) perfectly matching the consensus sequence of cellular IRFEs.rnThe biological relevance of this regulatory element was first suggested by sequence comparisons revealing its evolutionary conservation among various established laboratory strains of mCMV and more recent low-passage wild-derived virus isolates. Moreover, search of the mCMV genome revealed only three IRFE sites in the complete sequence. Importantly, the functionality of the IRFE in the m152 promoter was confirmed with the use of a mutant virus, representing a functional deletion of the IRFE, and its corresponding revertant virus. In particular, m152 gene expression was found to be inhibited in an IRFE-dependent manner in infected cells. Essentially, this inhibition proved to have a severe impact on the immune-modulatory function of m152, first demonstrated by a restored direct antigen presentation on infected cells for CD8 T-cell activation. Even more importantly, this effect of IRFE-mediated IFN signaling was validated in vivo by showing that the protective antiviral capacity of adoptively-transferred, antigen-specific CD8 T cells is also significantly restored by the IRFE-dependent inhibition of m152. Somewhat curious and surprising, the decrease in m152 protein simultaneously prevented an enhanced activation of NK cells in acute-infected mice, apparently independent of the RAE-1/NKG2D ligand/receptor interaction but rather due to reduced ‘missing-self’ recognition.rnTaken together, this work presents a so far unknown mechanism of IFN signaling to control mCMV immune modulation in acute infection.rnrn


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Die Suppression von autoreaktiven T-Zellen ist eine Funktion von CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs). CD4+CD25+ Tregs unterdrücken autoaggressive Immunantworten. Galectin-10 und Foxp3 sind wichtige Proteine, die an dem supprimierenden Mechanismus der Tregs beteiligt sind. Galectin-10 ist eines der ältesten bekannten humanen Proteine, die nicht in anderen Spezies gefunden worden sind. Foxp3 ist ein Transkriptionsfaktor, der in menschlichen CD4+CD25+ Tregs und in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen nach Aktivierung exprimiert wird. Ein siRNA-vermittelter Knockdown dieses intrazellulären löslichen Proteins hebt die supprimierende Funktion der humanen CD4+CD25+ Tregs auf.rnDiese Arbeit beinhaltet in vitro durchgeführte Untersuchungen zur Ermöglichung eines Knockdown von Galectin-10 und/oder Foxp3 in humanisierten Mäusen. Es war möglich, ein Verfahren für die Produktion von lentiviralen Partikeln zu etablierten, die sich als effizientes Vehikel für den Gentransfer in humane Stammzellen und verschiedene Tumor- und Immunzellen erwiesen. Nach der Transduktion von AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen mit GFP-codierenden lentiviralen Partikeln konnte eine langfristige Expression von GFP erreicht werden. Außerdem war es möglich lentivirale Partikel zu erzeugen, die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codiert waren. Die erzeugten Partikel erwiesen sich als funktionell, indem sie eine deutliche Herunterregulation von Galectin-10 in konstitutiv Galectin-10 exprimierenden AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen bewirkten. Unsere Studie präsentierte außerdem eine erstmalige Untersuchung zum Nachweis von Galectin-10-Protein in Eosinophilen aus humanen CD34+ hämatopoetischen Stammzellen (HSC). Diese stabile in vitro Galectin-10-Expression bietet ein alternatives Untersuchungsmodell zu CD4+CD25+ Tregs, die nicht aus CD34+ HSC differenziert werden können. Der zusätzliche Einbau des GFP-Gens in die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codierende lentivirale Partikel war ein wichtiger Schritt zur Markierung von Zellen, die einen Galectin-10-Knockdown aufwiesen. Die neuen bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikel erwiesen sich sowohl in aus CD34+ HSC differenzierten Eosinophilen als auch in AML14.3D10 Zellen, die einen eosinophilen Phänotyp aufweisen, als funktionell. Schließlich konnte mit den bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikeln, die mit GFP und shRNA gegen Foxp3 codiert waren, eine Herunterregulation von Foxp3 in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen erreicht werden, was erneut die erfolgreiche Herstellung von funktionellen lentiviralen Partikeln bewies.rn


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T helper (Th) 9 cells are an important subpopulation of the CD4+ T helper cells. Due to their ability to secrete Interleukin-(IL-)9, Th9 cells essentially contribute to the expulsion of parasitic helminths from the intestinal tract but they play also an immunopathological role in the course of asthma. Recently, a beneficial function of Th9 cells in anti-tumor immune responses was published. In a murine melanoma tumor model Th9 cells were shown to enhance the anti-melanoma immune response via the recruitment of CD8+ T cells, dendritic cells and mast cells. In contrast to Th9 effector cells regulatory T cells (Tregs) are able to control an immune response with the aid of different suppressive mechanisms. Based on their ability to suppress an immune response Tregs are believed to be beneficial in asthma by diminishing excessive allergic reactions. However, concerning cancer they can have a detrimental function because Tregs inhibit an effective anti-tumor immune reaction. Thus, the analysis of Th9 suppression by Tregs is of central importance concerning the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of cancer and allergic diseases and was therefore the main objective of this PhD thesis.rnIn general it could be demonstrated that the development of Th9 cells can be inhibited by Tregs in vitro. The production of the lineage-specific cytokine IL-9 by developing Th9 cells was completely suppressed at a Treg/Th9 ratio of 1:1 on the transcriptional (qRT-PCR) as well as on the translational level (ELISA). In contrast, the expression of IRF4 that was found to strongly promote Th9 development was not reduced in the presence of Tregs, suggesting that IRF4 requires additional transcription factors to induce the differentiation of Th9 cells. In order to identify such factors, which regulate Th9 development and therefore represent potential targets for Treg-mediated suppressive mechanisms, a transcriptome analysis using “next-generation sequencing” was performed. The expression of some genes which were found to be up- or downregulated in Th9 cells in the presence of Tregs was validated with qRT-PCR. Time limitations prevented a detailed functional analysis of these candidate genes. Nevertheless, the analysis of the suppressive mechanisms revealed that Tregs probably suppress Th9 cells via the increase of the intracellular cAMP concentration. In contrast, IL-9 production by differentiated Th9 cells was only marginally affected by Tregs in vitro and in vivo analysis (asthma, melanoma model). Hence, Tregs represent very effective inhibitors of Th9 development whereas they have only a minimal suppressive influence on differentiated Th9 cells.rn