4 resultados para indirect immunofluorescence assay

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Sebbene il sistema nervoso enterico (“enteric nervous system”, ENS) svolga un ruolo cruciale nella patogenesi della Scrapie ovina, non esistono tuttavia in letteratura dati sulle popolazioni cellulari progressivamente coinvolte nel corso dell’infezione, né sugli eventuali danni morfo-funzionali da esse subiti. Il presente studio è stato condotto sui plessi mienterici e sottomucosi dell’ileo di 46 pecore di razza Sarda, recanti diversi polimorfismi del gene Prnp (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/AHQ, ARQ/ARR, ARR/ARR). I suddetti animali, infettati per os all’età di 8 mesi con un ceppo di Scrapie precedentemente caratterizzato nel topo, sono stati sacrificati mediante eutanasia a determinati intervalli di tempo post-infezione (p.i.). E’ stata quindi valutata, tramite immunoistochimica ed immunofluorescenza indiretta su sezioni tissutali e su preparati “wholemount”, l’immunoreattività (IR) nei confronti della PrPSc, del “marker” panneuronale Hu C/D, dell’ossido-nitrico sintetasi (nNOS), della calbindina (CALB) e della proteina fibrillare acida gliale (GFAP). In 8 pecore con genotipo ARQ/ARQ, clinicamente sane e sacrificate a 12-24 mesi p.i., nonché in 5 ovini clinicamente affetti (2 con genotipo ARQ/ARQ, 3 con genotipo ARQ/AHQ), questi ultimi sacrificati rispettivamente a 24, 36 e 40 mesi p.i., le indagini immunoistochimiche hanno consentito di dimostrare la presenza di PrPSc a livello sia dell’encefalo (obex), sia dell’ENS, in particolar modo nei plessi mienterici. In tali distretti il deposito della PrPSc risultava pienamente compatibile con un interessamento delle cellule enterogliali (“enteroglial cells”, EGCs), mentre occasionalmente si notava un contestuale coinvolgimento della componente neuronale ivi residente. In conclusione, i dati della presente indagine consentono di ipotizzare un verosimile coinvolgimento delle EGCs e dei neuroni residenti a livello dei plessi dell’ENS nella patogenesi della Scrapie sperimentale realizzata per os in ovini di razza Sarda.


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The Ctr family is an essential part of the copper homeostasis machinery and its members share sequence homology and structural and functional features. Higher eukaryotes express two members of this family Ctr1 and Ctr2. Numerous structural and functional studies are available for Ctr1, the only high affinity Cu(I) transporter thus far identified. Ctr1 holigotrimers mediate cellular copper uptake and this protein was demonstrated to be essential for embryonic development and to play a crucial role in dietary copper acquisition. Instead very little is known about Ctr2, it bears structural homology to the yeast vacuolar copper transporter, which mediates mobilization of vacuolar copper stores. Recent studies using over-expressed epitope-tagged forms of human Ctr2 suggested a function as a low affinity copper transporter that can mediate either copper uptake from the extracellular environment or mobilization of lysosomal copper stores. Using an antibody that recognizes endogenous mouse Ctr2, we studied the expression and localization of endogenous mouse Ctr2 in cell culture and in mouse models to understand its regulation and function in copper homeostasis. By immunoblot we observed a regulation of mCtr2 protein levels in a copper and Ctr1 dependent way. Our observations in cells and transgenic mice suggest that lack of Ctr1 induces a strong downregulation of Ctr2 probably by a post-translational mechanism. By indirect immunofluorescence we observed an exclusive intracellular localization in a perinuclear compartment and no co-localization with lysosomal markers. Immunofluorescence experiments in Ctr1 null cells, supported by sequence analysis, suggest that lysosomes may play a role in mCtr2 biology not as resident compartment, but as a degradation site. In appendix a LC-mass method for analysis of algal biotoxins belonging to the family of PsP (paralytic shellfish poisoning) is described.


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Introduction: Anti-TNF-alfa therapy has been effective in the treatment of patients with refractory psoriasis and psoriasic arthritis. However, the risk of developing autoantibodies in these patients undergoing this therapy is not clear. Objective: To evaluate the induction of specific autoantibodies after anti-TNFα therapy in patients with psoriasis and psoriasic arthritis and, to evaluate the influence of the use of methotrexate on the values of autoantibodies developed during this therapy. Patients and methods: Serum samples from 120 patients, obtained before(baseline) the introduction of anti-TNF-alpha therapy and approximately each 3-6 months during the therapy.O f these 120 patients, 113 were found negative for autoantibodies before starting anti -TNFalpha therapy, 7 were found positive for ANA. The analysis included detection of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and anti-dsDNA antibodies (indirect immunofluorescence on Hep-2 cells and Crithidia luciliae, respectively); anti extractable nuclear antigens antibodies( ENA)(ELISA). RESULTS: Infliximab is associated with the highest occurrence rate of ANA, anti-dsDNA, ENA with approximately 69,2%, 11,5%, 7,6% of patients treated testing positive. In comparison, only 20%, 6,6%, 2,2% of patients treated with Adalimumab, and 19%, 2,3%, 2,3% of patients treated with Etanercept were positive for ANA, Anti-dsDNA, ENA respectively. As regard the seven patients who were positive at baseline, six of them (85.7%) in addition to being remained positive during the therapy they have also increased the autoantibodies ’s titers. Conclusion: our study have shown that Infliximab is associated with the highest rate of autoantibodies. The concomitant treatment with methotrexate did not modify the titers of autoantibodies developed during the therapy anti-TNFalph. The incidence of ANA, anti-dsDNA antibodies did not correlate with development of Lupus-like syndromes. The difference in the frequency of autoantibodies between psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis was not statistically significant (p = 0.867).


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This thesis investigates two distinct research topics. The main topic (Part I) is the computational modelling of cardiomyocytes derived from human stem cells, both embryonic (hESC-CM) and induced-pluripotent (hiPSC-CM). The aim of this research line lies in developing models of the electrophysiology of hESC-CM and hiPSC-CM in order to integrate the available experimental data and getting in-silico models to be used for studying/making new hypotheses/planning experiments on aspects not fully understood yet, such as the maturation process, the functionality of the Ca2+ hangling or why the hESC-CM/hiPSC-CM action potentials (APs) show some differences with respect to APs from adult cardiomyocytes. Chapter I.1 introduces the main concepts about hESC-CMs/hiPSC-CMs, the cardiac AP, and computational modelling. Chapter I.2 presents the hESC-CM AP model, able to simulate the maturation process through two developmental stages, Early and Late, based on experimental and literature data. Chapter I.3 describes the hiPSC-CM AP model, able to simulate the ventricular-like and atrial-like phenotypes. This model was used to assess which currents are responsible for the differences between the ventricular-like AP and the adult ventricular AP. The secondary topic (Part II) consists in the study of texture descriptors for biological image processing. Chapter II.1 provides an overview on important texture descriptors such as Local Binary Pattern or Local Phase Quantization. Moreover the non-binary coding and the multi-threshold approach are here introduced. Chapter II.2 shows that the non-binary coding and the multi-threshold approach improve the classification performance of cellular/sub-cellular part images, taken from six datasets. Chapter II.3 describes the case study of the classification of indirect immunofluorescence images of HEp2 cells, used for the antinuclear antibody clinical test. Finally the general conclusions are reported.