3 resultados para chronic pain, acute to chronic transition, community sample, mixed-methods, longitudinal

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The project of this Ph.D. thesis is based on a co-supervised collaboration between Università di Bologna, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM (Italy) and Instituto de Tecnología Química, Universitat Politècnica de València ITQ-UPV (Spain). This Ph.D. thesis is about the synthesis, characterization and catalytic testing of complex mixed-oxide catalysts mainly related to the family of Hexagonal Tungsten Bronzes (HTBs). These materials have been little explored as catalysts, although they have a great potential as multifunctional materials. Their peculiar acid properties can be coupled to other functionalities (e.g. redox sites) by isomorphous substitution of tungsten atoms with other transition metals such as vanadium, niobium and molybdenum. In this PhD thesis, it was demonstrated how it is possible to prepare substituted-HTBs by hydrothermal synthesis; these mixed-oxide were fully characterize by a number of physicochemical techniques such as XPS, HR-TEM, XAS etc. They were also used as catalysts for the one-pot glycerol oxidehydration to acrylic acid; this reaction might represent a viable chemical route to solve the important issue related to the co-production of glycerin along the biodiesel production chain. Acrylic acid yields as high as 51% were obtained and important structure-reactivity correlations were proved to govern the catalytic performance; only fine tuning of acid and redox properties as well as the in-framework presence of vanadium are fundamental to achieve noteworthy yields into the acid monomer. The overall results reported herein might represent an important contribution for future applications of HTBs in catalysis as well as a general guideline for a multifaceted approach for their physicochemical characterization.


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The focus of my research is on contemporary biomedical construction of pain as an object, i.e. the different ways in which pain has been conceptualized and approached as a specific site of investigation in biomedicine. A significant shift in the scientific conception of pain occured in the second half of XXth century. In 1965, Ronald Melzack and Patrick D. Wall propose the Gate Control theory of pain mechanism. This theory denies a fixed and direct relationship between stimulus and pain perception, and emphazises the role played by psychological factors in pain. The IASP utilizes this perspective on the phenomenon, describing pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated to an actual or potential tissue damage or described in the terms of such a damage.” The relationship between pain and damage is pivotal in the definition of pain as a pathological entity. In particular, the biomedical approach to pain appears to be strongly characterized by a dualistic view of its aetiology. Disease conceptions such as “psychogenic pain” and chronic pain are deeply influenced by the ways in which psychological factors have been interpreted as components, or as causes of pain. In the second part of my dissertation, I focus on fibromyalgia, which is emblematic of the problematic acknowledgment of chronic pain as a disease. Even if fibromyalgia is actually treated in Rheumatology, its status as a disease is blurred, mainly because of its complex symptomatology including both physiological manifestations and psychological ones. In the conclusion, I present a scenario of the different ways in which this disease is dealt with in biomedical knowledge, through medical literature, clinical practice, and patients’ accounts. The findings of an ethnographic enquiry in the Rheumatology Division of a local clinic and a visual research on patients’ experiences are analyzed and discussed.


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In un contesto dominato da invecchiamento della popolazione, prevalenza della cronicità e presenza crescente di pazienti multiproblematici e non autosufficienti è indispensabile spostare il baricentro delle cure dall'acuzie alla cronicità, e quindi assicurare la continuità e la coerenza fra i diversi setting di cura, sia sanitari che socio-sanitari (ospedale, servizi sanitari territoriali, domicilio, strutture residenziali di Long term care). Dall'analisi della letteratura emerge che il maggiore ostacolo a realizzare questa continuità è rappresentato dalla presenza, caratteristica del sistema di welfare italiano, di molteplici attori e strutture con competenze, obiettivi e funzioni diverse e separate, e la raccomandazione di lavorare per l'integrazione contemporaneamente su più livelli: - normativo-istituzionale - programmatorio - professionale e gestionale Il sistema della "governance" realizzato in Emilia-Romagna per l'integrazione socio-sanitaria è stato valutato alla luce di queste raccomandazioni, seguendo il modello della Realist evaluation per i Social complex interventions: enucleando le "teorie" alla base dell'intervento ed analizzando i diversi step della sua implementazione. Alla luce di questa valutazione, il modello della "governance" è risultato coerente con le indicazioni delle linee guida, ed effettivamente capace di produrre risultati al fine della continuità e della coerenza fra cure sanitarie e assistenza sociale e sanitaria complessa. Resta da realizzare una valutazione complessiva dell'impatto su efficacia, costi e soddisfazione dei pazienti.