12 resultados para ECG

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Aims: We aimed to quantify the release of bio-markers of myocardial damage in relation to direct intramyocardial injections of genes and stem cells in patients with severe coronary artery disease. Methods and Results: We studied 71 patients with “no-option” coronary artery disease. Patients had, via the percutaneous transluminal route, a total of 11±1 (mean ± SD) intramyocardial injections of vascular endothelial growth factor genes (n=56) or mesenchymal stromal cells (n=15). Injections were guided to an ischemic area by electromechanical mapping, using the NOGA™/Myostar™ catheter system. ECG was monitored continuously until discharge. Plasma CKMB (upper normal laboratory limit=5 μg/l) was 2 μg/l (2-3) at baseline; increased to 6 (5-9) after 8 hours (p < 0.0001) and normalized to 4 (3-5) after 24 hours. A total of 8 patients (17%), receiving a volume of 0.3 ml per injection, had CKMB rises exceeding 3 times the upper limit, whereas no patient in the group receiving 0.2 ml had a more than two fold CKMB increase. No patient developed new ECG changes. There were no clinically important ventricular arrhythmias and no death. Conclusion: Direct Intramyocardial injections of stem cells or genes lead to measurable release of cardiac bio-markers, which was related to the injected volume.


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PRESUPPOSTI: Le tachicardie atriali sono comuni nei GUCH sia dopo intervento correttivo o palliativo che in storia naturale, ma l’incidenza è significativamente più elevata nei pazienti sottoposti ad interventi che prevedono un’estesa manipolazione atriale (Mustard, Senning, Fontan). Il meccanismo più frequente delle tachicardie atriali nel paziente congenito adulto è il macrorientro atriale destro. L’ECG è poco utile nella previsione della localizzazione del circuito di rientro. Nei pazienti con cardiopatia congenita sottoposta a correzione biventricolare o in storia naturale il rientro peritricuspidale costituisce il circuito più frequente, invece nei pazienti con esiti di intervento di Fontan la sede più comune di macrorientro è la parete laterale dell’atrio destro. I farmaci antiaritmici sono poco efficaci nel trattamento di tali aritmie e comportano un’elevata incidenza di effetti avversi, soprattutto l’aggravamento della disfunzione sinusale preesistente ed il peggioramento della disfunzione ventricolare, e di effetti proaritmici. Vari studi hanno dimostrato la possibilità di trattare efficacemente le IART mediante l’ablazione transcatetere. I primi studi in cui le procedure venivano realizzate mediante fluoroscopia tradizionale, la documentazione di blocco di conduzione translesionale bidirezionale non era routinariamente eseguita e non tutti i circuiti di rientro venivano sottoposti ad ablazione, riportano un successo in acuto del 70% e una libertà da recidiva a 3 anni del 40%. I lavori più recenti riportano un successo in acuto del 94% ed un tasso di recidiva a 13 mesi del 6%. Questi ottimi risultati sono stati ottenuti con l’utilizzo delle moderne tecniche di mappaggio elettroanatomico e di cateteri muniti di sistemi di irrigazione per il raffreddamento della punta, inoltre la dimostrazione della presenza di blocco di conduzione translesionale bidirezionale, l’ablazione di tutti i circuiti indotti mediante stimolazione atriale programmata, nonché delle sedi potenziali di rientro identificate alla mappa di voltaggio sono stati considerati requisiti indispensabili per la definizione del successo della procedura. OBIETTIVI: riportare il tasso di efficia, le complicanze, ed il tasso di recidiva delle procedure di ablazione transcatetere eseguite con le moderne tecnologie e con una rigorosa strategia di programmazione degli obiettivi della procedura. Risultati: Questo studio riporta una buona percentuale di efficacia dell’ablazione transcatetere delle tachicardie atriali in una popolazione varia di pazienti con cardiopatia congenita operata ed in storia naturale: la percentuale di successo completo della procedura in acuto è del 71%, il tasso di recidiva ad un follow-up medio di 13 mesi è pari al 28%. Tuttavia se l’analisi viene limitata esclusivamente alle IART il successo della procedura è pari al 100%, i restanti casi in cui la procedura è stata definita inefficace o parzialmente efficace l’aritmia non eliminata ma cardiovertita elettricamente non è un’aritmia da rientro ma la fibrillazione atriale. Inoltre, sempre limitando l’analisi alle IART, anche il tasso di recidiva a 13 mesi si abbassa dal 28% al 3%. In un solo paziente è stato possibile documentare un episodio asintomatico e non sostenuto di IART al follow-up: in questo caso l’aspetto ECG era diverso dalla tachicardia clinica che aveva motivato la prima procedura. Sebbene la diversa morfologia dell’attivazione atriale all’ECG non escluda che si tratti di una recidiva, data la possibilità di un diverso exit point del medesimo circuito o di un diverso senso di rotazione dello stesso, è tuttavia più probabile l’emergenza di un nuovo circuito di macrorientro. CONCLUSIONI: L'ablazione trancatetere, pur non potendo essere considerata una procedura curativa, in quanto non in grado di modificare il substrato atriale che predispone all’insorgenza e mantenimento della fibrillazione atriale (ossia la fibrosi, l’ipertrofia, e la dilatazione atriale conseguenti alla patologia e condizione anatomica di base)è in grado di assicurare a tutti i pazienti un sostanziale beneficio clinico. È sempre stato possibile sospendere l’antiaritmico, tranne 2 casi, ed anche nei pazienti in cui è stata documentata una recidiva al follow-up la qualità di vita ed i sintomi sono decisamente migliorati ed è stato ottenuto un buon controllo della tachiaritmia con una bassa dose di beta-bloccante. Inoltre tutti i pazienti che avevano sviluppato disfunzione ventricolare secondaria alla tachiaritmia hanno presentato un miglioramento della funzione sistolica fino alla normalizzazione o al ritorno a valori precedenti la documentazione dell’aritmia. Alla base dei buoni risultati sia in acuto che al follow-up c’è una meticolosa programmazione della procedura e una rigorosa definizione degli endpoint. La dimostrazione del blocco di conduzione translesionale bidirezionale, requisito indispensabile per affermare di aver creato una linea continua e transmurale, l’ablazione di tutti i circuiti di rientro inducibili mediante stimolazione atriale programmata e sostenuti, e l’ablazione di alcune sedi critiche, in quanto corridoi protetti coinvolti nelle IART di più comune osservazione clinica, pur in assenza di una effettiva inducibilità periprocedurale, sono obiettivi necessari per una procedura efficace in acuto e a distanza. Anche la disponibilità di moderne tecnologie come i sistemi di irrigazione dei cateteri ablatori e le metodiche di mappaggio elettroanantomico sono requisiti tecnici molto importanti per il successo della procedura.


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Objective: To investigate the prognostic significance of ST-segment elevation (STE) in aVR associated with ST-segment depression (STD) in other leads in patients with non-STE acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). Background: In NSTE-ACS patients, STD has been extensively associated with severe coronary lesions and poor outcomes. The prognostic role of STE in aVR is uncertain. Methods: We enrolled 888 consecutive patients with NSTE-ACS. They were divided into two groups according to the presence or not on admission ECG of aVR STE≥ 1mm and STD (defined as high risk ECG pattern). The primary and secondary endpoints were: in-hospital cardiovascular (CV) death and the rate of culprit left main disease (LMD). Results: Patients with high risk ECG pattern (n=121) disclosed a worse clinical profile compared to patients (n=575) without [median GRACE (Global-Registry-of-Acute-Coronary-Events) risk score =142 vs. 182, respectively]. A total of 75% of patients underwent coronary angiography. The rate of in-hospital CV death was 3.9%. On multivariable analysis patients who had the high risk ECG pattern showed an increased risk of CV death (OR=2.88, 95%CI 1.05-7.88) and culprit LMD (OR=4.67,95%CI 1.86-11.74) compared to patients who had not. The prognostic significance of the high risk ECG pattern was maintained even after adjustment for the GRACE risk score (OR = 2.28, 95%CI:1.06-4.93 and OR = 4.13, 95%CI:2.13-8.01, for primary and secondary endpoint, respectively). Conclusions: STE in aVR associated with STD in other leads predicts in-hospital CV death and culprit LMD. This pattern may add prognostic information in patients with NSTE-ACS on top of recommended scoring system.


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L’amiloidosi cardiaca è l’esempio tipico di cardiomiopatia infiltrativa. La diagnosi presuppone un alto indice di sospetto. Nella pratica clinica le cause più frequenti di amiloidosi sistemica sono: amiloidosi AL (secondaria alla deposizione di catene leggere libere circolanti delle immunoglobuline nel contesto di discrasia plasmocellulare), amiloidosi da deposizione di transtiretina mutata (amiloidosi ereditaria ATTR) e da deposizione di transtiretina nativa, “wild-type” (amiloidosi senile). L’ecocardiogramma, la lettura integrata ECG-ecocardiogramma e la risonanza magnetica forniscono importanti elementi per il sospetto diagnostico. La diagnosi finale deve essere necessariamente eziologica per poter orientare al meglio le strategie terapeutiche. L’amiloidosi ereditaria da mutazione della transtiretina (ATTRm) ha una espressione clinica prevalentemente neurologica. L’interessamento cardiaco è relativamente frequente (soprattutto nelle mutazioni diverse dalla Val30Met), ma è in genere successivo all’espressione del fenotipo neurologico. Se la cronologia di espressione dei due fenotipi si inverte, la probabilità di mancare la diagnosi di ATTRm è elevata. Nella realtà più del 10% dei pazienti affetti da ATTRm ha una espressione fenotipica prevalentemente o esclusivamente cardiologica. Questo sottogruppo si caratterizza per una netta prevalenza del sesso maschile, per una diagnosi in età più avanzata e per una frequenza particolarmente elevata della mutazione Ile68Leu. La consapevolezza dell’esistenza di queste forme di ATTRm è essenziale per una diagnosi corretta, soprattutto in ambito cardiologico.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate right ventricular function in patients with right ventricular volume overload in patients with (tetralogy of Fallot, and pulmonary atresia + VSD ) underwent corrective surgery; with echocardiography measure that can be easily applied; and to study the relationship between ProBNP and the contractile function of the right ventricle, dilated right atrium, and the consequences of pulmonary insufficiency . Methods: The study included 50 patients (50% males, mean age 30.64 ± 13.30 years) with prior cardiac surgical intervention of TDF (90%) or pulmonary atresia + VSD (10%). (49 pz) have performed a cardiac MRI and clinical evaluation, (47 pz) echocardiogram, (48 pz) ECG, (34 pz) a cardiopulmonary exercise testing, (29 pz) a dosage of ProBNP. Results: The S-wave velocity (p <0.0001), the TAPSE (p <0.0001) correlated significantly with RVEF estimated by cardiac MRI. The VO2 max was 27.93 ± 12.91 ml / kg / min, 15% of patients had VE/VCO2 The peak> 35. ProBNP correlated positively and significantly with the area of the right atrium (p = 0.0001), and negative and significant with VO2 max (p = 0.04). Those who have increased pulmonary insufficiency (PVR fraction> 30%) have a significantly increased RVED volume (p = 0.01), reduced VO2 max (p = 0.04), and lower ejection fraction of LV (p = 0.02) than the group of patients with PVR ≤ 30. Conclusion: The TAPSE and S-wave velocity are fundamental and may become the technique of choice for routine assessment of RV systolic function in adult patients with TOF. The monitoring of the Pro BNP is probably a choice, given the simplicity and their information that correlate with the test cardiopulmonary. In view of the ventricular-ventricular interaction, so measures to maintain or restore the functioning of the pulmonary valve could preserve biventricular function.


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The surface electrocardiogram (ECG) is an established diagnostic tool for the detection of abnormalities in the electrical activity of the heart. The interest of the ECG, however, extends beyond the diagnostic purpose. In recent years, studies in cognitive psychophysiology have related heart rate variability (HRV) to memory performance and mental workload. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the variability of surface ECG derived rhythms, at two different time scales: the discrete-event time scale, typical of beat-related features (Objective I), and the “continuous” time scale of separated sources in the ECG (Objective II), in selected scenarios relevant to psychophysiological and clinical research, respectively. Objective I) Joint time-frequency and non-linear analysis of HRV was carried out, with the goal of assessing psychophysiological workload (PPW) in response to working memory engaging tasks. Results from fourteen healthy young subjects suggest the potential use of the proposed indices in discriminating PPW levels in response to varying memory-search task difficulty. Objective II) A novel source-cancellation method based on morphology clustering was proposed for the estimation of the atrial wavefront in atrial fibrillation (AF) from body surface potential maps. Strong direct correlation between spectral concentration (SC) of atrial wavefront and temporal variability of the spectral distribution was shown in persistent AF patients, suggesting that with higher SC, shorter observation time is required to collect spectral distribution, from which the fibrillatory rate is estimated. This could be time and cost effective in clinical decision-making. The results held for reduced leads sets, suggesting that a simplified setup could also be considered, further reducing the costs. In designing the methods of this thesis, an online signal processing approach was kept, with the goal of contributing to real-world applicability. An algorithm for automatic assessment of ambulatory ECG quality, and an automatic ECG delineation algorithm were designed and validated.


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Background. Hereditary transthyretin (TTR)-related amyloidosis (ATTR) is mainly considered a neurologic disease. We assessed the phenotypic and genotypic spectrum of ATTR in a non-endemic, Caucasian area and evaluated prevalence, genetic background and disease profile of cases with an exclusively cardiac phenotype, highlighting possible hints for the differential diagnosis with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and senile systemic amyloidosis (SSA) Methods and Results. In this Italian multicenter study, 186 patients with ATTR were characterized at presentation. Thirty patients with SSA and 30 age-gender matched HCM patients were used for comparison. Phenotype was classified as: exclusively cardiac (n= 31, 17%), exclusively neurologic (n= 46, 25%), mixed cardiac/neurologic (n=109, 58%). Among the 8 different mutations responsible for an exclusively cardiac phenotype, Ile68Leu was the most frequent (23/31). Five patients with an exclusively cardiac phenotype developed mild abnormalities at neurological examination but no symptoms during a 36 [14−50] month follow-up. Exclusively cardiac phenotype was characterized by male gender, age > 65 years, heart failure symptoms, concentric left ventricular (LV) “hypertrophy” and moderately depressed LV ejection fraction. This profile was similar to SSA but relatively distinct from HCM. Compared to patients with a mixed phenotype, patients with a exclusively cardiac phenotype showed a more pronounced cardiac involvement on both echocardiogram and ECG. Conclusion. A clinically relevant subset of Caucasian ATTR patients present with an exclusively cardiac phenotype, mimicking HCM or SSA. Echocardiographic and ECG findings are useful to differentiate ATTR from HCM but not from SSA. The role of liver transplantation in these patients is questionable.


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Lo scopo di questo studio è di valutare il significato prognostico dell'elettrocardiogramma standard in un'ampia casistica di pazienti affetti da cardiomiopatia ipertrofica. In questo studio multicentrico sono stati considerati 841 pazienti con cardiomiopatia ipertrofica (66% uomini, età media 48±17 anni) per un follow-up di 7.1±7.1 anni, per ognuno è stato analizzato il primo elettrocardiogramma disponibile. I risultati hanno dimostrato come fattori indipendentemente correlati a morte cardiaca improvvisa la sincope inspiegata (p 0.004), il sopraslivellamento del tratto ST e/o la presenza di onde T positive giganti (p 0.048), la durata del QRS >= 120 ms (p 0.017). Sono stati costruiti due modelli per predire il rischio di morte improvvisa: il primo basato sui fattori di rischio universalmente riconosciuti (spessore parietale >= 30 mm, tachicardie ventricolari non sostenute all'ECG Holter 24 ore, sincope e storia familiare di morte improvvisa) e il secondo con l'aggiunta delle variabili sopraslivellamento del tratto ST/onde T positive giganti e durata del QRS >= 120 ms. Entrambi i modelli stratificano i pazienti in base al numero dei fattori di rischio, ma il secondo modello risulta avere un valore predittivo maggiore (chi-square da 12 a 22, p 0.002). In conclusione nella cardiomiopatia ipertrofica l'elettrocardiogramma standard risulta avere un valore prognostico e migliora l'attuale modello di stratificazione per il rischio di morte improvvisa.


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The monitoring of cognitive functions aims at gaining information about the current cognitive state of the user by decoding brain signals. In recent years, this approach allowed to acquire valuable information about the cognitive aspects regarding the interaction of humans with external world. From this consideration, researchers started to consider passive application of brain–computer interface (BCI) in order to provide a novel input modality for technical systems solely based on brain activity. The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate how the passive Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) applications can be used to assess the mental states of the users, in order to improve the human machine interaction. Two main studies has been proposed. The first one allows to investigate whatever the Event Related Potentials (ERPs) morphological variations can be used to predict the users’ mental states (e.g. attentional resources, mental workload) during different reactive BCI tasks (e.g. P300-based BCIs), and if these information can predict the subjects’ performance in performing the tasks. In the second study, a passive BCI system able to online estimate the mental workload of the user by relying on the combination of the EEG and the ECG biosignals has been proposed. The latter study has been performed by simulating an operative scenario, in which the occurrence of errors or lack of performance could have significant consequences. The results showed that the proposed system is able to estimate online the mental workload of the subjects discriminating three different difficulty level of the tasks ensuring a high reliability.


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Dysfunction of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is a typical feature of chronic heart failure and other cardiovascular disease. As a simple non-invasive technology, heart rate variability (HRV) analysis provides reliable information on autonomic modulation of heart rate. The aim of this thesis was to research and develop automatic methods based on ANS assessment for evaluation of risk in cardiac patients. Several features selection and machine learning algorithms have been combined to achieve the goals. Automatic assessment of disease severity in Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients: a completely automatic method, based on long-term HRV was proposed in order to automatically assess the severity of CHF, achieving a sensitivity rate of 93% and a specificity rate of 64% in discriminating severe versus mild patients. Automatic identification of hypertensive patients at high risk of vascular events: a completely automatic system was proposed in order to identify hypertensive patients at higher risk to develop vascular events in the 12 months following the electrocardiographic recordings, achieving a sensitivity rate of 71% and a specificity rate of 86% in identifying high-risk subjects among hypertensive patients. Automatic identification of hypertensive patients with history of fall: it was explored whether an automatic identification of fallers among hypertensive patients based on HRV was feasible. The results obtained in this thesis could have implications both in clinical practice and in clinical research. The system has been designed and developed in order to be clinically feasible. Moreover, since 5-minute ECG recording is inexpensive, easy to assess, and non-invasive, future research will focus on the clinical applicability of the system as a screening tool in non-specialized ambulatories, in order to identify high-risk patients to be shortlisted for more complex investigations.


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Background: Survival of patients with Acute Aortic Syndrome (AAS) may relate to the speed of diagnosis. Diagnostic delay is exacerbated by non classical presentations such as myocardial ischemia or acute heart failure (AHF). However little is known about clinical implications and pathophysiological mechanisms of Troponin T elevation and AHF in AAS. Methods and Results: Data were collected from a prospective metropolitan AAS registry (398 patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2013). Troponin T values (either standard or high sensitivity assay, HS) were available in 248 patients (60%) of the registry population; the overall frequency of troponin positivity was 28% (ranging from 16% to 54%, using standard or HS assay respectively, p = 0.001). Troponin positivity was associated with a twofold increased risk of long in-hospital diagnostic time (OR 1.92, 95% CI 1.05-3.52, p = 0.03), but not with in-hospital mortality. The combination of positive troponin and ACS-like ECG abnormalities resulted in a significantly increased risk of inappropriate therapy due to a misdiagnosis of ACS (OR 2.48, 95% CI 1.12-5.54, p = 0.02). Patients with AHF were identified by the presence of dyspnea as presentation symptom or radiological signs of pulmonary congestion or cardiogenic shock. The overall frequency of AHF was 28 % (32% type A vs. 20% type B AAS, p = 0.01). AHF was due to a variety of pathophysiological mechanisms including cardiac tamponade (26%), aortic regurgitation (25%), myocardial ischemia (17%), hypertensive crisis (10%). AHF was associated with increased surgical delay and with increased risk of in-hospital death (adjusted OR 1.97 95% CI1.13-3.37,p=0.01). Conclusions: Troponin positivity (particularly HS) was a frequent finding in AAS. Abnormal troponin values were strongly associated with ACS-like ECG findings, in-hospital diagnostic delay, and inappropriate therapy. AHF was associated with increased surgical delay and was an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality.


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Background-Amyloidotic cardiomyopathy (AC) can mimic true left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and hypertensive heart disease (HHD). We assessed the diagnostic value of combined electrocardiographic/echocardiographic indexes to identify AC among patients with increased echocardiographic LV wall thickness due to either different etiologies of amyloidosis or HCM or HHD. Method-First, we studied 469 consecutive patients: 262 with biopsy/genetically proven AC (with either AL or transthyretin (TTR)-related amyloidosis); 106 with HCM; 101 with HHD. We compared the diagnostic performance of: low QRS voltage, symmetric LVH, low QRS voltage plus interventricular septal thickness >1.98 cm, Sokolow index divided by the cross-sectional area of LV wall, Sokolow index divided by body surface area indexed LV mass (LVMI), Sokolow index divided by LV wall thickness, Sokolow index divided by (LV wall/height^2.7); peripheral QRS score divided by LVMI, Peripheral QRS score divided by LV wall thickness, Peripheral QRS score divided by LV wall thickness indexed to height^2.7, total QRS score divided by LVMI, total QRS score divided by LV wall thickness; total QRS score divided by (LV wall/height^2.7). We tested each criterion, separately in males and females, in the following settings: AC vs. HCM+HHD; AC vs. HCM; AL vs. HCM+HHD; AL vs. HCM; TTR vs. HCM+HHD; TTR vs. HCM. Results-Low QRS voltage showed high specificity but low sensitivity for the identification of AC. All the combined indexes had a higher diagnostic accuracy, being total QRS score divided by LV wall thickness or by LVMI associated with the best performances and the largest areas under the ROC curve. These results were validated in 298 consecutive patients with AC, HCM or HHD. Conclusions-In patients with increased LV wall thickness, a combined ECG/ echocardiogram analysis provides accurate indexes to non-invasively identify AC. Total QRS score divided by LVMI or LV wall thickness offers the best diagnostic performance.