5 resultados para Ameloblastoma. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. Bone morphogenetic proteins. Immunohistochemistry

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Il Tumore a Cellule Giganti dell’osso (TCG) è una rara neoplasia che rappresenta il 5% dei tumori di natura ossea; sebbene venga considerato un tumore a decorso benigno può manifestare caratteri di aggressività locale dando origine a recidive locali nel 10-25% dei casi, e nel 2-4% dei casi metastatizza a livello polmonare. In questo studio è stata valutata l’espressione dei miRNA mediante miRNA microarray in 10 pazienti affetti da TCG, 5 con metastasi e 5 liberi da malattia; sono stati riscontrati miRNA differenzialmente espressi tra i 2 gruppi di pazienti e la successiva validazione mediante Real Time PCR ha confermato una differenza significativa per il miR-136 (p=0.04). Mediante analisi bioinformatica con il software TargetScan abbiamo identificato RANK e NF1B come target del miR-136 e ne abbiamo studiato l’espressione mediante Real Time PCR su una più ampia casistica di pazienti affetti da TCG, metastatico e non, evidenziando una maggior espressione di NF1B nel gruppo di pazienti metastatici, mentre RANK non ha dimostrato una differenza significativa. L’analisi di Western Blot ha rilevato una maggiore espressione di entrambe le proteine nei pazienti metastatici rispetto ai non metastatici. Successivamente è stato condotto uno studio di immunoistochimica su TMA di 163 campioni di pazienti affetti da TCG a diverso decorso clinico che ha dimostrato una maggiore e significativa espressione di entrambe i target nei pazienti con metastasi rispetto ai non metastatici; le analisi di popolazione mediante Kaplan-Meier hanno confermato la correlazione tra over-espressione di RANK, NF1B e ricaduta con metastasi (p=0.001 e p<0.0005 rispettivamente). Lo studio di immunoistochimica è stato ampliato alle proteine maggiormente coinvolte nell’osteolisi che risultano avere un significato prognostico; tuttavia mediante analisi di ROC, la co-over-espressione di RANK, RANKL e NF1B rappresenta il migliore modello per predire la comparsa di metastasi (AUC=0.782, p<0.0005).


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This study deals with the discovery and characterization of EXN6 and EXN11 as novel tumor-associated proteins. EXN6 is mainly present in breast and ovary cancers (40 and 35%) while EXN11 is mainly detected in primary and metastatic colon cancer (40%). A characterization of the two proteins confirmed that they could be novel targets for cancer therapy.


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Tumor is a lesion that may be formed by an abnormal growth of neoplastic cells. Many factors increase the risk of cancer and different targets are involved in tumor progression. Within this thesis, we have addressed two different biological targets, independently connected with tumor formation, e.g. Hsp90 and androgen receptor. The ATP-dependent chaperone Hsp90 is responsible for the conformational maturation and the renaturation of proteins. “Client” proteins are associated with the cancer hallmarks, as cell proliferation and tumor progression. Consequently, Hsp90 has evolved into promising anticancer target. Over the past decade, radicicol has been identified as potential anticancer agent targeting Hsp90, but it is not active in vivo. With that aim of obtaining radicicol-related derivatives, we developed the design and synthesis of new chalcones analogs. Chalcones, which are abundant in edible plants, own a diverse array of pharmacological activities and are considered a versatile scaffold for drug design. Antiproliferative assays and western blot analysis on the new compounds showed that some of those display an interesting cytotoxic effect and the ability to modulate Hsp90 client proteins expression. Androgen Receptor (AR) hypersensitivity plays crucial role in prostate cancer, which progression is stimulated by androgens. The therapy consists in a combination of surgical or chemical castration, along with antiandrogens treatment. Casodex® (bicalutamide), is the most widespread antiandrogen used in clinic. However, hormonal therapy is time-limited since many patients develop resistance. Commercially available antiandrogens show a common scaffold, e.g. two substituted aromatic rings linked by a linear or a cyclic spacer. With the aim of obtaining novel pure AR antagonists, we developed a new synthetic methodology, which allowed us to introduce, as linker between two suitably chosen aromatic rings, a triazole moiety. Preliminary data suggest that the herein reported new molecules generally decrease PSA expression, thus confirming their potential AR antagonistic activity.


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Aberrant expression of ETS transcription factors, including FLI1 and ERG, due to chromosomal translocations has been described as a driver event in initiation and progression of different tumors. In this study, the impact of prostate cancer (PCa) fusion gene TMPRSS2-ERG was evaluated on components of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system and the CD99 molecule, two well documented targets of EWS-FLI1, the hallmark of Ewing sarcoma (ES). The aim of this study was to identify common or distinctive ETS-related mechanisms which could be exploited at biological and clinical level. The results demonstrate that IGF-1R represents a common target of ETS rearrangements as ERG and FLI1 bind IGF-1R gene promoter and their modulation causes alteration in IGF-1R protein levels. At clinical level, this mechanism provides basis for a more rationale use of anti-IGF-1R inhibitors as PCa cells expressing the fusion gene better respond to anti-IGF-1R agents. EWS-FLI1/IGF-1R axis provides rationale for combination of anti-IGF-1R agents with trabectedin, an alkylator agent causing enhanced EWS-FLI1 occupancy on the IGF-1R promoter. TMPRSS2-ERG also influences prognosis relevance of IGF system as high IGF-1R correlates with a better biochemical progression free survival (BPFS) in PCa patients negative for the fusion gene while marginal or no association was found in the total cases or TMPRSS2-ERG-positive cases, respectively. This study indicates CD99 is differentially regulated between ETS-related tumors as CD99 is not a target of ERG. In PCa, CD99 did not show differential expression between TMPRSS2-ERG-positive and –negative cells. A direct correlation was anyway found between ERG and CD99 proteins both in vitro and in patients putatively suggesting that ERG target genes comprehend regulators of CD99. Despite a little trend suggesting a correlation between CD99 expression and a better BPFS, no clinical relevance for CD99 was found in the field of prognostic biomarkers.


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Protein-adsorption occurs immediately following implantation of biomaterials. It is unknown at which extent protein-adsorption impacts the cellular events at bone-implant interface. To investigate this question, we compared the in-vitro outcome of osteoblastic cells grown onto titanium substrates and glass as control, by modulating the exposure to serum-derived proteins. Substrates consisted of 1) polished titanium disks; 2) polished disks nanotextured with H2SO4/H2O2; 3) glass. In the pre-adsorption phase, substrates were treated for 1h with αMEM alone (M-noFBS) or supplemented with 10%-foetal-bovine-serum (M-FBS). MC3T3-osteoblastic-cells were cultured on the pre-treated substrates for 3h and 24h, in M-noFBS and M-FBS. Subsequently, the culture medium was replaced with M-FBS and cultures maintained for 3 and 7days. Cell-number was evaluated by: Alamar-Blue and MTT assay. Mitotic- and osteogenic-activities were evaluated through fluorescence-optical-microscope by immunolabeling for Ki-67 nuclear-protein and Osteopontin. Cellular morphology was evaluated by SEM-imaging. Data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA-test, (p<0.05). At day3 and day7, the presence or absence of serum-derived proteins during the pre-adsorption phase had not significant effect on cell-number. Only the absence of FBS during 24h of culture significantly affected cell-number (p<0.0001). Titanium surfaces performed better than glass, (p<0.01). The growth rate of cells between day3 and 7 was not affected by the initial absence of FBS. Immunolabeling for Ki-67 and Osteopontin showed that the mitotic- and osteogenic- activity were ongoing at 72h. SEM-analysis revealed that the absence of FBS had no major influence on cell-shape. • Physico-chemical interactions without mediation by proteins are sufficient to sustain the initial phase of culture and guide osteogenic-cells toward differentiation. • The challenge is avoiding adsorption of ‘undesirables’ molecules that negatively impact on the cueing cells receive from surface. This may not be a problem in healthy patients, but may have an important role in medically-compromised-individuals in whom the composition of tissue-fluids is altered.