382 resultados para Obesidade


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Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 1997) é um documento que procura auxiliar o professor na execução de seu trabalho na escola, e dentre os temas contemplados neste documento encontramos a temática da saúde. Desde a origem deste documento, a saúde é um tema considerado importante de ser ensinado na escola, mas atualmente tem recebido destaque nas mídias, chamando a atenção de toda população para o desenvolvimento de um estilo de vida saudável, ao mesmo tempo em que, existe uma crescente preocupação quanto à saúde das crianças relacionada à obesidade e sedentarismo. Desta forma, o presente estudo procurou organizar materiais didáticos em forma de tecnologias da informação e comunicação que fiquem a disposição dos professores para ensinar alguns temas relacionados à saúde. Para a organização desses materiais, foi necessária uma revisão da literatura e em especial uma revisão documental dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais no que diz respeito à saúde, que resultaram em quatro eixos de conteúdos a serem desenvolvidos, sendo eles: higiene pessoal, alimentação, atividade física e padrões de saúde e beleza apresentados pelas mídias. A tecnologia de informação e comunicação foi escolhida como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento das aulas, pois é utilizada com prazer pelos estudantes. Conclui-se que este material é importante, principalmente para os professores de Educação Física escolar, que encontram uma escassez de materiais didáticos na área e sobre as possibilidades de utilização da tecnologia de informação e comunicação em ambiente escolar, e principalmente, que mais estudos sobre a saúde são necessários, pois o mesmo proporciona muitas possibilidades e formas de abordagens


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Abstract Background: Several mechanisms have been proposed to contribute to cardiac dysfunction in obesity models, such as alterations in calcium (Ca2+) handling proteins and β-adrenergic receptors. Nevertheless, the role of these factors in the development of myocardial dysfunction induced by obesity is still not clear. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether obesity induced by hypercaloric diets results in cardiac dysfunction. Furthermore, it was evaluated whether this functional abnormality in obese rats is related to abnormal Ca2+ handling and the β-adrenoceptor system. Methods: Male 30-day-old Wistar rats were fed with standard food (C) and a cycle of five hypercaloric diets (Ob) for 15 weeks. Obesity was defined as increases in body fat percentage in rats. Cardiac function was evaluated by isolated analysis of the left ventricle papillary muscle under basal conditions and after inotropic and lusitropic maneuvers. Results: Compared with the control group, the obese rats had increased body fat and glucose intolerance. The muscles of obese rats developed similar baseline data, but the myocardial responsiveness to post-rest contraction stimulus and increased extracellular Ca2+ were compromised. There were no changes in cardiac function between groups after β-adrenergic stimulation. Conclusion: Obesity promotes cardiac dysfunction related to changes in intracellular Ca2+ handling. This functional damage is probably caused by reduced cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2) activation via Ca2+ calmodulin kinase. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2011; 97(3) : 232-240).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alterations in maternal metabolism are important in order to supply the demands of the fetus. However, pregnant women with some degree of insulin resistance, such as in cases of overweight/obesity, central obesity and polycystic ovaries syndrome, associated to the action of anti-insulin placental hormones, contribute to a case of hyperglycemia of varied intensity, characterizing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and leading to adverse effects both maternal and fetal. At the absence of a universal consensus to the tracking and diagnosis of GDM, this review had the purpose of listing the various protocols that have been proposed, as well as highlighting the risk factors associated with GDM and its complications. The most recent protocol is the one from the American Diabetes Association, with changes that would be justified by the alarming raise in worldwide obesity and, consequently, the potential increase to the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, not always diagnosed before the gestational period. The intention of this protocol is to identify the gestating women that could benefit from hyperglycemia control, improving the prognostic of these pregnancies and preventing future complications for mothers and their children.


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The objective of this update was to perform an evaluation of articles published in recent years about the Arg972 polymorphism of IRS-1 gene and its role in diabetes. It was used the database site of National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI - PUB- -MED). For search of articles the terms “polymorphisms on IRS-1 and diabetes” were used. Approximately 54% of the articles found were related to the polymorphism of interest and of these, approximately 68% the polymorphism was linked to various forms of diabetes. The Arg972 polymorphism is associated with decreased insulin synthesis and secretion with reduced stimulation of the activity of insulin pathway PI3K, MAPK and thymidine incorporation. It more frequently in patients with type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes, showing a direct connection with the status of obesity and insulin resistance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A histerocele inguinal e uma hérnia pouco frequente, caracterizada pela protrusão do útero pelo canal inguinal, ocasionando sinais clínicos em decorrência de gestação ou alterações uterinas, dentre elas a piometra, tendo como causa primaria o desequilíbrio hormonal levando ao enfraquecimento de tecido conjuntivo, que distende os anéis inguinais. Pode ser causada por um conjunto de fatores tais como obesidade e aumento da pressão intra-abdominal, acompanhada pelo enfraquecimento das estruturas de contorno adjacentes. Foi relatada a ocorrência de histerocele inguinal com piometra em uma cadela da raça Poodle, com nove anos de idade, atendida no Ambulatório de Reprodução de Pequenos Animais do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” Unesp – Botucatu – SP. As alterações clínicas observadas foram presença de secreção vulvar mucopurulenta, hipertermia (40,2°C), vasos episclerais ingurgitados, apatia e anorexia, além da presença de hérnia inguinal esquerda. Ao exame ultrassonográfico da cavidade abdominal e da hérnia, constataram-se áreas lobuladas com regiões anecoicas bem evidentes, características dos achados ultrassonográficos de piometra, tanto no interior da cavidade como no conteúdo herniário. Os achados hematológicos revelaram anemia normocítica e normocrômica, leucocitose grave, neutrofilia e desvio a esquerda; o exame bioquímico do soro revelou alteração das enzimas hepáticas, hiperglobulinemia e hiperproteinemia, condizentes com o quadro de piometra. Diante do quadro clinico, procedeu-se laparotomia de caráter emergencial e verificou-se que ambos os cornos estavam repletos de secreção e que o conteúdo herniario tratava-se do corno uterino esquerdo. O corno distendido foi removido do anel inguinal lentamente e, apos a ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH), foi realizado a redução do anel inguinal esquerdo. Apos a recuperação pós-operatória, restabeleceu-se a saúde do paciente.


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The aging process involves challenges in meeting social needs, economic and health. Physiopathological changes and socio-economic predispose the elderly population at nutritional risk. The monitoring of nutritional status predict some complications of obesity or malnutrition, and is a tool for health care. The objective to know the nutritional status and risk of chronic diseases of the elderly in geriatric institutions and volunteers. The elderly population of 3 geriatric institutions (n=122) and non-institutionalized elderly (n=75) were evaluated. The body mass index was evaluated according to Nutrition Screening Initiative. For waist circumference, was used the World Health Organization criteria. For statistical analysis, chi-square was used. A high proportion of obesity (46%) was observed. The underweight affects 4% and 20% of noninstitutionalized and institutionalized, respectively. The frequency of the risk of diseases associated with obesity was higher among non-institutionalized. Hypertension affects more than 50% of the elderly. The nutritional status was different between the two situations, with high incidence of overweight and visceral adiposity, in volunteers, and wasting among institutionalized. The data emphasize that it is necessary special attention and appropriate measures to prevent morbidity and mortality and to improve quality of life.


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Label is every and any information regarding to a product that is transcribed in its package. For the consumer it is through the nutritional information tables contained in the labels that there is access to data such as quantity and percentage of nutrients contained in foods. Through this knowledge, it is possible to make healthier food choices, minimizing the negative effects related to poor nutrition in the population, especially among children, the most critical rate of obesity incidence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the appropriateness of the labels of some foods consumed by children in relation to the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) and verify that the general aspects of the labels were in accordance with Brazilian regulations. Five products were selected like snacks, corn snacks, snacks, peanut, peanuts, potato snacks and biscuit recipes. The labels of different brands of each snack were analyzed using the Checklist of Labelling, which is based on RDC No. 259 and RDC No. 360. The nutritional adequacy of nutrients from these foods (carbohydrates, protein, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, dietary fiber and sodium) was evaluated in relation to that recommended by the RDA for children 4-8 years old. There was small percentage of mistakes in the labels of the analyzed foods, about 12%, being the presence of words that induce the consumers to the misunderstanding the irregularity with larger predominance, present in 25% of the labels. Other items in disagreement were the incomplete specification of the addictive ones alimentary in the list of ingredients and the absence of instructions about the conservation of the foods after opening the packings, both with percentile of occurrence of 18,75%. The high sodium content found in the nutritional information of food shows that should reduce the consumption of these products among children.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR