63 resultados para streptomycin

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Density, species composition and antimicrobial resistance in bacteria of the Enterococcus genus were evaluated in seawater and sands from 2 marine recreational beaches with different levels of pollution. The 2 beaches showed predominance of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, in the water and the sand. Dry sand presented higher densities of Enterococcus sp. and higher frequency of resistant strains than wet sand and seawater. The beach with a higher degree of pollution presented higher percentages of resistant strains (66.7% and 61.5%, in sand and in water, respectively) and resistance to a larger number of antimicrobials compared with the less polluted beach, Ilha Porchat (35.7% and 31.25% of resistant strains in sand and water, respectively). in water samples, the highest frequencies of resistance were obtained against streptomycin (38.5%) and erythromycin (25%), whilst in sand, the highest frequencies were observed in relation to erythromycin and tetracycline (38.1% and 14.3%, respectively). These results show that water and sands from beaches with high indexes of faecal contamination of human origin may be potential sources of contamination by pathogens and contribute to the dissemination of bacterial resistance. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella strains isolated from slaughter-age pigs and environmental samples collected at modern swine raising facilities in Brazil. Seventeen isolates of six serotypes of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica were isolated out of 1,026 collected samples: Salmonella Typhimurium (1), Salmonella Agona (5), Salmonella Sandiego (5), Salmonella Rissen (1), Salmonella Senftenberg (4), and Salmonella Javiana (1). Resistance patterns were determined to extended-spectrum penicillin (ampicillin), broad-spectrum cephalosporins (cefotaxime and ceftriaxone), aminoglycosides (streptomycin, neomycin, gentamicin, amikacin, and tobramycin), narrow-spectrum quinolone (nalidixic acid), broad-spectrum quinolone (ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin), tetracycline, trimethoprim, and chloramphenicol. Antimicrobial resistance patterns varied among serotypes, but isolates from a single serotype consistently showed the same resistance profile. All isolates were resistant to tetracycline, streptomycin, and nalidixic acid. One isolate, Salmonella Rissen, was also resistant to cefotaxime and tobramycin. All serotypes were susceptible to ceftriaxone, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin, gentamicin, and chloramphenicol. The high resistance to tetracycline and streptomycin may be linked to their common use as therapeutic drugs on the tested farms. No relation was seen between nalidixic acid and fluoroquinolone resistance.


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Background: Gynaecomastia in male goats is characterized by abnormal development of the mammary gland. Enlarged udder may be observed cranially to the scrotum, which can occasionally reach the size of the testicles. The udder may carry functional glands and impair the animal's reproductive performance and welfare. The case of a successful surgical treatment of gynaecomastia in a high reproductive performance Saanen buck-goat is reported in the present study.Material, Methods & Results: The animal was admitted presenting significant augmentation of the mammary glands, which was clinically diagnosed as gynaecomastia. The male goat owned optimal phenotypic characteristics for the Saanen breed, which had been producing high performance descendents. The mammary glands had been impairing the goat's locomotion and sexual performance. Manual milking resulted in great amount of milk secretion. The animal presented anorexia and impaired sexual performance. After clinical and laboratorial evaluation, the animal was submitted to radical mastectomy. An elliptic skin incision was performed around each mammary gland. Subcuticular blunt dissection was accomplished to isolate the mammarian tissue from the abdominal muscular layer and the spermatic chord. The excised mass was sampled for histological assessment. Subcuticular layer and skin closure was carried in a routine fashion. Hygienization of the surgical wound was performed with 2,5% PVP-I solution for ten days. Additionally, an association of penicillin G benzathine and streptomycin, and fluxinin meglumine were also given. The surgical procedure was successfully accomplished without any peroperative complication. The excised mass was sampled for anatomic/histological assessment. Macroscopically, the left mammary gland presented 22 cm in length, 12 cm wide and 26 cm in diameter. The right gland presented 16 cm in length, 7 cm wide and 13,5 cm in diameter. The microscopic assessment revealed hyperplasia of the glandular ducts. No abnormalities resembling malignant mammary neoplasms or degeneration were observed. At the end of the treatment, the animal was completely recovered. The animal convalesced satisfactorily and surgical wound healed completely within the first 10 days post-op. The goat was not culled and returned to normal reproductive activity. Within 12 months of follow-up, the animal was able to produce high milk yield performance progenies.Discussion: This case report presented relevant aspects of the surgical management of gynaecomastia, especially to veterinary practitioners dealing with milk goats. Gynaecomastia is not as common as other reproductive disorders in domestic animals. In opposition to the findings of the present study, other trials revealed that gynaecomastia usually does not affect fertility, libido, ejaculate parameters and sexual performance of goats. However, it is important to consider that neoplasic disorders such as mammary adenocarcinoma may be present, even though these are rare complications. Last but not least, the decision making on mastectomy in the present study was crucial in order to reestablish the animal's welfare and its functionality in the farms reproduction program.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival of a strain of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli var. fuscans (Xap), resistant to streptomycin sulphate, in common bean leaflets placed on the sod surface and buried at a depth of 10 and 15 cm. Four assays were carried out from November 1998 to December 2000 in Bandeirantes (Paran, Brazil). The leaflets were collected every 15 days, crushed and the dilution-plated on a semi-selective medium. Under mild temperatures and low rainfall, Xap survived for 65 to 180 days in the leaflets on the sod surface, and for 30 to 120 days in those incorporated in the soil, regardless of the depth. When higher rainfall and temperatures occurred, the survival was from 45 to 60 days in the leaflets on the sod surface and from 30 to 45 days in those buried 10 or 15 cm deep.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A study to quantify the populations of filamentous fungi and actinomycetes was undertaken in a cerrado area, in Corumbatai county, São Paulo, at different depths of medium-textured red-yellow latosol, correlating them to humidity, organic matter, pH of the soil and climatic factors. The technique used was the serial dilution of composite soil samples (n=4), using Martin's medium with streptomycin for filamentous fungi and a starch medium for actinomycetes. The number of filamentous fungi was more abundant in the first soil layer, 0-5 cml compared to the other depths. The number of actinomycetes was higher between 5 cm and 50 cm depth. There were two-monthly variations in the number of filamentous fungi and actinomycetes. A sharp drop in fungi was found in May 1988 at all depths of the soil, when there was lower air temperature and an atypically high monthly rainfall for this period in the cerrado. Statistically significant and directly proportional correlations were obtained between the number of actinomycetes and the rainfall at depths of 0 to 5 cm and 50 to 100 cm. The results obtained in the different soil layers to 100 cm depth demonstrated the importance of the first 5 cm layer due to the heavy concentration of microorganisms, mainly the filamentous fungi, together with the highest organic matter content.


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Indirect drug susceptibility tests of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was done to investigate the accuracy and feasibility of a broth microdilution method (BMM) for determining minimal inhibitory concentrations of conventional drugs against M. tuberculosis. Test drugs included isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), ethambutol (E), streptomycin (S) and pyrazinamide (Z). Fifty isolates of M. tuberculosis from patients who had never received drug therapy, and H37Rv strain for control, were evaluated in the system. When comparing this method with the gold standard proportional method in Lowenstein-Jensen medium, sensitivity of 100% for all drugs and specifities of 91, 100, 96, 98 and 85% were observed respectively for H, R, E, S and Z. The BMM was read faster (14-20 days) than the proportional method (20-28 days). The microdilution method evaluated allows the testing of multiple drugs in multiple concentrations. It is easy to perform and does not require special equipment or expensive supplies. In contrast to radiometric method it does not use radioactive material.


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O objetivo desta revisão das pesquisas sobre a cara inchada dos bovinos (CI), realizadas no decorrer dos últimos 30 anos, é de elucidar melhor a sua etiologia. A CI geralmente tem sido considerada de origem nutricional, causada primariamente por deficiência ou desequilíbrio mineral. A doença caracteriza-se por uma periodontite rapidamente progressiva, que afeta os tecidos peridentários a nível dos premolares e molares no período de erupção dos dentes e que se inicia geralmente em bezerros jovens. A doença causou grandes perdas econômicas aos pecuaristas da Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, com a ocupação de novas terras para criação de gado. O freqüente abaulamento lateral dos ossos maxilares nos bezerros, que deu à doença o nome popular de cara inchada, foi demonstrado ser conseqüente à periostite crônica ossificante resultante da alveolite purulenta da CI. Das lesões peridentárias foi isolado, em grande número, Bacteroides melaninogenicus, sempre junto com Actinomyces (Corynebacterium) pyogenes. Bactérias classificadas como pertencentes ao grupo sacarolí-tico e não-sacarolítico dos pigmentados de negro Bacteroides melaninogenicus e Bacteroides spp também foram isoladas, em pequeno número, de bovinos jovens sadios de fazendas CI-negativas. Ensaios in vitro mostraram que os antibióticos estreptomicina e actinomicina, bem como os sobrenadantes de cultivos de actinomicetos do solo de fazendas CI-positivas, aplicadas nas bactérias ensaiadas em concentrações subinibidoras, aumentaram significativamente (até 10 vezes) a aderência de B.melaninogenicus a células epiteliais da gengiva bovina. Esses antibióticos são produzidos no solo em conseqüência de um aumento do número de actinomicetos, incluindo os do gênero Streptomyces, quando há modificação de sua microbiota em áreas previamente ocupadas por mata virgem ou vegetação natural de Cerrado, que foram cultivadas pela primeira vez na formação de pastagem para o gado. em face da epidemiologia da CI, há fortes evidências de que a ingestão desses antibióticos pelos bovinos, junto com a forrageira, seja importante fator desencadeante para o desenvolvimento da periodontite. Através do aumento da aderência de B. melaninogenicus ao epitélio da gengiva marginal, em face da ingestão dos antibióticos pelos animais, as bactérias conseguem colonizar, formar a placa bacteriana e tornar-se patogênicas. Há evidência de que o fator desencadeante (aparentemente, os antibióticos) esteja também presente no leite de vacas-mães de bezerros afetados pela CI. Foi demonstrado que as bactérias envolvidas na periodontite produzem enzimas e endotoxinas capazes de ação destrutiva sobre os tecidos peridentários. A epidemiologia da CI, com a diminuição de sua incidência e o seu desaparecimento no decorrer dos anos, pode ser explicada pelo fato de que o prévio equílibrio da microbiota no solo virgem foi alcançado novamente e a produção dos antibióticos se reduziu. Desta maneira, a CI deve ser considerada como uma periodontite infecciosa multifatorial, causada sobretudo por bactérias anaeróbias pertencentes ao grupo Bacteroides melaninogenicus e, ao que tudo indica, desencadeada pela ingestão contínua, com a forrageira, de concentrações subinibidoras de antibióticos de solos recentememente cultivados. Esta hipótese é reforçada pela observação recente de novos surtos de CI, em áreas anteriormente positivas para a doença, em conseqüência da reforma de pastagens e capineiras após muitos anos. A natureza infecciosa da CI-periodontite foi confirmada através de experimento, em que virginiamicina mostrou-se eficaz no tratamento oral de bovinos afetados pela doença. Os antibióticos espiramicina e virginiamicina, usados como aditivos em suplementos minerais no campo, mostraram-se eficientes na prevenção da CI.


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Uma versão condensada em português de um artigo de revisão sobre a periodontite da cara inchada dos bovinos, publicado em inglês, está apresentada com algumas informações adicionais. A doença foi responsável por grandes perdas de bovinos jovens, principalmente nas décadas de 1970 e l980 no Brazil Central. em face da periodontite progressiva e a perdas de dentes, os animais não podem se alimentar convenientemente, tornam-se emaciados e podem morrer. A doença foi tida como uma deficiência ou desequilíbrio mineral. Mas as pesquisas de campo e de laboratório, realizadas durante 30 anos, mostraram que trata-se de doença infecciosa multifatorial a ser definida como Periodontite Epizoótica Bovina. Chegou-se à conclusão que os fatores principais para o seu desenvolvimento são: (1) a idade dos bovinos na fase de erupção dos dentes premolares e molares; (2) a presença de bactérias do grupo Bacteroides spp nos espaços subgengivais; e (3) a ingestão com a forragem de concentrações subinibitórias de antibióticos, sobretudo de estreptomicina, produzidos por actinomicetos cujo número é aumentado em solos virgens recém-cultivados na formação de pastagens após a derrubada da mata ou da vegetação de Cerrado; isto leva a um aumento da aderência dos bacteróides ao epitélio gengival e à destruição dos tecidos peridentários. Hoje em dia, a doença perdeu a sua importância e praticamente desapareceu, porque a microbiota do solo entrou novamente em equilíbrio e a abertura de grandes áreas virgens para a pecuária cessou. Porém, novos surtos podem ocorrer em áreas anteriormente positivas para a doença quando, na reforma de pastagens ou capineiras, houver um novo desequilíbrio da microbiota do solo. Outros antibióticos, como a espiramicina e virginiamicina, administrados por via oral ou adicionado a misturas minerais, podem controlar a periodontite.


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Comparou-se a sensibilidade microbiana in vitro de isolados de Rhodococcus equi pelo teste padrão de difusão com discos, com o modificado, pela adição de 5% de dimetilsulfóxido-DMSO. Observou-se aumento da sensibilidade do R. equi no teste com DMSO, frente a aminoglicosídeos (canamicina, amicacina, estreptomicina) e ao cloranfenicol, enquanto para a eritromicina e derivados ß-lactâmicos (penicilina G, cefalosporinas, amoxicilina, oxacilina), constatou-se redução da sensibilidade do agente.


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Escherichia coli Shiga toxigênica (STEC) e E. coli Attaching- effacing (AEEC) têm sido associadas à doença diarréica em cachorros. Entre janeiro e dezembro de 2006, 92 cepas de E. coli isoladas de 25 cachorros diarréicos foram examinadas. As cepas foram analisadas para a detecção dos genes produtores de Shiga toxina (stx 1 e stx 2) e da intimina (eae). Por meio de PCR foi observado que sete cepas (7,6%) portavam o gene stx 1, cinco cepas (5,4%) carregavam o gene stx 2 e nenhum cepa apresentou ambos os genes associados. Nove cepas de E. coli (9,8%) apresentaram o gene eae isoladamente. Treze das cepas (62,0%) que apresentaram os genes stx ou eae também apresentaram a produção de a hemolisina. As cepas que apresentaram genes de virulência foram também examinadas em relação à resistência a 12 agentes antimicrobianos. As resistências mais comuns foram para cefalotina (85,7%), estreptomicina (81,0%), amoxicilina (71,4%) e gentamicina (71,4%).


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This experiment was undertaken to determine the possible presence of Salmonella in poultry diets. A total of two hundred samples of ration from 4 commercial poultry feed industries were examined. The results revealed the presence of salmonellae in 10% of the samples studied and 14 serotypes were identified. The procedure for Salmonella isolation included the pre-enrichment step and the strains were submitted to antimicrobial tests. The 29 strains were resistant to the followings antimicrobial agents (% of resistance in parenthesis): Erythromycin (100%), sulphonamides (100%), colistin (100%), streptomycin (100%), bacitracin (100%), penicillin (100%), tetracycline (92,9%), cephalothin (75%), carbenicillin (62,5%), ampicillin (46,5%), kanamycin (46,5%), nitrofurantoin (39,3%), neomycin (25%), amikacin (21,4%), sulphazotrin (21,4%), nalidix acid (18,8%), chloramphenycol (17,9%), linco-spectin (17,9%), gentamicin (17,9%), and cefoxitin (6,3%).


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Rangel P. & Marin J.M. 2009. Analysis of Escherichia coli isolated from bovine mastitic milk. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 29(5): 363-368. Departamento de Morfologia, Estomatologia e Fisiologia, Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida do Cafe s/n, Campus USP, Ribeirao Preto, SP 14040-904, Brazil. E-mail: jmmarin@forp.usp.brMastitis has been recognized for some time as the most costly disease in dairy herds. From February to November 2004, 670 samples of bovine mastitic milk from which 231 Escherichia coli strains were isolated, were collected from two Brazilian states. The strains were screened for the presence of Shiga toxin-producing (stx 1 and stx 2) and intimin (eae) genes. Twenty (8.6%) strains were detected by PCR to harbor the Shiga toxin genes (8 the stx 1 gene, 12 the stx 2 gene and none both of them). Two (0.8%) of the Escherichia coli strains studied were eae positive non Shiga toxin-producing. The strains were also examined for resistance to 12 antimicrobial agents. The predominantly observed resistance was to tetracycline (92.2%), streptomycin (90.4%), nalidixic acid (88.3%), amikacin (86.5%) and cephalothin (84.8%). Multidrug resistance was found among 152 isolates (65.8%).