195 resultados para Renal ischemia and reperfusion injury


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A oclusão e reperfusão das artérias esplâncnicas ocasiona choque circulatório, causado principalmente pelo aumento de permeabilidade vascular e pela agressão celular provocada por radicais livres derivados do oxigênio. Este estudo tem por finalidade verificar a ação do extrato de Ginkgo biloba (Egb-761) e do amido hidroxietílico (AHH) na prevenção do choque circulatório produzido pela isquemia e reperfusão de órgãos esplâncnicos. O Egb-761 tem propriedades antioxidantes relatadas na literatura. O AHH, tem sido utilizado como recurso terapêutico do choque hipovolêmico. Ratos anestesiados receberam infusão contínua de Egb-761 ou AHH, sendo submetidos à isquemia (oclusão do tronco celíaco, artéria mesentérica superior e artéria mesentérica inferior por 30 minutos) e reperfusão (por 90 minutos) dos órgãos esplâncnicos. Foram feitas: análise histopatológica ileal, dosagem de malondialdeído ileal e determinação contínua da pressão arterial média (PAM). A PAM ao final do período de reperfusão foi significativamente mais elevada nos animais tratados com Egb-761 e AHH, que no grupo controle (F=18,29; p<0,001). Não houve diferença entre os grupos tratados e controle quanto à dosagem de MDA (H=4,61; p>0,10) e quanto às alterações histológicas (H=6,003; p>0,10). em conclusão, houve melhora nas condições hemodinâmicas, com atenuação do choque nos ratos que receberam Egb-761 ou AHH. Novos estudos serão necessários para se avaliar melhor as alterações histológicas e para esclarecer a formação de produtos finais da peroxidação lipídica.


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Os eventos de isquemia-reperfusão desencadeiam uma resposta inflamatória sistêmica que pode levar a lesões celulares e até falência de órgãos. Tais repercussões são notadas no pós-operatório de cirurgias, em especial, com o uso de circulação extracorpórea. Sabe-se, atualmente, que os leucócitos exercem importante papel neste processo. Assim, este estudo aborda o papel dos leucócitos na fisiopatologia das lesões de isquemia-reperfusão e a ativação das cascatas inflamatórias por esse processo e procura auxiliar na compreensão destes mecanismos assim como trazer contribuições acerca das abordagens terapêuticas que possam atenuá-los. Esta revisão bibliográfica retrospectiva foi realizada a partir de documentos científicos publicados nos últimos dez anos, em português e inglês, indexados em bases de dados internacionais Medline e SciELO e de textos clássicos relacionados. Os descritores pesquisados foram: isquemia-reperfusão, leucócitos, resposta inflamatória, circulação extracorpórea, efeitos adversos e apoptose.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar características clínicas e evolução de pacientes com e sem injúria renal aguda adquirida em unidade de terapia intensiva geral de um hospital universitário terciário e identificar fatores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de injúria renal aguda e à mortalidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo observacional com 564 pacientes acompanhados diariamente durante a internação em unidade de terapia intensiva geral do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu por 2 anos consecutivos (de maio de 2008 a maio de 2010), divididos em 2 grupos: com injúria renal aguda adquirida (G1) e sem injúria renal aguda adquirida (G2). RESULTADOS: A incidência de injúria renal aguda foi 25,5%. Os grupos diferiram quanto à etiologia da admissão em unidade de terapia intensiva (sepse: G1:41,6% x G2:24,1%, p<0,0001 e pós operatório neurológico 13,8% x 38,1%, p<0,0001), idade (56,8±15,9 x 49,8± 17,8 anos, p< 0,0001), APACHE II (21,9±6,9 x 14,1±4,6, p<0,0001), ventilação mecânica (89,2 x 69,1%, p<0,0001) e uso de drogas vasoativas (78,3 x 56,1%, p<0,0001). Com relação aos fatores de risco e às comorbidades, os grupos foram diferentes quanto à presença de diabetes mellitus, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, insuficiência renal crônica e uso de anti-inflamatórios não hormonais (28,2 x 19,7%, p=0,03; 23,6 x 11,6%, p=0,0002, 21,5 x 11,5%, p< 0,0001 e 23,5 x 7,1%, p<0,0001, respectivamente). O tempo de internação e a mortalidade foram superiores nos pacientes que adquiriram injúria renal aguda (6,6 ± 2,7 x 12,9± 5,6 dias p<0,0001 e 62,5 x 16,4%, p<0,0001). À análise multivariada foram identificados como fatores de risco para injúria renal aguda, idade>55 anos, APACHE II>16, creatinina (cr) basal>1,2 e uso de anti-inflamatórios não hormonais (OR=1,36 IC:1,22-1,85, OR=1,2 IC:1,11-1,33, OR=5,2 IC:2,3-11,6 e OR=2,15 IC:1,1-4,2, respectivamente) e a injúria renal aguda esteve independentemente associada ao maior tempo de internação e à mortalidade (OR=1,18 IC:1,05-1,26 e OR=1,24 IC:1,09-1,99 respectivamente). À análise da curva de sobrevida, após 30 dias de internação, a mortalidade foi de 83,3% no G1 e 45,2% no G2 (p<0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de injúria renal aguda é elevada em unidade de terapia intensiva, os fatores de riscos independentes para adquirir injúria renal aguda são idade >55 anos, APACHE II>16, Cr basal >1,2 e uso de anti-inflamatórios não hormonais e a injúria renal aguda é fator de risco independente para o maior tempo de permanência em unidade de terapia intensiva e mortalidade.


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The present study aimed to evaluate the renal and hepatic responses in eight dogs with visceral leishmaniasis submitted to treatment with meglumine antimoniate and to verify the occurrence of possible side effects. Urinalysis, hepatic and renal function tests were carried out in all animals at up to seven moments. After the end of a six-month observation period, all dogs were euthanized. Before the beginning of the experiment urinary and biochemical alterations were observed in four dogs due to the changes caused by the parasite itself. These alterations included the presence of renal cells, cylindruria, proteinuria, azotemia, hyperproteinemia, and hypoalbuminemia. One dog died on the third day after treatment because an aggravation of the clinical picture, probably due to the medication. During the course of the study, an increase in hepatic enzymes was verified in two animals. Sixty days after the beginning of the treatment four dogs showed remission of clinical signs. The other three were asymptomatic with persistent biochemical alterations. From these, two presented recurrence of clinical signs about 150 days after the beginning of the treatment while in the other, hyperproteinemia persisted. Meglumine antimoniate was not efficient to treat dogs with severe renal dysfunction and the side effects observed were pain at the site of injection and the probable transient hepatotoxicity, evidenced by biochemical examinations, but without the presence of clinical signs. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVO: Ação do ácido trissódio-cálcio-dietileno-triaminopentaacético (CaNa3DTPA), quelante de ferro com ação ainda anti-viral, antiinflamatória e imunológica, na atenuação de lesões de reperfusão em músculos esqueléticos de ratos. MÉTODOS: 52 ratos Wistar, pesando 188±22g, foram anestesiados e submetidos a semi-amputação de membro posterior direito (MPD), poupando-se o fêmur, artéria e veia femorais. Foram então randomizados e distribuídos: G1-CTAN - controle anestesia, sem cirurgia e sem isquemia; G2-CTCIR - controle cirurgia, sem isquemia; G3-IRCT e G3-IRDTPA - com isquemia (4 hora) e reperfusão ( 2 horas). O G3-IRCT foi tratado, ao final da isquemia, com cloreto de sódio 0,9% e G3-IRDTPA com (CaNa3DTPA).Parâmetros: Circunferência do pé direito e peso do rato, dosagem sérica de CPK, dosagem de malonaldeído e microscopia óptica de músculos soleus bilateral. RESULTADOS: Aumento da circunferência nos G3-IRCT e G3-IRDTPA (significante no G3-IRCT quando comparado ao G1-CTAN); CPK elevado nos G3-IRCT e G3-IRDTPA comparados aos controles; MDA mais alto no membro contralateral do G3-IRDTPA, comparado ao MPD do G3-IRDTPA e ao G1-CTAN; maior edema intersticial em G3-IRCT, maior infiltrado inflamatório em G3-IRDTPA e recuperação dos níveis de glicogênio semelhantes em G3-IRCT e G3-IRDTPA. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar do menor edema no G3-IRDTPA comparado ao G3-IRCT, o CaNa3DTPA não alterou CPK sérico, MDA muscular e morfologia muscular dos animais.


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O óxido nítrico é um mediador gasoso responsável por uma variedade de fenômenos fisiológicos. A l-arginina é a precursora da síntese do óxido nítrico, na presença de óxido nítrico-sintase. Este artigo revê as funções das óxido nítrico-sintases e como o óxido nítrico atua na permeabilidade vascular e na síndrome de isquemia e reperfusão, assim como possíveis métodos para sua mensuração.


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1. The protection offered by intermittent perfusion of of cardioplegic solution through the coronary sinus was investigated in isovolumic blood-perfused dog heart preparations submitted to 60 min of ischemia and 45 min of reperfusion.2. The preparations were divided into three treatment groups: a) coronary sinus, consisting of preparations (N = 10) perfused through the coronary sinus under 40 cm water pressure; b) aortic, consisting of preparations (N = 10) perfused through the aortic stump under 100 mmHg pressure; c) control, consisting of hearts (N = 9) that were not perfused with cardioplegic solution.3. Properties of contractile capacity and relaxation were markedly impaired in the control group but were preserved to a comparable extent in the groups perfused with cardioplegic solution through the aorta and coronary sinus. Developed pressure decreased in the control group (before ischemia: 70 +/- 5.5 mmHg; after reperfusion: 35 +/- 12 mmHg; P < 0.05) and didn't vary in the aortic group (from 69 +/- 4 mmHg to 65 +/- 13 mmHg; P > 0.05) and coronary sinus group (from 69 +/- 4.6 mmHg to 60 +/- 10 mmHg; P > 0.05). Myocardial relaxation was evaluated by the +/- dp/dt ratio. In the control group there was impairment of myocardial relaxation as indicated by an increase of this index after reperfusion (from 1.05 +/- 0.05 to 1.46 +/- 0.23; P < 0.05), whereas in the aortic (from 1.10 +/- 0.13 to 1.15 +/- 0.20; P > 0.05) and the coronary sinus (from 1.03 +/- 0.14 to 1.08 +/- 0.16; P > 0.05) groups there was no variation. Ultrastructural changes in the myocardium were negligible in all three groups at the end of reperfusion.4. We conclude that intermittent perfusion of a hypothermic cardioplegic solution through the coronary sinus is effective for the protection of the myocardium during total ischemia.


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The urinary excretion, renal clearance, and tubular reabsorption of zinc were investigated in 30 adult healthy subjects under basal conditions and during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests. After a 12h overnight fast, each subject was submitted to renal clearance of zinc. The procedures were performed between 8.00 and 12.00 a.m., after emptying the bladder and ingestion of 4 ml deionized water/kg body weight at 8.00 a.m. The first urine sample was collected at 10.00 a.m., and the second at 12.00 a.m. A dose of 110 mg ZnSO4.7H(2)O was administered orally to each subject, diluted in 20 mi deionized water, at time 0 min. Blood samples were collected from an antecubital vein at times -30, 0, and 30 min and at 30 min intervals up to 240 min. Glucose was administered intravenously (0.5 ml 50%/kg body weight) during the first 3 min of the test, and blood samples were collected from an unconstricted, contralateral, antecubital vein at times -30, 0, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 90 min. The results showed that urinary zinc excretion, and renal zinc clearance were significantly higher during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests than in the control condition. on the other hand, renal zinc clearance was more elevated during the glucose tolerance test than during the zinc tolerance test. Variations in zinc tubular reabsorption and glomerular filtration rate were not detected. The results suggest that urinary excretion and renal clearance of zinc in healthy subjects increase during acute zinc ingestion and glucose infusion. Although zinc ingestion raised urinary zinc excretion, glucose infusion was more effective in increasing renal zinc clearance. These normal parameters are important in the investigation of diabetic patients with serum and urine zinc changes.


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The ability of the stink bug (Nezara viridula) to induce and/or increase production of chemical defenses, i.e., flavonoids, in immature seeds of five genotypes of soybean (BR-16, IAC-100, PI 227687, PI 229358, and PI 274454) was investigated under greenhouse and laboratory conditions. Samples from pods of each genotype damaged by stink bug were analyzed for flavonoid content with high performance liquid chromatography. A dual-choice test was conducted to evaluate the feeding preference of N. viridula comparing BR-16 pods treated with extracts of PI 227687 seeds (with and without stink-bug injury), with water-treated pods. Seeds of PI 227687 damaged by N. viridula presented the highest concentration (352 mug/g) of daidzin (4'-hydroxyisoflavone-7-glucoside). The same trend was observed with genistin (4',5,7-trihydroxyisoflavone-7-glucoside): PI 227687 contained 142.4 mug/g, PI 274454, 31.6 mug/g, and PI 229358, 38.9 mug/g. Seeds damaged by stink bugs had higher isoflavone contents (daidzin and genistin), compared to controls. However, after being damaged, PI 274454 and PI 229358 produced less genistin than the other genotypes and no differences in concentration between damaged and nondamaged plants of this genotypes were observed. The numbers of observations of the insect feeding and the numbers of stylet sheaths left in water-treated BR-16 pods were greater than in those treated with PI 227687 extracts. The insects fed for longer periods on BR-16 pods treated with extract of PI 227687 without injury compared to those that were treated with extract of PI 227687 previously injured by stink bugs. Extracts of PI 227687 pods ( damaged or not) were deterrent to adults of N. viridula, and insect injury increased concentrations of daidzin and genistin in PI 227687 seeds. The deterrence seemed to be more pronounced after pods had suffered stink-bug injury.


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The purpose of this study was to observe and characterize colonic and lung lesions in horses subjected to experimental distension and decompression of the small colon. Sixteen healthy adult horses were divided into 2 groups: 9 horses that were subjected to distension of the small colon by means of a latex balloon surgically implanted in the lumen and inflated to a pressure of 40 mm Hg for 4 h, and 7 horses in which the balloon was implanted but not inflated. Colonic biopsy specimens were collected before balloon implantation, at the end of the period of obstruction, and 1.5 and 12 h after decompression and were examined for hemorrhage, edema, and neutrophil infiltration; myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and hemoglobin concentration were measured as well. At the end of the experiment, lung samples were also collected and examined for neutrophil accumulation and MPO activity. The mucosa was not affected by luminal distension; lesions were restricted to the seromuscular layer. Neutrophil accumulation and edema were observed in the samples from both groups of horses but were greater in those from the distension group, in which there was also hemorrhage, fibrin deposition, and increased MPO activity in the seromuscular layer. Similarly, there was greater accumulation of neutrophils in the lung samples from the distension group than in those from the sham-operated group, as determined by histologic evaluation and MPO assay. These findings provide new evidence of reperfusion injury and a systemic inflammatory response, followed by remote lesions, in horses with intestinal obstruction.


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The urinary excretion, renal clearance, and tubular reabsorption of zinc were investigated in 30 adult healthy subjects under basal conditions and during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests. After a 12h overnight fast, each subject was submitted to renal clearance of zinc. The procedures were performed between 8.00 and 12.00 a.m., after emptying the bladder and ingestion of 4 ml deionized water/kg body weight at 8.00 a.m. The first urine sample was collected at 10.00 a.m., and the second at 12.00 a.m. A dose of 110 mg ZnSO47H2O was administered orally to each subject, diluted in 20 ml deionized water, at time 0 min. Blood samples were collected from an antecubital vein at times -30, 0, and 30 min and at 30 min intervals up to 240 min. Glucose was administered intravenously (0.5 ml 50%/kg body weight) during the first 3 min of the test, and blood samples were collected from an unconstricted, contralateral, antecubital vein at times -30, 0, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 90 min. The results showed that urinary zinc excretion, and renal zinc clearance were significantly higher during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests than in the control condition. On the other hand, renal zinc clearance was more elevated during tile glucose tolerance test than during the zinc tolerance test. Variations in zinc tubular reabsorption and glomerular filtration rate were not detected. The results suggest that urinary excretion and renal clearance of zinc in healthy subjects increase during acute zinc ingestion and glucose infusion, Although zinc ingestion raised urinary zinc excretion, glucose infusion was more effective in increasing renal zinc clearance. These normal parameters are important in the investigation of diabetic patients with serum and urine zinc changes.


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Acute renal failure (ARF) is a frequent complication in hospitalized patients, and is strongly related to increase of mortality. PURPOSE: To analyze the clinical outcome and the prognostic factors in hospital acquired AFR. METHOD: A prospective study was performed. Data from 200 patients with established ARF admitted during the period of January, 1987 and July, 1990 were collected. RESULTS: The incidence of ARF was 4.9/1000 admissions. Renal ischemia (50%) and nephrotoxic drugs (21%) were the main etiologic factors. The histologic study done in 43 patients showed: acute tubular necrosis (53%), tubular hydrophic degeneration (16%), glomerulopathies (16%) and other lesions (15%). Dialysis therapy was performed in 101 patients and the main indications were: uremia (67%), hypervolemia (22%) and hyperkalemia (9%). The mortality rate was 46.5% and the most important causes of death were: sepsis (38%), respiratory failure (19%) and multiple organs failure (11%). Treatment withdraw was the cause of death in 2 patients. Higher mortality was observed in oliguric patients (62.9%) than non-oliguric (34.5%) (p < 0.05) and in ischemic renal failure (56.7%) when compared to nephrotoxic renal failure (14.7%) (p < 0.05). This difference was maintained when the comparison was done only between dialyzed patients. CONCLUSION: As primary cause of death was not associated to the acute renal failure, we conclude that acute renal failure is an important marker of the gravity of the underlying disease and not the cause of death.


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Objective: To examine the basis for local wall motion abnormalities commonly seen in patients with ischemic heart disease, computer-controlled isolated muscle studies were carried out. Methods: Force patterns of physiologically sequenced contractions (PSCs) from rat left ventricular muscle preparations under well-oxygenated conditions and during periods of hypoxia and reoxygenation were recorded and stored in a computer. Force patterns of hypoxic-reoxygenating and oxygenated myocardium were applied to oxygenated and hypoxic-reoxygenating myocardium, respectively. Results: Observed patterns of shortening and lengthening closely resemble those obtained from ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial segments using ultrasonic crystals in intact dog hearts during coronary occlusion and reperfusion, and are similar to findings reported in angiographic studies of humans with coronary artery disease. Conclusion: The current study, demonstrating motions of oxygenated isolated muscle preparations which are similar to those in perfused segments of intact hearts with regional ischemia, supports the concept that the multiple motions of both ischemic and non-ischemic segments seen in regional myocardial disease can be explained by interactions of strongly and weakly contracting muscle during the physiologic cardiac cycle.


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We examined 46 adult horses - six healthy, as control, (group 1) and 40 horses with colic submitted to treatment by laparotomy. Twenty animals had no postoperative complication (group 2), and twenty died or were euthanized from seven to ten days after the surgery (group 3). There was an increase in serum urea and creatinine concentration and AST, FA and GGT activity of animals from group 1 and group 2, indicative of renal and hepatic injury. The changes were associated with dehydration and endotoxins. Depending on the severity of the colic, animals may develop kidney and liver failure.


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Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) requiring dialysis in critically ill patients is associated with an in-hospital mortality rate of 50-80 %. Extended daily hemodialysis (EHD) and high volume peritoneal dialysis (HVPD) have emerged as alternative modalities. Methods: A double-center, randomized, controlled trial was conducted comparing EHD versus HVPD for the treatment for AKI in the intensive care unit (ICU). Four hundred and seven patients were randomized and 143 patients were analyzed. Principal outcome measure was hospital mortality, and secondary end points were recovery of renal function and metabolic and fluid control. Results: There was no difference between the two groups in relation to median ICU stay [11 (5.7-20) vs. 9 (5.7-19)], recovery of kidney function (26.9 vs. 29.6 %, p = 0.11), need for chronic dialysis (9.7 vs. 6.5 %, p = 0.23), and hospital mortality (63.4 vs. 63.9 %, p = 0.94). The groups were different in metabolic and fluid control. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, and bicarbonate levels were stabilized faster in EHD group than in HVPD group. Delivered Kt/V and ultrafiltration were higher in EHD group. Despite randomization, there were significant differences between the groups in some covariates, including age, pre-dialysis BUN, and creatinine levels, biased in favor of the EHD. Using logistic regression to adjust for the imbalances in group assignment, the odds of death associated with HVPD was 1.4 (95 % CI 0.7-2.4, p = 0.19). A detailed investigation of the randomization process failed to explain the marked differences in patient assignment. Conclusions: Despite faster metabolic control and higher dialysis dose and ultrafiltration with EHD, this study provides no evidence of a survival benefit of EHD compared with HVPD. The limitations of this study were that the results were not presented according to the intention to treat and it did not control other supportive management strategies as nutrition support and timing of dialysis initiation that might influence outcomes in AKI. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.