214 resultados para Swine -- Feeding and feeds


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Objective: To measure and compare the activity of the masseter, temporalis and buccinator muscles in different infant feeding methods. Method: Cross-sectional study of 60 full-term infants with no intercurrent diseases, aged between two and three months, classified into the following groups: 1) exclusive breastfeeding; 2) breastfeeding plus bottle-feeding; and 3) exclusive breastfeeding plus cup feeding. Surface electromyography was performed during infant feeding. The Krushal-Wallis test was used, complemented by multiple paired comparisons of the groups. A 5% significance level was chosen for the tests. Results: Statistically higher results were verified in the breastfeeding group in relation to the bottle-feeding one, both in the range of movement and the mean contraction of the masseter. With regard to the temporalis muscle, statistically higher results were found in the breastfeeding group comparatively to the bottle-feeding one. As to the buccinator muscle, statistically higher results were observed in the breastfeeding group in relation to the bottle-feeding one, although in this case, the difference concerned only the range of contraction. Conclusion: The similarities between the muscle activity in the breastfeeding and in the cup-feeding groups suggests that cup-feeding can be used as an alternative infant feeding method, being better than bottle-feeding, due to the hyperactivity of the buccinator muscle, which could result in changes to the structural growth and development of the stomatognathic system functions. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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Three experiments were conducted with juveniles of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus to investigate the effect of intermittent feeding regimes on growth and the ability to tolerate the shortage of food. In experiment 1, stage III juveniles were assigned to one of seven intermittent feeding groups (from FS1: 1 day fed/1 day non-fed to FS7: 7 days fed/7 days non-fed) and two control groups, continuously fed (CF) and continuously starved (CS) animals; this experiment comprised a short-term intermittent feeding period until the first molt, followed by a continuous feeding period. In the experiment 2, stage III juveniles were assigned to one of three intermittent feeding groups (FS2 to FS4) and one control group (CF); it consisted of a prolonged intermittent feeding period, until the end of the experiment In the experiment 3, stage VI and VII juveniles were assigned to one of three intermittent feeding groups (FS2 to FS4) and one control (CF); it also consisted of a prolonged intermittent feeding period. The red claw crayfish juveniles were able to tolerate periods of intermittent feeding and underwent compensatory growth after continuous feed was re-established. The ability of crayfish to tolerate intermittent feeding was influenced by developmental stage and duration of the intermittent feeding period. Stage III juveniles survived, but decreased growth, when subjected to prolonged intermittent feeding. However, they showed full compensatory growth when the intermittent feeding period was short and followed by continuous feeding. on the other hand, stage VI-VII tolerated 60 days of prolonged intermittent feeding without any change in growth and survival. The hepatosomatic index (based on wet weight) values of the treatments and the control were similar, suggesting that intermittent feeding may not be considered a nutritional stress condition. The relative pleon weight (based on wet weight) values of the treatments and control were similar suggesting low use of nutrients from the muscle to increase the chance for survival. The juveniles of C quadricarinatus can tolerate relatively long periods of low food availability and this is an important adaptation for their survival in changing/unpredictable environments and an attribute favorable for the production of the species. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Leporinus macrocephalus is a non-migratory omnivore fish which occurs in waters with a relatively high oxygen rate. Prochilodus lineatus is a migratory fish that inhabits deoxygenated hypolimnion and feeds on detritus material. Red blood cell, thrombocytes and white blood cell counts, hematocrit and hemoglobin, serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chloride), metabolic products (total serum protein and plasma glucose) and blood cells major axis length for L. macrocephalus and P. lineatus were compared. White blood cell counts for both species indicated a similar activity of the immune functions. The concentration of total protein, sodium, calcium, magnesium and chloride, MCV, as well as red blood cells, monocytes, and thrombocytes size in L. macrocephalus were higher than in P. lineatus. However, P. lineatus had higher red blood cell counts, hematocrit and hemoglobin, which reflects a considerable adaptation to survive in an environment with low levels of oxygen.


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho analisar os efeitos do uso de hidrolisado protéico do conteúdo celular de levedura (HPCCL), da proteína isolada de soja (PIS), do hidrolisado protéico de mucosa intestinal de suínos (HPMIS) e do leite em pó integral em substituição parcial ao farelo de soja sobre a morfologia do intestino delgado e o desenvolvimento pancreático de leitões aos 7 e 14 dias pós-desmame. Foram utilizados 44 leitões desmamados aos 21 dias de idade, com peso de 5,5 ± 0,6 kg, alimentados desde o desmame com as seguintes dietas isonutritivas: FS - ração à base de milho e farelo de soja; LPI - ração FS + leite em pó integral; LPI+HPMIS - ração LPI mais HPMIS; LPI+PIS - ração LPI mais PIS; LPI+HPCCL- ração LPI mais HPCCL. Os tratamentos não influenciaram a morfologia intestinal dos leitões, evidenciando que nenhuma das fontes protéicas utilizadas foi capaz de minimizar os efeitos deletérios da mudança da alimentação sobre a vilosidade intestinal. Os animais alimentados com LPI+PIS e LPI+HPMIS apresentaram, aos sete dias pós-desmame, o maior desenvolvimento pancreático. Concluiu-se, portanto, que todas as fontes protéicas estudadas foram igualmente adequadas para a formulação de dietas de desmame.


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Um experimento foi realizado visando avaliar o fornecimento de rações úmidas e de água de consumo e rações com edulcorante para leitões desmamados e seus efeitos sobre o desempenho até o 90kg de peso vivo. Foram utilizados 32 leitões Large White x Landrace, desmamados aos 21 dias, submetidos, durante a fase inicial I (21 a 42 dias de idade), a 8 tratamentos correspondentes à combinação dos fatores: forma de apresentação da ração (seca e úmida), tipo de ração (sem e com edulcorante) e água de consumo (sem e com edulcorante). Foram avaliados a ocorrência de diarréia até o 10º dia pós-desmame, o ganho diário de peso (GDP), o consumo diário de ração (CDR) e a conversão alimentar (CA) até os 90kg de peso vivo. O consumo diário de água (CDA) foi avaliado na fase inicial I. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com arranjo fatorial 2³, com quatro repetições, sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey e a incidência de diarréia pelo teste de qui-quadrado. Foram observadas diferenças (P<0,05), na fase inicial I, para o CDA para os grupos tratados com ração seca e para o CDR para os animais que receberam água com edulcorante. A ocorrência de diarréia foi maior (P<0,05) para os animais tratados com ração seca. O desempenho até os 90 kg de peso vivo foi semelhante entre os fatores (P>0,05). O experimento demonstrou que os tratamentos dirigidos na fase pós-desmame são insuficientes para melhorar os resultados até os 90kg de peso vivo.


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Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da fitase (0, 1.000 e 2.000 uf/kg) na disponibilidade aparente de P de cinco alimentos energéticos (milho, milho extrusado, farelo de trigo, farelo de arroz e sorgo baixo tanino) e cinco alimentos protéicos (soja extrusada, farelo de soja, farelo de girassol, farelo de algodão e glúten de milho) utilizando-se uma ração purificada como controle. Foram utilizados 100 juvenis (100,00 ± 5,00 g) de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) alojados em dez gaiolas para manejo de alimentação e coleta de fezes. Para cada alimento e cada nível de fitase avaliado, foram coletadas amostras em cinco gaiolas, totalizando cinco repetições por tratamento. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a suplementação de até 2.000 uf/kg de fitase não aumentou a disponibilidade aparente de P do farelo de trigo e do farelo de algodão. Entretanto, o nível de 1.000 uf/kg aumentou a disponibilidade aparente de P da soja extrusada e do farelo de girassol, enquanto o nível de 2.000 uf/kg proporcionou essa resposta para o farelo de milho, o milho extrusado, o sorgo baixo tanino, o farelo de arroz, o farelo de soja e o glúten de milho.


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Foram avaliados os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de MS, PB, energia bruta (EB) e EE de alimentos protéicos (farelo de soja e farinha de peixe) e energéticos (fubá de milho e farelo de trigo) para beta (Betta splendens). Fêmeas adultas foram alojadas em gaiolas e mantidas em dois aquários de fibra de vidro (30 peixes/aquário) para alimentação e dois para coleta de fezes, ambos de formato cônico e com capacidade para 30 L. Os resultados dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de MS, PB, EB e EE foram, respectivamente, de 69,43; 72,52; 67,91 e 55,50% para farelo de soja; 60,67; 51,15; 75,55 e 58,26% para farinha de peixe; 63,88; 87,16; 77,61 e 50,40% para fubá de milho; e 61,06; 93,37; 58,17 e 65,51% para farelo de trigo. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo permitem otimizar a formulação de dietas práticas balanceadas, economicamente viáveis para a espécie.


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The lady beetle Coleomegilla maculata (De Geer) is a natural enemy of several insect pests and feeds on pollen and nectar to survive periods when prey is scarce. The effect of the feeding interval on the development, survival, fecundity, and longevity of C. maculata was determined. Newly hatched larvae of C. maculata were reared individually and fed with eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) at intervals of one, two, and three days under controlled conditions (23 ± 1ºC; 60 ± 10% RH; 12 h phtophase). The duration of larval instars and the total larval stage was prolonged as the feeding interval increased. The larval period lasted on average 9.2 ± 0.19 days when the larvae were fed daily with prey, and 14.6 ± 0.48 days when food was offered at three-day intervals. There was an inverse relationship between food intervals, survival, and weight of larvae and adults of the coccinellid. Survival rate of larvae fed daily was 76.8%, while the rate was 50.0% and 23.4% for larvae fed every two and three days, respectively. Coleomegilla maculata showed fecundity of 781.1 ± 149.02, 563.4 ± 80.81 and 109.0 ± 103.0 eggs when fed daily and at intervals of two and three days, respectively.


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O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar a reprodução de Cichla kelberi em um lago artificial no município de Leme, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A época reprodutiva ocorreu na primavera e verão. O L50 e o L100 desta espécie foram de 192 e 235 mm (L50) para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente e 290 mm (L100) para ambos os sexos. A desova foi do tipo parcelado. O tamanho dos ovócitos maduros foi de 428,4 µm, atingindo o máximo em 2.203,2 µm. A média da fecundidade foi de 12.129,2 ovócitos com média de cada desova de 4.897,7 ovócitos. Esta espécie adequou-se à definição de peixes com fecundação externa, não migradoras e com cuidado parental da prole. Os atributos para a introdução dos tucunarés podem ser tentadores. Porém, suas características reprodutivas e alimentares fazem com que não existam competidores ou predadores naturais e, assim, a sua expansão populacional seja de difícil controle e erradicação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de cordeiros em creep feeding e confinados, foram realizados dois experimentos. No primeiro, 32 cordeiros ¾ mestiços Suffolk foram criados em creep feeding, desmamados aos 56 dias de idade e, em seguida, confinados. Os cordeiros receberam os seguintes tratamentos: 1. sem suplementação; 2. suplementação com ração à base de milho e soja; 3. ração à base de milho e soja com 15% de feno de alfafa; 4. ração à base de milho e soja com 30% de feno de alfafa. Após o desmame, os cordeiros suplementados foram confinados, recebendo a mesma ração do creep feeding até atingirem de 30 a 32 kg de peso vivo. No segundo experimento, foram utilizados 32 cordeiros ¾ mestiços Suffolk, alimentados em creep feeding, recebendo ração farelada ou peletizada até os pesos de abate: 26 e 28 kg. As dietas eram isoprotéicas (21% PB) e isoenergéticas (2,9 Mcal EM/kg MS). Os animais suplementados na fase de aleitamento obtiveram ganho de peso de 147,4g/dia a mais, quando comparados aos não suplementados. Não houve efeito dos níveis de feno de alfafa na ração sobre o desempenho dos animais. Entretanto, no confinamento, a máxima eficiência de ganho de peso esperada para os machos, conforme a análise de regressão, situou-se em 18,7% de inclusão de feno de alfafa na ração. A ração peletizada propiciou maior desenvolvimento dos animais, quando comparada à ração farelada. Os machos que receberam ração peletizada atingiram os pesos de abate de 26 e 28 kg aos 55 e 60 dias de idade, respectivamente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Thirty two Canchim suckling calves, maintained on rotational grazing system of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, were divided in three groups corresponding to three evaluated treatments: control (without creep-feeding); SAL5 (addition of 5% of NaCl to concentrate fed in creep-feeding); and SAL10 (addition of 10% of NaCl to concentrate fed in creep-feeding). Feeding in a creep-feeding system lasted 90 days, divided in three subperiods of 30 days. The body weight gain was greater in the subperiods 1 and 2 for SAL10 and SAL5 treatments, respectively. There were no differences in the third subperiod and, in the overall period, the SAL10 treatment (0.91 kg.animal-1.day-1) was better than control treatment (0.81 kg,animal-1.day-1). The monthly remuneration provided by the treatments SAL5 e SAL10 related to the control group were-12.5 and 6.0%, respectively. The body weight differentials at weaning, compared to the control group, for creep-feeding provide a monthly net profit of 0, 0.6, 1.2, and 6.0% should be 10.8, 11.0, 11.2, and 12.8 kg.animal-1 for SAL5 and 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, and 9.0 kg.animal-1 for SAL10. It was concluded that the limited supplement intake in creep-feeding was necessary to obtain economic viability.


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In the process of slaughtering chickens, parts of them are discarded because are unfit for human consumption. These wastes should be directed to a destination that does not promote any risk to the environment and above all, according with the laws regulating waste disposal. So, the wastes are transformed into byproducts for utilization in the animal nutrition, poultry and swine feeding, but cannot use for ruminant feed, only non-ruminant feeding. In Brazil, the first scientific studies on the use of by-products of poultry slaughter as a protein source in diets for broiler chickens were started in the 1960's, and these results were used for a long time for food formulation, but the need to improve the herds stimulated the search for improvement in technologies for more accurate diet formulations. The objective of this article is to review some aspects of the physic-chemical composition, energy values and their use in diets for broilers.


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Two experiments (experiment 1 - conventional feeding and experiment 2 - feeding of the sows, starting at 109 days of pregnancy and during lactation, and the lactating piglets, with rations without soybean meal) were conducted to evaluate the effects of sources of protein (soybean meal-SBM, extruded semi-integral soybean-ESISB, and milk products-MP) on the intestinal morphology of piglets slaughtered at the 0, 5 and 15 days later at weaning. Twenty-seven piglets weaned with 25 days of age were used, being nine piglets slaughter in each slaughtering age. A 3 ×3 factorial (3 diets × 3 slaughtering ages) was studied, according to a randomized block design. The results showed that animals receiving SBM, presented lower values of villi height and villus: crypt ratio when compared to those that received ESISB or MP. The villi height and the villus: crypt ratio were not affected by the differential feeding of the sows and of the piglets before the weaning. The depth of the crypt was not affected by diets or slaughtering ages in none of the segments studied being, however, smaller in the duodenum and bigger in the jejunum and ileo of the animals of exp. 2. It was concluded that the SBM was the affected the height of the villi and the relationship villi: Crypt negatively after it weans. The intestinal morphology was more affected at five days, showing signals of recovering at 15 days after weaning and that the feeding of the sows did not affect the morphology of the segments of the thin intestine.