432 resultados para Áreas - Estudo


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The morphometric characterization of watersheds is of great importance in assisting the planning of these areas to preserve the environment and maintain the quantity and quality of water production. The aim of this study was to characterize the morphology and simulate the areas of permanent preservation according to the Brazilian Forest Code of watershed of the Água-Fria stream. The studied area is located in the municipality of Bofete-SP, between the geographic coordinates: 48° 09' 30" to 48° 18' 30" longitude (WGr) and 22° 58' 30" to 23° 04' 30" latitude S. The results showed a 5th order micro watershed with an area of 152.43 km2 and low drainage density of 1.04 km/km2. Circularity was 0.51 and form factor was 0.41, which is considered low, and therefore with an oblong/oval shape. The sinuosity index of 1.29 revealed a tendency of rectilinear channels with compactness coefficient value of 1.38 and distance of runoff flow of 520m. Simulation of areas of permanent preservation shows an ideal model as the way springs and watercourses should be protected according to the Brazilian Forest Code, amounting to an area of 10.02 km2.


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The massive urbanization and activities arising from the uncontrolled growth of urban areas, result in changes on the climate, making it unhealthy. One factor that contributes to poor quality of life due to this fact is the islands of heat that consists in the accumulation of surface heat and raises the temperature in the cities. The vegetation consists of urban greening, urban forests and green areas, have the function to minimize this effect. To reconcile these factors, collected data on surface temperature by satellite images, LANDSAT 5 captured on 18/12/2012 point 75 e 76, orbits 221, band 6 and on-site survey with thermo-hygrometer, possessed the data, crossing the conducted vegetative survey and provided a management vision to improve the microclimate of the city under study. The vegetation coverage at urban area directly affects the ambient temperature, improving the urban micro-climate. The different analyzed surface coverage also affects the apparent temperature. Among the studied ranks, the eucalyptus cultivation, native forest, urban area and solo exposed areas with greater vegetation cover have mild temperatures and improved microclimate.


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Land use management has becoming a very important activity. Aerial photo interpretation is a basic resource and constitutes in a technique which enables infinite refining. Agricultural development and land use require a careful initial planning in order not only to protect them against superficial changing provoked by natural phenomenon but also to gradually develop its productive capacity. For the efficiency of land management, it is necessary to access correct and detailed information which can be available through aerial images of remote sensing. The use of vertical aerial photography through Remote Sensing has become more common in boundary survey projects, management and exploration, mainly because it substitutes, with lots of advantage, for cartographic bases, besides offering detailed characteristics, eliminating access difficulties in inaccessible areas, as well as facilitating a tridimensional view once it increases map efficiency and accuracy by combining field and laboratory work with photography interpretation. This work, using panchromatic aerial photography in nominal scale 1:25000 (1962), 1:45000 (1977) , and approximate nominal scale of 1:30.000, originating from aerial survey obtained in 2005, aimed at showing through the Geographic Information System (GIS) the possibility of developing a more complete and accurate analysis of the area values, obtained directly from photos without scale correction, and after comparing it with area values obtained from aerial photography with correct scale referred in IGC (Brazilian Cartography and Geography Institute) guidelines, resulting in an error coefficient which shows area differences through two proposed study. Considering the aerial photography in three different years: 1962, 1977 and 2005 it is possible to affirm that the 2005’s images presented lower values of area difference (43, 48 square meters) than determined area values in reference chart and the 2005’s colored images has facilitated the photo interpretation of the landscape, becoming accurate the confronting traces and among land owners and consequently offering precision during land marking.


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Crop yield is influenced by several factors with variability in time and space that are associated with the variations in the plant vigor. This variability allows the identification of management zones and site-specific applications to manage different regions of the field. The purpose of this study was the use of multispectral image for management zones identification and implications of site-specific application in commercial cotton areas. Multispectral airborne images from three years were used to classify a field into three vegetation classes via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The NDVI classes were used to verify the potential differences between plant physical measurements and identify management zones. The cotton plant measurements sampled in 8 repetitions of 10 plants at each NDVI class were Stand Count, Plant Height, Total Nodes and Total Bolls. Statistical analysis was performed with treatments arranged in split plot design with Tukey’s Test at 5% of probability. The images were classified into five NDVI classes to evaluate the relationship between cotton plant measurement results and sampling location across the field. The results have demonstrated the possibility of using multispectral image for management zones identification in cotton areas. The image classification into three NDVI classes showed three different zones in the field with similar characteristics for the studied years. Statistical differences were shown for plant height, total nodes and total bolls between low and high NDVI classes for all years. High NDVI classes contained plants with greater height, total nodes and total bolls compared to low NDVI classes. There was no difference in Stand Count between low and high NDVI classes for the three studied years. The final plant stand was the same between all NDVI classes for 2001 and 2003 as it was expected due to the conventional seeding application with the same rate of seeds for the entire field.


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The misuse of land by man and is causing serious problems to the environment, resulting in ecological imbalance and depletion of natural resources, especially when it comes to areas of permanent preservation, that ecosystems are essential for balance and water conservation importance . Conflicts of land use is a major cause of silting of rivers and water bodies, causing significant losses in soil and decaying natural water resources both in quantity and in quality. Within this scenario, the planning becomes essential for the control of environmental impacts to the environment factor. This study aimed to evaluate land use conflicts in permanent preservation areas of the stream Água Fria watershed, Bofete (SP) using Geographic Information System and satellite image of LANDSAT - 5 of 2010, scale 1:50000. The results show that 51.16% of the permanent preservation areas of the watershed are conflicting, especially for pasture (88.94%) and reforestation with eucalyptus (11.06%). The GIS IDRISI Selva and Cartalinx along with GIS techniques demonstrated speed and efficiency in identifying, measuring and editing maps of land use, preservation and ongoing conflicts in areas of permanent preservation.


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O trabalho visou obter o uso do solo da microbacia do Ribeirão Duas Águas – Botucatu (SP), através de imagem de satélite, a determinação das Áreas de Preservação Permanentes (APPs) e os conflitos existentes na área. As bases cartográficas foram: a carta planialtimétrica em formato digital do IBGE de 1969 e imagem de satélite de 2011. O SIG-IDRISI Selva foi utilizado para realizar o georreferenciamento da imagem, geração dos buffer de APPs e o overlay para obtenção dos conflitos de uso além da confecção do mapa temático final. No CartaLinx foi feita a delimitação da área de estudo e dos elementos (da rede de drenagem e das áreas de uso e cobertura). O uso da terra mostrou que a microbacia vem sendo ocupada por 1149,67ha de florestas naturais; 1073,45ha de reflorestamento; 737,67ha de pastagens; 691,93ha com solo exposto e 132,33ha de campo sujo. Já quanto as APPs, elas correspondem a 366,34ha de toda a microbacia, e destas 89,32ha estãosendo usadas para outros fins evidenciando assim seu conflito de uso. Desta forma, a caracterização do uso e cobertura da terra da região possibilitou uma infinidade de informações sobre a tipologia de manejo aplicado e na identificação de problemas ambientais que se configuram em decorrência de seu uso. Quanto aos conflitos em APPs uma parte significante da área da microbacia está sendo utilizada inadequadamente, não respeitando a legislação do Código Florestal Brasileiro.


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O uso inadequado do solo é um fator agravante da degradação ambiental e desequilíbrio ecológico. Este trabalho visou avaliar os conflitos de uso da terra em áreas de preservação permanentes (APP) na microbacia do São Pedro - Botucatu (SP) através de Sistema de Informações Geográficas e imagem de satélite de 2006. A área de estudo localiza-se entre as coordenadas geográficas 48º 21’ a 48º 23’ de longitude WGr. e 22º 52’S e 22º 56’ de latitude S com uma área de 1458,4ha. Os resultados permitiram verificar que as técnicas de geoprocessamento foram de importância fundamental na identificação das áreas de uso de terra, de APPs e de conflitos entre uso e APPs onde uma pequena parte das áreas de APPs está conflitando. Em termos de sustentabilidade ambiental, pode ser deduzido que a microbacia é desfavorável, uma vez apresenta com quase 44% da área usada inadequadamente por pastagens.


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The inadequate soil use is an aggravating factor of the environmental degradation and ecological unbalance. The analysis of the use and covering of the soil, by information of Remote Sensing, constitutes a technique of great usefulness to the planning and administration of the ordered occupation and rational of the physical middle, besides making possible to evaluate and to monitor the preservation of areas of natural vegetation. This work sought to evaluate the conflicts of soil use in permanent preservation areas (PPA) in Stream Comur watershed - Botucatu (SP) through Geographical Information System and satellite image of 2009. The study area is located among the geographical coordinates 48o 23’ 04” to 48o 25’ 54” of longitude WGr. and 22o 44’ 42” to 22o 48” 12” of latitude S with an area of 1,719.6 ha. The results allowed to verify that the geoprocessing techniques were of fundamental importance in the identification of the areas of soil use, of APP and of conflicts among use and PPA where it leaves of the areas of APP is being used inadequately. In terms of environmental sustainability, it can be deduced that the watershed is very unfavorable, once it presents 70.67% of area used inadequately with sugarcane and pasture.


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The use of geographic information systems (GIS), combined with advanced analysis technique, enables the standardization and data integration, which are usually from different sources, allowing you to conduct a joint evaluation of the same, providing more efficiency and reliability in the decision-making process to promote the adequacy of land use. This study aimed to analyze the priority areas of the basin agricultural use of the Capivara River, Botucatu, SP, through multicriterial analysis, aiming at conservation of water resources. The results showed that the Geographic Information System Idrisi Selva combined with advanced analysis technique and the weighted linear combination method proved to be an effective tool in the combination of different criteria, allowing the determination of the adequacy of agricultural land use less subjective way. Environmental criteria were shown to be suitable for the combination and multi-criteria analysis, allowing the preparation of the statement of suitability classes for agricultural use and can be useful for regional planning and decision-making by public bodies and environmental agents because the method takes into account the rational use of land and allowing the conservation of hydrics resources.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) and the phosphorus (P) in seedlings of Amburana cearensis planted in areas occupied by Brachiaria decumbens, in an Oxisol, which originally had a Dense Savanna and in a Plinthic surrounding a Gallery Forest. We evaluated the response of A. cearensisgrowth and survival in the absence and doses of -1 10, 20 and 40 kg ha N, as urea and absence and doses of 10, 20 and -1 40 kg ha P, in the form of triple superphosphate in a randomized complete block design. We evaluated the stem diameter at four, eight and twelve months after planting. At the end of the first year were evaluated crown diameter and survival. According to the classification proposed in this study the growth of A. cearensis can be considered very slow in the Oxisol, regardless of fertilization, very slow when fertilized with N in the Plinthic and slow when fertilized with P. Despite the lower growth in Oxisol, the A. cearensis showed higher nutritional requirement there. The A. cearensis seedlings showed moderate nutritional requirement for N and high for P. In Plinthic, their nutritional requirement for P was moderate and total N present in the soil was sufficient to meet growth demand in this stage. This small nutritional requirement for N may be associated with its ability to nodulation.


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Evaluation and adequacy of land occupation in Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) are important to ensure quantity and quality of water and local biodiversity. The objective of the study was mapping PPAs according to the Brazilian Forest Code and quantifying land cover and use, establishing the conflict of PPAs occupation in the Ribeirão Lavapés sub watershed. The area is 11,154.58 ha, and is located in Botucatu city, Midwestern region of São Paulo state. For this reason, geoprocessing tools, such as Remote Sensing and the Geographic Information System (SIG) were used. The dominant classes of land use and cover were the Urban Zone in Reverse Cuesta, 4,394.27 ha (39.39%) and Annual Crops in the Peripheral Depression, 3,670.89 ha (39.39%). The mapped area of native forest vegetal cover in the sub watershed was of 1,109.70 ha. Regarding the mapping of PPAs, considering the total area of 1,721.80 ha, a total of 532.15 ha (30.91%) are covered by Riparian Forest and 1,189.65 ha (69.09%) had no native riparian vegetation, therefore, requiring its reforestation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)